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Spoiler Policy

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When in doubt, don’t spoil. If you must, use a spoiler thread or tag

  • No Cross-Show Spoilers: Avoid spoiling content related to specific shows, such as "True Detective," in forums dedicated to other series, like "Black Cake" or general discussion areas such as "Genre Talk."
  • Current Season Courtesy: Do not reveal spoilers for upcoming episodes or later parts of the current season in threads dedicated to a specific episode.
  • Character and Non-Episode Threads: These discussions may span across various seasons; therefore, no specific thread spoiler tags are required.
  • Historical Context: Be mindful that revealing historical facts can be spoilery, especially when a new drama based on true events is being aired.
  • Source Material: Discussions on original source materials, such as comic books or novels, should be considered spoilers, even if the adaptation diverges significantly or the source is notably old.
  • Typical Spoiler Sources: Keep spoilers derived from casting sides, photos from on-set observers, or leaked content within designated spoiler threads or marked with spoiler tags.
  • Timezones: When posting, consider the timing of the last airing across all regions. Note that the East Coast of the US is 3 hours ahead of the West Coast.
  • Forum-Specific Policies:
    • Previews: Treat previews, and preview-based speculation, as potential spoilers, checking the forum's stance before posting.
    • Thread Organization: Forums may have separate threads for spoilers only and for spoiler discussions/speculation or combine both into a single thread.
    • Comparisons and Media Topics: Check forum-specific rules for how to handle these discussions.
  • Non-Spoilers:
    • Descriptions from the "Info" button, TV Guide, and other general public sources, including magazines, are not considered spoilers.
    • Speculation based solely on aired episodes or general public information is allowed.
  • Important Reminder: Many forums feature their unique, detailed spoiler policies. Always review and adhere to these guidelines before posting

Please contact @CM-CrispMtAir if you have any questions.

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