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The Relationships Thread: The Cardiac Wing

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COMPLETELY forgot about that dude. Was he on for like a year? Metro Crisis/Text Message Killer stuff, I think. But to answer your question, no!


The last time I shipped a coupling with K. Storms was when she was on Days. So very long ago.


Yep, he was on for about a year with the requisite Brenda teases in connection to him - both on GH and Night Shit...excuse me, Night Shift S1 - because of the shared last name, but it went nowhere (I guess VM wouldn't return then), and then Coop became a red herring as Georgie's killer, acting secretive, and the real killer, Diego, also killed Coop by hanging. (And left Maxie a note and some necklace behind that - if I recall - Mac gave to her where Coop told Maxie how much he loved her.)


Yep, he was on for about a year with the requisite Brenda teases in connection to him - both on GH and Night Shit...excuse me, Night Shift S1 - because of the shared last name, but it went nowhere (I guess VM wouldn't return then), and then Coop became a red herring as Georgie's killer, acting secretive, and the real killer, Diego, also killed Coop by hanging. (And left Maxie a note and some necklace behind that - if I recall - Mac gave to her where Coop told Maxie how much he loved her.)

Oh, yeah! I remember now, mostly because of Coop being thought to be the Text Message Killer. That whole story is UGH to this day because it resulted in the death of freaking GEORGIE of all people. And LETITIA. I never want to forget about the woman who actually raised Carly's children.

Edited by HeatLifer
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I enjoyed some of Crichton-Clark a lot - I think GH has a certain special dispensation for some of this crazy over-the-top shit and always had. Everyone running around to escape a siren and a strobe light? Great. Obrecht and Anna working together, fine. Dante and Lulu being heroic? They should be, the next generation on this show is barely established in its own right


Honestly, I'd feel better about some of this if they were willing to let Robin off the hook, as well as let Dante and Lulu, etc. actually try to carry an adventure story of their own that isn't about babies or gynecology or whatever. They were having a good time beating on those bad guys. Let them do something!



I think they pretty much WERE established as the next generation, along with Lucky, until JJ unfortunately left and Ron came along and back-burnered them and then gave them babies. Although it must be said that both of them, especially Dante, did need a dose of the backburner desperately by the time Ron came along.

not that I was opposed to giving Dante and Lulu a baby. But it should have been a surprise and not all this intrinsic planning. Or a genuine surrogacy or something. I don't know, I just feel like Ron chose the lamest way for it to go about. 


I actually have a feeling Ron planned to do away with Dante and Lulu anyway and replace them with Michael and Starr and whoever else he was planning on getting from OLTL before PP stepped in, but that's just a feeling I have, based on them getting the backburner treatment, Starr getting involved with the Haunted Starr, and the writers confirming they were going to have Natalie brought in before PP stopped it. Probably also Maxie would have faded out too if KSt hadn't come back.

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Yes, I think they were ready back then before Guza left. They aren't now, or Ron won't make them ready. But I think when we saw them running around that clinic, you got a sense of what at least some of these people could do if there was a real investment in telling stories with them as adult heroes and heroines in their own right.


I don't think Ron or Frank would ever have put Melissa Archer/Natalie on a contract at GH - I think she would have gotten the KDP/Blair treatment, coming in and out every few months to make trouble for John and Sam and mix things up, keep that multi-soap triangle in perpetual limbo. I don't know that they would have dumped Dante and Lulu, as I can't really see a difference between how irrelevant they were then vs. how irrelevant they are now. IMO the Starr/Haunted Star thing was one of their last ditch attempts to try and tie the OLTL characters deeper into the show and dig in their heels against Prospect Park.

I don't know that they would have dumped Dante and Lulu, as I can't really see a difference between how irrelevant they were then vs. how irrelevant they are now. IMO the Starr/Haunted Star thing was one of their last ditch attempts to try and tie the OLTL characters deeper into the show and dig in their heels against Prospect Park.


I do think, as much as they are an afterthought right now, they still are on way more often than they were the first year Ron wrote for the show. And I do think, whether it was Michael Easton leaving and so leaving Dante as the most senior cop or they just grew to like DZ more, that he does get more time and gets to interact with a lot of characters, even if it's just lame cop shop talk.

I do think, as much as they are an afterthought right now, they still are on way more often than they were the first year Ron wrote for the show. And I do think, whether it was Michael Easton leaving and so leaving Dante as the most senior cop or they just grew to like DZ more, that he does get more time and gets to interact with a lot of characters, even if it's just lame cop shop talk.


Well I think Dante and Lulu are getting more screen time b/c Nathan and Maxie are popular as a couple. I do think both are cute and cute together so it makes sense that if Ron is going to focus on one the other will also get some more interaction b/c young couples need friends and Nathan and Dante are partners.


I know some disagree that Nathan and Maxie are popular, but I've been reading Ron's twitter recently and I notice any mention of Naxie are the most liked and retweeted in his time line, even more than SamTrick. So I do think Naxie are going to be one of Ron's new IT couples so this will in turn give Lante more screen time and hopeful story outside of babies. I swear that babies stuff is just to make Olivia more relevant b/c she can't be on without calling herself Grandma.

I like Nathan because I think Ryan Paevey is a nice guy who comes off forthright and earnest onscreen - he makes a nice cop and friend, but I have no real investment in him with Maxie. That's just Maxie and another plastic hunk to me, it's not a pairing with substance and it's not what Kirsten Storms needs IMO. And I have no interest in him in a major story about his family, because the frontburner is the last thing RP needs. He is a secondary player at best, IMO. They're already trying way too hard with that whole clan, all to support Kathleen Gati (who doesn't need it). I think fans will also gravitate to any cute pairing with certain popular stars like Storms - I don't think Nathan and Maxie are taking off because of their unique couplehood, I think it's about her. I think the only thing you could potentially make a case for taking off on its own steam in the last several months is Julian and Alexis, and even that is more heightened by social media than actually a major groundswell IMO (though they do have great chemistry, if not great story).


And yes, Dante and Lulu were on much less in 2012. I think too much of that was on the show/Frank taking for granted that they could convince Julie Berman to stay. But in terms of who Dante used to be - I mean, Dominic Zamprogna's a really fine actor and he used to get good material, even if it was overexposed. Now he's just another clueless male chump/cop dude, like most men on a Frank and Ron show. Any good guys are (naked) chumps, any bad guys reign supreme.

Edited by jsbt
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I'm not denying Maxie and Nathan are well liked, but I wouldn't go by what Ron tweets and re-tweets. If you went by his timeline Carly and Franco probably look popular as well.


I hear what you are saying, but I didn't mean WHAT Ron tweets it was that his tweets about Naxie get more likes and retweets than any of his other tweets, but even that is small potatoes compaired to viewers overall. But it is all relative and compared to his tweets about other characters/couples Naxie gets the most attention from other people on his twitter. I really only read what Ron says for laughs and eye rolls.

And yes, Dante and Lulu were on much less in 2012. I think too much of that was on the show/Frank taking for granted that they could convince Julie Berman to stay. But in terms of who Dante used to be - I mean, Dominic Zamprogna's a really fine actor and he used to get good material, even if it was overexposed. Now he's just another clueless male chump/cop dude, like most men on a Frank and Ron show. Any good guys are (naked) chumps, any bad guys reign supreme.


Oh, no, I mean I do think they are writing him slightly better than they used, but of course how they are writing him now is no comparison to the Guza days, in terms of character. But I don't think the writers are capable of writing that even if they wanted to. Maybe for characters they knew better. I mean, everyone talks about how good Scott Sickles was on OLTL, and I kinda did see that, when he wrote those episode where Blair came to visit when Starr started at the Haunted Star and she announced her engagement to Tomas. But on GH, he's been one of my least favorite writers.

I like Nathan because I think Ryan Paevey is a nice guy who comes off forthright and earnest onscreen - he makes a nice cop and friend, but I have no real investment in him with Maxie. That's just Maxie and another plastic hunk to me, it's not a pairing with substance and it's not what Kirsten Storms needs IMO. And I have no interest in him in a major story about his family, because the frontburner is the last thing RP needs. He is a secondary player at best, IMO. They're already trying way too hard with that whole clan, all to support Kathleen Gati (who doesn't need it). I think fans will also gravitate to any cute pairing with certain popular stars like Storms - I don't think Nathan and Maxie are taking off because of their unique couplehood, I think it's about her. I think the only thing you could potentially make a case for taking off on its own steam in the last several months is Julian and Alexis, and even that is more heightened by social media than actually a major groundswell IMO (though they do have great chemistry, if not great story).



I can only speak for myself, but I started watching GH purely b/c MSt was coming on but in the end I love Nathan and Julian more than any other characters on the show. I think maybe from the long term legacy watcher KSt might be seen as the draw, but I like the couple for BOTH and if pushed I like RP more b/c I just like Nathan in general. Yes he isn't the best actor but I personally think he is far better than he is given credit for around here. I think one reason they are so popular among viewers is their age group. They are of the age that young romantic love works and it is a soap staple. Having Carly and Franco or even Olivia and Ned have that ooiegooie story just can't work like it can for Naxie. And while I like Julexis it is mostly b/c I like Julian, I don't particularly see extra special chemistry between he and Alexis(but they do have chemistry), I'd like him just as well in another paring too, or just some freakin' scenes with his children and NOT Molly screeching at him.

Edited by Cattitude
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aw, more nostalgia, this time with Georgie and Dillon




So cute. They were pretty much the only thing I liked about GH from 2001-5


That's because they *were* the only good thing on GH from 2001-5. I feel confident that the time I spent flipping the show on every few weeks during that time period confirms that study.

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Ethan/Kristina is my most recent one. I wonder what criteria we want use for couples that "weren't". Because I want to count Liz/Ewan here as well, but they did technically date, so I'm not sure it would fit. Thoughts?


Honestly, I think we should just put it all into the "relationships" thread that we already have.

Thanks for the thread!


I don't think I was watching GV's Lucky and Maxie when they were together, but IIRC, there were some scenes with JJ's Lucky and Maxie that I liked.  Might have been the pill staring contest s/l.  Something about a lamp, I can't remember.  But for a hot minute it looked like they were testing them. I liked it. 


Also, Patrick and Lulu.  They should have gone with it a bit, just to se how they clicked.  It was during Patrick's pill staring contest that Lulu and Maxie were in his orbit a lot.  Before Britt and Sabrina, I think.

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DG's Michael and LA's Kristina.

There was a couple of months period where I woulda sworn Guza was going to do this. And frankly I dont see what would have been so wrong about it. They aren't blood related, nor did they grow up together. Plus, I thought DG and LA had mad chemistry.


I thought they were playing with it too - they were on the run, in swimwear, etc etc. I thought they were testing the waters. And the kids were really cute together, but I am still glad they didn't pull the trigger.

DG's Michael and LA's Kristina.

There was a couple of months period where I woulda sworn Guza was going to do this. And frankly I dont see what would have been so wrong about it. They aren't blood related, nor did they grow up together. Plus, I thought DG and LA had mad chemistry.


They did grow up together though. Not in the same house, but I was always under the impression they were around each other in off-screen kiddie landia. I could be wrong though.

I do wish that TPTB would have Lucky and Robin share a few scenes after JJ came back. There would have been so much potential with them, legacy characters and all.


Throw fruit at me, if you must. But I am thrilled that KMc's Robin wasn't paired with JJ's Lucky. While KMc did/does look young, she didn't look like a preteen, to me, which is what I think JJ looked like. Shallow? Sadly, yes. But I found nothing sexy or passionate about his Lucky, and the patchwork beard never helped.


Now GV's Lucky...yes, he seemed like the sweet, sort of dim version, but dim or not, GV was so, so pretty. That Lucky with Robin? Maybe.

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Honorable Mention: Jax/Alexis -- I still don't see why it can't happen, dangit! Well, if IR ever came back *back.* I know, they're "best friends."  Whatever.  I've always wanted them together--when Jax/Brenda, Jax/(TB)Carly weren't on the table, a part of me will always want them together.   I think that after TB's Carly and Brenda, IR had the best chemistry with Alexis.  And frankly, I think that Alexis has been the most enjoyable for me with Jax.  I just love the two of them together.   Pairing-wise, I could just see them at this point like a perfectly wonderful old married couple.  Chill, comfortable, sweet, bicker-bantering, sexy, funny and fun to watch.  And damnit, Alexis deserves a GOOD guy (sorry, but Ned bored me with Alexis, Jax didn't/doesn't).


A HELL YES! to this post, especially where Nexis is concerned.

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I must of spaced out of GH during the time Johnny first kissed Maxie because I don't remember, but I did you tube it and with their real life coupledom it made me uncomfortable.  I mean KS&BB are wonderful looking together, but due to real life I feel I'm in the middle of something so personal it shouldn't be on my tv.

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