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Small Talk: Cup O' Joe


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I actually like the current morning CNN lineup, especially Briana Kellar; but I only tune in for a bit everyday. And Plumbago B, you are so right (😉) about Kasie.  Sadly, with the network pushing The Twins, I don’t see much of anything improving CNN’s chance of catching MSNBC in the early morning timeslot. They are golden at MSNBC.

I did want to comment in Small Talk about Alex Witt. There was a mini kerfluffle quite a few years ago about a financial disagreement she had with a friend. According to gossip, she did not pay a loan back to the friend. I think it was a basic he said/she said but that might color my opinion of her. Based on something I know nothing about; but the hair and peasant blouses more than anything.

My brother watched Bill Maher last night and told me a little about it going off the rails. I liked Russell Brand when he was on MJ - he was All of Us. But haven’t heard much about him for years other than maybe some odd behavior. Whoever wrote the above Twitter comment (a Benny Johnson?) sounds gleeful; at the least. I would think Heilemann could hold his own.

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I think this Benny Johnson dude was wrong about Russell Brand "murdering" Heilemann and ending his career. The Morning Joe joke was funny, but I actually think Heilemann ate Russell Brand's lunch.  The first thing was him saying "Russell darling," which cracked me up.  All Russell Brand did was shout and not let Heilemann get any words in.  

Edited by Crashcourse
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I read an article about the Forbes “50 and 30 Over” lists. The article welcomes recognizing women’s accomplishments. But they state that the lists mostly reinforce what an accomplished life looks like …money, status and power. Of course, there are exceptions on the lists.

I do admire the successes of women from all walks of life. I just hate to see it measured in wealth and influence. It is a bit of a downer. Is Kris Kardashian on it? I thought I saw her picture. Didn’t Meeka interview her awhile back? 

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14 hours ago, Kemper said:

I read an article about the Forbes “50 and 30 Over” lists. The article welcomes recognizing women’s accomplishments. But they state that the lists mostly reinforce what an accomplished life looks like …money, status and power. Of course, there are exceptions on the lists.

I do admire the successes of women from all walks of life. I just hate to see it measured in wealth and influence. It is a bit of a downer. Is Kris Kardashian on it? I thought I saw her picture. Didn’t Meeka interview her awhile back? 

I so agree with this. It pisses me off that her agenda only pushes some tiny strange segment of women that most women can't relate to 


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but isn't Russel Brand basically one of those anti-vax conspiracy theorists? 🥴

I wasn't around when he was on MJ so can someone please explain the context. I did see a youtube clip but was none the wiser, what even was that, it was confusing 😂 

personal opinion but our boy High-lemann obvious owns any room he walks into. Maher is a crank, but in a crazy uncle who gives you his leftover weed kinda way.  his show is actually kind of good bc it's so all over the place, intentionally, and I respect that

Edited by neona2

I think I must be getting too old for this show. I don’t really take the hosts seriously; and have grown tired of the same guests and commentators every day. Because all I seem to want to do (sadly) is snark on them - I started watching in the Television Without Pity days. Sarcasm and crass humor were the norm. I do realize that times change. I just can’t change with them - that is on me.

I set my alarm this morning and had a text party with friends while watching the Royal nuptials. Scones, tea and mimosas. We discussed: Camilla’s hair - the Farrah F look with the wings (my teen - at the time - tried so hard sculpting hers). We bandied about the clothes, that Charles is a bit of a Sad, what may transpire in the boudoir. We pitied whoever sat behind Katy Perry and her hat. Fun times.

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Of course I don't want to go down the breaking the board rules road so I won't refer to TFG by any other name.

I don't begrudge Joe for taking time off although it does seem like a inordinately amount of time for someone who has his own cable TV show and he can so he does.

He's not the only MSNBC host given this privilege 

Edited by tres bien
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What pisses me off about Joe & Mika is they made a big deal about extending the show to 4 hours in the morning and yet from the beginning, almost half the show or more are repeats of segments from 6-8am.  Even when it's not a repeat, most of the time Joe is MIA after 8am.  He also take a ridiculous amount of time off.  He was off 2 weeks earlier this month, at least one day a week for the other 2 weeks in July and now he's into a second week off with Mika heading into August. He also seems to be turning into a talk show host interviewing celebrities. First the Oppenheimer cast 2 weeks ago and then Jamie Lee Curtis last week on tape.  I would suggest having celebrity interviews during the 9am-10 hour, but I guess that Joe doesn't want to hang around that long.  Why are these people getting paid a great deal of money and they are hardly ever there.  God forbid Lemire and Willie took vacation the same week!  Who would they get to host the show?  I would also like to know who to complain to at the network about this.


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7 hours ago, Linda956 said:

What pisses me off about Joe & Mika is they made a big deal about extending the show to 4 hours in the morning and yet from the beginning, almost half the show or more are repeats of segments from 6-8am.  Even when it's not a repeat, most of the time Joe is MIA after 8am.  He also take a ridiculous amount of time off.  He was off 2 weeks earlier this month, at least one day a week for the other 2 weeks in July and now he's into a second week off with Mika heading into August. He also seems to be turning into a talk show host interviewing celebrities. First the Oppenheimer cast 2 weeks ago and then Jamie Lee Curtis last week on tape.  I would suggest having celebrity interviews during the 9am-10 hour, but I guess that Joe doesn't want to hang around that long.  Why are these people getting paid a great deal of money and they are hardly ever there.  God forbid Lemire and Willie took vacation the same week!  Who would they get to host the show?  I would also like to know who to complain to at the network about this.


I think Mika & Joe negotiated extra vacation time for their current contracts. They need time off now because they will be visiting the early primary states in 2024.

Joe will also be covering the GOP debate next month. Mika is working on KYV.

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1 hour ago, jacourt said:

Haven’t you heard the revisionist history joe is now spouting?  They only had trump on so much because they had given invites to all the candidates and he was the only one who took up on the offer. 

I happened to be watching that morning! Just once I would like to hear one of the coterie of sycophants burst out laughing at Joe’s revisionist memories.
I also don’t know what person in the news media would refer to either of The Twins as journalists. They are media personalities. Among other things. 🤓

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Is this where we were “discussing” the appeal (sexiness wise) of some on-air reporters/analysts? I have to add Jack Smith to the roster; yes, he is not an on-air person. But he is endlessly discussed on-air. Maybe he is only sexy to my coffee-group friends…ages mid-70s to early 80s.. Since one of my “kids” is his age and another approaching 50, I can truthfully say (again) I have cookie sheets older than he is. 

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I've been on this site for a very long time. Back when it was TWOP. In 2018 I deleted my account and decided to come back in 2019 with a new SN. 

I honestly don't remember there being so much disdain for Mika and Joe and everything about them until recently. Maybe I'm wrong but I do know we always criticized and made fun of them and all their antics. Me included. But the mood has changed.

It makes me sad that a lot of the fun's been sucked out of the board 

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26 minutes ago, tres bien said:

I've been on this site for a very long time. Back when it was TWOP. In 2018 I deleted my account and decided to come back in 2019 with a new SN. 

I honestly don't remember there being so much disdain for Mika and Joe and everything about them until recently. Maybe I'm wrong but I do know we always criticized and made fun of them and all their antics. Me included. But the mood has changed.

It makes me sad that a lot of the fun's been sucked out of the board 

Tres Bien -You are right. I do think that there was a lot more to laugh at/with back then. Maybe the issue is Joe and Mika were not so full of themselves as they are now. Joe has become an almost caricature of a bombastic ex-pol. (He can sometimes be really funny, though) Mika has perfected her role as “scold” and trying to keep Joe from wandering too far off point. But her ego has grown as much as his. She seems only engaged in her KYV project/schtick. That not many working women can identify with in its current form.
And add the political cycles since 2016 and you end up with viewers who have become cynical and more snarky. Those are just my ideas and thoughts. But this board can make me snort laugh at times. So there is that!

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Maybe it’s the vitriol and anger that Joe spews everyday. The amount of money they make and the apparent lack of preparation, multiple days off, sense that they are phoning it in. If they could they would, literally. Repetition of talking points and sayings like country lawyer. Interaction with guests is odd.  Mika’s aloofness. These all make viewers angry and feeling disrespected. Thus the posts. 

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I think the disdain comes from the revisionist history, the constant vacations, and just the all around negativity of the hosts.  I like the show when they aren't around. I can even take Mika over Joe. 

It's been what since 2007 when Mika joined Joe in this unholy alliance. It was all fun and games until 2016.  They are part of the problem with the media and the way that election was covered. 

At least they know what is keeping them on the air and getting them decent ratings. It's not their professionalism, their integrity, or their likeability.  


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29 minutes ago, SeanBug said:

It was all fun and games until 2016.

Yep.  And it's gotten severely worse since the documents were found at Mar a Lago.  It's TrumpTV now, and is Joe lecturing us.  Also I think they are less likeable.  They've been married now for a while, and aren't knuckleheads anymore on a shared set.
Trump and their move to FL has gutted the show.  They are becoming the worst versions of themselves, becoming living breathing stereotypes right in front of our eyes.

I want three months in Maine.  :(

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I loved him, too. I remember him from the old radio days and watched him over the years on tv...even followed him to Fox Business and then to the RFD channel or whatever the farm and agricultural channel was called. I actually met and interacted with him and his family back 40 yrs ago when I was a young nurse. So kind despite his on-air persona. I was impressed with the work he put into the Imus Ranch for Kids with Cancer. Legendary.

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Caught a glimpse of the Brady Bunch squares (Ugh) on my way to CNBC, where I found such a treat! Mike Allen (Axios guy who once was a MJ regular) was in the studio with Becky, Andrew, and Joe Kernan (my tv husband) for a lively 15 minute discussion covering the looming UAW strike, politics, and pleasant back and forth chit chat. Upbeat and "in the moment" conversation. Give and take of relevant info with all participating. Just an FYI: there are enjoyable alternatives out there.

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I've been harping on Rev Al for continually bringing up the Central Park 5 on MJ and his show but not having at least Yousef Salaam on who was elected to the NY City Council last November.

Today he had Yousef Salaam on his show. Thank you Rev Al 

I hope he can convince all the exonerated five to go public and tell the black community who that man really is that called for their executions in a full page ad and offered no apology to them after they were exonerated 

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I've been paying no attention save for having the TV on with no sound.   Did Hunter Biden not plead guilty previously in court when he admitted to everything?  

What has MSNBC been broadcasting for the past 48 hours?  He lied about drug use when he bought a gun.  Didn't use the gun.  Just lied about drug use out of shame.  I guess they are hammering home the wasteful, deeply cynical circus this is?

I wonder how many guns Trump Jr has purchased while rolling?

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7 hours ago, Lowcountry snark said:

I've been paying no attention save for having the TV on with no sound.   Did Hunter Biden not plead guilty previously in court when he admitted to everything?  

What has MSNBC been broadcasting for the past 48 hours?  He lied about drug use when he bought a gun.  Didn't use the gun.  Just lied about drug use out of shame.  I guess they are hammering home the wasteful, deeply cynical circus this is?

I wonder how many guns Trump Jr has purchased while rolling?

He did and he had a plea deal. However the original judge was the one who would oversee the two year diversion period, and she had concerns about that as well as concerns that if a President who didn't like the Bidens (cough cough) came in and had that deal over turned, or something like that


Like Joe said, if this wasn't a Biden, they would have never brought the charges. It was basically to embarrass the Bidens.   Jeanine Pirro said Jill Biden showing up at the trial was her attempt to intimidate the jury. Yeah we all know how intimidating Jill is.  At least Hunter's family showed up.  

I guess Hunter Biden is the only person who has to be governed by gun laws, according to the Right everyone and anyone should have a gun and do what they want.  Second Amendment!! 


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To help with your cortisol levels, I suggest you let go of DirecTV, and get the BritBox and Acorn apps for your smart TV.
Give your pysche a figurative spa day by bathing in the warm, comforting embrace of cozy mysteries:
Pie in the Sky,
Midsomer Murders,
Rosemary & Thyme,
Both Marples,
Agatha Rasin,
George Gently,
My Life is Murder,
Harry Wild,
Whitstable Pearl,
Brokenwood Mysteries,
Foyles War,
Father Brown,
Phrynie Fisher,
Sister Boniface,
Shakespeare & Hathaway,
McDonald & Dodds,
Watch these brits murder each other in picturesque villages and you'll bask in. comforting calmness, and when you look up it'll be the summer of 2028.

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2 hours ago, Lowcountry snark said:

I know every line of dialogue to every episode.  I have to give it some space for a year here and there and return to keep it fresh.
Tom Barnaby is the goat.  His cousin? Less so.

His cousin? No no no. I love the old ones. The show isn't as much fun as it used to be. Murdering priests, bell ringers, bird watchers, people being done in by catapaulting wine bottles; run over by huge, rolling circles of cheese. And a victim discovered lying, tied down, in a picture perfect miniature English village.  Like Gulliver.

Edited by Kemper
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I used to watch some of those shows. 

I watched Grantchester on PBS, but it just became so ridiculous. Also, it's a small town in England, and they've killed off half the population. 

There was one on Prime, White Chapel, which is really good. Basically murders in the White Chapel area, where Jack the Ripper preyed on women.  But it's set in current day London. 

And Bodies on Netflix.  Four detectives in London living in four eras, from the late 1800s to current day, find the same murder victim in the same alley. Slowly how it all ties together is revealed. 

We don't even have to watch MJ anymore. The media is ripping Joe and Co to shreds.  Just google Joe and see it all falling apart right before our eyes. 

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Shetland (BritBox) is wonderful.  I really miss Jimmy Perez as lead detective but don't mind the new detective all that much. It is hard to get used to cast changes.  She was previously in a light-hearted mystery series ... Agatha Raisin?  

I watched White Chapel while visiting my son and liked it.  He has Prime so I binged while he was at work.  I also like Bosch - read all the books.

Edited by Kemper
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7 hours ago, millennium said:

influenced the media pile-on over the pardon these last few days.   It gave the media a -- what's that catch-phrase we heard so often before the election?  A permission structure? -- to openly engage in anti-Democrat coverage to publicly appease the new regime.

...From the other thread.

He pardoned his son for crimes Hunter had already pled guilty too, but was re-tried by partisan scumbags to fuel the propaganda machine and influence smooth brained voters so Trump could get re-elected.  Hunter's conviction was performative, and the show is over.  What the fuck, MSNBC?  Their tender, precious, meek outrage at the pardon is why the Liberals can't even see the pendulum, it's swung so far away.

Also, Hunter is Biden's son.  Of course he pardoned his son. WTF?
Also, this is the sort of behavior the majority of the American voting electorate plainly supports, based on November 7th.

This isn't even news, yet standard, traditional newsies are inflaming their arthritis to clutch those pearls.  "Integrity" and "rule of law" are such quaint notions in today's America, and being pious about pardoning Hunter is only self-important posturing for the midtown/Beltway old-school journo clique.

Wild that Joe Scarborough version 3.1 can't view this in context, but would instead make a non-issue into a sanctimonious bloviation.

Edited by Lowcountry snark
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1 hour ago, Lowcountry snark said:


...From the other thread.

He pardoned his son for crimes Hunter had already pled guilty too, but was re-tried by partisan scumbags to fuel the propaganda machine and influence smooth brained voters so Trump cold get reelected.  Hunter's conviction was performative, and the show is over.  What the fuck, MSNBC?  Their tender, precious, meek outrage at the pardon is why the Liberals can't even see the pendulum, it's swung so far away.
Also, Hunter is Biden's son.  Of course he pardoned his son. WTF?
Also, this is the sort of behavior the majority of the American voting electorate plainly supports, based on November 7th.

This isn't even news, yet standard, traditional newsies are inflaming their arthritis to clutch those pearls.  "Integrity" and "rule of law" are such quaint notions in today's America, and being pious about pardoning Hunter is only self-important posturing for the midtown/Beltway old-school journo clique.

Wild that Joe Scarborough version 3.1 can't view this in context, but would instead make a non-issue into a sanctimonious blovation.

Agree completely. The outrage over this is so ridiculous. It's like, MSNBC wants their ratings to drop even further.  Where has this so called integrity gotten Democrats?  JFC get down in the dirt and beat them at their own game. I'm glad Biden pardoned Hunter. 

FFS Democrats, you can be the better people without being a bunch of whiny little b****es. Grow a pair and fight these fuckers instead of whimpering in the corner. We're all sick of you and your holier than thou bullshit. When are you going to grow up and realize the American voter wants someone who is tough enough to take on the worst of the worst. 

Now if Biden had any decent advisors left, they'd tell him to spend the next 6 weeks pardoning people who are in federal prison for non violent, drug related crimes. To show America that justice and compassion are for all people, not just the rich and well connected. 

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So I've been rewatching "The Newsroom", the Aaron Sorkin HBO series about a cable news network. 

I realize this is somewhat fictional in that it covers actual news stories, BP oil spill, Tea Party, Gabby Gifford shooting, Bin Laden, etc. but since all these events had already happened, Sorkin has the luxury of writing the coverage with the hindsight of knowing what went wrong and how to cover it better. 

I keep thinking "if only Joe and the rest of the media had the courage and integrity of these fictional characters".  Jeff Daniels' character goes to jail for 52 days for refusing to reveal a source. Joe and Mika ran to Mar A Lago with their tails between their legs because they were scared to death Trump might sue them.   Let's just say JoMika won't be winning the Edward R Murrow Award for Excellence in Journalism any time soon. 

Fun fact, Daniels' character Will McAvoy is a former district attorney and...wait for it...Republican.  

It's a fun watch; to see reporters recognize how cowardice,  putting ratings and winning elections over facts and failing to speak truth to power leads to the issues we are dealing with right now.  


The heck with a reboot of The West Wing. Reboot The Newsroom, maybe the media will learn something. 


Edited by SeanBug
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