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1 hour ago, Stuckathome said:

The teddy bear without eyes was a bit odd

I thought it was missing a face.  Maybe he got a deep discount on a manufacturing mishap.

1 minute ago, magemaud said:

Shouldn't she be happy that he's jerking off instead of screwing other women? 

Some weirdos think it’s still cheating.

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Still trying to figure out the timeline of the Amanda/Razvan story. 

What she has claimed:

her husband died "earlier this year"

she has been in a relationship with Raz for "four months"

What viewers have noticed/confirmed:

Her husband died March, 2022

There is an ad for Summer travel at the Bucharest airport

Everyone in Ohio and Romania are dressed for Summer weather

Putting these things together, I estimate this was filmed in August or at the latest in September, so that means their relationship started in April or May, just weeks after her husband's death 


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41 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

I have a feeling since she seems so awesome, David is going to be another Big Ed in terms of skankiness and how he treats her.

I have a feeling a lot of their video calls are sexual in nature.  She said he is always horny and referred to his bright  red (so I assume aroused) dick.

I can’t figure out the Sheila story.  How would a broomstick fit in a six-year-old’s ear?   Did she stick it in both ears?  She said she dumped her baby daddy because he was too young to support them but wouldn’t any money he could pay be better than no money?  Don’t people work at a younger age in undeveloped countries so if he was old enough to impregnate her couldn’t he work at least part-time?  And is the abusive ex someone after the baby daddy?

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It seems as though The Shock Factor Gun has been set to Mach 10 lately.  Butt plugs!  Squirting!  Tops!  Who's on First?  Cumming and going.  Does my vagina smell, Doc?  Enough with the TMI, TLC.  We see you.  Calm the hell down. 

Always Sunny Reaction GIF

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1 minute ago, MrBuhBye said:

I think Carmella just sent photos and they never video chatted.

Geez I’ve been off coffee 2 months so can’t use that as an excuse.  It was David doing the videos and I don’t remember who he lives with.   Was the amount he was sending mentioned because I would think a roof and walls would come before a dress to wear to the airport.

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6 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

they never video chatted.

Correct, she didn't say anything in response to his first request for a video chat, so he never asked again.  Sometimes people are too stupid to live. 

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I think the “broomstick” in the ear was Sheila not knowing the correct English word (“toothpick” maybe?). It was just one ear. My impression was that her kid’s father was also the one cheating on her.

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5 minutes ago, Gobi said:

I think the “broomstick” in the ear was Sheila not knowing the correct English word (“toothpick” maybe?). It was just one ear. My impression was that her kid’s father was also the one cheating on her.

Well if one ear is fully functional does that really impede daily life other than not being able to enjoy stereo?

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34 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Putting these things together, I estimate this was filmed in August or at the latest in September, so that means their relationship started in April or May, just weeks after her husband's death

Someone mentioned that he died less than 2 weeks after being diagnosed....so this could all be accurate. I can't imagine the shock and grief she felt when that happened, and then having to deal with two grieving very young kids. If she doesn't work and he was the provider, there was also probablys some panic about money. Again, unless he had a nice insurance payout----which she got the $$ somewhere to jet off to meet a foreign himbo and didn't seem to be getting any side eye about it from her sister. I can only hope that if $$ were an issue that SOMEONE in her life back home would have said, WTF girl? We know you are lonely, we know you are sad and looking for a connection but you have two young kids to take care of and feed so don't you DARE piss away your $ on a 3 week fuckfest trip. 

Yes, I think Sheila and David have just sexted and had sexy video calls, very little deep conversation. I too think if she had the opportunity to come to the US, she would do her best to be a "good wife" to David and bust her ass in any job to support those parents back home. I also was confused by her comment about the baby daddy not being able to support them so she decided to raise the baby herself. Any help is better than none, right? And maybe his family could have helped with childcare etc? I wonder if he wasn't just a one night stand or even like, a rape and she just doesn't want to put that out there on tv. 

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35 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

It was David doing the videos and I don’t remember who he lives with.

David lives alone and I get the impression his family is not very supportive. All he has said about them is that they sent him away to school for the deaf when he was very young and they never learned to sign. 

Sheila reminds me a lot of Rosemarie 

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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

I have a feeling a lot of their video calls are sexual in nature.  She said he is always horny and referred to his bright  red (so I assume aroused) dick.

I can’t figure out the Sheila story.  How would a broomstick fit in a six-year-old’s ear?   Did she stick it in both ears?  She said she dumped her baby daddy because he was too young to support them but wouldn’t any money he could pay be better than no money?  Don’t people work at a younger age in undeveloped countries so if he was old enough to impregnate her couldn’t he work at least part-time?  And is the abusive ex someone after the baby daddy?

I took it she got hit in the head with the broom stick and her ear drum burst, it may have just been kids rough housing and not malicious but she lost her hearing in that ear. 

As far as her son’s father- the Philippines is not the most progressive place to be a single mother, regarding cultural and legal protections ensuring non married fathers support their kids. Likely the boy (and his family) didn’t give a fuck about her and slut shamed her, so she cut her losses rather than begging. There’s a reason why Hazel’s son was better off in his Dad’s custody so she could work- in a society where she couldn’t expect monthly child support by law (for example) having a man who willing stepped up and took custody of his kid but let you visit him etc made you fortunate as a young single Mom. 

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Amanda - there are places called hotels. Instead of going to stay at a stranger’s home, maybe stay at a hotel for a few days so you have some personal space and some breathing room til you get to know this guy better. If she doesn’t live in California or close to the state, why is he interested? She really is not in any position to help him out or move to LA, and she is spending money to see him that could go toward some education for herself and go to the kids. Her sister doesn’t express any concerns? Raz can keep his apartment how he likes. I might keep a couple of tissues on my night table. He should have made some room in his home for his guest. And skip the teddy bear. Not all grown women appreciate them,

Tyray - I would be furious and ashamed that I had been used. However, he had plenty of time to check Carmella out. She wasn’t catfishing him for 3 months.

Riley - why didn’t you hire the investigator before you planned to go to Vietnam. I would not close my social media accounts or my dating profile unless I was sure that the guy was worth my time. He may not show up, ever; if I meet him I might not like him; he may creep me out, etc. I am not doing anything until I am comfortable with this guy. The PI guy was honest - lots of foreign dudes meeting women online and wanting to ensure they are not being scammed. Lots of women scamming dudes they may never meet.

Jasmine and Gino - ah, yes, the pre-nup that hasn’t happened. We are getting way too much personal stuff from this couple than we need to hear. They don’t seem all that compatible. If he does not meet her needs, find another sucker. Does Jasmine just plan on living off Gino if she gets a visa? No plans to teach or anything? 

David and Sheila - I hope he is a decent guy and that she is not using him. Getting the place fixed up a bit would be the priority. No neighbors or relatives to help patch it up a bit? It is also not a David’s responsibility to pay for repairs - especially if this is his first time meeting Sheila and there is no guarantee of anything happening. He also is not rich and does not have tons of cash. Online may not translate to reality. An online attraction sometimes does not turn to anything more. Take it slow, be pleasant, be a good host. The two do have issues in terms of communication and expectations.

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20 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Take it slow, be pleasant, be a good host. The two do have issues in terms of communication and expectations.

I hope David booked himself a hotel room. If he didn't I have a feeling he will soon after the reality of Sheila's home sinks in to him. It looked like the toilet (which she was proud they have) was a bucket, not a squat toilet/hole in the ground? So then that is yet another bucket that gets hauled out and dumped somewhere. Along with pumping water from the well and dragging up the heavy buckets. I know she showed him pics of the place because he mentioned the fire and the typhoon damage, so he has an idea, but I think when he arrives and sees it, it is going to sink in like Amanda looking at RAzvan's place adn saying "it looks just like on chat." And, sorry, but the smell can't be that great either. There have to be hotels in Cebu, I hope he gets one so he can at least be comfortable as he spends time getting to know her and her family. I assume he did so, based on a preview, but her father made it seem like he was sleeping there. 

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I thought Amanda was rude, mocking him for the tissues on the nightstand. Really? Then the comment about the bathroom. Why did she book a 3-week trip, if she had been smart, she could have gone for a week and seen how things went. So Tyray went to Barbados and she never showed? This is like Ceasar 2.0 

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24 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Really? Then the comment about the bathroom

She is surprised that a metrosexual TikTokker would own a lot of beauty products?

24 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

So Tyray went to Barbados and she never showed?

If someone stood me up in my hometown I would be done.  Dude traveled 4000 miles and was apparently fine with it.

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I think Gino and Jasmine are purely in this to cash in and are just coming up with storylines.

But, I guess it’s harmless so I’ll just enjoy the cringe. 

Amanda should just focus on her children first and foremost. If she’s that lonely just get a vibrator. 

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16 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

 If she doesn’t live in California or close to the state, why is he interested? She really is not in any position to help him out or move to LA, and she is spending money to see him that could go toward some education for herself and go to the kids.

Maybe he has that idea that all Americans live somewhere near or in LA or NYC.  That and they have money growing on trees.

15 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I thought Amanda was rude, mocking him for the tissues on the nightstand. Really? Then the comment about the bathroom. Why did she book a 3-week trip, if she had been smart, she could have gone for a week and seen how things went. So Tyray went to Barbados and she never showed? This is like Ceasar 2.0 

Amanda seems like she is stunted - she is a widow and she has kids but she is acting like a 15 year old. 

Did Tyray go to Barbados?  I must have missed that.   Someone online has an interesting theory. This is a Jenny Jone's situation 2.0.  So some dude likes Tyray but is scared to tell him because Tyray isn't into guys and therefore is using this "Carmella" persona.  Personally I don't buy it. I think it's some straight up catfish. 

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Alright, I’m late to the party and bad with names, so my first takes (watched both episodes last night) are subject to be erratic, misinformed, and downright wrong. 

Widow Girl and Metro Boy: Packing your husband around in a box is weird, and I don’t buy the whole “can we put daddy’s box in the car with us.” Totally set up by production. The guy with more hair products than a salon is obsessed with marriage, and she’s afraid of being alone. Doomed. 

Deaf Guy and the Horny Girl: I missed what he does, but apparently he’s got money. Think that’s enough for her and her family to welcome him, especially since Dad is already talking about getting him to redo the house. They may work because he seems desperate, and is apparently also horny all the time. Their relationship will basically be prostitution, but I’m not sure either of them care. 

Big Guy and the Catfish: Dude, take a look at you, and take a look at the girl in the pics. You were never getting a woman who looked like that. I’m shocked this hasn’t happened more on this show, but this guy is a moron. 4 years? He deserved it. 

Buttplug and the Cat in the Hat: she has to just want to be on TV. Yea, she’s crazy, but she could do better than Gino. Unless that thing wraps around his ankle, there’s no way she’s that into him. He’s dorky, awkward, and dresses like an idiot. She seems worldly and outgoing, even if she’s hatable. They’re here for drama. Doomed. 

The Guy who Hired a PI and the Vietnamese Whack Job: if you yell at my dad, we’re done. If I have to hire a PI to track you, we’re done. Doomed. 

I may have missed somebody but those are the ones on my mind this morning. 

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4 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

Two jobs, stocking shelves at a grocery store and janitorial work at a casino.

Well then! I guess some money is better than no money, so he’s daddy warbucks to that family. 

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3 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:

Well then! I guess some money is better than no money, so he’s daddy warbucks to that family. 

The question being whether he works two jobs to keep busy because he doesn’t have much of a social life or whether he needs the income just to get by.  

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17 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

The question being whether he works two jobs to keep busy because he doesn’t have much of a social life or whether he needs the income just to get by.  

I mean, I was a stock boy at a grocery store when I was in college, and I had another job. He’s definitely not making much doing that. Probably a little more than minimum wage?

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1 hour ago, JayDub1987 said:

he’s daddy warbucks to that family

Did you see their house? The half shack without running water and a bucket toilet, roof half missing? The homeless encampments in SF and Seattle are better than what they have---anyone with a roof, electricity, indoor plumbing and electricity is daddy warbucks for them. Which is how losers can go there and pull very young, attractive wives. 

1 hour ago, JayDub1987 said:

The Guy who Hired a PI and the Vietnamese Whack Job: if you yell at my dad, we’re done. If I have to hire a PI to track you, we’re done. Doomed. 

yeah, I am 100% with you on all of this. And this "couple" is the strangest to me....I don't get why he would tolerate the lies and drama. It isn't as if there aren't 100 other Violet's lined up waiting to take her place and GTFO of Vietnam. 

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10 hours ago, greekmom said:

Did Tyray go to Barbados?

Yes, when he told his sister and brother about Carmella, he mentioned he had gone to Barbados "last year" during the pandemic and had to quarantine for three days until he was cleared to meet Carmella but she never showed up, blaming Covid restrictions. 

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On 6/12/2023 at 7:16 AM, seacliffsal said:

Amanda can just stop with her 'never thought I would find love again/my children are my world' attempts to make us feel sorry for her.  Communicating/sexting with Razhad 2 months after her husband died?  Leaving her children for three weeks less than a year after their father died?  Just go away.  Complaining about no space in the bathroom for her stuff and a box of tissues?  What will she do if he asks her to leave?  He wants fun, she is being an Eeyore.  He wants a green card (so he can reach his destiny of being a 'star') so he will probably put up with quite a bit.  

Completely agree. I'm not liking her much. Driving around Romania, she's sitting there like a log.  Just try looking out the side window instead of straight ahead, look at where you are. You're no longer home, my dear. Learn something. Ask Raz questions; he's proud of his country. SMILE. Stop acting entitled like you are doing Raz a big favor by being there. He seems to really care about you. Then the Kleenex thing -- why would anyone ask why there are tissues there? That's your one big question? The bathroom vanity; I thought she was quite harsh in her request for wanting a place for her own things. Try being nice. No manners and an absolute downer.

Then the Zoom with her kids. Why is her little boy fixated on the bedroom, I wonder? 

Amanda's online photo's she sent to Raz were a bit much for someone who is so new to just losing her husband, IMHO. Oh, and the teddy bear gift at the airport . . . she acted offended. 

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Whenever I get a friend request on Facebook from a man I don't know, the very first thing I do is a reverse image search. I also look at his list of friends, too, and it's interesting that this dashing fighter pilot's acquaintances are primarily all African men. I'm 59 so there's NO excuse for not knowing how to do a simple reverse image search before you send money to the sexy model, who is wayyy out of your league.

Edited by Scout Finch
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1 hour ago, Scout Finch said:

Whenever I get a friend request on Facebook from a man I don't know, the very first thing I do is a reverse image search. I also look at his list of friends, too, and it's interesting that this dashing fighter pilot's acquaintances are primarily all African men. I'm 59 so there's NO excuse for not knowing how to do a simple reverse image search before you send money to the sexy model, who is wayyy out of your league.

Honest question… does this actually happen to people? I mean, I’m a middle aged suburban mom with a boring life so maybe the scammers don’t even try with me but I never get random friend requests.

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10 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

Honest question… does this actually happen to people? I mean, I’m a middle aged suburban mom with a boring life so maybe the scammers don’t even try with me but I never get random friend requests.

It's happened less than five times, I think. But I'm instantly suspicious!

6 minutes ago, magemaud said:

For some reason, there always seem to be FB friend requests in the comments on recipe sites. I guess they're looking for women who like to cook? 

I dislike cooking so it must be something else! 

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19 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

I love when I get the comments from random men on a post saying how beautiful I am when I use the same profile pic I use here, lol.

Same, but my profile pic is “Mama” from the Carol Burnett show!

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Gino is going to Pyanama to see Jyasmine to talk about a prenump and apparently have anal sex because he can’t , uh, finish in her 

Edited by Meowwww
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16 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Honest question… does this actually happen to people? I mean, I’m a middle aged suburban mom with a boring life so maybe the scammers don’t even try with me but I never get random friend requests.

I have been staying off social media for the most for the last few years, but yes I would get random friend requests from men on Facebook. Sliding into the DMs is a thing. 

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21 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Honest question… does this actually happen to people? I mean, I’m a middle aged suburban mom with a boring life so maybe the scammers don’t even try with me but I never get random friend requests.

They usually latch onto a comment I made on someone’s post.

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I haven't ever had a random Facebook friend request. YEARS ago I did find a bunch of dick pics sent to me in my facebook messenger spam folder, lol. but that hasn't happened in years. and my status was married and tons of pics w/my then husband. 

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4 hours ago, DaisyMine said:

My FB account is set to “friends of friends” only for friend requests, but I do get at follow requests from unknown men everyday on Instagram. That account is private and only has my 13 yr old rescue pup for the photo…and I have never posted anything because I only have the account so I can follow friends and some other accounts that interest me. 

Sooo….I’m much older than dirt, fairly well educated academically and I hope common sense wise as well, but haven’t a clue how to do a reverse image search. 🤷🏼‍♀️ How is this done, please? 😊

I just googled.    Seems straightforward 



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On 6/12/2023 at 10:35 AM, MrBuhBye said:

I wonder if Gino’s uncle broke up with that woman whom he was dating last season.  No video or mention but she was shown in the flashback to the Tell All.

Worse they were in Columbus.

Tongue kissing at the airport is a bit over the top.

After the big one she may need to rejuvenate her sphincter.

So Jasmine wants her vag tighter and the backside bigger.

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3 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

So Jasmine wants her vag tighter and the backside bigger.

If as I suspect Gino is small which is why she is having the front tightened it makes no sense to enlarge the back.  The guys I know who like anal with a woman say it’s because it’s tighter.  

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On 6/12/2023 at 11:29 AM, MrBuhBye said:

Well if one ear is fully functional does that really impede daily life other than not being able to enjoy stereo?

Yeah I can't say that she can equate hearing loss which is helped with hearing aids to being totally deaf. I do give her credit for trying to be empathetic, though.

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On 6/14/2023 at 12:56 PM, Elizzikra said:

Honest question… does this actually happen to people? I mean, I’m a middle aged suburban mom with a boring life so maybe the scammers don’t even try with me but I never get random friend requests.

I've gotten a few random requests on FB and Instagram- I'm over 60. They are always (their picture, anyways) handsome middle-aged men with private accounts. I honestly don't know how they pick random people to try and "befriend."

On 6/14/2023 at 10:15 PM, Meowwww said:

Gino is going to Pyanama to see Jyasmine to talk about a prenump and apparently have anal sex because he can’t , uh, finish in her 

Oh my gosh, everytime he says "Peeanama" I cringe.

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2 hours ago, KateHearts said:

I've gotten a few random requests on FB and Instagram- I'm over 60. They are always (their picture, anyways) handsome middle-aged men with private accounts. I honestly don't know how they pick random people to try and "befriend."

Oh my gosh, everytime he says "Peeanama" I cringe.

Imagine him singing the Van Halen song at karaoke.

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Tyray: You all are a lot kinder than I am. Yes, he seems very sweet to his mother. Anyone that invested in their delusion, though, deserves the natural consequences. He spent his last dollar to fly to Barbados to meet someone he'd never spoken to on the phone. Apparently this fantasy is worth that much to him. We're going to see him at the reunion talking about how he still has hope because maybe Carmella's phone was hacked. If he thinks the product he's getting is worth the price he pays, who am I to correct him?

The blown-out non-house in Cebu is a painful reminder that minimum-wage, trailer park American poverty would be a huge step up for a lot of people in the world. Jesus. I hope the relationship works out for that reason alone.

Jasmine and Gino: fast-forward. They don't even try to make it believable.

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On 6/10/2023 at 11:21 AM, magemaud said:

I was surprised to learn he doesn’t lipread at all. 

I noticed that as well. Lip reading could help a lot, and also help with making eye contact and connecting. I noticed he doesn't like to look at people when he signs-- maybe there are some additional issues there. Lip reading is more intimate-- you have to be close to a person and face to face with them. He seems a little closed off.

Jasmine is trying really hard to be as gross as possible to ensure she never gets another job and Gino has to support her. She is desperate for him to support her, and his family is going to make it tough. I think her sexy game is to get him to marry her. Once he marries her, the sexy game will be less important.

Razvan bringing up sex in every conversation would get on my last nerve. 

Meisha, the super Catholic lady, is the sexiest staff member of any Catholic church, probably in the world.


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15 hours ago, magemaud said:

David's education didn't seem to prepare him for life outside the deaf community. 

I'm not sure I agree. He lives completely independently in a largely hearing world. 

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