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Kylie is exaggerating when she says "Kris cut me off at age 14 and I pay for everything," and the tabloids are jumping all over her statement to get a clickbait headline. It's all very misleading, because she is not an emancipated minor. 


No, she does not pay for "everything." Kylie's parents, have and still do provide her with free housing (mortgage, insurance, property taxes, maintenance), unless they have been making her pay rent since she was 14! They have also provided her with food and medical/dental care. They paid for her education, pathetic though it may be. 


Kylie may "own" a multi-million dollar house, but since she's under 18 she could not legally have signed a contract to buy the property. She had to have an adult sign the contract, either one of her parents, one of her older siblings, or some other adult. The house can't be in her name alone until she's 18.


A parent or legal guardian would have had to open and co-sign Kylie's checking account and credit card accounts because she was under 18. Yes, Kylie has made a lot of money from the reality show and other Kardashian business ventures as a minor, but she still could not sign any contracts on her own.


Isn't it interesting that Kylie said "Kris" cut her off, not "my parents cut me off"?  What about Bruce?  (He was still Bruce when Kylie was 14.) He was her father. Didn't he have any say in the matter? Or does Kris control every single dollar that comes into the Kardashian empire? (I guess that was a silly question! Of course Kris controls all the money.)

Edited by Coffeecup
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Bruce couldn't get his own debit card without going through Kris.


I do think what Kylie meant was for example "I want a $1000 purse." Kylie had to purchase that herself. She had her own money, she had to pay for her own things. Just like a normal teen who had to do babysitting or a job at McDonalds etc.. to get money for things they wanted themselves. It's actually good work ethic to install instead of just handing Kylie and Kendall over money for doing nothing at all but freeloading. 


They should have cut Rob off.

Edited by Artsda
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Depends on what is meant by "support." Children need food, shelter, education. Parents are not obligated to pay for cars, gas, phones, clothing, etc. 



No, she does not pay for "everything." Kylie's parents, have and still do provide her with free housing (mortgage, insurance, property taxes, maintenance), unless they have been making her pay rent since she was 14! They have also provided her with food and medical/dental care. They paid for her education, pathetic though it may be. 






Kylie specifically says "food" so who knows.

Kylie specifically says "food" so who knows.

I've seen plenty of pictures of a well stocked refrigerator, no lock on it, Kylie probably paid for her own take out salads and meals when out for the day. Didn't Kylie get a nice big black  SUV for her Bday? Didn't Kris go to the luxury car dealership to buy fancy rims for Kylie's car for another occasion? Didn't Kylie smash up at least one big black SUV right after getting her license? And then have another  accident in her replacement vehicle? Maybe Kris made her pay for her hundred strong beanie collection? Or the thousands of flowers she had in her bedroom? Or the many pairs of  really cool sunglasses she wears to look really cool? Or one of the several poor little puppies she hauls around a la Paris Hilton?

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Exactly like we thought, it was Kylie's own things she wanted she had to pay for. 




Jenner recently told InStyle U.K. that her mom, Kris Jenner, "cut me off financially three years ago, so I pay for everything," but a source tells PEOPLE, "getting cut off is more of a technicality," since Kris still provides the basic household necessities.


"She had a refrigerator full of food and all the luxuries that come with [living with] Mom but unless it was a gift, if she wanted a new Chanel bag, Kylie was the one paying for it," a source says about the self-reliant teen.


The source continues, "It's not like she wasn't getting anything from her mom while living at home."


From her clothing line collaborations with model sister Kendall Jenner at Topshop and PacSun, to her salary from Keeping Up with the Kardashians and her solo line of clip-in hair extensions, the teen seems to have a steady flow of income.


"Kylie was paying her own credit card bills, but she was of course perfectly set up to be successful," says the source.


I don't know why the tabloids are making such a big deal out of this. That's how it is for most teenagers, especially when they're around 16/17 and start to have part time jobs. My parents definitely expected me to do more for myself the older I got.

Because Kylie is a drama queen and made it sound as if Kris was making her pay for her own food at 14 .I'm guessing Kendall had the same deal with Kris and said nothing.

And this is a girl who in 7 weeks time starts off her majority with a fancy new house and a $500k birthday card from the State of California .Oh woe is Kylie.

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This is pretty hard to sympathize with, when there was the episode where the Jenner girls took Bruce's credit card, charged a bunch of stuff, he caught them and tried to enforce consequences and Kris just steamrolled right over him, over ruled him and nothing happened with the girls. Of course he had given up parenting them long before, but still.

Bruce/Caitlyn, I think checked out of parenting a long time ago. And since his move to Malibu is even less interested, it's all about her now. Either the kids come along for the ride or they'll be left behind. I think it will be reminiscent of his years devoted to the Olympics, the only people around him were those who were equally devoted to his goal. It's nice for Caitlyn to finally be free to live, but with Kris caught up in her own life also, Kylie is just left to drift.



This is disgusting.  Whether the song is about her or not, who would write a song like that.  And who wants to listen to it?!


That is just depressing. I had really hoped Kylie would beat the odds, but it seems like she's going down an even worse path than I expected. 17-year-olds do NOT need to grow up this fast. By the time she's 25 there will be nothing left for her to try or achieve. 

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I am so disgusted by what I just read.  


Kylie, if you or any of your "people" read this site - Tyga does not love you.  He does not care about you.  He does not RESPECT you.  No respectable artist (or human being) would write such disgusting things about a woman, let alone his girlfriend.  No respectable artist (or human being) would make a mockery about an issue like statutory rape.  Tyga is a low life.  He is not a man.  You can do a million times better than him.  


And hell, if you want to get flat out superficial about it, he's really fucking ugly, too.  


I'm really concerned about Kylie.  I don't see this ending well for her.  I think she is incredibly insecure.  I think she suffers from body dysmorphia disorder.  I think she's been exploited, both by her family and now by her alleged boyfriend.  She is still a teenager, her brain hasn't even fully finished maturing and won't for another 5-6 years.  Her alleged "maturity" I think is on an incredibly superficial level - traveling on her own, her business deals, etc. and in reality, while she's 17 going on 18, she's actually mentally around 15 years old.  Why?  Because that's the age where she made that leap away from whatever "normal" existence she had.  It's the age that she dropped out of school and started homeschooling. Her fashion choices started to get more and more risque.She was suddenly no longer surrounded by peers her own age who did things like cheerleading and yearbook.  There were no teachers on the sidelines.  There was no "grounding" element in her life, no matter how small.    There was no structure and no boundries.  And teens need that.  They will say that they don't, and they will push against it, but any psychologist will tell you, they need it to develop properly.  


I think Kylie is incredibly lost.  I can only imagine the things she's doing with Tyga, the things that he's asking her to do, the things that she thinks is okay.  I feel like I'm slowly watching the exploitation of a child, and I seriously can't stomach it anymore.  I hope to god somebody of "legitimate" authority steps in and intervenes.  

  • Love 8


This is disgusting. Whether the song is about her or not, who would write a song like that. And who wants to listen to it?!

Hey... Kanye wants to screw Kim on the sink. Tyga is just keeping with the tradition of writing explicit sexual lyrics about his lady. Kylie-n-Tyga = Tru Wuv 4Eva.

Uggghhh...shouldn't he be in jail?

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On one hand Kylie is one of those teens I simply cannot stand because she appears to be spoiled and entitled. However, she's only 17 and I've known very few 17 year olds (if any) that didn't think that 1) they are always right and 2) they are the center of the universe. Self-absorption is pretty normal at that age, as is insecurity. On that score, it seems Kylie is pretty normal.


However, in a few years I won't feel sorry for her because she'll be an adult. In a way, that's a little fucked up because she's not being educated in how to make choices, how to live her life, how to understand the ramifications of her choices, so it's not like she has much guidance about what she grows into. And in a strange way, her older sisters haven't had any really bad repercussions to their choices. Yeah, I know, failed marriages, babies out of wedlock, lack of respect, blah blah blah. But so far, each and every one of them is laughing all the way to the bank, and I think that's their bottom line. They aren't passed out drunk or zonked out on drugs and in any physical danger. The fact that they're so willing to debase themselves for headlines seems to go right on over their heads, because again, money in the bank and picture all over the internet -- and that appears to be all they really aspire to out of life.


As a woman, as a feminist, it sickens me to see how Kylie is altering her appearance and aligning herself with a man who obviously has no real respect for her. But this is a family who ties its entire self worth into dollars and clicks; respect and education are quaint notions that don't maintain a certain lifestyle they enjoy. I doubt that Kim or Kris will ever change; I sense that Kendall has chosen a different path. Perhaps Kylie doesn't want to be left in Kendall's dust and mimicking the older K girls is how she avoids it. She likely won't ever understand what she's missed, which I guess means she won't miss it.


Maybe being immortalized in song, no matter how vile, validates Kylie.

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I would include Brody Jenner with the family Kylie needs to stay away from. Last week he posted an image on Instagram of a tiger performing a sex act on a lookalike for Kylie. Even though he took it down a short time later, the damage was already done. I wouldn’t say he’s showing respect for his younger sister any more than Tyga is. But then, Brody is promoting his own show, “Sex with Brody”, by talking about threesomes with his girlfriend and other intimate details of his life so maybe he should just change his name to Kardashian so it will be clear that he’s on the Anything-For-a-Buck side of the family.

  • Love 3

Kylie "working" at a paid appearance at the Sugar Factory in Miami yesterday. Tell me more Kylie about how you did not have a boob job and it's just your super amazing Victoria's Secret bra? She looks so medicated.. In the Instagram pictures I've seen she kept fidgeting with the top of the dress to keep her breasts from poping out. I sitll haven't figured out how to share Instrgram photos on here.



Edited by carolinagirl81

Kylie "working" at a paid appearance at the Sugar Factory in Miami yesterday. Tell me more Kylie about how you did not have a boob job and it's just your super amazing Victoria's Secret bra? She looks so medicated.. In the Instagram pictures I've seen she kept fidgeting with the top of the dress to keep her breasts from poping out. I sitll haven't figured out how to share Instrgram photos on here.


She dresses like a brothel Madame.

  • Love 1

Kylie "working" at a paid appearance at the Sugar Factory in Miami yesterday. Tell me more Kylie about how you did not have a boob job and it's just your super amazing Victoria's Secret bra? She looks so medicated.. In the Instagram pictures I've seen she kept fidgeting with the top of the dress to keep her breasts from poping out. I sitll haven't figured out how to share Instrgram photos on here.



I don't get why she's so concerned about her boobs popping out. Why bother getting them enhanced if you don't want to bring more attention to them. She makes these comments about being bullied and constantly criticized for her looks and wardrobe and then continues to post more pictures and do more to bring attention to

herself. I wonder if she's abusing the pain killers she got after the boob surgery.

She isn't smiling in a single one of those pictures, did Kanye tell her how to dress & pose? She really looks like Kim Lite here.

I wouldn't be surprised if he did but I bet Kim gave her some 'help' on what to do since Kylie wants to be another Kim.  The girl doesn't look 17 and she doesn't look like she's even in her 20's.   Honestly, Kylie looks close to the age of Kim.  Shame on Kris and Caitlyn - you both did your daughter no favors at all. Oh wait, yes you did you taught her what's important.  And that's obvious here.

I kind of feel for her. I don't think she really enjoys the public appearances but I think she doesn't know how to break away from her mother as manager. Kendall was smart and lucky, she made the break and is successful enough that Kris can't do much other than try to ride on her coat tails and make use of whatever connections she can thru meeting influential people in Kendalls world. Kris just expects Kylie to follow in the family famewhore tradition and exploit herself in whatever way brings in the most money. Education hasn't been stressed. Going places and being seen and getting talked about that's the goal for each and every day.

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Wow! This girl needs some serious guidance.  Is this an adult candy store?  Why else would she dress like this to attend a candy store opening. If I was just looking at these pictures and had no idea who she was, I would assume she was a 'woman' between the ages of 35-40.  Most 17 year olds strive to look older, but try for their early 20's, not 40's.  I really wonder what she will look like when she is in that age range.

It's cute that Kylie thinks she's fooling anyone with the "it's just good duct tape" lie to explain her boobs growing 4 cup sizes since December.


What's not so cute is Kylie flying to Europe with her 25 year old boyfriend to legally have sex. I mean, attend Cannes Lion.


Seriously, where is Kris??

According to" the Talk" Kris is beefing with Jeff Lewis because he "stole" her assistant so Kris could give zero fucks if her minor child is in another country with her grown ass man of a boyfriend. But Kim's in Europe to so maybe Kim is the chaperone?

Kylie controls the family by refusing to accept their advice or suggestions. Kim and Kris commented on her blue hair prior to the wedding and she answered that just because they were suggesting she get rid of it, she was now going to keep it even longer .

She needed discipline and direction. But Caitlyn is too caught up in her new life and Kris has no clue how to rein her in.

I mean how can her dad say she doesn't need particular surgery on her boobs or face , when he's spending his days glamming it up and getting surgically altered. The only normal one with a healthy body image is Kendall and I'll bet she starts making changes soon too. The itty bitty tattoo is just the beginning.

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I mean how can her dad say she doesn't need particular surgery on her boobs or face , when he's spending his days glamming it up and getting surgically altered. The only normal one with a healthy body image is Kendall and I'll bet she starts making changes soon too. The itty bitty tattoo is just the beginning.


Well, to be fair, Caitlyn's surgery is in the name of transitioning, which is a bit different from everyone else in the family. And though I loathe Kris, her "adjustments" are increasingly more common among women her age. I do take exception to the younger ladies surgically altering and enhancing everything however, because for fuck's sake, they aren't even 35! A basic nose job is one thing. And go ahead and get that boob job, but these ladies are a plastic surgery pile-on (or mashup?) So when you put them all together, yeah, this family certainly has body issues. The parents are one thing but when the older siblings have a plastic surgery track record (and one is one of the most photographed people in the world), I think that's where you really get the influence.

Well, to be fair, Caitlyn's surgery is in the name of transitioning, which is a bit different from everyone else in the family. And though I loathe Kris, her "adjustments" are increasingly more common among women her age. I do take exception to the younger ladies surgically altering and enhancing everything however, because for fuck's sake, they aren't even 35! A basic nose job is one thing. And go ahead and get that boob job, but these ladies are a plastic surgery pile-on (or mashup?) So when you put them all together, yeah, this family certainly has body issues. The parents are one thing but when the older siblings have a plastic surgery track record (and one is one of the most photographed people in the world), I think that's where you really get the influence.

Kris and Bruce allowed Kourtney to get implants at, I believe 16. Kylie supposedly has been troubled for years over insecurities about her appearance. I'm sure Her folks tried to reassure her that she was beautiful... but it's all talk. Why would she believe them, when hours out of every day is spent getting made up and pampered. I'm sure right from the start of the show both younger girls also were professionally groomed to look good on camera. Looks and appearance are a top priority in this family. Even now Caitlyn is talking about how much time is spent on her appearance, she's not going to tell Kylie that thin lips are okay, when she herself is plumping and pouting her own.

Kylie isn't unhappy because she has thin lips, she's unhappy because she has been left to drift aimlessly thru her teenage years with a self absorbed, narcissistic family.

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Well, I notice two things about that snap:


1) OF COURSE Kylie's clutching her skirt at her crotch.


2) And do my eyes deceive me, or is the portion of Kris's dress that covers her left breast actually sheer in some spots to expose said breast? I swear I actually see her nipple. Please tell me that's just some color in the fabric. Please! I really can't tell what I'm seeing there.


And then of course Kim's full sheer too. Honestly, she's either stuffed into something two sizes too small or wearing something sheer. It's jarring to see these three (and if it turns out it's merely fabric in Kris's case I'll change it to "these two") and compare them to Chrissy Tiegen later in the article. Night and day. I hope the Go Fug Yourself girls get a load of this one.


I'd say Kylie should be in school somewhere, but it is summer vacation after all. But I think it's all kind of fucked up she's out partying it up with her 25 year old boyfriend, her mom and her mom's new squeeze when she's all of 17. What the hell is wrong with this picture?






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Lol over chubby Kim wearing a skimpy, see-through outfit while model Chrissy Tiegen, who actually has the body to pull that style off, is covered head to toe.

Tyga is such a loser. They wouldn't have let him within five feet of that party if he hadn't been with the Kardashians. Kylie is young and dumb, but the rest of them should be able to see what a user he is.

Edited by BitterApple
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The thing thats silly about Kylie, or any 17 year old for that matter getting implants is that you are still developing at that age.  I've seen teen girls that age have HUGE increases in their breast even in a short time so why get them when you dont even know if you're done growing? 


Eh, Kim looks horrible but Chrissy Tiegen isnt exactly innocent when it comes to flashing her tits and wearing questionable clothing. No doubt she's got the better body but shes on and off with wardrobe choices.

Incidents like that are just one of the many reasons this guy is bad news.


Kylie dressing the way she did for a freaking candy store opening reminds me of how last year an actress that was primarily known for being on Nickelodian shows showed up on the red carpet for one of their tweeen awards shows wearing a short dress with her tits popping out the top. 

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