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S03.E08: Holes Are Bad


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“Holes Are Bad” – When Sam and Jay leave the ghosts home alone for the weekend in an attempt to have a romantic getaway, shocking revelations are made about two of Woodstone’s beloved spirits. April 18

WRITTEN BY: Sophia Lear


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10 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I actually was like, "Awwwwww, yay!" at that promo :D. Can't wait to see how they'll get her out of there. 

Jay could go down and maybe she can Merge with him somehow? Or become a temporary Poltergeist? 🤔

Edited by chitowngirl
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11 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I actually was like, "Awwwwww, yay!" at that promo :D. Can't wait to see how they'll get her out of there. 

Yeah, how exactly will they get her out?  Could she even grab a robe or climb a ladder?  It'll be interesting to see what they do with this.

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9 hours ago, PaulE said:

Yeah, how exactly will they get her out?  Could she even grab a robe or climb a ladder?  It'll be interesting to see what they do with this.

I might be wrong, but I think I remember hearing something about "having to go through dirt?"

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9 hours ago, PaulE said:

Yeah, how exactly will they get her out?  Could she even grab a robe or climb a ladder?  It'll be interesting to see what they do with this.

I keep imagining the ghosts forming a chain to pull her out of the well, and it's not like they have to go over the top of the well. Whether or not that would work depends on how deep the well is. 

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If they have a living around to help, can't they just put a ladder down there? I supppose it depends on how deep the well is, i.e. how big of a ladder they'd need.

Or have them throw dirt into the well, a shovelful at a time, and have Flower step up onto the dirt mound as it grows and the well gets filled up, and then step out of it once it's full.

If the well is actually the water source for the house, the dirt wouldn't be a good idea, but if she's able to stand on the bottom, it's probably not that deep and probably isn't a well in active use.

The "ghost-chain" is an interesting idea, though. I imagine Thor will be very eager to rescue her, and won't want to wait for them to fetch the livings to assist.

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I think they can put a ladder down the well, it didn't look too deep for a long ladder.  The problem is, none of the ghosts can carry a ladder (or throw enough dirt in the well) and Sam and Jay are on a romantic getaway.  Flower has to wait until they return. Which means the episode will be full of the ghosts trying to come up with funny/weird escape suggestions and hanging around the well to keep Flower company.  So, it will be a whole lot of that until the very end of the episode when Sam and Jay get home and get the ladder.

Edited by Johannah
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1 hour ago, possibilities said:

The blurb says something will be discovered about another ghost, too. I wonder who/what that will be.

I assume it will be how Hetty died, I think we were told we would find out how a main ghost died this season.  Maybe she was somehow pushed down the well?

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Possible spoiler.


CBS just had a commercial showing the attic ghost, so those who suspect it was her basement ghost boyfriend who got sucked off (into the light) might be correct.

5 minutes ago, Snow Apple said:



Edited by Snow Apple
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Rebecca was on CBS news this morning and they showed a clip from this episode. Hetty is talking to a lawyer about Elias being legal trouble due to using child labor. It's possible Hetty was murdered and her body thrown down the well. Rebecca said the episode would be shocking.

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2 hours ago, kathyk2 said:

Rebecca was on CBS news this morning and they showed a clip from this episode. Hetty is talking to a lawyer about Elias being legal trouble due to using child labor. It's possible Hetty was murdered and her body thrown down the well. Rebecca said the episode would be shocking.

Oooooooh, that's intriguing. Hm. 

That extended promo has me all the more anxious to see this episode. Sounds like it's going to be pretty intense. 

I did laugh at everyone's reactions upon realizing that Flower might actually be IN a well, though XD. 

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I've seen warnings that this episode will be intense for some people. There will be an interview with Rebecca Wisocki posted after the episode airs.

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3 minutes ago, BellaR said:

The reveal of Hetty's secret was so powerful. The ability to balance the heavy things with the comedy is one of the reasons why I love this show.


Flower revealing her secret made me laugh out loud. It was obvious, but wonderful.

The lack of award show recognition for this show is odd and annoying.

I can understand not favoring one actor over another but they should have won for writing.

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Pretty fun episode and the byplay about the ghost rules was entertaining.

People called it that It was a basement ghost, specifically Ralph, who got sucked off instead of Flower

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As always, Hetty for the win👏👏👏👏👏👏 That was brilliant.

And on a lighter note...let me get this straight, there's a feral puritan ghost named Patience roaming around in the dirt?!?!?😂😂😂😂

Edited by mammaM
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12 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, they were NOT playing around with that content warning. Holy SHIT. That was....dark as hell. When Hetty showed her neck... Damn. 

And then the realization that she did all this to try and protect Thomas...and we all know what became of him. Oh, Hetty

That ending talk with her and Sam and Isaac was so beautiful and touching and heartbreaking, though. I love how incredibly supportive and empathetic Sam and Isaac were, and I love Flower coming in to thank her for taking such a big risk to help save her as well. Such a good, emotional scene. 

But wow. Yeah. This gives us a whole new and intriguing and heartbreaking insight into why Hetty is the way she is. 

On a much lighter note, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY, Flower's back! SO good to have her with the group again. I loved eveyrone scrambling when it hit them that she was saying she was in a well, and I loved their frantic efforts to try and get her out. The bit with them attempting to face time Sam was hilariously cute. As was seeing how incredibly excited they were to realize she was still here, and see her again. I'm so glad they've got their friend back, and Thor's got her back, and just...yay :D!

I also LOVED the story about Thor, Sasappis, and Isaac all being stuck in the well...and with a Puritan ghost name Patience to boot :p! I want some flashbacks to that time period now, that'd make for a hilarious scene (and LOL at Isaac just shoving his way in and taking over telling the story about the well adventure and Sasappis being all, "...really?").

Also, we found out who got sucked off! Poor Stephanie, though. That sucks. 

Whew. Okay. Well. That was a LOT for an episode. Brave of this show to take that kind of risk in going there with that backstory - I hope people respond to it as intended. 

I can't believe we've only got two episodes left this season! Can't wait to see how these last couple play out. 

Now we know why Hetty was reluctant to tell Alberta who killed her. Hetty's sacrifice was for nothing.

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13 minutes ago, mammaM said:

As always, Hetty for the win👏👏👏👏👏👏 That was brilliant.

And on a lighter note...let me get this straight, there's a feral puritan ghost named Patience roaming around in the dirt?!?!?😂😂😂😂

Oh oh, with the Flower story and the Hetty story, I forgot that my biggest laugh this week came from Alberta. At the beginning when Sam and Jay are leaving, they mention it'll be nice to have sex without anyone watching. Sass says, "You watch?". Alberta goes, "You don't?". 😂😂😂

Edited by mammaM
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My only criticism of this episode is Pete’s wife being MIA. I mean, they can’t have it both ways. Either she’s in the show or she isn’t . Only the basement ghosts are not always around. Don’t get me wrong…I’m not a fan of her character and wish they would get rid of her some way, but she should be in scenes with all of the other house ghosts, shouldn’t she? And she wasn’t even mentioned. 
Im sure she’ll be in next week’s episode since it’s Pete centric, but things like that bother me. 
Except for that nitpick. I really enjoyed the episode, and I’m glad to have Flower back, and Thor happy again.

So ghosts can’t Face time. Good to know. 

If a living had been able to drop a ladder down the well, would Flower have been able to climb it? Do rungs count as floor or wall?

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The idea of poor Patience wandering blindly under the ground for centuries seems like a rather grim fate to me instead of something played for laughs.  I really didn't find it funny.  Also if a ghost is surrounded by dirt, why would some of it be the floor and the rest be walls?  Darn ghost logic!

Once again, Pete's ghost wife is absent.  Must be hanging out with Crash.

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4 minutes ago, Jodithgrace said:

If a living had been able to drop a ladder down the well, would Flower have been able to climb it? Do rungs count as floor or wall?

To my mind, a ladder is an object and cannot be touched by ghosts.  The stairs in the house are part of the structure and so are solid like the floor.

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12 minutes ago, DanaK said:

TVLine interview with Rebecca Wisocky (Hetty)


I’ll admit I didn’t clue in that Hetty killed herself until she revealed the cord and her neck to the other ghosts. In the flashback, I thought she was going to use the cord to trip or strangle any of the police officers, though that probably doesn’t make sense thinking about it

Thanks for the link!  Really interesting how they worked so hard to get the right tone for something heavy happening in a comedy show. 

And the visit to the Library of Congress. 

And the amazing fact that since they had to shoot these 10 Season 3 episodes in the dead of winter because of the strike pushing them into that schedule, they had to re-create all the outdoor shots this season including tonight's forest and well scenes inside a sound studio in Montreal instead of their normal ability to shoot at the "Woodstone Manor" stand-in building and property outside of Montreal they normally use. 

I didn't have a clue any of the exterior shots this season were all set on the sound stage.  Great production people!

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This was my favorite episode this season, and I think it's partly because Sam and Jay were not involved much. Although I like Sam and Jay as characters, their interactions with the ghosts can be a bit repetitive. But having the ghosts interacting mostly with each other was fun, and the writing seemed better than usual. 

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Oh Hetty! 😭

Flower!!! ❤️

There was so much information in this episode, I think I still need to process. But damn, what an emotional rollercoaster ride it was. 

I think Carol is hoeing it up around the house with other ghosts. We'll find out when Nancy drops that she caught Carol going at it in the basement with one of the cholera guys. And it wasn't the first time, or the first guy. 

I wonder if Flower will be hurt that Thor slept with Carol too. I wonder how many times it will be brand new information for our sweet, forgetful girl. 😂

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26 minutes ago, DanaK said:

I’ll admit I didn’t clue in that Hetty killed herself until she revealed the cord and her neck to the other ghosts. 

That was a legitimately unsettling moment in a show that's not exactly known for them. The look on her face and the way she slowly revealed it was just.... 

42 minutes ago, kathyk2 said:

Now we know why Hetty was reluctant to tell Alberta who killed her. Hetty's sacrifice was for nothing.

Yeah, I feel this explains SO MUCH about Hetty's entire relationship with Thomas, before and after she died. There's also that flashback in that one episode where we see Thomas trying to communicate with his mom's spirit to get a sign as to who he sould marry. I think they had a close bond, and she was especially protective of him, and then she had to watch him grow up after she died, unable to steer him in the right direction, and then he goes off and commits this awful crime. And then she meets and befreinds the woman he murdered besides. 

Yeah. Try bringing THAT up in everyday conversation. No wonder she kept quiet about the details surrounding Alberta's death for so long.

47 minutes ago, phalange said:

So there’s a Puritan ghost named Patience who’s just been wandering through the dirt for years now? I wonder if she’s related to George, the Puritan who lives at the Farnsby’s.

...ooooooooh, I like this theory!

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If Isaac let go for a second, why couldn't he just grab Patience's hand again right after?

I do hope that Patience is found and added to the group, though. Hopefully, time doesn't work the same way for ghosts, so she won't be as bad off as one might imagine from being lost for a long time.

An uncapped well is definitely a hazard! 

I think having a story that involved everyone working together and supporting each other is much more enjoyable than one where everyone is bickering and being petty.

Carol and Crash must be together somewhere. Or, as someone said, maybe she's making her way with the basement crew. Or the shed ghosts? 

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We finally learned the answers to two of our long-standing questions in this episode: when and how Hetty died.  They fooled us with her story about overdosing and then hit us with the shocker of how she really died--that was intense.  I didn't expect the episode to turn so dark, especially after that hilarious conversation between Hetty and her lawyer at the beginning when she congratulates him on his wife becoming the governor's mistress and he replies that it's a step up for his family.  Plus regretting that the state wants children to go to school during their most productive years when their tiny fingers can still fit inside the nooks and crannies of the machinery.  Oh Hetty, you're lucky you're not in hell with Elias.

I also liked the writers' nod to viewers' confusion about some of the illogical aspects of ghostly existence, such as their not knowing why they can go through walls but not floors--maybe some of them read the posts on this forum!

1 hour ago, Jodithgrace said:

My only criticism of this episode is Pete’s wife being MIA. I mean, they can’t have it both ways. Either she’s in the show or she isn’t . Only the basement ghosts are not always around.

Nigel wasn't there, either, and I'd consider him more important than Carol.  I think we just have to accept that the secondary ghosts--Carol, Nancy, Nigel, Stephanie--aren't always going to be present in every episode.  Maybe the writers feel the group would become too large and unwieldy to write for otherwise.

Edited by PaulE
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I'm glad Flower is back  but I found this episode a little distressing.  I don't think I'll be watching this one again.

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OMG this episode was everything. I'll be honest, I thought the season started off a little shaky but these last three episodes really hit it out of the park.

First off, the flashbacks to 1895 were hysterical - especially finding out that Hetty's phone number was 4. "Let me read that back to you." And then she actually got a wrong number. "I believe you want 2. This is 4." I'm still cracking up.

And yet . . . one of the most dramatic moments this series has ever done. I gasped out loud when Hetty pulled down her collar and we saw the cord and the rope burns around her neck. I wasn't expecting that at all, even as she was pulling the phone cord out of the wall I kept thinking it must have something to do with the well. My God this show deserves an Emmy. Fuck the Emmys.

I still feel a little cheated by the Ralph/Flower switcheroo, but I love this show so much I'm willing to give it a pass. And Nancy's explanation was classic Nancy anyway. (And Ralph never thought her would be as happy as when he got to try an orange.)

Interesting that Sam can't see the ghosts on the phone. They did something similar on the UK show but in that variation, Allison was able to hear them over the phone. 

35 minutes ago, possibilities said:

An uncapped well is definitely a hazard! 

It really wouldn't be, except for maybe little kids. But a ghost would fall right through the rock formation around it. Otherwise, having an old timey wishing well on the property might be considered quaint for a B&B. (LOL at Flower heading right back for it after a butterfly after finally being rescued.

I can't wait for next week! 


Pete can leave the property??!!

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2 hours ago, Jodithgrace said:

My only criticism of this episode is Pete’s wife being MIA. I mean, they can’t have it both ways. Either she’s in the show or she isn’t . Only the basement ghosts are not always around. Don’t get me wrong…I’m not a fan of her character and wish they would get rid of her some way, but she should be in scenes with all of the other house ghosts, shouldn’t she? And she wasn’t even mentioned. 
Im sure she’ll be in next week’s episode since it’s Pete centric, but things like that bother me. 
Except for that nitpick. I really enjoyed the episode, and I’m glad to have Flower back, and Thor happy again.

So ghosts can’t Face time. Good to know. 

If a living had been able to drop a ladder down the well, would Flower have been able to climb it? Do rungs count as floor or wall?

I was glad Carol wasn't in this episode. The main cast works so well together she doesn't fit in. 

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2 hours ago, Paloma said:

This was my favorite episode this season, and I think it's partly because Sam and Jay were not involved much. Although I like Sam and Jay as characters, their interactions with the ghosts can be a bit repetitive. But having the ghosts interacting mostly with each other was fun, and the writing seemed better than usual. 

I hear you. It bothered me that Sam came in with Isaac to talk to Hetty at the end. I thought it would have been a stronger underscore to their friendship if it had just been the two of them. She didn't serve a purpose, since she and Isaac basically said the same things.

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