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Your Recovery Experience? 12-Step/Rehab


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Experiences with The Program an Al-Anon - how different than depicted and how similar.

I have had two Significant Recovering Addicts - one with 11 years clean and one with 30. I have a food addiction. I was wondering why Jackie does not attend Narcotics Anonymous. The Step study is the same, but there tends to be a a slightly different demographic in NA.

Group rules vary; some use a timer for shares and some allow "crosstalk". But I have only been to one meeting where a podium was used. Most are a lot more casual, with seating in a circle. I worry that the Nurse Jackie's depictions might turn people off to coming to their first meeting.


Also, I have not known people to simply split from a meeting (as Antoinette and Jackie did) once they have gone to all the trouble of getting to one!

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