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Thank you for saying that the web promo is excruciating.


Why is it that when TV (and movie) writers move into making advertisements they make horrible no good very bad ads? If Castle was a comic writer, the web promo might possibly work. But Castle's works are supposed to be thrillers and serious within their genre.

For that matter, what's with naming the book characters as if they were in a comic book? "Roach" ? Oh c'maaaawn!

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Meh.  Why can't it be Castle and Beckett attending a black tie charity event before the body drops and they have to navigate the world of high society as a married couple to solve the crime?  I would rather watch that episode.  And didn't someone point out that it's actually illegal for NYPD to moonlight at other jobs?



Couldn't they have Castle and Beckett attending the same gathering as the congressman and they bump into Ryan when the trouble starts? Fans would love to see them all dressed up actually doing something social for once even if it is short lived.  I'd love them to recreate that walk in they did all those years ago but this time as husband and wife. Never really liked that dress he got for her and the hair oh the horror! 


And as for Ryan and his part time security detail here is what Lee Lofland had to say on the matter earlier this season when he reviewed 7.03.


1) Cops, as a rule, do not earn a lot of money. Therefore, many officers work part-time jobs, including security. However, it’s unlikely that a department would permit an officer to work in a place that could be deemed unsuitable.


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Why couldn't the black tie charity event be a fundraiser for the scholarship in honor of Beckett's mother?  We still haven't seen that.


This has been near the top of my wish list for quite a while, especially given the business with Bracken has been closed off. But I sense the writers have forgotten about it completely, I'll be annoyed if they say it's happened off screen. I'm surprised no one has asked the writers about this because it's a popular request. 

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Why couldn't the black tie charity event be a fundraiser for the scholarship in honor of Beckett's mother? We still haven't seen that.

This! It would be nice to see them looked all dressed up in evening wear together since we got the s1 interesting red dress, cocktail attire for s2 and Ryan's wedding, s4 black dress but Castle wasn't dressed up and Beckett ended up not wearing a dress for her wedding. So it's really time for them to be dressed up together for something.

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I disliked both of them, the latter was one of the worst episodes of the season. I can't decide which was more excruciating, watching Castle sulking whilst playing scrabble instead of wanting to have sex or that awful web promo.

I can't remember what I thought of Law and Boarder, but at least the Scrable thing was a subplot.  Sometimes we don't even get those. I actually really like Meme is Murder as an episode though.  There was limited Caskett, but it was a good case.  The web promo was silly, but I don't blame the writer for that, because it was probably dropped into the episode outline for the episode by the writing team as a whole, not invented by the writer.

  They're all Ryan focused, although I'm kind of surprised they didn't include one shot of Castle and Beckett in there somewhere after all that's what keeps the show going.


They seem to take all the promo pics at once, or at least at the same set, so if they happened to pick a scene Caskett isn't in, then all the pictures would reflect that.  It probably is all based on schedules/timing.


Why couldn't the black tie charity event be a fundraiser for the scholarship in honor of Beckett's mother?


Because the writers don't remember it.

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I've updated the list of episodes still to come, seven to go: 


Mar 16th 7.17 ~ Hong Kong Hustle - Chad Creasey/Jann Turner

Mar 23rd 7.18 ~ At Close Range - Jim Adler/Bill Roe (Ryan episode) 
Mar 30th 7.19 ~ Habeas Corpse - Rob Hanning/Kate Woods
7.20 ~ TBA ~ Amann/Paul Holahan (deals with Castle's disappearance)
7.21 ~ TBA ~ Dara Creasey/?
7.22 ~ TBA (150th episode) ~ TPW/Jeannot Szwarc
May 11th? 7.23 ~ TBA ~ (Finale) ~ ?/? 


I'm sure the finale is going to be MilMar with Bowman directing, there's going to have to be a few weeks break somewhere in there if the finale ends up on the 11th. Sweeps is 23 April – 20 May. 

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Never really liked that dress he got for her and the hair oh the horror!


That was the red cut down to the bikini line one? With all the lacing? Definitely chosen by a playboy. So we can write it off to building the character.


Picked up some trade magazines for housewives at the supermarket today and Rachel Ray's Every Day has an article on TV kitchens that includes the loft kitchen. Oddly in none of the four covered do they identify the actors, although they do identify the designers. I think the kitchen may be pre-redesign because it includes a still of Castle and Alexis in their onion goggles.

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Catie Waters @CatieWaters  ·  Mar 9

Det. Esposito & I being expertly photobombed by Castle on set today. ❤ y'all @NathanFillion @Jon_Huertas #Castle




That was the red cut down to the bikini line one? With all the lacing? Definitely chosen by a playboy. So we can write it off to building the character.

This was the dress yeah with all the fussy detailing. I never liked it and the hair was a nightmare it looked like she had some badly fitting wig on or something.


Now this red dress I loved although for a black tie event I'd want her in an elegant evening gown. I want to see them both dressed up attending a fancy night out before this show comes to an end but with Luke at the helm I'd fear a wardrobe malfunction looming for Castle. 

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And as for Ryan and his part time security detail here is what Lee Lofland had to say on the matter earlier this season when he reviewed 7.03.

Well, that didn't work very well.

Anyway, here is an idea of what Ryan might be earning. I assume that like Esposito and Beckett he has a university degree and several years of experience on the force, perhaps more than either of them since she is very young for her job and Espo may have been able to use his military training as equivalent to police experience.


$$78,000+ and benefits does not seem like a lot for NYC. Do police have to live within the city limits? Or could they commute from somewhere cheaper like Brooklyn or Buffalo?

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So not the Banana Assassin voice performance then?


Lol. I doubt Tudyk's stellar turn as a Homeless Onion with half a word and two growls here can be described as #workingtogetheragain. Weren't they going to start a kickstarter for some web-series connected to sci-fi and/or Comicon scene? I see Nathan doesn't do Charity Water for his birthday this year, maybe it's because he's going to ask people to help the kickstarter instead. I'm curious to see what they came up with. Sean Maher seems to be there too, and probably countless other familiar faces in guest roles. Everything depends on scripts though.

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[quote name="femmefan1946" post="913645" timestamp=

$$78,000+ and benefits does not seem like a lot for NYC. Do police have to live within the city limits? Or could they commute from somewhere cheaper like Brooklyn or Buffalo?

This just made me giggle as a New Yorker- brooklyn, maybe....Buffalo is a good 6 hours or more from Manhattan. :-) actually though, lots of NYC cops do live out in the burbs like northen NJ and Westchester. Same with FDNY.

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Eye candy!  This person really took the best pictures.


Gorgeous Stana and I'm loving Beckett's jacket: https://twitter.com/Liiiiinzz/status/575602398716166144

Oh hello, Mr. Castle!  Oops, Nathan. https://twitter.com/Liiiiinzz/status/575578590735175680


Weeping because Castle never looks like that on the show. ;)


They could do a scene with them looking hot like that, leaning against a car (even if it's Castle's Buick ;)) and they don't even have to say a word.  I'd watch that. ;)

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Eye candy!  This person really took the best pictures.


Gorgeous Stana and I'm loving Beckett's jacket: https://twitter.com/Liiiiinzz/status/575602398716166144

Oh hello, Mr. Castle!  Oops, Nathan. https://twitter.com/Liiiiinzz/status/575578590735175680

I was just coming to post that pic of him leaning against the car door but you beat me to it. "Bellissimo" indeed. Heh. I spotted it on tumblr and just stared at it yeah who needs words...LOL. I'm weeping with you mad maverick. That's a great picture of Stana too, well taken. I need to know where that jacket came from, when the episode airs, hopefully some enterprising fan will find out.

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Bill Roe has been been confirmed as the director for 7.21, that's all the slots filled except for the finale. 


Castle Vital Scenes retweeted
Dara Creasey @DaraCreasey  ·  3 hrs 3 hours ago
“@telopidoxfavor: @DaraCreasey Who will direct your episode? ♥” The inimitable Bill Roe, who directed two of our previous episodes.

Given what Dara said, I wonder if they have any say on which director gets used for their episodes? 


I presume it's a side project for Nathan, just like Stana has her little projects on the go towards the end of the season. Good luck to them both with their adventures over the spring/summer months I fully expect to see them back in September filming a new season of Castle probably for the last time.

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I thought Bowman wrangled the directors (with MarMann's input probably) episode-to-episode. But who knows. He was farmed out last year during pilot season, so he may be again and have to delegate that to MarMann more here in the final stretch. 


The perks indicate "delivery" for those granted access to the set or filming as extras expected in July, so I'm guessing Nathan may film these concurrent with any season 8 of Castle. Which should be easy to do. 

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Robert Hanning @RobHanning  ·  2h 2 hours ago

Watching director's cut of my new #Castle ep 719. It contains possibly the best scene in the history of Castle, maybe even all of TV #TRUTH


Oh funny guy. 

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Castle 7x17 "Hong Kong Hustle" CTV Promo (HD) Castle Return: March 16, 2015


New(ish) promo, it has a few extra bits in that I don't remember from the old one.

No offence, but I don't find the Hong Kong cop to be that gorgeous.  I had the same problem with the fireman who was on the FDNY calendar in S2 that Beckett had a date with.  Let's just say I found him much less hot than super hot as described.


Why do I think sexytimes will be interrupted with a body drop?  I'm guessing Beckett won't be in such a mood for sexytimes once she starts letting the Hong Kong cop get to her.  Unless she's trying to prove something. ;)


I dislike the way this is worded, no doubt deliberately done but it's still irritating.



Same here.  Not the first time, won't be the last.  

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I was waiting for ABC to reveal these before posting them, but Studio System did the job for them (of course these may change, the usual disclaimer, etc).


7.20 Sleeper
7.21 In Plane Sight

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No offence, but I don't find the Hong Kong cop to be that gorgeous.  I had the same problem with the fireman who was on the FDNY calendar in S2 that Beckett had a date with.  Let's just say I found him much less hot than super hot as described.


I don't think she's that gorgeous either, certainly not more than Stana.  Although Beckett's hair looks kind of off in that promo, which is probably intentional.


Why do I think sexytimes will be interrupted with a body drop? 


If there was a Castle drinking game, sexytimes being interrupted would be one of the first things to drink for.

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No offence, but I don't find the Hong Kong cop to be that gorgeous.  I had the same problem with the fireman who was on the FDNY calendar in S2 that Beckett had a date with.  Let's just say I found him much less hot than super hot as described.


I'm partial to Beckett (but that's kind of the point, right?), but beauty is also subjective, so maybe the Hong Kong cop cleans up well? Judging a book by its cover though, she just doesn't seem super special. I mean, I wouldn't target her in a crowd and think "wow, she's really, really pretty". (There's not a good way to make that sound not shallow, so ... I hope that gets my point across?)


Also, FDNY calendar guy was just looked... smarmy? He seemed more like the kind of guy that looked good on paper, but in real life was douche. Which again, was probably the point. But yeah, I didn't think he was attractive, either.

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Please tell me that's not a reference to some kind of sleeper CIA agent.

That's exactly what I was thinking, I'm still convinced they're going for a CIA link with all this mythology business. 

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Why do I think sexytimes will be interrupted with a body drop?  I'm guessing Beckett won't be in such a mood for sexytimes once she starts letting the Hong Kong cop get to her.  Unless she's trying to prove something. ;)


Oh that's a given, it's just a question of how far they'll let them go before cutting sexytimes off with a phone call or Alexis bursts in and yet again it looks like Kate is taking the initiative for sexytimes, is she straddling Castle there? Looks like it. Although like you I do wonder if it's because of her sudden concern about Castle finding this cop "gorgeous" so she's decided she had better remind him who the hottest cop is around here.  However, the idea they're trying to presumably promote - that like any red hot blooded guy he can't help but at least notice this other super hot female - when he can barely pay attention to his own wife and seems utterly interested in sex is laughable, Beckett has absolutely nothing to worry about. 


No offence, but I don't find the Hong Kong cop to be that gorgeous.



No offence taken and I don't either, she looks fairly "normal" or average in the looks department to me although I understand it's all subjective etc. But I wouldn't be turning twice to look at her in the street that's for sure. Beckett on the other hand would definitely rate a glance or two. That's why it doesn't really work because if the whole idea is that she's mean't to be "more" in every possible way to get everyone's attention (including Castle's) then they failed in at least one respect - the physical - because I don't see it. 



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Although Beckett's hair looks kind of off in that promo, which is probably intentional.


I've found myself back on "hair watch" during the last episode, didn't look that great so I'll be keeping an eye out on it. If Beckett is under stress her hair could be the first thing to suffer. 

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Beatrice Belli @Beabelli  ·  24m 24 minutes ago

At the mild interest for teasers on #Castle ep 7x21 I'm gonna answer with a hint: is going to be some kind of bottled episode set in a...


Interesting, another bottle episode if they're trying to save on the cash it makes sense, lets hope it's as enjoyable as Still. 

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Matt's Inside Line: Scoop on Castle, Haven, Bones, Mad Men, Good Wife, Teen Wolf, Blue Bloods and More! at TV Line.


I’d love to read anything new you have for Castle! Please?! –M.
This is a bit interesting: I asked showrunner David Amann – on behalf of a reader, maybe? I forget – if there might ever be an episode that pits the men against the women, sort of how that one Lisa Edelstein episode did, but sticking with the regular cast. Think: Beckett, Lanie, Gates and Tori (and you could even throw in Alexis) vs. Castle, RySpo and a reluctant Perlmutter. And Amann said, “There may be something like that, where there’s a different configuration to the investigative team that emphasizes a couple of the women. That’s something to look for around [Episode] 21.”



Don't like the sound of that much, it's kind of vague but these writers are hardly subtle and I don't want it turning into some cliched competition between the sexes playing out, we shall see. 

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It sounds like Tori may get a bit more screentime than normal, which I'm not really enthused about (unlike Matt probably heh). 


Someone tweeted Nathan about the idea of a Castle and Perlmutter locked room episode, which, never going to happen, but hilarious.


The CIA is the last refuge for all desperate "mythologies". ;) 

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Nice!  They should have done Michael Jackson's moonwalk as well. 


Jon made a comment about Seamus being "hottest" on set because of all the layers he has to wear.  Um, Luke's pretty much fond of layers for Castle and Caskett at home too, which ironically, takes away from their hotness. ;)


It's a little distracting to me when Beckett has 2 or more completely different hairstyles in 1 episode.  I guess I'm more used to how she would just go through one episode with pretty consistent (cop) hair in the first few seasons.


yet again it looks like Kate is taking the initiative for sexytimes, is she straddling Castle there? Looks like it.



I'm not complaining about the straddling, but I will any interruption. ;)  Castle would be smart not to ask then why he's always on the bottom again heh.  They do have a track record of having he do stuff to kill the mood though. ;)


However, the idea they're trying to presumably promote - that like any red hot blooded guy he can't help but at least notice this other super hot female - when he can barely pay attention to his own wife and seems utterly interested in sex is laughable, Beckett has absolutely nothing to worry about.



I really dislike it when they have Castle "be a guy" and make a faux pas of complimenting another woman's hotness or an ex in front of Beckett.  We get the expected Beckett glare and cue laughs.  Not.  That whole schtick is laughable and not in the way the writers want it to be.  And why does Castle never know what to say after Beckett glares?  It would be a million times better if he at least knew to offer a genuine, sweet, romantic, reassuring (not daring to hope for hot and suave ;)) compliment back at his wife.  Instead of the stupid stuttering, awkward, totally uncool, unfunny and unromantic vibe we'll get. 

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Someone tweeted Nathan about the idea of a Castle and Perlmutter locked room episode, which, never going to happen, but hilarious.


Yeah that would be a hoot or even have them locked together in a precinct lift for a while would do. I enjoy the fact that Perlmutter still doesn't think much of Castle after all these years. However, I have to admit during the PI arc when he was on every week I could only take his digs in small doses when Beckett was around because I thought she should be sticking up for her husband more because if I was in her shoes I sure would. 


Matt has a soft spot for Tori. Heh. 

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That's exactly what I was thinking, I'm still convinced they're going for a CIA link with all this mythology business. 

With all the mythology questions left unanswered the biggest mystery of the season for me is:

Why in the hell did Castle kiss Gates?

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Wow, her insecurity in this is so prominent, I feel like I've been whacked over the head with it (and it lessens its believability for me). I also get the feeling, after watching the sneak, that this will end up being a retread of the Jordan Shaw appearance and this Hong Kong supercop & Beckett will end up working together and respecting each other by the end of the case. However, I have my doubts it will be anywhere close to as good as the first time I saw this plot in season 2. ;)  


And, logically, wouldn't Beckett show MORE confidence and not less in the 5 years since Jordan Shaw and the cases she's worked since then? Sigh...  

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But Beckett's insecurity over Shaw was as much at Shaw being better than Beckett as it was Castle being interested in Shaw over Beckett because of it. I don't think this time Beckett is personally jealous, just professionally jealous.


But I'll admit I'm interested, because I kinda like jealous Beckett.


The end of that clip, with Castle's sigh at her jealousy makes me think it could be fun. I have a feeling he's going to try to convince her that she's still awesome and just as good as Hong Kong Cop .... professionally, and personally.

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I guess I feel like Beckett jealousy (or Castle jealousy to be fair) is just thrown in for plot reasons more often than not and not included organically anymore. In season 2, it felt natural and understandable, but it doesn't here for me.


I agree there's no personal jealousy this time around like there was with Shaw, but considering how much the show constantly shows and tells us how awesome and supercop-ish Beckett is (though I don't agree with that nor do I like that either), it feels very out of character (with the way they've written her character for several seasons) for her to suddenly be jealous and insecure of ~anyone now. 

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Why in the hell did Castle kiss Gates?


God only knows but it's top of my list of things I wish I could unsee.

Along with Vaughn kissing Beckett and Beckett letting him (ugh), and Castle and Jacinda.


Beckett's insecurity over HK cop as seen in that clip doesn't ring true for me either.  Agree with S55 in that they paint Beckett as badass perfect supercop so much (superhuman at times with her also being the youngest person to make detective, Stanford and would be CJ, flipper of interrogation tables, better at Scrabble than her husband the author, gets to be on top all the time ;) and the list goes on...) that it didn't feel organic to me, especially when she's matured professionally and personally since Shaw and her DC stint and taking down world class villain and would be president ;) Bracken.  And I'm not so sure that Beckett would so openly share her insecurities immediately in this way with Castle.  


It felt like they were trying to push the comedic angle in the clip and it didn't work for me because it didn't felt in character to me that Beckett would be professionally insecure like that.  And HK cop's deductions didn't seem that out of the ordinary to me.  If Beckett straddles Castle in bed in order to make cute babies as cute as HK cop's asap, then I really will be rolling my eyes full on Beckett style.

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If Beckett straddles Castle in bed in order to make cute babies as cute as HK cop's asap, then I really will be rolling my eyes full on Beckett style.


I don't really care what ultimately gets Beckett to straddle Castle in bed.


... annnnd, wow, reading that back it's much dirtier than it sounded in my head. Maybe I should be done for today.


But maybe it's not so much jealousy on Beckett's part as it is a realization that it's possible to have it all, in essence. It's possible she's forgotten about Shaw's balance of home life and professional life, so if having Hong Kong Cop around makes her realize that being a kickass cop and a wife and potentially a mother around is possible all at the same time, I'm okay with that.


I just think it's unfair to assume that just because we've seen Beckett as a kickass cop means that she's secure in that. She's always measured herself against people she's worked with - Shaw, Sophia, Fallon, and now Hong Kong Cop, and really, I think it's pretty much human nature to do so, despite being competent yourself.

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Since HK cop was questioning a Chinese waitress in Chinese, which Beckett does not speak, the jealousy does not ring true.


And now I'm annoyed again about the whole 'Beckett speaks fluent Russian because she did a university semester in Leningrad' which is not only dumb, but is 'proven' by having her speak with a Russian accent to a Russian gangster. Aaargh! If Stana Katic speaks Russian, have her speak it and run sub-titles.  Grump grump grumble. I hold grudges.

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I just think it's unfair to assume that just because we've seen Beckett as a kickass cop means that she's secure in that. She's always measured herself against people she's worked with - Shaw, Sophia, Fallon, and now Hong Kong Cop, and really, I think it's pretty much human nature to do so, despite being competent yourself.


Yeah, I don't think it's out of character at all for Beckett to be insecure.  She is usually confident, but once some minor thing throws her, she gets stuck on it and lets it get to her.   It's happened before professionally, pretty much any time an outsider comes in to work on a case.  It's happened personally too, Vaughn makes her realize she and Castle never talked about the future and she obsesses about it so much she almost screws up the whole relationship. If she starts comparing herself to Hong Kong cop, I can totally see her not being able to let it go.  For this episode anyway, next week it will all be forgotten.


But I'm one of the few people who don't get the super-cop label.  Because as much as the present Beckett as skilled/talented, they also present her as very flawed.


Shallow note: I don't think Hong Kong cop's husband is that attractive.

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I've found myself back on "hair watch" during the last episode, didn't look that great so I'll be keeping an eye out on it. If Beckett is under stress her hair could be the first thing to suffer.


I think it's funny that her hair is pulled back in the sneak peek, like they are trying to make her look plainer or something, so she has reason to be jealous.


And why does Castle never know what to say after Beckett glares?  It would be a million times better if he at least knew to offer a genuine, sweet, romantic, reassuring (not daring to hope for hot and suave ;)) compliment back at his wife.


Seriously.  It is not hard to know the appropriate response to that glare.  "Well, of course she's not nearly as gorgeous as you, darling.  And she certainly isn't extraordinary enough to inspire a whole series of books."

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