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Say 5 Nice Things About a Character(s) You DESPISE!


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1.Still hate her. After all these years. BUT...Carly takes no shit and I like that.

2.She's not a putrid mother to one of her kids.

3.Jax used to love her.

4. She's not bone thin.

5. She used to be a pretty smart cookie.

Robin Scorpio- Drake:

Despise might be too strong but nah, I don't care for Robin.

1. There is something about Robin's persona that demands respect...and she gets it.

2. IMO the ONLY GH character who can (consistently) not only hold her own, but triumph over Carly.

3. Her parents are badass.

4.She's besties with MyBelovedBrenda.

5.Memories of little Robin still has a strong pull.

Olivia Falconeri:

1.Much more likeable when smashed.

2.Makes a good impression when silent.

3.She loves her son.

4.That is all.

5. See 4.

..this is a lot harder than it looks,lol.

Edited by BetteBoo
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1.Took stone in when he was living on the streets and treated him like a brother when he got Aids.

2.Liked his friendship with Robin at one point.

3.He offered to kill lisa for robin when her idiotic husband would do nothing lol.

4.He forgot Courtney existed lol.



1.she has pretty hair

2.she don't take no shit

3.She loves Michael and Joss even if shes not the greatest mother lol

4.She forgot about her best bud Courtney too lol.

5.She knows what she wants and goes after it.

  • Love 2



1. His hair is good now

2. Dislikes Sonny

3. Tried killing Heather at least

4. causes GH to be on the Soup more often than any other character and thus allows Joel McHale and co to make me laugh at whatever joke they come up with

5. causes Scotty to be scornful of him and when that happens I find it hilarious


It was REALLY hard thinking up a 5th reason. I was gonna say "isn't a Quartermaine" and "was once played by a really, really hot actor" but those didn't seem fair. I really wanted to try, damn it!

Edited by ulkis
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1.  Fathered Dante

2.  Is a good cook (even if he has no idea where the towels are to clean up after himself afterward)

3.  Would never intentionally shoot a man if he knew that man was his son

4.  Singlehandedly keeps the hair gel manufacturers of the world in business

5.  Pulls out all the stops when wooing a woman, taking her to his island and buying her a nice dress

  • Love 3



1.  Was once played by an Academy Award-nominated actor who once played Daniel Desario on Freaks & Geeks

2.  Is now played by a guy who is capable of being a totally brilliant actor when he has a decent character/actually gives a shit

3.  Hates Sonny

4.  Didn't actually father Kiki

5.  Isn't actually a Quartermaine

  • Love 1



1. Keeps

2. Barware

3. Makers

4. In

5. Business 

(Hey, it's a tough economy, Sonny's doin' America a solid)






1. Stopped

2. Using

3. Corpses

4. As

5. Art 

(Maybe he can cheat a little and use a former coma patient instead)




Luke:  (this one is harder)


1. Is gone for 6 months out of the year

2. Was a decent father [to Lucky] for awhile

3. Owned some cool clubs

4. Had a very memorable fashion sense

5. Saved the world once, or something



1.  Knows how to successfully run a business (though why anyone would actually stay at her hotel, I can't figure out)

2.  Is related to the Spencer family

3.  Did makeshift needle/thread/duct tape surgery to save Robin, a person she loathes

4.  Benevolently gives reformed serial killers the benefit of the doubt, even to the extent of having sex with them

5.  There are roughly 8 hours each day when she is asleep and isn't shrieking like a banshee

  • Love 2



1. He has perfected the "I'm bored unless we talk about me face"

2. He has a nice long neck perfect for throat punches

3. He knows how to chug a beer

4. He is divorcing Robin so she can be free of his sorry ass

5. He is interested in Sam which makes lots of people happy including me




1. He has really white teeth

2. His last name is very fitting for him

3. He isn't American so he can be returned home....eventually

4. He looks great in clothes....lots of clothes....the more the better.

5. He fools no one except Maxie(who it was established just today is too stupid to live)


My Gawd that tasted like horsepuckey.

  • Love 3


1. I think her dark hair is really pretty.

2. She is pretty good at rolling around in that chair.

3. She showed some remorse in her part in Rafe's death, even if it was only to Rosalie (who was, fairly, the only person she could say it to)

4. She makes Roger Howarth's character bearable when they share a scene.

5. My sister is glad she is no longer on Y&R.

I am being brave and tackling Liz


Her hair is awesome.

She hasn't aged in over 10 years, does she drink the blood of young maidens.

She is a good mother except when she gets distracted by reading the paternity results of her youngest son

She really loves both of Laura's sons.

She is a good nurse except when she is distracted.

  • Love 1

I am being brave and tackling Liz

Her hair is awesome.

She hasn't aged in over 10 years, does she drink the blood of young maidens.

She is a good mother except when she gets distracted by reading the paternity results of her youngest son

She really loves both of Laura's sons.

She is a good nurse except when she is distracted.

FINALLY,Lol. I really thought Liz woud be #1 on people's hit parade but it seems that honor belongs to Sonny.

  • Love 1



1. She doesn't have to worry about having her embryos stolen because she can have kids the traditional way anytime she wants.

2. She can save your life if you get shot but can't/won't go to the hospital.

3. She's willing to climb 15 flights of stairs during a blackout for the man she desires.

4. She can give you advice on how to lie about the paternity of your baby.

5. She keeps it all in the family.




1. She can bring you back from the dead.

2. Her spy parents can help you get out of a jam.

3. She can create experimental drug treatments.

4. She's not a terrorist.

5. She has doctor money.

  • Love 1



...damn this is tough...okay...




1) As stereotypical as his adoration of it is, "The Golden Girls" IS a hilarious show so he has good taste in sitcoms.


2) He's not in the mob.


3) He expressed his disbelief on at least one occassion that Carly would want to get involved with a SERIAL KILLER.


4) He recognized that Lucy Coe is a diva worth worshipping.


5) He left Taylor behind in North Carolina.


How'd I do?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7



1)  She really did have a nice Cinderella transformation.

2)  She got a perfect score on the Nursing finals.

3)  She did actually care about Emma.


Well, 3 out of 5 ain't bad.




1)  Proprietor of a number of the coolest clubs PC had ever know

2)  Loving father to Lucky

3)  Was half of the premiere supercouple in soapdom

4)  I still get weepy over his mourning, with Bobbie, over Aunt Ruby

5)  Just something about the way he says "Caroline".




1)  When in her right mind, can still dish out with the best of them.

2)  Still love her willing to stay away from Tony's funeral when he died, and Bobbie accepting that form of an apology.

3)  At least in her mind, was a loyal friend to Jason\

4)  Okay, I did love the village idiot she was around Todd Manning.  I just wanted to see the fall.


  • Love 5

I find it hilarious that with a great many of these, we mention their hair. Most days my hair is pretty good, but I would hope it was not on the top 5 of good things people think about me.

I started this thread on another board years ago snd the same thing happened. It's hard to come up with nice personality traits for someone you can't stand so everybody jumps to the physical.

BettyBoo, Liz doesn't hold a candle to my extreme Sonny hatred.[/quote

Lily you feel about Sonny the way I feel about Luke. Fortunately he is gone a lot. Lol, how'd you make it thru the '90s?



I spent most of the 90's on the barge so I miss a lot of the Sonny years.


I had to mention Liz's hair since she was once known as The Shiny.

  • Love 1


1.) Will babysit

2.) Has pretty hair

3.) Has control of Carlos

4.) Excellent at rolling r's

5.) Such a mother lover


1.) Seems to be a good friend

2.) Can dance

3.) Has makeup skills

4.) Has good taste in men

5.) Can reach tall shelves


1.) Still hot

2.) Sexy hair

3.) Has dat dr money

4.) There's always the chance to fight Nina for his love, so I can wheelchair flip her ass

5.) Drinks a lot

  • Love 2



1. I got the impression, when Joss was smaller, that she was trying to raise her to be a better person than her.


2. Bobbie is her mama, and I love their scenes together. Bobbie actually makes Carly somewhat human.


3. TB's Carly made me want her out of the panic room and feel her pain.


4. "You made a baby, any bitch in heat can do that" still cracks me up to this day.


5. If she and AJ got it right and wound up together, I would be happy. 

  • Love 3

haha, I meant last year during the 50th when the other little girl played Joss and she seemed really sweet and nice. :)





1. When he isn't sending her home or shooting her in front of her daughter in her own home, he loves Robin like a sister. (Okay, I may have to think through this one again...)


2. He actually seems like an adult around Alexis.


3. He and LW's Carly have this comfortable, friendly exes/co-parenting vibe that I like.


4. He makes cute smiles around babies.


5. He's loyal to Max and Milo.


DAMN that was hard! 

  • Love 2



1. Her rendition of "Raise Your Glass" was better than I would have expected

2. She's not unattractive. If she weren't a soap character and were just some girl you know, she would be very cute indeed.

3. She...has been nice to Michael, generally? (I'm really struggling now)

4. The actress has seemed to be well liked at both of her soaps

5. She has not murdered anyone. Which is something of an achievement in Port Charles.




1. He was a good dad to Lucky for many years

2. There were times early in their relationship when I really enjoyed him and Tracy

3. I adored his flirty friendship with Lucy (which never felt like a betrayal because he remained utterly devoted to Laura)

4. His hair is less bad than it has been.

5. Very occasionally, he can be actually funny.




1. He... has dimples?

2. I find his barware throwing hilarious

3. Many of the young actors on the show seem to comment that he's a good teacher/generous scene partner

4. I liked him with Brenda. At least, the first few go-rounds.

5. He really cared about Stone.

  • Love 2


Hasnt raped anybody in the last 35 years

Funny one liners

Deep down I suspect he knows he is a p.o.s and is purposedly trying to keep Laura from that

Charismatic, even at his age

He and Laura really were pretty incredible back in the day




Gets what she wants

Great hair

Good chem with Sonny

Doesnt care what people think (allthough really, sometimes she should)

Has thankfully left Jax alone.

  • Love 3



1. I really do believe he regretted raping Laura the moment it happened, and knows he will have to live with it for the rest of his life.


2. He loves and adores his sister Bobbie.


3. He looked out for Robin when he returned to PC because of Robert.


4. He called Carly out on her shit when he found out she was Bobbie's daughter.


5. I actually enjoyed some of his interaction with JMB's Lulu. 

  • Love 3

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