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Season 9 discussion

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18 minutes ago, Orcinus orca said:

How old is Esme? 

16. I can’t answer the other questions. I’m not familiar with the English school system or norms of that time!

Edited by chitowngirl
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10 hours ago, HoodlumSheep said:

What is going on Cathy????

There's a lot going on there, right?  There's the usual teenage angst and rebellion, but on top of that, Cathy has to be feeling some kind of (unwarranted) guilt because Esme never acted up when Cathy was a SAHM.  Mixing that with changing mores and roles for women at the time that Esme can take advantage of (and Cathy couldn't) can be somewhat explosive.  Geordie being Switzerland certainly doesn't help.

And just because..."Christ on a bike!"

One minor complaint, in a house replete with rich, titled assholes, the murderer turns out to be the lesbian maid?!?!  I guess Pride month is over!

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I've been watching this show since day one, but only last week did I (and my mom as well) notice the Keating's have a dog. Does anyone know when they got the dog and if there is a story behind it? If he or she has been there since the pilot episode, then clearly we both need our eyes checked (or we need to pay more attention, lol). 

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24 minutes ago, las68 said:

I've been watching this show since day one, but only last week did I (and my mom as well) notice the Keating's have a dog. Does anyone know when they got the dog and if there is a story behind it? If he or she has been there since the pilot episode, then clearly we both need our eyes checked (or we need to pay more attention, lol). 

I've only noticed the dog since this season. I've assumed it's meant to be one of Dickens's puppies from last year's finale, yet it doesn't come across as a particularly young dog.

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10 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

When Sam was first introduced, I thought Leonard seemed a bit taken by him, so the sudden connection with Daniel in this episode surprised me. I assume there will be drama, but by the finale they will be fine and Sam will be gone. 

Honestly, I didn't really remember Sam, so I was very put-out when he kept pressuring Daniel to talk about what was bothering him. 

1 hour ago, Orcinus orca said:

Who is this Sam character who, in a few words, managed to coax Daniel into revealing something he’s obviously kept from Leonard throughout their relationship. I find him kind of a smarmy character.  

Me too. I don't like him or trust him.

I feel bad for Leonard. I assume that when Daniel said he had hurt his parents it was that he was gay, that his family has disowned him. I wish he could have talked to Leonard about his feelings, but I understand why he wouldn't.

I love Leonard's voice.

10 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

Has Cathy left? Or is Geordie not bothered  to talk with her? Maybe I missed something.

I couldn't tell what he saw down the hall. 

9 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

I was surprised Esme was wearing pants when she was planning to meet her friends. That was quite a daring fashion choice in that era.

I didn't think it was. Lots of women were wearing pants in the 60's.

1 hour ago, Orcinus orca said:

Mrs. C just turning up at the vicarage.  Heh.  Poor Alphy.

Hey, she helped him with the case! But I didn't buy how he instantly came to the conclusion that the bracelet was from Lady Marwood. It could have been from Lord Marwood, who was fooling around with his SIL, so he could have been fooling around with Leah, too. 

I kind of figured with how nice Leah was to Alphy (re the drinking glasses) that she would be the murderer.


I looked askance at Alphy declaring that bad money for a good cause was OK.  So money from drug deals is fine as long as it fixes the church roof?  Glad he decided differently.

Yeah, I too thought that was questionable, saying bad money was just fine if it was used for good things.


What the heck are deviled kidneys?  Yuck!

Kidneys sure are popular in the UK. Coincidentally, we were recently talking about this, and my brother, who worked in London for a few months, had had steak and kidney pie. He said it was actually pretty good. I just googled: deviled kidneys have some spice.


I found Beatrice hilarious.

Not me. She came across as mentally challenged. When she meowed I thought the show was going too far with her quirkiness.

I accept that every vicar is going to partner with Geordie. That's fine. It's the show. But I did roll my eyes when Alphy spotted the paper in the dead gardener's pocket before Geordie did.

I also didn't buy that he immediately saw that the scissors were the murder weapon. To me the wounds weren't so unique that they couldn't have been made with a knife. I just didn't get that the scissors matched up perfectly with the photo of the wound.

It was so frustrating listening to all of Cathy and Esme's screaming. I know it's not her personality, but I wish Cathy could have just talked calmly to Esme, asking her about her choices without getting mad. 

I agree with others that something must be going on with her. Is part of it simply that Esme is growing up and leaving the nest? The "I hate you" was awful, so there has to be a deeper reason.

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Wow Cathy's "I hate you" was like a slap to the face. Esme was shook.  I don't know how they come to a logical resolution with this. I understand teens act out, but Esme has been so out of line, I don't understand the writing for this particular arc at all.

I was relieved that Alphy didn't take the check, but fear this is not the last we'll see of Lady Marwood.

Loved Dickens sleeping with Alphy. Mrs. C's sense of entitlement is wearing a bit thin.

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2 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

16. I can’t answer the other questions. I’m not familiar with the English school system or norms of that time!

If it's normal to leave school at 16 I guess would assume that kids got jobs at that age and Kathy should have expected it.  However, if that means she dropped out of an equivalent of American high school, I can certainly see why she'd be upset.  I know my mom would have pitched a fit although not to the extent that Kathy did.  

23 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I also didn't buy that he immediately saw that the scissors were the murder weapon. To me the wounds weren't so unique that they couldn't have been made with a knife.

I couldn't figure that out.  Did the wounds somehow look like the scissors were open when the maid stabbed him?  That would be kind of hard since the blades would be spread apart and wouldn't go right in.  I am confused as well.

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2 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

I looked askance at Alphy declaring that bad money for a good cause was OK.  So money from drug deals is fine as long as it fixes the church roof?  Glad he decided differently.

Same! I thought that was so naive, and Alphy seems savvier than that.

5 minutes ago, jah1986 said:

I understand teens act out, but Esme has been so out of line,

I don't think Esme has been that out of line, but Cathy is making things so much worse than they have to be by screaming all the time. And Geordie is useless. I get he hates confrontation at home, but good grief. Noping out of the house isn't going to help anyone.

Sam gives me the creeps. i can totally see him starting a cult.

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2 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't think Esme has been that out of line, but Cathy is making things so much worse than they have to be by screaming all the time. And Geordie is useless. I get he hates confrontation at home, but good grief. Noping out of the house isn't going to help anyone.

Sam gives me the creeps. i can totally see him starting a cult.

Some of the things Esme has said to Cathy has been bad, not 'I hate you' bad, but still disrespectful.  Those years where you're technically an adult, but the parents have caught up are tough and Cathy and Geordie are not handling it well. But neither is Esme.

I am loathing Sam. I don't know if he's "simply" after Daniel or if it's part of a bigger, way worse plot. But he can go any day now.

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Sam is touching Daniel a lot. That may be innocent, but the show certainly means to make us (and Leonard) think that Sam is interested in him in a non-platonic way. Back off, Sam.

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The other Keating children have entered Chuck Cunningham world.  Where are they?

What has happened to Cathy?  Esme is trying to grow up fast (as most kids do) but why is Cathy so freaked out about it that she is screaming that she hates Esme?  I'm wondering whether Cathy and Geordie had a shotgun wedding and Cathy is afraid of this happening for Esme.  

Did Alphy not mention to anyone that someone attempted to enter the vicarage?  If I was hanging out with a police officer, I think I might bring up someone trying to break into my home in the middle of the night.  

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32 minutes ago, Calvada said:

If I was hanging out with a police officer, I think I might bring up someone trying to break into my home in the middle of the night.  

And sending cryptic messages.

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7 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I also didn't buy that he immediately saw that the scissors were the murder weapon. To me the wounds weren't so unique that they couldn't have been made with a knife. I just didn't get that the scissors matched up perfectly with the photo of the wound.


7 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

If it's normal to leave school at 16 I guess would assume that kids got jobs at that age and Kathy should have expected it.  However, if that means she dropped out of an equivalent of American high school, I can certainly see why she'd be upset.  I know my mom would have pitched a fit although not to the extent that Kathy did.  

I couldn't figure that out.  Did the wounds somehow look like the scissors were open when the maid stabbed him?  That would be kind of hard since the blades would be spread apart and wouldn't go right in.  I am confused as well.

I believe the blades were closed and the scissors stabbed so deeply it went down to the screw that holds the blades together. That’s what left the unique mark.

I think Geordie is a man of his time and leaves the mothering of his teenage girls to Kathy.

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Education in that time period was mandatory until age 16; it's now 18. So Esme was legally able to quit school and to work. Kathy (and likely Geordie) may have hoped for her to have more education for better job prospects/opportunities. Probably Kathy is also dealing with hormonal imbalances which make her moods less stable. Coupled with her fears for Esme's future, and it's a recipe for much turmoil.

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I just looked this up -- in England, in 1960, only 7% of women took university degrees.  I didn't hear Geordie or Kathy say anything about expecting her to go further in school. 

Last week, I thought they sounded really proud of her for getting a job at that place they were so impressed with.  It's the flashy clothes, sassy remarks,  and red lipstick that seems to have Kathy all upset.  I don't think we're supposed to understand why at this point.

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16 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I don't think we're supposed to understand why at this point.

Could it be due to Kathy's issues with her former boss?  Maybe she thinks Esme isn't old enough to know how to deal with a possible predatory male authority figure.  Is she ready to fend off the demand for sexual favors for promotion?

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14 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

I believe the blades were closed and the scissors stabbed so deeply it went down to the screw that holds the blades together. That’s what left the unique mark.

Oooo, thanks. I might just rewatch that scene to see if I can spot the screw indents on the wounds.

ETA: I rewatched, and yes I see the little indents. Thanks again.

Edited by peeayebee
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Coming here to say how much I  dislike Cathy's out of control behavior. I really hope she has something seriously wrong with her, because she makes me want to slap her. 

I don't blame Geordie one bit for not wanting to deal with her in this state of unreasonableness. She doesn't want him to be reasonable, she wants him to support her side unequivocally. That's really unfair. 

And for god sakes, Cathy, tone down the red lip. 

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4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Last week, I thought they sounded really proud of her for getting a job at that place they were so impressed with.  It's the flashy clothes, sassy remarks,  and red lipstick that seems to have Kathy all upset.  I don't think we're supposed to understand why at this point.

Because Kathy's no longer in charge, Drives her mad. I know  women like that, can't say I'd enjoy living with them.

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On 7/8/2024 at 10:30 AM, peeayebee said:

I didn't think it was. Lots of women were wearing pants in the 60's.

That she would wear pants around the house or to play with her younger siblings and what not makes sense. I thought in the early 1960s it was still rather shocking for women to be wearing pants in public, especially for socializing. 

On 7/9/2024 at 6:26 AM, JudyObscure said:

Last week, I thought they sounded really proud of her for getting a job at that place they were so impressed with.  

I think Geordie was impressed with her. To him, it showed maturity and a willingness to take on adult responsibilities and possibly contribute to household finances. Cathy was opposed to it from the start. Even if she doesn't want to tell Esme or her husband why she's acting the way she is, it would nice if they found a way to tell the audience, because right now she seems completely unhinged, unbalanced, and not making any sense at all.  

On 7/9/2024 at 6:45 AM, Orcinus orca said:

Could it be due to Kathy's issues with her former boss?  Maybe she thinks Esme isn't old enough to know how to deal with a possible predatory male authority figure.  Is she ready to fend off the demand for sexual favors for promotion?

I like this theory, but if that's true, I'm sure there's another character she could tell her fears to.  

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On 7/8/2024 at 7:21 AM, Orcinus orca said:

How old is Esme?  I forget – did she drop out of school to work?  Or has she graduated from the equivalent of high school at that time in England? Was college an expectation back then or did most girls just head out to work?

I don't know historically what they did but she did drop out of school and I don't think Cathy being upset is all that unrealistic.  They didn't say, but it's possible she had dreams of Esme going further than she did and is afraid Esme is focused on the short game of immediate money and independence when completing school could potentially set her up for something more groundbreaking. 

But it's clear there is more going on at this point.

On 7/8/2024 at 10:00 AM, dubbel zout said:

Sam gives me the creeps. i can totally see him starting a cult.

At first I didn't know where they were going but by the time I saw him working Daniel, coupled with his traveling group counseling sessions, I started to think cult too.

Edited by Irlandesa
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On 7/8/2024 at 10:30 AM, peeayebee said:

I love Leonard's voice.

Interesting that you should say that. It is uniquely “Leonard”, and affected by the actor. He didn’t sound the same when he played a different role in Miss Scarlet last season. I didn’t recognize him because of it.

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On 7/9/2024 at 10:45 AM, cardigirl said:

Because Kathy's no longer in charge, Drives her mad. I know  women like that, can't say I'd enjoy living with them.

Tell me about it. Cathy is not crazy, just livid, because she’s no longer in control. I so understand this dynamic, because I lived it. One of the things my parents did at the time was to take out a small life insurance policy on me, they were so fearful I would end up dead due to ignorance of the real world. Luckily, I survived and prospered. Cathy will get over it, but not without a few sleepless nights.

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9 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

I don't know historically what they did but she did drop out of school and I don't think Cathy being upset is all that unrealistic.

I know my parents would have pitched a fit if I had quit school.  Probably not to the extent that Cathy has but pretty darned close.  Neither went to college and were determined I would.  Dropping out of high school would not have been pretty.

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I really think it's different in England.  People don't so much drop out of high school as either  "take A levels" or not. "A (advanced) levels," being sort of like if we had an extra year of "college prep" that only college bound kids took.  Back then college was reserved for super smart, usually upper-class students.

  Princess Diana did not take A-levels and quit school at age 16.

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On 7/12/2024 at 1:32 PM, JudyObscure said:

I really think it's different in England.  People don't so much drop out of high school as either  "take A levels" or not. "A (advanced) levels," being sort of like if we had an extra year of "college prep" that only college bound kids took.  Back then college was reserved for super smart, usually upper-class students.

  Princess Diana did not take A-levels and quit school at age 16.

Found a statistic that 3% of UK students went to university in 1950, which increased to 8% in 1970. I wonder though if something like teacher training fell into a different category. Still, very low numbers.

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When Alphy apologized to Mrs. C i thought she would apologize for her behavior in turn...nope. they just totally used the "women in a man's world" bit they were running with in this ep to wiggle around that. They really couldn't have her apologize for the gambling comments at least???

And where has Jack vanished to? And the Keating kids? My mom is also one who continually questions where they are all the time.

Happy to see Miss Scott more deeply involved in a case but other than that this episode kind of bored me tbh.

So Cathy...menopause??? Possible bipolar disorder??? Still not clear imo.

Sam just lurking in the shadows ready to swoop in and prey on people who are wavering/having a rotten day/etc...please go away.

It just hit me that the bishop is Roy from Guilt (seasons 2&3).


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Did anyone else have a late start to this episode?  I have it set to tape but it didn't start until 15 minutes past the hour so I missed the ending.  I will have to catch up on Passport but I found that quite odd.

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I laughed at Esme’s audacity. Having left the childhood home, to bring back the dirty laundry, not to use the facilities, but to expect her mother to do it for her? 
On the church front, I really don’t think Mrs. C is even now aware that the church is closing, or she would be rallying a protest. I think she still is laboring under the idea that the new vicar has a “problem”. 

13 minutes ago, Orcinus orca said:

Did anyone else have a late start to this episode?  I have it set to tape but it didn't start until 15 minutes past the hour so I missed the ending.  I will have to catch up on Passport but I found that quite odd.

My DVR has done that before-delayed start. Usually, it happens when there are too many record demands overlapping common times. You should be able to catch a re-airing of the episode in the next 24-36 hours. Did you at least see the culprit reveal?

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30 minutes ago, Daff said:

My DVR has done that before-delayed start. Usually, it happens when there are too many record demands overlapping common times. You should be able to catch a re-airing of the episode in the next 24-36 hours. Did you at least see the culprit reveal?

No, didn't see the culprit reveal yet, will watch on Passport today.

And I was actually watching the beginning live and the broadcast didn't start until fifteen minutes after the hour.  Unfortunately I had to leave so didn't realize that the DVR would not pick up the end.  Ah, the good old days when I could just set "record" on the VCR and it would record until the tape was out!

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1 hour ago, Orcinus orca said:

Did anyone else have a late start to this episode?  I have it set to tape but it didn't start until 15 minutes past the hour so I missed the ending.  I will have to catch up on Passport but I found that quite odd.

Everything was delayed thanks to a presidential address @ 8:00 pm est. I'm surprised they actually started Mr. T from the beginning afterwards instead of cutting ~20 minutes into the episode.

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Perhaps PBS nationally may have carried the President's remarks to the nation, thus delaying everything.  That's just a guess.  (editing to add jinx, Hoodlum Sheep!)

I have to watch this online before I can comment on the episode, since there were several weather bulletins broadcast during it, thus muting the sound.   

Edited by Calvada
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9 hours ago, HoodlumSheep said:

So Cathy...menopause??? Possible bipolar disorder??? Still not clear imo.

Yeah, I'm thinking menopause.


Sam just lurking in the shadows ready to swoop in and prey on people who are wavering/having a rotten day/etc...please go away.

OMGosh, Yes! Like a misery vampire.


It just hit me that the bishop is Roy from Guilt (seasons 2&3).

Funny, but right after this I watched the first ep of Karen Pirie, and there was the bishop!

I picked the killer right away. When I recognize an actor or actress in an apparently small role, I always assume they're the bad guy.

I think this is an unpopular opinion, but I enjoy Mrs Chapman (who I always want to call Mrs McCarthy). Yes she does and says annoying and mean things at times, but I find her character to be very specific and well done, acting-wise. Plus she always ends up showing her caring, funny, and sometimes wise side. 

"I tried listening, but you don't half mumble."

Cathy: Don't take this the wrong way...
Mrs. C: I've been taking things the wrong way since before the war.

I'm glad Alphy apologized to her. When he said he didn't need her, that was so hurtful. He was wrapped up in his own anger.

I liked when Alphy and Leonard both called the bishop a bastard. (Not to his face.)

I also found this ep to be a bit boring. 

Edited by peeayebee
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38 minutes ago, HoodlumSheep said:

Everything was delayed thanks to a presidential address @ 8:00 pm est. I'm surprised they actually started Mr. T from the beginning afterwards instead of cutting ~20 minutes into the episode.

Here in NY, I think they actually cut off the last 15-20 minutes of Professor T and started Grantchester on time.

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10 hours ago, HoodlumSheep said:

So Cathy...menopause??? Possible bipolar disorder??? Still not clear imo.

To me it sounded like classic perimenopause/menopause symptoms. Doctors back then barely knew about menopause, and perimenopause didn't exist as a known stage. 

As usual with this show, the theme was beaten away at too hard—seriously, the men at the station can't work a tea kettle, or whatever it was? They can't figure out how to find a file? Geordie doesn't know how a water fountain works to fill his carafe? A woman has to do all of this?

But maybe Geordie will realize how much the women in his life do for him and be a bit more gracious and thankful.

Edited by dubbel zout
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10 hours ago, HoodlumSheep said:

When Alphy apologized to Mrs. C i thought she would apologize for her behavior in turn...nope. they just totally used the "women in a man's world" bit they were running with in this ep to wiggle around that. They really couldn't have her apologize for the gambling comments at least???

And where has Jack vanished to? And the Keating kids? My mom is also one who continually questions where they are all the time.

Happy to see Miss Scott more deeply involved in a case but other than that this episode kind of bored me tbh.

So Cathy...menopause??? Possible bipolar disorder??? Still not clear imo.

Sam just lurking in the shadows ready to swoop in and prey on people who are wavering/having a rotten day/etc...please go away.

It just hit me that the bishop is Roy from Guilt (seasons 2&3).


There is something in Alphy's manner that I could watch endlessly. He's a man who's been through it and come out less controlled than kindly wise about human behavior. The response he finally got from Mrs. C. was a delight to watch.

I want the Keating kids back too. They are needed to create a full picture of Cathy's upset. My guess isn't that Cathy has a true disorder though maybe menopause which isn't a disorder. I read it that they are going for the common to the day treating middle-aged women with uppers. They could do some good stuff with that if they stay away from serious addiction, just a run of conflict causing behavior. Most women in that circumstance didn't go off the deep end, but many danced on its edge.

And Sam is scary. I hope it is leading up to some good story material with Sam possibly getting offed after a time. 

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Has Cathy's job gone the way of Jack and the younger Keating kids? She talks about being busy, yet the "busy" we're shown is always domestic, at home stuff. 

I know Cathy's mother had mental health issues... does anyone remember what they were, exactly? I know it was a subplot a few seasons back, but I can't remember the ending. (Did they institutionalize her?) Geordie's line about her acting like her mother was a really low blow.

I love Miss Scott, but would it be that easy for her to get a secretarial job in the 1960's? At the very least, I think they'd want to see her demonstrate her one-handed typing abilities, and realistically I think most places would just say nope right off the bat. It wasn't exactly a disability-friendly era.

I do enjoy Alphy. Based on the trailer for next week, are we betting that the body discovered will be the vicar from the other town (that is going to get Grantchester's congregation in the merger), or would that be too easy?

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3 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I think this is an unpopular opinion, but I enjoy Mrs Chapman (who I always want to call Mrs McCarthy

Her name before her marriage to Mr. Chapman was Mrs. McGuire. I also enjoy her character, and am amused by her assumption she could just return to the vicarage.

Our local PBS station showed the President's address, then everything in full. I extended my DVR so caught full episodes.

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13 hours ago, HoodlumSheep said:

So Cathy...menopause??? Possible bipolar disorder???

My money would be on menopause because she seems about the right age. 

5 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

Ah, the good old days when I could just set "record" on the VCR and it would record until the tape was out!

If you are using a DVR, there may be a way to extend the record time (end X minutes after the show's scheduled end time). My DVR has that feature but I am not sure if all DVRs have it. 

At the end, I liked that Cathy and Esme each found someone they could talk to. Even if Cathy tried to talk to Esme about the realities of being a woman in the workplace, I don't think Esme would listen, but she will absolutely listen to Miss Scott. Cathy needs someone to talk to who will listen to hear and not just dismiss her concerns and feelings, which she found in Mrs. Chapman. 

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3 hours ago, MMEButterfly said:

And Sam is scary. I hope it is leading up to some good story material with Sam possibly getting offed after a time. 

Something to look forward to!

3 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

I know Cathy's mother had mental health issues... does anyone remember what they were, exactly? I know it was a subplot a few seasons back, but I can't remember the ending. (Did they institutionalize her?) Geordie's line about her acting like her mother was a really low blow.

Yeah, it was a low blow, though honestly I don't remember her mother's history.


I love Miss Scott, but would it be that easy for her to get a secretarial job in the 1960's? At the very least, I think they'd want to see her demonstrate her one-handed typing abilities, and realistically I think most places would just say nope right off the bat. It wasn't exactly a disability-friendly era.

I thought about this, too. And while it's nice never seeing anybody making remarks or staring, I was wondering how realistic it was. Re Miss Scott and typing... Does she type? In this ep she said she was great at filing, and that's all she was doing.


I do enjoy Alphy. Based on the trailer for next week, are we betting that the body discovered will be the vicar from the other town (that is going to get Grantchester's congregation in the merger), or would that be too easy?

I didn't watch the trailer, but you're probably right, esp since we actually heard the name of the prospective new vicar. Usually when an unseen character is named, you can bet that they will play an important part later.

1 hour ago, zoey1996 said:

Her name before her marriage to Mr. Chapman was Mrs. McGuire.

Oh thanks. I had forgotten. No wonder I was mixing up her name.

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1 minute ago, peeayebee said:

Re Miss Scott and typing... Does she type?

Yes; they showed her typing. Obviously she can only use one hand, but if people can hunt and peck at speed, I'm pretty sure she has a decent wpm.

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Re Cathy's mother: I just found a recap of the episode with her (season 5, episode 4).


Geordie’s mother-in-law, Diana, is acting increasingly odd. Cathy returns home one day to find her selling off some of her dishware, claiming that she needs more money to run the household. Another time, she discovers that Diana has invited friends that Cathy and Geordie haven’t seen in years over for a fancy dinner. Diana is endlessly chatty during the dinner, babbling about writing an opera, and accidentally lighting the tablecloth on fire while try to prepare a baked Alaska. After the friends leave, Diana takes a sledgehammer to a wall, claiming they need a service hatch.

Cathy has already tried to get her sisters to take care of Diana, but they have refused. Geordie asks her what’s wrong with Diana, and she admits that her mother has always been bipolar. Geordie says Diana needs hospitalization, but Cathy blames herself and says she’ll quit her job to watch Diana. Geordie eventually rejects this plan—Diana is not Cathy’s responsibility. He kindly convinces the panicky Diana to go to the hospital. Cathy cries softly as she watches.


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Last week (according to Mrs. C) it was known that the church building had black mold and was a danger to people, so it was logical to shut it down, at least until the mold was removed.  But if the bishop et al. planned to shut it down, they should not have assigned a new vicar.

What options does Alphy have? Is he allowed to go talk to churches whose vicars are about to retire, or does he have to wait for the bishop to reassign him?

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1 hour ago, Sarah 103 said:

At the end, I liked that Cathy and Esme each found someone they could talk to. Even if Cathy tried to talk to Esme about the realities of being a woman in the workplace, I don't think Esme would listen, but she will absolutely listen to Miss Scott. Cathy needs someone to talk to who will listen to hear and not just dismiss her concerns and feelings, which she found in Mrs. Chapman. 

I thought Esme was rooming with the hussy that was killed, no? If so, is she living on her own now? I was very annoyed when she and her friend sashayed into the Keating kitchen and she dumped their laundry with her mom. I would have hoped that her mother just left it as is and when she picked it up her mom said, 'you're grown up enough to live on your own, then you're grown up enough to find somewhere to do your own laundry.'

And yeah for Miss Scott being given something more to do! Though that said, I have always felt that it would be highly unlikely that Miss Scott would have been so easily employed given the negative viewpoint back then on people that are differently-abled, regardless of what they are actually capable of.

Edited by surfgirl
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8 minutes ago, Driad said:

What options does Alphy have? Is he allowed to go talk to churches whose vicars are about to retire, or does he have to wait for the bishop to reassign him?

Individual churches can’t make a decision to hire him, that’s up to the bishop to decide. I suppose he could try to find out places that he would be a good fit and try to make a case to the bishop.

Unless this is the last season of Grantchester, the real question is how will the crisis of closing the church be resolved in order to keep the church open. Will Alphy find a way to double the congregation?

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10 minutes ago, Rickster said:

Unless this is the last season of Grantchester, the real question is how will the crisis of closing the church be resolved in order to keep the church open. Will Alphy find a way to double the congregation?

Maybe Alphy will find something juicy about Bishop McSnob in one of his investigations.  That kind of stuff was probably not brushed off back then like it is today after the sinners tearfully claim "repentance" (I'm looking at you, Jim Bakker).

If nothing else Mrs. C and her posse would cut him dead with their looks.  And lack of proper doily placement.

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1 hour ago, Orcinus orca said:

If nothing else Mrs. C and her posse would cut him dead with their looks.  And lack of proper doily placement.

She had a look that could straighten a doily!

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