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100 Days Wild - General Discussion

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  On 9/12/2020 at 4:51 AM, LittleIggy said:

I’m on Team Oliver now. Seems as if Gerrid, Christine, Evan, and Adam are, too. Andrew and Jennifer are such jerks. If you want someone to do something a certain way, tell him/her before hand, you 💩heads. And why does every f**king person have to be on fish duty if shelter is so important? Why didn’t the royal couple start putting out their nets earlier if “zombie fish” are known to show up late in the season? 
I was right in my recollection about Adam being married with a family. He’s awesome. I wish he would tell off Andrew about that smoking shed.


I would like to see Adam, Evan, Gerrid and Christine say "so long" and start their own community. I think Adam is wonderful; skilled, confident, humble, and kind. Evan is so good natured and Gerrid and Christine are cheerful, love being in the wilderness, and willing to work. Andrew and Jen are terrible leaders and worse mentors. "No no no, if you want to do it that way, that's fine, its just that its all wrong and sucks and will be a total failure but no no no, its OK if that's what you want". Put a sock in it. 

And I concur on the whole "zombie fish" sich. What are they complaining about? They knew damn well what would happen. They're not newbies. Its especially rich when they shake their heads and say in that "I'm not mad, I'm disappointed" tone of voice, that its already really late and that the fish are poor quality, like its the fault of the new arrivals. Because wrangling them took up so much of camp counselors Jen and Andrew's time. Gah. They are terrible. 

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  On 9/12/2020 at 11:11 PM, SassyCat said:

I feel sorry for Oliver. He just seems like the kind of person that never fit in, anywhere, but wants to. He's been a loner so long that he doesn't have the skills other than walking away at first sign of rejection to protect himself from any more emotional pain. He wants so bad to find a nitch with the social world. I'm hoping he does with this group.


I agree.  I stand by my first instincts with Oliver.  Either in the system or from an abusive family and ran away from it at 14.  The way to deal with someone like him is to include him but don't get upset if he wants to go off on his own.   When Jennifer went to talk to Christine, she walked by Oliver as if he wasn't even there.  And she and Andrew talk about a community?  Their idea of a community, is like a lot of people's:   Fine if everyone is just like them.

Edited by Neurochick
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Just got caught up on this. Um, Alone it ain't, but enough to hold my interest. Pretty sure that moose was already dead and when they walked up to it, that was a reenactment. Quite a few scenes seem staged to me. 

Adam should have taken his pants off too, after going into the river. Did he really jog three miles to that other camp with no shirt and wet pants. Hmmm. 

Five people show up for this thing and 2 of them are already crushing on each other. Hilarious. 

The zombie fish thing is gross, and sad. It's in their genetics to just start decaying and die as soon as they spawn. I guess nobody said being a fish is fair! : (

  • Love 1

Oh boy, what a couple of humorless, stern, wussy cowards Andrew and Jennifer are! I'm not surprised at all tho that they were too cowardly to even be on camera, sloughing off the mean, daunting task, of asking Oliver to leave, up to Gerrid!

What nerve!! I'd have told them to do it themselves. It was their idea and they seem to think they are the precious king and queen rulers of the group. 

Gerrid is too nice. 

Good for you Adam, sticking up for Oliver and voicing your gut feeling about it all instead of giving in to the Royal Asse's.

You're right Neurochick. Oliver said he's been on his own since he was 14. Looks like he said it last week and I just saw it on the "previously" start up of the show. 

Eww that ruling couple! I really can't find too much to admire about them. I don't think I'd want to be a part of that community if they were the (self appointed) heads.

Edited by SassyCat
  • Love 5

I thought I couldn’t stand Andrew and Jennifer more until tonight’s episode. They pissed me off first when Andrew criticized Adam and Evan’s work at Birch Camp. Asshole, if you want something done a specific way, show them how you want it done to start with! This has become a pattern with the Royal Couple. Then they majorly pissed me off by having Gerrid do their dirty work with Oliver. Yeah, Gerrid is way too nice. I would have told them to shove it. The Royal Couple want all the benefits of being the leaders without the responsibilities. I like Adam and Evan. Gerrid, too. Christine is a cipher.

Edited by LittleIggy
  • Love 6
  On 9/19/2020 at 4:37 AM, LittleIggy said:

I thought I couldn’t stand Andrew and Jennifer more until tonight’s episode. They pissed me off first when Andrew criticized Adam and Ethan’s work at Birch Camp. Asshole, if you want something done a specific way, show them how you want it done to start with! This has become a pattern with the Royal Couple. Then they majorly pissed me off by having Gerrid do their dirty work with Oliver. Yeah, Gerrid is way too nice. I would have told them to shove it. The Royal Couple want all the benefits of being the leaders without the responsibilities. I like Adam and Ethan. Gerrid, too. Christine is a cipher.



I think Adam and Evan's conversation was one of "real-ist" things I've seen on reality TV in a long time. 

Adam was also right about the military, they MAKE a person a soldier. 

Andrew and Jennifer have no idea about how to create a community.  The first thing you do is find out what everybody's strengths are and then put them to good use.

  • Love 4
  On 9/19/2020 at 4:37 AM, LittleIggy said:

I thought I couldn’t stand Andrew and Jennifer more until tonight’s episode. They pissed me off first when Andrew criticized Adam and Evan’s work at Birch Camp. 


That scene drove me crazy.  I noticed Adam's "I wondered what you were going to say about it", dripping with irritation.  I loved Adam and Evan's plan to take the bear back to Birch camp because of Andrew and Jennifer controlling the food.  Arrgh, there is no way I could live in a community like this under their rule, no way.  And I hate to say this, but they both have the resting bitch face.

I also loved from the previews that Oliver is going to be sticking around in the area, lol.  Adam appears to be having issues with the golden couple as well.  At this rate we might see a mutiny at some point.  From watching Alone, I don't see how Oliver would possibly be able to last the winter on his own out there since he's not properly prepared.  But he can hang around until filming's over and get under Andrew and Jennifer's skin.

To be honest, I can understand some of the case against Oliver.I can see the point of view that he was taking resources (food) without contributing to the community (much).  I wouldn't have kicked him out, I empathize more with Adam, I would have handled it a different way, if possible.  Andrew and Jennifer fell short on the salmon count, so they weren't going to make their food quota.  By kicking Oliver out, they're back on track if they can get the bear.  I wonder if that was a factor in the decision at all?

  • Love 3

So glad I’ve found you!  I’ve been watching this show alone. If Andrew and Jennifer have been here five years why haven’t they already built a smokehouse?  It only took Evan one day. 
Also where’s the vegetable garden and root cellar?

Andrew has a way of trying to make others feel small like telling him the smokehouse had no tilt and the wood had to be shaved closer. A little man would do that to boost their ego!

Didn’t  Andrew know it was too late for the Salmon!

I wonder where Oliver went?  I kept expecting him to do some damage to camp before he left!

Its a good show!

  • Love 6
  On 9/20/2020 at 9:52 PM, PaperTree said:

Andrew and Jen are just the worst.

They denigrate everybody else's work, bully them into agreeing to banish Oliver, then don't have the guts to tell him themselves.

I hope there's a mutiny coming.....


You’re right.  They are really something. Evan doesn’t seem happy at all. 
I still can’t get over they’ve been there five years!!!  Surely nothing much to show if that’s true. 

  • Love 2

Was happy to see Oliver in the preview! 

To be totally fair, it did seem a bit stupid that he was making bullets when there were urgent priorities like shelter and food that he could have been helping with. I mean, they have bullets! It seems like he is more into showing off his array of unique skills. But I kind like his awkward self. He reminds me of Larry from Alone. 

Seems like Adam and Evan are the new hot couple. Gerrid and what's her name better step it up! : D` 

  • LOL 2
  On 9/21/2020 at 12:52 AM, TVbitch said:

Was happy to see Oliver in the preview! 

To be totally fair, it did seem a bit stupid that he was making bullets when there were urgent priorities like shelter and food that he could have been helping with. I mean, they have bullets!


Maybe they don't have bullets that will fit his flintlock.  But I agree he seems more interested in doing his own thing than in helping out with the community.  But I'm still on his side because the group leaders are insufferable.  And as an introvert myself, I can understand not wanting to be around everyone all the time.

  • Love 5

Joining the "Andrew and Jen are awful" chorus. Everyone else is so cool and nice. Even Oliver, if someone spent just a little time trying to draw him out and make him feel included, could be a valuable contributor. Andrew and Jen don't want a community, they want followers. They're not even dynamic or skilled enough to command respect or admiration, despite their unlikeability. They're just unpleasant passive aggressive twits with sticks up their asses. 

I love Adam, that is all. 

  • Love 7
  On 9/21/2020 at 4:03 PM, Jeanne222 said:

I’m curious about who’s supporting Adams wife and three children while he’s setting up camp?  I know he’s planning on homesteading with them but they have to eat and live in the meantime!


Perhaps she lives somewhere where they've started to let the womenfolk earn money outside the home?

Also, if moving to Alaska, in a disturbing dictatorship communal living setting, has been a dream of theirs for awhile, this has to be a pretty optimal arrangement, financially. I don't know what the specifics are for this show re: participant pay vs cost, but, at the least, the pay from the show will mitigate what I assume would be pretty hefty initial investments wrt equipment, gear, and travel, and, if the community is successful, they've made inroads into making a more permanent move, and, if it's not, he's taken much less of a risk if he doesn't want to return and potentially gained valuable knowledge, resources, and, allies, if he wants to try it differently. And, potentially out of anyone, I could see Adam getting a spin off if he wanted, especially if it involved bringing his family and his new skills to create their own homestead or whatever the right term for it is*.

*I still don't get how this works: do Jen and Andrew own that land? Are there areas of Alaska I could just move to and live off-grid, or would I have to buy it from the government so they could make sure there was no oil or magic wood or anything they could destroy first? (When people live off the grid in the continental US, is it just 'cause they don't have the infrastructure but they own the property, or are they living on unused federal or state land? If the latter, how does this differ from squatting except in a rural area? Yes, I'll show myself over to Google now).

  • LOL 2
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  On 9/21/2020 at 5:00 PM, methadonna said:

(When people live off the grid in the continental US, is it just 'cause they don't have the infrastructure but they own the property, or are they living on unused federal or state land? If the latter, how does this differ from squatting except in a rural area? Yes, I'll show myself over to Google now).


In the show "Homestead Rescue" most of the people that were rescued owned the land where their homestead was.  

  • Love 1

Jennifer often looks like she's sucking on a sour lemon. Most people would be ecstatic about finding a cabin, like Adam, Evan, Gerrid, and Christine were, but not so for pursed lemon lips Jennifer and her side eye glancing Andrew. That's terrifying to them. They should  do some math and figure it out that yes, they are the ones driving the community away. Not the other way around. They seem to be the common denominator they don't want to admit to themselves that they are. 

To try to deny hard worker Adam and Evan enough meat protein is disgusting. He who rules over the food, rules over the people. Adam was noticeably thinner, but ole lemon lips tried to keep clinging tightly to all the food cache. Andrew is such a strange wimp of a ruler.

Nobody even brought up Oliver. Did they think he just walked home? Wouldn't a helicopter or something have made a big noise coming to pick up who they banished, alerting them to his safe departure? He's just wandering around in the wilderness with the wrong shoes (moccasins). He really needs some warm waterproof foot gear.

I can't believe there's only one more episode. I guess it's going to get pretty hairy next week! I'm glad they all told the little king and queen how uncomfortable they make them all feel. The vibe definitely gets tense when they are around.

  • Love 8

I can't believe there's only one more episode.  Looks like the community is going to fail.  They clearly don't have enough food to get through the winter, since they're missing a bear and a percentage of fish.  Maybe if everyone leaves Andrew and Jennifer (who have gone full villain) will have enough to get through the winter. 

And forget Oliver, there's no way he can survive the winter there on his own.  I don't think that flintlock is serving him very well, he needs to trade that in for a modern rifle.  In any case, they never should have voted him out. 

I'm a little confused on what all the drama is about.  Wasn't the original plan to have like four different camps?  So why is Andrew and Jennifer angry about everyone spreading out?  Anyway, they only managed to build two camps and they found a cabin.  Apparently Gerrid and Christine liked that cabin better than their old shelter (can't remember what it was called).  It was a nice find.  Anyway, I'm not surprised they preferred the company of Adam and Evan to Andrew and Jennifer.

Still don't know whose land it is, or how that works, kind of annoying.

  • Love 9
  On 9/26/2020 at 3:17 AM, rmontro said:

I can't believe there's only one more episode.  Looks like the community is going to fail.  They clearly don't have enough food to get through the winter, since they're missing a bear and a percentage of fish.  Maybe if everyone leaves Andrew and Jennifer (who have gone full villain) will have enough to get through the winter. 

And forget Oliver, there's no way he can survive the winter there on his own.  I don't think that flintlock is serving him very well, he needs to trade that in for a modern rifle.  In any case, they never should have voted him out. 

I'm a little confused on what all the drama is about.  Wasn't the original plan to have like four different camps?  So why is Andrew and Jennifer angry about everyone spreading out?  Anyway, they only managed to build two camps and they found a cabin.  Apparently Gerrid and Christine liked that cabin better than their old shelter (can't remember what it was called).  It was a nice find.  Anyway, I'm not surprised they preferred the company of Adam and Evan to Andrew and Jennifer.

Still don't know whose land it is, or how that works, kind of annoying.


Yeah, I was asking myself that, too. As I had understood it, the plan was to set up a series of camps so resources wouldn’t be exhausted in one place. So why bitch about it now. Guess Their Majesties changed the plans. It was such a glaring contrast between the fun and camaraderie Adam, Evan, Gerrid, and Christine were having at Birch Camp and the cabin (what a find!) and the palpable awkwardness and discomfort when all six were together at the main camp. Their Majesties clearly don’t realize how obnoxious they come off. I wish Oliver would hook up with the Happy Campers at the cabin. Yeah, he needs to at least get a modern rifle and modern footwear. Save the flintlock and moccasins for frontier cosplay.

  • Love 7
  On 9/26/2020 at 4:40 AM, LittleIggy said:

I wish Oliver would hook up with the Happy Campers at the cabin. Yeah, he needs to at least get a modern rifle and modern footwear. Save the flintlock and moccasins for frontier cosplay.


Happy Campers, lol.  They should call that camp Happy Camp and the other one Passive Agressive Camp.

I would like Oliver to join the Happy Campers, but since Andrew and Jennifer are sitting on the food, they would probably all have to get by on a moose quarter, and that's not going to happen.  My guess is they will all have to leave except maybe Andrew and Jennifer will stay.  I've enjoyed this show, although it wasn't quite what I expected.  I hope they make a season two, maybe a longer one next time.  This community was a failure but there's always next year.

  • LOL 1
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Hi there, first post. Loving this show, loved the shout-outs to Alone and Live Free or Die, both favorites. 
I think I’m most bothered by the lack of substance to the discussion among the six about the whole dictatorship sitch.  I don’t recall any reference to Andrew and Christine’s many issues - their lack of a sense of humor, their expectation that everything is done THEIR way coupled with the expectation that the campers can read their minds and just automatically know their desires. The giant sticks up their asses and condescending attitudes. The hypocrisy of constantly stating the desire for a community with no actual leaders, immediately followed by “this is how WE want it done”. Enough, all of us here are super aware of Chrisdrew’s many downfalls. I was just disappointed  by the lack of anyone addressing the elephant in the cabin. Unless it was just edited out. 
LittleIggy I live in Strasburg, and saw that article in the Northern Virginia Daily, that was how I found about the show.

Cant believe there’s only one ep left 🙁

  • Love 4
  On 9/26/2020 at 4:58 AM, rmontro said:

My guess is they will all have to leave except maybe Andrew and Jennifer will stay.  I've enjoyed this show, although it wasn't quite what I expected.  I hope they make a season two, maybe a longer one next time.  This community was a failure but there's always next year.


I think this is the most "real" reality show that I've seen in a long time.  Andrew and Jennifer keep showing their asses.  I think they wanted this show to go one way, and it's not going the way they want.  That's pissing them off.

There was one point when Evan looked into the camera, it was when Andrew and Jennifer were talking, he looked as if to say, "can you believe this shit?

I think Andrew and Jennifer pitched the idea for this show.  Discovery complied.  I don't know if A&J picked the people, or if Discovery did.  That's what A&J mean when they kept saying, "You betrayed us, we invited you here."  Maybe A&J have a business tied to this show.  They wanted the show to be about how THEY started a successful community, but it all fell apart because of A&J's dour attitudes.  No one wants to be around them but the problem is they have the food and no one else can secure a big kill. 

I think everybody will leave except for A&J and I don't even know what's going to happen to Oliver.

  • Love 1
  On 9/26/2020 at 3:17 AM, rmontro said:

I'm a little confused on what all the drama is about.  Wasn't the original plan to have like four different camps?  So why is Andrew and Jennifer angry about everyone spreading out? 



  On 9/26/2020 at 4:40 AM, LittleIggy said:

Yeah, I was asking myself that, too. As I had understood it, the plan was to set up a series of camps so resources wouldn’t be exhausted in one place. So why bitch about it now.


think A&J were upset that the other two didn't come back to "base camp" sooner.  They were gone 10 days.  Never mind that they literally couldn't come back via river and had to chop their way back through 10 miles of forest.   But nevertheless, I'm pretty sure that was their beef.  Of course, it never occurred to them to go to the other camp or anything.  And then balking at them taking food back?!  I've only been half paying attention and even I was like WTH?  

  • Love 1
  On 9/26/2020 at 4:28 PM, Mean Jeanne said:

Hi there, first post. Loving this show, loved the shout-outs to Alone and Live Free or Die, both favorites. 
I think I’m most bothered by the lack of substance to the discussion among the six about the whole dictatorship sitch.  I don’t recall any reference to Andrew and Christine’s many issues - their lack of a sense of humor, their expectation that everything is done THEIR way coupled with the expectation that the campers can read their minds and just automatically know their desires. The giant sticks up their asses and condescending attitudes. The hypocrisy of constantly stating the desire for a community with no actual leaders, immediately followed by “this is how WE want it done”. Enough, all of us here are super aware of Chrisdrew’s many downfalls. I was just disappointed  by the lack of anyone addressing the elephant in the cabin. Unless it was just edited out. 
LittleIggy I live in Strasburg, and saw that article in the Northern Virginia Daily, that was how I found about the show.

Cant believe there’s only one ep left 🙁


Whatever "Brand" A & J ever had is now totally trashed.  I'm hoping the outcasts burn the royal cabin (with the fancy glass windows) down on their way out.


  • LOL 3
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  On 9/26/2020 at 11:41 AM, PaperTree said:

The Royals also appear to have a very nice cabin for themselves.  It's only shown briefly in the background from time to time, but it's nice log construction with real glass windows.


I noticed that too.  If they've been there a few years, it only makes sense that they have a more established place.  But when the others found a cabin, they seemed upset with it, like "We're the only ones who are supposed to have a real house.  The peasants are supposed to live in ghoatis.   Funny how you can type The Royals and everybody knows who you're talking about.


  On 9/26/2020 at 4:28 PM, Mean Jeanne said:

I don’t recall any reference to Andrew and Christine’s many issues - their lack of a sense of humor, their expectation that everything is done THEIR way coupled with the expectation that the campers can read their minds and just automatically know their desires.


You mean Jennifer, not Christine.  I know it's hard to keep the names straight.  I only point this out because Christine's gone over to the good guys and I'm sure she doesn't want to be mistaken for one of the villains.


  On 9/26/2020 at 5:48 PM, Neurochick said:

I think Andrew and Jennifer pitched the idea for this show.  Discovery complied.  I don't know if A&J picked the people, or if Discovery did.  That's what A&J mean when they kept saying, "You betrayed us, we invited you here." 


I'm a little concerned that you're correct.  Because that likely means Andrew and Jennifer have a piece of the show, and they'll probably be in subsequent seasons.  Oh well, they're good for drama, I guess.  If Discovery picked the people, they did a good job of it, but A&J drove everybody away.  Oliver was a questionable choice for the community probably, but he made for good TV, and he seems likeable enough in his own way.  He may be in his own little world, but he's not malicious.  

I noticed that "You betrayed us" line too.  They say there are no leaders but then they're all you're only here at our invitation. 

  • Love 2

I guess I am the only one who is kind of finding this show laughable. I mean, in the best way. I'm enjoying it, but it seems more and more like Big Brother Alaska or something.

I mean are we to believe Adam and Evan cleared that totally pristine 10-mile long, 3-foot wide path from Birch to Base in 5 hours?! And that Oliver has been in a tent on the snow since his ouster! And that Andrew and Jennifer have lived there 5 years and never came across that cabin that was right near one of their targeted camp sites?!

I do think the drahhhhma is mostly real. I like Adam, but to be fair, he is pretty passive aggressive. He keeps bitching about how Oliver was put out, but he never voiced his objection at the time. He went along with the others, then took the moral highground afterwards. This episode, he tells Ethan they are going back to Base to get some meat, but then he hems and haws and never comes out and asserts that they need it. Gerrid was the one who stepped up and said they were starving and should take some. Then during the "found" cabin meeting, Adam again did not really voice what his issues were.  

I noticed Gerrid and Christine have become a "we." Although if I were Christine I would not start planning a wedding or anything. : )

Andrew and Jennifer simply have no people skills.  Also there never seemed to be an agreed upon structure or plan within the group or even a discussion of what everyone's expectations were ....which should have been a DAY ONE conversation. 

  • Useful 1
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  On 9/26/2020 at 11:14 PM, TVbitch said:

I guess I am the only one who is kind of finding this show laughable. I mean, in the best way. I'm enjoying it, but it seems more and more like Big Brother Alaska or something.

I mean are we to believe Adam and Evan cleared that totally pristine 10-mile long, 3-foot wide path from Birch to Base in 5 hours?! And that Oliver has been in a tent on the snow since his ouster! And that Andrew and Jennifer have lived there 5 years and never came across that cabin that was right near one of their targeted camp sites?!

I do think the drahhhhma is mostly real. I like Adam, but to be fair, he is pretty passive aggressive. He keeps bitching about how Oliver was put out, but he never voiced his objection at the time. He went along with the others, then took the moral highground afterwards. This episode, he tells Ethan they are going back to Base to get some meat, but then he hems and haws and never comes out and asserts that they need it. Gerrid was the one who stepped up and said they were starving and should take some. Then during the "found" cabin meeting, Adam again did not really voice what his issues were.  

I noticed Gerrid and Christine have become a "we." Although if I were Christine I would not start planning a wedding or anything. : )

Andrew and Jennifer simply have no people skills.  Also there never seemed to be an agreed upon structure or plan within the group or even a discussion of what everyone's expectations were ....which should have been a DAY ONE conversation. 


I agree, tho I must point out that Adam did voice his objections to ousting Oliver as soon as the subject was brought up when the rest of the clan marched to the area Adam and Evan were at to have the group meeting about kicking Oliver out. He only gave in against his better judgement when all the others agreed that Oliver wasn't pulling his own weight.

That moose they shot was never seen by the camera when it was focused on the supposed moose in the bushes. The eyes of that poor dead moose looked a bit sunken to me, like it had been dead for longer than just an instant ago.

The rabbit Adam and Evan supposedly caught in a snare was warm , pliable and limp when Evan picked it up, like it had died an instant ago. It should have been frozen stiff in the snow, or at least not so floppy.

Then there was the stove pipe emerging from the top of Oliver's tent. I didn't see him hauling any stove pipes on his back when he left the group. 

Yes alot of this is staged. I do hope Andrew and Jennifer do not own a piece of this show tho. 

Edited by SassyCat
  • Love 4
  On 8/26/2020 at 12:05 AM, Neurochick said:


  On 8/26/2020 at 12:05 AM, Neurochick said:

Oliver is interesting.  He said that he was from Utah left home at 14 to become a Mountain Man.  I wonder what his story is.  Maybe he was in the system as a child and just ran away.  If that's true then good for him.


Oliver is not as interesting as you may think. He has not been living in the wilderness since he was 14. He lived in the city in a tent and then rented a run down house for ages (the one he lived behind) and then lived in another nicer and newer house for a few years, until he was forced to go live in the hole. He has tried to live the mountain man persona, but has not been living in the wilderness for 25 years. 

  On 9/26/2020 at 11:14 PM, TVbitch said:

Andrew and Jennifer simply have no people skills.  Also there never seemed to be an agreed upon structure or plan within the group or even a discussion of what everyone's expectations were ....which should have been a DAY ONE conversation. 


I agree with this.  I think the root of the problem is a lot of unspoken assumptions being made by all parties and little actual communication about those assumptions. 

When they arrived, I'm surprised they didn't sit down and create a list of chores/tasks that need to be done around the camp (daily/weekly/etc) and then identify which skills people had and match everyone up to various tasks.  I think everyone, including Oliver, would have responded really well to that.  They could plan to rotate chores so people don't get bored, etc.

And then have a discussion about how do people define the word "community." What do they envision in this community, how will conflicts be resolved, etc. 

I sort of wonder if Andrew and Jennifer have become so comfortable in their little bubble - communicating just with each other- that they have lost their ability to communicate clearly with new people.  Its clear they have a vision in their mind for what this community will look like but they sort of forgot that when you bring other adults into a project, they aren't going to be able to magically read your mind and know what that vision is.

There also seems to be confusion about the idea of "who is in charge."  I heard Jennifer say early on that she didn't want to be in the role of constantly nagging people to do things. But again, the group never sat down and ironed this out.  

Also, I think Andrew and Jennifer, since they are essentially founders and have been there a long-time, should have been more clear about what they expect in terms of the power structure. I can understand that due to being there for five years, they do have some types of knowledge that the others do not.... but again, they lack the skills to share this knowledge in a way that builds connections and relationships rather than breaks them down.

Its clear that no one wanted to have those hard conversations and predictably, its all falling apart now.

  • Love 7
  On 9/19/2020 at 12:25 AM, TVbitch said:

Quite a few scenes seem staged to me. 


The Royals at least found the road to riches of 'reality TV'.  If they are authentic homesteaders, why would the need to pad their bank accounts with TV money?

Too many inconsistencies and indications that the show is not what is being portrayed.  Do not be surprised to find out the actual background of the cast is not what is being portrayed.

  • Love 1
  On 9/28/2020 at 1:15 AM, ChristmasJones said:

I sort of wonder if Andrew and Jennifer have become so comfortable in their little bubble - communicating just with each other- that they have lost their ability to communicate clearly with new people.  Its clear they have a vision in their mind for what this community will look like but they sort of forgot that when you bring other adults into a project, they aren't going to be able to magically read your mind and know what that vision is.


Very true.

I think that all reality shows have an element of "staged drama."  Reality TV is not a documentary; reality TV is about drama, except you have real people, not actors.  Real life is routine and most people don't want to see that on TV.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 1
  On 9/28/2020 at 1:15 AM, ChristmasJones said:

There also seems to be confusion about the idea of "who is in charge."  I heard Jennifer say early on that she didn't want to be in the role of constantly nagging people to do things.


It appears she didn't want to nag people to do things, she wanted people to come to them and bow to their expertise and beg them to impart their knowledge and way of doing things.  


  On 9/28/2020 at 1:15 AM, ChristmasJones said:

When they arrived, I'm surprised they didn't sit down and create a list of chores/tasks that need to be done around the camp (daily/weekly/etc) and then identify which skills people had and match everyone up to various tasks.


That reminds me of the fish cutting episode.  Supposedly there was a priority of building shelters, but they put everybody on fish cutting duty.  After all, the Royals had taken the fish and put it in the boat.  It's only fair that everyone else do the rest.


  On 9/28/2020 at 12:51 PM, Liberty said:

The Royals at least found the road to riches of 'reality TV'.  If they are authentic homesteaders, why would the need to pad their bank accounts with TV money?


If there's one thing I've learned from watching these "off the grid" people, it's that the more money you have stashed away somewhere, the easier it is.

As for the nature of reality TV, I've long since concluded that all or nearly all of them are scripted to some degree.  Just how real this is, who knows, but it doesn't bother me any.  But then, I watch Alaskan Bush People and I used to like Appalachian Gold when it was on.  This show is like high art compared to those.

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I just stumbled across this show and have watched the first 5 episodes on the Discovery App today (I'm off work). So far, I like everyone except Jennifer and Andrew. It seems like they have the "if you don't do this our way, you can't be in our club" mindset. I'm not sure how any of these people can tolerate them.

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Oh my fucking God! I hate fat-fuck Jenn and rat-face Andrew to the point that I really want them to die a horrible death; bodies frozen in their cabin and eaten by wild animals; no one ever noticing they’re gone. I can’t believe how horrible they are. They cleared have so much self hate that they project it onto everyone else! Jennifer is at lest 200lbs.. How is that even possible unless she sits on her fat ass all day doing nothing, which I think is obvious. I’ve literally only seen her eat. I’m so enraged watching those morons. Let’s PRAY they don’t reproduce.

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First time commenting.

Have to say I was really pumped about this show, when I saw the first ad for it. It has a great premise, but they have totally screwed this up.

 Andrew and Jen are a joke. Not surprised they had a mutiny, with those 2 duds. 

So far, they have managed to get about 3 weeks of work done in 80 days. With all that said, somehow I'm still hooked on the show. I hope they come back for another season.


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The Royal Couple were in fine form tonight. I wanted Adam, Evan, Gerrid, and Christine to raid the camp and take all the food. Whose fault was it that the salmon quota wasn’t met? 🙄 I still can’t get over Jennifer always wearing eye makeup in the wilds of Alaska.

Adam should have asked Andrew to show him his deed for the land he claimed. Dick! 
I hope their is another season.

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