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S05.E21: I'll Be Missing You

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Is Kail selling candles on the side? When Issaac was playing I thought I saw a huge display of wax tarts in the background. She could probably do okay with that, lots of military wives around, a little tv notoriety. 

Somehow, I don't think she has a lot of friends who are military wives.  They definitely don't live on the Base, and don't socialize with other military families on camera.  I think she may feel she is superior to them, and I'm not sure a lot of Air Force wives would want to have anything to do with her, either.

  • Love 1

Somehow, I don't think she has a lot of friends who are military wives.  They definitely don't live on the Base, and don't socialize with other military families on camera.  I think she may feel she is superior to them, and I'm not sure a lot of Air Force wives would want to have anything to do with her, either.

I think military spouses, generally speaking, are pretty tough and Kail doesn't strike me as tough even though she's not had the easiest life. Really the whining about having to care for two kids drives me nuts. Get over it. Be glad you've got the energy of a 21 year old instead of someone pushing 40, honey. @@   She chose to move away from everyone in an effort, imo, to exercise her authority over Jo and to somehow punish him. How's that workin' out for ya? 


I saw some blurb when I was looking up something about her that apparently both she and Javi are enrolled in school now. I was thinking all of the whining she does now and she thinks throwing school on top of it for both of them is a good idea? With two kids, including an infant?

  • Love 2

I don't think Javier had a choice regarding where he was stationed, Delaware or anywhere else. Ultimately, he was the one to join the military.

If they are in school now, I think that's great. It will give them both more choices down the line after TM2. They may be taking courses part-time. Plenty of parents have done it before them.

Edited by DangerousMinds
  • Love 3

I totally agree re: Cory & Leah...when my son was 4, he was diagnosed w/ganglioneuroblastoma & needed surgery for removal. He has neurosurgery on his spine, and needed to wear a brace to keep his shoulders & arms still so as not to rip out the stitches. His dr told me to let HIM (my son) figure out what he could and could not do, and not to baby him, because children at that age a) need to feel they have a little control over what's going on and b) will not continue doing a motion that causes pain--unlike adults who "push through it" and c) they need some semblance of normalcy in their lives.

I know that parents' first instinct is to scoop up their child & try to make things as easy as possible, but sometimes that can be detrimental to their overall development...

But with Ali, the doctors/PTs/teachers are all encouraging her to get the wheelchair already. These are professionals who deal with disabled kids all day and I'm sure they can easily spot the kids whose parents do too much for them. Just because she has it doesn't mean she has to use it all of the time and I think Leah even said that. She said maybe just when she's really tired or something.  And everything indicates that as she grows, it is going to get worse. I think one of the PTs explained that as she gets heavier, it will take more effort to carry her bigger body around and that will be difficult for her.


My heart breaks for them about Ali's situation. I know Corey loves Ali and I think he means well. But I honestly don't think he really grasps the situation as well as he needs to.

  • Love 3

Ugh, Leah...her skin looks DREADFUL. Not a glowing recommendation for Mary Kay (and I use some of their products).

The women around here who sell cosmetics as a side business go to great lengths to have impeccable looking hair, makeup, nails etc, so that we lesser women (ha ha) can think we'll look like them if we buy the products....


This.  A thousand times this.  My mom is a huge fan of "Project Runway" and I noticed Mary Kay is one of the heavy-hitting sponsors on that show, trying to revamp their dated image, etc. and appeal to a more youthful crowd.


I had to laugh though.  All the money that Mary Kay is shelling out on PR and along comes Leah's stupid clown-ass literally LEVELING that playing field, neutralizing it in one fell swoop with her dumb ass as a Mary Kay consultant. 


When Leah over does her make-up it reminds me of that Doritos commercial where the dad dresses up in the princess outfit & tiara for his kid.  You know, the one where he whips around and has the nutso make-up on?  Mary Kay's marketing/PR team must be tearing their collective hair out.  And Leah's hair still looks worse than that.  By design.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 4

Maybe Jenelle wasn't really happy that Nathan was getting out of jail because now he'll be able to "talk" to other girls.  Whereas at least when he was in jail he couldn't.  Wasn't that what she said before he left?


Nathan "talk" to other girls?  I can hardly understand what he says half the time.  When Nathan got into the car (when Jenelle picked him up from jail) one of the first things he said was "How's the pregnancy going?"


My 76 year old mother turned to me with a straight face and said "Why did he ask how's the Pegasus going?"  BWAH!  

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 4

Hey now, it looked to me like she used thumbtacks. I dunno if that's more or less effort than tape, haha. It looked like the type of thing you'd see in a college dorm room. Then again, that's probably about her maturity level..

Oh, it was even better than that...she used safety pins! She safety-pinned all the pictures to what looked like strips of lace (?). And let's not forget the endearing notes scattered amongst on Post-Its, surrounded by Christmas lights. Klassy!

  • Love 3

Who lnows, too, what kind of effect being on camera has on their behavior. You know how some kids act when they have an audience and these kids *really* have an audience. lol. This is not a hidden camera situation. (Though Chelsea should still know saying "One? Two? Three? Puleeze?" is a ridiculous discipling technique.)

  • Love 2

I haven't read anyone else's comments yet...


Nice how they open with Jenelle being all apologetic about the dogs. Yeah right.


Leah really looks like a haggard old woman. Every time she and Jeremy have a conversation he just seems so detached and disinterested. That would drive me crazy. Ali looked cute in the doctor's office when she was behind the chair. She did a GREAT job with the wheelchair! Gracie is a brat. Kicking at the cat and then getting a plastic bat? Are you kidding me? Her and Jace would be great together with cats. It pisses me the hell off when kids are not firmly scolded when it comes to the way they treat animals.


Cory is doing a dissservice to Ali by taking a hardline attitude about "no, you won't be carried," "if she falls down, she gets right back up," "she runs hard when she is here..." This is a child with a disease, not a lazy kid.


Wow, Nathan was gone for 10 whole days. How did anyone survive such hardship? The whole "I reflected in jail" and the crying stuff? I give it a few days before he's back to being the dick that he is.


WTF was up with Chelsea's make up in the beginning of the show? Talk about frightful. I didn't get this whole storyline with the license. Isn't it pretty obvious that the state would not hold on to your license if you did not have a license? Is it just me? Why would they have this whole brouhaha going on if Chelsea was not licensed? The initial letter said "We are holding your license..." A total non-story there.


Poor Kail. So put upon. Woe is me, I have to mind the kids alone. When she was on the phone with Peach, she had that puss on that screams "I'm too good for this to be happening to me." Ugh. I still say Isaac got the good edit. Nice to see them showing that he's a regular kid, not some super well behaved one. What did she expect? She was playing with him and then bails to go have a fake conversation with "friends" at the table.


Pretty boring episode overall.

  • Love 2

Does Kail live near the Air Force Base? She must not because there is no way she could be amongst all the other "single moms" with men serving their country and be aloud to go on the way she does. You would think she invented servicemen going into training.

Maybe Javi could introduce her to the wives of some of his Air Force buddies and she can shut the hell up with acting like she's the first woman ever to have a husband leave for an extended period of time. And really, she should shut the hell up because she told him she wouldn't even stay with him if he didn't get into the Air Force.

There's your bed, go lie in it.


Yeah, I don't get this.  I mean, what if Javi actually gets DEPLOYED somewhere for an extended period of time?  The hell she gonna do then?  I come from a military family and my uncle was overseas for almost 3 years at one point?  My uncle left once when his son was in diapers and when he returned my nephew had already started 4K.  My aunt raised 3 kids by herself for several years on and off.  Thousands and thousands of military spouses do this on the daily.  It's what they signed.up.for.Kailyn.and.you.did.too.


And how much you wanna bet that Kail is secretly rethinking (and kicking herself) for making the stupid, impulsive decision to move hours away from anyone - be it family or friend - that lives a reasonable distance away to help and/or relieve her with child care matters.  Duh, dumbass.  How's that working for you?  Yeah, you're all alone because you chose to move away to spite Jo.


And don't even get me started on that, was it? a 3-hr. each way !!?? drive/hand-off with Issac.  So did I hear that right (I admit I was folding laundry while watching) that Isaac's hand-off trip w/Jo is 6 hrs. round-trip?  Why in the seven hells would you do that to your sons?


Good luck with that trek in winter, lady.  If Kail thinks that's a rough, mind-numbing trip on her she should think about how rough the car trip is and will continue to be on her very small children.  Not to mention the fact that Kail will be making that long trek for the next 13-14 years if she stays in the town where she is now.


I'm divorced and I have to drive a 3-hr. round trip a few times a month for my kid and I tell you it's terrible.  Hate it.  During winter it never fails.  Snowstorm and/or heavy snow on my pick up days.  Winters are long where I live and they're long where Kailyn lives.  I can bear the trips but it's difficult for my child.  Well, dem's da breaks for a divorced, military wife and Kail better put on her big-girl panties and deal.  All the calculated moves were hers so she has to deal with the consequences of her rash choices.  Too bad Javi and the boys are dragged along for the ride (both figuratively and literally).

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 3

Even better, Kail insisted Javi join the military. Said she wouldn't be with him if he didn't pass his entrance exam. She didn't just sign up for this, she lobbied for it. I think a part of her was hoping that Javi would get stationed far from Pennsylvania and Jo would give up on Issac. Then she could just pop Javi in as new dad and erase Jo completely.

She has always tried to break that bond between Jo and Isaac starting back when she was pregnant and she was dreaming on moving to Texas (?) with her dad. That fizzled out when she saw his lovely shack of a home with the chain on the fridge. Even way back before she had the baby Jo let it be known, he would not be removed from Isaac's life.

For whatever shitty way Jo treated Kail, he has always been there for Isaac. Sorry Kail, not even the three hour move will erase Jo.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 7

And why should Jo have to be removed from Isaac's life just because Jo chose not to be with Kailyn anymore?  I mean heck, I can't stand my ex.  He's made my life a living hell at times but at the end of the day he loves our child to pieces.  He's a great father (just not a great husband).  A few years ago I was offered a job 2 states away and it was an agonizing choice whether to take it or not.  More money for sure but at the end of the day I realized I couldn't jeopardize my child's close bond with her dad and we needed to be based somewhat locally. 


My divorce was very emotionally exhausting for my child.  I thought very carefully about my child's relationship with not only my family members but also took into account how close my husband's family was with my child and nixed the job.  Sometimes you gotta take a breath, reflect, look at the bigger picture, what's in your child's best interest, and take one for the team.


If Kailyn didn't follow Javi to Delaware that would have been a hard choice for the time being but at least she'd have an extended support system for the kids (i.e. - Javi's family, Jo's family, her friends).  Now she has Javi sometimes (but no one else) so if Javi's at work, etc. Kailyn's alone and up a creek without a paddle.  She's on her own with the kids without respite.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 4

She has always tried to break that bond between Jo and Isaac starting back when she was pregnant and she was dreaming on moving to Texas (?) with her dad. That fizzled out when she saw his lovely shack of a home with the chain on the fridge. Even way back before she had the baby Jo let it be known, he would not be removed from Isaac's life.

I'll never forget the look on Kail's face when she saw the chain and lock on the fridge. That was so funny. Kail has always given me grifter vibes and that's probably one of the reasons she latched on to Jo so quickly. She saw his parents' home and thought she'd hit the jackpot. They were both stupid for having unprotected sex at a young age, but Isaac has been here now for 4 years and they have to parent together peacefully. In my opinion, Jo is the only one who has actually matured. I think Kail does everything for the cameras.

  • Love 3

I think Kail actually pushed for Delaware. I don't remember why exactly, but she made sure they fought hard to live where she thought she wanted to be. All she really did was isolate herself with the kids. But what I don't get is how these girls don't seem to utilize daycares. Except Chelsea. All the rest of them seem to rely solely on family or friends. In real life, not everyone has those options.

  • Love 1
And don't even get me started on that, was it? a 3-hr. each way !!?? drive/hand-off with Issac.  So did I hear that right (I admit I was folding laundry while watching) that Isaac's hand-off trip w/Jo is 6 hrs. round-trip?  Why in the seven hells would you do that to your sons?



I know, it's really sad. I feel bad for Isaac but I almost feel even worse for Lincoln because he has to make the trip BOTH ways each time. He's little enough now he probably sleeps through most of it, but when he gets older that's going to be really hard on him.  Plus, assuming he and Isaac end up being close as he gets older, can you imagine him suffering in the car for 3 hours only to have to say goodbye to his brother and sit through another 3 hours home?  (when the weather's good...)

  • Love 1

I don't think Javier had a choice regarding where he was stationed, Delaware or anywhere else. Ultimately, he was the one to join the military.

If they are in school now, I think that's great. It will give them both more choices down the line after TM2. They may be taking courses part-time. Plenty of parents have done it before them.

Welp, maybe I'm just a bitch but I think the time to pursue higher education is BEFORE you have kids. If you happen to have them before you're ready for school, don't purposefully have more until you can afford them money-wise and time-wise. The time for them to go to school would have been before Lincoln was conceived. She was in an all out rush to have a second kid at 20. Having both parents going to school with one working full-time in the service does not leave a lot of time for two small children. Particularly when you don't have a support system and one of the kids spends a lot of time out of state and you have to take him there/back. Methinks maybe Kail is just doing this to fail so she can blame it on not having support.


And that's another thing .... the rush to BUY the house in Delaware. Why not rent and see how the sitch goes with Isaac and all of that driving? Nope. Had to buy a house so now they're stuck in Delaware as opposed to just having to fulfill a lease obligation. (How many 21 year old "kids" have bought their homes and a Mercedes and brand new Suburban. If Teen Mom pays about $65K/year (is that what I read?), they still don't make enough to afford that stuff.)

Edited by lilmarysunshine
  • Love 5

And that's another thing .... the rush to BUY the house in Delaware. Why not rent and see how the sitch goes with Isaac and all of that driving? Nope. Had to buy a house so now they're stuck in Delaware as opposed to just having to fulfill a lease obligation. (How many 21 year old "kids" have bought their homes and a Mercedes and brand new Suburban. If Teen Mom pays about $65K/year (is that what I read?), they still don't make enough to afford that stuff.)

I purchased a few pre-foreclosure houses in an Air Force town from young Airmen who were going to walk away from their homes when they got transferred or left the service.  They'd only owned them a few years and couldn't sell them for enough to cover the sales commission and related fees.  I don't know the terms of Kail and Javi's house purchase in Delaware, but they may find themselves "underwater" if Javi gets transferred out of there (or decides to leave the Air Force after his enlistment).

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One advantage of DVRing TM is being able to FF through Janelle. I did notice all the tattoos on her midsection. While I'm not tattoo averse, she obviously has no idea what happens to a woman's body as she ages. It's also one thing to tattoo a figure (bird, flower, etc), but huge gothic letters. I'd love to see what that looks like when she's 50. 


Kail is such a victim in her own mind. She has 2 kids, no job, yet can't manage to watch them herself without being stressed out. It was her decision to move 3 hours a away from her baby daddy. She could have tried to find a house that was a little closer. But hey, she normally make Javi do all the driving, so it's only a big deal when it impacts her. having 2 kids was HER decision and even though Isaac was an oops, Lincoln most certainly was not. You husband is in the goddamn military, did you not think he would sent anywhere? GMAFB


Chelsea, I would have loved to know if she had to pay a fine or if there was a warning placed on her record. At least there was no Adumb drama, but I saw the previews and it looks like the Adam drama is back. 


I feel for Leah having a disabled child. But damn, why does she have to look like crap. And not crap because she is overwrought. She looks like she does intentionally. Thank god Corey cut that beard. It was overtaking his face. 


I continue to be fascinated by the cars these idiots drive. At least Chelsea has  had the same car for several years, and a jeep makes sense given where she lives. As for the rest, Janelle looks like she drives a Charger and a Hummer. Good lord, why. And they both look new. Ack, how many cars has she gone through? Leah and Corey drive huge ass trucks. Unless you are hauling equipment on a regular basis, why oh why? Leah should be driving a mom van with three kids and now a wheelchair. And kail drives a monster SUV. Why oh, why? Apparently carbon emissions and gas guzzling mean nothing to these fools.  

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 2

poeticlicensed, what's even dumber about Jenelle having two cars is the fact that Nathan can't drive! His license is suspended, so what was the point of a) buying TWO new cars and b) buying a car that is a major gas guzzler? The stupidity never ceases to amaze me. You're right that there are all sorts of smaller, more reasonable vans/SUV's that these girls could be driving. Chelsea seems to be reasonable with her money, but the others act like the MTV checks will be forever rolling in.


Regarding Kail, I'm not sure what the hell she thought would happen when Javi joined the military. She was the one who chose to move three hours away from Jo, the Riveras, and Javi's family. I'm sure many stay at home moms would love the luxury of making 80k a year for sitting on the couch whining to friends about how hard life is. Grow the eff up already.

  • Love 3

I wonder if Chelsea's spending habits versus the other girls' spending habits come from the fact that Chelsea was raised in a more financially secure household than the others? A six figure income probably isn't that new to Chelsea, where it's probably mind blowing to the other three.

And she has an educated father who seems financially successful to help her manage her money.

  • Love 1

Yeah I'm pretty sure without the services of Randy Houska - Financial Planner & Advisor Chelsea would probably be in the same boat as the rest of them. Good thing she's got enough sense to have her dad help her, in that area. Most teens would probably freak out about that and not allow their parents to touch their money...which is obvious if you look at the other 3.

  • Love 4

One advantage of DVRing TM is being able to FF through Janelle. I did notice all the tattoos on her midsection. While I'm not tattoo averse, she obviously has no idea what happens to a woman's body as she ages. It's also one thing to tattoo a figure (bird, flower, etc), but huge gothic letters. I'd love to see what that looks like when she's 50. 



A few years back Mini-Persnickety, in all of her teenage wisdom, was saving up to get a fairy tattoo on her butt cheek.  She thought it would be adorable.


I quickly pointed out that it would probably be adorable....until she turned about 65 and that fairy was stretched down to her knees and would likely scare small children.


At least Mini-Persnickety heeded my advice.  Unlike Janelle, who apparently thinks anyone whose opinion differs from hers is just a hater.


It sure appears Barbara has decided to stop wasting her breath by trying to talk any common sense into Janelle.  Which is good, because Barb's going to need all the energy she can muster to handle the Kaiser Roll when he's inevitably dumped on her doorstep.  

  • Love 1

Regarding the kaleidoscope pants, I think they're the beginning of another hideous trend for the under 25 crowd. I was traveling cross country last Friday and I saw three teenage girls wearing them along with a store selling them in the Philly airport. Sigh.


No matter how much Barb protests, I think she'll cave and take in Kaiser Roll. My cousin is a carbon copy of Jenelle and my aunt and uncle swore they wouldn't raise her kid when she got knocked up at 17. They're now raising that child and the three others she's had since. On another note, does Barb qualify for any state aid? By taking custody she probably saved DCF a shitload of money, I would hope she gets some sort of stipend. 

Yeah I'm pretty sure without the services of Randy Houska - Financial Planner & Advisor Chelsea would probably be in the same boat as the rest of them. Good thing she's got enough sense to have her dad help her, in that area. Most teens would probably freak out about that and not allow their parents to touch their money...which is obvious if you look at the other 3.


I agree.  The other girls are CLEARLY on their own and navigating young adulthood and family issues, for the most part, themselves or with a spouse or significant other, whereas Chelsea is still living under daddy's rule even though it appears to the rest of us that she is independent.  If Randy wasn't in the picture, I can bet Chelsea would be driving a new Hummer and blowing through money.

I need to paraphrase Ali

"Keep that girl's ass out of my chair!".


Nope, Leah let's her ride in Ali's power chair.  Poor Ali, that was her one wish, that her sister not ride it! And WTF is she riding it for, Leah you are the worst parent to allow this!!   It is not a toy!!!


Interview with Leah:


And Ali has a loaner wheelchair!

She loves it! She will ride it until the battery is dead, and after we charge it, she'll ride it again. Seeing her feel so free and so happy just lights my world. And I let Aleeah ride it so she doesn't feel left out. Jeremy and I told her we're going to get her a four-wheeler or something so she can go fast too, with her sissy.


  • Love 1

Nope, Leah let's her ride in Ali's power chair.  Poor Ali, that was her one wish, that her sister not ride it! And WTF is she riding it for, Leah you are the worst parent to allow this!!   It is not a toy!!!


Interview with Leah:


And Ali has a loaner wheelchair!

She loves it! She will ride it until the battery is dead, and after we charge it, she'll ride it again. Seeing her feel so free and so happy just lights my world. And I let Aleeah ride it so she doesn't feel left out. Jeremy and I told her we're going to get her a four-wheeler or something so she can go fast too, with her sissy.


I also noticed in the interview she worked in as many "Corey isn't as good of a parent as I am!" digs as she possibly could...

I agree.  The other girls are CLEARLY on their own and navigating young adulthood and family issues, for the most part, themselves or with a spouse or significant other, whereas Chelsea is still living under daddy's rule even though it appears to the rest of us that she is independent.  If Randy wasn't in the picture, I can bet Chelsea would be driving a new Hummer and blowing through money.


I tend to think you could easily substitute significant other for "daddy". Leah would not be on her own at all if it weren't for Corey and Germy. She has barely ever worked. She takes jobs, works for a bit, then quits. We'll see how long this tanning thing lasts, but I doubt she could provide for the kids on her own without it. Jenelle has always crashed with other people, and her finances have never been in order. Her and Kieffer were about to get evicted during the season when they were smacked out of their minds. And she stole from Barbara! Kail is the closest we've seen to independence on this show. She lived entirely on her own, but I believe the cost was subsidized by the state. Which is fine. At least she was trying. She probably held a job longer than anyone else as well. 


But I don't really have that much of an issue with Chelsea getting her dad's help. He is a successful person and hopefully he can navigate her in the right direction. Yes, if he died tomorrow she might be in trouble - but no more so than if Leah's husband died. At least her father is more likely to be there long term than Leah's current baby daddy.

  • Love 3

Goggles is beautiful. She really is pretty. The rest of this mess TV show is just Jenelle and her jailed exes, Barb and Jenelle's future Kaiser Roll. The girls are all 22+ and there isn't any story left. I think the show has about run out of ideas. If anything, make a Jenelle and Barb show, lol. Shudder at Jenelle making any more money over being a dumbshit non-mother, though.

  • Love 2

I watched this episode on On Demand, but didn't see any scene between the cat and Leah's child, whatshername? Leah 2.0? You all know who I am referencing. Unless I blinked, I don't recall the scene. Whereabouts does it come up in the episode?




She told him to stop and he persisted. Her friend even put her hands over his to get him to stop. He is 4 and should know better.

A 4 year old should know better? I have yet to meet such a 4 year old.  I am thinking it is more in line with a 4 year old who is trying to get some attention from his mother, and since he doesn't get it when he is quiet and behaving in the manner in which Kail prefers, he is doing it the other way. Just like Jace and his cousin were smashing crackers on the floor and the other negative behaviors he has done. Jace gets attention that way and almost seems to enjoy it because it gets him the attention he needs. Jace is accustomed to receiving attention for negative behavior.  


Isaac is getting mixed messages from Kail. He was happy go lucky playing "castle" with mom. Suddenly here come her friends, and she drops him like a bad habit. Then, when he was ready to go with Kail to be dropped off at with dad, Kail brings on the guilt trip by telling him, "Who am I going to talk to?" "Are you going to miss me?" routine. Seriously, this chick's mentality is screwed up. Isaac is getting the message that he is there to comfort Kail, talk to her when she needs someone, and fill some void in his mother's life when the man of the house is not around. Other than that, go play with all those toys you have and leave mommy alone because she is stressing out or she wants to be with her friends. She has no use for him until she does. I know she loves the kid and all, I am not even going there, but from a child's point of view, he seems to be acting out from frustration and dying for some attention from Kail.


Kail can get the hell out of here with her continuous pity party. So over that mess. If she isn't miserable, she will find something to be miserable about, you can bet money on that happening. The comment that she and Jo are fine one day and then the next Jo and her are not fine and arguing...shut up. It is Kail who has to find something to bitch about all the damn time.


As for the breastfeeding aka "woe is me" issue...I seriously wanted to go up to my television screen and just slap her face. After my first child, I realized I was not going to be the Goddess of Breastfeeding. It wasn't going to happen. I did my best for four months, but that was it. By my second child, I learned to pump my milk and have my baby become accustomed to the bottle. This came in handy when I needed a break and my spouse could bottle feed our baby my breast milk. It also came in handy when I was sick and couldn't muster the energy to feed.


I think Kail set herself up for failure by wanting to solely breastfeed. I don't know what her agenda is, I don't know if she is some spokesperson for some Leche League group and has to do this. All I know is, she is making a situation harder by not thinking logically - put your damn breast milk in a bottle so your child can drink and stop crying.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 1

I watched this episode on On Demand, but didn't see any scene between the cat and Leah's child, whatshername? Leah 2.0? You all know who I am referencing. Unless I blinked, I don't recall the scene. Whereabouts does it come up in the episode?




A 4 year old should know better? I have yet to meet such a 4 year old.  I am thinking it is more in line with a 4 year old who is trying to get some attention from his mother, and since he doesn't get it when he is quiet and behaving in the manner in which Kail prefers, he is doing it the other way. Just like Jace and his cousin were smashing crackers on the floor and the other negative behaviors he has done. Jace gets attention that way and almost seems to enjoy it because it gets him the attention he needs. Jace is accustomed to receiving attention for negative behavior.  


Isaac is getting mixed messages from Kail. He was happy go lucky playing "castle" with mom. Suddenly here come her friends, and she drops him like a bad habit. Then, when he was ready to go with Kail to be dropped off at with dad, Kail brings on the guilt trip by telling him, "Who am I going to talk to?" "Are you going to miss me?" routine. Seriously, this chick's mentality is screwed up. Isaac is getting the message that he is there to comfort Kail, talk to her when she needs someone, and fill some void in his mother's life when the man of the house is not around. Other than that, go play with all those toys you have and leave mommy alone because she is stressing out or she wants to be with her friends. She has no use for him until she does. I know she loves the kid and all, I am not even going there, but from a child's point of view, he seems to be acting out from frustration and dying for some attention from Kail.


Kail can get the hell out of here with her continuous pity party. So over that mess. If she isn't miserable, she will find something to be miserable about, you can bet money on that happening. The comment that she and Jo are fine one day and then the next Jo and her are not fine and arguing...shut up. It is Kail who has to find something to bitch about all the damn time.


As for the breastfeeding aka "woe is me" issue...I seriously wanted to go up to my television screen and just slap her face. After my first child, I realized I was not going to be the Goddess of Breastfeeding. It wasn't going to happen. I did my best for four months, but that was it. By my second child, I learned to pump my milk and have my baby become accustomed to the bottle. This came in handy when I needed a break and my spouse could bottle feed our baby my breast milk. It also came in handy when I was sick and couldn't muster the energy to feed.


I think Kail set herself up for failure by wanting to solely breastfeed. I don't know what her agenda is, I don't know if she is some spokesperson for some Leche League group and has to do this. All I know is, she is making a situation harder by not thinking logically - put your damn breast milk in a bottle so your child can drink and stop crying.

I wish I could give you three thumbs up for your comments.

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