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Fear Thy Neighbor

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On 6/12/2021 at 5:51 AM, JudyObscure said:

 I'm no expert in body language but Lora, with her stuttering, look down and to the side delivery, seemed like she was lying in most of her accounts.  At best she sounded like a child, "She threw a lot of garbage but I just threw a little bit of garbage.  She started it, she turned her music up first, she and her daughter booth said I had a gun, but I didn't have a gun." 

Lora.  Waiting outside all day with pepper spray.  Calling the police over and over when there's no witnesses.  Starting stuff then screaming for Alvin to come out and get in the middle of it.

Then when people are dead and her man's in prison she says it's all the police's fault  for not doing anything. 

What the heck was Alvin thinking?  My wife is keeping up a steady feud with the neighbor woman so I'm going to buy a gun?


Both of those women were petty.  I did not like real life Lora either.  She was all proud that she married Alvin in prison.  I am totally with Alvin's sister, saying BOTH ladies needed to move on.

When you are an adult, and saying the words that I bolded.....you have a problem.  Just ignore them!  And I would NEVER give a neighbor money nor garlic salt (or whatever it was) at 9:30 at night.

On 6/10/2021 at 11:31 PM, LittleIggy said:

BTW, the daughter’s fake eyelashes drove me nuts!

Me too!!  Why the overdone eyelashes?

New episode tonight!

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@Mrs. Hanson: The garlic salt borrowing was at 4:30 or 5 in the morning if Lora is to be believed. 🙄

Fence Face Off: Yeah, Jeff was a mean crazy old man, but Dean didn’t come off very well either. Nancy’s dog got on his property because he kept removing the patch Jeff put over that gap. Instead of giving the dog back to Nancy, Dean took it in his house. Served him right that he got bitten. Then he had the nerve to call animal control! BTW, Dean’s “military” uniform looked like a commercial airline pilot’s jacket. 😏

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My mom was watching with me and getting so frustrated over the dog situation. I get that the people who'd lived there for years were used to letting their pets roam free and whatnot, but there's times when it's still a good idea to have a leash on hand anyway, and with this guy especially, now they know how nasty he could be with the way he taunted the dog and whatnot, I would've been a lot more careful in walking him around and used a leash and been more careful with that gate, if for no other reason than to protect my dog from whatever else he could do. The leash protects your dog just as much as it does other people and their pets, and I think a lot of people who take issue with leashes and such tend to forget that. 

And then the self-defense thing-okay, I get the argument that Jeff raising his gun as he did could be perceived as a threat, and indeed, given what he'd been doing up to that point, it's an entirely valid assumption to make. But Dean shooting however many times he said he was...at that point, it 's not self-defense anymore, it's just an intense shootout with someone. A couple warning shots, at most, could've been more than enough to get the point across. Anything beyond that is intentional and/or getting your rage out. He should be thankful he didn't kill the guy. As for Jeff...so much for his claim early on that he was a "peaceful" guy, eh? Also, the other neighbors are right-you're renting a room in someone else's house, dude ,you do not have the power to dictate things in the neighborhood. Back off. And if he wants his neighbors to be held accountable for what their dog does (which, fair, they should), then turnabout's fair play. He doesn't get to throw a hissy fit about that. 

At least nobody died this episode, so...yay for small miracles? 

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9 hours ago, Annber03 said:

My mom was watching with me and getting so frustrated over the dog situation. I get that the people who'd lived there for years were used to letting their pets roam free and whatnot, but there's times when it's still a good idea to have a leash on hand anyway, and with this guy especially, now they know how nasty he could be with the way he taunted the dog and whatnot, I would've been a lot more careful in walking him around and used a leash and been more careful with that gate, if for no other reason than to protect my dog from whatever else he could do. The leash protects your dog just as much as it does other people and their pets, and I think a lot of people who take issue with leashes and such tend to forget that. 

And then the self-defense thing-okay, I get the argument that Jeff raising his gun as he did could be perceived as a threat, and indeed, given what he'd been doing up to that point, it's an entirely valid assumption to make. But Dean shooting however many times he said he was...at that point, it 's not self-defense anymore, it's just an intense shootout with someone. A couple warning shots, at most, could've been more than enough to get the point across. Anything beyond that is intentional and/or getting your rage out. He should be thankful he didn't kill the guy. As for Jeff...so much for his claim early on that he was a "peaceful" guy, eh? Also, the other neighbors are right-you're renting a room in someone else's house, dude ,you do not have the power to dictate things in the neighborhood. Back off. And if he wants his neighbors to be held accountable for what their dog does (which, fair, they should), then turnabout's fair play. He doesn't get to throw a hissy fit about that. 

At least nobody died this episode, so...yay for small miracles? 

THANK YOU!  I was watching with my hubby and college aged son and we were all yelling at the tv:  "LEASH YOUR DOG!"  This was another one where, sadly, no one looked good.  If you are going to replace a fence, call the city, know your EXACT boundary line and build a six foot WOOD privacy fence.  And ignore Jeff.

Second bolding:  Me thinks Dean had  GOOD lawyer to argue the charges be dropped.  Or as a firefighter he had connections.  I mean, he loaded FOUR bullets into Jeff's chest!

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Most leash laws say that dogs can be unleashed on their own property as long as the owner has control over his/her dog. Dean clearly did not. Holding on the collar of a big German Shepard is not under control. 🙄

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Last night I during this episode I was reminded of the saying “good fences make good neighbors”.  I’m surprised no one was killed at the end.  From my experience dogs are going to roam around wherever they feel like unless their owner reigns them in. That German Shepard should have been in a fully enclosed back yard.  

3 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Second bolding:  Me thinks Dean had  GOOD lawyer to argue the charges be dropped.  Or as a firefighter he had connections.  I mean, he loaded FOUR bullets into Jeff's chest!

I agree.  Regardless of who threatened who first, self defense doesn’t include pumping multiple bullets into someone else.  

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A fence with a twelve inch gap is the same as no fence at all.  What was Dean thinking with that?  

We have a 10 pound miniature dachshund and to keep out neighbors happy we put  a $3000 white vinyl picket fence around our backyard.  I had measured her tiny chest before choosing the fence, but I guess I didn't account for wiggle power, because the first time she walked up to the new fence, she stepped right through it.  So we spent another thousand backing the fence with latticework.  She can't get through it now, but we still may get shot over the barking.


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I think Dean has a very healthy ego, being a firefighter and Air Force Guard guy.  He looked just as bad as Jeff.  Who knows now, but A LOT could be prevented by leashing the dog.  

3 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Most leash laws say that dogs can be unleashed on their own property as long as the owner has control over his/her dog. Dean clearly did not. Holding on the collar of a big German Shepard is not under control. 🙄

I agree.  I had a golden once and she was super friendly but I ALWAYS had her on a leash.  Sure, I know she is going to run up to you and sit and wait to be petted, but you DON'T.  People can really get petty about their pets.  A neighbor put up a small sign saying something like "please pick after your pet.  If I am outside (she loves to garden) you may throw it in my garbage."  What happened?  People came by and dropped bags of poop!  I mean......really?

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13 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I agree.  I had a golden once and she was super friendly but I ALWAYS had her on a leash.  Sure, I know she is going to run up to you and sit and wait to be petted, but you DON'T.

This. And then there's the people (and you see this a LOT on those court shows that always inevitably feature dog bite cases and such at some point) who are like, "My dog's a good dog, they wouldn't hurt anyone!" Okay, but...they're still a dog. They go on instinct, just like virtually every other animal species out there. They may well normally be the sweetest, most friendly, playful dog imaginable, sure, but if they're in a strange situation, or have a sense that there's someone or something nearby that they perceive as a threat to them (or to their owner) or whatever, there is a chance they will lash out and attack. That's what animals do when they want to protect themselves. That's a normal reaction. It doesn't mean they're bad or anything like that, of course-they're dogs, they don't grasp the concept of "right" and "wrong" the way humans do. But that is something that owners really need to keep in mind when it comes to their pets, and how to handle them when they're out and about and so on. 

In my experience, generally speaking, if a dog is especially aggressive, it's usually because they were raised that way by their owner, and didn't get the proper obedience training. 

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Faceoff In Philly: Not excusing Kenny, but enough with the “good old Bobby” stuff from his buddies. The man was a mean drunk. I have no doubt he poisoned that poor dog. Because of his drinking, Bobby couldn’t quit antagonizing Kenny.

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I honestly thought they were going to reveal at the end that Kenny's own surveillance cameras would prove that his "self-defense" argument was bogus. Yeah, little tip, if one wants to claim self-defense when shooting someone, generally helps if the bullets aren't in the other person's back. 

I fully agree Bobby was a massive pain in the ass and further antagonized the situation. Which made Kenny's "Come over here and fight me!" challenge the night of the shooting all the more stupid. He had the cameras installed by that point, he and his wife should've just gone back inside, let the cameras record Bobby being his usual obnoxious self, if possible, and then they could've taken that evidence to the police to prove once and for all that Bobby was harassing them*. Challenging him to a fight only to then pull out a gun and shoot him and his girlfriend was just stupid. 

And yet again, another instance of the inability for cops to get involved until it's too late. I get the police getting tired of coming out there and wanting evidence of Kenny's claims. But at the same time, after, like, the third or fourth time they were called out there because this guy's made yet another complaint against his neighbor, I would also think that should've, at the very least, been enough for them to realize that hey, there seems to be a pattern growing here. Maybe they could've opened an investigation or something at that point. It might not have totally solved the problems entirely, but maybe it might've helped stop things from escalating to where they did. 

*On the note of the cameras, my mom pointed out that it was rather dumb of Kenny to warn Bobby that he had the cameras out there. 'Cause now that Bobby knows that, he'll take even greater pains to avoid getting caught with whatever he's trying to do to them. 

Edited by Annber03
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I've watched this show since season 1 and it sure has made me cautious of dealing with the neighbors. 

In the afternoons, I enjoy listening to police calls from my hometown and when they get a neighbor call I know how it will go and I wonder when I'll see it played out on ID. There are neighbor vs. neighbor calls about every other day. Scary. 😬

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I can never really fully understand the fight over a piece of land, maybe cause I never owned much nor did my parents.  I did have an Uncle when I was a kid who was always bragging and waving his arms, and saying "I own all this land!"  My mother piped up and said, 'yes, and when you die, you get six feet just like the rest of us!" Slam. He never bragged in front of her again, and the land was a cow pasture..

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"He rotated more than just my tires." Well, okay, then :p! 

And that's about the only lighthearted element of this story I can comment on, 'cause holy shit, Pete's a fucking psycho. Imitating the dog whistle to try and lure the dog over to try and foster more of his "complaints"...that's just beyond creepy. Also, if he really wanted to make people believe that his wife was attacked by the neighbor's dog, not only would it have helped if he and his wife had similar stories, but it'd also be more believable if he didn't keep the very dog that supposedly attacked her in their home afterward. Not even to hold them at bay. Most people who are attacked by dogs or see someone they love attacked by a dog generally want to, y'know, get as far away from it as possible. Crazy idea, I know. 

But my god, he sure did love to play the victim, didn't he? Everyone was out to get him, everyone was being mean to him, everyone was disrupting him. Kid can't play drums in his garage (not denying that sort of noise can be a nuisance, but fact remains it's still his home, and it's not like Pete didn't know that the kid played music when he moved in), but he can blind everyone with his car lights in the middle of the night. He can film everyone and try and taunt them into a confrontation, but they can't dare even look in the direction of his property without him throwing a hissy fit. 

And he actually had the nerve to tell that police officer to calm down when they came and got him? Fuck you, dude. Shut up.

Also, they really need to reinvestigate those fires if they can, 'cause two fires in that short a time span in the midst of an antagonistic back and forth with a bully neighbor, and that disturbing photo in Pete's garage where he's all smug about the destruction of the home? Yeeeeeeah, that's not suspicious at all, no. There's no way those were both just simple mulch fires. No way. 

I like the idea with the law regarding the guns. Yet another example of a guy who should've never had access to one. 

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50 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

Also, they really need to reinvestigate those fires if they can, 'cause two fires in that short a time  span in the midst of an antagonistic back and forth with a bully neighbor, and that disturbing photo in Pete's garage where he's all smug about the destruction of the home? Yeeeeeeah, that's not suspicious at all, no. There's no way those were both just simple mulch fires. No way. 

I like the idea with the law regarding the guns. Yet another example of a guy who should've never had access to one. 

I agree.  The first time seemed fishy but how could it have been dismissed the same way a second time.   That neighborhood must have otherwise been pretty wonderful for the Xander family to come back to after the fire and their house was rebuilt.  I would have taken that as an opportunity to move somewhere else. 

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20 minutes ago, Cobb Salad said:

I agree.  The first time seemed fishy but how could it have been dismissed the same way a second time.   That neighborhood must have otherwise been pretty wonderful for the Xander family to come back to after the fire and their house was rebuilt.  I would have taken that as an opportunity to move somewhere else. 

Agreed. It did look like a very pretty area, so I can definitely see why they wanted to live there. And one neighbor shouldn't be able to have the power to chase away people who otherwise enjoy where they're living. 

But I'm with you in that I would've considered moving after that fire, too. Sounds like some of the people in that neighborhood did do just that. Shame this couple wasn't able to escape Pete's wrath in the end. 

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Mulch fire? WTF? Yeah, the Xanders should have moved. 
Pete seemed like he was a cop (when he was one) who would have used excessive force a lot. What a miserable motherf**ker. He taunted a dog who was in its own yard, then complained about it barking and maced the poor thing. 😡

Is this show filmed in Canada? That was way too much snow for Maryland.

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2 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

I don’t know however the show’s end credits may indicate if it is.  

Wikipedia says it’s a US-Canadian production so I bet a lot of it is taped in Canada.

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Well I just looked up "mulch fire" and it is a thing.  Who knew I had flammable material, known to spontaneously combust, up against my house?   It's hot, dry and windy here in Ohio, so I'm going to go water it down as soon as I'm done yacking here.

But first:  How does a mulch fire start at the top of a two story house?


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I can't believe he dragged almost all his neighbors to court over this, that and the other. That's an awful lot of money to be spent on legal fees to defend yourself against a shitbag. That would have made me move!

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2 minutes ago, lu1535 said:

I can't believe he dragged almost all his neighbors to court over this, that and the other. That's an awful lot of money to be spent on legal fees to defend yourself against a shitbag. That would have made me move!

I wonder what the court's reaction must've been when they kept seeing his name on the list of cases and such. "Oh, god, not him again..." 

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17 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I wonder what the court's reaction must've been when they kept seeing his name on the list of cases and such. "Oh, god, not him again..." 

He's right up there with the guy who claimed he got a personal letter from President Obama!!

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On 6/18/2021 at 12:52 AM, Annber03 said:

At least nobody died this episode, so...yay for small miracles? 

How many other episodes has this been the case? I'm sure there are several, but the only other one I can think of off-hand is "Boiling Point".

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I will never understand people who get all offended and angry when someone dares ask them to keep the noise down in the middle of the night.  Yes, some people work weird hours. Yes, some people are natural night owls (*Raises hand*). Totally fine and understandable. 

But most of those people are also intelligent and mature enough to understand that many others spend their nights sleeping, and that no matter who you are or what hours you keep, nobody likes hearing loud noises in the middle of the night. Really not that hard a concept to grasp. 

Also, if John had purposefully swerved at Jim's dog, that's wrong (and I say "if" only because of the fact there were so many conflicting reports). Whatever one's issues with a neighbor, you don't take them out on the pet(s). That said, Jim? You want him to leave your dog alone, and your dog to be safe? Maybe try keeping your dog in your own yard instead of letting him run all over the neighborhood. Like I said with one of the other episodes of this show a while back, leash laws and laws about keeping dogs on one's own property help protect the owner and their dog just as much as they help protect the neighbors and other animals in the area as well. Thank goodness neither dog wound up being hurt or killed-I was seriously worried about that as I was watching.

Also glad that Ticia realized her relationship with Jim was bad news and she got herself and her daughter out of there in time. The fact that the first thing she and Jim seemed to click over was their shared interest in drinking was definitely telling. And the fact that Jim clearly had drinking issues makes all the accusations of stuff he did that much more believable (as does the fact that some of the other neighbors seemed to back up John's account of things). Jim's stepmother was so frustrating throughout-I get she wants to defend her son and all, but I kept getting the sense that part of the reason Jim did so much of what he did, and got by with it for so long besides, was because his stepmom, as well as his dad, kept trying to make excuses for him. He's a grown man, let him take responsibility for his own actions. 

I also love how it was apparently easier for both men to get a gun than it was for John to get a restraining order. Not that I think a restraining order would've done much good, mind, given that everyone lived so close to each other, and you know Jim would've never abided by it. But still. Hope all the stupid back and forth with John was worth it, Jim. 

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The stepmother stating what happened when Jim beat the 💩 out of John as a fact when she wasn’t even there said it all to me about her credibility. The girlfriend’s candor about Jim and his drinking makes me tend to believe John more than Jim. I felt so bad for John’s mother. I hope she got his little dog. 

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I’ll never understand people who think it’s ok to make as much noise as they can in the middle of the night and give no consideration to anyone trying to sleep.  I’ve been a night owl myself but I’ll be quiet about it.    That guy Jim obviously had problems and most of them were probably fueled by alcohol.  Another person who lets his dog run around the neighborhood?  Haven’t any of these people ever heard of fences?  This neighborhood looked like a typical suburban development where the lots aren’t huge so the dog could easily end up on someone else’s property if not in the street.  When Ticia showed up and tag said “Jim’s ex girlfriend” I knew there had to have been an interesting story coming.  I’m glad she “saw the light” and got out of there too. 

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I’ve never gotten people with a need to play music so loud.  Even if I lived in the middle of nowhere and no one but me could hear it, that would drive me nuts, day or night.  After a point, it stops being music and just becomes noise.

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12 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

I’ll never understand people who think it’s ok to make as much noise as they can in the middle of the night and give no consideration to anyone trying to sleep.  I’ve been a night owl myself but I’ll be quiet about it.    That guy Jim obviously had problems and most of them were probably fueled by alcohol.  Another person who lets his dog run around the neighborhood?  Haven’t any of these people ever heard of fences?  This neighborhood looked like a typical suburban development where the lots aren’t huge so the dog could easily end up on someone else’s property if not in the street.  When Ticia showed up and tag said “Jim’s ex girlfriend” I knew there had to have been an interesting story coming.  I’m glad she “saw the light” and got out of there too. 

His dad egged him on too. Remember them shouting to each other across John’s backyard? If people did that to me, they would get sprayed with my garden hose!

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On 7/1/2021 at 9:03 PM, Annber03 said:

 'cause holy shit, Pete's a fucking psycho. Imitating the dog whistle to try and lure the dog over to try and foster more of his "complaints"...that's just beyond creepy.

Oh my gosh - that Pete was a piece of work.  I can only assume that if anyone had pulled out a video camera/phone to film Pete his head would have popped of in rage.  I wonder if the widow feels any guilt over staying.  I would have moved so far from that psycho it would not have been a topic for discussion.  "We loved the neighbors!"  Yeah, well your new neighborhood with have new friendly neighbors and NOT Pete.  Build a house, sell it and move.

Philly:  Bobby and Kenny.  Oh boy.  Did Bobby have a mental break with reality?  NOT defending him, as the guy is dead, but man.....cool off and let it go.  I love Philadelphia but no way no how would I live in a house like that SO close together.

Makes me appreciate my wonderful neighbors.  And people who leash their pets.

And the woman from Tennessee played chicken with her son Jenkins (did she mention her son a thousand times?) on her lap while playing chicken.  Way to go lady, you almost launched your kid off the tractor like a missile.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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I just watched "Sour Grapes" last night, set in Fresno, CA, my nearest major town.  

ID Discovery never fails to amuse me with their reenactments.

First of all, that was definitely *not* a "solid middle class neighborhood."  It is in a very high-crime area.  Nice enough on the inside, but probably not a neighborhood one would wish to stroll through after sundown.  Hell, I wouldn't even walk through that area in broad daylight.  Even 10 years ago when this occurred, that area was very sketchy and very much gang territory as well (recall that Lora recounted Danetta walking down the street with members of a "notorious Fresno gang," which would be the Bulldogs, the members of which most assuredly do not stroll around the "solid middle class" neighborhoods of Fresno). 

This is the complex where that actually occurred. 

Note the common wall which was one of the primary focal points of this episode.  The lovely little (probably Canadian) complex they chose for the reenactment not only did not have a common wall, there were 2 garages separating the units. 

I vaguely remembered when this happened.  Unfortunately, since the area is so rife with violence, it only vaguely pinged my memory. 

 I love me some ID Discovery, but they really need to up their research before filming.   That picturesque little complex used in the reenactment is nothing at all as ID Discovery described it and had no resemblance to the actual location.  

I love ID Discovery but I'll never understand why they try to paint everything as a "solid middle class neighborhood."  The viewers know these things can happen anywhere regardless of socioeconomic conditions.  Fresno does have its very nice middle class areas.  This incident just didn't happen in one of them.  

And now I'm off to read the entire thread since I just found it when I was checking Google about this case and it popped up.  

Happy Sunday, everyone...remember, "Like a good neighbor...Stay over there!"  😂

Edited by Persnickety1
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Because I'm a real estate ghoul and like to see the actual scene of the crime, so to speak, Bobby DePaul's house just sold a few days ago.  

Here's the listing.

Note that "The Shed" is pictured in the listing.  Covers the entire width of the backyard, so apparently those interviewed weren't kidding about it being more like a guest house/en suite than a small shed to store gardening tools.  

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On 4/24/2021 at 9:35 PM, LittleIggy said:

I watched “Neighborhood Madhouse” today about the Florida psychologist who became obsessed with hounding her neighbor out of the ‘hood after searching him on a criminal database. She didn’t get his name right however and was basing her vindictive  actions on erroneous info. That bitch was psycho. That poor man and his family! That woman needs to be under a jail. 😡

I've never seen this episode (can't figure out how I missed it), but it sound fascinating.  I'll be tracking it down on D+ today.

Here's a great preview for anyone else who may have missed it.  It appears to be S3 E2.  


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On 7/14/2021 at 10:48 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

Oh my gosh - that Pete was a piece of work.  I can only assume that if anyone had pulled out a video camera/phone to film Pete his head would have popped of in rage.  I wonder if the widow feels any guilt over staying.  I would have moved so far from that psycho it would not have been a topic for discussion.  "We loved the neighbors!"  Yeah, well your new neighborhood with have new friendly neighbors and NOT Pete.  Build a house, sell it and move.

Philly:  Bobby and Kenny.  Oh boy.  Did Bobby have a mental break with reality?  NOT defending him, as the guy is dead, but man.....cool off and let it go.  I love Philadelphia but no way no how would I live in a house like that SO close together.

Makes me appreciate my wonderful neighbors.  And people who leash their pets.

And the woman from Tennessee played chicken with her son Jenkins (did she mention her son a thousand times?) on her lap while playing chicken.  Way to go lady, you almost launched your kid off the tractor like a missile.

If I'm understanding it correctly, Bobby's house just sold a few days ago.  Looking at this picture for the real estate listing, it was actually a duplex with a common wall.  I was confused about the "his side of the alley" comments, but this picture cleared it up for me.  That must be one of the reasons it was so easy for them to run back and forth to bitch at each other at all hours.

When Kenny was bitching about the smoke from the barbecue and August asked him to come over and have a hot dog, that would have been the perfect opportunity to try to squash this shit.  Maybe it would have given both men a sort of fresh start, not that they would have ever been as close as they had been before "The Shed" debacle, but enough to at least be civil to one another.  I really wished Kenny would have taken August up on that offer instead of calling the cops.  Just grab a 6-pack or ask if you can bring anything, go over and choke down a damned hot dog for the sake of everyone's peace of mind, dude.

Also, if Bobby didn't poison Kenny's dog (but I personally think he did), as soon as Kenny came banging at the door, open the damned door, tell him you did not poison his dog, tell him how sorry you are to hear about it and ask if there's anything you can do.  A little compassion can go a long ways.  

Two golden opportunities to at least attempt to defuse the situation, both of which were ignored.  

Things didn't have to end this way.  

(PS - Looking at that listing, I can definitely understand why Kenny didn't want Bobby's shed bumping out a portion of his fence.  That shed takes up the entire width of Bobby's yard up to either side of the fence.  It's almost a guest house.)

Edited by Persnickety1
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Thanks for the listing, @Persnickety1, it does make the whole situation more understandable.  These men should have been living in the country, not just pretending they were.  When your backyard is that tiny, don't build a shed like you need for three acres and a tractor mower, and don't get a huge dog, get one like Persnickety's!

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The episode "Neighborhood Madhouse" might just be the most disturbing episode of this series I've seen (and that's a pretty high bar).

I cannot believe what that woman did to that poor neighbor.  What an absolute abuse of privilege and she should have had her license revoked, not just a few weekends in jail and 6 months of probation on her license to practice.

I did stumble upon this gem, though, when I was googling about the actual case.

Apparently she was busted for supplying narcotics and other prescription medications to an inmate.  


A licensed psychologist from Bradenton has been arrested for illegally providing drugs to an inmate at the Sarasota County Jail.

A detective had observed that Holli Bodner, 51, of the 7300 block of Kensington Court, Bradenton, agreed to supply an inmate with Oxycodone and Lorazepam during pre-arranged visits at the jail, according to an affidavit.

As a psychologist, Bodner could not even write prescriptions, and she was not writing prescriptions either, according to Wendy Rose, community affairs manager for the sheriff's office.

Detectives from the sheriff's office monitored four occasions in December when Bodner met with and supplied an inmate with narcotics, the sheriff's office said. Detectives recovered the drugs from the inmate immediately after each meeting.

During one visit that was recorded, Bodner reached into her bra and pulled out a small envelope that had four 15-mg oxycodone pills and handed them to an inmate, who then placed it in his or her sock, according to the probable cause affidavit. Another time, she pulled a bottle out of her bra with oxycodone pills and lorazepam, according to the affidavit.

The entire article is here.

Because I was bored, I also checked out her FB page.  I'll just say this is one crazy, delusional, hypocritical piece of work.  

Ugh.  Poor Jean Pierre and family.  This episode just about broke my black little heart.  

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On 7/18/2021 at 9:14 AM, Persnickety1 said:

Happy Sunday, everyone...remember, "Like a good neighbor...Stay over there!"  😂

Ha. There was a mask like this on Amazon towards the middle of the pandemic (Christmas/Grinch-themed, so people were thinking ahead!) and I swear I almost bought it, lol. 

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Neighborhood Madhouse: The law enforcement officials who arrested poor John Pierre when he was recovering from back surgery were appalling, too. Yep, that was one incredibly disturbing episode.

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On 7/19/2021 at 10:18 AM, Persnickety1 said:

The episode "Neighborhood Madhouse" might just be the most disturbing episode of this series I've seen (and that's a pretty high bar).

I cannot believe what that woman did to that poor neighbor.  What an absolute abuse of privilege and she should have had her license revoked, not just a few weekends in jail and 6 months of probation on her license to practice.

I could not agree more - there was one with the male/female owners of a side by side duplex where he became unhinged and crawled up through her house, killed her and had 100 snakes or so could be a rival.

But yes I looked up the Florida psychologist on FB, too:  Boy isn't she a peppy little thing with ZERO remorse?

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2 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I could not agree more - there was one with the male/female owners of a side by side duplex where he became unhinged and crawled up through her house, killed her and had 100 snakes or so could be a rival.

But yes I looked up the Florida psychologist on FB, too:  Boy isn't she a peppy little thing with ZERO remorse?

I sincerely hope her license was revoked after she was caught smuggling drugs into an inmate, but I'm sort of doubting it since her FB page indicates she's in private practice.  

What an odious piece of work this woman is.  🤢

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Just now, Persnickety1 said:

I sincerely hope her license was revoked after she was caught smuggling drugs into an inmate, but I'm sort of doubting it since her FB page indicates she's in private practice.  

What an odious piece of work this woman is.  🤢

I had to look up "odious."  You are very correct, friend.

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5 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I could not agree more - there was one with the male/female owners of a side by side duplex where he became unhinged and crawled up through her house, killed her and had 100 snakes or so could be a rival.

Omg, that episode was terrifying! There was a similar case on Forensic Files - though that was a robbery and not feuding neighbors - where there was an apartment building and two apartments shared an attic with no wall in the attic separating the two units, so the neighbor climbed into the attic (it was the kind where there aren't stairs or a ladder to access the attic, just a hole in the ceiling), walked over to the neighbor's side, climbed down to his apartment, and robbed and killed him.

And also, for those of you familiar with the movie Candyman, that was based on an actual story (well, not the supernatural parts of the movie) where in the Chicago housing projects in the 80's, people actually were able to climb into other apartments through the medicine cabinet. Here's an old Chicago Reader article about it - https://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/they-came-in-through-the-bathroom-mirror/Content?oid=871084

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1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

Now I'm dying to see "Neighborhood Madhouse" with it's odious woman, but where?  I always watch this show on the ID  website and it isn't releasing any such episode!

It's an older episode from season 3, episode 2.  

I have Discovery+ and watched it there.  D+ has the ID Discovery network and hundreds upon hundreds of their shows available, a lot of them "every episode ever."  

Also, if you have a cable provider, you might be able to sign in to the ID Discovery website and watch the episode there.  


On an unrelated note, I wanted to weigh in on Fear Thy Neighbor = "Fence Faceoff," which I finally got around to watching.

Jeffrey was off his nut without a doubt, but I thought Dean was an arrogant ass.  

I lost all sympathy for Dean when he made the statement that, if Jeffrey was afraid of his dog, why didn't he go back into his house.  


Your large aggressive dog is running rampant without a leash and has already gone after this neighbor more than once.

Rather than containing your uncontrolled dog, you expect a neighbor to just stay inside their house so your dog can terrorize the neighborhood?  

And that dog was apparently on the loose 24/7, so I guess he thought the already batshit Jeffrey should just stay indoors permanently.  

And I also don't believe Nancy's little dog bit that ass, either.  When Dean's German shepherd left scratches/a bite on Jeffrey, Dean was ordered to quarantine the dog for X number of days and have it controlled on a leash.  

Nancy only received a warning about her little dog being off a leash.  No quarantine.  

I think Dean the asshole just wanted to harass her and snatched up her little dog, then apparently lied to animal control about being bitten.  

I'm glad no one died in this fiasco, but I'm going to say asshole Dean gave as good as he got with crazy Jeffrey.  


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8 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Now I'm dying to see "Neighborhood Madhouse" with it's odious woman, but where?  I always watch this show on the ID  website and it isn't releasing any such episode!

It’s available via the ID app + login through your cable provider.  I just watched it and that woman wins the prize for the worst neighbor ever on this show.  She got off easy punishment wise in my opinion.  I hope anyone who would consider going to her for treatment does their due diligence and go somewhere else.  

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14 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Now I'm dying to see "Neighborhood Madhouse" with it's odious woman, but where?  I always watch this show on the ID  website and it isn't releasing any such episode!

You can watch it On Demand if you have Comcast.

6 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

It’s available via the ID app + login through your cable provider.  I just watched it and that woman wins the prize for the worst neighbor ever on this show.  She got off easy punishment wise in my opinion.  I hope anyone who would consider going to her for treatment does their due diligence and go somewhere else.  

I like how people have trolled her and given her awful online reviews.

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59 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

***off to check this off with my morning coffee***

I love this!  Great minds think alike.....

On 7/23/2021 at 10:37 AM, Persnickety1 said:

I have Discovery+ and watched it there.  D+ has the ID Discovery network and hundreds upon hundreds of their shows available, a lot of them "every episode ever."  

Lots of people seem to have an odd hatred of Discovery Plus but I LOVE IT.  So much content, 90% is up my alley for $5 a month.  (Don't care for Chip and Joanna.)


On 7/23/2021 at 10:37 AM, Persnickety1 said:

I think Dean the asshole just wanted to harass her and snatched up her little dog, then apparently lied to animal control about being bitten.  

I think know he used his firefighter/military reputation to his advantage.  


On 7/21/2021 at 3:19 PM, MerBearStare said:

people actually were able to climb into other apartments through the medicine cabinet.

There was a true crime re-telling of an incident that happened here in the Twin Cities (Roseville) where a former student of a high school student was obsessed on her.  He did a "dry run" where he climbed up through the crawl space into the attic/upstairs where her and husband were IN BED.  The image of his head popping up under their bed while they were just sitting there, chatting was bone chilling!!!  It was May of 1980, and I think it was profiled on "Your Worst Nightmare."  He ended up abducting the mom and their 11/12 year old daughter for days.

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