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S11.E08: Risk


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Because she's treated him like crap since then, he said it in this episode. She never supported him staying. He tells her he chose her, he chooses the kids, he doesn't want to be away from the children and his family.


And he's treated her like crap, hell, he even acknowledged that to Richard tonight.  They both are angry and flailing.  There is no one right side in this argument.  They have both been pretty lousy to each other this season, for reasons wrapped up in who they are and their history and what they lived through growing up to where they are now. The last few episodes have shown us that: (i) Derrick defaults to "protector" mode, even if he doesn't want to, and angrily rebels against it and (ii) Meredith fears being subsumed into someone else's orbit, she is afraid she might be to Derrick what Richard was to Ellis...or, god forbid, in her mind, she's the Thatcher.  Can she live with not being Ellis?


There's a reason we are seeing flashbacks this season and voiceovers about how memories can be faulty and have gaps and maybe lead us to be something when we don't have the whole picture. And now folks are starting to have a better picture...Richard, Derrick, Meredith, hell, I'll even throw in Maggie here. Arizona and Callie are trying/have tried to work through their history (lots of flashbacks).  Alex at Meredith's house where everyone gathered gave us a visceral flashback last episode (when mostly new folks were gathered like our originals used to be), he explicity referenced what that house used to mean this episode.  Etc.......


There is a theme here, maybe we don't like it, but it's there.  And I'm intriqued.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 6

The actor who plays Jackson instagrammed a birth certificate with his and Aprils names on it so I'd say they've filmed the birth by now.

I'd also say that after many arguments about what to do and religion etc that the baby won't make it and April will leave to get her head together while the actress takes some maternity.

This episode made it clear to me that the writers have no idea what to do with Stephanie outside of sticking her in the middle of Jackson/April so I'm sure her and Jackson will be bouncing again by the end of this season.

Edited by Chas411

This episode made it clear to me that the writers have no idea what to do with Stephanie outside of sticking her in the middle of Jackson/April so I'm sure her and Jackson will be bouncing again by the end of this season.


Hopefully, Stephanie has more self respect than that. The last few months have been awkward enough for her. I get that Jackson and his eyes are supposed to be as dreamy as Derek and his hair. But, I'd hope the fact that Jackson humiliated her in front of almost everyone they know would lessen his appeal. Not just for Stephanie. But, for any other woman at the hospital who isn't April. 


Also, aren't we supposed to think that Jackson is a good guy? Cheating on his BFF doesn't really fit with that. Plus, Catherine was proud that Jackson had the stones to stand up for what was "mint to be." So I'd be shocked if Jackson cheated on April. 


It would have been nice to know Stephanie was interested in fetal surgery before this episode. 


Miranda probably could have stepped away from walking up and down the stairs and chugging kale smoothies to consult on Maggie's case. Even though I don't really get why she needed a general surgeon to consult if the problems were with the patient's heart and brain.

Edited by RaeSpellman
  • Love 3

Where is Bailey's storyline heading? It's such a weird little thing they've been putting in the episodes.


I have a sinking suspicion that it's leading back to her OCD.  Health is a known potential obsession for those with OCD.


Derek should take the kids, Meredith's awful. She's been nothing but a bitch since he said he's stay for the family. She's been punishing him for choosing her ad the kids, like she rather he not.


She's been a bitch since last season when the whole Washington deal started.  I understood it then, because he did go back on a promise, but now, IMHO, she's being totally unreasonable.  In her eyes, he can't do anything right. I totally agree about him taking the kids.  He's a far better parent.

Edited by KnitsWithRaceCars
  • Love 2

Meredith is being a bitch because she manufactured this drama from the start.  Why the hell was it so horrible to consider moving with her husband?  Who exactly did she stay in Seattle for?  Not her person..her person grew up and moved to pursue her career.  Not her family.  Not her career....let's see a ruined Alzheimer's trial and a bombed 3-d printing project. Hmmm.  She stayed b/c she was jealous and pissy that Derek was once again shining and she realized she was not the freaking sun, she was the moon.  And she decided to stay and try to be the sun in her little world rather than let Derek, I don't know. HELP ALL OF HUMANITY.


And then she got mad when he chose family over work. Because she is her mother's child and would NEVER EVER EVER choose that.



  • Love 12

The April/Avery baby SL might be what Sarah Drew pitched to Shonda, so if that's the case I don't feel too bad about it.

I mean, she catapulted Jessica Capshaw's fictional baby through a windshield and made her sing about it less than a month after she gave birth, so it could be worse.

As for this episode, I thought it was quite tame for a not quite mid season finale, but I liked that. Everyone who they've focused on these first 8 episodes had a small cliffhanger emotionally rather than another contrived "event."

So far, to me, this has been the best season since S6. They're focusing on the characters instead of throwing the characters into plot driven SLs. All of the characters deserve that after the last couple seasons.

  • Love 4
I was a bit surprised that they went for a seemingly incurable congenital condition for April & Jackson's baby... I thought they would have gone for a surgical problem for Herman / Arizona to fix.

Considering that Dr. Herman's inoperable terminal brain tumor is now something that Amelia can fix, I am waiting for one of the doctors to come up with some crazy way to save the baby.

  • Love 1

Considering that Dr. Herman's inoperable terminal brain tumor is now something that Amelia can fix, I am waiting for one of the doctors to come up with some crazy way to save the baby.

If they want to go the TV contrived route, I'm sure it'll be Arizona magically saves April and the baby in one OR while Amelia kills Herman in another.

However, I think the baby and Herman are both going to die. They really seem to want to hit home the whole everyone Arizona dares to care about other than Callie and Sofia up and dies on her and she handles it poorly thing.

Meredith is being a bitch because she manufactured this drama from the start.  Why the hell was it so horrible to consider moving with her husband?  Who exactly did she stay in Seattle for?  Not her person..her person grew up and moved to pursue her career.  Not her family.  Not her career....let's see a ruined Alzheimer's trial and a bombed 3-d printing project. Hmmm.  She stayed b/c she was jealous and pissy that Derek was once again shining and she realized she was not the freaking sun, she was the moon.  And she decided to stay and try to be the sun in her little world rather than let Derek, I don't know. HELP ALL OF HUMANITY.


And then she got mad when he chose family over work. Because she is her mother's child and would NEVER EVER EVER choose that.




That's exactly it. What has Meredith been really doing? She is going out drinking with her friends and laughing about things and using patients to win her arguments. Where is her research? Where are her trials? Where is she being a teacher or anything else? IT'S NOT THERE! 

 Also with Stephanie, they have no idea what to do with her. She is the middle person in constant Jackson/April drama since day 1. She has no life outside of them, nothing. Just end the show already.

  • Love 2

I hated all the confidentiality breaches, especially the resident carrying around the ultrasound report.


Well, it's not like confidentiality breaches are anything new at Seattle Grace Mercy Death.


I'm fully expecting that Arizona will end up having to perform some kind of new, ground-breaking, miracle interuterine surgery which will save April's baby - just in time for May sweeps.  Otherwise that storyline is going to be very sad.  I don't particularly like April and Jackson, but I wouldn't have wished this on them either.

I'll never get why people think Meredith is being a bitch.


HE made a choice not to go - HE is moping around because of it when SHE told him he could go. 


All his misery that he blames on her is actually his own fault. She said he could go and he chose not to.


If anything, Meredith has been stubborn because exactly what she guessed was going to happen happened - he's blaming her and begrudging her for not being able to go - when it was his own choice. Which is why she told him to go in the first place. 



The truth is Derek is lashing out because he can't handle the guilt either way - leaving the project or leaving the wife/kids. He knows he's being selfish either way which is why he's acting like a huge baby.

Personally, I split the difference by not liking either of them during this storyline.  And really, for most of the last 11 seasons.  I'm just here for Alex.

  • Love 3

When Jo said Meredith was in their bed every night, I thought what about her kids? She works all day and doesn't even see her kids at night? I've found both Derek and Meredith entitled and haughty the last couple seasons.

For some odd reason I adore April and Jackson and hope both they and the baby end up well. Also like Owen and wish he could find some happiness, but I think Amelia is too needy (based on how she was on PP).

  • Love 2
Meredith is being a bitch because she manufactured this drama from the start.  Why the hell was it so horrible to consider moving with her husband?  Who exactly did she stay in Seattle for?  Not her person..her person grew up and moved to pursue her career.  Not her family.  Not her career....let's see a ruined Alzheimer's trial and a bombed 3-d printing project. Hmmm.  She stayed b/c she was jealous and pissy that Derek was once again shining and she realized she was not the freaking sun, she was the moon.  And she decided to stay and try to be the sun in her little world rather than let Derek, I don't know. HELP ALL OF HUMANITY.

And then she got mad when he chose family over work. Because she is her mother's child and would NEVER EVER EVER choose that.


Well said. Except I don't buy that Meredith has ever not believed herself to be "the sun" in her relationship with Derek since he left Addison. From season 3 forward most of the relationship has been dictated by what she wanted. A few examples - sex only and nothing else for much of season 4, him having to accept having her friends jumping in bed with him then having to live with them in seasons 5+, wanting to move to Boston for her career then backing out and now this. Cristina may have used the wording but Meredith consistently had to have things her way without much consideration for him.  


Mostly though I fault Meredith for never even considering her children in all her yelling this season. She argued about her career, her friends, her life in Seattle but never how her children would be impacted by Derek taking the job in DC and she staying in Seattle. For someone who spent seasons about her Daddy issues you'd think there would be some concern about her kids if Derek were to be away so much.  


I notice the missing kids more than I probably would otherwise because of this forum. As they were arguing while leaving the hospital I was waiting for one of them to remember they should probably go get their kids out of magical 24 hour daycare to bring them home.  I guess they just left them there to wait for Amelia to get them after finishing with Arizona.


When Jo said Meredith was in their bed every night, I thought what about her kids? She works all day and doesn't even see her kids at night? I've found both Derek and Meredith entitled and haughty the last couple seasons.


The kids aren't the sun, she is.  Poor Jo has no idea that its probably going to get much worse for her with Derek going to DC.

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 4

I am so over Meredith and Derek's "drama" I don't know what to do with myself. In this situation, they're both right and they're both wrong but they're also both being petty and obnoxious and it's really, really annoying.


After contorting my brain around and around, I think I kind of understand what Meredith's problem is. Derek gave up the job for her, but she didn't want him to give it up for her. She wanted him to agree with her. She wanted him to agree that her work is just as important to her as his is to him, and if he doesn't go to D.C. it should be because he believes she needs to be here and he wants to be here with her. By "giving up" the D.C. job, he is not saying at all that her work is as important as his. He is still saying that his work is more important, but he's going to play the martyr and sacrifice his bigger thing so she can have her little thing. At least that's how I think she feels, and for her it doesn't feel like a choice so much as a guilt trip. But the problem is she makes this point perfectly clear - that he didn't choose her, he sacrificed himself, and she feels like he never seems let up on that. That he gave it up for her and now he's waiting on her to show him what he gave up D.C. for, to prove that she actually had a case when she argued that she couldn't just as well work in D.C.


And the thing is, I don't see what her case is either. Why can't she do the same work in D.C.? Seattle is her home base, but people find new home bases all the time. It's just life. I think this whole thing is just about her wanting to "win," to be the one who makes the call. She doesn't want everything to revolve around Derek and Derek's life and what Derek wants - and her desire to get away from that is probably blinding her to the fact that, annoying as it is in general, this is one situation in which it's likely the more logical choice to make anyway. This is a huge job that he really can't turn down, he wants her to come with him, and quite frankly, there's no real pressing reason why she CAN'T - she just doesn't want to because it was his idea for his stuff and it would feel like she was going along with his plans instead of what they would really be doing which is making a choice together. It's just a pissing contest, just like the one they got into regarding that patient and what problem needed to be addressed first. He had a point, he was probably right, and she knew he was probably right but she had to be the one who was righter just so she wouldn't be deferring to his choices.


Derek has not been very supportive of her. He has gone out of his way to make her feel guilty for the choice HE made and has generally been horrible to her. But quite honestly, I can't really take Meredith's side since I have no idea why he should have had to do anything in the first place.

  • Love 8

This is a huge job that he really can't turn down, he wants her to come with him, and quite frankly, there's no real pressing reason why she CAN'T - she just doesn't want to


That's the thing, what is she doing that she can't move to DC temporarily for? Being in Alex's bed every night and drinking? That's all she's doing, they're not showing her actually try to strive for anything at work. Her 3D liver printing plot is gone, she's not doing anything else. The only reason she's refusing to go is because Derek's getting a huge opportunity for his career and she's got nothing. Which is just selfish, especially for her 2 kids that if she works all day and is at Alex's all night when does she see and parent?


The kids are screwed left with her, they need Derek. Someone who is actually there, willing to parent and put a family first instead of hanging out with friends and drinking.

  • Love 3

 So many  hard hitting anvils and I'm not touching Meredith and Derek. Everyone has said their piece.


1. Of course Amelia can fix Geena Davis because neither her or her doctors didn't go: "Hey!" "You have one of the best neurosyrgins in the country/world and his baby sister who is equally good." "Maybe we should consult them first before saying you are dead." Geena Davis: "Then I'll be found out about my tumor and I won't be able to operate and talk about my AMAZING abilities to my interns!" "Ok, doctor, that makes sense."


2. "So, the baby has a problem huh?" "Why did the OBGYN not notice something 3 months ago because this type of disorder can be seen at that point no problem." "Oh, she just disappeared, so who knows." "Either way, the baby is doomed!" "Oh well, ice cream anyone?" 


3. "I can't leave Seattle!" "I have to drink and sleep at my father's former house!" Wahaa!" Audience: "You have kids?"



Edited by readster


When did Jackson cheat on his BFF? Who is suppose to be his BFF?


April is Jackson's BFF. He didn't cheat on her.


Over the last couple of weeks, there have been posts expressing concern that the writers are setting it up for Jackson and Stephanie to get back together. The gist of my response was that I'd be shocked if it happened.


Jackson publicly humiliated Stephanie. He wasn't that into Stephanie the year he dated her. Jackson thinks April has the best mom ever. Catherine was proud of Jackson for having stones to stand up for love during April's wedding. Jackson's generally a good guy who cares what people think of him. Stephanie's glances at Jackson over the last couple of weeks didn't seem like the admiring glances from before. And, Jackson seems to be really into his wife.



  • Love 1

I don't want April and Jackson's baby to die. I hate sick or dying baby stories. I don't want to see any baby sick even fictional ones.


"I can't leave Seattle!" "I have to drink and sleep at my father's former house!" Wahaa!"


Sums her up. She doesn't want anyone to succeed except herself. She was pissed when Cristina was succeeding and pissed when Derek was initially offered the job. She's the kind of person who is jealous of other people and complains about their success instead of doing something to become successful themselves. She chooses to drink and whine about Derek's job offers instead of working towards her own research and career.


I agree with everyone who has said the kids would be better off with Derek. All along he's been shown as the more involved parent. It was Derek visiting Zola at daycare, Derek seen picking the kids up and Derek home with them even after pulling the plug on his best friend. Meredith had sleepovers at Cristina's, drank in the bar and talked to Cristina over her iPad and now is at Alex's drinking. Mother of the year. In the end MerDer aren't worth thinking too much about. Derek will be back in a few episodes probably giving some gag-worthy speech about how Meredith is the sun. 


I was happy to see Alex and Jo make it through the finale in tact but Meredith could ruin them in short order next year. I appreciated and like Alex saying his house is open to anyone who needs a home but he still needs to stand up for Jo. There is no excuse for Meredith to be a snotty bitch to Jo whenever she is there. Alex could open his doors but insist the women he says he loves is treated with respect in her home.

  • Love 5

Why can't she do the same work in D.C.? Seattle is her home base, but people find new home bases all the time. It's just life.


I'm actually kind of sympathetic to Mer in this regard: finding a new home base sucks. Maybe it's my hatred of moving, but I would blanch at the idea of moving literally to another coast for my spouse's job (not that I have a spouse; hypothetical). They spent roughly fifty years building their dream house (well, it felt like fifty). They have friends and a support system. Alex, Webber, Bailey, Callie, even Maggie...leaving them all behind would be a major upheaval. Meredith has never had much stability in her life (or relationships), so I can understand her clinging on to Seattle and the hospital. If Cristina, Mark, and Lexie were still there, it wouldn't even be a question.


That being said...


She doesn't want anyone to succeed except herself. She was pissed when Cristina was succeeding and pissed when Derek was initially offered the job. She's the kind of person who is jealous of other people and complains about their success instead of doing something to become successful themselves. She chooses to drink and whine about Derek's job offers instead of working towards her own research and career.


...is a very accurate sum-up of Meredith. She was an enormous immature, petty bitch to Cristina last season. Turns out it was foreshadowing. (And I can't stand McDreamy, so that says something.)

  • Love 3

I liked the Jo and Alex scene... A couple actually communicating, laying out their problems and setting their boundaries.

I know, right? It was just such a rare treat to see two people actually explaining things to each other. That said...


Alex/Jo-Don't care about them, but they were pretty much the only happy couple by the end of it.  Somehow, I think it's the calm before the storm.

Isn't it always? Nobody gets a happily ever after on this show.


I don't get what she wants from him. She said she would move then changed her mind (2nd time she's done this to him) and left him having to choose between the new job and his family. He chooses his family and she yells pretty much non-stop. I imagine she'd be pissed if he chose the job from the start too.  He would have been shrieked at either way IMO.

Also agree, although I think someone else hit it on the head earlier: she wanted him to choose her and the kids and stay, but she wanted him to want that. She would have been mad (as evidenced by the hurt/hateful look on her face at the end of this episode when he — pushed by her — chose DC) if he had gone, and she was mad that he stayed. I think she's mad because he has feelings and an opinion of his own about this issue? On one hand, I'm sympathetic — to both of them—, because it's a tricky situation in which compromises have to be made, but they're both just being so awful about it all that I find myself not sympathetic to either.


Owen and Amelia does seem like a disaster waiting to happen, but it still seems preferable (and I think they have better chemistry) to an Owen-Callie liaison. For now, I'll reserve judgement.

Owen and Amelia does seem like a disaster waiting to happen, but it still seems preferable (and I think they have better chemistry) to an Owen-Callie liaison. For now, I'll reserve judgement.

I don't know why anyone would want Owen to be with anyone. He ended a relationship through email. He was awful to Yang. He used Teddy to score points with Yang, and basically ended up cheating with her emotionally. He physically cheated on Yang for revenge. He cheated on Dr. Mighty Duck with Yang.

Seriously, what are the redeeming qualities of this guy? Especially relationship wise. (Minus the homophobic stuff I've had to read through being an Arizona fan that Owen is better for Callie, because, penis.)

  • Love 4

Seriously, what are the redeeming qualities of this guy?

Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but as I've somewhat lamented to myself, for me, I'm pretty sure it's just because I love Kevin McKidd. I think I liked Owen for Owen's sake in the beginning, but they really have made him into an ass. All your points are 100% valid. But he's still Kevin McKidd, and for that, I can't help but still love him.

  • Love 7
I mean, she catapulted Jessica Capshaw's fictional baby through a windshield and made her sing about it less than a month after she gave birth

STOP right there. We must NEVER speak of the singing episode. We shall pretend it never happened. Any binge watching of that particular season of Grey's Anatomy will result in skippage of that episode. If we all agree to ignore it, it might just go away.

  • Love 9

STOP right there. We must NEVER speak of the singing episode. We shall pretend it never happened. Any binge watching of that particular season of Grey's Anatomy will result in skippage of that episode. If we all agree to ignore it, it might just go away.

I freakin' love that ep!

Don't these doctors have offices where they consult other doctors? Or, you know, anywhere but the middle of a corridor where anyone could overhear!

  • Love 2

Chicken Wing hit the nail on the head.  Meredith wants Derek to believe her career is just as important as his, and base his actions on that.  I'm watching season 10 on Lifetime, and today they had the conversation where Derek volunteered to scale back on surgery, focus on research, and be the primary caretaker of the kids.  He offered this because he understood that he'd been able to concentrate on his career when he was at the same point as she and he couldn't have become Dr. Super Surgeon if not for that.  Meredith has been struggling to be both a Super Surgeon (Ellis) and a good mom (opposite of Ellis).  This is a huge issue for her and has been right along.  Some of that is ego - she wants to be seen as Super Surgeon even if she does less surgeries and prioritizes the kids (which she did before this season).  


I've always viewed Christina as Ellis 2.0 and been glad she made the choice not to have kids.  I think being best friends with Christina allowed Meredith to work out a lot of her issues with Ellis.  Meredith was very hurt last year when Christina viewed her as less of a surgeon, she bristled in part because she'd been programmed by Ellis to view the mommy track as Less Than.  


Meredith also started out as someone who never had a family and who has built one at the hospital.  I can see not wanting to leave that.  She wants her kids to grow up with what she didn't have.


I see Meredith and Derek as very human right now.  They are both being jerks.  They are both unable to articulate their problems, which are so wrapped up in stuff that happened before they even met that they likely can't even articulate it to themselves.  This rings really true to me.  In real life, we don't always have the ability to clearly identify what we are feeling, or to understand a partner's feelings even when they aren't rational.  Mer wants to have her cake and eat it too - be a good mom and a good surgeon and that's a really hard thing.  Derek wants to be a good dad and a good surgeon but he doesn't feel as conflicted about it as Mer does.  Part of that is gender and part of it is that he had a great Mom.  And I do think he believes his career is more important than Mer's and more important than Amelia's.  This is a difficult thing to negotiate and I'd much rather watch this than another shooting/plane crash/flood.

  • Love 9

My problem with Meredith's issues over Derek viewing his career as more important is that she should have expected it from when they got married... She chose to marry a world-class, in-demand neurosurgeon while she was still a resident building her career. She should have been prepared for the fact that he would get all sorts of offers and that they may end up moving away from Seattle. 


In the Season 10 finale she compared herself to Thatcher, but by marrying Derek when he was who he was while she was who she was, she chose to be the Thatcher to his Ellis with respect to their careers. 


I also think that when Derek was married to Addison she was as accomplished in her field as she was in his and she was very confident in how awesome she was, she didn't need Derek to reassure her about how important her career was. So for him to now be married to someone who is building her career and trying to prove herself in the world of surgery, I don't think he fully prepared himself for what marrying someone at a different stage in her career would mean for him and his work. 


All in all, much like every other couple on the show, they should have communicated more about the practicalities of their future and what it would mean for their careers when they got married.

  • Love 4

Princess TT, I hear you, but Derek and Addison were exactly in the same place career wise, and they had no kids. Big difference.  


That's what I was saying... They were in the same place career wise so Derek hadn't had to deal with tip-toeing around his wife's career before, and he didn't necessarily consider how different it would be being married to someone who wasn't as far in their career before he married Meredith.


In the same way, Meredith didn't consider what being married to an in-demand world-class neurosurgeon would potentially mean for her career and her future.


Obviously having kids now complicates matters, but these are the sort of issues that they should have considered and discussed before getting married and having kids. 


This is why I can't invest in any of the Grey's relationships anymore, they're all destined to suffer from the same lack of communication problem. For all of them, their dramas are largely their own fault due to neither party talking to their partner and making decisions together.

Edited by PrincessTT
  • Love 3

I really hope they don't do to April what they did to Amelia on Private Practice and have her carry the baby to term. Amelia's labor was heartbreaking to watch as the baby was born without a brain and didn't survive but for a few minutes while gasping for air.

The Instagram post on Sarah Drew & Jesse Williams Twitter accounts is interesting though...

I'm watching season 10 on Lifetime, and today they had the conversation where Derek volunteered to scale back on surgery, focus on research, and be the primary caretaker of the kids.  He offered this because he understood that he'd been able to concentrate on his career when he was at the same point as she and he couldn't have become Dr. Super Surgeon if not for that.


To be fair, this super-magnanimous offer of Derek's to Meredith lasted all of two days before he got offered the brain-mapping job / Obama's offer.

  • Love 2
Who was the other actress and what show

Teresa Castillo, General Hospital. Her baby on the show was born early, caught an infection and died. All this while the actress was heavily pregnant and close to delivery.


Something like that also happened on The Fosters this year too. 


I think this is where it's going.  Jackson will want to terminate now and April will want to let it play out naturally.  Either way, I'm pretty sure baby Avery is doomed.


That was the first thing I thought of when they said that if a baby survives it doesn't live very long.  I'm hoping they don't go with her having the baby and it miraculously survives and that converts Jackson or something.   Not that I want the baby to die either.

Granted, I'm still fed up with Mer and Der because of all the refusal to get a nanny and all the babysitting mix-up which ended up being pure selfishness on their part because a nanny would have been better for the kids.  So yeah, they may be the show's A couple but they're both fundamentally selfish.


I think Derek should go to Washington because that's what he wants to do.  A couple of years away from Mer and the kids vs a lifetime of resenting them for not letting him live his dream.  I'm with Mer on that, although I'd be fed up with her behaviour too.


I really hope they don't do to April what they did to Amelia on Private Practice and have her carry the baby to term. Amelia's labor was heartbreaking to watch as the baby was born without a brain and didn't survive but for a few minutes while gasping for air.

Speaking of pregnant actresses.....


I can understand why writers do that though.  Most women on TV shows are of an age to get pregnant and if they do and the writer doesn't want to write in the child, there's the agony of losing a baby to wrap it up nicely.


I like Amelia and I like Owen and I want them both to find happiness but this is way too fast. Cristina's footprints are barely dry.

I think that Mer is the epitome of passive-agressive. I think that she wants what she wants and tries to get it but refuses to articulate that.

I do wish that they named their baby boy Sloan after Derick's best friend, through instead of Bailey and I love Bailey.


There is no doubt that April will carry that baby to term. I wish that they didn't feel that pregnant actresses' pregnancies had to be written into shows. I wish be could go back to the days where the bellies were hidden behind large purses, counters or big plants.

Edited by Lillybee
  • Love 1

There is no doubt that April will carry that baby to term. I wish that they didn't feel that pregnant actresses' pregnancies had to be written into shows. I wish be could go back to the days where the bellies were hidden behind large purses, counters or big plants.


Just like Shonda managed to do with Kerry Washington's pregnancy during last season of Scandal, it was successfully hidden for the most part. And they didn't write Sarah Drew's first pregnancy, or Jessica Capshaw's pregnancies into the show.


Although, I'm sure I read somewhere that April's pregnancy was planned before Sarah Drew was pregnant.

Edited by PrincessTT
  • Love 2

Just like Shonda managed to do with Kerry Washington's pregnancy during last season of Scandal, it was successfully hidden for the most part. And they didn't write Sarah Drew's first pregnancy, or Jessica Capshaw's pregnancies into the show.


Although, I'm sure I read somewhere that April's pregnancy was planned before Sarah Drew was pregnant.


I think April's pregnancy may have even aired before Sarah Drew got pregnant.  I know for sure the storyline started airing at least before SD announced her pregnancy to the general public.


They also didn't write in Ellen Pompeo's pregnancy.  Hers was the reason for the storyline of Meredith donating part of her liver to Thatcher, then being home in bed recovering from surgery.  There's a scene in the first episode of that storyline where Meredith is pacing around trying to decide whether she's going to help Thatcher.  While she's pacing, she has her hands in the pockets of her lab coat and is pulling her lab coat out to both sides and forward.  She is also being filmed from a distance that I estimated to be maybe 25 feet, and it's from Derek's and Cristina's POV as they're watching her.  I think the lab coat position and the distance were to allow them to show more of EP/Mer while still hiding EP's pregnant belly.


I didn't say this in any of my previous posts about this epi because I wasn't sure I was really seeing and hearing this, but a rewatch earlier tonight made me more certain...  In the last MerDer scene, did Derek's phone dialing and the pace of his end of the phone conversation seem rushed and off to anyone?  It really did to me.  There weren't enough key tones when he was dialing for what I would think would have to be a number that included an area code.  I know this is a common goof on TV, but it ties into my overall observation and wonderings.  Then when he was supposedly having a two-way conversation with the woman from DC, the pace of his lines sounded to me like the woman he was supposedly speaking to didn't have time to say the things that Derek was supposedly responding to.  It seemed very unnatural and fake to me, which leads me to wonder if Derek really was faking the whole call in an attempt to see if Mer was bluffing about telling him to go to DC.  I'm sure Derek was angry and probably hurt when he was doing that, and I guess that could account for it seeming off, but it seemed to me to be more off than that.  Thoughts anyone?

Edited by KnitsWithRaceCars


It seemed very unnatural and fake to me, which leads me to wonder if Derek really was faking the whole call in an attempt to see if Mer was bluffing about telling him to go to DC  Thoughts anyone?


You are asking if Derrick faked the job offer to measure Meredith's reaction?  My take is no, no he did not.  And, if he did, well, good for Meredith for staying home in Seattle, because who the holy hell would test a spouse lke that?!!

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You are asking if Derrick faked the job offer to measure Meredith's reaction?  My take is no, no he did not.  And, if he did, well, good for Meredith for staying home in Seattle, because who the holy hell would test a spouse lke that?!!


I don't think the poster meant Derek faked the whole job offer, just that the phone call he made accepting the job may have been faked. 


In my opinion, the phone call did seem a bit off and the timing of the conversation he was having with the woman was too fast. However I don't think it was a faked call, I think the timing issue was because they had so much to fit in to the show that the call scene was rushed. 

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Just like Shonda managed to do with Kerry Washington's pregnancy during last season of Scandal, it was successfully hidden for the most part. And they didn't write Sarah Drew's first pregnancy, or Jessica Capshaw's pregnancies into the show.


Although, I'm sure I read somewhere that April's pregnancy was planned before Sarah Drew was pregnant.

Yeah the character of April was pregnant before Sarah got pregnant, Sarah said so in an interview 

I find it ridiculous that Maggie outranks Derek. I know she's the department head, though I still find that a stretch, but it just doesn't seem right ya know? Having said that, I do think Meredith and Maggie handled the patient accordingly, while Derek and then Richard were trying to strong arm the situation. 


And speaking of being a douche bag, Owen needs to chill out. I seem to recall him being in the room, too, and yet he blames Callie for all of it. Does he not have a voice? Or is it only used to demean and yell at the female surgeons? I'm over his moody crap. 


Bailey and her kale was funny. I like seeing the lighter side of her, but I do miss "the Nazi" too. 

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