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When my husband finally decided to lose weight, he started snacking on carrot sticks with hummus (generally a spicy hummus). He said it made him feel like he was eating a lot even though it was low calorie.

He had a lot more to lose, though. I had tried to help him earlier by buying him a pedometer and trying to fix healthier meals, but until he decided he was going to lose weight, nothing happened. He'd complain about not losing weight, but he'd snack on crackers or peanut butter sandwiches after supper. Now, he weighs his food and counts all his calories and tracks his activity, too.

I guess my point is that he won't lose until he decides he wants to. Maybe you could bring up being healthy for your child. (Good luck, by the way.)

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

First, I would say that unless someone gets their head in the right place, change is rare.  For me, I had to get my mind set and in the right place. Once that happened. I was ready.

I think this pretty much sums it up. Doesn't matter if my mind says it's the right thing for someone else to lose weight, doesn't matter if the doctor says someone else should lose weight, change will not happen until that person decides to be serious about it him or herself. 

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8 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

I think this pretty much sums it up. Doesn't matter if my mind says it's the right thing for someone else to lose weight, doesn't matter if the doctor says someone else should lose weight, change will not happen until that person decides to be serious about it him or herself. 

I know it's tough though.  I'm not sure how old some of you are, but, there are two things that really got my attention about my health.  One was what a doctor told one of my family members. He said that you can neglect your health to the point that it kills you,  but, there are some things worse than death.  You might not die from a heart attack, diabetes  or stroke, but, you can become disabled, paralyzed, get dementia, etc.  Then, when you see that happen to someone that you know well......it makes a definite impression.  Having others bathe you, change your diapers, feed you, and you don't even know who you are .........it's a sobering prospect.  It got my attention.  There are no guarantees, but, I am going to do everything in my power to promote good health.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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So it was two years ago today I started down the path of not being fat. 

It took me eight months at an average of 10 pounds per month (using weight watchers as the calorie counting tool, and good old fashioned anger at myself as the emotional support tool) and I ended up at about 160 pounds, which is in the normal range for a 5'10 man my age. Sadly, when I was done, there wasn't much left of me, so stage two was to start going to the gym and do something about looking like a man and not just a skinny guy.

With the help of a life-long gym rat friend of mine, I got some assistance on how to go about this project and go to the gym pretty much every day. Had to take a few weeks off in the summer of 2017 for a hernia surgery, but other than that, I'm as committed to this as I was to losing weight.

One part of that project was eating enough to actually build up some mass. Over the next few weeks, I'm going to try to cut back on the big mass building food intake and see if I can get rid of the small amount of unwanted weight gain around the middle. (My skinniest pants from last fall no longer fit. I'm assuming I didn't gain any muscle around my waist, so it can go.)  

This stuff is always going to require some sort of effort. I wish everybody else here who is about to, or is continuing to, work on getting healthier all the best. It's not easy, but it's totally worth it.

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That's great news JTMacc99!  Congratulations on all your hard work and success. How very impressive indeed.  Please post more about your journey.  I'm quite curious. 

I have lost about 47 pounds since last Feb.  So, my journey has been quite slow, but, that's what I wanted. Slow and steady.  I wanted to avoid sagging skin and so far, so good. I still some to go, but, I hope that for the most part, I'll keep it intact.  I counted calories too, but, didn't join WW.  I must say that it's quite pleasant to be choosing a healthy and clean way to eat. Granted, I did have some pie and other treats for the holidays, but, nothing too crazy and my meal plans stayed on track.  I really prefer good food now. 

I have visited our Y and considered joining.  I have my issues with it, but, I may join anyway.  It's so cold around here, you can't really work out outside, so, I'll have to do something.  I know that I am ready to get back to my full time workouts.  As long as I watch my old injuries, I should be fine. I've been doing some stretching inside, but, need that cardio. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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So mental health stuff combined with my hatred of my gym (like the building and the people in it) have derailed me since my last check in. I'm trying to motivate myself and not be immediately be doubtful but I'm going to try and do the SELF challenge this month. It looks like a basic at-home workout but I think having an email pop into my inbox every day will keep me accountable more than the vague idea of youtube workout videos or an app. It might take me a couple of days to get a meal plan in order but baby steps. 

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I have lost about 47 pounds since last Feb.  So, my journey has been quite slow, but, that's what I wanted. Slow and steady. 

It's still a lot of progress! 

I think I said it here, probably more than once, but I think it's critically important to keep going until you get all the way down to where you can't lose any more weight. Once I got to that point, I was DONE. Done in that I was finished dieting. Done in that I got it in my head that I'm never going back. Done with living any other way. 

Just never stop living your clean and healthy way of living! It's realistically the only way any of us can expect to have long term success.

So like I said above, I put an enormous amount of effort into building up some actual muscle last year. It's time to clean up the little bit of extra weight that I didn't want to add. 

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, aradia22 said:

So mental health stuff combined with my hatred of my gym (like the building and the people in it) have derailed me since my last check in. I'm trying to motivate myself and not be immediately be doubtful but I'm going to try and do the SELF challenge this month. It looks like a basic at-home workout but I think having an email pop into my inbox every day will keep me accountable more than the vague idea of youtube workout videos or an app. It might take me a couple of days to get a meal plan in order but baby steps. 

Thanks for posting the info about the Self challenge.  It looks interesting.  Epicurious is doing a Cook90 Challenge right now.  This year they are providing a meal plan and shopping list for those who don't want to create their own.  You might find it worth checking out.  They are asking participants to instagram their creations with the hashtag cook90 .

On 1/4/2018 at 5:28 AM, aradia22 said:

So mental health stuff combined with my hatred of my gym (like the building and the people in it) have derailed me since my last check in. I'm trying to motivate myself and not be immediately be doubtful but I'm going to try and do the SELF challenge this month. It looks like a basic at-home workout but I think having an email pop into my inbox every day will keep me accountable more than the vague idea of youtube workout videos or an app. It might take me a couple of days to get a meal plan in order but baby steps. 

What's the SELF challenge?  It it from SELF magazine?

I used to rotate through different magazines and commit to trying one workout for a month, switching to another after that, etc...I ended up picking a few from each that I liked and incorporated them into my ongoing routine.

@SunnyBeBe - congrats on the weight loss - not an insignificant amount!  More importantly, making a long term change in your eating habits is probably even more important.  Overindulging some over the holidays is not really possible unless you are a masochist, but it sounds like you are mindful of it and will take steps to counteract the effects.  What did you do besides watch your diet to lose the weight?

10 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

What's the SELF challenge?  It it from SELF magazine?

I used to rotate through different magazines and commit to trying one workout for a month, switching to another after that, etc...I ended up picking a few from each that I liked and incorporated them into my ongoing routine.

@SunnyBeBe - congrats on the weight loss - not an insignificant amount!  More importantly, making a long term change in your eating habits is probably even more important.  Overindulging some over the holidays is not really possible unless you are a masochist, but it sounds like you are mindful of it and will take steps to counteract the effects.  What did you do besides watch your diet to lose the weight?

Hmm....well...I'm not sure that I did much of anything except count calories. I kept a food journal for awhile, because it's amazing how some things seem insignificant, but, actually sabotage you with too many calories. Once, I got down what dishes are my friends and those that are the kind of friend you hardly ever need to see, I am able to make smarter choices.  I look more about what a dish can do for me and not what it taste like, but, I'll admit I think my dishes are delicious. 

I do stay rather active, though, my job is mainly office bound, but, I try to do as many things around the house as possible, errands, shopping, stretching, parking and walking to destination, taking stairs in my office as often as possible, etc.  But, it doesn't replace cardio and I need some serious sustained walking, swimming, dancing or something to keep my heart rate up. I think that would actually help increase my weight loss., though my doctors are quite pleased and say to do what I'm already doing.  My blood pressure and cholesterol are perfect, but, I still think I need the cardio. 

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@DeLurker https://www.self.com/program/new-years-challenge

I skipped Day 2 because for some reason Day 1 really did a number on my legs. Then again, I'm always tight lately. It feels like something's going to snap, as though the tendons and muscles in my legs aren't long enough for how far I want to extend them. Day 3 was a rest day so that was a reprieve. Day 4 was mainly arms so that wasn't too tough to manage. We'll see how things go because days 4-6 are all workout days with no breaks. 

@SunnyBeBe - I'm with your doctor in being pleased - you've obviously have improved the quality of what your daily intake is so that is going to have positive effect on those pesky things like blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease...I would imagine that your dietary changes would overflow and have positive impact on the rest of the household too.

Since it is cold there, do you have room for a stationary bike?  That should get your heart rate up.  And January is when exercise products go on deep discount.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

@SunnyBeBe - I'm with your doctor in being pleased - you've obviously have improved the quality of what your daily intake is so that is going to have positive effect on those pesky things like blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease...I would imagine that your dietary changes would overflow and have positive impact on the rest of the household too.

Since it is cold there, do you have room for a stationary bike?  That should get your heart rate up.  And January is when exercise products go on deep discount.

Well, room is a little bit of an issue, but, I may be able to make some room.  If I get something for the house, I'd rather it be a tread mill, since, that's what I've always used before, but, I do have the old foot injury thing to be aware of.  I'm wearing good shoes and right now, it's doing well.  I wouldn't rule out a bike, but,.......I will think about it.  The thing is that I actually like going to a gym.  I like to socialize and greet other members, exchange short conversations, etc.  There are some nice people there AND my brother and SIL are there a lot, too. I find other inspiring and enjoy the company.   So, there is incentive to go.  But, there are the negatives. I won't go on about them here. 

I feel so much better that I can't imagine how I would feel better that this, if I were working out.  I used to work out a lot.  I mean, miles on treadmill, bike, elliptical, in one session plus machines, weights, floor work, etc.  I know what I need to do. It's just biting the bullet and doing it.  lol 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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7 hours ago, aradia22 said:

@SunnyBeBe I think I'm just a weird tense person. But the tightness in my hamstrings really started after Day 1. My hip also pops when doing things like mountain climbers. 

Oh, I see.  I know that muscle issues can come from all kinds of things, but, my leg muscles got so tight once that I could barely walk.  They were also VERY stiff and weak.  I mean, off the scale stiff. and sore. I had all kinds of tests and they never figure it out. Anyway, they got better, but, they are still not up to par.  No longer weak, but, a little stiff. I'll have to take it slow and work my way back to good condition.  It's such a mystery as to what caused it, though. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe

My evidence that my workouts are effective even if I'm just doing them at home and without supervision is that the next morning I can definitely feel the soreness in whatever muscle group I was supposed to be working. But not like a "I've injured myself" soreness. The tightness in my hamstrings is still there but I think it's getting better. I might just need to regain some flexibility. I'm not sure what to do about the hip popping except doing stretches. So far I've been managing the program OK. One good thing from all my personal training/exercise class experience is that I can usually think of something to sub in if I (for example) don't want to do something that involves a lot of jumping or high impact. 

It's a cardio day today which I'm not excited about. I'm posting here to try and psych myself up. 

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@aradia22 - is it possible you have a mineral or vitamin deficiency?  Sometimes running low on magnesium, Vit D/calcium, potassium...can result in post-workout tightness and soreness.  I read (somewhere in the past) that women are especially susceptible to running low on sodium because of perspiration and that can lead to feeling sore as well.  Oh and iron - depending on the source you get your iron from, some are less easily absorbed by the body. 

Do you drink something like Gatorade after a workout to both hydrate and replenish lost minerals?

Try taking a bath with Epsom salt after a day you've worked out and see if that helps.  Your body can absorb the minerals through the skin.

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I hadn’t logged into Weight Watchers in a while for the purpose of tracking, but since a friend at work started the program and started asking me questions, I went ahead and did so yesterday.

When I stopped tracking 70 months ago, I had 36 maintenance points. New maintenance points are 28. When I switched it this morning to lose weight it dropped to 23 plus 42 weekly. 

23 is really tight! I never used my extra points when I did the program, but I don’t see how I won’t use a few of the extra points. 

I actually think I like the change just because it is going to make me pay attention again. 

Jeez. I used 28 yesterday. At that pace, I will use up 35 of the extra 42.  I'm going to need to really be careful.

I also freaking weighed myself, since my friend here at work challenged me to compete with her. (She's super competitive, and I will go along with her just because I know it will help her succeed.) So since I got down to "you look like you're going to blow away" weight at the end of August 2016, I've been relentlessly working out at the gym and eating like somebody trying to gain weight. I'm up 20 pounds. Given that my waist size is 1 inch bigger than it was at that point, I think it's fair to say that some of it is muscle, and some of it isn't.

I'm going to set a goal of 15 pounds, which given all of the gym time I've put in, should leave me as a lean, mean, staying at home doing nothing on a Saturday night, machine when I hit my next birthday at the end of February.

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You're sweet to help out your friend., JTMACC99.  I've never liked friendly competition in weight loss.  I'm funny that way.  

Is the 15 pounds what you want to lose or gain in muscle?  

I was shocked when I weighed today and had lost ONE pound.  Normally, I would not be too thrilled, but, I thought that I probably gained a few, since I did indulge in treats, sweets, etc. over the holidays.  Man, I'm super pleased that not only did I not gain, but, I still lost a little.  Pus, when I weighed, I had just had a bottle of water and large coffee.  So, I may have actually lost close to 2 pounds. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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In this month-long program I've skipped three workouts (added them to the end of the month) so far and I feel like I'm being punished with another cardio day today. I'm considering signing up for a gym again (a cheaper one) because I would 100% rather be on a treadmill for 30-45 minutes than doing these random jumping exercises.

On 1/12/2018 at 3:06 PM, aradia22 said:

I would 100% rather be on a treadmill for 30-45 minutes than doing these random jumping exercises.

I think I understand that sentiment completely. And in my opinion, it's really important to find a type of cardio that is tolerable if we expect ourselves to stick with it. 


So, I got started almost a week ago with watching what I'm eating. No change to my exercise, since I'm already doing cardio and weights pretty much every day anyway. This morning, the scale and my belts are telling me two different stories.

My belts a week ago were pretty much saying "NOPE. You used to use the third notch, but that ain't happening right now fat boy. Go with notch #2." And the scale said, you're somewhere between 10-15 pounds from where every pair of pants fits. 

This morning I put on a pair of pants that at one point became too loose and had been retired, but made their way back into the rotation the last couple months. They're feeling a little loose, so the belt will be more important than usual today. Now the belts are telling me, notch #2 isn't going to hold your pants up today, but notch #3 is going to hurt. (So I went with my braided belt.) HOWEVER, the scale says I'm one pound heavier than when I stepped on it last Wednesday. 

Heh. Which one is it? Am I making progress, or do I need to double down my efforts? 

I'm of course going to double down my efforts. If there's one thing I learned about myself when I was dieting, is that getting mad at the number on the scale is a great motivator for me. 

JTMacc99, it does sound like you are doing all the right things.  I know it's frustrating to not get the results you want.  You sound pretty motivated.  I think that I am motivated differently than you.  I'm more inclined to be gentle with myself and just give it more time.  Just a different approach.  I think that what I want is to do something that I'm always going to do.  So, I'm not inclined to change my diet or do something temporarily, when, I know it's not sustainable.  

I actually lost a few more pounds, but it's due to the flu.  This also sets me back with my exercise though.  I had planned to be in full swing with that by now.  Oh well......

2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

You sound pretty motivated.  I think that I am motivated differently than you.  I'm more inclined to be gentle with myself and just give it more time.

I was really determined when I did the big time, eight month, weight loss thing. When I was done, I was DONE. I'm sure I said that at least a couple times here and there. So where I'm at is simply making sure that I stay down where I can put on every single item of clothing I own, and not worry about how if fits. So yes, I'm very motivated because there is no reason not to be very motivated. Loosing 10-15 pounds is not exactly a daunting task in my head anymore. Two years ago, that amount was barely a dent in what needed to be done, and the finish line was so very far away. This is like a 5k versus the half-marathon I already ran. 

And I'm down 4 as of this morning. Somebody said my face looks thinner. It's a start.

And I think whatever motivates you to keep up the good work is what we need to do for ourselves. I feed off of success. I NEED to see the scale going down. That makes me happy, and when I'm happy it's a lot easier to keep going.

Yeah, I think that staying motivated is good and is the key.  The people who I know who go on extreme diets, don't ever seem to be settled into their nutrition and/or exercise as being a part of their life and it never pans out for them in the long run.  Or they lose it, but, then gain it back.  I suppose that's what turned me off extreme diets.  I know I'll never stay on a diet indefinitely, so, I want an eating plan that makes me happy everyday, but, keeps me fit and healthy.   Fortunately, what I've figured out, has worked pretty well.  I still have about 30 pounds to go.  Then, I'll just maintain.  My goal is to be there by Easter.  I think that's reasonable. 

How many pieces of clothes do you have to fit into as your goal?  I can wear almost all my clothes now. My problem is that things are likely too big on me.  I kept a few things just for fun.  Like a pair of jeans size 4.  lol  I don't intend to get into them, though.  I still like to hold them up and look it them for fun. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
41 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I can wear almost all my clothes now. My problem is that things are likely too big on me.

At some point in my process, everything I owned fit. And then it all started to be too big. I would buy a couple pairs of pants and just wash them in the middle of the week. When I was done, I donated all of my clothing, because it was all too big for me. ALL of it.

Everything I own now has been purchased in the last two years. The waist size I ended up at was probably the same size I last wore in 1983, so it's not like I was attempting to get back into old clothes. 

47 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

How many pieces of clothes do you have to fit into as your goal?

I think I have four pairs of pants that are too tight around the waist. I also have a few shirts that I don't like the way they are sitting on me. 

It's pretty much everything I bought that wasn't even remotely loose. Now a lot of that stuff fits more snugly against my chest, which is okay, but also around my middle, which is not okay. That's what I'm correcting for the next few weeks.

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I see.  Keep us posted.  I hope to have more positive news, once I am able to exercise and jump start my metabolism.  I'm hoping to keep off the few pounds lost due to the flu as well.  It's nice that something good came out of it.  OH,  at the doctor's office this week, my blood pressure, untreated was 122/72.  I've seen that type of reading at home, but, in the doctor's office, it's normally higher.  At least now they can believe me.  lol 

@SunnyBeBe, it sounds like you’re doing great, and you’re definitely going to hit your goals. 

As for me and my current goal, I could have said everything I said above more honestly: This is pure vanity at this point. I know all of my gym time has seen results and for the first time since I was in college, I want to put on a shirt that is tight across my shoulders and chest and not also tight around my waist. 

And then I can sit around on a Saturday night watching TV, doing nothing, but feeling a little better about myself. 

Hey, nothing wrong with taking pride in your appearance.  I've been considering some things like thermage, botox (I've had it before), and other procedures.  I have had my upper and lower eyelids done and I've had cosmetic dentistry. (veneers). So, I get it. lol

Didn't you say you had a trainer friend or something?  I have found that they really were helpful in giving pointers on problem areas. I'm sure you'll get there too. 

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Didn't you say you had a trainer friend or something?  I have found that they really were helpful in giving pointers on problem areas. I'm sure you'll get there too. 

I do have a friend who helped me with my workouts. My current problem area is only going to be solved by eating less for a few weeks. HIS suggestion was to keep lifting even more so that my chest and shoulders are so big that nobody notices ten pounds around the middle. Heh. 

No workouts for a week. I'm just being a lazy bunny. I feel bad for 2 reasons. One, even though they're decent workouts, they're short and it's nowhere near having a normal session with a trainer or taking a class so I feel like it should be easier to stick to this routine. Two, if I'd made the decision to skip a week it would be one thing. But slowly pushing things back every day... I don't know. It's hanging over my head more than if I'd just decided to skip a week.

On 1/20/2018 at 5:00 PM, aradia22 said:

No workouts for a week. I'm just being a lazy bunny. I feel bad for 2 reasons. One, even though they're decent workouts, they're short and it's nowhere near having a normal session with a trainer or taking a class so I feel like it should be easier to stick to this routine. Two, if I'd made the decision to skip a week it would be one thing. But slowly pushing things back every day... I don't know. It's hanging over my head more than if I'd just decided to skip a week.

I've been down with the flu, but, I do intend to get into my workout routine soon.  I'm not sure how long to wait before working out, but, with all these death stories of people with the flu, I don't want to rush it.  Young people are just dying suddenly from the flu, even when they don't have a temperature. It's unreal.  Anyway, I'm not one to offer advice on workouts, except to say that when I did work out 5-6 days a week, a big part of my workout was my music.  I had certain inspirational, upbeat, music that just sent me into the right zone, if you know what I mean.  I really don't think that I could have done it without my music.  It was like the music fed my soul as I worked my body.  I'm not sure if others are like that.  I suspect that my relationship with music is different than most people.  But, you might give it a shot. 

@SunnyBeBe Music is huge for me to. I find it can be a distraction when I'm trying to follow a video at home. And if it's in the gym, I can really only have earbuds in when I'm on a treadmill. But yeah, it definitely helps. I don't think you're alone. There's this whole debate over whether working out with music is "cheating" because it isn't as hard. 

I'm down 65 pounds and at my goal weight.  I've been struggling with maintaining it and finding a good balance.  I don't want to lose anymore weight.  My BMI is healthy and I have cuuuurves for days so I look stupid skinny-skinny.  I never thought in my whole life I'd be like "Damn, I lost more weight" lol.  I do Weight Watchers also and have been maintaining for 5 months, but still am losing bit by bit.  I never thought the lifetime stuff could be so hard!

CONGRATULATIONS KJ4ever!  That's awesome news.  That must feel so good!  I've actually been there, but, it's been a while. I actually remember the days of fretting over getting just below 130.  Oh, those were the days.    I hope to join you before the year is out.  I still have about 30 more pounds to go.  Do you intend to stay on WW?  Do you go in person or online?

Aradia22, I agree about the music making it easier, but, that's fine with me.  Music is magic for me.  I mean really.   One of my favorite songs is, Do You Believe In Magic?  GREAT lyrics. 

18 hours ago, DeLurker said:

Congratulations @kj4ever!  That is really something to be excited about.

If you are comfortable at this weight and healthy, could there be some other reason why you are still losing?


18 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

CONGRATULATIONS KJ4ever!  That's awesome news.  That must feel so good!  I've actually been there, but, it's been a while. I actually remember the days of fretting over getting just below 130.  Oh, those were the days.    I hope to join you before the year is out.  I still have about 30 more pounds to go.  Do you intend to stay on WW?  Do you go in person or online?

Aradia22, I agree about the music making it easier, but, that's fine with me.  Music is magic for me.  I mean really.   One of my favorite songs is, Do You Believe In Magic?  GREAT lyrics. 

I think it is just trying to find that balance DELURKER.  Eating enough to stay the same, but not overdoing it and gaining.  I never expected this part to be hard.

SUNNYBEBE I plan on sticking with Weight Watchers.  I know what has happened to me in the past when I didn't.  I've almost got to goal a few times and even kept what I lost off for a good while after I decided I could do it on my own, but it creeps back up.  I need the accountability.  I go to meetings, didn't miss any while losing, but now just go every other week or once a month to keep myself in check.

Weight Watchers isn't the best at explaining the whole maintenance phase - probably because they aren't making a dime off of you anymore.  I mean they pretty much handed me a book and said "here you go, eat more now!"  Sounds easy enough, but it's almost like telling an alcoholic "Oh you can have a little more to drink today" after they've been dried out for 6 months.

Nothing against WW, but, I just don't see them as a good fit for me.  I have joined a couple of times over the years, but, they really weren't very helpful to me and in fact, I always felt that I was more on top of things than they were.  Maybe, it was just the location, people and that it's changed since then, but, I'm just not inclined.  Pus, I've lost almost 50 pounds on my own, so, I think I can get the rest off too.  Of course, I say go with what works.  I won't argue with success.  And look at Oprah!  If it works for Oprah, then that says a lot, imo.  

What do you mean when you say that they don't make money off the members anymore?  Don't you still have to pay? OH, you don't have to pay after you are on maintenance.....is that right?

1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

What do you mean when you say that they don't make money off the members anymore?  Don't you still have to pay? OH, you don't have to pay after you are on maintenance.....is that right?

You can either stop paying them once you hit your goal weight and lose access to the service, or you can stick with the tool for as long as you feel it can help you make it permanent. 

On 1/23/2018 at 2:51 PM, kj4ever said:

I'm down 65 pounds and at my goal weight.  I've been struggling with maintaining it and finding a good balance.  I don't want to lose anymore weight.  My BMI is healthy and I have cuuuurves for days so I look stupid skinny-skinny.  I never thought in my whole life I'd be like "Damn, I lost more weight" lol.  I do Weight Watchers also and have been maintaining for 5 months, but still am losing bit by bit. 

Getting to the goal weight is a great achievement. Congratulations! 

On 1/23/2018 at 2:51 PM, kj4ever said:

I never thought the lifetime stuff could be so hard!

AH! Yes, the "live like a skinny person" permanence. As I described about myself here, I got a little carried away trying to gain muscle and stopped living like a skinny person for a while. I've been back on the losing weight plan for two weeks and am down 4 of the 15 I will lose to get back to what I believe is the correct weight for me. 

Some things I learned while losing weight never went away. For example I used to drink beer and wine in my home. I currently own a half dozen or more good beers in my downstairs refrigerator. I simply can't bring myself to drink them. It's like I know that was a "before" behavior and refuse to repeat it. Another example is I refused to give up pizza. So I ate one slice of the New York style pizza we get around here when I was losing weight, and that happened almost once a week. I probably have pizza less frequently now, but I still have the understanding of ONE. Not three. (Maybe two if the rest of the day was pretty light.) These are permanent changes to the way I think about food. 

And I think that's part of why this summer I will be able to say I've maintained for two years.

I used to have a glass of wine or two most nights during the week.  (Only on days I worked. I didn't care for a glass if I didn't work that day. I know. Odd. lol)  But, I stopped doing that, because I didn't want it to become a habit for stress relief AND I didn't need the calories.  But, guess what?  I didn't lose any weight when I stopped it.  I'm not sure why.  Now, I just have alcohol occasionally when in social situations.  Never at home.  

I am so glad that I don't care for pizza that much.  It's not up there with my indulgence meals.  I'm more of a seafood, pasta, desert, kind of person.  

One of my lifestyle changes is that I have learned to forgo quick solutions if they don't meet my needs.  Today, I was pretty rushed and hungry.  I kept thinking about how to get something on my tummy, but that was reasonable.  I wanted coffee too, so I opted for Starbucks and got a string cheese to eat.  Not the most nutritious thing, but, held my hunger over. 

Does anyone know if the calories are considered ON THE SALAD for the nutrition facts for fast food.  Like at Wendy's? 


18 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Nothing against WW, but, I just don't see them as a good fit for me.  I have joined a couple of times over the years, but, they really weren't very helpful to me and in fact, I always felt that I was more on top of things than they were.  Maybe, it was just the location, people and that it's changed since then, but, I'm just not inclined.  Pus, I've lost almost 50 pounds on my own, so, I think I can get the rest off too.  Of course, I say go with what works.  I won't argue with success.  And look at Oprah!  If it works for Oprah, then that says a lot, imo.  

What do you mean when you say that they don't make money off the members anymore?  Don't you still have to pay? OH, you don't have to pay after you are on maintenance.....is that right?

At WW once you get to your goal weight and maintain it for six weeks meetings, the app, everything is free.  You just have to weigh in at a center once a month and still be at goal or 2 pounds over.  You get a voucher and can continue using their app and etools.  A lot of people are doing just the online version, then when they get close to goal they switch to meetings so that it can be free once they make their lifetime goal.  Online only people cannot get WW for free ever, because anyone could go on the computer and be all "I'm at goal and I've maintained it for six weeks!" lol

Finding what is a good fit is the most important part!  I know people who SWEAR WW, low carb, atkins, south beach, you name it is the ONLY way to be successful.  That's so not true.  People need to find what they can do the rest of their life, not just for right now to be successful.  

I agree about finding what works for yourself and your lifestyle.  I suppose that attending meetings works for some. I found that counting calories worked better for me than points.  I'm not sure why.  

My mom has tried every diet under the sun.  She adores fad diets the most and the crazier the better. I don't know what it is about them that intrigues her.  She seriously believes there are secrets and if you find the right book, you can get it.  lol  I have explained to her repeatedly that I'm not going on some odd diet that is extreme so I can drop weight fast.  That is not sustainable and I want to feel content and satisfied everyday with good food....not be on a roller coaster.  But, at her age, I don't think she will ever change, so, I have to just accept that's how she is.  Lately, she wants a Weight Watchers book, but, she doesn't want to pay to join.  I'm going to just let her make her own mind up about it and not get into it.   She's joined them probably 5-6 times during her life, but, NOW she thinks they have some new secret and that new plan is the key to her success.    lol  I know it's probably a great plan, but, it's nothing that she doesn't already know.  Besides, if it's not STRICT, she won't like it.  She has this all or nothing philosophy and she either EATS IT ALL or has severe food restriction.  I honestly, don't think she'll ever settle in to something normal.  It's sad really. 

58 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I agree about finding what works for yourself and your lifestyle.  I suppose that attending meetings works for some. I found that counting calories worked better for me than points.  I'm not sure why.  

My mom has tried every diet under the sun.  She adores fad diets the most and the crazier the better. I don't know what it is about them that intrigues her.  She seriously believes there are secrets and if you find the right book, you can get it.  lol  I have explained to her repeatedly that I'm not going on some odd diet that is extreme so I can drop weight fast.  That is not sustainable and I want to feel content and satisfied everyday with good food....not be on a roller coaster.  But, at her age, I don't think she will ever change, so, I have to just accept that's how she is.  Lately, she wants a Weight Watchers book, but, she doesn't want to pay to join.  I'm going to just let her make her own mind up about it and not get into it.   She's joined them probably 5-6 times during her life, but, NOW she thinks they have some new secret and that new plan is the key to her success.    lol  I know it's probably a great plan, but, it's nothing that she doesn't already know.  Besides, if it's not STRICT, she won't like it.  She has this all or nothing philosophy and she either EATS IT ALL or has severe food restriction.  I honestly, don't think she'll ever settle in to something normal.  It's sad really. 

Everyone is looking for that magic secret!  I have a blog that gets like 100,000 hits every couple of days.  I get all kinds of messages asking what pill I take, what food I eat...These people never believe me when I say I lost it all with just plain old portion control.  There must be something else!

I think most people want something where they can eat whatever they want and lose weight.  I mean I've been there.  It wasn't until I decided that yep, it was my fault that I got to this weight and I was the one that needed to do something, something that I could sustain for my life that I was finally successful.  My brother and sister are both extremely obese.  I mean I looked thin next to them 65 pounds ago.  People are always saying "oh you hit the genetic lottery" which really ticks me off because it makes it seem like their obesity is beyond their control and that it is just easy for me to be thin.

Neither are true.

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Yes, they want the magic secret, when it doesn't exist.  If it did, it wouldn't be housed in a book that cost $14.99!  

I agree about doing the normal thing.  Eating normal, moderate portions, reasonable treats and not white knuckling it everyday. My mom actually gets upset when I mention these things.  I'm not sure why it bothers her so much.  She seems to derive some sense of pleasure from a strict diet, but, then, she can't sustain it and crashes with lots of binge eating.  It's a wonder that I don't have serious food issues.  I have been average to thin most of my life, with short periods that I gained weight, but, normally just 10-20 overweight, nothing extreme. I would diet to get that weight off and it would stay off for a few years and then return.    Then, after a couple of injuries a few years ago, I did gain much more, but, decided that it was not acceptable and got busy changing my eating plan.  In fact, I eat better than I have ever eaten in my life now. 

I'm still not sure what the attraction is to being so attracted to extremes in the diet.  She tells people how great I have done on my diet and I have to keep correcting her that I am not on a diet, but, merely chose to eat clean and healthy.  She gets annoyed when I do that.  I suppose it's some kind of mental thing that I will never figure out.  What's sad is that she tries to instill that same philosophy with other family members who are obese.  It's none of my business, but, I hope they can see it for what it is and find their own, more reasonable path. 

I have a couple of extended family members who are very obese.  I worry that they will suffer serious health issues or worse.  And they are in their 20's!

Edited by SunnyBeBe
1 minute ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Yes, they want the magic secret, when it doesn't exist.  If it did, it wouldn't be housed in a book that cost $14.99!  

I agree about doing the normal thing.  Eating normal, moderate portions, reasonable treats and not white knuckling it everyday. My mom actually gets upset when I mention these things.  I'm not sure why it bothers her so much.  She seems to derive some sense of pleasure for a strict diet, but, then, she can't sustain it and crashes with lots of binge eating.  It's a wonder that I don't have serious food issues.  I have been average to thin most of my life, with short periods that I gained weight, but, normally just 10-20 overweight, nothing extreme. I would diet to get that weight off and it would stay off for a few years and then return.    Then, after a couple of injuries a few years ago, I did gain much more, but, decided that it was not acceptable and got busy changing my eating plan.  In fact, I eat better than I have ever eaten in my life now. 

I'm still not sure what the attraction is to being so attracted to extremes in the diet.  She tells people how great I have done on my diet and I have to keep correcting her that I am not on a diet, but, merely chose to eat clean and healthy.  She gets annoyed when I do that.  I suppose it's some kind of mental thing that I will never figure out.  What's sad is that she tries to instill that same philosophy with other family members who are obese.  It's none of my business, but, I hope they can see it for what it is and find their own, more reasonable path. 

It's because they need a reason to be big, and that reason can't be that they eat to much.

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