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Season 26 Live Feeds Discussion

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I meant to turn in today to see if production gave them the opportunity to go inside the house to shower, fix hair and make up for the show.   On Thursdays the women, at least, seem to spend a few hours in the bathroom getting ready for their closeups.  But I forgot and now the feeds are already showing pups and kittens.  

I did see a photo on Jokers showing chairs set up in front of the dance platform, supposedly for them to sit in during the live show.   

They didn't let the Dyre Fest group do that so I assume they won't go inside pre-show.

I just wonder where they'll do the HOH that's apparently starting on tonight's episode. I guess the 'basement.'

I kinda wish they had made changes in the house and everyone got to go in and look around for like 5 minutes and then answer questions about it.

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Okay.  So how are we seeing everyone's nominees shaping up, based on whomever wins?

Angela: Cam and Chelsie.  She'll want to target Chelsie, as will Leah, but Makensy, Rubina, and Kimo will just vote out Cam if he's still there by eviction night.

Cam: Kimo and Rubina.  He's already told Chelsie and Makensy that those will be his choices, with Kimo as the target.

Chelsie: Hard to say with her.

Kimo: Cam and Leah.  I doubt that he'll care about the target here, but he might prefer Leah for putting up T'kor.

Makensy: Kimo and Rubina.  Like Cam, Kimo will be her target.

Rubina: Cam and Leah.  Like Kimo, she might prefer Leah, though if she's still gung-ho about the women, then she could target Cam instead.

Just my thoughts.  All of yours, though?

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Pretty much agreement - just a couple of alternatives for consideration:

9 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Chelsie: Hard to say with her.

Given the opportunity, I’d fully expect Chelsie to go full-bore at Mak and Leah - and no doubt she would come up with some kind of halfway reasonable-sounding game rationale, but I suspect her true motivation would simply be getting rid of the competition for Cam’s attention.


9 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Kimo: Cam and Leah.  I doubt that he'll care about the target here, but he might prefer Leah for putting up T'kor.

Leah, yes - but I’d fully expect Kimo to put Angela OTB beside Leah, as I think Angela’s back-to-back unsuccessful votes to evict Kimo would come back to bite her in the ass.

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Just now, Nashville said:

Leah, yes - but I’d fully expect Kimo to put Angela OTB beside Leah, as I think Angela’s back-to-back unsuccessful votes to evict Kimo would come back to bite her in the ass.

He might do it if a Veto is used, but he promised Angela that he wouldn't go after her if she saved him with the Veto.  I don't see Kimo as the type to break his word.

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10 minutes ago, Rodney said:

He might do it if a Veto is used, but he promised Angela that he wouldn't go after her if she saved him with the Veto.  I don't see Kimo as the type to break his word.

Ok then; Mak and Leah as Kimo’s original noms - but if one of them were to come off the Block, I could still see Angela going up.  Promises notwithstanding, I do think (considering her lack of significant strong ties to any individual HG still in the House) Angela is likely to be this season’s perennial Block renom option.

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14 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Okay.  So how are we seeing everyone's nominees shaping up, based on whomever wins?

Angela: Cam and Chelsie.  She'll want to target Chelsie, as will Leah, but Makensy, Rubina, and Kimo will just vote out Cam if he's still there by eviction night.

Cam: Kimo and Rubina.  He's already told Chelsie and Makensy that those will be his choices, with Kimo as the target.

Agree on these two's nominees, however Mak would vote Chelsie out over Cam in a heartbeat.  If Cam comes down then it gets trickier for her but I expect that Mak would go up as the pawn because there is no way Cam would keep Chelsie over Mak.

Cam may be in a bit of a bind on a replacement nom if Kimo comes down - he's promised Leah safety.  He may have no choice but to put Angela up as a pawn.  I think Angela would be okay, but Chelsie would try hard to convince Mak to vote her out over Rubina.  

14 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Chelsie: Hard to say with her.

Oh, Chelsie will be gunning for Leah, but it will be as a BD - she'll go the easy route and put Kimo & Rubina up first, with Leah as the replacement nom.

14 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Kimo: Cam and Leah.  I doubt that he'll care about the target here, but he might prefer Leah for putting up T'kor.

Makensy: Kimo and Rubina.  Like Cam, Kimo will be her target.

Probably correct on these two's nominees also, if only because they are the easy, obvious ones.  Leah will be Kimo's target - justice for T'Kor, until he realizes she was throwing him UTB this week to save herself from the block.  He may, if he believes that actual truth, turn his target on Cam.  As he's promised safety to Angela, Mak would be the likely replacement nom.  If Mak's next to Cam, she'll stay - Angela & Leah will keep her over him; if it's Mak/Leah noms on eviction night, then Leah may very well go, depending on how hard Chelsie can mist her, especially about Leah.

For Mak - yes, those are the two, easy choices.  Her problem comes in a replacement nom situation - I'm pretty sure she's promised or heavily hinted to Leah & Angela that they're safe this week, which means her replacement nom would be...  Chelsie?

14 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Rubina: Cam and Leah.  Like Kimo, she might prefer Leah, though if she's still gung-ho about the women, then she could target Cam instead.

Just my thoughts.  All of yours, though?

Maybe?  Cam yes, but I think Mak may be the other nominee instead of Leah.  I think she's not angry at Leah for getting rid of T'Kor - and I don't think she'll forget T'Kor's reminders last night about the other trio.  She may not target Chelsie, at least not immediately, but she'll go after the other group.  Mak and Cam, ESPECIALLY Mak, can protect themselves by clueing her in to how Chelsie was still angling until last night to save T'Kor over her.  It wouldn't be hard since multiple people had conversations with Chelsie where she tried to get them to consider evicting Rubina over T'Kor the past couple days.  

1 minute ago, Rodney said:

They're probably taping Diary Room confessionals about the competition and the results of said competition before they bring us back.

They don't usually wait to bring back the feeds for post-competition DRs.  Button Boy probably either forgot to turn it back on or they're stupidly waiting until after the West Coast airing is over.

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And immediately, my prediction for Makensy is being proven half-right.  She is nominating Kimo.  But instead of Rubina, she's about to do something incredibly dumb.

She's going to put Angela up.  Again.

Leah does not like it and is trying to talk her out of it, thinking that Chelsie and Cam would be too tempted to weaken her and/or Makensy.

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1 minute ago, Rodney said:

And immediately, my prediction for Makensy is being proven half-right.  She is nominating Kimo.  But instead of Rubina, she's about to do something incredibly dumb.

She's going to put Angela up.  Again.

Leah does not like it and is trying to talk her out of it, thinking that Chelsie and Cam would be too tempted to weaken her and/or Makensy.

Sounds like Kimo is the target, with Rubina as the backup and Rubina out if someone comes off the block.

1 minute ago, Rodney said:

I can do that.  Get another dude out.

Eh, I want Chelsie out.  So, I'd be down with Rubina winning Veto and taking Kimo off which forces Mak into putting Cam, Leah or Chelsie on the block - I'm sure she'd put Chelsie up.  At that point, she has no control over the vote and who knows what would happen.  I think Angela would probably go but I also think Leah would be capable of convincing Kimo & Rubina that Chelsie is the bigger threat and they need to break up the Cam/Mak/Chelsie trio.

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1 minute ago, Rodney said:

She could be lying to Rubina.  She can't possibly be risking burning Leah.

Well, she's telling Rubina that she totally lied to Leah and is letting Leah believe that Angela will probably be safe.  Sure, she could be lying to Rubina, but this seems a lot more honest from her than her conversation with Leah.

2 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Well, she's telling Rubina that she totally lied to Leah and is letting Leah believe that Angela will probably be safe.  Sure, she could be lying to Rubina, but this seems a lot more honest from her than her conversation with Leah.

Well, if this is what she wants for real, then . . . Leah will not trust her after this, especially if Angela does get evicted.

Guess Makensy's head really is up Chelsie's ass, and now more than ever.  This just makes Chelsie's game easier, not Makensy's.

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Just now, Rodney said:

Well, if this is what she wants for real, then . . . Leah will not trust her after this, especially if Angela does get evicted.

Guess Makensy's head really is up Chelsie's ass, and now more than ever.  This just makes Chelsie's game easier, not Makensy's.

Makensy is still obsessed with justice for Matt's eviction in Week 1, lol.

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2 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Makensy is still obsessed with justice for Matt's eviction in Week 1, lol.

That's what I'm thinking, too.  It's all about Matt.  Sheesh.  Leah's over it, so Makensy really needs to get over it, too.

She really is being a dumb-ass.  Angela is one person who absolutely wouldn't nominate her.  She's just doing Chelsie a favor and is too blind to see it.

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15 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Frankly, at this point, winning HoH is huge if only because it keeps you from being eliminated, ya know?

So outside of nominating Cam and Leah, I don't think that there is any move that would be THAT bad for Makensy this week. 

Well, now I'm not sure what move she really wants to make.  She told Cam something completely different from what she told Leah, Rubina, and Kimo (whom she also told that Angela is the target).

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5 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Well, now I'm not sure what move she really wants to make.  She told Cam something completely different from what she told Leah, Rubina, and Kimo (whom she also told that Angela is the target).

I  hope she DOES have something else up her sleeve, but still, so long as she doesn't turn on Cam or Leah, I think she'll be fine. 

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15 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I do kinda want T’Kor to stay for the same reason as @Callaphera but I also don’t want Chelise to get what she wants. I’m good either way but I think the one thing I’m really rooting for (other than an Angela win) is Chelsie not getting her way so I think I want T’Kor to go.

This. Angela is killing it.


27 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

So, what did she tell Cam?

Never mind.  The same thing plus the complete squealing to him about Angela's nomination plans had she won.

Well, if she dimed her out that easily, that totally convinces me.  Makensy should be making a strategic move to advance her game.  Instead, she's making a totally emotional, completely personal one that's going to help no one but Chelsie.  She's screwing herself out of someone who would never target her, and screwing Leah over, too.

And if she thinks that Chelsie is going to keep her after Angela and likely Leah are evicted, then she's an absolute moron who deserves what she gets, because I know that Chelsie will want to try and cut her at F5 so she can run the table against Cam, Kimo, and Rubina, all of whom can't win shit.

And she's doing this all over a guy whom she knew for a week.  A week.

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3 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I hope she DOES have something else up her sleeve, but still, so long as she doesn't turn on Cam or Leah, I think she'll be fine. 

If she targets and evicts Angela, then she might as well be turning on Leah, because whom do you think that Chelsie will want out next?  Leah.  And with no Angela there, she'll be even more vulnerable.

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I feel like taking Angela out would be a terrible move for everyone other than Chelsie, because Chelsie could beat multiple people in a F2. Everyone else...I think it depends on who is in the other chair, and Angela would be a great person to sit next to. In fact, one could argue that the person who (apart from Angela) has the least win equity and therefore most needs to sit next to Angela is Makensy. 

Chelsie seemed to be working hard this past week to set up Leah as the target, so I have to imagine she will start her attempt soon to get Makensy to take her out this week. 


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Well, the fun had to end some time lol.

Gonna root for the miracle of Rubina winning veto and taking down Kimo so MJ is forced to put up an ally. They probably wouldn't even go (unless MJ were to idiotically nom Leah) but still it'd be funny for a minute, which is probably all I can hope for this week.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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5 hours ago, Jillibean said:

I feel like taking Angela out would be a terrible move for everyone other than Chelsie, because Chelsie could beat multiple people in a F2. Everyone else...I think it depends on who is in the other chair, and Angela would be a great person to sit next to. In fact, one could argue that the person who (apart from Angela) has the least win equity and therefore most needs to sit next to Angela is Makensy.

I think Angela has made herself anything but a goat the last few weeks winning stuff and being in on strategy.  And Mak-whatever just won HOH. 

I think the real goats are Cam and Kimo who have done absolutely nothing this season except Kimo winning the first AI Arena challenge.  They are/were just lead around by the nose by Chelsie and T'Kor contributing nothing to the game themselves.

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46 minutes ago, Skooma said:

I think the real goats are Cam and Kimo who have done absolutely nothing this season except Kimo winning the first AI Arena challenge.  They are/were just lead around by the nose by Chelsie and T'Kor contributing nothing to the game themselves.

Kimo at least took charge in the Cedric blindside, so he has that.

Cam . . . has nothing at all.  The one Veto that he did win was pretty much thrown to him.

Edited by Rodney
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Chelsie went into the bathroom where Angela and Leah were getting ready with a tight smile on her face and grabbed what I think was a blow-dryer and said, "Cam and Makensy are arguing about not knowing what a diffuser is" and walked back out, but by the time she got out into the public area, Cam was going into the HoH room with Makensy.  Chelsie has since joined them, put the blow-dryer on the bed, grabbed something, and left again.

Cam told Makensy that he had heard Leah was making a case for Angela and Makensy is now saying why it doesn't affect her.  She can't play next week, so isn't doing something that would make the house think differently about her.  She is now saying that Leah told her that Angela and Kimo are people whom "we" can beat in the end.  Cam says, "How many we's are there?"  Makensy says that Leah really wants Cam and Chelsie to go, and Cam says, "Duh, because we want her gone."

Chelsie is saying that Leah comes to them and throws Makensy, Kimo, and even Angela under the bus.  Girl, what? Also, Chelsie claims that Leah is Kimo's number one, which is the most egregiously wrong read (and even Makensy knows that that's a lie, because Leah barely spends any time with Kimo).  Makensy says that she wouldn't do anything like that because she'd be fucked with just Angela and Leah, as they'd take one another.  Not wrong.

Rubina was hopping to reach things off the shelf in the downstairs bathroom and just came into the HoH room to take a shower but Makensy doesn't really stop talking.  She says that Leah told her that she has to get rid of people she can't beat, and that she told her she won't win against Chelsie. True.

Chelsie pulling more lies out and saying Leah had told her that she and Chelsie should be the F2 because neither of them could beat MJ with all her comp wins. Maybe Leah did say that and I didn't catch it, but sounds like bullshit to me.

Chelsie claims that she told Leah to her face that she wants her out, but when Cam asks about it, she backs up and said, "Not exactly."  She just called her out about things like holding information.

Now they think that Leah is coaching Angela how to play the game and that Angela is doing Leah's strategy of withholding information while requesting other people's.  Chelsie talks out of both sides of her mouth while trying to prove that Leah is, saying that Leah targeted Kimo, T'kor, and Rubina as the jury threats and said that they have to go before others.  Cam is now saying that Leah is just saying that same thing to whomever she talks to, just swapping out whom she says are the jury threats.

Hmm. . . . I don't think that Chelsie and Cam really want Angela out this week.  They are already pushing Makensy to put Leah up without directly telling her to nominate her.  Makensy did seem to be picking up on that, but she nonetheless said that all of this is evidence for why Angela has to go home this week.  She said that Leah is a bigger threat and whoever she sits against will be safe, and that Leah is a good person for the Double Eviction.


And this is why Makensy is being dumb.  She's throwing away both of her parachutes thinking that it'll advance her game, when all she's going to do is advance the games of everyone around her.

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Chelsie outright says that she gets why Makensy won't put Leah up and won't push it, because she knows that it's not good for Makensy's game (and Angela going up and out is?), but she's just bothered by Leah's lies and how she's blowing smoke up people's asses.  Still recapping week one and how Leah won't admit that she wanted to work with Makensy then.  You all need to get rid of this rehashing.  That was nine weeks ago.

Rubina just now started the shower, so she easily could've been eavesdropping this entire time.

Chelsie claims that Leah had a F2 with Brooklyn called the It Girls and that Leah turned on Chelsie when she wouldn't agree to a F3 with them.  Chelsie lists out how Leah had F2s with Joseph and Quinn and tries to go down the whole list, but Makensy and Cam immediately say, "She never tried to make one with me."  Chelsie, in shock, says, "Really?"

Now Makensy is saying that Leah is loyal only to Angela because she's the one person she can beat.  Chelsie says that she couldn't even beat Angela.  Cam said that he wants to tell Angela that Leah has been talking shit about her, and Chelsie says that she will tell her when it's clear Angela is coming home.  Makensy says she'll tell Angela in her goodbye messages and how she'll tell Angela that she knows that she'll win in the F2 against anyone, and that Leah has talked mad shit about her.

BB comes over and tells them that they can't talk about their Diary Room sessions.  Apparently not even goodbye messages.

After this, Makensy wanders into the HoH bathroom to talk to Rubina, and Chelsie immediately says that getting Leah out is her number-one priority.  She tells Cam stories about how Leah is trying to plant seeds in his head about Chelsie and Makensy being together and cutting him.  Chelsie says that if Angela is gone, it helps, but she wants Leah gone this week.  The problem is that Makensy would never do it, and Cam agrees, but he adds that they still have to try and get her to do it.

Chelsie said that Leah is sucking up to her, too, which is the worst.  She is saying she's trying to do things, but all of them are telling one another.  Cam suggests that they ask Rubina what Leah is saying to her, and he starts calling her, but she said that she's talking to Makensy right now.

Chelsie continues to say how badly she wants Leah to go and that Angela would be better to have next week.  She says that Angela has won more competitions, though, so she can't really point that out as a good reason to have her here.  Cam agrees, adding that they might as well hope that she wins the Veto.  Or they can and take her down.  But Chelsie says that that'd get Makensy on to them.

Oh, and on another note, Jankie apparently died at the end of the HoH Competition.  They say that he exploded while he was singing his song.  LOLOLOL!

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It's going to be a long week with Cam and Chelsie talking constant shit about Leah.  Chelsie said that she counted 252 times that Leah said "I" or "me" in some conversation.

Leah and Rubina are chatting in the unicorn room while getting ready, but nothing of value here.  Rubina is kind of apologizing for Leah's Jankie HoH and how it must have been rough to see all of the wonderful things that Makensy got.  She said that it was a bit hard to watch, even though she was happy for her.

Just got sent to pets.  Too early for nominations, so it's probably Zingbot.

58 minutes ago, LeDucDiableBleu said:

Hopefully Makensy can see that Chelsie weakened Leah by taking away her allies, and now she's trying to do the same with Makensy.

Now you know MJ can’t see anything lol.

I just went to the feeds and nothing is happening so either it wasn’t Zingbot or the zings were lame. Dammit!

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