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Kate Plus 8 - General Discussion

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This is what most bothers me about Kate Gosselin. She's one of those people who think saying they have OCD or a similar disease is cute. I absolutely hate people like that. OCD is not a joke. It can be absolutely debilitating for the person living with it, almost imprisoning them. It's not a cutesy little condition that gives off the impression that you're extremely neat and organized. A person who is afraid of germs wouldn't proudly admit to having a damned bird flying around and eating off her and her children's plates. Getting off my soapbox. Sorry for the rant.


I don't know if Kate has ever said that she has it.  I put that label on her under the "it takes one to know one" doctrine.  It's true that it can be debilitating for some.  Most of us figure out ways to deal with the things that panic us.  I used to not be able to eat out or use a public restroom.  I can handle it now that I'm older, plus I have my disposable toilet seat covers and lysol wipes with me. Symptoms often get less intense as you age.  Of my two grown children, one does just fine, but the other is at a stage where she has to have an even number of ice cubes in her glass, an even number of fries on her plate, etc.  So it can really vary.

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I wasn't seeing anger or bipolar or anything except a rather large family having a fun trip.  It looks to me that they all had a ball.  Kate didn't lose her cool when the girls were arguing over the bunkbeds.  She left them alone to figure it out.  Nor did she freak out when a rainy day threw a wrench into her plans.  She re-grouped and came up with other activities.  This is a newer, more mellow Kate, and I'm liking her.

  • Love 9

I'm watching the RV trip right now. Every god damn one of those kids are way to old to be whining and crying when they fall or when they don't get their way.

Does the Witch ever talk TO anybody? If she does, I've not seen it. She barks at people and issues commands but I haven't seen her have a nice, civil conversation with anybody. Especially her kids.

I feel so bad for those kids. Cara crying over Ashley leaving being captured for entertainment probably went over great with her classmates. Those kids are probably teased so bad.

She's the only TV person who I wouldn't be able to stop myself from smacking the shit out of if I ever saw her in person. I'm a peace loving hippie chick who's never hit anybody, but damn I really want to beat that witch.

ETA. She was such a raging bitch to the white water raft guide. It was obvious he wanted to knock her into the water.

IMO the reason she has a bodyguard every time she goes out in public is because half of America wants to slap the shit out of the bitch. I think that deep down she knows exactly how hated she is and is afraid that somebody will try to start some shit with her if given the chance. At one time she really was the most hated woman in America...and then the Kardashians came along.
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I think Mady is bipolar. I also think what we clearly see, and more evident then even the birthday episode is her manic side. She is either pissed off and crying or uncontrollable giggly. Yes, she models her mother's behavior, but she also has her genetics. It has been spoken by relatives that Kate herself is bipolar but refuses medication. I was extremely disturbed by Mady's behavior.

Also, Alexis. That once charming little girl has sheer anger in her eyes. I might be afraid to sleep in the same room with her too after all the years of being bad mouthed by her parent's and her siblings. She is living up to their expectations.

The boys seemed free on the ropes course and having fun. They don't get to do that very often.

Kate is aneorexic and she hates that Mady is getting chubby. She was worried about Hannah's "chubbiness" when she was 2 years old.

Those kids are so screwed in my opinion.

I think ALL teenagers act bipolar. Teenagers typically have mood swings that sometimes change hourly. I think it's because of adolescent hormones and being at that awkward age between childhood and adulthood. I remember going thru it and Lord, it sucked! Edited by farmgal4
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Mady is turning out to be the same Mady she was when she was 5, just bigger. She was always snarky towards Kate; now she can just meet Kate eye-to-eye,instead of eye-to-knee. And Cara was always quieter and moodier; she was "the good twin" on camera, but as we saw on their appearance on Today last year, she froze Kate out during that show when she refused to speak.


They're teenagers. It all comes with the territory.


The "little kids" as she calls them are just beautiful, and delightful to watch. 

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After watching last night, it was evident that Kate no longer rules the roost IMO. That household will be a nightmare to live in once the sextuplets become teenagers. I can't even imagine living with six, count 'em!, six teens. Kate will get her payback for every bitchy thing she's ever done once those kids become teenagers, and I can't wait!

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I understand that teenagers experience the hormone thing, because I experienced it too. And I think that Kate's personality plays a lot into the way the twins act. But I also believe in children not talking a certain way to adults. There is no way I'd let children talk like that to me. That would be nipped in the bud the first time they tried it.

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Gunderda - well I'm here with ya. I can't believe that someone supporting 8 kids on their own manages to look that good.

You've got that backwards. Kate doesn't support those kids on her own. Those kids have supported her in the lifestyle she thinks she's entitled to since they were born.

She hasn't worked a day since they were babies. The kids have supported her. I hope they realize that as they come of age and sue her ass for back wages.

The kids appeared to have fun, Kate appeared to not freak out etc etc. doesn't mean it didn't happen. Editing does wonders.

Edited by Maharincess
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I always liked the twins. Maddie from what I've seen when she was younger probably felt left out when the sextuplets came. Suddenly she had 6 younger siblings. It went from a family of four to a family of 10. Now that she's a teenager it must be even harder to be in the public eye, go to real school, and deal with the bullshit your parents are putting you through plus go through puberty.

I understand that teenagers experience the hormone thing, because I experienced it too. And I think that Kate's personality plays a lot into the way the twins act. But I also believe in children not talking a certain way to adults. There is no way I'd let children talk like that to me. That would be nipped in the bud the first time they tried it.

She allows it so people will sympathize with her, the poor beleagured mother of 8 mouthy kids. Notice how every time she gets back talk she looks to the camera and gives her did you see that! Poor me! look. And as I posted earlier she talks to them in the same smart ass way. That's where they learned it.

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She allows it so people will sympathize with her, the poor beleagured mother of 8 mouthy kids. Notice how every time she gets back talk she looks to the camera and gives her did you see that! Poor me! look. And as I posted earlier she talks to them in the same smart ass way. That's where they learned it.


Oh gosh, her mugging at the camera with those "poor, put-upon Kate" faces drive me crazy! Look, I get being a harried mom. I'm a stay-at-home mom of 3 kids ages 3-6. I homeschool them, and my youngest has some special needs. She has 3 times the load I do, so I get it. But is that the image you want to put out there? Not just for the world, but for your children to see as a reflection of their growing up? Nothing but stress and annoyance? How about make some sweet smiley faces at the camera, a touched look of endearance, when the kids are getting along and being helpful. It just seems like she has a schtick going now, where she's the ruffled mom of these crazy kids. But it's not really cute or funny. 

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But is that the image you want to put out there? Not just for the world, but for your children to see as a reflection of their growing up? Nothing but stress and annoyance? How about make some sweet smiley faces at the camera, a touched look of endearance, when the kids are getting along and being helpful.

For this reason, I sympathize with the twins. I grew up with a mom a lot like Kate. I have a disability and my mom ate up the praise for being the parent of such a child while simultaneously making me miserable for being that child/inconveniencing her. She basked in others' attention, but in my company she was always negative and angry. While Kate encourages the "harried mom" persona/lets Maddy complain, I bet privately Kate unleashes hell,  As evidenced by Maddy's quote (re: taking the cell phone) "she (Kate) said 'I'm so cool, I have all the power.' My mother used to say things like that, verbatim. A kid/teen does something wrong, you take their item, explain why it was taken and when it will be returned. Not "I have all the power'. It saddened me when Maddy wanted her phone back in the morning, Kate said she'd think about it and then mugged for the camera and said "she's not getting it back."


Kate herself is a sarcastic person (beyond what is appropriate). This is the behavior Maddy is imitating.

Edited by AltLivia
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I just watched the birthday party specials---my gawd, Kate is even more unlikable. Her little conversations while making breakfast, and how she hates everyday of it, shows her true heart.

I laughed when she was wrangling those 3 shopping carts, and had a look of disbelief that no one helped her!

Maddy is a horrible child, so hateful to her siblings---just like Kate.

Who does Kate think she is? She's baking her 3 tier cake in a sundress but has to run change to pick up the kids. Gah!!

I think Kate looks horrible---100% fake fake fake.

I would like to see more of the inside of her home---so far, I'm not impressed.

Other than her friend that flew in, everyone else seemed to be hired. Not surprised Kate doesn't have friends.

Would have been nice if Jon would have been invited to the party.

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I couldn't believe how hateful Maddy was but I was thinking the whole time that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Cara seemed mild and uninterested (when compared to Maddy). I think Cara could do without being on TV.


It really grates on my nerves how Kate calls the sextuplets "The Little Kids" they're 10 now. Thats not little anymore. And they way she kept spouting that she's a single mom. Did anyone pick that up? I sure didn't.. My Mom was a single mom and didn't brag about it. She did what she needed to do. Period.


I think it was Collin and Aaden that were sticking together at the Ropes Course. The boys are adorable and I hope they'll turn out alright even with that mess of a mother.

I think Kate has a personality disorder, not a mood disorder. No, I'm not a psychiatrist, I just diagnose people on t.v. (But am totally serious about the personality disorder.)


The t.v. was keeping me company the other day and the RV episode came on followed by an episode with dodge ball and ice skating. Am I in the right thread to discuss the dodge ball episode or was that a different season? Anyway, I was FLOORED by the dodge ball. Like, gape-mouthed and google-eyed. This grown woman used her physical advantage to systematically "win" against every kid (while barking YOU'RE OUT at them) and then proudly told the camera that she doesn't believe in letting kids win because it sets a bad example and sends a mixed message about trying their best. WHAT IN THE EVER-LOVING FUCK. Has she never heard of handicapping a player? Of course you don't use an unfair advantage to take out other players just so you can gloat about winning. What kind of "win" is that? Would she go golfing and not use the handicap system to her advantage? Has she never seen professional athletes play with kids and ease up to give the kids a fair chance?!?!?


So that was their big "fun" outing, getting trounced at dodge-ball by their raging narcissist mother and then having to push her around the ice while she put on a big show and made it all about her. Happy spring break, kids. :(


When Mady whined about "no fun things" and Kate took the cell phone and told her to leave, that should have been the end of it. "Give me the cell phone, go, I will come get you later to discuss." Instead Kate escalated it and drew it out. She likes the conflict and turmoil, and Mady has learned to relate that way. Just like Kate enjoys treating people horribly and then playing martyr when they walk away.


Beyond appalled about the conure. Those birds require a lot of care and live for decades. Who will take that poor creature when she gets bored with the novelty and/or she can't be bothered with upkeep?


Awful. Awful. Awful.

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Seems to me (depending on when this group of shows and the last were filmed) but i think she's had the bird for awhile and still shows the same care this time around than when she did when it was first introduced.  I have a friend who has the same type of bird and loves that thing to death but honestly to me it looked like Kate spent more time with hers.  Letting it sit on her shoulders while she did stuff around the kitchen.  Honestly who would have thought Kate would let any animal do that??? Especially a bird because they can poop anywhere.

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Loved Maine, now I want to vacation there.  I agree that Kate looks terrible. Just old and rough. she needs to lose the icky long white blonde hair. it ages her, looks like she has a bad wig on.  Maddy is  a total brat but Kate deserves nothing less. The younger kids are beautiful. Hated the way Kate keeps referring to herself as a single mom who has to do everything. Most single mothers do not have hired help. I guarantee Kate does not do everything herself as she tries to portray. She has nannys or housekeepers and she has a body guard. So she's not doing everything alone like she wants everyone to think.


She's nicer and more pleasant to the bird than to her kids.

 This!!! I have NEVER seen her speak with genuine affection or kindness to any of her children. She's always barking orders, demanding things and rolling her eyes about how difficult she has it.  She kind of mocks her kids, is gruff and cold toward them but to that little bird she seemed softer, spoke sweetly as if she actually cared about it. Very sad that her kids don't get that affection.

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They aren't great.  TLC is losing viewership though so they are good enough to keep her around if those numbers hold over several episodes.

I don't know the first thing about what makes a number great.  But this is what the experts are saying:





I don't know the first thing about what makes a number great.  But this is what the experts are saying:


That was the pre-packaged hype from TLC's PR department, not analysis by experts.  :)  


Their job is to make the most of the numbers and find the ones where they did the best.  That said I don't believe the numbers were as good as part one last summer.  I think that episode topped 2 M IIRC.  They aren't lousy numbers for Tuesday by any means, but TLC hype is always TLC hype.  

It seems like the emotions from Maddy and Cara are due to the fact that they have been manipulated and essentially told how to act since they were kids. A lot of the episodes are staged or re-enacted. It's also Jon and Kate's doing. Jon is very mellow and laid back while Kate is like a volcano. They really didn't have consistency.

Wasn't Khate getting help from the state of PA with childcare and she complained it wasn't the right kind of help. They eventually cut off her benefits (and rightly so) because her kids weren't considered disabled. Khate argued that they were disabled because babies are unable to care for themselves. She really milks it for all it's worth.

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
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Actually all US taxpayers paid for this gaggle of kids, Medicaid has been involved. Medicaid is a fifty fifty split state and Feds share the cost. The taxpayers of PA paid for a night nurse for the first year of the sextuplets life. After a year the state cut the nurse off. The kids were not medically fragile so strings must have been pulled.

I didn't watch the show and I'd pretty much quit following Kate's story after years of getting upset with her behavior. I feel bad for all eight kids. I'm not surprised to read the twins are unpleasant, their role model is so negative and bitter.

By and large the public has moved on from Kate so I was real surprised she got more TLC exposure. Please don't watch this show.

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I'm watching the RV trip right now. Every god damn one of those kids are way to old to be whining and crying when they fall or when they don't get their way.

Does the Witch ever talk TO anybody? If she does, I've not seen it. She barks at people and issues commands but I haven't seen her have a nice, civil conversation with anybody. Especially her kids.

I feel so bad for those kids. Cara crying over Ashley leaving being captured for entertainment probably went over great with her classmates. Those kids are probably teased so bad.

She's the only TV person who I wouldn't be able to stop myself from smacking the shit out of if I ever saw her in person. I'm a peace loving hippie chick who's never hit anybody, but damn I really want to beat that witch.

ETA. She was such a raging bitch to the white water raft guide. It was obvious he wanted to knock her into the water.

If you decide to punch her stand in front of me...Im next in line!


Another fun thing I read about Khate: She wrote a letter to the governor of PA to get benefits for her kids.


Oh I know about this because it's kinda part of what I do.  Each state has benefits for caregivers.  In order to get help the person getting care is evaluated and give a score (just to make this simple).  So if my husband needs care and is a 70 then I can get help.  But if he is 50 then I can't.  One of the things that most states do and PA doesn't is if my husband is a 50 and my son is a 50 I as a caregiver am responsible for 100 care level and can get help.  If you read her letter and listen to her testifying (she was invited like folks are to a senate hearing) she has 6 people that need care.   The total score is twice what it takes to get help but no one child meets the threshold.  So this was more about changing PA law for ALL caregivers that struggle with multiple people in their homes that need care.  No doubt this would have benefited her but it would also have helped other people struggling with more than one family member needing care.

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I couldn't finish the episode. It was so boring. I used to watch the old show, and it was clearly built off the cuteness of toddlers and the drama between Kate and Jon. Now its just 8 kids being forced to dress like pilgrims and eat lobster so their mom can get money to pay the bills because their dad probably contributes close to nothing. I don't even have any serious complaints about the episode. It was just nothing. Like watching someone's school field trip. Kate should probably get ready to sell the million dollar house, because I will be shocked if this reboot of the show goes an entire season.

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It seems like the emotions from Maddy and Cara are due to the fact that they have been manipulated and essentially told how to act since they were kids. A lot of the episodes are staged or re-enacted. It's also Jon and Kate's doing. Jon is very mellow and laid back while Kate is like a volcano. They really didn't have consistency.


Ehhhhh I beg to differ.  We know exactly how Cara and Maddy will act if they don't want to play along.  It was broadcast on live tv for the world to see.  We've also seen many instances in the past where they did not want to cooperate with filming.  


Maybe they're getting smarter and working on some deals in exchange to to be fairly obedient kids on film. Maddie likely isn't the best negotiator but I wouldn't put it past her... 

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It seems like the emotions from Maddy and Cara are due to the fact that they have been manipulated and essentially told how to act since they were kids. A lot of the episodes are staged or re-enacted. It's also Jon and Kate's doing. Jon is very mellow and laid back while Kate is like a volcano. They really didn't have consistency.



Ehhhhh I beg to differ.  We know exactly how Cara and Maddy will act if they don't want to play along.  It was broadcast on live tv for the world to see.  We've also seen many instances in the past where they did not want to cooperate with filming.  


Maybe they're getting smarter and working on some deals in exchange to to be fairly obedient kids on film. Maddie likely isn't the best negotiator but I wouldn't put it past her... 

I think Cara and Maddy are over the show. If they have any incentive to fake it, it's so they don't catch hell from Kate or get teased at school. But they've been very clear that they feel like they got the short end of the stick, between having a crazy mother and being second fiddle to the sextuplets ALL THE TIME. While most well adjusted kids would deal with that by branching out and just finding a community outside their home, they don't have that option because they must NOW appear in front of a TLC camera. So they can't declare they're spending the weekend at  a friend's house, or try to join a club or youth group, because either it will be shot down (conflicts with the almighty filming schedule) or, even worse, they'll have to endure cameras following them there too.


I feel really, really, really bad for those girls. 

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Seems to me (depending on when this group of shows and the last were filmed) but i think she's had the bird for awhile and still shows the same care this time around than when she did when it was first introduced. 


Sure, but... twenty years from now? I can't see it. It was striking how tender and caring she was toward that bird. Made little kissing noises and let him hang out in the kitchen when on the other hand she has a shit fit if any of those kids spill a bit of sugar while making cookies. She also provides those chickens with a very nice henhouse, although I suspect that was from production.


I think she would be a far happier person if she just had a bird and a nursing career.

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There are a ton of alternatives to doing nothing and putting kids on TV to expose their lives to the public.  As others have said, she could take nursing shifts, she could do some nursing work from home such as case evaluation or answer line type things, the kids could go to public school, they could live in a much smaller place, etc.  Kate got used to staff and luxury and she's refusing to go back to average.

  • Love 9


There are a ton of alternatives to doing nothing and putting kids on TV to expose their lives to the public.  As others have said, she could take nursing shifts, she could do some nursing work from home such as case evaluation or answer line type things, the kids could go to public school, they could live in a much smaller place, etc.  Kate got used to staff and luxury and she's refusing to go back to average.

Other families with sextuplets have gotten by without reality television. The Gosselins were getting by without reality television before they did that first special. Kate would be smart to start saving some money, because this gravy train won't last much longer. The TLC large family and dwarfism gravy train is losing steam, and all those shows are going to start dropping off.


Having said that, Kate forcing the kids to pretend to be pilgrims is not as bad Jon discussing jerking off on Couples Therapy. I cringe to think what the twins' friends thought of that trainwreck. This episode was mostly just stupid fluff, even if it did reek of desperation.

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