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S20.E03: Toying with Fashion

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8 minutes ago, Thumper said:

I missed it.  Who IS that guest judge with the smudgy eyes???

Stacey Bendet who owns the line Alice and Olivia. She’s known for her smokey eye look and her line even creates a cartoon “Stace Face” sometimes on some of their products. 

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Reality competition hack-Don’t want to go home? Start a huge fight or Cry.

10 minutes ago, Angeleyes said:

Stacey Bendet who owns the line Alice and Olivia. She’s known for her smokey eye

the smoke has gone out. Those lids are charred.

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I'm sorry to see Mila go. It sounded like there was more to the story of her business shut down than she was ready or willing to share, and she was clearly pained and regretful over it. I would've liked to see her get much further in the competition.

Very glad that Rami was safe and happy for Viktor's win.

I'm also rooting for Bishme.



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15 minutes ago, Fellaway said:

Did that guest judge even have eyes? All I saw were heavy dark eyelids.

Same. What an extremely unflattering take on the smokey eye. Apparently it's her thing, though, like Anna Wintour's ugly haircut.

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WTF?  That horrible nightgown shift dress monstrosity with the weird stuffed animal “tufts” was in and the car wash skirt went home?  😳😳😳 What were those judges thinking?  🤔 At least the car wash skirt ensemble showed some creativity and that skirt was cute!  I swear this must be rigged … 😡😡😡

Edited by ChattyCathyLA
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I was pretty surprised Mila went home over Laurence.  Although I really wanted to see more from Laurence, so that's a plus.  But, this week her design was not it.  Yikes.  I was surprised the judges commented on her attitude, though.  I just saw someone who is reserved and maybe didn't have a defense for her design.  I thought Nina's point about how skill set should trump attitude in the industry was interesting.  She's met more than her share of testy designers...

I wish Mila had shortened the length of her skirt a bit.  She may have had enough puzzle pieces to cover the entire thing.  Perhaps if the bottom had been fuller and  more complete, the top could have looked more cohesive.  

Edited by SemiCharmedLife
left out part of sentence
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1 hour ago, Fellaway said:


Nina's comment about bleeding pandas giving her joy? Okay, that got me. LOL! But I do think some of these people need to study up on the meaning of "whimsical."

Nina was hilarious on this.  And yes, some of those looks were far from whimsical.

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Well, once again I proved to myself that I know nothing about fashion since I thought for sure Rami would be safe and that Anna would be in the bottom three.

Apart from the yes, whimsical, dinosaur shoulders I hated Viktor's banana coat and thought it was a bunch of thrown together bits and pieces hot mess.

I was disappointed with Laurence's attempt and agree with Nina that she didn't try.  She reminded me of myself decades ago when I was so mad at the way a 3-hour, 3 essay final was written I almost blew it by sitting in a pissed-off funk for, literally, two hours, before scribbling desperately and somehow pulling it out.  Not Project Runway, but a vital part of my degree. 

I wasn't sad to see Mila go, but Laurence was very lucky I think.

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Sometimes I think the unconventional materials challenge should  just be for fun,  and that there should be no elimination. I think Laurence said something  early in the episode like I don't usually make clothes out of plastic... and that's pretty much true, designers work with fabric.

31 minutes ago, Leeds said:

Apart from the yes, whimsical, dinosaur shoulders I hated Viktor's banana coat and thought it was a bunch of thrown together bits and pieces hot mess.

I didn't like Victor's look, either!

and Anna? she apparently took the same gray fabric Christian criticized (from floor pianos?) and sewed pleated strips and stuck them all over the gray dress she'd made? That was f' ugly!

I was sorry to see Mila go and agree with this:

1 hour ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

I wish Mila had shortened the length of her skirt a bit.  She may have had enough puzzle pieces to cover the entire thing.  Perhaps if the bottom had been fuller and  more complete, the top could have looked more cohesive.

Prajje and Korto did great work as did Brittany...  though hers didn't exactly represent an original look. Even though Kayne had a wild theme  and  he totally committed to it...  which is admirable; please God may I never see shiny black and white chevron with either pink or red  ever again! Must have been a smooth half dozen of those dresses in just the seasons I've seen!

Fabio's and Bishme's were  disappointing to me. Didn't expect much from Hester. The 3 of them could have been in the bottom, too. It's not even surprising Rami's wasn't great. The man makes magic happen with fabric.





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Um....I have a sick sense of humor at times, but bleeding panda eyes were funny? Not getting the joke: table for one!

And I couldn't even look at the guest judge who looked like she'd been punched or had gouged her own eyes out. But I also didn't want to listen to that whiny rasp of a voice, either. Famous/respected/renowned, sure, but also...just brutal for teevee. 

I liked Korto's more than the judges did. She would have been in the top over crushed teacups bodice if I'd been deciding.

So much word to the poster who said that new moms can just STFU about choosing to go on a teevee show when they have a newborn. Or any kids, really. If I never again see a cameo with a weeping mom who says that she misses her tots soooo much, but she just has to have her dream, too...look, lady, dreams that come true aren't fairy tales. They involve hardship and sacrifice. If you don't have the maturity or fortitude to keep your tears to your pillow (as Abby Miller would say), then please, stay home. 

And her design was terrible. 


Not much for Prajje's histrionics, either, but dang if I didn't sit up and say "WOW" out loud when his design walked the runway. That was freaking amazing. 



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I hated the banana dress. I actually liked the pink with the broken teacups, it seemed Alice in Wonderland-like.

How many more episodes of Anna caterwauling about her baby? Stay home with him if it’s a hardship.

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It’s funny to hear everyone’s reaction to Stacey Bendet. Y’all would have really freaked if she were still wearing her hair jet black as she did until recently. She looked much more goth then. 

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I liked Viktor's design.  Prajje's design was awesome and probably the most commercially wearable garment.  However, one of the challenges was to make a whimsical garment and I that's why I think Viktor won out over Prajje.

Both Mila and Laurance phoned in the challenge.  I was surprised they didn't eliminate them both

Brittany was annoying during her season and hasn't changed any


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So Nina looks at an outfit with big stuffed dinosaur heads perched on each shoulder and says, "I looked at it and I couldn't find any toooooys."  <eyeroll>


The judging is whacky and unfathomable, same as every other year.  None of the seven people standing at the end had the slightest idea whether they were a High Score or a Low Score.

I'm thinking you could've swapped the 'safe' people with the high/low people and the judges would've justified an entirely different result, presto chango, with equal conviction.


The pandas looked more as though they were wearing saucy narrow red Zorro masks--not bleeding eyes, for cripe's sake!  

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That guest judge and the eye makeup, I kept looking to see if I could see any whites in her eyes and failed. Laurence, girl that looked like a Wilma Flintstone outfit. Hester should have been in the bottom, 2 days it took her to make that sad sack? Why didn't the judges question her material for the bra and shorts? I think Brandon gets a boner every time there is some reveal, but Kayne is 2 for 2 with that and needs to move on from it, his cape was awful. 

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Like last week, I was good with the winner and the auf, but also don't know what the judges are smoking when it comes to some of the commentary/top/bottom/safe etc. 

Rami's dress was definitely safe and didn't belong in the bottom. Either one of the other two could have definitely gone home, but I wasn't surprised Mila was sent home. Did she run out of puzzle pieces or just feel that was enough? I think even if she had attached the strips together loosely so they still had good movement but were connected, it would have looked better and more like a skirt... they were too much just dangling strips that whipped around... 

Laraunce's look was just bad.. boring/drab and not at all whimsical. The dress just didn't have any shape or details that made it special... I wasn't surprised by Nina saying it looked like she didn't try. 

Kayne's look was a lot of fun... definitely gave me panda lazer eye vibes more than blood though... which is probably better :P 

I liked how Viktor's dress turned out, the little dino head jacket over the dress looked put together/finished and had a shape/design that you could see. 

I think that's usually the biggest problem with the looks for the unconventional materials challenge is just that a lot of it looks so unfinished. 

Hester's was a joke... did she use regular fabric for the top and skirt? And then just tack random stuff over it? The keychain belt was giving me Wendy Pepper strings and washers vibe... 

It was a fun episode, but the early challenges are always hard since there are so many contestants we don't get a great look at the dresses. I wish they could get down to like 6 people and then not eliminate anyone for 3-4 weeks... 

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Definitely didn't think Mila's or even Laurence's outfits were the worst. I thought Fabio's playing card dress was awful and I was shocked it was safe. Anna's dress didn't look at all like it was constructed from anything unconventional, let alone any toys. I'm surprised they let her skate through. 

I didn't understand what was so great about Brittney's dress. Her skirt was just bunched up tent material sewed/glued onto muslin. It reminded me of the dress that sent Prajje home in his season. I did think Viktor and Prajje had the best outfits though, and I thought Kayne's outfit was creative. Model looked like Cruella de Vil but with pandas instead of a dalmation coat. 

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1 hour ago, GiandujaPie said:

I thought Fabio's playing card dress was awful and I was shocked it was safe. 

Oh me too. It looked like EXACTLY what it was. I guess it was "nicely done" which got him through. 

The guest judge was channeling Heidi. Twice she gave us the always incredibly useful "I would wear that."

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3 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

It’s funny to hear everyone’s reaction to Stacey Bendet. Y’all would have really freaked if she were still wearing her hair jet black as she did until recently. She looked much more goth then. 

Not a matter of "goth" or the color black per se (not exactly a color eschewed in high fashion!). It was that Stacey blackened her lids to resemble the dark eye sockets of a skull. 

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I thought the guest judge had been mugged.  Could not even see her actual eyes because she looked like she’d been punched directly in both eyes.  Made me forget Alicia Silverstone’s boobs hanging out last week, though.

I knew they were going to pick the Big Bird outfit, almost completely because their tastes are generally diametrically opposed to mine and I hated it.  Do experienced designers get excited by new sewing machines the way they would flip over last week’s 10K prize?  And I was sure they would toss Laurence because of how mentally checked she seemed all episode.  Shows what I know.

I’m probably coming from an even darker place than Nina, but damn if the bleeding pandas didn’t make me think of the teddy bear in the pool in Breaking Bad.

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I was shocked that Hester was not in the bottom.  She should have been eliminated for just putting together some metal pieces and being done.  What material did she use for the bra/shorts?  Her outfit did not look like an outfit-just some jewelry chains worn over a bra and shorts.  Some people noted that she is looking like Christian and I totally saw that during this episode.

Nina kept saying that she didn't see the design/story/whatever in Mila's design, but I didn't see that in so many of the designs.  Oh, and we got a peek at what is in store for us this season when Elaine (who along with the guest judge) kept saying "I would wear that" as her criteria along with saying Rami should be safe because of his story/background.  So, it will probably be a season of hardship rather than design.

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Random thoughts while watching:

  • Laurence's look was the worst. period.
  • If Mila had a more dynamic personality, the producers would've picked her to stay.
  • I don't even know why Rami was in the bottom. Little do I know as I assumed the fur banana coat was in the bottom, but it was up for top honors. The judges (who should all just be replaced at this point) were gushing over this designer imposter Jeremy Scott wannabe. Oh, that one dress made by Season 19 Anna was bottom-worthy, too.
  • Brittany's look was the epitome of safe to the point I thought she might've been in the bottom. I guess it was arguably the most whimsical, but not in a creative or inventive way. pedestrian whimsy. 
  • Kayne's Cruella Deville dress was okay. Last week's look was much better. Btw, I said I liked his last week's design in the episode thread because it was so whimsical. I wonder if I mention the word pizza, next week's episode will revolve about going to a pizzeria?
  • I'm glad Kara Saun redeemed herself. still rooting for her
  • I'm not sure I liked Hester's look (shoot me) or the model really made it work with her walk


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I loved the banana coat. I thought it was very well constructed and deserved the win. Also loved the broken teacup dress, but it was less of a creative breakthrough so not surprised it didn’t take top honors.

 Laurence’s ’ schmatta looked like one of those bizarre furry fetish costumes. Ugh. Should have lost. 

In previous seasons I have commented on some of the judge’s word salad remarks. Tonight was no exception. Whenever they talk about point of view they are just spouting a phrase without any idea of what they mean. 

Edited by EtheltoTillie
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2 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Elaine (who along with the guest judge) kept saying "I would wear that"

Well, hey, that was always Heidi's second judging criterion, right behind "short, tight, and shiny." 

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This used to be my favorite show, especially seasons 1-2, so I’m kind of invested in it now even though I’ve never seen 2/3 of the current contestants before. But that’s never dampened my urge to snark before. . . 

“Could have used a little more lube” is something that I need to hear Tim Gunn say. And then it needs to be sampled and made into a freestyle or Italo disco track.

“You have to go straight,” “Have fun with the toys,” “When that whole thing is full.” Paging Dr. Freud! And I’ll have to try to use all of those lines at Pride tomorrow.

“I reworked my top” can be added to that list.

Anna is getting some kind of edit that’s like MADTV character who got the show pulled for cultural insensitivity crossed with Amy Sedaris character who got her show pulled for cultural insensitivity crossed with the “She Needs to Be Mercy Eliminated” challenge from Drag Race and however many other reality shows.

I don’t know why Hester or Brittany were ever cast on this show once, let alone twice, but please make them go away.

“Does that little thing come off?” “Yes, it snaps off and she can toss it.” Dr. Freud, get your ghostly ass over here ASAP and don’t defend the shoe!

Prajje’s look is like what Stacey Q would wear for a “Two of Hearts” video from 2023 and that is a major compliment.

Anna’s dress is serving unflattering pencil sharpener shaving realness, which is a valid ballroom category in theory, but I think she might be in trouble.

“She looks like she came from the future” = whimsical. Um, I guess, in the same way that “It looks like Nancy Kerrigan skated through a banquet hall” = opulence or "Rigatoni Mad Max” = timeless.

I’m not upset that Brittany was in the top but the way she talks is like she’s hoping to get upvotes for every comment so she can count them all when she gets home from a Mumford and Sons listening party.

I have mixed feelings about the judging and the eliminated contestant, but who cares?!

Edited by Aerobicidal
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Guest judge and Elaine constantly commenting on everything coming down the runway was annoying. 

Rami should've been safe and Hester in the bottom.

I liked Viktor's coat, and it totally fit the whimsical challenge, but he can't be that 'costume'-y in the rest of the challenges or he'll be out.

Shut up, Anna. 

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I'll admit that I don't remember Brittany from her season (there are a few recent-ish ones that are a blur, or maybe I even missed one or so), but OMG is she annoying!  Every single thing that happens, vital or not, evokes major over-emoting on her part, and you can just tell that she's always aware of the camera's location and she's going for her close-up at all times.  I'm also going to reveal how horrible I am, but since she is so obviously trying her damndest to be the "one to watch", shouldn't she have done her roots before appearing on national TV?  Or, maybe that's a look.  I'm old, so forgive my ignorance of all things cutting edge.

Nina is a bitch.

I've always enjoyed Christian, but I will forever miss Tim Gunn.

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1 hour ago, lgandkihei said:

shouldn't she have done her roots before appearing on national TV?  Or, maybe that's a look. 

It's a look.  Many of the young kids these days are sporting two inches of dark roots.

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On 6/22/2023 at 9:09 PM, Angeleyes said:

Stacey Bendet who owns the line Alice and Olivia. She’s known for her smokey eye look and her line even creates a cartoon “Stace Face” sometimes on some of their products. 

She annoyed me.  She contributed nothing.

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On 6/22/2023 at 10:09 PM, Angeleyes said:

Stacey Bendet who owns the line Alice and Olivia. She’s known for her smokey eye look and her line even creates a cartoon “Stace Face” sometimes on some of their products. 


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The amount of commercials is ridiculous. I watch a lot of Bravo and this is the only show that has so much filler. If I couldn’t fast-forward through the ads, I doubt I could watch. You could damn near put together a design during the commercial breaks, it seems like.

I am OVER Anna and her tears. She very well could have stayed at home with her baby — her bawling over the toys? No sympathy here. Grow. Up. 

For me, it came down to Brittany and Victor. Brittany’s design fit the challenge perfectly. The teaset bodice was beautiful. Victor — the whole presentation was amazing, especially the back. So glad he won. Kayne’s dress was gorgeous, but the coat detracted from it, I thought.

They sent the wrong designer home. At least Mila gave a damn — Laurence’s attitude was very off-putting, and her design looked moth-eaten and thrown together. 

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Elaine (who along with the guest judge) kept saying "I would wear that"

In the olden days, it meant something when super model Heidi said that. Elaine, you're no Heidi. Quit trying to make it your catch phrase. Quit trying so hard in general.

Laurence was into it in her season, iirc. This is sad.

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