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Nathan with fans at the preview of Waitress The Musical.  




With the actor who plays the character Nathan played in the movie.



Sounds like he enjoyed it. 

natefillionI haven't the words to say how wonderful #Waitress was. They should have sent a poet. Thank you to Sara Bareilles and all.


Quite cool that an indie movie is turned into a musical with music composed by someone like Sara Bareilles almost a decade after the film.  Don't know how that came about.  For anyone who hasn't watched Waitress the movie, it's an indie worth checking out and it will make you crave pie!  Also starring Keri Russell, Jeremy Sisto, Cheryl Hines, and Darby Stanchfield, who also played Nathan's character's wife here.  What are the odds, right?  I watched it before Castle came out.  May be interesting for those who've only seen him in Castle to see him play another romantic lead.

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I think all the anxiety over the next season can partially be attributed to the fear of the unknown.    TPW and AH are known to us as the writers of excellent Castle episodes, but we don't know what to expect from them as show runners.   They may be fantastic at it.    I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they were paying attention over the years and will honor the show's core principle that this is essentially a love story between a writer and his muse.   


On the other hand, they could suck at this and ruin the show for eternity.     We don't know.   We have to wait until September 21st.   Anxiety. 


Thank God for fanfiction.   It's like having 18K +  Castle episodes at my fingertips!  

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Waitress was actually the first thing I ever saw Nathan in (didn't watch Firefly until a few years ago and wasn't into OLTL or Two Guys and a Girl either) and thought he was fantastic. I'm glad to see it live on as a musical and hope to catch it at some point during its run. 

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Me too, S55.  The song from the musical composed and sung by Sara Bareilles on you tube is pretty great.  I think it could be a hit.


I miss seeing Nathan do more intimate indies like Waitress and Trucker. 


@MollyQuinn93 What can we expect from the Season 8 of #Castle?


Molly C. Quinn ‏@MollyQuinn93  
It is so good.

Well, at least she didn't say "fun"! 

Edited by madmaverick
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I think Adrienne Shelly would have been tickled to know her film is now a play. (Sadly, she was murdered not long after the film came out. Sadder still is I recall she left behind a husband and 5-year-old daughter. It made papers as it was at first thought to be a suicide.)

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WriteRCastle: Can’t believe my little girl is a senior at Columbia and choosing a company to intern for! Anyone have a favorite college internship story?


LOL we still have no clue what her major is but the way the spoilers are going, I wouldn't be surprised if tptb gave her some major like psychology/sociology/urban studies or a major not offered at Columbia so that her internship ends up at Castle P.I. I think I rather have her back at the morgue with Lanie than running around solving crimes with Castle and Haley if you're gonna have Alexis involved with the COTW.

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I remember that, Wendy.  A talented life cut short too soon and sad that she never saw her daughter grow up or the success of her film.


Nathan Fillion ‏@NathanFillion 
.@thisbar sends life saving food to a child in need around the world for every bar you buy. Easy. Tasty.




Yes, I heard about this.  Similar idea to Toms.  Great if they execute it well.

Patrick J Adams ‏@halfadams  
Patrick J Adams retweeted Nathan Fillion
Do everything that @NathanFillion tells you to do. It’s just common sense. Look at him. 


LOL, Patrick (guy from Suits).  Didn't know they knew each other.  Stana's recent costar from her indie film and Pretty Little Liars is his wife or fiance, I think.


Looking at tumblr, Nathan has also been taking a lot of pics freely with people at the comic con in Chicago he's at, probably people working there and volunteers.

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Interesting that he asks Adam Baldwin to come back to Castle, then extends the invite to Summer Glau too,, especially because we know Adam is coming back as Ethan Slaughter. Is Summer Glau going to make a guest appearance, too?


Other than that, nothing super new or exciting from Nathan.

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If he's was going to ask anyone to come on the show from his Firefly days, I would have much preferred him asking Alan. 


The issue I have with these invites is that they often don't use the characters and the chemistry they had with Fillion that well, Nathan does have chemistry with Baldwin but I disliked the character/story set up so I didn't enjoy it and they completely wasted Gina Torres guest role. 

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Terri Edda Miller ‏@TerriEdda  23 hrs23 hours ago

Visited set tonite. Boy it was good to see everyone! #castle #loveourcrew


Our crew? May be they remain more invested than I thought.

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What stirs my interest in this picture is why is the tech guy seemingly riding along with Beckett to crime scenes?  Shouldn't he be stuck in the precinct hunched over his computer chatting up Tory? 


His character was decribed as "High strung tech analyst with a complicated past." We then learnt that he would become Beckett's "confidant" at the precinct and Matt Mitovich has said that there is more to him than he first thought. He has been seen with Beckett on location twice now, (when did Tory ever get out of the precinct?) and also seems to have been involved when Beckett shot a scene at Raleigh for 8x02 with Rita (A member of a top-secret organization who drops into Beckett’s life with a unique set of skills… and an unexpected connection to Castle.) We know Castle has resumed his P.I. career and will be working closely with Hayley and not spending as much time with Beckett professionally, so could it turn out that Castle has hired Vikram, who we find has bodyguard skills, as his proxy to have her back now that he can't be there himself.

Vikram was present with Beckett at the Hilton Checkers on Aug 5 when she selfied with Coby Ryan McLaughlin, and both he and Beckett have stunt doubles assigned for this episode, so maybe they get into some sort of altercation, hopefully not on the roof, and Vikram is there to save her.

Hayley has been described as a "regular" but Vikram is only a "recurring" character so we can expect to see less of him, of course, maybe it turns out that Beckett is only a recurring character now as well, like the previous Captains, as the show evolves from "Castle" to "Castle P.I." LOL

Edited by westwingfan
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Some people don't care for Beckett, and in particular her mythology with Bracken, some people can't stand Castle the Clown, others want more of Alexis, more of Lanie, more of Ryan and Espo, however, I would suggest that the majority of the audience watch for the interaction between Beckett and Castle. The new showrunners have repeated something often stated by Marlowe, that Caskett's relationship is at the heart of the show, however, during S7 I saw comments from people who felt that they were not seeing Beckett and Castle sharing scenes together as much as they would have liked. There are some apologists on tumblr who try and explain away everything that has happened, and might happen, in a good light, they are saying that we should expect to see less of Caskett sharing scenes together now that Beckett is the Captain. After seven seasons it would not be unreasonable for the leads to have negotiated a reduction in their time on set, which would reduce their screen time in each episode, but that doesn't mean that the writers have to come up with storylines that actually keep them apart even when they are available. You might have expected that they simply make better use of their leads availablity to provide quality scenes in S8.,However, the limited info during the filming for the first three episodes has not been reassuring, Beckett and Castle have only been seen together at one location, Castle has been seen with Hayley and Alexis more, including with the latter at a crime scene, Beckett has been seen more with Vikram, her new "confidant". If it does turn out that the Beckett and Castle scenes are even less than in S7 I'm not sure how the majority of the audience will react to that for more than a couple of episodes.

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I think most people (those who don't know the breakup is coming) will see the two of them break up and then look for signs the following few episodes that they are wanting to be together....or at the very least there are positive signs both are working towards a reunion. If the writers break them up and then try and go back to your typical cases without Caskett being the main focus, I think they have made a huge mistake.


If episodes 3 to 8~ is Castle doing his own thing and Beckett doing her own thing, with their only interactions being some sort of awkward 'don't know how to act around each other anymore' type of stuff, then I think the show is headed for ratings death.


Caskett has been the focus of this show since day 1, trying to sell the audience something else (especially if it is them being broken up) is a massive risk. I really do hope we don't all look back at season 8 and wish it all ended with Marlowe and co leaving.

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I agree WWF, most fans of the show watch to see Castle and Beckett TOGETHER, but it seems the new showrunners decided to double down on the mistakes of last season...Caskett apart, Castle PI and episodes that inclusive a significant amount of time featuring Castle working with his daughter instead of his wife. They also chose to limit Beckett's career choices to the two presented in the season 7 finale.

Add to that the (possibility of) tired old trope of a couple forced to stay apart by outside forces, the cliché tech guy, and the reintroduction of Bracken and I have to wonder if the new showrunners are capable any sort of creativity...and that does not bode well for the upcoming season.

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Well, I think their bank accounts are still invested with Castle for sure so maybe their hearts are too.  They may have done a big farewell with cast and crew but I don't think we ever heard about anything other than the usual wrap party.


completely wasted Gina Torres guest role.


So much waste.  Can't believe Gina and Nathan didn't have a one on one scene or any real dialogue together.  But I think scripts are written before they do any casting for the most part.  I'm not sure how high a priority showcasing chemistry ranks with Castle writers because if it was high priority, we'd be utilizing Caskett chemistry so much more instead of just having them spout dry COTW exposition at each other.  And if you're guesting on Castle, you're usually either a suspect or a murderer so I guess there are limitations in the kind of interaction they can have with Castle and Beckett as well.  There aren't really many meaty guest star parts on Castle unless you're someone like a federal agent character, someone like Slaughter or the No. 1 Fan in that episode, who did a great job.


Actors being dorky fans are kind of funny:


Nathan Fillion ‏@NathanFillion  1h1 hour ago
Nathan Fillion retweeted Stephen Amell Daily
Totally happened. Yet I have no memory of it. Passed out soon after.




Nice pic from Chicago con: http://sofika0707.tumblr.com/

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They also chose to limit Beckett's career choices to the two presented in the season 7 finale.


Beckett was always going to go nowhere but up.  What else would they have her do?  Stay happy with the status quo?  I wouldn't mind Beckett staying a detective.  Problem is, they wrote her as having all these grand ambitions and restlessness about 'making a difference' last season, as if she didn't do that with her current job.


I know it's not the opinion of all here, but I did enjoy S7 more because I felt the quality if not quantity of Caskett scenes finally improved and was much better than previously on average, as exemplified during the enjoyable PI arc.  I also thought the chemistry and acting in the wedding scene itself, if not the green screen, was pretty much perfect.  Caskett just felt really solid as a couple and very supportive of each other as both individually had their trials.


I think most people (those who don't know the breakup is coming) will see the two of them break up and then look for signs the following few episodes that they are wanting to be together....or at the very least there are positive signs both are working towards a reunion. If the writers break them up and then try and go back to your typical cases without Caskett being the main focus, I think they have made a huge mistake.


Agreed.  They should realistically be reeling from the turmoil.  But this is Castle, a show that often likes to keep episodes self-contained.  New episode, new distractions.  I agree it would be a huge mistake but it's one they've frequently made before.  They would give Caskett some focus or forward movement after some emotional event, only for business as usual in the very next episode as if it had never happened.  And if they're not prepared to move forward on the storyline in subsequent episodes, they could well adopt Marlowe's approach of non-mention. He rarely gave us those introspective moments from the characters, together or separately, in an emotional aftermath.  Let's see if they are breaking away from Marlowe in more ways than one.


Whether we like it or not, I think we're going to see a fair bit of the leads interacting with the new characters aligned with their storylines at least at the beginning of the season to set things up.  Like how we got a big dosage of Pi (against our will!).  


Maybe they'll have Castle telling Beckett he needs a time out from her after she drops the break up bombshell, and that's the reason (excuse) for the distance in the immediate aftermath.


But also don't forget they've filmed many days in the studio and we don't have any idea what's going on there.


I think the actress playing Tory has gone on to greener pastures of a lead in a movie, so not sure Tory will be making a return any time soon, if ever.

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Chado are you 100% that the breakup personally is inevitable and confirmed??if its confirmed can you saw as a link please....am not very hardcore fan of the caskett ship i enjoyed them though BUT working appart(first broke up) and divorce (second broke up) and finally no enough time of castle and beckett scenes seriously i prefered to being canceled after the season 7 finale....

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Some people don't care for Beckett, and in particular her mythology with Bracken, some people can't stand Castle the Clown, others want more of Alexis, more of Lanie, more of Ryan and Espo, however, I would suggest that the majority of the audience watch for the interaction between Beckett and Castle. [...] After seven seasons it would not be unreasonable for the leads to have negotiated a reduction in their time on set, which would reduce their screen time in each episode, but that doesn't mean that the writers have to come up with storylines that actually keep them apart even when they are available. You might have expected that they simply make better use of their leads availablity to provide quality scenes in S8.,

This argument may be true, but you could also assume that the audience values both characters (regardless of their partnership) and therefore it’s important that at least one of them occupies the screen during the episode. This automatically reduces the actors screentime together, so if they don’t want to show Castle writing/ having a chat with Martha/out on the streets with Ryan and Esposito while Beckett is captaining things at the precinct, they have to come up with something else.


This doesn’t mean that there won’t be any quality time, but if the show introduces some obstacles at the beginning of the season that might limit the interaction of the main characters, I’d like them to get on and through with it and not just drop it like last season. Because that move may have resulted in two things: People who weren’t happy the story was dropped, and people who weren’t happy that the story was introduced in the first place if it were to be dropped anyway.


Maybe they'll have Castle telling Beckett he needs a time out from her after she drops the break up bombshell, and that's the reason (excuse) for the distance in the immediate aftermath.

I’m still puzzled how they will make the cause of the split (as discussed here) remain somehow believable. Castle being a douche and Beckett subsequently reacting to his douchy self instead of talking it through is one way to make it more believable in the beginning.

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I’m still puzzled how they will make the cause of the split (as discussed here) remain somehow believable. Castle being a douche and Beckett subsequently reacting to his douchy self instead of talking it through is one way to make it more believable in the beginning.


But I don't want anyone to be a douche!  Sigh.


I think Castle's been a pretty great husband and Beckett's been a pretty great wife so far so I'd hate to see them fail the other badly.


Not talking it through with each other would just come across as an inorganic way for the writers to stall the story, not to mention damage the characters.  That's the way I felt every time Marlowe wrote them as not communicating with each other for long stretches.  They've mostly had no problems talking it through with each other as they've matured as a couple so why would they regress back to not talking now?


I think the writers want their obstacles so that they can make a story out of the love story conquering them, but they need to be careful not to damage the characters' integrity in the process.  We still want to love and root for the characters as they overcome their obstacles.  And they should try to keep the obstacles not too unbelievable.

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They also chose to limit Beckett's career choices to the two presented in the season 7 finale.


I think Beckett's career choices are limited by nature of her being a cop. I mean, it's not like we should have had the right to expect her to become an independent artist or a guitar player or an accountant. Sure, it happens in life when people suddenly do it — change their career paths at the drop of a hat, but I don't think that being unimaginative with Kate Beckett's career is the worst possible offense the writers can come up with. She's already been a fed and they hardly would have had her lowered in ranks, so what other way there was for her than going up in her chosen profession?

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Caskett just felt really solid as a couple and very supportive of each other as both individually had their trials.


Which is why it's going to make it even harder for many fans to accept a personal separation so soon especially if the reason for it seems forced.  

Edited by verdana
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I think Beckett's career choices are limited by nature of her being a cop. I mean, it's not like we should have had the right to expect her to become an independent artist or a guitar player or an accountant. Sure, it happens in life when people suddenly do it — change their career paths at the drop of a hat, but I don't think that being unimaginative with Kate Beckett's career is the worst possible offense the writers can come up with.


Especially when their being "imaginative" resulted in Beckett considering a political career.  Sorry, but I just don't see that as a good fit for the character, or plausible.  And let's face it, the writers aren't writers who could pull off something like The West Wing (I would love to watch another show like TWW but would the majority of Castle viewers?).  Political intrigue/conspiracy (yawn) is not the same as a show about actual politics.  Castle is a procedural about investigating crimes and I don't see that changing ever.  


Multi-talented Beckett can be a cop by day, busker/racecar driver/law school student by night as she decides she can more effectively make a difference as a Supreme Court Justice than as a Senator. ;)


Nothing wrong with having lofty dreams and ambitions, but I hope the writers can navigate career storylines for the characters and them thinking about the future in more grounded, relatable ways.  

Edited by madmaverick
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Especially when their being "imaginative" resulted in Beckett considering a political career.  Sorry, but I just don't see that as a good fit for the character, or plausible.  And let's face it, the writers aren't writers who could pull off something like The West Wing (I would love to watch another show like TWW but would the majority of Castle viewers?).  Political intrigue/conspiracy (yawn) is not the same as a show about actual politics.  Castle is a procedural about investigating crimes and I don't see that changing ever.  


Multi-talented Beckett can be a cop by day, busker/racecar driver/law school student by night as she decides she can more effectively make a difference as a Supreme Court Justice than as a Senator. ;)


Nothing wrong with having lofty dreams and ambitions, but I hope the writers can navigate career storylines for the characters and them thinking about the future in more grounded, relatable ways.  


The show runners should have thought about Beckett's career before the show began. Seems to me they are bored with Beckett being a detective. But all the talk of other aspirations makes it seem like there is something wrong with being a cop. Like there has to be something better. Then again, Beckett's change to fashionista quasi-Mary Sue who is the bestest at EVERYTHING may tie into that.


Should have left her S1 characterization alone. She could have still evolved a bit while keeping that core.

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One career option for Beckett would be to put her in charge of a special unit or task force that has a bit more room to maneuver than your typical detective. She could pick her own team, beginning with Castle and the boys. The type of unit could be just about anything that the writers think could produce the best stories.

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One career option for Beckett would be to put her in charge of a special unit or task force that has a bit more room to maneuver than your typical detective. She could pick her own team, beginning with Castle and the boys. The type of unit could be just about anything that the writers think could produce the best stories.

There's one option for a Beckett career that could recapture more of the witty and light-hearted nature that some (I, for one) like best in Castle eps — Beckett can also become a PI and join Castle in his practice, which could make for interesting working-out-the-boundaries, now that they would be equals, and also interesting relations with the folks at the 12th, since Beckett would be in the position of asking favors and not in a supervisory position. Ah, well...

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Beckett was always going to go nowhere but up.  What else would they have her do?  Stay happy with the status quo?  I wouldn't mind Beckett staying a detective.  Problem is, they wrote her as having all these grand ambitions and restlessness about 'making a difference' last season, as if she didn't do that with her current job.


I know it's not the opinion of all here, but I did enjoy S7 more because I felt the quality if not quantity of Caskett scenes finally improved and was much better than previously on average, as exemplified during the enjoyable PI arc.  I also thought the chemistry and acting in the wedding scene itself, if not the green screen, was pretty much perfect.  Caskett just felt really solid as a couple and very supportive of each other as both individually had their trials.


I really enjoyed S7 too, and wouldn't have a problem if the Caskett interaction is similar to that this season ( in quantity and quality). It would be kind of weird when Castle randomly disappears from the precinct for a few scenes, but I can deal with that if we do get some scenes.

The thing with Beckett's career.....one of the new show runners said they had the option of making Beckett run for senate, become captain OR stay where she was. So they did consider keeping her detective. But her talk of doing more means they couldn't have done it for long. They could have spent this season as her knowing she'll be captain in the near future or something though. I would think that kind of promotion takes a while. It would have been better if they didn't ignore the rank of Lieutenant though. Then it could be career advancement but still allow her to be in the field.

Something they've never explored that could be interesting is the impact of solving her mom's murder. She became a cop because she wanted to do that, and felt like she needed to stay a NYC Detective to somehow honor her mom by getting justice for others. It makes sense that after she got some closure about that in S5, she would start to think about what else she could do, or what would have happened if she had followed her original career plans. It doesn't have to mean that there's something wrong with being "just" a cop, unless done poorly. More about her growing and seeing things from a wider perspective.

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I'm wondering when we might get our first real sneak peek. Tomorrow will be four weeks til the big day, maybe a little early for the average TV watcher, but if this forum is anything to go by, the Castle faithful are getting restless and could use some reassurance that the new showrunners aren't already running the show into the ground. 

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The 'Beckett runs for Senator' thing is absolutely ridiculous to me for many, many reasons. I wonder if they'll end up making this Mary Sue (a term that's very overused, but fits all too well for mid-to-late-seasons Beckett IMO) president instead...I mean, how could the American people resist voting for someone so "EXTRAORDINARY"?! And I can't even see Original Beckett having ANY interest in becoming involved with politics and all the schmoozing and front-of-camera attention and phoniness that goes with it, but I guess that's just another measure of how far she's strayed from the Beckett I adored in the show's earliest seasons.  


I get that people change careers, but this just isn't a change I have any interest in seeing. 


There's one option for a Beckett career that could recapture more of the witty and light-hearted nature that some (I, for one) like best in Castle eps — Beckett can also become a PI and join Castle in his practice, which could make for interesting working-out-the-boundaries, now that they would be equals, and also interesting relations with the folks at the 12th, since Beckett would be in the position of asking favors and not in a supervisory position. Ah, well...


But THIS change would be awesome! It would shake up the show's formula in a potentially really fun, amusing and interesting way and bring a fresh dynamic to the Beckett/Castle duo that doesn't involve buckets of angst. And I agree that it would be great to see Kate operate outside the structure of the NYPD and operate without their rules and resources for the first time.


..and because I adore this idea so much, it will totally never, ever happen :)  

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One career option for Beckett would be to put her in charge of a special unit or task force that has a bit more room to maneuver than your typical detective. She could pick her own team, beginning with Castle and the boys. The type of unit could be just about anything that the writers think could produce the best stories.


The task force option would have been a good path for the future of the series, but the concept was wasted by Marlowe with the DC arc. There was no vision to pursue it further since Marlowe ended it abruptly with Beckett getting fired by the feds which hurt the character. There seems to be some kind of underlining need to keep them apart which must be driven by BTS issues because what has been revealed thru the spoilers so far seems pretty bleak for those viewers who want to see Caskett solving cases together which has proven to be successful for the show.  Most viewers can appreciate some kind of a professional split, but the added separation angst will sink the ratings if it lasts too long and it will likely present as forced in order that the new show runners can script their ‘Love Conquers All ‘ tale.

Edited by VinceW
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The 'Beckett runs for Senator' thing is absolutely ridiculous to me for many, many reasons. I wonder if they'll end up making this Mary Sue (a term that's very overused, but fits all too well for mid-to-late-seasons Beckett IMO) president instead...I mean, how could the American people resist voting for someone so "EXTRAORDINARY"?! And I can't even see Original Beckett having ANY interest in becoming involved with politics and all the schmoozing and front-of-camera attention and phoniness that goes with it, but I guess that's just another measure of how far she's strayed from the Beckett I adored in the show's earliest seasons.  

I don't even see Current Beckett as having any interest in politics. A dislike of schmoozing and on camera attention is something that still seems like a pretty accurate description. And she hated the politics involved in her job in DC.

I thought in the S7 finale, Beckett seemed really flattered at the idea of them wanting her to run, but not super interested in the actual campaign or job. It would have been a hard sell to convince me shed actually chosen that if the writers had chosen to go that way.

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I also thought the idea of Beckett and Castle running a PI business together would've been fun to explore. It seemed to me an opportunity for actual real new avenues of storytellings as they solved cases from a non-law enforcement side of things. It would probably reduce Ryan, Esposito and Lanie's roles quite a bit, but I for one am perfectly OK with that at this stage in the show. 

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I also thought the idea of Beckett and Castle running a PI business together would've been fun to explore. It seemed to me an opportunity for actual real new avenues of storytellings as they solved cases from a non-law enforcement side of things. It would probably reduce Ryan, Esposito and Lanie's roles quite a bit, but I for one am perfectly OK with that at this stage in the show. 


Even though as a fan it would have been interesting to watch, logistically it'd add more workload for the lead actors instead of reducing it (which, the latter is what actors want as a series goes on).

Edited by Nadine
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Even though as a fan it would have been interesting to watch, logistically it'd add more workload for the lead actors instead of reducing it (which, the latter is what actors want as a series goes on).


Would have loved that Castle and Beckett, PI option, but I understand this, too.


I wonder how much of the decision to seemingly create two shows within the show (Captain Beckett and her men; Castle and his ladies) is driven by the consideration of wanting either Castle or Beckett onscreen at any given time while providing each of the leads the requisite time off. While not great, I think that would be a bit more palatable to me than having this be a result of actual contractual stipulations on the part of either lead to reduce working time with the other. (Outside of Julianna Margulies, would something like that be formally requested for and granted in the industry?)

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The 'Beckett runs for Senator' thing is absolutely ridiculous to me for many, many reasons. I wonder if they'll end up making this Mary Sue (a term that's very overused, but fits all too well for mid-to-late-seasons Beckett IMO) president instead...I mean, how could the American people resist voting for someone so "EXTRAORDINARY"?! And I can't even see Original Beckett having ANY interest in becoming involved with politics and all the schmoozing and front-of-camera attention and phoniness that goes with it, but I guess that's just another measure of how far she's strayed from the Beckett I adored in the show's earliest seasons.  


I'm convinced the political career for Beckett is not off the table despite the showrunners dismissal of it in a recent interview. If the story they have in mind fails to be an audience and ratings winner I can see them getting in a panic wondering what the hell to do next and heading back to that, the characters are almost all plot driven these days so it doesn't matter if she's shown little sign of being cut out for politics or even that keen. Suddenly it will become the main goal in her life and Castle will be informed it's all she's ever really wanted to do. 

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I wonder how much of the decision to seemingly create two shows within the show (Captain Beckett and her men; Castle and his ladies) is driven by the consideration of wanting either Castle or Beckett onscreen at any given time while providing each of the leads the requisite time off. While not great, I think that would be a bit more palatable to me than having this be a result of actual contractual stipulations on the part of either lead to reduce working time with the other.

It makes no difference to me why it's happening (although I can understand fans hoping that personal issues are not forcing the writers hand) just that it's happening at all. They're seemingly moving away from the core of what made the show enjoyable (and successful) in the first place and the result is going to be the same on screen - reduced Castle and Beckett - and as another poster pointed out it's then a case of seeing if the quality of their interactions/story makes up for this change and pacifies those who only watch the show for these two characters. I have my doubts. 

Edited by verdana
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What other reason is there to watch this show?? Bless anyone who thinks outside the square but the show IS Castle and Beckett *insert required action here*

It's almost been unapologetic about it over the past 7 seasons and audiences for the most part have accepted it and loved it.

So why the change? It's the million dollar question that we probably don't want the answer to! ;)

It's sad but it is what it is and I just cling to the hope that they can actually make this work but removing the "engine" of the show was probably the stupidest thing they could chose to do so they are either complete sadists or they are acting under duress/demands that leave them no choice....either scenario leaves me quaking in my Castle boots about the future of this show!!

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There's one option for a Beckett career that could recapture more of the witty and light-hearted nature that some (I, for one) like best in Castle eps — Beckett can also become a PI and join Castle in his practice, which could make for interesting working-out-the-boundaries, now that they would be equals, and also interesting relations with the folks at the 12th, since Beckett would be in the position of asking favors and not in a supervisory position. Ah, well...


Yep that would've be fun to have this show turn into an updated version of Hart to Hart. Haley and the new recurring IT character could've been added for the PI office while Ryan/Espo around for when they need precinct help and they can always find something for Ryan to moonlight as to make extra money. Alexis is graduating at the end of the season so it's really time to give her a nice send off. If the show possibly comes back for another season with both leads, let her become recurring to holiday and celebrating moment eps. The show has become so predictable in the COTW that I'm not looking forward to 3-5 interrogations scenes of Beckett with Ryan or Espo. Plus TPTB should've been starting to use Nathan's stand in like talking to one of the precinct extras blurred out in the background or come up with excuses like publisher meeting when Castle randomly disappears from the precinct scenes that are going on the same day since it was getting noticeable last season.

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I'm convinced the political career for Beckett is not off the table despite the showrunners dismissal of it in a recent interview. If the story they have in mind fails to be an audience and ratings winner I can see them getting in a panic wondering what the hell to do next and heading back to that, the characters are almost all plot driven these days so it doesn't matter if she's shown little sign of being cut out for politics or even that keen. Suddenly it will become the main goal in her life and Castle will be informed it's all she's ever really wanted to do.

The show runners said it wasn't off the table, but I got the sense they were just saying that. They acknowledged the show wouldn't work with Beckett running for Senate as it is a police procedural. She needs to be involved in the cases. Maybe they'll do it as a series finale thing, but I believe they won't do it as an ongoing storyline. It will be interesting to see if they address Beckett's reasoning for not doing it, or just say she's captain and pretend there was no choice.

I agree that reduced Caskett interaction is taking away what works for the show, but if the actors would only stay on if they had fewer working hours, there's not much the writers can do. I would definitely rather have scenes with one of them then scenes with neither of them though.

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I agree that reduced Caskett interaction is taking away what works for the show, but if the actors would only stay on if they had fewer working hours, there's not much the writers can do. I would definitely rather have scenes with one of them then scenes with neither of them though.


I have no interest in watching just Castle P.I. as the actor does nothing for me without Beckett.  If the new contracts have reduced the time on set for both of them I would have hoped that at least they had them on screen at the same time, the previous level was probably understandably unsustainable, but I'm not sure how long watching Captain Beckett do her thing at the precinct and Castle P.I creeping around with his new sidekick will hold my interest.

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I have no interest in watching just Castle P.I. as the actor does nothing for me without Beckett.  If the new contracts have reduced the time on set for both of them I would have hoped that at least they had them on screen at the same time, the previous level was probably understandably unsustainable, but I'm not sure how long watching Captain Beckett do her thing at the precinct and Castle P.I creeping around with his new sidekick will hold my interest.

Both solo Castle P.I. and Beckett/Esposito case solving are as equally depressing if you ask me. Neither are of interest at all.

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It will get tedious if it just ends up as Castle PI being a goose, fumbling with guns and having his iPhone ring at inopportune moments and the only interaction he has with Beckett is her rolling her eyes at his ridiculous antics when she accidentally crosses paths with him as he backhands his way into her case work....that's comedy gold!.....apparently.

Edited by BellyLaughter
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It will get tedious if it just ends up as Castle PI being a goose, fumbling with guns and having his iPhone ring at inopportune moments and the only interaction he has with Beckett is her rolling her eyes at his ridiculous antics when she accidentally crosses paths with him as he backhands his way into her case work....that's comedy gold!.....apparently.

Well Nathan said this at the recent Wizard World he attended, 'They (the writers) truly feel that at its heart (the show) it's a comedy..which I love." So he'll be happy acting the clown, perhaps he thought it was funny to leave his shoes on in bed while Beckett was stripping off in 7x03. Not sure what happened to all the other statements from the new showrunners about Castle and Beckett's relationship being at the heart of the show. Seems not everyone is on the same page.

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I read that answer he gave this weekend and in fairness to him comedy is and has always played a big part in the show but I think a lot of fans (myself included) would chose the love story as the real engine of this show - their love and their friendship is what has sucked a lot of us in and why we have stayed!

Comedy has been one way to tell that story but it's not the only way -- something Nathan can be dismissive of because his personal preference is the 'fun' stuff! I love a laugh as much as the next person but the laughs are not really the thing that has driven this show for 7 seasons and I hope Nathan's just talking from his own tastes and not that of the writers. I hope AH and TPW actually mean it when they acknowledge the love story and what really drives the heart of this show!

I want the comedy and the laughs but that alone isn't gonna cut it -- surely he knows that!

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Well Nathan said this at the recent Wizard World he attended, 'They (the writers) truly feel that at its heart (the show) it's a comedy..which I love." So he'll be happy acting the clown, perhaps he thought it was funny to leave his shoes on in bed while Beckett was stripping off in 7x03. Not sure what happened to all the other statements from the new showrunners about Castle and Beckett's relationship being at the heart of the show. Seems not everyone is on the same page.

When he said it he was replying to a fan question about the show becoming too dark in season 8. The fan made this conclusion from the spoilers and was asking is there going to be a lot of angst and less lightheartedness. So the answer was worded according to the question, it wasn't about how he sees the show's future or its strengths. It was meant to alleviate the fan's concerns.


I saw his quote making rounds on Tumblr, without the fan question and therefore out of context, with many comments to the tune of your post. Somehow Castle fandom always tends to take NF's quotes out of context and run with it, making a big deal out of something that is usually a joke or just a part of a quote without a context.

Edited by catsrpeopletoo
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