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S07.E07: Low Country Broil

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

As always, episodes happen in episode time.  Do not post current information from social media in this thread.  Speculation is okay.  Actual later life events are not. 

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She tries to appease Taylor; Kathryn continues to face the consequences of what happened online even after she apologized; Austen doesn't want to accept the end of his and Madison's relationship. 

Original air date 2020.12.17

As always, NO SPOILERS in the episode threads.  If you have information of events after the timeframe of the episode, take it to the Media or relevant character thread.  Thanks!

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I'm certainly no Austen apologist but Madison, with Patricia's help, dumped him for PRINGLE??  I just don't see much difference in them.  He doesn't seem to have a J-O-B... He spent 20 days in San Diego with his boys during the earlier part of the pandemic.

Like... does he family $$$ we don't  know about or whut??

Anyway, I TOO snoozed my way through about half of this... so what do I know really?  Other than BORING...

  • Love 8

The best part of the episode was Madison trying not to gag on the caviar.

I am so le tired of the Madison and Austen drama.  I don't think they even like each other as people.  I think Austen just can't take that he didn't break up with her first.

Also Craig continues to be a little bitch and put his nose in everyone's business.  He needs to chill.

  • Love 12

I don't like Madison, she is a man-eater BUT if it wasn't for suckers like Austen she wouldn't get away with it.  Craig was being a great friend to Austen by telling him the hard cold facts about their dysfunctional relationship, but denial isn't just a river in Egypt.  I can't even feel sorry for him because he is such a sap and needs to sac up and accept it. 

I don't find Pringle attractive at all.  That's a 6-pack?  Really?  It is really great timing that Pringle showed up just in time for Madison to dump Austen though.  How lucky was that?  Since I pretty much dislike them both, I hope they do hook up and then let the games begin.   I would enjoy seeing Madison as Pringle's rowdy and undisciplined rug rats climb all over her with sticky fingers. 


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Oh, and I guess that crappy song by Don Henley.

Jesus, Pringle is gross.  I really would rather hang out with Austen.

HEY!  I'm wrong, I immediately take that back.  BRO CODE is so immediately and explicitly disrespectful to women.  Fuck off, Austen, you imbecile.

Edited by Lassus
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I was wondering when Patricia would make her real feelings about Kathryn known.  Question answered.  You just know she secretly despised Kathryn for the past couple years and their "friendship" was merely an uncomfortable storyline.  

The audio department should create a filter for the voices of screaming children.  My ears hurt during the scene with Pringle's kids, but I couldn't hit mute because I was in a different room.

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Pringle would not be a catch in any way, shape or form. As a parent he’s no more than another kid.  Are he and is ex really that friendly in real life?  She must have been thrilled to get him out of her house.  I believe we saw more of Michael tonight than any one and that’s because he’s the most appealing male on the show.  Shep showed his true colors to Taylor and basically his apology was just mildly mimicking what his therapist said and he still didn’t actually appear to think he had done anything wrong.  None of these guys are half as attractive or charming as they think they are.  Why doesn’t Patricia hang around with people her own age or level of sophistication? Austen is right - she’s bored but these guys don’t seem that interesting. 

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In retrospect, you know, I actually didn't mind this episode as a whole.  It didn't have some kind of massive fight (that appears coming next week) or EVENT MOMENT, it was just kind of a low-key slice-of-life deal.  I've certainly gotten on various episodes of BRAVO reality for being unwatchably dull, but this one somehow moved quick enough that it didn't really bother me.  

I really do think it was the lack of some kind of extra-special event or party or stupidity that Bravo simply leans on way way WAY too much.  Sometimes they just need to try not QUITE SO HARD all the time.

  • Love 11
19 minutes ago, bosawks said:

It turns out I like Patricia the same way I like my sister-in-law; in really, really small doses.

Of all the episodes of the BRAVO ridiculousness that I have watched over the years you cannot imagine the disappointment I feel in having my first wonky double post be about this one........

Edited by bosawks
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10 hours ago, Axie said:

Now I want some hard shell crabs.  And, I'm a Marylander so Patricia doesn't have to tell me how to eat them.  Just hand me the Old Bay.

Everyone was very clean after picking crabs, nobody even had bits of Old Bay seasoning in their teeth! 

Yeah, crabs would be good right about now.

10 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I fell asleep through some of the episode.  All I have to say is that I think Pringle is cute.  He’s has great hair and a good body.  That is all....

He would be a fun fling.

His one kid looks like a fat miniature Austin Powers.

Pringle and his ex wife are not co parenting, she is undoing all the bad habits he instills on the kids, no schedule or structured time, healthy eating, etc...when they get back to California, poor woman had three boys and only two will grow up.

Also, why were Kathryn's knees all bruised? Why does she always "go left" when it comes to her personal style? 

Edited by Baltimore Betty
another thought
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10 hours ago, Shannah Banana said:

I don't like Madison, she is a man-eater BUT if it wasn't for suckers like Austen she wouldn't get away with it.  Craig was being a great friend to Austen by telling him the hard cold facts about their dysfunctional relationship, but denial isn't just a river in Egypt.  I can't even feel sorry for him because he is such a sap and needs to sac up and accept it. 

I don't find Pringle attractive at all.  That's a 6-pack?  Really?  It is really great timing that Pringle showed up just in time for Madison to dump Austen though.  How lucky was that?  Since I pretty much dislike them both, I hope they do hook up and then let the games begin.   I would enjoy seeing Madison as Pringle's rowdy and undisciplined rug rats climb all over her with sticky fingers. 


So true that Madison is a man-eater - too bad Craig didn’t stop at telling Austen the truth; telling Madison to stay away because Austen is still in love with her will only inspire her to play with his head forever. That text she wrote after the breakup!

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, Lassus said:

Patricia, Madison, and Leva talking about how spoiled and privileged and socially uneducated Kathryn is while being waited on by a servant on the deck of a mansion was pretty hilarious.

Ok, that's true - but as I watched the only thing I took out of that was giggling at Leva comparing Kathryn to a kitten a tree.  I don't know why that struck me so funny.

8 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

Pringle would not be a catch in any way, shape or form. As a parent he’s no more than another kid.  Are he and is ex really that friendly in real life?  She must have been thrilled to get him out of her house.  I believe we saw more of Michael tonight than any one and that’s because he’s the most appealing male on the show.  

I wonder if Pringle is constantly on the prowl even if he is involved with someone?

Michael is totally the most appealing - he's polite, he brings drinks and snacks, he cleans up after himself and others...maybe I need to hire a "butler" instead of looking for a boyfriend?

  • LOL 18
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3 hours ago, bosawks said:

It turns out I like Patricia the same way I like sister-in-law in really, really small doses.

Haha I feel the same way about my SIL, too!

Pringle quit cryin' about being separated from the kids. It's YOU who chose to move 3,000 miles away from them to do this pathetic show. His kids looked like they could give a crap about seeing their mom. It's nice that he has them for months during the summer, spoils them rotten, gives no discipline, lets them run wild then mom gets them back and has to undo all that bad behavior before school starts.  Grow up, Pringle! I can't stand that guy. 


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So Ashley may own her own salon but she has an Aston Marin or Maserati?  Or maybe that was a Jaguar SUV, still a pretty penny.

These fools were gathering and hugging it out as soon as they get out of quarantine.

Patricia’s mansion must only be habitable because Michael is always cleaning up after her pack of dogs.  That little convo where Whitney accused his mother of being like the women depicted in Grey Gardens was amusing.

Of course they had her host a pool party for the boys but she told them not to come inside, piss in the bushes and pool.  Dogs can mark use the home as toilets but not her guests.

Apparently they can drink and drive golf carts in Charleston?  Or  least that was Craig’s plan.

Patricia specifically asked for any beer other than Trop Hop, what a hater.  But she and Austen never hid their drain for each other, with him pretty much spelling out how much of a gold digger he thinks she has been in her life — questions if Pat has ever been in love.

We know Austen’s relationship drama is show fodder but come on, Craig telling Madison to stay away?  What business is it of his?  Only in TV shows, or specifically Bravo would someone meddle in someone else’s relationship.

Oh and Pringle saint in his TH that he’s not going to respect Austen’s request?  Of course he’s going to say that because the show isn’t going to turn away from drama and confrontation.




1 minute ago, aghst said: he’s going to say that because the show isn’t going to turn away from drama and confrontation.






Edited by aghst
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So now we know Patricia's true feelings about Kathryn. Must have killed her to play fake nice and take Kathryn under her wing for a couple of seasons. 

Austen calling Patricia an old lady in his TH, lol. He does not like her. At all. And she doesn't like him. I'm here for it. I find it hilarious that an old bag hosts these parties only for these charmers to attend and they are expected to act like they really want to go. They probably can't wait to get the hell away from her. Same with her little cocktails and caviar moment with Madison and Leva. B-O-R-I-N-G. Speaking of Leva, time to get off your soapbox, hon. Talk about a downer. 

Patricia is right about one thing, the boys all coddle Kathryn. It's gross. 


  • Love 14
15 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

So now we know Patricia's true feelings about Kathryn. Must have killed her to play fake nice and take Kathryn under her wing for a couple of seasons. 

Austen calling Patricia an old lady in his TH, lol. He does not like her. At all. And she doesn't like him. I'm here for it. I find it hilarious that an old bag hosts these parties only for these charmers to attend and they are expected to act like they really want to go. They probably can't wait to get the hell away from her. Same with her little cocktails and caviar moment with Madison and Leva. B-O-R-I-N-G. Speaking of Leva, time to get off your soapbox, hon. Talk about a downer. 

Patricia is right about one thing, the boys all coddle Kathryn. It's gross. 


Wow, was this episode ever eye-opening...never thought I’d see the day where I genuinely felt *over* my girl Patricia, but here we are; I’m over her, and she looks really sad and old having to hang out with all these younger folks and entertain them.
Shame on Austen for pointing out the obvious with his “bored old lady” talk though; so trashy of him to disrespect his hostess like that. No wonder she won’t drink his beer!

That being said, I’m *always* down with the Kathryn-bashing because she sucks. Loved that Leva mentioned her tired out baby-voiced damsel in distress routine that all the guys coddle her over. She’s never been a girl’s girl and she never will be. I’m sure Patricia was thrilled to not pretend to like her anymore.

The “bro-code” thing is every bit as stupid as the “girl code” thing people were giving Landon such Hell over a few seasons ago though. Once you’re done with someone, who gives a shit who they end up with later?! That’s such kid’s stuff, so no wonder Austen buys into that childish bullshit.

  • Love 11

Because I'm soft-hearted, and believe in the good in people, I will say this about Austen's pathetic bro code moment:

IF he was truly in love with Madison and then got dumped, and then IF relatively soon after that she started a relationship with, I dunno, Craig, or whomever else one of Austen's actual off-screen CLOSE friends is, I'm not going to fully dismiss the emotional difficulty of that.  Love lost can actually be pretty upsetting when you are then confronted with it relentlessly in that way.

But a.) you STILL can't tell someone not to date someone, because that's stupid and disrespectful, and b.) you were fucking fixed up to be friends with John dumbass Pringle by a Bravo entertainment lawyer.  So shut up.

Edited by Lassus
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Sun-Bun said:

Wow, was this episode ever eye-opening...never thought I’d see the day where I genuinely felt *over* my girl Patricia, but here we are; I’m over her, and she looks really sad and old having to hang out with all these younger folks and entertain them.
Shame on Austen for pointing out the obvious with his “bored old lady” talk though; so trashy of him to disrespect his hostess like that. No wonder she won’t drink his beer!

That being said, I’m *always* down with the Kathryn-bashing because she sucks. Loved that Leva mentioned her tired out baby-voiced damsel in distress routine that all the guys coddle her over. She’s never been a girl’s girl and she never will be. I’m sure Patricia was thrilled to not pretend to like her anym

The “bro-code” thing is every bit as stupid as the “girl code” thing people were giving Landon such Hell over a few seasons ago though. Once you’re done with someone, who gives a shit who they end up with later?! That’s such kid’s stuff, so no wonder Austen buys into that childish bullshit.

That dumbass baby voice is like chalk on a blackboard and styrofoam squeaking at the same time. It’s unbearable.

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1 hour ago, Sun-Bun said:

Wow, was this episode ever eye-opening...never thought I’d see the day where I genuinely felt *over* my girl Patricia, but here we are; I’m over her, and she looks really sad and old having to hang out with all these younger folks and entertain them.
Shame on Austen for pointing out the obvious with his “bored old lady” talk though; so trashy of him to disrespect his hostess like that. No wonder she won’t drink his beer!

That being said, I’m *always* down with the Kathryn-bashing because she sucks. Loved that Leva mentioned her tired out baby-voiced damsel in distress routine that all the guys coddle her over. She’s never been a girl’s girl and she never will be. I’m sure Patricia was thrilled to not pretend to like her anymore.

The “bro-code” thing is every bit as stupid as the “girl code” thing people were giving Landon such Hell over a few seasons ago though. Once you’re done with someone, who gives a shit who they end up with later?! That’s such kid’s stuff, so no wonder Austen buys into that childish bullshit.

Only reason she hosted the boys was for the sake of the show.  She probably doesn't see them that often when they're not filming.

Austen simply said he couldn't be friends if Pringle dated Madison after him.  Assuming this triangle was for real, it's not that unreasonable that someone who still has feelings for his past gf might not want to hang around her new paramour.

He didn't say to Pringle "no you can't date her."  All he said was they can't be friends or hang out if Pringle is going to pursue his gf.  It's about respecting someone whose friendship he supposedly seeks.

Pretty universal thing.


  • Love 9
5 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Also, why were Kathryn's knees all bruised? Why does she always "go left" when it comes to her personal style? 

Yeah, those knees were bruised and I can’t imagine how.  Dani’s eye was closing downwards and doesn’t look right.

You would think Michael would put on a linen cloth on the corn.  Fifty flies isn’t appetizing.

All those guys are frat boys.  Doesn’t anyone want to get married anymore?  Shep does not love that girl.

The exchange between Austin and Pringle was the best.  Austin made a fool of himself.  Pringle said “ she’s mine”, haha.

  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, aghst said:

Only reason she hosted the boys was for the sake of the show.

She posted something in her IG that she was on the show because Whitney wants her to be on the show. For some reason, he thinks she's needed on this sinking ship so I guess that means he's still involved in the production of the show. 

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

So now we know Patricia's true feelings about Kathryn. Must have killed her to play fake nice and take Kathryn under her wing for a couple of seasons. 

Austen calling Patricia an old lady in his TH, lol. He does not like her. At all. And she doesn't like him. I'm here for it. I find it hilarious that an old bag hosts these parties only for these charmers to attend and they are expected to act like they really want to go. They probably can't wait to get the hell away from her. Same with her little cocktails and caviar moment with Madison and Leva. B-O-R-I-N-G. Speaking of Leva, time to get off your soapbox, hon. Talk about a downer. 

Patricia is right about one thing, the boys all coddle Kathryn. It's gross. 


Seems all the boys don’t have a clue.

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, Lassus said:

Patricia, Madison, and Leva talking about how spoiled and privileged and socially uneducated Kathryn is while being waited on by a servant on the deck of a mansion was pretty hilarious.

That was quite the scene.  Not to mention Leva smirking at the idea of knocking Kathryn down when Leva is the new girl this season.  I want to like Leva, but she’s coming across as a mean girl. I was really uncomfortable watching while these 3 women “decide” Kathryn’s fate on the show, like 3 cackling puppet masters.  Speaking of offensive, I found that whole scene to be in poor taste.  Tsk Tsk Patricia, I don’t think Emily Post would approve of your lack of decorum. 

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Wow, was this episode ever eye-opening...never thought I’d see the day where I genuinely felt *over* my girl Patricia, but here we are; I’m over her, and she looks really sad and old having to hang out with all these younger folks and entertain them.
Shame on Austen for pointing out the obvious with his “bored old lady” talk though; so trashy of him to disrespect his hostess like that. No wonder she won’t drink his beer!

Especially when Whitney is supposidely his friend.  How would he like if somebody called his Mother ugly?

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54 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Nope, he doesn't. Sheppie decided he was tired of the bad boy frat boy asshole image and thought he should go down the "I've settled down now and have a girlfriend" image this season.  

Yeah, I agree he does not love her, but think that he may be starting to think about the time when he will need to seriously settle down and Taylor is a good practice mate because she's easy going and likes to do fun things. That combined with the therapist helping him smooth out some rough edges and he'll be set.

I also doubt that Patricia spends much time with the boys when not filming, but I think they do enjoy it. It's a nice house and there's always good food and drinks!

I understand why Austen doesn't like Patricia, but absolutely did not like what he said about her being a gold digger. That is his friend's mother and I bet Whitney didn't appreciate it either.

Also, Austen? John Pringle is Shep's friend and really does not give a fuck about you. Plus, if Madison were to decide she wants to date and he said, sorry, bro code, the man eater would totally come after you.

Not really feeling Christmas this year since all of the jolly is prohibited by the coronavirus, but Patricia got me to thinking that a nice treat of caviar and Champagne would be really, really nice.

Nothing to note about Kathryn except she also commented on Dani's twitching. 

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Haha I feel the same way about my SIL, too!

Pringle quit cryin' about being separated from the kids. It's YOU who chose to move 3,000 miles away from them to do this pathetic show. His kids looked like they could give a crap about seeing their mom. It's nice that he has them for months during the summer, spoils them rotten, gives no discipline, lets them run wild then mom gets them back and has to undo all that bad behavior before school starts.  Grow up, Pringle! I can't stand that guy. 


Agree 100%. It was revolting that their zoo ape of a father didn't DEMAND that they stop jumping, screeching, playing on devices, etc. and properly greet their mother. Not that I'd expect that degenerate to parent his children, but good grief. Gross.

You know what else is declasse? Wearing one's mask as a chin diaper. 

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

She posted something in her IG that she was on the show because Whitney wants her to be on the show. For some reason, he thinks she's needed on this sinking ship so I guess that means he's still involved in the production of the show. 

Yep and what happened to his girlfriend?  No more?  The thing that would make Patricia happy is a grand baby.  Guess the dogs will have to do.

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Of the three - Austen, Madison, and Pringle - I find Pringle to be the most palatable. He's not great but he also seems to have some self-awareness that Austen lacks entirely. As for Madison, she really does seem to be something of a schemer, which I hate to say about another woman.  But all of her actions seem hyper-calculated.  

I've never been much of a Patricia fan, in part because she strikes me as someone who will always put a man above a woman. I'm not surprised, though, that she's a fan of Madison because game recognizes game.  In the battle of Pat vs. Austen, I think I'd have to root for, like, Craig. 

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20 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

The best part of the episode was Madison trying not to gag on the caviar.

I am so le tired of the Madison and Austen drama.  I don't think they even like each other as people.  I think Austen just can't take that he didn't break up with her first.

Also Craig continues to be a little bitch and put his nose in everyone's business.  He needs to chill.

Austin and Madison both strike me as people that date a lot of people they don’t actually like and maybe aren’t even all that attracted to. Not to say that I think either of them aren’t into looks. I think they are both really concerned with looks but I think it’s more in a “I want my partner to be somebody everyone else thinks is hot and when we walk down the street people think we’re a hot couple.” Not necessarily someone that makes their own toes curl. Just like I think both of them date people who they think are cool or something, not someone they actually like or have anything in common with.  I wouldn’t be surprised if neither of them had ever dated anyone they were actually really into. 

Edited by FozzyBear
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As the mom of two (now adult) sons, I'm going to give Pringle a break. Two brothers, relatively close in age, are going to have rambunctious days. Throw in the novelty/excitement of knowing they're on camera and IMO, all bets are off. While he hasn't done anything that particularly makes him stand out as a character, he does seem to love his kids. He gets points from me there. 

It seemed to me that Kathryn was high in the scene at Austen's house. 

I loved Patricia's sunglasses.

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

That being said, I’m *always* down with the Kathryn-bashing because she sucks. Loved that Leva mentioned her tired out baby-voiced damsel in distress routine that all the guys coddle her over. She’s never been a girl’s girl and she never will be. I’m sure Patricia was thrilled to not pretend to like her anymore.

What was funny was you see Leva, Madison and Patricia talking and then you see Kathryn sitting with the boys, talking to them in her baby voice, yuk.

5 hours ago, IKnowRight said:

That was quite the scene.  Not to mention Leva smirking at the idea of knocking Kathryn down when Leva is the new girl this season.  I want to like Leva, but she’s coming across as a mean girl. I was really uncomfortable watching while these 3 women “decide” Kathryn’s fate on the show, like 3 cackling puppet masters.  Speaking of offensive, I found that whole scene to be in poor taste.  Tsk Tsk Patricia, I don’t think Emily Post would approve of your lack of decorum. 

I don't think Leva should kiss Kathryn's ass simply because she's the "new girl." 

I didn't feel uncomfortable watching the three of them talking about Kathryn at all, why should I, they were right.   Kathryn plays "Damsel in Distress" and the boys all come running.  Don't feel sorry for her at all.

  • Love 10

Michael is pretty hoity toity for being “the help.” First a couple of weeks ago guffawing over the thought of someone drinking “dirty” vodka from potatoes from the ground, and now expounding on the superiority over creme fresh as opposed to “the pedestrian” sour cream. And of course Miss Pat chimes in that “everyone” eats their caviar on potato chips nowadays. Bellinis are SO passé! I feel like it was a due vengeance that after sneaking a Red Stripe in a glass, Austen gallantly offers to refill Miss Pat’s glass with a nice cold Trop Hop. Take that! If only Michael had been forced to drink a Trop Hop, too, but I’ll take the small win. 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Michael is pretty hoity toity for being “the help.” First a couple of weeks ago guffawing over the thought of someone drinking “dirty” vodka from potatoes from the ground, and now expounding on the superiority over creme fresh as opposed to “the pedestrian” sour cream. And of course Miss Pat chimes in that “everyone” eats their caviar on potato chips nowadays. Bellinis are SO passé! I feel like it was a due vengeance that after sneaking a Red Stripe in a glass, Austen gallantly offers to refill Miss Pat’s glass with a nice cold Trop Hop. Take that! If only Michael had been forced to drink a Trop Hop, too, but I’ll take the small win. 

Come on, let Michael have his little sense of refinement.

After all he picks up dog shit off the carpet.

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15 hours ago, ProudMary said:

As the mom of two (now adult) sons, I'm going to give Pringle a break. Two brothers, relatively close in age, are going to have rambunctious days. Throw in the novelty/excitement of knowing they're on camera and IMO, all bets are off. While he hasn't done anything that particularly makes him stand out as a character, he does seem to love his kids. He gets points from me there. 

It seemed to me that Kathryn was high in the scene at Austen's house. 

I loved Patricia's sunglasses.

Agree. And i was struck by how they seem to absolutely adore him!

  • Love 2
On 12/18/2020 at 11:29 AM, bichonblitz said:

Haha I feel the same way about my SIL, too!

Pringle quit cryin' about being separated from the kids. It's YOU who chose to move 3,000 miles away from them to do this pathetic show. His kids looked like they could give a crap about seeing their mom. It's nice that he has them for months during the summer, spoils them rotten, gives no discipline, lets them run wild then mom gets them back and has to undo all that bad behavior before school starts.  Grow up, Pringle! I can't stand that guy. 


Trading Austen for Pringle, Madison would be going from immature to older-and-still-immature. Great advice, Nosy Pat!

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Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

As always, episodes happen in episode time.  Do not post current information from social media in this thread.  Speculation is okay.  Actual later life events are not. 

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