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S11.E22: Reunion (Part 2)

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6 minutes ago, RoseAllDay said:

That’s what’s going to have to happen to get it through Andy’s thick skull that normal, sane people DO NOT consider this entertainment, nor a good use of time. How can it be, when you seethe and feel like taking a long, hot shower afterward? If it takes kicking him in the pocketbook here, I’m all for it. That may be a pipe dream, but still.

I’m back for the comments, and I who am about to read the snarky truth salute those who managed to wade through tonight’s load o’shit. 

Yes. The comments seem better than the show I ignored. Saluting with you all those who "took one for the team".

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5 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:




She has millions in bags, shoes and other crap, she’s not a captive woman!  She had fucking access!  She is not like other women who can’t leave because they have nothing.  Those women are scared and feel hopeless.  Do not fucking claim you are like them you c—t.

She’s a fucking piece of shit.

I agree. 100%.

  • Love 13
55 minutes ago, StevieRocks said:

I didn't think I could love Garcelle more than I do, but it is such a delight to see her sit there stone-faced, like the rest of us, whilst these hags cackle at every illiterate moronic thing fugly Rinna fixes her baboon's ass lips to say. Garcelle, please never change.

That’s why these harpies want to drive her off the show. She’s on to their bullshit and is not afraid to call them on it. They can’t intimidate her.

I will always love Garcelle. This show (all of them, really) needs more women like her. Instead, we get Erika, Rinna, Dorit, Kyle….

1 minute ago, Julyolo said:

Bette Davis. Margo Channing in "All About Eve".

I think she needs to see someone about that bad case of TMJ she has. If she thinks she’s channelling a 1940s film noire actress, well…🤣👎

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1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

How the ever loving hell are they gonna stretch this out for 2 more episodes? Seriously 

Oh, I’m sure Erika will continue to provide content. (Disclaimer, I didn’t see the previews so I may be talking through my hat.) She hijacked the entire damn season; might as well take the reunion, too.

Is a four-week extravaganza out of the ordinary? I thought most went two, maybe three weeks, tops, depending. 

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1 hour ago, goofygirl said:

And that's why she's gonna have to pay back that $20 million.  She can't pick a lane and stick with it.

And why she’s had trouble keeping lawyers. Her day of reckoning is coming. It’s her narcissism and hubris talking, and it will all blow up once they begin rolling footage from the last couple of years, and this year, when her stories got exponentially more fantastic by the week. Hell, I’m sure SHE doesn’t believe her bullshit, and thinks everyone else is too stupid to question it.  Again….winter is coming. What I wouldn’t give to sit in on the plaintiffs’ attorneys’ deposition of her. 🍿


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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

Much as Dorit hasn't been a fave of mine this season, she's beautiful and her nose, natural or not, suits her perfectly. That surgeon really thought she needed to get it done? I would never go to him. 

You can see how some people end up addicted to plastic surgery when you have doctor's like that convincing insecure people that they need to improve their looks. Good on Dorit for having the sense and confidence to tell him no. 

Crystal has said that she speaks up more at the reunion than she did during the season. Still waiting for that. I did find it interesting when Garcelle sympathized  a bit with Erica when she talked about Tom's mistresses. As I recall Garcelle's husband had had a mistress for 5 years before she found out? Like others though, I am wondering how Erica's  paycheck ended up going to Tom? Doesn't seem like Andy had a clue.....

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1 hour ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

She thinks she is the gun moll playing the sweetheart in a 1941 (or 39?) film.

She sounds like a project manager in a conference room. "We've got to get to the bottom of this." As if she's a criminal investigator.

Cheerily referring to the bankruptcy trustee as if she doesn't hate his guts.


This performance is all wrong. And underneath that false bravado, she knows it. She's off-kilter.

  • Love 24

While I don't believe the Macro of this Erica saga ... I do believe a lot of what she was saying tonight.  A lot of it sounded plausible to me, in a Micro way.  I suppose I'm in the vast minority on this.

I think I'll also be in the great minority in liking Kyle's dress and thinking Dorit actually looks pretty during this reunion.


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3 minutes ago, filmfan2480 said:

While I don't believe the Macro of this Erica saga ... I do believe a lot of what she was saying tonight.  A lot of it sounded plausible to me, in a Micro way.  I suppose I'm in the vast minority on this.

I think I'll also be in the great minority in liking Kyle's dress and thinking Dorit actually looks pretty during this reunion.


I think Dorit looks amazing.  

I do believe Erika could not give a flying F about anyone except herself.....she doesn't represent any truth or trust to me, not even a micro bit.  

And I still think Kyle's dress looks like a chastity belt for bosoms - I keep expecting it to suddenly burst open!

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13 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

My best friends sisters cousin was watching it on tv and said yup it’s dementia… 

Not to give any credence to Erika, but my FIL was a lot like the friend was describing. For years, we didn't see any symptoms as we lived far away and only saw him once or twice a year. Even my husband's stepmother said he didn't seem like any of the Alzheimer's patients she had. But as time went on, he'd be in and out of it. Then he did the same thing - he'd tell old stories, but NOT stories we'd ever heard.

Then a few years later after, he fancied himself only 55 and he told stories from around when he was that age. He asked my BIL who he was, and when he responded, "I'm your son," FIL became indignant and said, "No you aren't, you have ten years on me!" My very much younger son was talking to step MIL and he suddenly said, "Stop talking to my wife! Are you trying to move in on me?" It was late afternoon and medication time. He didn't have many lucid days after that. But it had taken about 10 years to get to that point.

Edited by renatae
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3 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

My mom’s been telling the same stories over and over again for 40+ years. Absolutely sharp as a tack, she just keeps telling the stories…..

This. I guess I think that if Erika did suspect Tom was suffering from dementia or other memory issues that she would not want him to appear on the show, because who knows how he will be on camera, and especially since she claims to have been protecting him. Also, a lot of powerful men (and possibly women) seemingly deteriorate when they get caught and have to pay for their crimes. So the paparazzi pictures of Tom mean very little to me. I just do not buy what she is selling.

  • Love 24

Halfway thru. So wishing I’d just taken a bath and gone to bed.

blah “Let’s gaslight Garcelle to get her off the show, she makes us look bad, but oops, she’s the first black housewife, we look racist (because we are) and she has more fans.  Abort, abort, abort!”

blah blah “Tom’s a thief, I’m a whore. I love orphans. Look over there, he has mistresses.”

Blah blah blah. Kyle and Kathy, wide eyed, pretending to above the fray. 

Four episodes of this crap? Unnecessary.

  • Love 22

Oh geez 🙄… did you see her smile after she finished “acting” and asked Andy for a tissue? Relief after she delivered her “story” 🤮 I guess. 

I’m sure she has another book in the works as well to document his downfall. I’m sure the memories scripts  will come flooding back. 

Edited by AntAnn
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20 minutes ago, Dutchgirl said:

blah “Let’s gaslight Garcelle to get her off the show, she makes us look bad, but oops, she’s the first black housewife, we look racist (because we are) and she has more fans.  Abort, abort, abort!”

I don't know if Rinna is racist or an equal opportunity offender, but I thought the same, that she was scared of looking racist. She seemed like she wanted to push Garcelle out when she asked if she liked the women. She did the same thing with Denise. She literally told her to leave if she had any problems. But Rinna cooled it once Garcelle said she heard Rinna didn't want race brought up on the show. I don't know if she would have cozied up to Garcelle if that hadn't occurred. Rinna's hard to read. It's like with Kim Richards. She told her she loved her once. Was she just trying to be kind and say hey, I really do care about Kim, I'm not trying to be an intrusive asshole? Or does she just realize she should dial it back? Hard to tell sometimes. With Vanderpump and Denise, I think she just wanted them both gone. If she truly cares about Garcelle, I hope she actually shows it should they both return. Throwing a party is a nice gesture. I always really appreciate anytime someone thinks of me on my birthday, but we've all had friends who are great about things like parties and gifts, but don't truly have our backs. Haven't we all experienced when we know someone doesn't even like us but does things because they feel they have to or to show off? This has to be pretty typical with work friends in particular. I'd much rather someone not throw me a party or get me any gifts, but be kind and supportive when I really need them. I also doubt Rinna would have thrown a party for Garcelle if she didn't need an event for the show. 

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4 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Much as Dorit hasn't been a fave of mine this season, she's beautiful and her nose, natural or not, suits her perfectly. That surgeon really thought she needed to get it done? I would never go to him. 

At least he does a good job with Kyle's nose!  The surgeon I would avoid would be "Caitlin" Hilton's 😄

I think Erica picked out that fugly pink dress because she was trying to match the awesome pink shoes.  Major fail though.

Also:  Could you send a picture on those old flip phones?

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I was cracking up over the facial expressions during Erika’s story telling in the first part. Crystal had some amazing eye rolls, as did both Garcelle and Sutton. While, as per usual, Vile Kyle did her eye poppers, no doubt trying to act oh so surprised about shit she already knows about. That bitch is such a horrible actress, 😂!

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I know people in their 20s who do it.....

*Raises hand* I repeated stories in my 20s, and I do it now in my 40s!


Count me in with those who scratch their head about Erika handing her checks over to Tom. I’m not married but if I needed to get a divorce, one of the first things I’d do was look into how to get my money out of his hands—as one, I wouldn’t want him to touch thar money anymore and two, I’d be aware that I need every cent of it. Right? Or is there something I’m missing (besides her already being aware that her assets were going to be implicated in the lawsuit)?

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5 hours ago, BluishGreen said:

Turned on WWHL and turned the channel.  Guests and Andy all over how Erika's stories are so believable.  Honestly,  my hate-watching of this BH franchise is over.  I'll just read the witty and truthful reactions on this site.



Oh HELL no.

Brave Andy the reunion pitbull turns into Shameless Andy the lapdog. Another kick in the teeth to the victims. 

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49 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

*Raises hand* I repeated stories in my 20s, and I do it now in my 40s!


Count me in with those who scratch their head about Erika handing her checks over to Tom. I’m not married but if I needed to get a divorce, one of the first things I’d do was look into how to get my money out of his hands—as one, I wouldn’t want him to touch thar money anymore and two, I’d be aware that I need every cent of it. Right? Or is there something I’m missing (besides her already being aware that her assets were going to be implicated in the lawsuit)?

I don’t believe for a one hot second she turned her money over to Tom. It’s MONEY. She bumped, ground, and patted that puss for far too long and too hard to just hand it all over. She’s much smarter and more cunning than that. Erika, stop trying to make yourself yet another poor victim of Tom Girardi. If anything, you are an accomplice. You can’t use the ones Tom really hurt as human shields. They’ve been hurt enough.

2 hours ago, princelina said:

At least he does a good job with Kyle's nose!  The surgeon I would avoid would be "Caitlin" Hilton's 😄

I think Erica picked out that fugly pink dress because she was trying to match the awesome pink shoes.  Major fail though.

Also:  Could you send a picture on those old flip phones?

Yes, you can. The quality isn’t good, but they do have the capability.

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9 hours ago, Mrs peel said:

She has more than enough money to get psychotherapy, so she can realize her mother was not a saint.  She might also process that mentioning her “good friend” (and pedophile) Michael Jackson is not a good thing.   I must be going to hell, because I thought the crying was over the top.

so “Erika answered every question” - except the ones she didn’t.  I don’t buy that she couldn’t say when she sought legal counsel (though she shouldn’t discuss her discussions with them).  And obviously she didn’t want to say how quickly she got another guy with a private plane (hope he really owns it honey!).  She is disgusting.

she didn’t leave him because of the affairs, she didn’t leave him because of the money, she didn’t leave him because of the dementia - she left him because he stopped having long conversations with her?  What??  Honey, no one buys that.

I can actually believe that doctors were reluctant to deal with him (though I don’t think he did traditional med-mal cases), but the idea that competent doctors were encouraging risky surgery if he had TBI is unbelievable.  I did notice she admitted there was no police report, hmmm.

I agree with others that Crystal’s silence on the dementia was deafening. 


I’m with you on the crying, I said to my tv “poor Kathy and Kyle are the only people ever to lose their mom.” 🙄 I am not a fan of either, Kathy’s not offensive but it just empowers Kyle’s horribleness having her around and the others kiss her ass because she’s the richest. This will be it for me, I wish Garcelle and Sutton would leave, that would make it easier. 

ETA Especially compared to what ERICKA has been through!! 😆


Edited by JD5166
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