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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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Well someone on another board posted this rant Dick made about Dani in 2013. Somehow after watching this season this post rings true ...


I am always being asked about my relationship with Daniele. So here are the answers...

Some of you will talk shit saying I shouldn't air my dirty laundry in public, but at this point, I don't give a fuck. Our relationship is public and in BB13, she talked all kinds of shit about me, so fuck it. There's always two sides and I have been quiet, but here is my side.

Does it bother me to be asked about her?

No, we were on the show together, so that's what people know and want to know about. So, it's fine... doesn't bother me at all.

How is your relationship now?

Nonexistent and I like it that way. We don't talk and there is good reason for it. We don't like each other... period. She is a headache, pain in the ass and has proved time and time again that she will do nothing but her best to complicate my life. She does nothing but talk shit about me and is there only to take.

Would you ever do Big Brother with her again?

NO FUCKING WAY... Never ever ever never. 

I seriously doubt I would ever do Big Brother again period. I think the only way they could talk me into it is if they did a season where it was an EvelDick vs Dr. Will season. Otherwise, I just don't see it happening.

Yes, I am on good terms with the producers and I continue to promote the show with my recaps and interviews of the current houseguests as they are evicted, so nothing to do with that at all... 

Why don't you and Daniele talk?

I have gone way out of my way over and over to try and make things good with her, but she doesn't appreciate anything I do or have done and I am over it.

I truly do not care anymore. She is a brat and does nothing but take from me, never willing to give anything and I am sick and tired of being used by her.

Now my rant... 

The last and final kicker for me was when she got married. I was and am fine with not getting invited, I probly wouldn't have gone anyhow. But I found out where her and Dominic were registered for their wedding gifts from my Mom, so I went onto both sites, Macy's and Crate & Barrel and bought everything on each site for them (except 2 mixers for $500 each, fuck that) just wanting to show a good will gesture and to wish them a happy life together. It totaled somewhere between $3,500-$4,000, everyone told me I was stupid for doing it, but I said fuck it and did it anyhow. 

I didn't even get a thank you card from them, not even a fucking thank you card. 

You know if she really had any integrity what so ever and really didn't want anything to do with me or from me, she should have not accepted the gifts from me, but in pure Daniele style of course, she took them and sent me a big fuck you by not even sending me a simple thank you card. Is that really that much to expect, a fucking thank you card? Well, from her it is....

Here are a few other examples of how she has been since the show to me. 

After the show I bought her a car (which she also made a MAJOR pain in the ass) telling me, not asking but telling me to send her a blank check so she could go buy it. I finally put a stop to it by telling her if she didn't stop bugging me, I wasn't gonna buy her jack shit. I told her when we both had time that we would go out and buy it together... is that too much to ask? It was for her. She started bugging the week after the show and I was busy, told her to wait and we would get it. She bugged me every god damn day for a month saying she couldn't drive her (3 year old car) anymore she needed a new one. 

About 6 or 7 months later she got in an accident and came around feeling me out to see if I would pay to fix it. I asked her if she insured it, she told me that she only got liability since the car was paid for she didn't have to get collision on it. I told her, it's a brand new car and you didn't get collision? That that was a really stupid thing to do. She got all annoyed with me for telling her that, of course... I told her "Well, I bought it but sure as hell am not fixing it, that's on you, you should have paid for collision on a brand new car."

She didn't call me back for months after that. I literally called and left her over 40 messages asking her to call me back, nothing.... 

Fox Reality Network approached me to do a Big Brother recap on one of their shows. I said I would only do it if Dani could do it with me, since she blew through the $50,000 she won in like a month after the show, I knew she could use the money. After execs at the network finally approved the money to pay both of us to do the show, it was almost $1,000 a week each, for an 8 minute segment because it was a union gig... So, it would have been about 12 grand total each. They finally approved it after going back and forth with them for a couple months, they didn't want her, they wanted me to do it and them paying $2,000 for an 8 minute segment instead of $1,000 (for just me) wasn't in their budget.

and... she doesn't even show up to do it, making me look like a complete asshole after putting them through all that shit to approve paying her too. 

College money. I offered to pay for college for her.... 
Her Step-Grandfather was in the military, so she qualified under some kind of GI bill that they would pay her tuition, so I said I would pay for her books and anything else. She threw a fit, because she wasn't talking to her Step-Grandfather and just wanted me to pay for everything even though she could have had a big chunk of it paid for. I said fuck that, I am not paying for something that doesn't need to be paid for, fill out the paperwork and I will pay for the rest, she wouldn't do it, she insisted I pay for everything. I said no.... and she stopped talking to me again....

See the pattern... 

She doesn't talk to her Step-Grandfather who was there for her for 20 years.
She has stopped talking with her brother for years. 
She doesn't talk to her mother. She stops talking with her step brothers and sisters because she doesn't talk to her mother or stepfather. I told her it wasn't cool of her to stop talking with her step brothers and sisters, because they look up to her and they didn't do anything, she doesn't care.

She doesn't have any, not one single friend that she talks with from a school she went to from kindergarten through graduating high school... Yes, thirteen years at one school and she doesn't talk with one person, or they don't talk with her, more than likely the latter. Doesn't everyone have at least a few friends from H.S. that they are in touch with? At least casually... I do. She doesn't. They all don't like her.

Her BFF who she always talked about in the house during BB8... yeah, she stopped talking with her a couple months after the show too, imagine that...

She treated my X wife who I was together with for 12 years and married to for 10 years, like shit. My X tried and tried with her, but all Daniele did was treat and talk to her like shit the entire time we were together. My X didn't even like being around her she was so shitty to her, but she would anyhow, always trying, always being shit on by her. It got to the point that my X would go do something with her friends when the kids would come over and Daniele was the reason why.

That is who Daniele is...

All Daniele cares about is Daniele. She is selfish and self-centered. She will talk shit to you in a joking way, but she really isn't joking and when people catch on, they are done with her. 

She is a pain in the ass that has no concept of how to deal with any type of relationship what so ever. It's sad really...

When I left BB13, I got to see her huddled up in a bedroom with Dominic talking all kinds of shit about me, after we both agreed that we wouldn't talk about anything personal about each other while in the house. She completely discounted the car I bought her altogether. I took her to Europe, she tells him, oh.. he got the tickets for free. Fuck you, that trip cost me over 20K, she didn't even bring money for fucking tampons. Everything and anything I have ever done for her, she discounts as nothing, like she is owed something, everything. I have never in my life met someone as unappreciative as she is. 

The last time we were on good terms, I took her to Seattle. We got snowed in and our flight was cancelled. We were so lucky to get a room that night, everywhere was sold out... But Daniele couldn't be happy, she was on the phone for hours trying to find a rental car so we could drive back to LA in a fucking snow storm. She found one at like $500 a fucking day, but that's ok, I was paying... I was like can't you be happy, we have a room, a nice room and we can wait it out, no.. she can't. 

She was fighting with her boyfriend of the moment on text messages for days and I asked her if it was that important for her to fight with him in person that she couldn't wait a couple of days to fly home, no.. she had to go. Throwing a big fit so she would get her way.

She made me so fucking miserable during that drive home I pulled over at one point in Oregon, during a blizzard and told her to get out of the car, I just couldn't take her for another second. I wanted to kill her, she never stopped bitching and complaining about every god damn thing. We didn't talk for the rest of the trip back down. I even got her a separate room that night in a hotel so I wouldn't have to look at her. 

It was so bad that instead of driving to LA, I bought plane tickets from San Francisco to LA that were over $700 each, just to be done with her and her sour puss. 

During the drive part... she got really upset with me when I told her this, and I will never forget it, because it rang so true, which is why she got so upset... I said, "There is a reason I have friends for over 30 years, and there is a reason you don't have any friends for longer than 3 months, think about it" .... She said that was a really mean thing to say, I said mean or not, it was the truth.

It's not always everyone else, sometimes that's a clue that YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

I am so sick of swallowing all the shit she shovels my way and I am done. I have put up with her bullshit since she was 11 years old, when all this shit with her started. I have tried and tried, but honestly.. SHE IS JUST NOT WORTH IT.

She has been a snotty little brat since she was 11. She treated my father like dog shit when he had severe Alzheimer's, before he was put into a home. One time he was trying to talk with her and she huffed told him to shut up and slammed the door in his face, missing his face by less than an inch. I lost my shit and kicked her door off the hinges. How could you do that to someone you are supposed to love and show patience with in their condition? 

I would always tell her she would regret how she treated him when he was gone. Does she? No, because she lies to herself about how she treated him. In her mind she was a sweet girl, because the truth hurts, and the truth is... she was awful to him. She made him so miserable that he wouldn't even take her and my son together because she alone was too much for him to handle, even before he got bad. He would complain to me about how she would talk to him and treat him in public and how embarrassed she would make him feel.

When she lived with my mother she spoke to her like shit so much that my mother really just gave up and would let her do whatever, in order to avoid having to deal with her. She was a horrible teenager... and not much has changed in her adulthood. 

During her senior year, she came to me and asked me if I would help her throw an after prom party. I said sure, I had plenty of connections since I ran clubs and could work out a good deal with a club and bands etc..  But I told her that she would need to sell the tickets because it would be expensive to do what she wanted to do. 

I didn't have a lot of money (I had just gone through a divorce and had to pay a shit load of cash to my X to buy her out of the house, pay off the credit cards and a bunch of other bullshit, I was heavy in debt after all that) especially extra money like that to put on some big ass party, but I would flip the bill and was hoping to just break even, giving her the party she wanted to have for her big senior shin dig thing, no problem... And she promised it wouldn't be a problem selling the 100 or so tickets to break even.

Well, the night came and I had paid for a venue, it was a Saturday night, so it wasn't cheap, included parking so the kids wouldn't have to pay separate for that either. Got the band that she HAD to have play. Rented a PA, stage etc... Had non alcoholic refreshments and a food buffet set up for them. 

Less than 10 kids showed up. And she came to me crying...
I said no problem, just to have fun with her friends that came and even gave those kids their money back so they wouldn't leave because no one was there, I didn't want the few there to leave. I ate the 7 or 8 grand.

I don't remember what I gave her for graduation, but it was something small. And I told her it was because I had spent all that money on the party... She stopped talking to me, until Big Brother...

She is an unappreciative, snotty little shit talking pain in the ass and is not worth my time.

She doesn't like her fans and hates most of them. She avoids them at all costs, going out of her way to avoid them. If she is at an event and there is a VIP area, she will never come out of it. She will smile and take a picture if she can't avoid it, but will turn around and talk shit about them right afterwards. She doesn't appreciate her fans or even like them. 

It kills her that you guys always ask her about me. This is the thing that bothers her the most, being under my shadow and she showed that in BB13, by trying to get out from under my shadow so desperately that she would rather blow up her own game than lay back and let things play out around her till it was time for her to make a move. Stupid... but whatever.

I wish her and Dominic all the luck in the world, they will need it... he will need it. She will wear the pants and he will have to eat her shit for as long as he can take it. She will make him one miserable son of a bitch, because that's what she does to everyone in her life. That's why she has no close friends. When he makes her mad is she gonna stop talking to him too... 

I bet she does...

It will be just a matter of time. I hope I am wrong, but with her track record, I bet I'm right. He better be ready to eat a lifetime of the shit she dishes him, cause it will be nonfuckingstop. 

And, if she has kids, she will use them to try and fuck with me by not letting me see them. Because, that's how she is... 
So, I am just not gonna let it happen before it does.

And if there is such a thing as karma, well Daniele... your kids are going to make your life a living hell and you will deserve every ounce of it.

Sorry if this bothers you, the people reading this, but after 15 year of this shit and 6 god damn years of listening to her talk shit about me, I have had enough & wanted to finally get some of this shit off my chest. 

Thanks for reading. There are no comments allowed on this blog because I don't really care what anyone has to say about this. 

And trust me when I tell you, I was very nice about everything. There are a lot more things I could have brought up, but didn't. There are a lot meaner ways I could have told these stories, but didn't. I told them like they were, like it is... like she is, period.

Some will say that doing things like this is no way to repair the relationship. I DON'T CARE ABOUT HER ANYMORE. I am done with her for good. She is not worth my time and energy. I have wasted so much of my life trying to work things out with her. But she doesn't give a fuck and just uses me, I am done being used by her. I am done with her period. 

To me, she is dead....


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I've never liked Dani, but I'll always hate Dick and nothing will change that. It really bothers me when Dick tweets out pictures Dominic post and says "Look at my granddaughter"!

For someone who claims he doesn't care about Dani he sure spends a lot of time on twitter tweeting about her. I don't believe a word that comes out of Dick's mouth whether it's about Dani or rumors about the show. All Dick wants is attention. 

I saw this post when it made the rounds in 2013 and I have the same reaction today, Dick should not have posted it. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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17 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Feeds are back. Just in time for me to go to sleep. Tyler, Cody and Enzo talk about how Day is going home because that’s what Grandpa wants. Enzo is tired of Dani causing dissent. David comes in and somebody (David?) mentions having arthritis stemming from psoriasis. Tyler is very confused and doesn’t understand how those can be related. “One’s out, one’s in!”

Psoriatic arthritis is a very common thing. You develop arthritis from the psoriasis. 

It's all auto-immune stuff, ya know?

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I don't like Dani, but the fact she never publicly responded to that post shows she is a better person than Dick. 

4 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

It does. But some of the stuff Dick says I can see. 

You can also explain some of Dani's worst qualities  because she has Dick as a father. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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24 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Psoriatic arthritis is a very common thing. You develop arthritis from the psoriasis. 

It's all auto-immune stuff, ya know?

Raven's ears are burning somewhere... I don't think she had any pretend autoimmune conditions unless she confused psoriasis for that itchy rash spreading on her internal organs that she called endometriosis. And she would still be wrong!

I'm just still butthurt that if we really needed a BB19er, they passed over the goldmine that is Raven for the shit-heap that is Christmas. 

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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

Psoriatic arthritis is a very common thing. You develop arthritis from the psoriasis. 

It's all auto-immune stuff, ya know?

I know all about auto-immune stuff, unfortunately. It just shocked me that nobody in that room (other than David) had even a tiny clue. Tyler didn’t know what psoriasis is, much less what it could possibly have to do with arthritis. (I even heard someone wonder what arthritis is, although I didn’t catch who it was.) Have none of them even seen one Enbrel commercial? 

All that Dick/ Dani stuff is sad, but there are always two sides. Besides, nobody is raised in a vacuum. If Dani is truly as awful as he says, he played a part in making her that way.

2 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

Seems like a lot of work is going into these "Veto speeches" this year. But will we see any? Apparently Day's was a call out session. 

I’ll be disappointed if they don’t show it, because Day said she was going out swinging. She said if this was her last chance to use her platform, she would make it count. Of course, lots of people have threatened to cause a commotion and then chickened out last minute, so who knows. I just want someone to actually shake things up, sometime, somehow. And for the show to let us see it. 

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1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

It does. But some of the stuff Dick says I can see. 

If I had seen the info before Thursday night's episode, I don't know if I would have believed it. But after her DRs, gleefully laughing at everyone's misery, I think there may be some truth in what he's saying. It doesn't mean I like him, in fact maybe he's part of the reason she is who she is, but he isn't necessarily lying. 

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3 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

If I had seen the info before Thursday night's episode, I don't know if I would have believed it. But after her DRs, gleefully laughing at everyone's misery, I think there may be some truth in what he's saying. It doesn't mean I like him, in fact maybe he's part of the reason she is who she is, but he isn't necessarily lying. 

I don't see any difference between her DRs the last couple of episodes and her attitude in BB13 or BB8. I'll never forget the scene in BB13 after Dick leaves and she is crying in the HOH and Jeff is like wtf it's week 1 and gives that pep talk lol. I think the issue this season regarding Dani is that people me included thought she would grow up since she is 34 and is acting like she is 21 or 24.

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2 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I don't see any difference between her DRs the last couple of episodes and her attitude in BB13 or BB8. I'll never forget the scene in BB13 after Dick leaves and she is crying in the HOH and Jeff is like wtf it's week 1 and gives that pep talk lol. I think the issue this season regarding Dani is that people me included thought she would grow up since she is 34 and is acting like she is 21 or 24.

I too was most shocked that for someone who is in her mid-30s and married with a daughter she acts like a sorority mean girl. Even her voice and inflections are of someone much younger. I also think it's odd that she never talks about her husband. 

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5 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I too was most shocked that for someone who is in her mid-30s and married with a daughter she acts like a sorority mean girl. Even her voice and inflections are of someone much younger. I also think it's odd that she never talks about her husband. 

Weird. I feel like she talks about Dom a good amount, but it was definitley a lot more in the beginning. People are talking game more in this phase of the game. I didn't really notice until your comment.

Edited by choclatechip45
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13 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

That's funny since it's been Cody that has wanted Day out for weeks.

I was wondering if it had to do with how Paulie and Day went at it so much during Paulie's season.  I was just watching the Jury clip on YouTube where they are arguing and Paulie brings up her daughter, that was uncomfortable to watch. 

12 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Paulie/Day are good friends from doing The Challenge. I'm assuming that is why Day has so much trust in Cody which is dumb.

That was the second thing I was going to bring up.  Did they patch things up on the Challenge?  I honestly cannot recall.  I know Paulie and Natalie did, but I do not recall what happened with him and Day.

My retention of what happens on the Challenge is not great, all of those seasons blend into each other to me.  Mainly because there is never a huge turnover of cast.  For instance, I had completely forgotten that Day was partners with Bear.  That alone means she deserves some sort of medal.

Though I will say this, I do like Bear a little bit.  Mainly because I saw clips where he fucked with Frankie Grande's coffee on U.K. Big Brother.

11 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

You gotta give David credit for even wanting to sit down and talk to Memphis. He did it last night and again this morning. He's trying to figure him out. I do think David is genuinely interested in studying people. His problem is that a) he's never done this before and b) he is much slower to process things because he is really operating on a deeper level I think. Thats why he has all those pauses in the conversations which ironically make him seem less trustworthy.

I am not joking around here when I say I think you are right.  I think that David sometimes puts far too much thought into what he says and that is why he does tend to pause a lot in conversations.  That is how I am when I have to deal with people who I call "egg shell" people.  Those are the type of people who will fly off the handle at any perceived insult. 

My uncle was like that, if he sneezed or coughed and anyone else in the room did it directly after him, he would go nuts because he thought the person was making fun of him.  Whenever I would deal with him, I had to be extra careful because you just never knew what would set him off.  So much like David there would always be pauses in my conversations with him because I had to choose my words carefully.

9 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I really wouldn’t bother lol.

It wasn't a terrible season and it had a ton of memorable contestants on it.  Just from that I think it would be worth the watch.

9 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

 Nicole said she met Victor at the BB 21 ?

I know I can often be slow on the uptake, but this makes absolutely no sense to me.  What is she talking about here?  I thought they met during season 18 and were engaged during season 20?  Am I missing or not understanding something here?

1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

An all-trainwreck BB Season would be fun.

Josea, Raven, Lavon, BB21 Jessica, Rockstar, Devin...could be fun. 

What no Cowboy or Jenn City?

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On 9/20/2020 at 3:48 AM, Melina22 said:

On this shallow note, I thought Dani looked amazing Thursday night with her bright red lipstick, long blond extensions, and weird stripey gown. There, I said it. 


Well, it was definitely an improvement from her sweater that was a DEAD RINGER for the quilt on Roseanne's couch.


Screen Shot 2020-09-21 at 9.53.16 PM.png

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

I know all about auto-immune stuff, unfortunately. It just shocked me that nobody in that room (other than David) had even a tiny clue. Tyler didn’t know what psoriasis is, much less what it could possibly have to do with arthritis. (I even heard someone wonder what arthritis is, although I didn’t catch who it was.) Have none of them even seen one Enbrel commercial? 

That's interesting because it was within the first three days or so of feeds that Cody and Dani were commiserating with each other about their own psoriasis and Tyler, who had been in the room, was suddenly worried that a reaction he was having on his hand was him catching psoriasis from Cody. They both informed him (and yet were both slightly wrong) about what psoriasis was and Tyler concluded that it was a rash from the ring he was wearing. I remember because I was interested in the psoriasis conversation - I always am because I like to compare who has it worse between them and me - and because I couldn't help thinking that it was a horrible endorsement for Tyler and Mother's Angela's jewelry business. "Our metals are so cheap, you'll get a rash free with purchase!"

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33 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Damn - beat me to it.






23 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

Lol I was thinking this one... 😊

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire...

We don't need no water let the motherf*cker burn,

Burn motherf*cker Burn!

That’s funny, I instantly pictured Dwight Schrute dancing around the Dunder Mifflin parking lot, singing “David started the fire...!”

Edited to add: And please tell me David was making a Hot Pocket at the time. 😁

Edited by 30 Helens
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Cody, Enzo and Tyler talking about future noms. They think Dani’s relationship with Day is weird. Cody: “Well, that’s getting nipped in the butt.” (sic)

Tyler points to the bed to his left (Dani?) as the person he wants to leave next. They want to reel David in, in which case Cody thinks maybe they should get rid of Kevin, since David is close to him. Enzo wants to keep Kevin.

They're concerned about the relationship between Xmas, Nicole and Dani. They don’t think Xmas trusts Dani, though. None of them trust Dani. They’re concerned Xmas might beat them up. 

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Enzo was about to go brush his teeth, but then David entered and reported the girls are all the bathroom, talking about post-baby body changes. “Eww, like hemorrhoids and stuff?” Now they’re all grossed out and don’t want to go anywhere near the icky lady talk. Cody is distraught because he really has to pee.

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Ha- the icky lady talk came to them. Dani said her hips opened up and never went back. Cody is horrified. Nicole said something about farts because she loves talking about farts. (Earlier, she said she likes to bring up farting and poop talk early when meeting someone. It’s like an ice breaker. If you can talk about that, you can talk about anything— or something like that.)

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It seems that Christmas has a habit of sitting up in her sleep. Dani and Nicole told Cody that if someone walks by when she’s sleeping, she will pop up (still asleep) and stare at them. Cody was both creeped out and fascinated by this information. He said he wants to see. So they snuck into the have-not room where Xmas was sleeping. Except she wasn’t asleep yet, and as soon as Cody crawled in, she sat up and waved her arms. He screamed. So I guess he got what he wanted...?

The lesson from this story is, Christmas is terrifying while awake AND asleep.

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Cody and Xmas talking about Day’s veto speech. Xmas said Day pointed at her and said, “They used you to get out Bayleigh. And even you.” This part was supposedly said while pointing at David. Xmas said Day pointed at her, David, Memphis and Tyler. She said, that’s the Da’vonne I know and have waiting for.

She talked about the night she fought with Day, and how Day charged at her and Bay had to step in and stop her. (Huh?) She thinks it wasn’t cool how Day was dancing when she won her veto, and laughing while people were on the block. She also hates when people can’t separate personal from game. She just wants to play with pros, man.

And I can’t listen to this bitch anymore. I’m going to play Button Master and cut feeds.

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14 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

She also hates when people can’t separate personal from game. She just wants to play with pros, man.


Is she really going to make me quote Blockstar two days in a row?  To quote Blockstar, "I cannot."

This chick's whole M.O. on season 19 was to play as personal as possible.  I understand she is not the most stable of people mentally, but even she has to see the irony of this.  Right?

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41 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

Is she really going to make me quote Blockstar two days in a row?  To quote Blockstar, "I cannot."

This chick's whole M.O. on season 19 was to play as personal as possible.  I understand she is not the most stable of people mentally, but even she has to see the irony of this.  Right?

And to think that this psycho bitch is raising a child.  😲

I'm not usually scared of people but Christmas CREEPS me out... if I was in that house I'd be sleeping with one eye OPEN! 👁 

Does she take steroids? She's very aggressive, bat shit crazy and has anger issues... I think she's just crazy enough to attack someone.

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She does not see irony at all. I did turn off the feeds (and watched Sunday’s episode instead, which only strengthened my Xmas hate), but not fast enough to miss listening to her anguish over how hard it was for her to evict Bayleigh and how much she cried over it, and how much she misses talking to Kaysar, because he was so intelligent and “so self-defecating”.

She thinks only smart people deserve to win. Now THERE’S your irony, Silent Night.

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19 hours ago, Michichick said:

No, Julie doesn’t give game information to the jury members.

I hate this concept that Julie can't give them game info. i know they will find most of it out in jury and we will get a small look at it, but until they get in jury they will be able to accept they lost and they will have less of a reaction. It's the same with Survivor, there are things happening in the game, people are fighting with each other, there are bad things being said and secrets hidden, but when they get asked in interviews or by Jeff on the reunion they all are like "oh now so much time has passed, so and so worked things out and we are good now, we've solved our problems" and I'm always like "nice, we didn't get to see the big reveal or the reaction to this and that". Same now with Day; she will be voted out, she will have days to accept she lost and she got lied to by Nicole again, she will want to show she is classy so when she is asked on the finale she will say "oh you know, it's a game, Nicole did what she had to do to win, I am not mad with her" bla bla. While if she comes out and Julie tells her she will definitely explode and we will get to see it, something worth seeing in a disastrous season.

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8 minutes ago, himela said:

I hate this concept that Julie can't give them game info. i know they will find most of it out in jury and we will get a small look at it, but until they get in jury they will be able to accept they lost and they will have less of a reaction.

Now that you mention it... I wonder how much anyone will find out in jury. Does anyone know if they’re going to a traditional jury house, or are they going back to a sequester situation? Because if they’re isolated and unable to talk to each other, that could change the jury dynamic—and eventual outcome—quite a bit.

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Normally they have people from production watching them so they don't talk game unless the cameras are on. Now with the virus how will they do that? Unless there is a house like the BB house where there are cameras and they will be able to watch them and videotape them without the cameramen and the production people being in the room with them. So if they hear them talk about game they will stop them.

2 hours ago, himela said:

I hate this concept that Julie can't give them game info. i know they will find most of it out in jury and we will get a small look at it, but until they get in jury they will be able to accept they lost and they will have less of a reaction. It's the same with Survivor, there are things happening in the game, people are fighting with each other, there are bad things being said and secrets hidden, but when they get asked in interviews or by Jeff on the reunion they all are like "oh now so much time has passed, so and so worked things out and we are good now, we've solved our problems" and I'm always like "nice, we didn't get to see the big reveal or the reaction to this and that". Same now with Day; she will be voted out, she will have days to accept she lost and she got lied to by Nicole again, she will want to show she is classy so when she is asked on the finale she will say "oh you know, it's a game, Nicole did what she had to do to win, I am not mad with her" bla bla. While if she comes out and Julie tells her she will definitely explode and we will get to see it, something worth seeing in a disastrous season.

Survivor has Ponderosa. I love watching the Ponderosa videos....sometimes more than watching the actual Survivor show (when its a shit season). You get a little of their reactions to finding out secrets on Ponderosa clips. Usually the night they arrive and are all sitting a table eating. But its pretty subdued. Think they are still emotionally reeling from losing the game that they can't process. If Julie were to tell Day on eviction night when Day leaves the house. I dont think Day would react too much at all. She would be totally overwhelmed with processing it all that she most likely would look like a deer in headlights like most Survivor losers look at Ponderosa.

Edited by Lamima
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10 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I was wondering if it had to do with how Paulie and Day went at it so much during Paulie's season.  I was just watching the Jury clip on YouTube where they are arguing and Paulie brings up her daughter, that was uncomfortable to watch. 

They squashed it and are actually pretty close now. It's why I've been surprised that Cody has been targeting Day all season. It's very weird.


It wasn't a terrible season and it had a ton of memorable contestants on it.  Just from that I think it would be worth the watch.

BB12 is one alliance running the whole season, much like every season after it is, so if you're into that you might like it. The feeds were boring as hell. The eps might be better since the eps tell a completely fabricated story lol. I don't remember it enough. Like most seasons, I guess if you enjoy the people running the game you'd probably enjoy it. 

5 hours ago, himela said:

I hate this concept that Julie can't give them game info. i know they will find most of it out in jury and we will get a small look at it, but until they get in jury they will be able to accept they lost and they will have less of a reaction. It's the same with Survivor, there are things happening in the game, people are fighting with each other, there are bad things being said and secrets hidden, but when they get asked in interviews or by Jeff on the reunion they all are like "oh now so much time has passed, so and so worked things out and we are good now, we've solved our problems" and I'm always like "nice, we didn't get to see the big reveal or the reaction to this and that". Same now with Day; she will be voted out, she will have days to accept she lost and she got lied to by Nicole again, she will want to show she is classy so when she is asked on the finale she will say "oh you know, it's a game, Nicole did what she had to do to win, I am not mad with her" bla bla. While if she comes out and Julie tells her she will definitely explode and we will get to see it, something worth seeing in a disastrous season.

They show jury house segments so we'll get to see people finding out the truth as soon as they do. Of course, that's contingent on it being like it always is with them all still living together. I assume it is since Julie told Ian he'd be going to the 'jury house.' The jury house segments are often the best thing to look forward to, especially now that the show is so dead by that time every season.

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10 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I was wondering if it had to do with how Paulie and Day went at it so much during Paulie's season.  I was just watching the Jury clip on YouTube where they are arguing and Paulie brings up her daughter, that was uncomfortable to watch. 

That was the second thing I was going to bring up.  Did they patch things up on the Challenge?  I honestly cannot recall.  I know Paulie and Natalie did, but I do not recall what happened with him and Day.

My retention of what happens on the Challenge is not great, all of those seasons blend into each other to me.  Mainly because there is never a huge turnover of cast.  For instance, I had completely forgotten that Day was partners with Bear.  That alone means she deserves some sort of medal.

Though I will say this, I do like Bear a little bit.  Mainly because I saw clips where he fucked with Frankie Grande's coffee on U.K. Big Brother.

I am not joking around here when I say I think you are right.  I think that David sometimes puts far too much thought into what he says and that is why he does tend to pause a lot in conversations.  That is how I am when I have to deal with people who I call "egg shell" people.  Those are the type of people who will fly off the handle at any perceived insult. 

My uncle was like that, if he sneezed or coughed and anyone else in the room did it directly after him, he would go nuts because he thought the person was making fun of him.  Whenever I would deal with him, I had to be extra careful because you just never knew what would set him off.  So much like David there would always be pauses in my conversations with him because I had to choose my words carefully.

It wasn't a terrible season and it had a ton of memorable contestants on it.  Just from that I think it would be worth the watch.

I know I can often be slow on the uptake, but this makes absolutely no sense to me.  What is she talking about here?  I thought they met during season 18 and were engaged during season 20?  Am I missing or not understanding something here?

What no Cowboy or Jenn City?

Day mentioned week one that her and Paulie are good friends and patched things up. He also tweeted during the Bay/Day eviction episode how it was a hard episode cus of his grandfather's passing/how one of his two really good friends would be going home. I know Cody mentioned week one that he wanted to work with Day because of her good reads (lol) this was to Enzo and I think Bay.

Nicole has mentioned on the feeds that she started dating Victor after hanging out at the NYC premiere party for BB19. She said he was pursuing her that whole year. I tend to believe Nicole because it was obvious Victor had a crush on her during BB18.

Edited by choclatechip45
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43 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Nicole has mentioned on the feeds that she started dating Victor after hanging out at the NYC premiere party for BB19. She said he was pursuing her that whole year. I tend to believe Nicole because it was obvious Victor had a crush on her during BB18.

Thanks for clearing that up! I couldn't keep up with the conversation yesterday when I was trying to type up what they were talking about.

Wake-up music now.

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