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Hmm, I'm not sure we can make any of those assumptions as we really have no clue about details, and even the most general outline of how it was/is happening. So how can we assume that he decided anything of the sort, or if it was a choice at all, or that they want the same things in their contracts to present a "united front", or if they even haven't presented it.


This!  You made the same point more eloquently than I did, Gant, so please continue.  I'm so tired of people making assumptions based on basically knowing nothing, in fandom, in the real world.  


To tell the truth, I find this blame game pretty disgusting (since it was pointed out here, I learned some other things too; nice work, fandom).



Do I want to know? ;)

So what do you guys think after the latest sneak peek?  Was Castle Derrick Storm in another life? ;)  Dr. Burke's voice is as soothing and hypnotic as ever heh.  


Was reminded of Project Christmas on Alias for anyone who watched that show.  But Martha doesn't seem to be the secret sleeper spy programming type. ;)

I don't know how legit this site is, but there are a few interesting new tidbits in here.



The only person to speculate about an X-Files guest spot was this guy last week. He tried to allude to the fact that one of the leads was playing hardball then said could it be Fillion and with an X Files guest spot. Ha! It appears to be Stana (which isn't much of a surprise nowadays) instead.


I hope she signs for at least one more season and I suppose they had to have Nathan sign first because he is the title character and all. But the show would truly jump the shark if she left.

I think it's crazy if sadly not surprising anymore that Nathan is getting hate from some Stana fans over this.  If the positions had been switched and he hadn't re-signed (yet), he'd be hated on viciously for sure for all manner of things.


That is crazy.  I am not a huge Nathan Fillion fan, but his contract is his choice and Stana's is hers.


I'm not surprised Stana hasn't signed yet.  ABC probably wanted to close the deal with Nathan first, they start with #1 on the call sheet and work the way down.  It's

the same reason they haven't talked to the rest of the cast yet.  Plus Stana probably wants to see what kind of deal Nathan's getting before signing.  If he gets a big raise, so should she.  It sounds like ABC is leaking stories about her not having a deal yet to pressure her into taking their latest offer.


I'm also not surprised about Marlowe stepping even further back, but I am surprised about Amann.  I thought the whole point of him running things while Marlowe was around was to get him ready to totally run things when/if Marlowe finally left.  Maybe ABC blames him for falling ratings?


But if Stana doesn't sign I'd rather they just end it then do a 13 episode wrap up without her.  What would be the point of that? They could just re-write the end of the finale to give them a happy ending.

  • Love 2

X-Files?  Really?  Didn't see that one coming.  Because of Bowman?


Oooh I hope this true, I'm keen to get back into the X files, I adore Gillian and having Nathan guest star would be great. 


I must say I can't see Katic wanting to direct or Nathan for that matter but given that I didn't believe for a second ABC would renew the show with just Fillion on board (for now) my speculations aren't proving up to much.  


Yeah the sneak is all kinds of wtf? Did Castle watch The Expendables too many times?

Thank you, that's exactly what it felt like I was watching, bizarre. 


Verdana, I just don't feel it's fair to put the blame or responsibility of Stana's negotiations on Nathan, or to assume he doesn't want equal pay for her because they didn't negotiate together.


I don't blame him for anything to do with his own contract negotiations and whatever he decided to do, sorry if I gave that impression. I was only suggesting one reason which might have caused some fans to turn on Fillion due to certain comments I've come across. 


They could very well be ironing out the last finer points of SK's contract right now, or even have her signed already. I don't see any reason to see her as a helpless girl who needs to be led out of the negotiations woods by her co-star, so why paint her as a victim by default? As Castle fandom for some reason loves to do. When we don't even know if she isn't the biggest winner of this contract thing.


I don't see Stana as a victim either and I'm sure she's capable of managing her financial affairs as she sees fit, I only made the assumption they didn't negotiate together simply because there was no joint announcement which I would have expected if that was the case but may be in a few days Katic will follow suit as there could have been a few issues to tie up and the current drama and hysteria will die down. 


It'll be interesting to see what Bowman does. Someone edited in at imbd that he was gonna direct the X Files this summer that may start shooting in June.


Isn't Bowman getting too expensive for Castle now? They seem to be hiring new directors especially this season (which must be cheaper), and other long terms crew members have gradually fallen away and Bowman has a certain status and I could see him leaving Castle to return to the X files. 

So what do you guys think after the latest sneak peek?  Was Castle Derrick Storm in another life? ;)  Dr. Burke's voice is as soothing and hypnotic as ever heh.  


Was reminded of Project Christmas on Alias for anyone who watched that show.  But Martha doesn't seem to be the secret sleeper spy programming type. ;)


That makes her the perfect spy.


I'm also not surprised about Marlowe stepping even further back, but I am surprised about Amann.  I thought the whole point of him running things while Marlowe was around was to get him ready to totally run things when/if Marlowe finally left.  Maybe ABC blames him for falling ratings?


I don't see how ABC can blame him for falling ratings because I never saw Amann as being creatively in charge. Despite all this talk of a back seat role for Marlowe when Amann was being promoted to "showrunner" it seemed clear after a while that Marlowe had not relinquished his ultimate control over the show. If he was busy doing other  projects they seem to have quickly fallen by the wayside so what else was he doing? He continued to write the important episodes, his wife continued to write on the show, he carried on doing interviews about the direction of the show, I hardly noticed any difference despite this reshuffle. Castle continues to feel very much like it's Marlowe's baby. May be things will change this time around but we shall see, as long as Marlowe is there somewhere in the background I don't see much changing, his influence will remain strong. I wish Amann well in whatever he does next. 

Do I want to know? ;)

Don't think you do, not planning on finding out any more myself. But basically what I listed in the second paragraph of my previous post. Only with lots and lots of name-calling, hand-wringing, conspiracy-building, big words-spewing along with body-shaming, Firefly-stomping and personal insults-spreading :).


Suffice to say that when I came back here and read Wendy's sentence "I wonder if one of Nathan's demands upon re-signing was fresh blood?" my imagination was running so wild that it immediately conjured a picture of NF with bloody fangs happily tearing away at human remains ;). For a sec there I wondered if it really was one of his demands.

Bon appétit or sweet dreams to everyone.

Edited by Gant
  • Love 1

So what do you guys think after the latest sneak peek?  Was Castle Derrick Storm in another life? ;)  Dr. Burke's voice is as soothing and hypnotic as ever heh.  


I'm praying with every fibre of my being that Castle is not revealed on Monday night to have been a super secret agent for years working for the CIA leading this amazing double life.  He was also programmed with a chip in his brain to kill certain people at a particular time and they set it off just prior to the wedding, that sneak peek is making me somewhat nervous and also making me laugh.  Dr Burke's voice is very soothing though.  I need his voice on a rolling tape before I go to bed I'd be relaxed and asleep in no time.


cleverdever: “The gorgeous, neo-gothic Park Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles. Originally built in 1924-25 as an Elk’s lodge, it’s now used as a filming location. We spent 12 hours here yesterday filming a scene for Castle’s season finale.” (x)


I don't see how ABC can blame him for falling ratings because I never saw Amann as being creatively in charge. Despite all this talk of a back seat role for Marlowe when Amann was being promoted to "showrunner" it seemed clear after a while that Marlowe had not relinquished his ultimate control over the show. If he was busy doing other  projects they seem to have quickly fallen by the wayside so what else was he doing? He continued to write the important episodes, his wife continued to write on the show, he carried on doing interviews about the direction of the show, I hardly noticed any difference despite this reshuffle. Castle continues to feel very much like it's Marlowe's baby. May be things will change this time around but we shall see, as long as Marlowe is there somewhere in the background I don't see much changing, his influence will remain strong. I wish Amann well in whatever he does next. 


Good point, but then why is Amann leaving?

Spies, cloak and dagger? Is this Alias?


In any case, I have always thought ABC Studios to be soft. Well, Daredevil has fast disabused me of that (one of those involved, saw it at the very end of an episode), so I wonder if Castle's abduction will involve physical flashbacks (i.e. brutality, hence not remembering).


Then again, DD is on Netflix. Which seems freer and looser with...stuff. So maybe this will just continue to play it safe. In a way, I hope so. Castle and spies and torture just do not fit together, IMO.

I would still be very surprised if they tried to have even an abbreviated season without Beckett. The one thing I think it ends is the pregnancy speculation at least for this season. Hopefully even they are not arrogant enough to have her pregnant with the possibility of having to kill her off or have them separate looming.

It sounds like they might be looking for a new showrunner elsewhere than promoting from within, but who knows.  Not sure they could do better than someone like TPW or RH.  I LOLed at someone's tweet which said he/she would be the new showrunner and we would finally get sex scenes heh.


The Creaseys? That's one suggestion I've seen, they haven't been around that long but in a relatively short time they've become fairly prominent writing four episodes this season. Although TPW is the most likely option if it's promotion from within. I find Hanning's twitter behaviour turns me off a bit even though it shouldn't matter, if he did get the job I'd expect him to act more professionally. 

Edited by verdana

A lot of this shit is just click bait. The press got one crumb and ran with it.


Hey halwideman nice to see you around. And 100% in agreement with this.


In terms of showrunner Hanning's done showrunning before (granted for one season) - ideal situation would be him and TPW. That was one thing that I thought was interesting that TPW was made EP in the second half of the season. So total guess on my behalf, that he must have at least renegotiated his own contract around that time.

Edited by Nadine

This x infinity.


Besides for what it's worth...they were/are doing the two of them at the same time. But NF'S deal closed first. It happens. Plus the only time people band together and hold out is when it's over money. This isn't about money.


Time off? Creative control? Not having to ever actually see a costar they hate? Getting to keep all those coats? Having an even better hairstylist?


I for one would hold out until they gave me the coats.


I wouldn't count out Marlowe for season 8 either.


You think it's another thing like last year? Someone replacing Amann in name, but Marlowe still pretty visible? If so, I hope they at least get someone who can give press interviews without saying the word mythology.

I kinda just sit back and laugh at how much the press is having a field day with all this. You would think Castle was a damn Shonda show.


Castle doesn't have the viewers that Shonda's shows have, but it does generate a lot of internet traffic.  Entertainment sites know this, so obviosuly they are going to make the news sound as controversial as possible.


As far as Marlowe goes, he is wanted for Season 8.


Wanted by the network maybe.  Not all the fans.

  • Love 2

It only makes sense to sign Nathan before Stana, because there is absolutely no show without him and while she is loved by fans, the show isn't necessarily dead without her. I wouldn't like it but it's doable. And imagine the media announces Stana signed only to find out later Nathan didn't. Kind of makes everyone look stupid.

I think they'll all sign.

Clearly that's what I meant. 


I know very well how the fans feel. 

This is very true.  But I think fans are upset because it makes it seem like they went to him first and didn't give a crap about her about which isn't the case.


I know that's what you meant, I just couldn't resist the urge to be snarky.  

I'm with halwiderman - a lot of these articles are just clickbait because they know Castle fans have a large online presence and this is something everyone has been wondering about for weeks.

I'm not sure how legit the tvwise.com article is, but it sounds ... not so legit. An abbreviated 13 epsiode season without Stana? I don't see that being a popular option. Nathan in the X-Files? ... I don't see how that's even relevant, other than as a career move. If Stana doesn't sign a spin-off with just Nathan? I mean, I'm sure the guy likes working, but he doesn't seem so enthusiastic about playing Castle that he'd sign on for a spin-off. That seems far-fetched.


Honestly, it makes more sense to me that they'd start with Nathan and work their way down. I read somewhere that Stana's mentioned that others have decisions to make before her (Nathan, obviously), so it's possible that she hasn't been at the table for as long as he has. And then it'll trickle down to there - Jon, Seamus, Penny, Susan, Molly (probably in around that order), if their contracts are to be re-signed, too. Plus, I think this puts her in a better position; she'll know what terms Nathan and ABC agreed to so she knows what kind of ballgame ABC is willing to play and can barter appropriately. And anyway, I still think that if she was dead set on walking away, she would have. All the news ... well, news that Nathan inked something ... is good news for us.


I also kind of think someone at ABC jumped the gun on confirming that Nathan signed a contract. Part of me thinks that they were going to wait until everything was kosher and then announce things and/or just wait for upfronts, but because the internet is basically waiting for news like the rest of the world is waiting for a royal baby someone let the news out early. I don't think it necessarily means anything that Stana has yet to sign. Unless they're using it as a tactic to get her to make up her mind, which would be a super awful thing to do, considering the vocal part of the fandom can be pretty awful. Poor woman is going to be raked over the coals if she can't reach a deal for whatever reason. Not that I think she won't, but worst case scenario and all.


I'm meh on a showrunner. It doesn't bother me that they replaced Marlowe, and I was eh on Amann, anyway, so ... whatever. I do nominate Terrence Paul Winter, though. I like his episodes and I like listening to his commentaries.


Also, Jon Huertas wins the internet today.

Edited by McManda

Thanks Hal for the come back but I have another question. How long exactly are these new contracts for? Are they for one season or are their options for more? I can't face going through this again next season with Fillion and Katic, is S8 considered the last one?
I know there are various reactions to the idea Marlowe and his wife might me leaving which is no shock but I agree that I don't see the guy walking away if he can help it and he'll carry on doing whatever he did this season. I can't say I blame him, he created the show and he's got every right to want to see it through to a conclusion under his own terms if possible.  

Edited by verdana

Jesus H. Christ on the cross. Just when I think this flying clusterfuck of a show can't annoy me or depress me anymore it finds new ways.

First, don't ever underestimate the horror, inanity, and childish stupidity that is "show business". The only one who has any legit "insider" info on this deal is Hal. She is in a position to know what's going on better than any of us on this site and likely in this whole bloody fandom. The only thing I would take some exception is that I don't believe it's that unusual for casts/leads to negotiate contracts together. verdana made the very salient point that similiar shows (like Bones) have leads that have negotiated together since almost minute one. They both get producer credits, they're billed equally in the credits and I would have a syncopal episode if David announced his contract before Emily or vice versa. Emily has always stated she would keep doing the show ad infentinum because she likes the gig. David has been more on the edge in the past. But I just don't buy that they wouldn't do it together, even though David is number one on the call sheet. And I'm sorry, I find that totally fucking obnoxious that Nathan has said that even in his "special" joking way. If you've been in the business it's all so very fucking boring. Number one on the call sheet doesn't make you number one actor, you goofy, simpering, chubby overacting asshat. No one needs to know your call sheet status. Get over yourself, man.

I think that there are overarching reasons why they didn't negotiate together and there are very few who understand them. My logical take is that there is no love lost between those two....especially since they DID negotiate together in season 3. I won't comment more on that but I think it's important to know.

I think it's crap of ABC/publicists/etc to do an announce of this manner. They know they have a lunatic fan base full of teenagers or 60 something year olds posing as teenagers to tweet/Instagram/other social media I don't know and I'm 41 to harass the living shit out of Stana, who, by all accounts was a sort of reluctant convert to social media. She isn't a narcissist who needs their fans to read their every pedantic thought that flitters into their heads.

Do I think it's odd that all the creatives are leaving? Yes. It's odd not to see your show through, even if it is for a 13 episode final season. I think TPTB know that the show is essentially over - Fillion's only signed for season 8 and if they could have gotten another year option from him they would have. So MilMar's off to do his third would be pilot. His Philip Marlowe pilot was a non starter. Derek Storm was a non starter. So, by my count he's got one pilot left for ABC and his contract should be done. He and PA Terri should be spinning their wheels hard on how to hit a home run for their last go round.

Castle without Katic is bullshit and everyone knows it. I would never stop throwing up if I had to watch Fluffy Fillion on my screen doing his OTP bullshit for 42 minutes. God, in a way I hope she doesn't re-sign and this whole flaming pile of shit dies the death it deserves with some kind of a happy ending (doubtful). Chuck Norris will probably come in and shoot up the precinct with Beckett dying alone while Castle if off solving a mystery with Molly.

I'm praying to the TV gods above that Fillion doesn't come along and fuck up the X Files. It's my great love and bastion of Hope come the Fall. Ah, there's an example of two leads who didn't negtiaotate together - and it was partly because they couldn't stand each other at the time. Now they're "close friends" and David talked Gillian into doing the six episode run. Maybe time heals all wounds? Who knows. I'm already dealing with the fact that Blowman will be back, casting everything in total darkness and annoying the shit out of all Philes. The last thing I need is a new character of any type fucking up my show. Stay away, Fillion.

Maybe Stana will sign, maybe she won't. I don't blame her either way.

At the end of the day I remember what this show was like in it's glory days and it makes me incredibly sad. When Katic/Fillion were really on, it was almost, almost like Dave and Maddie for me (the highest compliment I can give). It was so much fun. They were never my favorite ship (that's Mulder/Scully) but I loved them dearly. This show found me in a dark place and truly lifted me up. I will always have deep affection for this show for that reason. But this? It's just one more nail in the coffin. Thanks for all the memories, Castle, but I'm done with your drama.

  • Love 1
Honestly, it makes more sense to me that they'd start with Nathan and work their way down. I read somewhere that Stana's mentioned that others have decisions to make before her (Nathan, obviously), so it's possible that she hasn't been at the table for as long as he has.


Yeah I remember she said that which tells me that she's waiting on someone else first before she can get things in place herself and who would that person be? NF, I can't see there's any one else in the pecking order she would have to be waiting on.   ABC wanted him locked in contractually which makes sense, they've done it so they can finalise the rest of them.


but because the internet is basically waiting for news like the rest of the world is waiting for a royal baby


Heh, best description ever of what it feels like watching this saga play out. 


I just wish people would stop throwing accusations around and making assumptions when in truth we barely know anything about how the negotiations proceeded, except the end result.


That's just the way of it though when it comes to things like this it's human nature, fans naturally speculate and assume based on what they see or hear and depending upon their own personal bias make judgement calls accordingly. The various reactions and accusations swirling around given the news yesterday are not that surprising to me. I'm also guilty of assuming things about what's been going on and speculating and I'm not party to any concrete information whatsoever but I still can't help doing it, I find contract talk intriguing although I could so without the accompanying fan hysteria which builds up based on the slightest thing. 

Edited by verdana

Outs to do other things. 

If that's the case, why did she enter into negotiations in the first place and not just say she wanted to leave?


If it's a shortened season that's on the books, wouldn't it just be a few more months of everyone's lives and then they could do whatever they wanted?


If it's about shortening working hours further, I don't know that they could give the leads more time off than the 1 day off they get already?

Edited by madmaverick
Good point, but then why is Amann leaving?


I would too if I were him.  I wouldn't want to be the boss when the real boss keeps hanging over my head like a ghost.  Maybe he just wanted to get the showrunner title under his belt for his career and then move on.  Maybe he wants to get on board as co-creator with whatever Marlowe's developing if they are joined at the hip.


I for one would hold out until they gave me the coats.


 If so, I hope they at least get someone who can give press interviews without saying the word mythology.


Stana would need a HUGE closet for all the coats and the shoes.


One would think people who are employed writers could give better interviews in print, but this has not been the case for Castle.  The M-word is as overused as the interrupted kisses. ;)


Elysium1973, it's clear that you don't like Nathan and that's your prerogative.  But there's no need to be rude about it.  One thing I like about this board is that everyone is polite and respectful and doesn't resort to the level of personal attacks. 

Edited by madmaverick
  • Love 3

At this point in the game it doesn't matter who is running it. The show is what it is. Nothing will change dramatically. 

Agreed, but one change that would be enormously beneficial if there are departures at the top of the tree, I won't have to hear mention of the word "mythology" ever again.


Ah I see KaveDweller beat me to that one some time ago heh. 

Edited by verdana

I would still be very surprised if they tried to have even an abbreviated season without Beckett. The one thing I think it ends is the pregnancy speculation at least for this season. Hopefully even they are not arrogant enough to have her pregnant with the possibility of having to kill her off or have them separate looming.


Sadly with AWM I wouldn't put it past him to do it after last season's finale.

I saw on Twitter that someone actually threatened to kill Stana if she didn't sign for season 8. There are some seriously deranged people out there. I personally want them both back or not at all. I don't relish watching any length season 8 if Castle & Beckett aren't front and centre. I don't really care who the show runners are as long as they can give me a great swan song season to end this show.

Just a note to say people are allowed their opinions here, positive or negative. Snark is the foundation of this site and while hating on an actor may seem to be in poor taste to some, it is allowed.


As long as the vitriol is not like the Stana threats told of here and the snark is not directed at posters, it's pretty much a loose place here.


Any questions, PM me! Thanks!

  • Love 2

I feel like she already has, which is why she has a bodyguard follow her everywhere and why she's had to stop accepting fanmail. Which is a shame, because she always used to be very appreciative about the interesting and unique things people used to send her.

I don't understand the level of internet crazy. I think it's simple: would I say that to someone's face? No? Then don't tweet it to them (Or better yet, don't say it away all, but that's hit or miss.) And certainly never threaten to kill someone.

  • Love 1

I also hope Stana hasn't actually seen that Tweet, because she shouldn't have to deal with that level of crazy.

Apparently it was an Italian teenage girl who has since apologised for her "bad joke".  I don't think it was made with any serious intentions, but of course that's no excuse.  But it seems like she's learned from her mistake.  I don't know why Shatner got involved though.  Has he got the pulse on all the crazy in the Castle fandom now?  If you ask me, I find some of the very intense "loving" tweets bordering on obsession directed at Stana, her body parts etc., to be just as scary as these sorts of threats.  I personally would be uncomfortable with that level of worship though I guess that's something all celebrities have to get used to, and shield against in some cases.  You never know how things might go if those people who are in love with her turn up on location or wherever they think they might see her.  The internet seems to give some people the licence to be loud, rude and disrespectful in what they say to strangers, actors included, because yes, they are strangers even if you think you 'know' them. ;) Thankfully there's the block button, but I find that the loudest crazies are usually self-righteous and lacking in self-awareness about their rude and bullying behaviour.  They have their own narrative in their head and will spew it at the highest volume on the internet, regardless of actual facts. They just care to rant, not actually engage in meaningful discussion.  Some people become afraid of calling out the crazies for being rude and disrespectful because they'll just bully you with more hate and the volume turned up some more, and so the crazies continue to flourish on the internet unfortunately.  The crazy tends to drown out the sane, rational members of fandom because they're loud, proud and relentless. 


Last day of filming.  Time really has flown by!

Edited by madmaverick
I don't know why Fillion is getting blamed because his deal finished first. That's usually how it works. Like I said, he can't hold out his contract for something Stana wants that has nothing to do with him, and they DID go out to both of them at the same time. In fact this has actually been going on a lot longer than the press has had wind of it.


 Honestly, wouldn't the network and series itself make sure it got Fillion before doing anything else? I mean, it is Castle?


So they have to make sure they lock up Fillion, then the show can go ahead with other cast negotiations. That's how I see it. Even renewal of the show...if Fillion doesn't come back, then the show might be considered done, they would end it, and move on to something else. Why waste time with the rest of the cast, unless a spinoff with them or something else is considered.

Ditto.  Thanks for responding, halwideman.  I hope you can help assuage the insanity far and wide. 


At the same time...she doesn't want to miss out on a opportunity to do the next thing. Especially since this will be the last season.

I can understand that desire.  7 years is a long time for any actor to be doing one character.  Honestly, I think everyone's ready to move on, but they're willing to invest in a few more months of their life to give the show a proper send off and there's the incentive of a pay raise.  I don't think either care much about exec producer titles and directing opportunities on Castle, but I could be wrong.  So I guess it's most likely that we're looking at a shortened final season to get Stana on board?  I get the sense that Stana wants to try her luck with features, but maybe she's negotiating some sort of holding deal with ABC as well for her next TV project and that's taking some time to sort out?  Unless she has an offer she can't refuse elsewhere, I'd say it makes sense for her career wise to re-sign for a shortened final season.  But sometimes actors do just want to stop for whatever reason.  It happens.  

  • Love 1

Well yes, to some degree.  If Nathan had said from the beginning, not interested, I'm out, don't call me. They would have ended the show this season. And the reality is Stana would have been okay with that.


But that is far different from the idea that they only care about Nathan and Stana was left out in the cold and once he was happy they went to her.


I'm guessing that maybe...and this is just my speculation, I'm not trying to speak ill of fans, people would feel better if they made Nathan wait until Stana was 100% sure what she wanted. First off, that sort of did happen. Second off, what better way to entice one of your stars to stay than by saying, "we have the other guy, he's in"


Oh, I believe it. I know that you KNOW how the negotiations really go, but the general viewing public does not. Like I said, if the network didn't want the show back, or won't want it renewed without Fillion, why waste time on the others. However, but they did not wait till the last minute to discuss season 8 options, etc with the actors. They have writing and pre-production to do, that all takes time.


Also, fans I think tend to mistake the personal lives/interactions of the actors with the characters and only go by what we see via twitter. I am heavily involved with the clusterfuck that is the Sleepy Hollow fandom and the season 2/renewal mess of this year, and let me tell you, negotiations for getting rid of the old showrunner and bringing in a new one started months ago. It's just the public wasn't told about it until April. Same with the two leads. If I were to go by twitter, I could say they avoid each other completely, but other (rare) evidence suggests otherwise.


I am sure they talked to each other, let them know plans, etc, what they wanted to do. Just because they are not considered "besties' doesn't mean they are not professional and respectful to each other. It is a job. If Katic wanted to jump to movies and forgo the TV, that would have already been most likely know, as with Fillion. But it's nice for them to have another year of secure income and knowing that it's coming to an end, they can plan accordingly.


Fact is, making $500K or whatever he/Katic makes per episode is a pretty good incentive to stick around for another year, pad up that bank account and then move on.

  • Love 3

Shatner is everywhere LOL. He seems to tweet on so many shows. 
Thanks Hal yes it does. 

Apparently it was an Italian teenage girl who has since apologised for her "bad joke".


Yeah they all say that once cornered. There was someone else who threatened to kill another celeb recently I read about and they tracked them down and their response was "I was just kidding!"  Sorry but you do not threaten to kill someone and get away with pretending you were having a bit of fun. They need to punish these people for sheer stupidity alone. Fans for some reason think they can say whatever they like to individuals directly on twitter as if it doesn't matter. 


Fact is, making $500K or whatever he/Katic makes per episode is a pretty good incentive to stick around for another year, pad up that bank account and then move on.



I'd happily take the cash if I knew I was able to leave after a year but I wouldn't want to keep on that treadmill for any longer, 8 years is a good stint. Susan S said they'd do eight and looks like she was right. 


madmaverick. I agree with you about both extremes of the fandom, the overly adoring tweets can be just as uncomfortable to read. 


Although the network is so dumb


Heh, yeah I get that impression. I do hope they show a modicum of common sense and leave it at that and don't try to squeeze any more out of it. 

Yes on Stana.


My opinion is this will be the last season because ABC originally wanted more but the contracts are only for a year. I don't believe that anyone involved wants to continue longer than that and Derek Storm will most likely be launched off of Castle.


But since the network does tend to do some crazy shit it's not out of the realm of possibility for them in the middle of season 8 to go out to everyone asking for another year. Although I don't think the response will be yes. But crazier things have happened. 


Do you think, if this is wrapped up by the Upfronts, that they would announce S8 as the final season then or wait to the Fall (or the Christmas hiatus) to promote it as such?

Well yes, to some degree.  If Nathan had said from the beginning, not interested, I'm out, don't call me. They would have ended the show this season. And the reality is Stana would have been okay with that.


If Stana had said she was out from the beginning, do you think they would have kept negotiating with Nathan? I'm not believing everything from those clickbait articles, I'm just wondering if they'd actually try to do the show without Beckett.  It sounds crazy, but ABC has made some really dumb calls in the past.


There was someone else who threatened to kill another celeb recently I read about and they tracked them down and their response was "I was just kidding!"  Sorry but you do not threaten to kill someone and get away with pretending you were having a bit of fun.


You'd think that would be obvious to people.  I don't believe the person who wrote that actually is planning a murder or anything, but that doesn't make it an okay thing to say.

Must Watch TV Finales 2015 - TV Line


Castle (ABC)

Airs: Monday, May 11 at 10/9c

As Beckett and Castle investigate a death in the woods, Castle is drawn back to a terrifying event in his childhood that has eerie similarities to the present-day case. "We get some answers as to why Castle became a mystery writer," says creator Andrew W. Marlowe, who co-wrote the episode. "We get to go way back into Castle's backstory. It opens up some old wounds and leads to a bit of an obsession. When we're facing demons from our past, there are always deadly consequences." (The show has cast Fringe's Lance Reddick and CSI's Wallace Langham in top-secret guest roles.) Meanwhile, Beckett will wrestle with "some very interesting choices as far as her career is concerned." Marlowe says. But the biggest mystery? The show's future. "If for some reason it ended up being the last Castle, it has some sense of conclusion, but the show also opens up a lot of avenues of storytelling," Marlowe says.

Usual spiel from Marlowe "new avenues of storytelling" where have I heard that before....ah yes Castle and his mythology.  Seems like they're going to be sensible and not end things on a cliffhanger. Edited by verdana
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