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Season 23 Live Feeds Summary

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Clarification on High Roller’s Room activity - Week 2.

2nd week BB Bucks distributions (awarded by America’s vote)::

  • $100: Claire, Derek F, Derek X
  • $75: Alyssa, Hannah, Xavier
  • $50: Azah, Kyland, Sarah Beth, Tiffany

Week 2 players/scores (only affordable game option = Chopping Block Roulette - $125):

  • Alyssa: 19

Alyssa removes Derek F from Block; Xavier selected as replacement nom by roulette wheel spin.

HGs’ remaining BB Bucks balances:

  • Alyssa: $0
  • Azah: $100
  • Claire: $100
  • Derek F: $150
  • Derek X: $200
  • Hannah: $150
  • Kyland: $50
  • Sarah Beth: $50
  • Tiffany: $75
  • Xavier: $150

ETA: Xavier’s PoV punishment also included forfeiture of all his BB Bucks, so…

  • Xavier: $0


Edited by Nashville
clarification, addition

Votes to evict:

  • Claire: Hannah, Kyland.
  • Derek X: Alyssa, Derek F, Tiffany, Azah, Xavier.

Derek X evicted 5-2.

Tiffany wins HoH.

No Have-Nots this week.

ETA: After the HoH comp all HGs received randomly distributed gift envelopes with undisclosed varying amounts of BB Bucks ($50 or $100).  The envelopes will remain closed until each HG individually enters the High Roller room, at which point they will open their envelope and reveal the amount received.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 1

Claire wins High Roller Coin of Destiny comp:

  • Dethrones Tiffany as HoH.
  • Renominates Kyland and SB as Block noms.

Block noms following High Roller comp: Kyland, Sara Beth, Xavier.


Note: the winner of the Coin of Destiny comp is not being revealed to the other HGs.

The HGs know Tiffany has moved out of the HOH room, but there has been no indication (thus far) of anybody else moving in.

  • Love 2

High Roller’s Room recap - Week 3

3rd week BB Bucks distributions (awarded by America’s vote)::

  • $100: Claire, Hannah, Tiffany
  • $75: Alyssa, Derek F, Xavier
  • $50: Azah, Kyland, Sarah Beth

BB Bucks envelope prizes:

  • $100: Alyssa, Derek F, Kyland, Sarah Beth
  • $50: Azah, Claire, Hannah, Tiffany, Xavier

Week 3 players/scores (only game option remaining = Coin of Destiny - $250):

  • Claire: 3
  • Derek F: 1

Claire wins, secretly deposing Tiffany as HoH, and re-selects Kyland and Sarah Beth as her initial Block noms.

HGs’ remaining BB Bucks balances:

  • Alyssa: $175
  • Azah: $200
  • Claire: $0
  • Derek F: $175
  • Hannah: $300
  • Kyland: $200
  • Sarah Beth: $200
  • Tiffany: $225
  • Xavier: $125


Double eviction episode.

1st eviction- votes to evict:

  • Claire: Alyssa, Derek F, Azah, Kyland.
  • Xavier: Hannah.

Claire evicted 4-1.

Hannah wins HoH.

Initial Block noms: Alyssa, Xavier.

PoV players: Hannah (HoH), Alyssa and Xavier (noms), Azah, Derek F, Tiffany.

Xavier wins PoV, takes himself off the Block; Hannah selects Kyland as replacement nom.

Final Block noms: Alyssa, Kyland.

2nd eviction - votes to evict:

  • Alyssa: Azah, Tiffany, Derek F.
  • Kyland: Xavier.

Alyssa evicted 3-1.


Final 3: Azah, Derek F, Xavier.

Final 3 HoH competition:

  1. Three-part double elimination.
  2. All three compete in Final HoH Part 1; the winner advances directly to Part 3.
  3. The other two compete in Part 2; the loser is eliminated from HoH competition, while the winner advances to Part 3.
  4. The Part 1 and Part 2 winners compete in Part 3 for the title of Final HoH, who casts the sole vote as to which of the other two will accompany them to Final 2.

Xavier wins Part 1.

Azah wins Part 2.


  • Love 3
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