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S30: Joe Anglim

Donny Ketchum
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From the video: "A lot of people call me kinda like MacGyver Joe..." 

Dude, I'm all for inventing a nickname that you want people to call you. But at least try to sell it a little harder.

Especially when it involves typing four times as many letters as your actual name.

I kind of want to play along and call you MacGyver Joe. But I think I'm just gonna count that as calling you it.

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One of his pet peeves are people that don't replace the toilet paper roll! Oh joy! I didn't think there was a man alive like that....think I'm in love. Plus I'm impressed by his Mad Skillz in fire-making and shelter-building. AND he can make his own wedding ring. Add in any cooking skills and he's the Perfect Man. Looked more masculine on the show as well.

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Man, with his hair down, Joe looks like a girl.


I'm almost sure there's an italian Renaissance painting of St Sebastian that he could have posed for.


But he seems very nice and could do well if Vince's hate rays don't get to him :-)

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Man, with his hair down, Joe looks like a girl.



It took me a moment to realize whom Joe reminds me of....makes him even more adorable in my eyes. I'm a big fan of Enver! (Dollhouse, guest spots on The Walking Dead and Community).


Enver Gjokaj:



Re-reading this thread and the various posts by men and by women.....Joe is obviously the kind of man that women love and men....just don't get it. They probably think we like muscle-bound guys like The Rock and hmmm can't think of any recent examples, probably because they don't do anything for me.

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Joe's got a pretty looking family, and they seem very tight knit.  He's my favorite so far, but I'm curious to see how well he can do as the game starts progressing with the swap/merge.  There hasn't been too much game play on NC, aside from the Vince blindside.  But that all came down to luck and loose lips.  The Nina boot, what was there to strategize about?  


Some article or recap I read analyzing the contestants mentioned Joe seemed to the fit the ultimate Survivor mold "a little too well", and I tend to agree.  He's strong and likable, but he's probably going to be targeted first chance they can get.  I had also seen elsewhere that Joe may very well be the 3rd wheel in his alliance with Jenn and Hali, who seem like they would definitely get him out if it furthered them in the game.  Will be interesting if he plays with his heart on his sleeve and lets loyalty and feelings get in the way, or if he goes along with the strategy he talked about in his pre-show "getting to know..." video.

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I was disappointed that Joe got swapped over to the other tribe, but maybe it'll end up benefiting him in the long run.  Obviously Sierra already mentioned being on the outs, and Joaquin and Tyler may need him.  Assuming of course this tribe actually loses anymore challenges.  I do worry that he's deemed too much of a threat and will get sacked before the merge, but I'm hoping Rodney's budding bromance detours that.  Or maybe he'll get lucky and find the idol in the blue camp.  He kills in the challenges.  Between that, being likable, and bringing the pretty, I feel like he's almost too perfect to be human.


It seemed like Max had his sights set on taking Joe out.  Glad that's one Survivor accomplishment he won't be able to gloat about.

Edited by LadyChatts
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It seemed like Max had his sights set on taking Joe out.  Glad that's one Survivor accomplishment he won't be able to gloat about.

Max wanted to take Joe out?  When they weren't even on the same tribe?  When did he say that?

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Max wanted to take Joe out?  When they weren't even on the same tribe?  When did he say that?

From this post boot interview (sorry, I thought I put it was from an interview and not on the actual show):




Holmes: Once we hit the merge, everyone went for Kelly as the swing vote. Was there any talk of going for a No Collar who might be on the outs?

Dawson: Yeah, in retrospect I probably could’ve peeled Will off easily. Will approached me on the first day and said, “Man, it’s good to have another grown-up here.” I think he said the same thing to Carolyn. I think he’d reached the end of his rope, feeling like he was babysitting and not getting paid. But I had one intention going into the swap. Before I left White Collar beach, Tyler and I talked to the members of the group about how we’d reunite at the merge and be five strong. But our biggest priority was to remove the one I called, “Joey Amazing.”

Holmes: (Laughs)

Dawson: I watched that kid physically dominate. I watched him kill that first puzzle. All I could think about was, they’ve been wanting to give Malcolm a million dollars for a while. Maybe they’ll just give it to “Joey Amazing” instead. I saw Joe getting the winner’s edit as I was standing there playing “Survivor.” It was too obvious that this kid had all of the assets. I could already see the beautiful merged tribe flag that he was going to paint. It was too much. All I could think was I need to take the legs off of this kid’s table. And if I have to go to Tribal for the next three episodes and vote out first Will, because I know Jenn and Hali won’t play an idol for him. And then Hali and then Jenn, that is what I have to do. I have to take his legs and make sure my boy Tyler is there too because Tyler has so many of the assets that would make him a great ally and a big target on the new Escameca. I thought if we found a way to win a challenge, we’d come in and see Tyler gone. That would’ve broken my heart and thrown a huge monkey wrench into my game.


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The real question is whether Tyler was still aligned with Max or wanted him gone like Carolyn did.  Carolyn talked to him and Joaquin as if that was the plan.

Did they sound like they were up for voting him out when Carolyn talked to them about him?  I don't think I heard them make any concrete, solid plans for that.

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Carolyn said something like, "So we're in agreement? If we go to TC, we cut off the head of the snake?"  And Tyler and Joaquin were all, yeah yeah....Actually no, now that I think about it, I think they were kinda noncommittal, and Carolyn said something like, "Oh you guys are killing me here."

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From another video, Tyler mentions his alliance as being with Joaquin and Carolyn.  He doesn't seem to have any use for Max and especially Shirin.  So given what Max said in the above article about Tyler being his boy and not wanting to lose him, apparently he was way less observant than he realized.  And even I misread what exactly was happening over at WC.  The move to get rid of Max seems to make more sense now.  He might have been in for a rude awakening at the merge when he tried to take out Joe.  



Edited by LadyChatts
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I've been watching the extra vids and I think I may have pinpointed the source of my irrational Joe dislike; he smiles way too damn much. It creeps me out!


I thought it was weird/interesting in the one vid where he talked about cracks in the BC alliance and he didn't mention Sierra at all yet he did mention Kelly, who isn't even on his new tribe. Maybe he was mixing them up or something.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I wonder if Joe hadn't won II if Jenn would have played her idol for him.  He's one of the few people left I have to root for, so I hope he's in this for the long haul.  Next challenge he loses he'll no doubt be a target.  It could be interesting next week, depending on if alliances shift or if everyone stays where they are and votes along the lines of how they did tonight.  Blue/No still have 4 original members, with the Whites having 3.  Shirin voted for Kelly tonight, so here's hoping she sticks with the former Nagarote and Will flips back.  


Extra points to Joe for the face he made when Jenn questioned Rodney's intelligence.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I was worried for Joe, but I was glad when he won immunity and messed up the Blue Collars' plans.  But yeah, he'd better hope that he, Jenn, Hali, and Shirin can flip Will back to their side.  If they can, they'll just need one more (Sierra might be a good option since I don't see Carolyn and Tyler splitting up), and they'll be solid.

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Winning my favorite Survivor challenge makes anyone look better.  Good work Joe!  You're the only male winner I will accept this season!

Same.  None of the other guys winning would excite me at all.  Not even Will after this last episode.

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I felt bad for him during that challenge bc it was obvious that everyone was rooting against him - ahem, rooting for Mama C, that is. It reminded me very much of Ozzy on Redemption Island while Upolo looked on, literally praying that he would lose.

Edited by wonald
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Some people get perverse enjoyment out of having the crowd root against them—knowing that the crowd wants them to lose motivates them to win to spite the crowd.

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That's how he reminds of Ozzy in Aitu 4. (hey, at the begining of the challege, he even adopted Ozzy's position - legs widely spread, probably a different stress on the feeet as you'll get later on, and I applauded - only other unique position I've seen in this challenge is Parvati's - one side of foot and one hand touching the pole, one foot and one hand in the air, and it seemed way more stable that all the other people hanging on with 4 limbs. It was a thing of beauty! 

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Joe does remind me of Ozzy, which is probably another reason why I can't really warm up to him. He doesn't have Ozzy's arrogance though, so that's nice.


And after his look when Jenn asked if Rodney was smart I have to love him at least a little bit. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I thought this video from Jenn being upset with Joe over the reward was a little interesting.  I can understand everyone being upset at not getting picked, and while I understand Joe's logic, it might have been smarter to bring along people in his alliance.  At the very least, if one of them had seen the idol clue, it wouldn't have been made so public to Mike.


What intrigues me here is Jenn calling Joe sketchy and saying he hadn't really talked to her and Hali since the merge happened.  I was actually surprised he didn't pick at least Jenn, who he seemed the closest to out there.  Why can't we see more of the goings-on like that instead of 10 minutes of looking for an idol, and Dan and Rodney being...well, Dan and Rodney.


I did find it amusing that there's such a frantic mentality about beating Joe in the challenges, like its some sort of test you have to pass to reach adulthood or something.  Mike and Dan maybe should have slowed down, and they might have had a better chance in the challenges tonight.  At the very least, I hope Joe can hang in there, or that he gets some sort of Hail Mary from another contestant to save him, because that will be the most predictable boot in Survivor history.

Edited by LadyChatts
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The editing is sure showing (as in, not showing) a lot of missed conversations. I would like to have seen Joe with Jen & Haily after the reward. Also, did Joe play Tyler & Caroylyn hard at the reward. Either Joe is not playing the game well or he is boring. I can't realiy tell because if the editing.

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This. The editing sucks. Jenn had an extra vid where she said Joe was shady and that he barely talked to Hali/Jenn after the merge. I think Joe is actually playing pretty horribly but he is getting a great edit. Since I don't see a way in hell he wins

I think it's because he's going to be in the pool of contestants for next season.


Also, did Joe play Tyler & Caroylyn hard at the reward..


Based on the extra vids and just the fact that it would make little sense to hide that, I assume he didn't. But, there were two promo pics for this ep of Joe talking to Tyler, so for whatever reason they edited those convos out of the ep.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I just watched an extra vid of Tyler talking about the reward and it sounds like Joe didn't try at all to get Tyler/Carolyn there. Tyler said they all just put the game aside for it. Idiot.


Also, the extra vids from this ep made me think Will/Joe are much closer than we are being lead to believe and maybe that explains why Joe/Jenn/Hali believed Will was still with them.

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These raise some huge questions: To whom is Joe talking about the game? When does he talk about the game? Is he trying to influence players and votes directly at all? I mean, the person we've thought of as his main ally doesn't think he's spent enough time with her and the rest of the alliance, and now we hear that he "put the game aside" at the reward challenge, to which he brought the very people he presumably wanted to get to flip. What on earth is he doing out there?

Edited by Hera
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Joe's definitely the new Ozzy.  Challenge beast, very likable guy, bad social game.  On one of the online vids where Joe talked about his choices, it almost sounded like he was playing strategy, at least with Tyler.  I think anyone would have enjoyed the experience, so not sure why Shirin won out.  With Carolyn and Will, it did seem more like he was taking them along as credit for how tough they'd been.  Perhaps he thought a simple act of kindness would be enough, or it would make the other people sweat back at camp.  So I guess I take it back, that I don't understand his logic.


I thought something else Jenn said was interesting: that Joe was more or less a problem for everyone out there.  The way she said it kind of surprised me, that he was screwing up the game for everyone.  Frankly he's doing what he needs to do for his game.  I wonder if she feels if he finally got voted off, if people would back off her and what's left of her alliance.


When he apologized to Hali after she was voted off, I thought for a minute maybe he flipped on her.  I knew he couldn't be that dumb.  In another vid where Joe talked about his back to back to back wins, he mentioned going into TC with his majority alliance.  I'm guessing at that point he thought he had Tyler, Carolyn, and Sierra on his side.

Edited by LadyChatts
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In another vid where Joe talked about his back to back to back wins, he mentioned going into TC with his majority alliance.  I'm guessing at that point he thought he had Tyler, Carolyn, and Sierra on his side.


I think Joe/Hali/Jenn thought that for this vote they had Sierra, Tyler, and Will. They all seemed to believe Will was actually with them the entire time. They also probably thought they had Shirin too, but thought there was a chance she'd flip because apparently they believe she, not Will, was the one who voted against them at the last TC. I still like the NC+Shirin group, but honestly they were all very bad at reading people.

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I think Joe/Hali/Jenn thought that for this vote they had Sierra, Tyler, and Will. They all seemed to believe Will was actually with them the entire time. They also probably thought they had Shirin too, but thought there was a chance she'd flip because apparently they believe she, not Will, was the one who voted against them at the last TC. I still like the NC+Shirin group, but honestly they were all very bad at reading people.


That's the theme for the season.  I believe there's far more examples of people not getting a good read on the situation out there than I can remember.  Of course, I know it's easy to sit at home and criticize when you're just watching, but even I'm lost this season.  According to Hali, it seemed like the only reason Tyler didn't want to work with them was due to Carolyn not wanting to.  So while I think it might definitely be the age/personality difference, I wonder if there is some young vs old mentality out there at work this season, except it is going in reverse of what it usually does.


I'm still a Joe supporter, and I know it has to suck to be on the losing end of an alliance and be that much of a target.  Jeff himself said they'd be sorry for letting him get to this stage.  But even the girls were ready to vote him off.  However, I'm disappointed with his social game.  I expected more.  I do realize there may be more going on, and that there really was nothing he could do.  At the very least, I'd like him to just keep on winning, if for any other reason than to be the thorn in everyone's side.  I also hope that if/when he does lose immunity, he has an idol, if there is another idol to be found.  Otherwise he might as well say good bye after the challenge and head off to Ponderosa while it's still light out.

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Joe is another Terry Dietz. I was a huge Terry fan so I hope Joe goes as far and pulls out a win. That said, I think he'll be voted [off] the second he doesn't win immunity.

My initial reaction to that first sentence was NOOO! He's not that bad. But then I read the next sentence and realized it was a compliment. I really couldn't stand Terry. He was pretty clueless socially. Of course, Joe is starting to look like he is, too, so maybe the comparison is apt.

Edited by riley702
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I've come to the sad conclusion that Joe is not actually playing survivor to win. He's there for the experience  and when he's sent to Ponderosa, he won't be angry or bitter. He'll be stoked that he gets to surf every day and have all the food/beer he wants.

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*Sigh*  A small part of me was hoping that maybe, just maybe, they were building to something at tribal tonight.  That maybe Joe wasn't going to go home, and Jenn would sacrifice herself, or that fake idol ploy would work.  But considering the promos and teases and what-have-you were a whole lot of nothing, I figured it was inevitable.  At least Joe can walk away this season knowing he was the biggest favorite, has the best chance of being asked back (maybe even more than once), and was voted out strictly because he was a threat and nothing else.  He recognized his strategic game completely sucked, so I have a feeling he will be a returnee that learned something.  My only concern is that when he returns, he may be the Rob Cesternino, deemed too much of a threat, and voted off much earlier than he was here.  Of course Rob was a strategic threat and Joe would be a physical threat.  They need to bring him back to design the challenge sets, II (this year's was hideous), and necklaces.  That II he made was one of the best fake ones that was ever made.  I wonder if he gets it back, or if they'll hang it in the Survivor hall of fame.  I wonder what possessed him to give it to Mike.


Seriously, how long did he have to work on that idol?  Had he been working on it gradually, because even though he's an artist, I would think it would have taken him awhile if he had just started at that point.


I am so happy he at least made the jury phase, so at least I can see him and his hair each week for that and the Ponderosa videos.  Since he seems close to his family, I would love if they ever did another BvsW with past contestants and their loved ones for him to get asked back for that.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I am so happy he at least made the jury phase, so at least I can see him and his hair each week for that and the Ponderosa videos.


agreed, and I so hope he doesn't shave!

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