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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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9 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

But didn’t he say it was a love triangle of Cody Dani and Nicole?  So if Dani took it as a dig toward her marriage I can see why she would be pissed but I don’t think kaysar meant it that way. 

I think Dani would be pissed either way, but I can see her assuming it was a dig at her marriage because she doesn't really work in subtlety or metaphor.

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10 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Oh look at Dani making it obvious she isn’t really aligned with Day and Bay

Both Dani and Cody just confirmed that Kaysar was right by their choices.  I'm sure they were still upset from the eviction, but that was just bad gameplay.  They could have easily chosen one person they "trust" to at least make it look less likely, but they are running scared and it shows!

Of course, if her past season is any indication, Christmas will just do whatever her "boys" tell her to.  Here's hoping she tries something different, but I'm not betting on it.

Edited by leocadia
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Man. Nicole sprinting and squealing when Christmas won wasn't obvious in the least. My only hope is that Tyler has got to be desperate to break up the Cody/Nicole/Daniele situation ASAP, and hopefully can work some magic.

At least....Christmas has to show her cards? And I think that competition really did draw the lines very clearly, so there's going to be a lot of tension this week.

Yeah, the silver lining is getting thinner and thinner week by week.

Edited by mooses
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3 minutes ago, mooses said:

I really hate how they have the feeds off until the West Coast airing now. This is when everyone is going to go their corners and complain. 

Exactly.  Three hours makes a huge difference in how the aftermath of the eviction plays out.  It's not like the HGs who were called out by Kaysar are going to conveniently wait 3 hours to start denying, explaining and digging themselves out of a hole.

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Christmas has seem pretty set this week on nominating Da'Vonne/Bayleigh. I do wonder if Tyler is hoping that Bayleigh can leave this week considering she's still making him apologize for her eviction in BB20. He seems pretty worried about crossing her again, but the later in the game it gets, it will probably be inevitable. I wouldn't blame him for not wanting to have to navigate that during the Jury stage.

I really hope Da'Vonne doesn't leave this week - she's pretty much the only actual great, entertaining one left in that House, even without the whole gameplay thing.

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19 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Maybe one of the new powers is inviting an eliminated house guest back.

I forgot, they wouldn't do that because the evictees have been out and about in their normal lives and logistically it wouldn't work to pick a house guest to return, then quarantine that person for two weeks. And it would careless not to quarantine the returning house guest.

21 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Hopefully Tyler can keep Bay/Day safe. Maybe convince Christmas to go for David/Kevin initial nominations and backdoor Dani? 

He doesn't give a fuck about Day or Bay. And he has a pre-game alliance with David so he isn't going to be interested in him being nommed. Tyler definitely wants Dani gone though so I do suspect he will try for it but Christmas and Dani love spending their days together talking shit about Bay so I don't think Christmas will be too receptive and I don't see Tyler pushing her if she isn't.

We were so close. Man, why do I let myself continue to have hope? 

The fact that they're not bringing the feeds back until after the west coast airing has me feeling some type of way. It's utter bullshit. I think I am gonna have to cancel my feeds after this free month I have is up.

100% Bay/Day noms and 3 of Cody/Tyler/Enzo/Nicole/Dani/Christmas will win the powers. And then Day will probably get evicted just so the last shred of true entertainment will be gone.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

There's always gonna be someone who enjoys it. There are still Dani, Cody, Ratcole stans out there lol. I would be curious to know how the show only casuals feel. Judging by the ratings though there are definitely more people hating it.

My mom is a casual and her favorite was Jaysar so there is some anecdotal evidence. She hated BB21.

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3 minutes ago, keke23 said:

Well truthfully I don't understand how anyone with taste can be having fun with this season, but I have been trying to practice my positive words.

Are we gonna start compliment-sandwiching this season? Can I claim I'm carb free and skip the bread praise and go straight for the processed meat criticism? 

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2 minutes ago, leocadia said:

I was going to say that at least she won't be a have not, but then I realized how much we're going to hear about how UNFAIR it was that she didn't get to pick a replacement. 

She must have actually been super relieved because everyone had agreed to do it all again in the same order to be fair, but to leave out Memphis this round because of his back/medication. However, David asked her specifically not to pick him because of how Memphis treated him last time or something - and she was worried she'd have to look like the bad guy if she chose him.

She whined about it to Tyler all morning, who was so obviously dismissive and having none of it.

Edited by mooses
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I think Christmas told someone that she wanted her HOH to be written like it was from Loyal. I can't decide of that would be a step up or step down from Shelli's letter from her dog.

I just remembered that she told Tyler today she was offended that Daniele said their kids would be friends, so maybe we are in for some surprises.

Edited by mooses
1 minute ago, mooses said:

I think Christmas told someone that she wanted her HOH to be written like it was from Loyal. I can't decide of that would be a step up or step down from Shelli's letter from her dog.

I just remembered that she told Tyler today she was offended that Daniele said their kids would be friends, so maybe we are in for some surprises.

Why was she offended? I can only take xmas in small doses on the feeds.

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5 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

SHUT UP. that is not a real town name. 


1 hour ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:


You made me do it:




GOD, [Dani’s] going to be an insufferable twat all week.

So... same old same-old?


16 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Are we gonna start compliment-sandwiching this season? Can I claim I'm carb free and skip the bread praise and go straight for the processed meat criticism? 

Beats the byproducts bullshit.


Edited by Nashville
Twat specificity required
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