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I thought Wade was so adorable in this episode. I couldn't understand what Zoe was thinking turning him down over and over. She better start appreciating Wade. I loved that he spoke to her mother first, he's matured a lot.

While I'm glad that George is not in love with Lemon, I wish that Lavon had the same epiphany. I just want them all to move on and Lavon going back and forth between two best friends kind of grosses me out.

If they had cut AB's confession to Lavon, then it would all be fine, but I want only good things for AB and being in a love triangle with Lemon and Lavon doesn't qualify. 


I was surprised that George realized he didn't love Lemon anymore, as it was his POV we had in the lead up to the boat scene.  The character with the POV is usually the one to win out in these type of situations.  I wonder if the producers read viewer feedback over the summer and found that there was more support for Lavon than George?  If this was the case, I can see them changing their plan from George to Lavon being the one Lemon wants. 


I think the best thing for Lavon, Lemon and AB is for all of them to move on to other people.  Let Zoe and Wade be the main characters who end up together while everyone else finds new people to create new histories with. 


I did enjoy Lavon and George being unable/unwilling to leave when Wade was acting dumb in the kitchen.  I would have grabbed a bag of popcorn and broken into giggles myself, so I admire their restraint.


I suppose Wade will propose for real when Zoe goes into labor and they'll get married at the hospital just before delivery.  Then we can have wacky wedding shenanigans in between Zoe's labor breaths. 

Awww this show is love with all the character interactions. I'm not usually a fan of Wade and Zoe but him calling her the love of his life made me teary eyed.

George's realization about Lemon was surprising, as is the probable Lavon/Lemon/AB triangle. It seemed as if Lavon was about to have second thoughts about Lemon after AB's confession, but now I have a feeling that AB is going to get screwed over. Blah.

I just love how Brick's friendship with Zoe has developed these past few seasons.

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I loved the girls weekend.  Cricket feeding AB a shot and all of them jumping in the lake was so adorable.  I also love Cricket's L Word based attempts about being a better lesbian. 


Wade was was good this episode and his "You are the love of my life" was really sweet.  I didn't think it was possible, but I think he was actually hotter in this episode.


I guess I'm glad that George decided that he doesn't love Lemon after all for the sake of ending the idiotic George and Levon competition.  Though I preferred the idea of George and Lemon finding their way back together. But I hated George v. Levon being a thing... only I'm even less please with an AB, Levon, Lemon love triangle.  Blech.  Honestly, as much as I love Levon in every other context, as a romantic partner I'm still pissed at him for hurting AB and this will be even more brutal.

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I agree with everyone - love this show!


Lavon and George in the kitchen backing up from the island was hysterical.

Loved girls weekend, altho Lemon's dress while "casually" asking George about the lake house was abominable.

"I got a cat! All the ladies on the L Word have a cat!"

"She took off to New York....I was going to propose."  "No. no. nooooooooooooooooo."  Love Lavon's "NOs."

"....I don't love you!"  "RUDE!"

"I will never, under any circumstances, ever be called Grandma."


Awww! Grandpa Earl! So excited for them.


I like that Wade thought about asking Zoe if she could eat shrimp.


When Brick found out and judged Zoe, I wanted AB to go back at him about dating an "unmarried single mother." Glad he came around. "I am not staring at you for any reason at all."


Clearly Lemon was interested with re-kindling things with Lavon, but now that she knows AB still loves him, she'll never pursue it. Everyone has a broken heart. Poor AB, the best 'best friend' a girl could ask for. She cracked me up in the big sunglasses on the bench. "I need to move. Today. Witness Protection."


I *really want to try this biscuit in a basket thing.

I'm glad that George is out of the way for Lavon and Lemon to possibly have a future together.  We've never seen L&L on a date...etc so I'm interested to see how they work as a couple.  The only downside to this is Annabelle.  I wish she hadn't made that confession.  As this is the last season, I hope everyone gets their happily ever after.


Loved Earl finding out about the baby and his interaction with Wade this episode.


Loved Wade telling Zoe she is the love of her life.  Loved the whole Wade/Zoe/Zoe's mom scenes.  I usually think Wilson Bethel's body is better than his face (not that I think he's ugly).  But I do have to admit he was looking really good this episode.


I felt like some of the makeup for the girls were off this episode, especially the bench scene with AB and Lemon.  AB looked really bronzed out and Lemon's makeup looked really dark.  Also, I have not like Rachel's makeup at all this season.

  • Love 1
I suppose Wade will propose for real when Zoe goes into labor and they'll get married at the hospital just before delivery.  Then we can have wacky wedding shenanigans in between Zoe's labor breaths.


Man, I hope not. Wade and Zoe are committed to each other—at last!—so I hope the show doesn't decide to go down the wacky-shenanigans path. Save that for Brick and Shelby. I don't think their story is quite finished.


I loved the girls weekend.  Cricket feeding AB a shot and all of them jumping in the lake was so adorable.


I really liked it, too. I also loved drunk Cricket and AB chanting "Biscuit Bucket!" and driving Lavon insane. Hee.


Lemon's dress with armbands was hideous. They've put Jaime King in some really unattractive clothes lately. What's going on? AB and Cricket wore some adorable dresses.

I loved that he spoke to her mother first, he's matured a lot.


That was such a lovely conversation.  I think he completely won Zoe's mother over.


And his confession about Zoe being the love of his life.  And them kissing.  And bagels.  DAMN I love their relationship.


George and Lavon were excellent, as always, especially the kitchen scene.  


I think it's great that George realized he wasn't in love with her, but in the memories.  I think, given his stories over the last seasons it makes sense.


It looks like Lemon is going to be a good friend and let AB have Lavon.  Which is great, except that I want BOTH of them to be happy.  Maybe Lemon will "choose herself"  (a la 90120)


AB please get a happy ending too.


I hope we get more Zoe/Wade shenanigans- they sparkle when they are together.  Next week's episode looks to be hilarious!

LOVED AB, Lemon, and Cricket at the lake house. Loved how much fun they were having, loved their bathing suits, loved Lemon without any make up. I think I developed a serious girl crush on all 3 of them. 


Of course I loved Zoe and Wade. Wade coming to New York was so sweet and Earl's heart was in the right place when he gave Wade that ring. I have a feeling we'll see it again. 


Scott's reading of "How will a having a cat make you a better lesbian?" and Wilson's "Oh my god, they are this close to calling me Crazy Wade." seriously made me laugh out loud. 

  • Love 4

George continues to be flighty but I'm glad because I didn't want him to end up with Lemon.  I did want Lavon to end up with Lemon, but they had to go and make AB not be over him yet, ugh.  I don't see how they'll both get a happy ending now unless there's a thunderclap situation with some new guy.  But it was a cute episode in general.

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Why can't AB have nice things?



Man, I was really banking on Lemon and George.


Color me disappointed,


I want AB to get a happy ending, but the chances are getting slimmer each day! :( 

I was going to make commentary about the episode overall, until I saw the end.


They better have something AMAZING in store for AB.  She deserves it.  I have really taken to her character and she deserves happiness.


I was shocked that George decided he wasn't in love with Lemon.  I thought for sure they were going to wind up together (if anything).  Oh well.


Lavon did seem taken aback by AB's confession, but I fear it is too late for them.


Ugh, why are they doing this to AB?

Edited by TheHappinessHotel

I think Lavon was about to tell George that he had had a revelation that he didn't love Lemon either, and that AB was the one for him. But then the ladies interrupted them.

I loved Lemon's blue toile dress with the wide blue headband. I don't love Wade's hair this season, makes him look like a teenager.

Is Scott Porter having health issues? He's reminding me of Matthew Perry when he gained so much weight during Friends.

I am going to miss Lavon's "Naw, naw, NAW!" when the show ends. Also AB's adorable way of talking.

  • Love 2

The whole episode was worth it for Lemon's "I am a southern lady.  My methods of warfare are purely psychological."  And I teared up a bit at Shelby given Lemon the money.


And thank you show for having someone actually mention that Zade should have been using birth control.


But I still can't with Lemon and Levon at the expense of AB. I just can't. I love Lemon for prioritizing AB, but I think the show wants me to feel sorry  about that and I don't.  Side note, it's weird to type Lemon and Levon.  It always has been, but I resent it more at the moment because I am irrational.

Edited by RachelKM
  • Love 6

And thank you show for having someone actually mention that Zade should have been using birth control.

I believe they did use a condom, but it failed. During Zoe's talk to Rose's campers, she told the girls to be sure to check the expiration date on all condoms before using.


I loved the silliness of this show. Even the Truitt bros didn't bug too much. I was glad they clarified that Tansy is getting her happy ending with Scooter, and that George said "no more ex-loves." Perhaps George's happy ending is doing something new by managing the bros - altho for a minute I wondered if he was going to move back to New York.


I liked how proud AB and Lemon looked when Zoe announced her pregnancy to all at the RJ. (And shallow note: Has Rachel Bilson ever looked lovelier? Clearly pregnancy agrees with her!) 


Crickett - I hope you get your happy ending most of all.


Poor Lavon. can't win for losing.


I am extra sad because we didn't get to see the lauded Dreamgirls number.

Edited by betsyboo
  • Love 5

All of these episodes seem bittersweet, because they're so charming but so clearly working toward the end of the series! I'll miss Bluebell so much. 


I do kind of wish that the Truitt brothers had mentioned their abiding love of Joe-el. And why was Meatball not in the talent show? Surely, Meatball has talents.


Laura Bell Bundy's got some pipes though, right? I am glad that we did get to see more of her perform. 


I also really liked George's "no more ex-girlfriends" credo. I think, more than anyone in Bluebell, George needs to follow Kelly Taylor's example and choose himself. Or maybe Mae Whitman will move to Bluebell and that's how he and Amber from Parenthood end up together!

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Oh Wade and Zoey, how much I like you together.  Also, they both look good in those red tablecloths.  More shirtlessness and sexy fun times please.  


I enjoyed the little town-grilling of the pair at the end. So cute.  


The whole Red dye mystery wasn't very good, I thought. It felt a little too much like filler for me.  But yay for Shelby stepping up and being a good person.  I have no beef with the actress, but I just don't like the character.


And damn, I want Lavon and Lemon together but not at AB's expense.  It is nice to see Lemon be such a good friend though.  I feel like she has come a long way since the first season (but oh the actress looked a little rough.  I hope she wasn't battling a flu or something).

  • Love 3

It is nice to see Lemon be such a good friend though.  I feel like she has come a long way since the first season (but oh the actress looked a little rough.  I hope she wasn't battling a flu or something).



It's just a bad situation all around. Even if Lemon stays strong in regards to Lavon the whole thing is going to come out eventually. Not only will AB be hurt to find out Lavon still loves Lemon but I can see her feeling badly for being in the way of her friend's happiness.

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This show was just okay for me.  I didn't like Zoe hiding in the back with Wade, so that annoyed me.


Shelby giving Lemon the $25k was unrealistic to me.  I hope it was as an investor in Fancy's.  I can't see giving someone $25k outright, especially when that person (Lemon) hasn't been very nice to you. 


I would like to see Lemon and Lavon's relationship explored since we never really got that.  I think its okay as long as AB gets a happy every after as well.  In the preview it looks like Lemon is setting AB up with George, so hopefully they will work out as a couple.

  • Love 1

This show was just okay for me. I didn't like Zoe hiding in the back with Wade, so that annoyed me.

Shelby giving Lemon the $25k was unrealistic to me. I hope it was as an investor in Fancy's. I can't see giving someone $25k outright, especially when that person (Lemon) hasn't been very nice to you.

I would like to see Lemon and Lavon's relationship explored since we never really got that. I think its okay as long as AB gets a happy every after as well. In the preview it looks like Lemon is setting AB up with George, so hopefully they will work out as a couple.

Makes me think Rachel Bilson is having some pregnancy-related physical limitations, extreme fatigue or something. She did pretty much just sit there wrapped in a tablecloth for most of the episode.

I don't see any possible way to get a happy series ending for AB. It seems ridiculous to hook her up with George at this point. They've known each other how long with no sparks? And he's been with how many other women in the last 3 years without showing the least interest in her?

  • Love 2

I think Lemon looked rough because of the makeup.  They've been putting really dark liner and lipstick on Jaime King and it only succeeds in making her look way older and fatigued.  It may be on purpose, like a visual tell that her deception, desperation to get Fancie's back, and now denying her feelings for Lavon are all taking a toll, but it definitely isn't flattering. 

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How does Shelby have money again? She was swimming in debt when she was with Brick, then she bought Fancies and made it into a Cabaret, and now she has a kid and works where?? And just gives Lemon money that may benefit her?

Damn it, I want Lavon and AB end game. They were just perfect together. It will be ridiculous if AB and George find happiness together all of a sudden.

Edited by twoods
  • Love 1

This whole storyline is making me like Lavon so much less, and that's a real bummer. I was really intrigued by Lavon/Lemon back in S1, and I get that they never really had their chance. But...not this way, show. I wish that Lemon didn't know about Lavon's feelings, and he could have been quietly pining in the background, while AB got over him in whatever way the show chose, and THEN Lemon found out, or realized she still had feelings for him, or whatever. Because I don't like this dynamic of two best friends in love with the same guy, but he only likes one of them. Even if AB gets her happily-ever-after with someone else, it will still feel like a consolation. And it didn't have to be this way.


Sigh, I love this little show, but on reflection, there are just so many little missteps like this. (Or big ones, like most of Season 3?)

  • Love 3

I don't see any possible way to get a happy series ending for AB. It seems ridiculous to hook her up with George at this point. They've known each other how long with no sparks? And he's been with how many other women in the last 3 years without showing the least interest in her?

Damn it, I want Lavon and AB end game. They were just perfect together. It will be ridiculous if AB and George find happiness together all of a sudden.



I agree wholeheartedly.  Lemon and Lavon never made any sense to me.  Everytime I saw Lavon and AB together I just couldn't help but smile.





I was all for Lemon and Lavon in the early days, but not since he was paired with AB.  This is all sorts of wrong.  AB and Lavon were so perfect together.


Right now, I am not feeling the George/AB pairing.  Looks like the writers were desperate to pair her with someone.  AB deserves much more.  She really is a great character.

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AB deserves much more.  She really is a great character.

This.  I feel like they are sacrificing AB for Lemon and I just can't.  AB has been an absolute delight from the beginning while Lemon has been selfish, bratty and annoying.  I dislike the idea of AB losing her happy ending so Lemon can have hers.  Perhaps its because of the accelerated season, but AB has not moved on.  The writers did such a great job of showing a happy relationship between AB and Lavon, that I have never liked their break up.  If Lavon had been shown pining a little or shown to have feelings for Lemon before the last episode last season, I might be more on board. But no AB deserves a happy ending above everyone except Zoe and Wade.

  • Love 4

I just cannot buy that Lavon has been pining for Lemon. It feels forced. Wasn't he planning to marry Ruby? And then was pretty serious with AB even though he balked at full committment...but even that, to me, felt more like it was just too soon for him than that he wasn't wanting to head that direction with AB (and maybe he was a little spooked about the idea of her being "the love of his life" when he had loved multiple women and it hadn't worked out...like that was too much pressure...why would she have to be the absolute One and Only he could possibly love so much in order for them to have a lovely, committed happily ever after?).

I like Lemon, but I don't think she's been yearning for Lavon all this time, either. If they really wanted to be together, they would have stayed together. And there is no way I will believe that George and AB will suddenly, after all these years they've known each other and not shown the slightest inclination to get together, are suddenly going to be into each other. How would they even try to sell that? AB would never have looked at her best friend's boyfriend, and having dated Lemon, George couldn't consider her best friend, yet really they are attracted to each other? In this small town, people haven't been shy about reshuffling partners in general. And I like George and Tansy together.

Remember that journalist guy Lemon dated briefly? I think he should come back. They seemed happy together. Lemon took away some lesson from that of "not every great thing is meant to last" but maybe she should rethink that. Or she could just focus on running her restaurant and re-up her fling with Meatball.

  • Love 3

It's just a bad situation all around. Even if Lemon stays strong in regards to Lavon the whole thing is going to come out eventually. Not only will AB be hurt to find out Lavon still loves Lemon but I can see her feeling badly for being in the way of her friend's happiness.

My thoughts too - I would not want to find out that I was the reason two people were miserable. Plus they'd resent me in the end and ultimately one day it would be thrown in my face. "I gave up Lavon for you so you owe me."



I don't see any possible way to get a happy series ending for AB.

Me either, at this point. I don't want to see her back with Lavon because she was not the love of his life and she deserves someone who's head over heels for her. Anyone else they fix her up with at this point will be forced and stupid and obviously just a way of having her exit with a phony happy-ever-after.

Maybe she could win the lottery or something else fantastic, that has nothing to do with a guy.

Rachel Bilson was ON tonight. Her crying, her wailing at potentially losing the kitchen pastry, her scheming - so hilarious. And Lavon's trademark "NO, nononononono" was especially funny tonight.


So is Sal really going to buy the houseboat and rent to George, or was that all part of the shenanigans?


I was worried for a minute that Lavon was going to move them all INTO the main house. This solution seems a bit more manageable.


I really need to see Crickett's bar outfit.

  • Love 4

I actually didn't mind it as much as I thought it would. Lemon and Lavon still kind of gross me out because they are both so blindly selfish to other people whenever they try to get back together.

AB and George actually do have a spark and I like that the show acknowledges that they have had very little one on one interaction that didn't involve Lemon in some way.

Zoe and Wade continue to be solid and that makes me happy. Didn't really understand why they though Lavon didn't have room for the coming baby in that big ass house. Loved that they are a family with Lavon in tow now.

  • Love 3
[Rachel Bilson] did pretty much just sit there wrapped in a tablecloth for most of the episode.


Depending on how pregnant she was when filming, she could have been limited to how long she can work due to union rules. And they're probably taking it easy on her anyway.


I think Lemon looked rough because of the makeup.


The makeup on this show has been nuts for a while. If people aren't way too orange, they're sporting mustaches they don't have and way too much eye liner. Or all of the above. I can't figure out why no one seems to care that everyone looks terrible.


Add me to the list who want AB to get her happy ending with no guilty feelings anywhere.

  • Love 2

I saw AB and George coming from a mile away. But gosh dangit, I want those two characters to be happy. So lame but they deserve better than being second best for Lemon and Lavon.


I agree. I'm not super excited about AB/George but if he can be the guy to love her completely then I'm okay. At least George had already realized he didn't love Lemon.


Apparently I haven't really been paying that much attention to Lemon/Lavon over the years because I don't see the whole "love of my life" thing. Wasn't their affair not a very long lasting thing in the first place? I guess I always saw them as more of a 'we could have been something great but we never got to explore it' kind of relationship as opposed to what we're seeing now.

  • Love 1

I agree. I'm not super excited about AB/George but if he can be the guy to love her completely then I'm okay. At least George had already realized he didn't love Lemon.


Apparently I haven't really been paying that much attention to Lemon/Lavon over the years because I don't see the whole "love of my life" thing. Wasn't their affair not a very long lasting thing in the first place? I guess I always saw them as more of a 'we could have been something great but we never got to explore it' kind of relationship as opposed to what we're seeing now.

I agree on both counts.  I'm annoyed at the idea of AB and George seemingly being put together as if TPTB are building a couple from spare parts.  But damn if they weren't likable together and kinda well done in both the initial scene at the Butter Stick and then when dancing together at the end.


As for Lemon and Levon, they haven't ever been in an actual relationship.  They had an affair, he pinned and she did a bit as well, and then she realized she still had feelings but stepped aside for Levon and AB.  Then Levon and AB were super adorable together until Levon suddenly decided she wasn't the one only to decide it was Lemon whom he truly wanted....sure fine.  And Likewise, Lemon hasn't seemed to be much thinking about Levon until she hears that he still loves her and apparently her dormant feelings suddenly are back as if she hasn't missed a beat in the last year and plus.


I'll admit, a wee, petty bit of my heart hopes that AB and George end the series blissfully in love and Lemvon come to the realization that they do not work when actually dating. Shut up, I said I was petty.

  • Love 1

I agree on both counts.  I'm annoyed at the idea of AB and George seemingly being put together as if TPTB are building a couple from spare parts.  But damn if they weren't likable together and kinda well done in both the initial scene at the Butter Stick and then when dancing together at the end.

I was also skeptical about AB and George, especially since the preview from last week made it seem like it was totally Lemon's doing to have them interacting. But the episode had them establish a rapport long before Lemon decided to intervene. It seems like AB and George are going to give it a go, but keep it a secret so as not to give Lemon the satisfaction of being right, of which I heartily approve. Let her feel like a tool for awhile, she needs a slice of humble pie.

Apropos of nothing, I think it's hilarious that Lemon's cell phone is bright yellow. Does her sister have a big magnolia pattern all over hers as well?

  • Love 1
I don't see the whole "love of my life" thing.


I don't, either, but I can see the show putting them together because it's the final season. If the show were continuing, I could see Lemon and Lavon give the relationship a go but it not working out because they both had unrealistic expectations for it, having thought about it for so long.


The show inadvertently pointed out its own weakness at the singles square dance when Lemon said to Lavon that BlueBell was a small enough town that everyone had basically dated everyone else. It's a problem with a lot of shows, of course, not just this one.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1
I saw AB and George coming from a mile away. But gosh dangit, I want those two characters to be happy. So lame but they deserve better than being second best for Lemon and Lavon.


AB and George actually do have a spark and I like that the show acknowledges that they have had very little one on one interaction that didn't involve Lemon in some way.


I have been shipping AB and George for quite some time now, despite the fact that it doesn't really make any sense. (Probably because they're my two favorite characters.) However, the fact that the show put so much emphasis on how they're not that close, and their coupling seems so crazy to everyone actually makes it more believable for me. It shows that they don't know each other that well, but now that they're spending some time together, they're starting to see different sides of each other. And I honestly think they are great matches for each other. They're both just really sweet, genuine, caring, funny people, and seem compatible. Also I think Kaitlyn Black and Scott Porter have really great chemistry. Their banter scenes were so cute, and the dancing at the end was great. And 

based on the previews for the next episode, it looks like I have reason to stay excited about George and AB! GeorgiaBeth forever!!



Also, I loved how AB figured out why Lemon was playing matchmaker, and that she called her out on it. Great acting by Kaitlyn Black and Jaime King in that scene!


Hormonal Zoe was so hilarious! I'm so happy that she and Wade are staying with Lavon, at least for now. He's going to be the coolest Uncle to their baby! And I did quite enjoy the whole Rammer Jammer storyline, and kind of loved that song that was being sung at the end. I would legit buy that on iTunes right now!


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