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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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8 minutes ago, himela said:

Does he really think that people are just gonna forget about it? People are not madly in love with him like grodner is. We have eyes and ears and we see what you did there Tyler.

Just a clarification... (and FWIW I like Tyler but do not condone his treatment of Bayeligh after Xmas decided not to do the backdoor - he should have been honest with her).

Tyler DID answer the question about Bayleigh and Davonne and that situation - to every other media outlet. He didn't answer it to EW and they went with the "gotcha moment.- he didn't answer."

 He said that once Xmas said it would ruin HER game (to backdoor her F2) - she didn't do it and he supported that. We also know he didn't self evict because Grodner said he'd lose the money.

Interestingly Xmas retold this entire story to Nicole today and it seems to match up. He really did want to be backdoored and pressed her on the issue. She also said during the same time that Davonne admitted that Bayleigh was targeting Tyler and a few other members of the committee and Xmas wanter her out. It was Xmas's decision to not backdoor him.

The question I want asked is "why didn't you tell Bayleigh after the decision was made?"  

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, Machiabelly said:

I am fairly sure it is not considered a game show, not in that way at least. It is reality entertainment and I wouldn't be surprised if the contract they sign says that CBS can do anything they want. Up to, and including, picking the winner.

You are correct. It's officially not a game show for those precise reasons. 

  • Love 1

I’m finding Nicole’s letter freak out amazing and hilarious, and at the same time she’s completely correct and has picked up on multiple unstated things in the letter based on the wording. She’s correct about the fact that there’s “something going on out there and this is an indirect way of saying it.”  She’s correct that Victor hasn’t been doing the podcast for the past month, so since the time that the Ian controversy started. She’s correct that “I wish you the best of luck for the rest of the season” is a ridiculously formal and impersonal thing to say to your own fiancée and that it IS like something that someone who doesn’t know her would say. The only piece she’s missing is why people would be mad at her or hate her. I think this almost sums up Nicole—she has managed to pick up on something subtle like wording in a letter and draw several correct, astute conclusions from not very much at all. However, she’s so frigging ANNOYING about it that you can’t even take a moment to be impressed with her read without also wanting to toss her through a window. After ten minutes of whining about what the letter does and does not say, repeating the same points over and over, she says, “we’re not going to talk about it. This isn’t going to be a thing.” I mean...I have no words.


  • Love 15
10 hours ago, Machiabelly said:

I am fairly sure it is not considered a game show, not in that way at least. It is reality entertainment and I wouldn't be surprised if the contract they sign says that CBS can do anything they want. Up to, and including, picking the winner.

And ‘writing a script’ for the HGs to follow?

Might explain why so many Stars this season.   Imagine being the production assistant that had to count the number of like’s or yo-yo yo’s.   Had to lose count many times.  And we know it had to be done correctly.

Dani ... in order to feel some type of way ... must have needed that ugly lipstick to pull off her scenes.  


Edited by Ellee
13 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Here's hoping their future spawn, should they have one if that's what they want in life, breaks the cycle. 

Unfortunately, they do wanna have kids. I hope they change their minds lol.

12 hours ago, Nashville said:

So - has Production still not figured out how to put a functional lock on the WC door, or is it simply beyond Enzo’s capacity to operate it, or is something else going on here? Because if I’m not mistaken, every WC “whoops” This season has been a female walking in on Enzo.  Awfully coincidental, that....

They've never had a lock on the bathroom stall. It's a safety issue, according to the HGs.

11 hours ago, Machiabelly said:

I am fairly sure it is not considered a game show, not in that way at least. It is reality entertainment and I wouldn't be surprised if the contract they sign says that CBS can do anything they want. Up to, and including, picking the winner.

Yea, it's not a game show. There was a screencap of a letter someone received from whatever agency handles this type of thing that stated the show was an entertainment program and that they were allowed to go as far as picking the winner,

8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Sounds like Memphis is their preferred choice to leave this week.

Well then, Memphis for veto, I guess. Which makes me sick but that's where I am.

5 hours ago, himela said:

Is this Dani? Wow she used to have cheek bones. Now she is sickly skinny.

Dani looked so much healthier in BB13 than she did in BB8 and this season. She really needs therapy.

Honest question: If Cody and Nicole did have a pregame agreement, would it really change anything? Janelle and Kaysar or Bayleigh and Da’Vonne could’ve been the duo that steamrolled the competition, but they didn’t win challenges and they didn’t make the right alliances, so they were evicted. Cody and Nicole suck as television personalities, but I don’t see their potential pregaming as having any serious impact on the outcome of the season.

Now, Cody having that unfair advantage in the very first HoH on the other hand...

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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Cody and Enzo are making fun of Nicole for crying over Victor’s letter because he didn’t say he was proud of her. She is laughing. I predict the second they leave, she will start bawling.

I discuss this in the BB media thread, after listening to a surprisingly informative conversation between Rob, Taran and Tommy Bracco of all people. I'd repeat it all here but I don't have the energy. (It's 1130 am. Time for my first nap of the day.) Tommy has some interesting things to say about HOH letters and this one in particular. 

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19 minutes ago, JediDVguy said:

Now, Cody having that unfair advantage in the very first HoH on the other hand...

I was enraged when they so brazenly rigged the first HOH for the men and in hindsight we should have seen this terrible season coming when that happened. I mean, I'll give Production this, that was bold. Just no shame lol. And yet, when the most popular HG they've ever had was in danger they did absolutely nothing. It really does pay to be a man on this show.

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28 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Here's Tyler's response to his bullshit:


Yikes lol. This makes the fact that he didn't answer EW even funnier to me. He must have gotten the inkling that his answer was bullshit so he'd be best to just decline answering.

This whole read like he was bullied and he overcame his bullies. Like no asked him to leave or use BLM to further his game. Anyways, I am legit not even surprised he responded that way. 

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34 minutes ago, TwistedandBored said:

This whole read like he was bullied and he overcame his bullies. Like no asked him to leave or use BLM to further his game. Anyways, I am legit not even surprised he responded that way. 

 Xmas relayed the whole story to Nicole yesterday and the two versions line up. It was her decision to not backdoor him. She made that very clear. He wasn't trying to further his game in that moment - he was trying to get out of the house.

Tyler is saying that  he's not embarrassed by what he did. That's the angle I think he's taking.  He clearly doesn't yet understand what the controversy became. You can tell by his answer that he really doesn't get what the problem is. He thinks the question is about regret regarding game intelligence.

I'm hoping that once people talk to him and inform him, he will understand the real issue. Hopefully he will address it in the right way.  I don't think he's malicious but he did make a mistake and he should offer discussion about it.  I actually think its a little unfair to expect an  answer to this layered and complex question - when he doesn't have the full understanding of what happened.

That all being said,  I'm a little worried that he will avoid the discussion  and crawl back into his bubble with Angela.

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I agree that he really doesn't understand the issue here. What I am mad about is that if he was really about it he would have told Labor Day to nominate him cause he really didn't want to be there. He should not have brought up BLM in anyway. Like dude if you want to leave, leave. He also didn't have to sit there and watch as Bayleigh prepared a speech thinking he was being nominated. There was no reason for him to play her like that. Nothing about that is something to be proud of if you ask me. 

  • Love 21
1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

I discuss this in the BB media thread, after listening to a surprisingly informative conversation between Rob, Taran and Tommy Bracco of all people. I'd repeat it all here but I don't have the energy. (It's 1130 am. Time for my first nap of the day.) Tommy has some interesting things to say about HOH letters and this one in particular. 

Please don't make me listen to this podcast.

(Nicole's voice on) Please share a resume? Pretty please? (Nicole's voice off)

Btw when is the veto competition?


Edited by himela
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On 10/9/2020 at 12:40 PM, Lamb18 said:

Good morning! Goat City, TN (Memphis) is up! He didn't get up until the wakeup call. He's filling up the pot for coffee. I think his foot injury is real. There's no need for him to limp when no one else is looking unless he's trying to fool the feedsters. Nicole is still snuggling up with the covers in the HOH bed.

Does Goat City miss David?

a) Yes, because David kept the kitchen tidy. He might miss his morning coffee conversations with David, too.

b) No, he just tolerated David and kicked him out when the time was right.

I forgot the fashion segment - Goat City is wearing his BLACK hoodie today, hood up! And he was just called to the Diary Room, you can hear him scuffling along.

So Cams 1 and 2 switch to a bedroom and you can see someone's hair but that's it. I think it's Christmas because no one else has hair that long, but it seems a little dark. Per Cam 1 it is Christmas, you can see the blonde streaks. In another bed you can see a hand and a nose. The nose disappeared. That bed has the grey Linus blanket. Christmas has the tan and white macrame blanket.

I wonder why the camera's on the HOH bathroom ( think that's the room). 

And National Moldy Cheese Day is up! frowning in her green T-shirt. She joins Goat City in the kitchen.

Nicole's up now, too.

This season the blankets are more interesting than the players. 

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I was thinking about the HoH letters and I came up with this idea that if I ever was to play BB (in another life), I'd make a plan with my loved one to send me a hidden message in the letter the following way: ok so lets say I'm Nicole and my allies are Cody, Enzo, Dani and Christmas. I'd ask my loved one to write the following sentence: "We went to the playground with my nephiews the other day and we had much fun! Actually the kids won a game and the gift was a colored book!". The secret here would be, the first letter of the gift the kids won would be the first letter of the person in my alliance that I should be careful of, in this instance Christmas. If there are two people I shouldn't trust, the gifts should be two! I guess many people have thought about these things and maybe this kind of plans have influenced the game one way or another, we will never know. 😛

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11 minutes ago, himela said:

I was thinking about the HoH letters and I came up with this idea that if I ever was to play BB (in another life), I'd make a plan with my loved one to send me a hidden message in the letter the following way: ok so lets say I'm Nicole and my allies are Cody, Enzo, Dani and Christmas. I'd ask my loved one to write the following sentence: "We went to the playground with my nephiews the other day and we had much fun! Actually the kids won a game and the gift was a colored book!". The secret here would be, the first letter of the gift the kids won would be the first letter of the person in my alliance that I should be careful of, in this instance Christmas. If there are two people I shouldn't trust, the gifts should be two! I guess many people have thought about these things and maybe this kind of plans have influenced the game one way or another, we will never know. 😛

But don’t the loved ones write the letters at the beginning of the season?  So then you would have to win twice to get that second letter which might be more current. Unless loved ones provide more than one letter at the beginning. I don’t know. 

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That's why I always think it's funny when the first HoH gets their bland, pre-written letter and it talks about how proud the family is of them! Proud of them... flying across the country, sitting in sequester at a hotel (in non 'Rona times), and then winning the first comp of the season, sometimes due to a fluke or people throwing it because they don't want first HoH? Yes, we're so proud. *wipes away a tear*

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I was watching RHAP last night with Tommy Bracco. Nice interview. Anyway, they talked with Tommy’s father (who is hysterical) about the HOH letter since he had to “write” one for Tommy. He said it’s pretty well edited and rewritten per BB until they are happy with it. He did say he put a special hint for a Tommy in the letter but it went over Tommy’s head and he missed it. 

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11 minutes ago, mertensia said:

Not Grodner?

I like to think of it as those old "Got Milk?" ads, where different people were featured. It can read "Got Boobs?" and the smaller print can be all about why you're terrible and unequal if you do, and that the menfolk are stronger, smarter and better in every way imaginable. Even if they're heinous both inside and out.

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17 hours ago, Machiabelly said:

I am fairly sure it is not considered a game show, not in that way at least. It is reality entertainment and I wouldn't be surprised if the contract they sign says that CBS can do anything they want. Up to, and including, picking the winner.

It is a combination of labels but regardless, it is tampering by former "contestants" who were on this show who tried to influence contestants who would be in the new season of the show. 

CBS may be allowed to influence the game, but they are production. (After all, they script the diary room dialogue). It is quite different when the players engage in behavior that decides the outcome prior to the show even beginning especially when the prize is money. THAT is a scandal. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
added content
7 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

It is a combination of labels but regardless, it is tampering by former "contestants" who were on this show who tried to influence contestants who would be in the new season of the show. 

CBS may be allowed to influence the game, but they are production. (After all, they script the diary room dialogue). It is quite different when the players engage in behavior that decides the outcome prior to the show even beginning. THAT is a scandal. 

It would have been a scandal back in BB18, then, because Derrick also messed with that game. There's no telling how that changed the season (from what I know, Derrick told people to gun hard for Vanessa Rousso because she was believed to be a returnee but it was her sister Tiffany instead) if it did at all but this isn't the first time it's happened. Original All Stars had pre-season alliances and deals. It just wasn't orchestrated by someone on the outside who isn't playing.

Derrick's pre-gaming could have amounted to nothing if the big alliance didn't become the big alliance. But it did so here we are and fuck Derrick. Also to a smaller degree, fuck Dan because he also pre-gamed for Memphis. It's just that Dan was quieter about it and he's more likable so he slides a bit. 

Also and I really hate to say this but if the rumours about Franzel keeping her mouth shut about being part of BB22 is true? She kinda deserves some props for getting to where she has without the benefit of a pre-game deal. She's about the only one who wormed her way deep into the jury phase without a pre-game deal (because Christmas has one with Tyler as part of the original Christmas/Josh/Tyler/Kaycee alliance that got taken out by Miss 'Rona). 

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, JediDVguy said:

Honest question: If Cody and Nicole did have a pregame agreement, would it really change anything? Janelle and Kaysar or Bayleigh and Da’Vonne could’ve been the duo that steamrolled the competition, but they didn’t win challenges and they didn’t make the right alliances, so they were evicted. Cody and Nicole suck as television personalities, but I don’t see their potential pregaming as having any serious impact on the outcome of the season.

Now, Cody having that unfair advantage in the very first HoH on the other hand...

I've been saying this the entire season..... but apparently people still think Derrick is in the DR giving The Committee tips every week. 

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14 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

I've been saying this the entire season..... but apparently people still think Derrick is in the DR giving The Committee tips every week. 

Maybe Derrick is writing all their HoH letters in secret code and that's why all the letters are bland and impersonal and don't mention real life events. 



Edited by Callaphera
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34 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Nicole won veto 😞 Nothing interesting will happen this week. Again. Memphis goes home.

There goes our last hope at a spoiler to an inevitable Cody win. 

You know what's worse? HE'S GOING TO BREAK THE OTEV CURSE. It's like the worst one-two punch from Cody and Franzel ever. She was the first woman to beat a man and win her season and he's going to be the first one to break the OTEV curse and they're both sailing into F2 unbothered. 

  • Love 7

I cancelled my live feeds. I just can’t with Nicole winning HOH & Veto. I’m guessing she & Cody will be the Final 2 with Cody winning. That’s another thing that I just can’t.......... I think Cody has played a good game (with a huge alliance behind him) but is so boring as a character that’s there is nothing to root for. Oddly enough, it’s Memphis who organized the whole alliance, right? Now, that alliance is going to blindside him (hopefully) on Thursday. If it’s a true blindside I am curious about his reaction. So with all of that I don’t need to torture myself with the live feeds. Bring on The Amazing Race and hopefully, someday, Survivor. At least, next year we are guaranteed an all newbie season.....I think. 

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1 hour ago, Irishsecra said:

Well I hate Memphis so I am ok with him going home.

2 comp wins in a row Nicole 

building that Final 2 resume.

enzo should have taken her out in the triple  

My husband will be ecstatic that Memphis is going home. I do a mush mouth rendition of “Walking in Memphis” whenever Memphis appears. 

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So has Nicole actually been as helpless and weak as she appeared all season, or was she just biding her time like a sneaky snake in the grass, waiting to unleash her inner comp beast and smoke all these boys to the ground? Hmm...

Seriously, if she wins again, I just cannot. And it’s not even my daughter’s birthday.

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2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

So has Nicole actually been as helpless and weak as she appeared all season, or was she just biding her time like a sneaky snake in the grass, waiting to unleash her inner comp beast and smoke all these boys to the ground? Hmm...

Seriously, if she wins again, I just cannot. And it’s not even my daughter’s birthday.

She's a two sided coin. On one side she's whiny, needy, self defeating and continuously  seeking a strong male to prop her up. On the other side she's almost overly self absorbed, hypocritical, a sneaky snake - oh and still whiny. Every day it's a 50/50 toss up on which one we will see. 

I wonder if she'd even consider backdooring Cody (which is what Xmas wants her to do). But I think she will stay in the comfort of Cody's protection and then try to persuade the jury by saying she's the biggest threat and she still got to F2 and won the comps she needed to...blah blah.

If she's smart she should sit next to Xmas or even Enzo. She knows Cody wins if she bring him and has even said she's 100 percent fine with that. 

I keep flip flopping on who Cody will take. He's outright said to Enzo "I'm taking you" but he hasn't said it outright to Nicole. I think he's hoping he wins HOH next week and Enzo or Nicole shoot at each other.


  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

So has Nicole actually been as helpless and weak as she appeared all season, or was she just biding her time like a sneaky snake in the grass, waiting to unleash her inner comp beast and smoke all these boys to the ground? Hmm...


I believed Big Meech then, I believe Big Meech now. 

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As someone who does not follow other BB forums, podcasts, etc., I have a question about the conspiracy theories surrounding Derrick and the alliance. What precisely is alleged and what is the evidence of it happening? Did Derrick just coach Cody/ facilitate introductions or did he supposedly lay out an entire game plan (and how would that be possible without knowing how comps/ noms would play out?) I know there has been talk of money sharing, but where is the evidence of that? 

If there was pregaming (and I assume there was, to a degree), how is this Derrick’s fault? I mean, given that contestants in a season like this have prior relationships, it stands to reason that some of them would talk about working together. Even Janelle and Kaysar admitted to talking pre-game. It would certainly be better for the game if this didn’t happen, but I don’t think it’s realistic to think it could be avoided. 

I’m not trying to be argumentative, I’ve just seen so much animosity toward Derrick for being the one who seemingly singlehandedly ruined the season, and I’m curious as to how that came to be the accepted reason.  Because as far as I can tell, the season was ruined by boring people coming together to join a boring impenetrable alliance, and I don’t know why they would even need Derrick for that.  And since there’s so little left to talk about these days... Anyone care to enlighten me? 

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30 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

She's a two sided coin. On one side she's whiny, needy, self defeating and continuously  seeking a strong male to prop her up. On the other side she's almost overly self absorbed, hypocritical, a sneaky snake - oh and still whiny.

So what you’re saying is, she’s one part Dani and one part Christmas?

I believe you’re right that backdooring Cody would be the smart move, and probably the only way she could win. Winning again would also make her the BB equivalent of Survivor’s Sandra, which is just too sad to contemplate.

Edited by 30 Helens
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On the feeds, Enzo Nicole and Xmas are discussing the veto comp. It was the comic book challenge.

Enzo liked his. He was the Meow Meow, as predicted. He liked his tail. He seemed possibly annoyed that his whiskers were gray.

They don’t understand Davonne’s. It was her wrapping twine around some guy, with a caption about not giving up on your dreams? They can’t remember what it said, but none of it made any sense to them.

David’s featured him against Goliath. But they didn’t understand why there were multiple Davids. Because of his multiple personalities, Xmas wonders?

Nicole was the cereal killer. She glosses right past any description; I don’t think she cared for it.

Kaysar was King Kaysar. They don’t know why. Their guesses: Because he thinks he’s smarter than us? Because production thinks he’s the king? 

No mention of any others. I must have missed those.

Christmas doesn’t care if America loves her or hate her. When she tries to play the good girl, they hate her anyway, so who cares.

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Nicole is eating gummies. That was her #1 HoH snack choice.

Xmas leaves and Nicole and Enzo start laughing. Seems like Xmas walked in on them +.Cody finishing a bottle of wine without her. Not only that, Nicole was running to hide the empty bottle. Nicole can’t stop giggling. She says Xmas is so mad. But she didn’t share her HoH wine with me, so why should I care? Enzo says Xmas should just be happy that she’s staying this week.

Now Nicole is paranoid and thinks Xmas might cut her because of the wine. Enzo tells her to say Cody drank it all. He says he is getting rid of Cody at F3. (Yeah, sure.) Nicole says she, Cody and Enzo have to get to F3. She has worked too hard to go out in 4th place. She’s ok with 3rd because she at least gets to stay until finale night. Enzo is confident. He says he came in guns blazing, and has just been in a slump.

Enzo talks about Cody— you’ve done enough, yo! Third place is perfect for you. You’ve got the looks, the 6-pack, the beautiful girlfriend, you’re an actor/model... enough! Nicole can’t stop laughing.

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Nicole continues to fret about the wine.  They make up a cover story to tell Xmas about why they hid it from her, so it doesn’t look so bad. I don’t know how many bottles they drank, but they both sound drunk. They don’t want to go to F3 with Xmas because they will never get a second alone. She will follow them everywhere and they’ll have to go in the bathroom to game talk. 

Nicole tells a story about walking into the HoH room when Xmas and Tyler had been talking and saw a bunch of empties. That’s when she knew they had a F2. She says wine, and who you share it with, is a big deal.  

They say they’d rather keep Memphis this week because they like him better. But Xmas is easier to beat.

Enzo doesn’t understand why people hold grudges after the game is over. They are playing characters, and when it’s over, it’s over. He holds nothing against anyone. 

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Imagine Nicole backdooring Cody. Even if she doesn't even make it to final two, how much of a legendary move will it be and stay as one in the history of big brother? Same as John cutting Neda at final three (almost). She doesn't seem to care about the money that much, she HAS to do it. It will be SWEET. The jury will LOVE it. WE will love it. It will be epic.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Nicole is eating gummies. That was her #1 HoH snack choice.

I will never, ever understand why people think gummies are good. 

2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Not only that, Nicole was running to hide the empty bottle. Nicole can’t stop giggling


2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Now Nicole is paranoid and thinks Xmas might cut her because of the wine.

Nicole makes zero sense to me this season. I cannot read her personality at all. 

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