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S11.E03: Got To Be Real

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No, Maggie, it wasn’t a nightmare for Richard that you showed up. It was a nightmare for us at home.


Meredith’s bitch-baby tears were annoying. I loathe McDouchey, but he did voluntarily give up the D.C. job and doesn’t seem to be a martyr about it with her. Meredith taking this somehow as a loss for HER career is nonsensical and irritating. Don’t people ever talk about things with their spouses?


Shonda’s perpetual ladyboner for the military is so obvious. “Heroes” and “soldiers” aren’t synonyms in the dictionary.


Bailey is awful but OF COURSE she gets the seat. I hate her.


This episode was 99% grand screamy speeches set to music. So, business as usual?

  • Love 7

I'm so tired of Owen being a douche and than apologizing for it. He needs character growth stat. I really hope they don't go down the Callie/Owen road ever since the alt-universe episode I have been worried about that. I really liked Amelia telling Derrick off. I didn't mind Maggie being hurt about Richard he had multiple  times to tell her.

Edited by choclatechip45

I didn't watch the first two episodes of the season. The only thing that kept me going through some of the crappier sections of Grey's Anatomy was Cristina. Once Sandra Oh left - bless her heart, I know she's going to do great wherever she goes :-) - I didn't really see the point in going on with the show.


Tonight my mom suggested I give the show a try again. For the first 30-40 minutes, I thought, hey, I should start watching this again. Alex and Meredith were awesome. I really felt for Callie. Even Owen brought it. And I started to get sucked in.


Then, the last 5 minutes. Are you effing kidding me??? Rewarding someone who's done NOTHING but behave like a toddler with a tantrum for the last 3 seasons at least?



  • Love 2

Maggie is coming across as looking for her biological family not because she wants to know them but to prove that they are horrible people and being given up for adoption wasn't about her.  She's lashing out at Meredith and Richard because Ellis isn't there to bear the brunt of it.  That she's had time to adjust and Meredith and Richard haven't doesn't enter into it for her.  Honestly, its not any worse than anything Meredith and Richard have done and maybe a little understandable, but she's new and I don't care.


Alex is the only character on the show that I'm consistently fond of anymore so its not helping my resentment of everything else about the show that he keeps getting screwed over.


Meredith’s bitch-baby tears were annoying. I loathe McDouchey, but he did voluntarily give up the D.C. job and doesn’t seem to be a martyr about it with her. Meredith taking this somehow as a loss for HER career is nonsensical and irritating.

Meredith is pissed because Meredith ALWAYS has to be the martyr.


Derek should take the kids and leave her ass.

  • Love 2

Meredith is handling it weirdly, but Derek does seem martyred to me.  He's depressed because he gave up the biggest opportunity of his life.  Anyone would be.  He should have talked to her about it before he quit.  It wasn't a forever move.  There are planes, he could have made it work.


Maggie screaming at Richard was ridiculous.  And assuming he must have known without even asking him?  Bullshit.  

Edited by oceanblue
  • Love 10

I have to admit, the episode won me back, with the exception of Pierce's tantrum and Alex getting screwed over yet again.  I suppose that the board seat had to go to Bailey to keep her from terrorizing the hospital.  What is Alex going to do since Pierce cost him his job?


Thank goodness that Callie and Arizona decided against the new baby.  How's about they pay some attention to Sophia?  (And please, please, please don't let Callie fall into Owen's arms!)


I see McDouchebag was in full effect at work.  What is he doing since Amelia is head of Neuro?  I think I have to watch last season to figure things out. Looks like he will be going to DC so Meredith can go into full on Drunky-pants mode.  The Day Care situation must be real prolific at Seattle.

  • Love 1

They could have easily solved Maggie's dumb temper tantrum by having more than a WEEK allegedly elapse since Yang's departure. A week? Come on! Why does the show do this with the absurd timelines. If it had been several weeks that had gone by with Webber not saying anything, Maggie's anger might not seem so insane.

Poor Alex, Bailey is the worst.

(Not a spoiler just reading the anvils) I'm actually kind of looking forward to Owen/Callie -- she deserves a hot new romance because her wife sucks and has been dumping on her for years now. Owen used to be hot, maybe he could be again with a new romance too?

  • Love 5

My favorite part of the episode was Alex and Meredith quickly tracking the info that proved that she had yet another sister.  I cackled when she admitted that she really didn't remember much about the time spent in Boston. Why would she remember Ellis being pregnant? I'm sure that Ellis spent very little time with Mere while incubating Richard's child.  Poor Alex! Being Mere's person is going to be more than he bargained for. 

  • Love 5

So much to hate. So little to like.

I continue to like Alex and Meredith's relationship, which is so golden. I'm heartbroken that he lost the seat to Bailey, who has become insufferable. My husband did say, "Why don't they just create another seat on the board?" Yup.


I also liked every scene Derek was in - PD's blue eyes are electric when he's portraying po'd Derek. And, here's a first for me, I actually liked Callie this episode. Never happened before, might not happen again.


I hated Amelia before she came onto this show, and now, well, nothing has changed. I cannot stand her. I understand Derek is being a pain in the ass, but she IS the ass.  Why is she here, and can she go away?


Maggie was horrid to Richard. Way to dump your every insecurity on Richard, and give him no time to adjust to his new normal. What people do this crap?


Finally, I got a little dizzy watching Owen's soliloquy.  Good lord, Kevin McKidd twitches instead of acts.

  • Love 4


I continue to like Alex and Meredith's relationship, which is so golden. I'm heartbroken that he lost the seat to Bailey, who has become insufferable. My husband did say, "Why don't they just create another seat on the board?" Yup.


That would be too much like right.  Alex still has Cristina's shares, doesn't he? They could have just put him and Bailey on the board and be done with it.  

  • Love 8

I have to admit, the episode won me back, with the exception of Pierce's tantrum and Alex getting screwed over yet again.  I suppose that the board seat had to go to Bailey to keep her from terrorizing the hospital.  What is Alex going to do since Pierce cost him his job?


I could see them hiring Alex back, since it looks like Arizona will be needing someone to take over her patients if she's going to do this Fellowship with Geena Davis.  Or maybe Geena decides Arizona isn't focused enough, and gives the Fellowship to Alex?

  • Love 3

There is a lot I liked about this ep but Meredith is getting on my last nerve.  Although I did like some of her scenes with Alex.


I loved Amelia telling Derek off.  He was being a tool to her.  I did like that she had some sympathy for him.


Oddly enough, I had no problem with Maggie being angry at Richard.  In her eyes he did have plenty of chances to tell her and the fact he didn't makes her feel like he didn't want her around.


Callie did the impossible for me.  She made Owen likable.  I loved her smacking him down when he was being out of line.  The scene where she said she needed something good too was really nicely done.  I like their friendship, but I don't want a relationship between them.


Callie/Arizona.  Where to start with them?  I don't think they should be having a baby right now, but that's not the point.  They agreed together to have one.  Arizona wants to do the fellowship, but was willing to give it up.  Callie said she shouldn't have to.  Now did Callie do that because she really wants her to or because she's worried if Arizona doesn't do it, she'll be unhappy.  And we know what happened the last time Arizona was unhappy.  I find it interesting that Callie said she needed Arizona to reassure her like Callie had done for her earlier.  Also bringing up the fact that Arizona didn't want to carry the baby.  Her offer to carry when they found out Callie couldn't was knee jerk and I think Callie knew that Arizona didn't really want to.  These two have a lot to fix before they even consider another kid.

  • Love 1

Sorry, I forgot something. Jesse Williams is really growing on me! He did such an excellent job as Jackson tonight... On the one hand, he has to lead the hospital, but on the other, he'd really rather be a surgeon. It's never been made quite as clear as tonight.


Bailey is going to be even MORE insufferable from now on.

Edited by stacey
  • Love 5

It really annoyed me Stephanie was making all these connection Alex has to board members. Bailey has a connection to all of them as well except for Avery. Richard is her mentor, Arizona and Callie were in her wedding and Meredith pointed out her connection. Derek has a much better professional/personal relationship to Bailey than Alex. The only people I could see on the board choosing Alex over Bailey is Arizona and Meredith.

Edited by choclatechip45
  • Love 2

And once again Shonda and Co. crap on Alex.  Poor guy can't ever catch a break.


Love, love, love Mer and Alex as friends!  The bathroom scene was so cute and funny!


Stephanie needs to STFU!  If she hadn't kept bugging Bailey to prepare, Alex probably would've kicked Bailey's butt.  We thought Bailey was insufferable before.  She's going to be way worse now.


Liked Amelia until tonight.


Is it too much to hope that Mag-Pie walked into the same black hole in the parking lot that Hahn walked into?


The shallow side of me couldn't help noticing how smoking hot Patrick was looking.

  • Love 3

It really annoyed me Stephanie was making all these connection Alex has to board members. Bailey has a connection to all of them as well except for Avery. Richard is her mentor, Arizona and Callie were in her wedding and Meredith pointed out her connection. Derek has a much better professional/personal relationship to Bailey than Alex. The only people I could see on the board choosing Alex over Bailey is Arizona and Meredith.

It annoyed me that she was implying that this was all he had going for him.

Edited by Deanie87
  • Love 4

OK, so Dr. NewestSister has years to process the fact that she's adopted and then finds out about her birth mother and then makes a conscious decision to move to and work in Ellis and Meredith's stomping grounds but she doesn't give Mer or Richard the even common courtesy to take a little time to digest her existence and/or presence??  Also, I'm so over the CalZona relationship turning on a dime every time one or the other thinks they're not being properly supported.  If the relationship is that brittle, break it off and do something new.  Or get over yourselves!!  Alex:  Run fast and run strong and find a new show where the producer will let you thrive.  

  • Love 6

So now Alex is going to be nearly the only non Doc that isn't a board member.  Not really looking forward to him answering to everyone.


They tried a last minute cry to make Bailey sympathetic after getting the seat.  Completely transparent and didn't work.


It would be awesome if Alex used his shares to wreak havoc at the hospital but I can't have nice things,  I bet he can't even sell them because of some condition set by Cristina or they have no value given that the inmates are running the asylum.


I don't understand why they choose to even bring this stuff up.  Its never more than temporary drama but the show resentment lasts much longer.  Kill Alex's Dad.  Don't have him sue or them fire the Doctor.  Give him shares equal to all the board members but suddenly that isn't the criteria to be a board member  They all had a vote deeming themselves and Bailey superior to him.

Edited by ParadoxLost

Callie cheating on Arizona with Owen would actually be worse than her staying with Arizona. Callie's not a cheater and it would be character assassination for her to sleep with him. The anvils are there, but I think there might be something even worse in the works: Callie and Arizona asking Owen to be their sperm donor. Shonda better not try to pull that "modern family" shit on us again. That would make me stop watching the show for good. I always found it homophobic that their relationship did not get to exist without a man in the middle of it and, regardless of the fact that Callie's relationship with Owen is not like her relationship with Mark, it would still be the same. I do not think their relationship should have a de facto third party in it to give Owen the child and not one, but two, wives. I fear this will come to fruition because Owen was complaining about not having a wife and child which is exactly what Mark was complaining about when he and Lexie broke up. As crappy as Callie's current relationship is, it would be totally awful to have Owen part of it. It is grossly offensive to me that the lesbian couple on the show exists to fulfill the dreams of men who want access to uteruses and women. They would never do that to a heterosexual couple and it would be even more homophobic to do it a second time. Callie and Arizona need to repair their relationship, not drag another child into it. Their relationship is jacked up. And, W=we barely hear them speak of the child they have, so why would they have another? Poor Zola, Sofia, and Bailey need to run away. Maybe they can join Alex's orphan program because they don't have parents. 


Maggie can miss me with her outrage. What kind of lunatic would think that parachuting into people's lives and then setting off a bomb in their lives is not only acceptable, but something to which they should not and would not object vehemently? I never thought I'd see someone more entitled than Meredith, but Maggie has topped her. I can't understand why she can't understand why Richard might be reluctant to go all "Luke, I am your father" to a stranger. Maggie, girl, log out. 


Alex won't get his seat on the board, but he'll get to be head of Arizona's department while she goes off and pursues her new specialty. Let us all hope that she does have a Derek-esque meltdown because she loses the power and deference that comes with being a department head. When you want something, sometimes you have to give something up. 


Derek was a total dick. He made a choice not to take that job. I would think someone with knowledge of brain mapping would also have knowledge of air travel and Skype. Or, he could have prevailed upon them to set their study up in Seattle. He's not going to be Secretary of State or the Surgeon General which would actually make it necessary for him to be in DC. They can do that study anywhere in the world and since they wanted him so much, he could have suggested that idea which I thought of in like 30 seconds. I guess they were going for the fact that the NIH's stroke institute is in Maryland, but something tells me that the research team on this show doesn't know or care about that. Either way, he has no right to take this out on other people. He chose not to try to make it workable, he chose to turn it down, and now he doesn't like it. How is that anyone's fault but his own? At least he admitted that he was being petulant and mean because he's never taken a step back in his career. But, in a lesson Owen might try to learn, admitting you are being a jerk does not make being a jerk is okay. 


I know Shonda is trying to write strong black roles for strong black women... So I don't want to say her decision to put Bailey on the board was (reverse?) racism... So I won't say it



Much like unicorns, reverse racism does not exist. Just because a black woman gets something a white man wants, it does not dismantle the structural racism in this world. I know that the default position is that straight white men are entitled to anything they want and that anyone who gets it is automatically profiting from a vast and malicious sinister campaign to hold them down, but that's a fairytale. I guess the research showing that white people actually think that they are the most oppressed group in America is true. Take heart! You guys will always have first dibs on everything because it is a feature, not a bug, of our white supremacist society. It is hideously racist, especially in light of that filthy New York Times article about her being an angry black woman, to depict Shonda as just giving Bailey the board seat because she's "trying to write roles for strong black women." Bailey has actually been denied career advancement over and over. Her students have managed to eclipse her. Despite her being there longer, being chief resident, doing research that happened to intersect with explaining a congenital illness in those kids with heart problems, and Richard telling her he was grooming her to take over for him as chief of surgery, nothing has materialized for her by way of advancement. Bailey has been insufferable, but Alex has voluntarily terminated his employment at that hospital twice now. He's only desperate for that position because he was fired for being duplicitous and not telling his employer. It is hard to take someone seriously when he leaves every time the grass is greener. I don't begrudge Alex the right to take a fellowship at another facility or to take a job in a private practice, but that undermines anything he says about being dedicated or committed to the hospital. Bailey never up and left like he has. Bailey has been there longer than he has. He can't just invoke his orphan program when he wants to go back to the hospital when he had no compunction about abandoning it twice. Also, is that program even a thing anymore? 


I can't muster up much sympathy for Richard. Cheating on your wife and then bitching about not knowing of the alleged fruits of that affair doesn't move me. Was he just gonna bring Maggie into his marriage with Adele or something? Adele also didn't have a choice in whether she should share her husband with another woman. He's messy, Ellis was messy, and Maggie is messy. He may not have had a hand in raising her, but she has the worst qualities of both of them.

  • Love 14

Of course Bailey gets the seat on the board.  That was not a surprise.  The only surprise would have been if Alex had gotten it instead. 


So, if he has Christina's shares, doesn't that mean he owns a stake in the hospital after all or does that not matter anymore?  I hope he gets a lawyer.  Christina wasn't only a board member, she was an owner - so should Alex be and he shouldn't be begging for a job.  I hope he does get the fellowship and kicks ass on it - and while he's kicking ass, can he kick MoJoJoJo out too?  She is beyond annoying and sorry, no amount of her and Stephanie trying to be all Mer/Christina-lite/like is going to make me want either one of them survive the next Mr. Clarke.


Derek is still the pouty, whiny, spoiled little boy he was from day one.  No one asked him to resign - he did that himself and so no one is to blame - but him. 


Callie and Owen.  Hm.  I can't say I would totally hate it.  One of the biggest mistakes this show ever made was to not do Callie and Mark and while Owen is no Mark - I can't say I would totally hate it.  And of course, Callie would have to cheat in order to make it all evensey with Arizona's cheating. 


Maggie.  Please do a Rosalind Shays.  I'll even hold the door for you.

  • Love 3

So not sure if I misheard or I'm misremembering but I thought Meredith said Bailey delivered her baby.  Umm I thought an ob/gyn delivered Meredith's baby in a c-section.  And then later on Bailey "saved her life", which she mentioned after the delivered my baby part.  So what am I getting wrong here?


Also Avery mentioning that Yang "screwed them" with the whole Alex vs. Bailey thing umm no Christina left her shares to someone and then Richard spoke before he should have telling Bailey about the open seat and him recommending her.  Not Yang's fault.  I really wish the board had acknowledged Christina's wishes and given the seat to Alex.  Can't Alex get one thing?  Bailey only even cares about being on the board because they shut down her lab and she's pissed about it.  Ugh I hate that Alex never gets to win.  

  • Love 3


Bailey has actually been denied career advancement over and over. Her students have managed to eclipse her. Despite her being there longer, being chief resident, doing research that happened to intersect with explaining a congenital illness in those kids with heart problems, and Richard telling her he was grooming her to take over for him as chief of surgery, nothing has materialized for her by way of advancement. Bailey has been insufferable, but Alex has voluntarily terminated his employment at that hospital twice now. He's only desperate for that position because he was fired for being duplicitous and not telling his employer. It is hard to take someone seriously when he leaves every time the grass is greener.


I tend to agree with you about Bailey.  But on reflection its not about Bailey vs. Alex for me.  Its about the board.  The idea that Alex doesn't deserve the board seat because he's not dedicated for life to the hospital is one I have a problem with.  Alex took the fellowship.  He also turned it down because the most of hos coworkers were dealing with the trauma of a plane crash.  Alex left the hospital because they weren't paying him enough that he could pay back his student loans.  There was a really easy fix to that, sue the hospital for malpractice over his father.


These board members are so loyal to the hospital that they sued it into bankruptcy because the hospital had deeper pockets and hired a charter company without checking them out well enough.


I find it baffling that they made this a storyline because I expect it to amount to nothing.  At least there was behind the scenes stuff to explain why the hospital would fire a Doctor who donated millions of Denny's money to them.  Usually they name a wing of the hospital after you for that.  On FOX you get to live in a hospital because you are a hypochondriac.     

Edited by ParadoxLost

I know that the default position is that straight white men are entitled to anything they want and that anyone who gets it is automatically profiting from a vast and malicious sinister campaign to hold them down, but that's a fairytale.


Hah, not on this show. Not for one second did I think the white guy would get the board seat over St. Bailey in all her righteousness. It's not racist to point out that Shonda does have clear agendas (as is her right) and that she as the show creator/runner makes conscious choices about storylines (as is her right). I don't think Bailey has actually been denied career advancement over and over. I do think she has had more breakdowns than anyone else at the hospital, has severe OCD, is unstable, has killed patients with a staph infection and put the hospital under enormous liability, and is generally a bitch. Alex is also a moody prick, but I do think he has the upper hand here - he was far more prepared and Yang actually gave him her shares. Why does Bailey get the seat? There is no logical reason for it.

  • Love 5
But on reflection its not about Bailey vs. Alex for me.  Its about the board.  The idea that Alex doesn't deserve the board seat because he's not dedicated for life to the hospital is one I have a problem with.  Alex took the fellowship.  He also turned it down because the most of hos coworkers were dealing with the trauma of a plane crash.  Alex left the hospital because they weren't paying him enough that he could pay back his student loans.  There was a really easy fix to that, sue the hospital for malpractice over his father.



It isn't about Alex vs. Bailey for me either, I was just combatting the silly and false notion that Alex was a victim of reverse racism because Shonda likes to write strong black women. We never hear Derek called a strong white man or attribute his success to a writer wanting to create a strong white man every time he accomplishes something. 


As for Alex suing over the death of his father, I thought his dad was married to someone else. If he was, his wife, not Alex, was his next of kin which would mean Alex had no standing to sue. You cannot sue to recover damages when you aren't the next of kin. I don't begrudge Alex his right to seek employment elsewhere. Indeed, those were two excellent opportunities for him, but the circumstances surrounding his leaving doest really rehabilitate the fact that he's left twice. He only wanted to come back this time because the grass was no longer greener. I think that the fact that he has left twice undermines any argument that he would be a reliable and permanent person because he's left twice already. Invoking the orphan program when he's left it twice just doesn't move me. I think there are reasons both Bailey and Alex are worthy of the position. I can see why someone would be reluctant to install him in that position. 


These board members are so loyal to the hospital that they sued it into bankruptcy because the hospital had deeper pockets and hired a charter company without checking them out well enough.




They had a right to be compensated for what happened to them. If they were so disloyal, they would have taken their money and let the place close. They basically gave that money back to keep it open. And, their loyalty is totally immaterial because they already have their seats and it doesn't matter. Cristina screwed up by making a unilateral decision to give Alex her seat. That was in violation of their charter or whatever it is they have that constitutes rules. Obviously, this was a ploy to set up a competition and enmity between Alex and Bailey so I can't take it too seriously. I think Arizona will give up her job to take that fellowship and I think Alex will get her position. And, Alex hasn't struck me as someone interested in administrative duties and lording power over others which is one of the reasons I like him. 


It's not racist to point out that Shonda does have clear agendas (as is her right) and that she as the show creator/runner makes conscious choices about storylines (as is her right).



It actually is racist because I never hear the same things said when the white men get things on the show. Derek has had his share of mishaps. No one said Shonda had an agenda after Derek got a prestigious research position after having violated ethical and FDA standards. Remember when he said he would never be able to get approval for research again? Well, apparently that's not true and I never hear anyone saying Shonda has an agenda because of that. Owen presided over a disaster which caused the deaths of two staff members, one to lose a limb, came very close to ending another's career, and traumatized all of them. He repeatedly ignored telephone calls and pages which is extraordinarily irresponsible. Had he not done that, there is a good chance they wouldn't have been stuck out in the woods all that time because he would have known they didn't arrive. But, despite all of this, he kept his job. Oh, and let's not forget him attacking a patient in the ER. Does Shonda have an agenda because he got to keep his job instead of being the axe? It is racist to bring up race when a black character gets something but a white character doesn't. It is racist to attribute the show's creators or writers of having an agenda if a black character gets something. As I said, it is always presumed a white character, particularly a white man, deserves what he gets or has. What's Shonda's agenda for allowing Derek and Owen to get and keep what they have despite massive fuck-ups, both of which have cost that hospitals? Everyone on this show, withe exception of Alex, is a saint, not just Bailey. And, even Alex's rudeness and misogyny get excused because he's always proven to be right in the end. This is a show about the clash of saints and the so-called best doctors ever. 


I don't expect everyone here to get that because, lest we forget, there were racist remarks about Maggie's hair and suggestions that this show be moved to BET. 

Edited by Frankie5Angels
  • Love 13

Maybe I missed something but why are they all assuming that Maggie is Richard's daughter? If Ellis was screwing around on her husband she could have been doing the same to Richard.

I haven't seen tonights episode yet so maybe its explained there but I always wondered why Richard assumed she was his.

Ellis didn't seem to be the nicest, most trustworthy person.

  • Love 3


I find it baffling that they made this a storyline because I expect it to amount to nothing

The new hospital board was a stupid storyline when they first came up with it after the plane crash and it's a shame we're still dealing with it. It's like the hospital is being run by the high school yearbook committee. When are the grown-ups gonna step in?

  • Love 5

The new hospital board was a stupid storyline when they first came up with it after the plane crash and it's a shame we're still dealing with it. It's like the hospital is being run by the high school yearbook committee. When are the grown-ups gonna step in?

It just a bunch of doctors beside Jackson who wants to do their pet project. Looking at it that way, they made the right choice in picking Bailey for that seat

Edited by gator12
  • Love 1

I was distracted by how close the camera pushed in on Owen. So much that I wondered if Callie was even still in the room.


It made me think that Owen was going to turn and find that Callie wasn't there anymore too.


Alex still has Cristina share so he is part owner of the hospital (I think that how that work)


Exactly what I said to my Mom.  I would love it if Alex would keep fighting based on this, but I'm guessing that it will just get swept under the rug by Shonda.

  • Love 1

Maybe I missed something but why are they all assuming that Maggie is Richard's daughter? If Ellis was screwing around on her husband she could have been doing the same to Richard.

I haven't seen tonights episode yet so maybe its explained there but I always wondered why Richard assumed she was his.

Ellis didn't seem to be the nicest, most trustworthy person.


I think  because Richard  and Ellis was twu wuv. Gag me with a ski pole.


For once, I would have wanted Alex to stand up for himself. Just say. "Look, I get that this is hard, but it shouldn't come to a vote, or a decision or anything. While, Bailey was offered to be nominated for an open position - I was actually given it. I have the shares, I have the seat, this is obviously what Christina wanted. The end." Let them buy him out of his shares if they wanted Bailey to have the position so badly. I actually said. "are you freaking serious?" Bailey is as bad as Izzy: breakdowns, saying "screw the hospital! I be right!" and doing what she wants to do. (but of course no one ever brings this up in the hospital because she doesn't wuv anyone, she's just Bailey and she's can just do whatever."


I give incredible credit to Shonda for making me hate someone I really used to love. 


I - however have always hated Derek, and truthfully,  and I can change my mind - Meredith was in the right. She didn't want to move, because she wanted to focus on her career in Seattle and make a name for herself. She never told Derek not to move to Washington. They could have skyped, fly down during... whenevers, and made it work for how long this doohickery thing Derek wanted to do. But Derek decided to be all martyr like and go "ohhh no, I be not taking your thunder." and then make everyone miserable because he can't be better than everyone else - go Amelia for yelling at him. 


The fact that Jackson hasn't freaking HIRED someone to do the day to day administrative work is beyond me. Stop whinging. Delegate. It's not that hard.


Geena Davis is old. And her clenched-jaw way of speaking now is really hard to understand, but I still love her.


Just free Callie already. Girl needs to go and be free. 

  • Love 4


Maybe I missed something but why are they all assuming that Maggie is Richard's daughter? If Ellis was screwing around on her husband she could have been doing the same to Richard.


When would she have had the time?


In the flashback episode where J. August Richards played Richard, Ellis implied that Ellis and Richard were both minorities in their program. They spent most of their time at the hospital. With each other. Even if Richard hadn't been Ellis' true love, it doesn't seem likely that Ellis was banging some other black dude at the time she got pregnant. 


If Maggie thought that Webber was her father, she should have just asked him. If Maggie thought even a little about the way Richard spoke to and looked at her, she should have figured out that her being there wasn't a nightmare. Jackson noticed! Even if he got the wrong impression. Plus, she walked into these people's jobs. Most people wouldn't know how to handle a long lost relative presenting themselves at their workplace.



  • Love 2

Maggie isn't being entirely honest with herself, or anyone else, about all this.  She's playing it as if she stumbled upon this hospital, stumbled upon Meredith and Richard, and was just discovering these people are related to her as she met them.  She didn't end up at this hospital randomly, and she didn't take the cardio chief job without knowing who runs this hospital. Half of them were in a plane crash; no way she wouldn't know all about these people just by googling the hospital name. 

  • Love 4

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