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Unpopular Food Likes/Dislikes: Table for One


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I find Nutella too sweet actually, but I don't have a sweet tooth and cut the sugar in all recipes.  ... I want my Nutella to be more chocolatey. 


I do have a sweet tooth, and I also want Nutella to be more chocolatey. I don't feel it has a purpose, if that makes any sense. Now, chocolate peanut butter? Sold!

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I do have a sweet tooth, and I also want Nutella to be more chocolatey. I don't feel it has a purpose, if that makes any sense. Now, chocolate peanut butter? Sold!


I knew I'd cave. Thanks for the temptation...er, link...Bella!  <Shakes fist> Eh, my birthday is this week, so now's the time to give in, I suppose. Hee. Already drooling!

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There aren't many foods I actively dislike, but as I get older, there are ones I just can't tolerate.  It's not even a digestive issue, it's a taste thing.  I haven't been able to tolerate bananas for better than 10 years now.  They just gross me out...the smell, the texture, just yuck.  And beef, for the most part.  I still like a good burger, but anything beyond that, no matter the temperature it is cooked to, just makes me want to yak.  Occasionally I can get a few bits of skirt steak down in a fajita, but that's about it.

If you don't like cake mixes or flavoring (banana, orange, etc) it just means you have refined taste buds. Cake mixes ALWAYStaste like mixes due to the preservatives, even the good ones.

As a Jersey girl here to tell you, I don't just love sweet corn because it reminds me of summer. It's the only time you can get it.lol picked earlier or later it's starchy and bland. But fresh jersey sweet corn in august is a miracle.

I eat tomatoes at times but do not love them.

I didn't see the point of avocado until I went to college in California. It tastes green and it's mushy and adds to a sandwich. It's not something you really eat alone like cantaloupe. When I got in to stanford mom and I went out and bought one and had it like melon and were puzzled.

Why does anyone like peanut butter? It tastes like PAIN (ok I'm allergic. Long before it was fashionable)


LOVE carrots. Favorite food as child (raw) and I remember peeling multiples and chewing on he hem long before you could buy them that way. Not cooked, raw.

Dried apricots.

Product 19 cereal.

These are still my favorite foods.

Dieting or not, I love me some raw carrots.

Very meh on pesto.

LOVE horseradish. Stronger the better. Put horseradish sauce on hamburgers.

Green tea, just no.

Chai makes me sick. I like it but every time I drink it I get sick. So I can't drink it.

My favorite birthday cake combination is chocolate and lemon. People think that's weird.

Lucindabelle, I ate raw carrots like crazy as a kid, too.  Still do, too; in fact I like almost all my veggies, except maybe beets and eggplant, raw or very lightly steamed. As a kid, apples and carrots were my go-to because horses ate them (and if I couldn't have one, I guess I was trying to be one). 


Love avocado with a tiny dribble of vinaigrette, or as a salad topping.  

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I didn't see the point of avocado until I went to college in California. It tastes green and it's mushy and adds to a sandwich. It's not something you really eat alone like cantaloupe. When I got in to stanford mom and I went out and bought one and had it like melon and were puzzled.


Oh, yes it is - a Hass or Fuerte halved, with a little salt and pepper or just plain, is a staple snack in my house.

Mmm, I love avocados, besides putting them on stuff or making guacamole (FYI, Baja Fresh makes a good guacamole) I like to cut them open & eat them with a spoon. Nothing added, just plain avocado.

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Foods I hate:


Peanut butter. I can't even take the smell. I seriously have to breathe through my mouth and often gag when I make them for my kids (who love them, naturally). This is especially weird, because I pretty much lived on PB&J's from the ages of 7-10. Maybe I had one too many?

Broccoli. No. Not steamed, not raw, not chopped up, not smothered in cheese. People give me weird looks about this because I love cauliflower.

Steak. Unlike peanut butter and broccoli, I can choke it down, but I sure don't enjoy it. Half my family is from Montana, the other half from Texas and they all think I'm crazy. I think they spend way too much money for a slab of unappealing meat.

Fried chicken with bones. It's the bones (and the dark meat) that's the problem. I'll eat the hell out of fried boneless chicken breast, or chicken tenders or nuggets or the like, but something about tearing the meat off the bone grosses me out.

Coffee. Not a food, but I hate it sooo much. Hate the taste, hate the smell. Don't wanna try any of your fancy flavored coffees, either, even the hint of that coffee taste and I'm done.

Grape-flavored anything. Kool-aid, soda, cough syrup, candy, jelly. I hate it all. However, actual grapes? Love 'em. I don't know, either.

Mustard. Ew.

Beer. I've grown to like some flavored ales, but regular beer is nasty.


I love lots of food (especially some foods mentioned here, watermelon, yum!), but I don't know if any of it counts as unpopular. I do have some odd quirks - like I love chocolate covered raisins, but can't stand them any other way; I want butter on my turkey or ham & cheese or salami sandwiches, but mayo on my BLT's or tuna salad or chicken sandwiches, but definitely not the other way around; I like my baked potatoes with lots of butter and salt or sometimes cheese and chili, but never sour cream.


ETA: Oy, breathe through my MOUTH, not my nose. Way to say the opposite of what you mean, self!

Edited by Melgaypet


Broccoli. No. Not steamed, not raw, not chopped up, not smothered in cheese. People give me weird looks about this because I love cauliflower.

I don't understand the weird looks because you like cauliflower.  They are completely different tastes and textures.  I'm ok with both broccoli and cauliflower, but I much prefer my broccoli cooked and my cauliflower raw.  I'll eat it the other way around, but don't enjoy it that much.


As for mustard, I just developed a taste for that within the past couple of months (and I'm not pregnant), but only a little bit and mixed with mayo, not slathered on.  Beer?  Gross.

I'll third the beer is gross group. I tried, even fancy junk, even adding lemon or lime. It's still beer. No.

I can't stand the taste of coffee in any form. Flavored, in candy, doesn't matter, but I love the smell of regular coffee. The smell of sweet flavor coffees though, not at all.

I'm a mustard girl. Mustard in all kinds of varieties. I can take mayo mixed in something like chicken salad, but I have no patience for it alone. I'll not eat before I'll eat a a sandwich with mayo.

I've quit trying to embrace yogurt. I feel like I did backflips trying to find a way to like it. It's just not happening. If I'm going to eat something that is that texture I want it to be a dessert & not a tart probiotic filled responsibility pretending to be my friend.

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I'm ok with both broccoli and cauliflower, but I much prefer my broccoli cooked and my cauliflower raw.  I'll eat it the other way around, but don't enjoy it that much.


This is me, exactly.  Raw cauliflower, I love.  Cooked broccoli, I love.  The other way around, no.


I also can't drink beer.  I just don't like it.

I'll third the beer is gross group. I tried, even fancy junk, even adding lemon or lime. It's still beer. No.

I can't stand the taste of coffee in any form. Flavored, in candy, doesn't matter, but I love the smell of regular coffee. The smell of sweet flavor coffees though, not at all.

I'm a mustard girl. Mustard in all kinds of varieties. I can take mayo mixed in something like chicken salad, but I have no patience for it alone. I'll not eat before I'll eat a a sandwich with mayo.

I've quit trying to embrace yogurt. I feel like I did backflips trying to find a way to like it. It's just not happening. If I'm going to eat something that is that texture I want it to be a dessert & not a tart probiotic filled responsibility pretending to be my friend.


Ugh, beer.  Actually, I hate the taste of most alcohol aside from wine, which is kind of a shame.  I read somewhere that it's a bitter thing having to do with a gene, but I love other bitter foods, like coffee and brussel sprouts, so who knows. 


Mayo makes me want to vomit.  Even typing the word gives me the heebies. 


Fage 2% yogurt with cherries is like eating mascarpone or cheesecake or something. The cherry variety is very desserty, in my opinion.  But then again, I would eat Fage plain by the bucketful.   

my mom thought peanut butter and jelly was the most disgusting thing.  She wanted us to eat healthy so gave us baloney sandwiches LOL

  I was around 7 or 8 when I had my first one thought it was the most delicious thing ever!

Mom also hates Oreos.  Whenever she is away Dad always bought 2 bags of them :)

   I think Twinkies are the so gross.  When people where going crazy buying them up I could not understand it.

Hmmmm, interesting thread.....


Cookies - I must be the only person on earth that finds them disgusting....don't matter the brand, flavor or make, I hate them.  The only cookies I ate as a child were cream filled (that's because I'd eat out the cream and throw away the cookie!) and the ones you could put on your finger like a wedding ring and even with that I'd have to mush it in milk in order to eat them.


Peanut Butter - If it ain't with chocolate as a peanut butter cup, keep it moving!


Hoagies - They always reminded me of girls after gym class.  Also don't like any type of cold cuts.

Spaceytraci, back in the day our schools didn't have showers so we'd have to wait unti we got home....some of the girls were unshaved in the armpits, hence the hoagie smells, lol.


Forgot to add a food I love that most people don't....brussels sprouts!  First of all, they must be mushy, not crisp....then, I add lots of butter and vinegar to them.  They are good with cheese and bacon as well.

Edited by Vixenstud
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I love Brussels sprouts; I could eat them almost nightly.  Especially just simply roasted with a little olive oil, salt and pepper, but occasionally roasted with pancetta.  There's also an Emeril recipe I love that combines them with walnuts and parmesan. 


They're the only thing in the cabbage family I like cooked, though; I love green, red and Napa cabbage raw, but not cooked.


I know it's a longstanding notion that most people hate them, but everyone with whom I routinely share meals loves them as I do.

I mentioned corned beef and cabbage already. Puke. But add any and all Chinese food to the list. I must not like the spices or something, but...I just don't like it. At all.  The closest I came to tolerating it was some beef/broccoli deal in college when all my friends got it, but again, the sauce used with it turned me off.


Eh, more for everyone else!  :-)

So I'm not the only one who scraped out the frosting inside an Oreo cookie?  I always found that frosting to be so OTT sweet and I loved just the chocolatey-chocolate flavor of the cookie itself.  It's amazing to read this thread, all the things folks will not/cannot/dare not eat.  I love watermelon but what have they done to this wonderful fruit?  Seedless, schmeedless...bring back the regular watermelons, please because I'm sick of eating those tiny white seeds that are throughout the "seedless" watermelons...or trying to pick them out.  At least w/ the original melons, the seeds were big and easy to remove (or spit out).


In order to get rid of that earthy flavor in beets, you have to roast them (not boil).  I've never liked sliced or chopped cooked carrots, especially if they're diced (into those perfect little squares...blech).  Now, when I stir fry, I cut the carrots on the diagonal, the way they do in Asian restaurants, and for some reason, I can eat them.


Brussels sprouts. So nasty IMO.  But the Barefoot Contessa said if you roast them, they're great.  I roasted them and the entire house stunk like cabbage (and they weren't all the great either).


Catfish...I've had it twice (and couldn't stop thinking of what those creepy things look like as they hover near the bottom of creeks)...never again!


OMG...romano cheese.  I cannot be around it.  Also can't stand the smell of beer in the air (now, I can drink it on a hot day...just don't wanna smell it ;>)


On the other hand, gosh, I adore ambrosia.  However, for many, many years I couldn't eat tapioca pudding because it reminded me of something I saw once in elementary school.  About 10 years ago I tried it, fell in love with it and drove that bad memory out of my mind!  We humans are truly a piece of work when it comes to food :>)

Great thread!


I can't stand bell peppers.  I don't mind if they're chopped up tiny and  cooked in a sauce, but raw, or nearly raw, like  on pizza -   they leave an aftertaste that doesn't go away for me, I keep burping and tasting them for a day. 


I won't drink beer.   My son is becoming a beer fanatic, he buys expensive specialty beers. He's trying to convert me, keeps insisting  I try them, and they all taste exactly the same to me - dark, light, can, draft, sweet, tart, bitter -  all exactly the same - Awful.


I won't eat lima beans My dad insisted on the clean plate thing, and we were served those awful, mushy, mixed vegetables from a can.  I would separate out the lima beans, eat the carrots, peas, green beans, corn.   One day my dad caught me and said I couldn't leave the table until I ate the limas.  I choked them down.   I've had an aversion to them since that day, and it's the one food I WILL NOT EAT AND YOU CAN"T MAKE ME. 

I also learned not to force my kids to eat anything. 


I don't eat seafood that comes out of a shell.  oysters, clams, mussels -  they seem incredibly gross to me.  How is that an animal? there's no parts, just the shell, and some slimy rubbery thing inside the shell.  When people eat them raw, they're still ALIVE.  I'm not eating anything that's not dead yet.





Pumpkin - raw, mashed, whatever 


Sweet potatoes


Raw tomatoes (except for the very rare, sweet-tasting ones)


Mint (even in toothpaste - I spit it out as quickly as I can!  When I was a kid I would insist on using a kids' toothpaste that was not mint-flavored.)


I don't drink, but I hate the smell of beer (which I guess is not so unpopular based on this thread!).

I don't drink, but I hate the smell of beer (which I guess is not so unpopular based on this thread!).


Yeah, Yankee Candle actually came out with a beer-scented candle one year for Father's day.  

I thought -  if the house smells like BEER - that's when you want to light a candle that smells like something better - to get RID of the beer smell!

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Avocado. I don't get it.

I love Mexican food so I want to like avocado and keep trying guacamole ('most recently last weekend) but nope. The texture puts me right off.

Recently I've figured out I dislike thyme. And sage but that's because it makes me sick. Thanksgiving will be fun. Everything has sage in it.

Sage can get really strong, even a tiny amount, so I totally get that.  I grow it, mostly because its scent throws off pesky insects I want to stay away from my other plants, but I rarely cook with it.   Thyme, though, I like even if it gets strong too.


Unless eggplant is thinly sliced and served with tomato sauce (breading optional), I can't stand it. 

Oregano. The smell and taste puts me off completely. Most other herbs, I'm good, but a pizza or pasta sauce with oregano in it - yuk.


Indian curry (not Thai curry) - the smell makes me want to hurl. The taste too - it just tastes...bad.


Cottage Cheese - it look like vomit - and yet so many people eat this stuff? It's the texture, not the taste.


I can drink any alcohol except beer. The smell and taste totally turns me off. Ciders, wine, hard liquor is fine. Just not beer.

Same with tea. The smell of tea alone again makes me want to hurl. Herbal teas I like, but not black, white or green teas.


I prefer vanilla over chocolate. I like chocolate at times, but prefer vanilla flavoured things like ice cream and cake, etc then chocolate. I would rather have a dessert with fruit in it, or a light vanilla cake, or a creme brulee, than something with chocolate in it.


Brussel sprouts - thinly sliced and sauteed up with bacon is amazing! Yummy.

And avocados are wonderful. Either in gucamole or just on a sandwich.

I love Mexican food so I want to like avocado and keep trying guacamole ('most recently last weekend) but nope. The texture puts me right off.

I'm a hypocrite because thing is, I can't with just an avocado, texture and taste, but I'm fine with guacamole. But It's the mix of spices and garlic and lime, makes it just different enough to enjoy. It's not my favorite thing to use as a dip, but if it's there I'll eat it. Meanwhile, if I'm offered just a plain avocado I'll throw it back in your stupid face.

I'm a hypocrite because thing is, I can't with just an avocado, texture and taste, but I'm fine with guacamole. But It's the mix of spices and garlic and lime, makes it just different enough to enjoy. It's not my favorite thing to use as a dip, but if it's there I'll eat it. Meanwhile, if I'm offered just a plain avocado I'll throw it back in your stupid face.


See, that makes sense to me.  I hate garbanzo beans, but turn them into hummus and I'll eat the hell out of it. 

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