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S04.E02: To Have Peace There Must Be Strife

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Nicole heads to Egypt to salvage her marriage; Kris and Jeymi have last minute nerves before meeting; Daniele is not impressed by Yohan's new business; Isabel fears telling her parents that Gabe is trans.

First Look: 03/02/23; TLC: 05/02/23; Discovery+: 05/02/23;

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Daniele gets to meet all 16 of Yohan’s family. Maybe stay in the DR for 3 months first to see what real life is like. Yohan is right that Daniele is just a fancy tourist right now. There probably isn’t a lot of opportunity for him and the US may have more work for him. But he still needs to learn some English.

Nicole (38) who is still floating between careers. Meditation and reselling clothes at flea markets and food delivery. She meets her husband on the last day of her spiritual tour. Way way too fast to marry him. I would think she is in for a huge culture shock over there. She is telling her friends she is going back to Egypt.

Gabe and his mom packing for his trip. Again, suitcases on the bed. We also meet Isabel and so far, she seems like a decent girl. Her daughter is around 16 and her son a bit younger. Two different dads. For her, Gabe is different - quiet and fun. She has concerns about her parents meeting him.

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Gabe and Isabel have the potential to being one of the best couples on 90 Day.  He seems pretty real and his Columbian girlfriend does too, they both have a charming sweet nature about them so I hope they don’t disappoint us or each other. She’s a young mom of a teen and a preteen and he is trans so they’re interesting too.

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20 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

I would think she is in for a huge culture shock over there. She is telling her friends she is going back to Egypt.

She's already had culture shock when she returned to Egypt to marry him. I think she said she stayed for two months then "had to get out of there" and returned to the US. Why does she think moving there now will be any different? They haven't changed the restrictive rules that she's complaining about. 

Edited by magemaud
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Re: Daniele - Forfeiting an additional $15k/yr in retirement income to go play with her boy toy a few months sooner doesn't seem very smart.  Moving to another country with nothing but a canned line about "manifesting" an income is just plan stupid.  Making a unilateral decision not to honor the agreement she made with boy toy re moving to the US and then weilding the power she has over him to execute on her decision by not applying for his visa . . . yeah, that just makes her a pretty bad person, IMHO.  Granted, I have a strong feeling he's way more interested in the US than in Daniele, but nonetheless, two wrongs don't make a right, and I truly hate seeing US spouses use the power imbalance inherent in these relationships to treat their partners as though they're lesser than, don't matter as much, etc.

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What happened to totally smitten Danielle who was so smitten by this huge, handsome man that she promised him a lot and now doesn’t want to allow him to collect?  As soon as she got that ring on her finger she became a broke harridan.

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On 2/3/2023 at 11:07 PM, Frozendiva said:

Daniele gets to meet all 16 of Yohan’s family. Maybe stay in the DR for 3 months first to see what real life is like. Yohan is right that Daniele is just a fancy tourist right now. There probably isn’t a lot of opportunity for him and the US may have more work for him. But he still needs to learn some English.

Nicole (38) who is still floating between careers. Meditation and reselling clothes at flea markets and food delivery. She meets her husband on the last day of her spiritual tour. Way way too fast to marry him. I would think she is in for a huge culture shock over there. She is telling her friends she is going back to Egypt.

Gabe and his mom packing for his trip. Again, suitcases on the bed. We also meet Isabel and so far, she seems like a decent girl. Her daughter is around 16 and her son a bit younger. Two different dads. For her, Gabe is different - quiet and fun. She has concerns about her parents meeting him.

Isobel seems like one of the most mature people we've seen on these shows.  I can get how the trans thing wouldn't matter to her at all since she already has a family.

Nicole seems sweet, but way too naive to be 38.  I don't see her being a Muslim housewife working out.

Danielle, I don't even know where to start.  The Excel bit seemed staged.  Maybe he's not making money yet, but the way she communicates (language aside, I mean body language, wordchoice, tone, etc) is not conducive to a healthy relationship.  They're really not presenting her favorably.

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1 hour ago, Caseysgirl said:

What happened to totally smitten Danielle who was so smitten by this huge, handsome DICK man  that she promised him a lot and now doesn’t want to allow him to collect?  As soon as she got that ring on her finger she became a broke harridan.


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1 hour ago, anoninrva said:

the way she communicates (language aside, I mean body language, wordchoice, tone, etc) is not conducive to a healthy relationship.

Imagine what a nightmare she would be for a student who doesn’t understand something.  Yet she believes in all that nonsense with the ten imaginary skin improvement steps.  

Edited by MrBuhBye
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On 2/4/2023 at 12:49 PM, magemaud said:

She's already had culture shock when she returned to Egypt to marry him. I think she said she stayed for two months then "had to get out of there" and returned to the US. Why does she think moving there now will be any different? They haven't changed the restrictive rules that she's complaining about. 

Nicole's an idiot.  She married a stranger, moved to a middle eastern country, was shocked that her middle eastern husband expected her to conform to the rigid standards of dress in that country, finally realized her mistake and went back home.  Now she's doing it all again?  Why?  What has changed?  And maybe it was just me but her husband seemed like an immature jerk.  She is fully prepared to put herself through the EXACT same situation and is somehow expecting a different outcome?  Pull your head out, Nicole.  This isn't going to work. 

Edited by WhatsUpDummy
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4 minutes ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

Nicole's an idiot.  She married a stranger, moved to a middle eastern country, was shocked that her middle eastern husband expected her to conform to the rigid standards of dress in that country, finally realized her mistake and went back home.  Now she's doing it all again?  Why?  What has changed?  And maybe it was just me but her husband seemed like an immature jerk.  What is she thinking.  She is fully prepared to put herself through the EXACT same situation and is somehow expecting a different outcome?  Pull your head out, Nicole.  This isn't going to work. 

What has changed is a chance at tv & internet infamy thereby bringing much wanted attention to her......................... or so she probably thinks but these things have a habit of biting people in the ass.

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1 hour ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

but her husband seemed like an immature jerk.

She’s immature, too! I thought she sounded like a teenager when she described meeting Mahmoud in the fabric shop:

“I was shopping, and I saw this super cute boy with like these big brown eyes and these big sexy muscles, and he goes, ‘You should stay in Egypt and be my wife...” 

I expected her to go on and say something like, "Then he like carried my books to my locker and asked me to go steady..." 

Edited by magemaud
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I will never feel the least bit sorry for Nicole as versions of this show have been on for what feels like centuries so she should have watched an episode or two before jumping on the 90 Day Bandwagon.  Plus, she already experienced the cultural expectations and left after only 2 months-so going back is nothing but a publicity grab (IMO).

Can't stand Daniele and her entitlement and arrogance.  They're married, but Yohan better not expect to use any of her money but she expects him to totally support them?  Also, different countries have different food standards.  Locals can build up immunities/resistance that we may not have.  I've gotten sick from food in at least 3 different countries (probably more but I just don't remember) and it was always my fault for not following the advice that was given to me about what to eat/not eat, drink/not drink.  But, Daniele's whole dismissal of Yohan being able to understand how to run a business was really disrespectful.  He was so proud of starting a business and she just did nothing but denigrate him about it.  I'm impressed that he started a business.  Team Yohan (at least for now...).  

Jen's friend totally tried to set up Rishi, but his responses to her social media contacts were really...nothing.  But, I do agree with her friends that there are other red flags.  We all know that Sumit started with "Jenny is just a friend..."

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On 2/4/2023 at 12:58 AM, endure said:

Gabe and Isabel have the potential to being one of the best couples on 90 Day.  He seems pretty real and his Columbian girlfriend does too, they both have a charming sweet nature about them so I hope they don’t disappoint us or each other. She’s a young mom of a teen and a preteen and he is trans so they’re interesting too.

From what I saw of Isabel, I really liked her. She seems very sweet and gentle. So does he. 

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7 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

Can't stand Daniele and her entitlement and arrogance.  They're married, but Yohan better not expect to use any of her money but she expects him to totally support them?  Also, different countries have different food standards.  Locals can build up immunities/resistance that we may not have.  I've gotten sick from food in at least 3 different countries (probably more but I just don't remember) and it was always my fault for not following the advice that was given to me about what to eat/not eat, drink/not drink.  But, Daniele's whole dismissal of Yohan being able to understand how to run a business was really disrespectful.  He was so proud of starting a business and she just did nothing but denigrate him about it.  I'm impressed that he started a business.  Team Yohan (at least for now...).  


My family is from and still live in DR. I spent from the time I was about 3 until I was 36 going there on vacations. I did not stay as a tourist but stayed with family (granted my uncle was high military and most of my family were well off). I ate at stalls and little hole in the wall places. We only used bottled water. I was lucky to never get sick in all those years. The only time anyone got sick was the chauffer who was driving us across the country. We stopped for lunch in the mountains and he ate fish. My mom said he should have known better. 

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I think Nicole's story is totally fabricated in the sense that she came back to the US was planning to divorce him and now she's had a change of heart? My theory is TLC came a knocking and she is through with her delivering food and wants to get some media attention for her clothing business.  Otherwise she would have done what Avery did. Come back to the US and sponsor him on a spousal visa. 

I cant stand the whole Daniele and Yohan story.

I dont understand the pull for either Jen and Rischi.  At least with Jenny and Summit I got that she wants a younger man and honestly don't think Summit had any game.  Though he could have stuck it out with the wife his parents choose, so who knows.  But Rischi does have a really good education from the other yahoos we've seen on this dumpster fire, so I don't get why he wants Jen.

I don't see Kris staying with Jemyi. But TLC did pull a fast one with not showing us the meet up at the airport.

I like Isabel but I am not going to root for her or Gabe as i've been let down before by TLC.  There is some shit in the background - i know it.


Edited by greekmom
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7 minutes ago, magemaud said:

It will never make up for the $ 15K she's going to lose every year from her pension...

I think you mean Daniele.  Nicole is the wish version of Tilda S. who does food delivery. 

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6 hours ago, Welshman in Ca said:

I think you're getting your crazies mixed up there.


6 hours ago, greekmom said:

I think you mean Daniele.  Nicole is the wish version of Tilda S. who does food delivery. 

Oh, you're both right! I AM getting the idiots mixed up already! But I do think they're both in it for the money and chance to be "influencers" (whatever that means) and promote some kind of business. 

Edited by magemaud
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Danielle telling Yohan, "You're my wife" was incredibly cruel and demeaning. There's nothing wrong with being a wife but her intention was cruel and that totally came across. He's not your subordinate, Danielle. I really do not like her. And all the rituals - from skin care to cleansing rooms and cars - I don't know if that qualifies as OCD, but it does come off nuts. We all have our little rituals, I guess, but she seems draconian in hers.

She treats Yohan badly. That's the bottom line.

And the thing with Jen's (is that her name?) friend catfishing Rishi - he didn't answer inappropriately at all. He's running a business, I believe, and it sounded like he was responding appropriately to a potential client, that's all. And he ducked out when she became inappropriate. And she looked a little too happy relaying the news to Jen.

Edited by JeanJean
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6 minutes ago, JeanJean said:

Danielle telling Yohan, "You're my wife" was incredibly cruel and demeaning. There's nothing wrong with being a wife but her intention was cruel and that totally came across. He's not your subordinate, Danielle. I really do not like her. And all the rituals - from skin care to cleansing rooms and cars - I don't know if that qualifies as OCD, but it does come off nuts. We all have our little rituals, I guess, but she seems draconian in hers.

She treats Yohan badly. That's the bottom line.

Sadly that is a running theme with a lot (not all) of the Americans on this & all variations of 90 day but TOW is a particularly fertile breeding ground for their entitlement. For some reason people think that because they're American the rules in foreign countries doesn't apply to them rather than learning about what they will need to change and what things are different.

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Danielle is officially on my very last nerve. It seems like she didn't even bother to learn the basic norms of the country she was planning to live in before deciding to trap her husband there forever because she's tired of New York. Had she bothered to visit other local butcher shops or grocery stores, she might've learned that the way Yohan was displaying the meat is the way all the butchers in the DR do. Yes, there are flies. No, it's not the most hygienic or sanitary practice. However, before laying into Yohan talkin' 'bout how "That's not the way we do it in my country," maybe take a moment to acknowledge that she's not in her country and when in Rome, you do as the Romans do. Or at the very least, she needn't get all pissy or crap all over the way things are done in the country she's now living. Danielle's whole attitude is just shitty. And what of her children? Is she content to never (or only rarely) see them once she's permanently living in the DR? She is entirely too manipulative and selfish to have been a good parent and I wonder what her kids think of her choice to marry and move to another country with what was essentially some vacation D. I bet they've got some thoughts. I also couldn't help but notice that Danielle's (now adult) kid(s?) appear to have declined to be on the show. 

Jen's friends are the only sane thing about Jen. Something is very, very off there. Hopefully the Jen/Rishi story will get more interesting, because so far it's just another tale of vacation D being mistaken for a relationship. And honestly, what's the deal with older ladies named Jen or Jenny wanting to marry Indian men who are half their age? Does Jen not watch this show? Did she miss the misery that is Jenny & Sumit's relationship? And how that went over with his parents? Now here's another white, older, American Jen who's relationship with a younger Indian man is being concealed from his parents, who have been led to believe that she's just a friend. Hello... recipe for disaster, part deux.

I noticed that a lot of people on Reddit are saying there's some kind of drug use issue going on with Kris. There's a theory that she uses meth to counteract her narcolepsy, but I don't see the telltale signs of meth use (she doesn't have holes in her teeth, or sores on her face and arms, etc.). I DO see that there's something going on with her, but it's impossible at this early stage of seeing her to tell what that something is. It may be the effects of her narcolepsy medication or a mental/neurological issue that hasn't been revealed yet. Nevertheless, her relationship with Jeymi seems very superficial so far. All we've seen them talk about is wanting to meet and be intimate. There's something off about Jeymi too - I just haven't put my finger on what it is, yet. 

Not sure why Nicole and Mahmoud are on this show. She's already married. She's already wanting a divorce. She fast-forwarded through "The Other Way," & "Happily Ever After?" and is already a whole Tell-All. This seemingly never-ending parade of pasty-white ladies who marry Middle Eastern men, but somehow think that there's going to be "wiggle room" for them on the strict Muslim rules for women is so tiring! If the woman is going to be living in her husband's home country, she's going to be expected to assimilate. What part of that don't these ladies get?

So I guess the older, floppy hat lady & Ussama are this season's Ben and Mahogany. They'll be introduced halfway through the season and it'll be glaringly obvious that there's much more to the story than we're being told. 

So far, Isabel seems like a lovely, genuine person. I love her open-mindedness and her relationship with her 16 year old daughter. I still don't have enough info to endorse Gabe and Isabel wholeheartedly, but so far they're my favorite couple of the season.

Edited by FrancescaFiore
Grammar, grammar, grammar!
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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

She’s immature, too! I thought she sounded like a teenager when she described meeting Mahmoud in the fabric shop:

“I was shopping, and I saw this super cute boy with like these big brown eyes and these big sexy muscles, and he goes, ‘You should stay in Egypt and be my wife...” 

I expected her to go on and say something like, "Then he like carried my books to my locker and asked me to go steady..." 

One would think if a stranger approached you and proposed marriage you might run the literal other way.

1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

Also, different countries have different food standards.

Wouldn’t cooking the meat kill the bacteria that she is so afraid of?

1 hour ago, libgirl2 said:

From what I saw of Isabel, I really liked her. She seems very sweet and gentle. So does he. 

What I don’t understand is that Isabel says that she found out that Gabe is trans only from his IG.  So did they not have sex?  I know he had genital surgery but aren’t there clues in the way it looks or functions?

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1 hour ago, JeanJean said:

Danielle telling Yohan, "You're my wife" was incredibly cruel and demeaning. There's nothing wrong with being a wife but her intention was cruel and that totally came across. He's not your subordinate, Danielle. I really do not like her. And all the rituals - from skin care to cleansing rooms and cars - I don't know if that qualifies as OCD, but it does come off nuts. We all have our little rituals, I guess, but she seems draconian in hers.

She treats Yohan badly. That's the bottom line.

And the thing with Jen's (is that her name?) friend catfishing Rishi - he didn't answer inappropriately at all. He's running a business, I believe, and it sounded like he was responding appropriately to a potential client, that's all. And he ducked out when she became inappropriate. And she looked a little too happy relaying the news to Jen.

I like when the friend humbly stated that she was a good looking woman lol.

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9 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

What I don’t understand is that Isabel says that she found out that Gabe is trans only from his IG.  So did they not have sex?

Not only that, but why wasn't there any issue with the fact that Gabe entered into a relationship with Isabel without telling her that he's trans? Wouldn't most people be livid upon discovering that such salient information was withheld? That seems like a pretty major omission - and finding out about it from Instagram seems like a particularly messed up way for her - and her teenage daughter - to find that out. Yet Isabel was like "*shrug* NBD."

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49 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

And honestly, what's the deal with older ladies named Jen or Jenny wanting to marry Indian men who are half their age?

Jen is closer in age to Rishi than Jenny is to Sumit and I’m sure in Jen’s mind she could pass for 30s lol.

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5 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Not only that, but why wasn't there any issue with the fact that Gabe entered into a relationship with Isabel without telling her that he's trans? Wouldn't most people be livid upon discovering that such salient information was withheld? That seems like a pretty major omission - and finding out about it from Instagram seems like a particularly messed up way for her - and her teenage daughter - to find that out. Yet Isabel was like "*shrug* NBD."

I am not going to wade into this because I think it’s a major point of disagreement in the trans community when exactly a potential sexual partner should be informed.  First date?  Before having sex?  Say nothing and let the partner figure it out during sex?

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1 minute ago, MrBuhBye said:

I think it’s a major point of disagreement in the trans community when exactly a potential sexual partner should be informed.  First date?  Before having sex?  Say nothing and let the partner figure it out during sex?

It's not even about sex as much as it is about emotions. It's not cool to allow a love interest to develop a deep emotional connection without giving them all the information first, so they can make an informed decision about whether or not they're comfortable being in a relationship with a trans person. 


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Agree with all that Danielle treated Yohan like shit this episode. He was super proud to show her that he started his own business and she shit all over it. I hate women like her who march in and assume they are THE smartest person in the room because they have some sort of formal education. She is a teacher, correct? She acted like she has experience as an accountant or CFO of a major corporation. Sort of like the medical assistants in a doc's office who act like THEY are the MD or even RNs. Nope. 

I agree the flies are disgusting, but if that is how it is, that is how it is----I dont' get why they can't at least cover the meat on the counter with like a plastic shield. Sort of like what hotels put over pastries sitting out for the free continental breakfast? Even if it isn't refrigerated, it could be covered to keep flies and dirt/dust off. As for the "you are my wife" line, it COULD be her poor SPanish skills. Maybe she meant to say husband (esposo) and accidentally (Freudian slip) said wife (esposa). I have noticed her verb tenses and word genders aren't always 100% correct. 

So far Gabe and Isabel seem sweet and like they have a chance. I am sure some skeletons will pop out, like she has multiple online guys sending her cash, or Gabe is a huge player or a psycho with women. Somehow there will be something toxic, thinking a la Mike & Ximena from a past season. 

Is Jeymi trans? She sort of has a masculine look to her face.....I think she has trolled multiple older lesbians for cash online, hey, she made it out of Venezuela somehow. There is something very off about Kris. I think she is a drug addict, not a narcoleptic. And it will come out once she shows up. 

Nicole.....how TF does someone survive in LA by doing doordash (and she keeps getting lost?TF) and reselling clothes. I tried selling stuff on poshmark, my own stuff I never wore and quit because there was so much haggling and not wanting to pay a decent price and this stuff was new with tags! She and the husband seem immature, but if it is the culture there and all women dress a certain way, I dont' think he is out of line expecting that of her. 

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I think to "the kids these days" it's not that big of a deal to be trans or queer. I have a 23 year old stepdaughter and younger kids and they are all very blah about sexual orientation and gender identity. So it could be that it really isn't a big deal to Isabel, disclosed on IG or otherwise.


What I find interesting is the discussion about telling her parents...why? Why on earth would parents need that info? I get it if they want to tell them, but it seemed like they felt they HAD to. To me it's like saying "hi mom, dad--this is my boyfriend Gabe. Just so you know, he had a vagina at one time."

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29 minutes ago, glitterpussy said:

Why on earth would parents need that info?

Only possible reasons I can imagine... 1) she knows they will watch the show and find out 2) Gabe has made it a big part of his identity/story, so she wants to be as open and honest as she can about who he is; 3)to create scripted drama for this show 4)her family may wonder why they are not planning to have kids (I mean, they could with a donor but....)..... 


I thought it was great that she told her daughter she would wait and ask Gabe how he wants to handle it since it is his information to share, not hers. 

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

But he was, like, SUPER CUTE! 

Maybe she figured that the spiritual trip paid off and she found her soulmate.  The sensible thing to do was not Immediately marry the guy and just exchange email addresses to continue to chat online and see if anything happens.

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10 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Maybe she figured that he spiritual trip paid off and she found her soulmate.  The sensible thing to do was not Immediately marry the guy and just exchange email addresses to continue to chat online and see if anything happens.


You're not going to find anyone who did the sensible thing on this show but it was a cute thought.

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36 minutes ago, Welshman in Ca said:


You're not going to find anyone who did the sensible thing on this show but it was a cute thought.

The more savvy tourist has an idea that folks who interact with tourists will flatter them, pay attention, make them feel like precious jewels, etc. Maybe Mahmoud just plays the game with any attractive woman. Most women, upon hearing a stranger ask them to marry them, would laugh and move on.   Egypt may be a bit more modern but the country is mostly Islamic. I might find a Muslim man attractive and flirt a little, but that is it. Am not looking to convert.  Not that hard to Google ‘what do Egyptian women wear’ and basic facts about Islam.

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2 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

So far Gabe and Isabel seem sweet and like they have a chance. I am sure some skeletons will pop out, like she has multiple online guys sending her cash, or Gabe is a huge player or a psycho with women. Somehow there will be something toxic, thinking a la Mike & Ximena from a past season. 

I wonder if the kids issue might play into it. I didn't like his comments in episode 1 when he claims that 'the kids can raise themselves' or something to that effect. I mean the young one is 11. And even the 16 year old needs a parental figure.  Maybe he will be a shitty parent and Isabel needs someone to step up?

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4 minutes ago, greekmom said:

I wonder if the kids issue might play into it. I didn't like his comments in episode 1 when he claims that 'the kids can raise themselves' or something to that effect. I mean the young one is 11. And even the 16 year old needs a parental figure.  Maybe he will be a shitty parent and Isabel needs someone to step up?

Yeah he should ask his mom if she did any parenting once he and his sister hit 11 lol.

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I don't know if I can handle watching these dumbasses. 

Jeymi and Kris- Kris has already ghosted Jeymi 3 times. She's not going to stick around. I see huge fights in their future.  

Nicole- She managed to fly to Egypt 6 times on her little part time jobs? Something not right with that chick. 

Daniele- why did she have to tell Yohan right out of the gate that she doesn't want to go back to the US? Like that couldn't wait 6 months down the road to see if she even likes living in the DR?   Others mentioned her losing her pension. What pension? She's only 40ish so too young for SS so what kind of pension are we talking about? If Yohan really wants to live in the US why isn't he studying English? He won't make it here if he doesn't know the language. Did Daniele bother to explain that to him? 

Jen and Rishi- Jen is dead behind the eyes. Apparently her family has never told her about her stupid decisions. We just want you to be haaapppyyy and find loooove! That dude is going to chew her up and spit her out!

4 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

So I guess the older, floppy hat lady & Ussama are this season's Ben and Mahogany.

I thought they were the new Angela and Mikull. Because we haven't had enough of that sick shit already. 

24 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

It would appear that Danielle's avid desire to no longer live in the US is heavily informed by her equally avid desire to not have to pay her debts.


Wowza! That explains alot. She's a fraud! She's presented herself to Yohan as something she is not. Can't wait to see all that hit the fan when she finally tells him the truth. 

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23 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Interesting development: Turns out Danielle is up to her eyeballs in debt. She filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy just last year. That $4000 rent she told Yohan about? Evidently, she hasn't been paying that for about 8 or 9 months, because she currently owes around $36,000 just in back rent. She also has a shit ton of other debt, including student debt & parking violations (which, if it's the same in NY as in CA, those fines keep increasing the longer you don't pay them).

It would appear that Danielle's avid desire to no longer live in the US is heavily informed by her equally avid desire to not have to pay her debts.


Well, isn’t this interesting….she literally can’t afford to live in New York or even return to the US without completing the bankruptcy which means no credit cards, no mortgage, and very few landlords wanting to rent to her.  No wonder she left without pushing through that one more year to get the extra $15,000 per annum on her pension.   And I wonder if that bankruptcy would impact her day job status.  Maybe leaving teaching wasn’t her idea.  

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1 minute ago, DEL901 said:

Well, isn’t this interesting….she literally can’t afford to live in New York or even return to the US without completing the bankruptcy which means no credit cards, no mortgage, and very few landlords wanting to rent to her.

Can she even sponsor him for any type of visa? I mean, isn't there a financial piece to the spousal visa? In my case with my ex, it was a change in status since he had a different type of US visa already when we married. This was 20 years ago, but I had to meet a min income level ...... I think as a teacher she would reach that, but maybe not if they factor in debt??? 

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I guess Danielle has been spending too much money on her 10 step facial regime , her spiritual advisors and flying to the DR to pay her debts.
But it’s all going to work out she’ll just manifest money out of thin air.

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7 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

Can she even sponsor him for any type of visa? I mean, isn't there a financial piece to the spousal visa?

The article said she would not be able to sponsor him, they would have to find another sponsor. Time to fess up Daniele. This is gonna be juicy! 

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5 hours ago, JeanJean said:

He's not your subordinate, Danielle. I really do not like her. And all the rituals - from skin care to cleansing rooms and cars - I don't know if that qualifies as OCD, but it does come off nuts. We all have our little rituals, I guess, but she seems draconian in hers.

If you've seen her "prequel" (Love in Paradise)- she is the master of weird rituals and beliefs.  She has "cleansed" hotel rooms with incense (is that what you call it? Waving smoky stuff around?); gotten VERY angry at Yohan for eating peanuts (not only because they somehow cost like $80 out of the minibar but because her "spiritual advisor" whom she consulted before a trip to the DR told her they would bring on some sort of evil; and now her skincare routines (sooo hard to accomplish at Yohan's house!) and meditation rituals. She is an entitled, selfish woman who seems to have completely lost any redeeming qualities since her previous show. Sorry, but sitting there on camera and saying stuff like "well, gotta tell him he's never gettin' to New York!" and "He expects ME to pay for things? Uhhhh, that's not gonna happen" just make her look even worse.  I kind of laughed to myself at the very last scene as she waddled off down the street after their "discussion" regarding his business ("he doesn't know simple math!"- how condescending- along with the exaggerated gagging/saying she couldn't breathe, etc.

As I watched Narcolepsy woman head into the airport with her rainbow skirt and spangly mask, I thought, "damn; she's gonna have to take all of those scrunchies off of her wrists to get through security!" Her mom seemed very level headed. But she and her girlfriend are headed for nothing but trouble (aka TLC exciting drama)- they already have issues with ghosting, cheating, chronic illness and psycho behaviors.

I don't know about anyone else, but I find it very off-putting when these couples are arguing while constantly calling each other "my love," "mi amor," "baby," etc.   


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