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Married At First Sight (Australia) - General Discussion

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I have to DVR this show because of my work schedule.  It always comes up with two hours, two episodes.  The caption on my DVR read for two episodes, but I only got one and did not see what happened after Ines and Bronson.  I went to on demand for the second ep, but it was off to their vacation.  
Did we only get one episode last week?

On 3/12/2021 at 1:55 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

They needed to pair Matt with someone who was more vanilla in the sex department not just in the looks department. 
Since everyone comes to Sydney for the show, I’m assuming they’re not working at all? Not sure how they’re able to do that.  The seasons seem much longer than the US show but at least the experts seem to be the real deal. 
Several of the Aussie women on this show have had a lot of work done whereas the American version the women look more “girl next door”.  I’m intrigued that it looks like close to everyone has multiple tattoos as well. I’m really enjoying this version more with the dinner parties and the leave or stay aspect. There seems to be more camaraderie in general along with a few bad eggs.  

Yes .. I’m liking it more now that I know them a little more.  I like the experts chiming in and the dinner parties.

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5 hours ago, scruffy73 said:

What episode is being showed live now? I’ve watched them all on the website provided and I don’t want to comment too far ahead? 

I won’t say who or why but there is someone else more deserving than Lizzie for a second try. Someone less aggravating.

I’ve seen them all too and I think I know who you’re referring to. Maybe they did but she said no. I haven’t commented much because I don’t want to inadvertently spoil anything. 

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1 hour ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

How did these experts not see that Ines is a very sick and damaged woman? Bronson deserved much better than her.

I find Elizabeth exhausting. 

I know Bronson didn’t want to quit off the rip but I would have kicked her to the curb as soon as she talked about the eyebrow ring at the wedding,being a stripper, and then acting a fool on the honeymoon. She is a 2/10 at  best

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So this is really what this whole show is about - Sam and Ines?  Yuck.  I actually was watching to see the couples who are actually trying to make this work.  All this time spent on just these two is not interesting but it goes on and on and on.

I hope they do actually both leave next week and we can see more of the other couples.

Can the "experts" change the pairings?  I think maybe Heidi and Bronson could be a couple, she needs someone sensitive and her guy just isn't that way at all.

As much as I dislike Cyrell, way too hyper, up and down moody, glad she got the rumor out in the open at the girls' night out.

Ines is a snake but Sam is not really looking for her to be his wife.

And all this talk about them being respectful and honest toward their mates.  Yeah, right.

Why I continue to watch this crap is beyond me.

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Ines is a SNAKE.  She must think she’s so gorgeous she’s going for that plain and beautiful look with the hair back and minimal makeup.  Those lips she keeps smacking with the tongue is annoying.  Lizzie looks like a cartoon character with her whole look.  When did they reveal Bronson was a millionaire? Very interesting.  I can’t wait for Inez to find out.  I pretty much like all the rest, the experts also.

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This show is feeling super duper overly produced. The sequence of 'will Lizzie walk in on Sam and Ines together in bed' was ridiculous and seemed too fake. Bronson commenting that Ines had a glow the morning after?!?! Come the hell on. They allll must be in on this. I still enjoyed the mess, but jeez.

Ines is essentially a mustache twirling villain. How such a sociopath got past even your most basic questionnaire is a head scratcher.

Sam at the end saying he traded one bullet for another made me ugly snort, but no Sam you traded a bullet for a grenade. It is what he deserves.

Sam playing the victim and acting all affronted that Lizzie didn't call is gross. Ines looking so smug is gross. I don't think I have ever disliked a pair of reality stars more.

The Greek girl is pretty with a 'goals' body but every time I see her, I am distracted by her nose job and think she must have had quite the honker!

I feel sorry for the other participants who get 0 play due to the Sam/Ines show.

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3 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

This show is feeling super duper overly produced. The sequence of 'will Lizzie walk in on Sam and Ines together in bed' was ridiculous and seemed too fake. Bronson commenting that Ines had a glow the morning after?!?! Come the hell on. They allll must be in on this. I still enjoyed the mess, but jeez.

Ines is essentially a mustache twirling villain. How such a sociopath got past even your most basic questionnaire is a head scratcher.

Sam at the end saying he traded one bullet for another made me ugly snort, but no Sam you traded a bullet for a grenade. It is what he deserves.

Sam playing the victim and acting all affronted that Lizzie didn't call is gross. Ines looking so smug is gross. I don't think I have ever disliked a pair of reality stars more.

The Greek girl is pretty with a 'goals' body but every time I see her, I am distracted by her nose job and think she must have had quite the honker!

I feel sorry for the other participants who get 0 play due to the Sam/Ines show.

That's how Cyrelle is clever! She gets her air-time by "calling out" others, telling tales out of school, and in general being a Drama Queen---B.L. (Before Lizzie).

But Jules and Cam are totally off the radar. Oh, sure, Jules did a wee bit of verbal sparring with Ines, and Cam spoke of love and raised a toast---but shown together? Not much. Same with Martha and Michael and Melissa and Dino.  


When did they reveal Bronson was a millionaire? Very interesting.  I can’t wait for Inez to find out.  

Preferably when Sam inevitably dumps her.

My money is on Jules and Cam. The rest of them don't seem to have either chemistry or respect for each other. A few also don't look like they'll last the season. *Waves to Lauren and Matt, they got out the minute they figured out they should have never been matched.*

ETA: Jules/Cam and maybe that one other couple, can’t remember their names, but he wore a man bun.

ETA: Sam keeps using the word, honesty. I do not think it means what he thinks it means.

Edited by buttersister
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I don’t like this whole idea of the experts knowing about Sam and Ines and then just sitting back watching as they treat their matched partner like dirt and insinuate Lizzie is crazy to think Sam is cheating on her. I don’t like Lizzie either but Sam is no prize; he left her on their honeymoon and then wants the other couples to think she is crazy for wanting her husband to show her some affection. 

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5 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

This show is feeling super duper overly produced. The sequence of 'will Lizzie walk in on Sam and Ines together in bed' was ridiculous and seemed too fake. Bronson commenting that Ines had a glow the morning after?!?! Come the hell on. They allll must be in on this. I still enjoyed the mess, but jeez.

Ines is essentially a mustache twirling villain. How such a sociopath got past even your most basic questionnaire is a head scratcher.

Sam at the end saying he traded one bullet for another made me ugly snort, but no Sam you traded a bullet for a grenade. It is what he deserves.

Sam playing the victim and acting all affronted that Lizzie didn't call is gross. Ines looking so smug is gross. I don't think I have ever disliked a pair of reality stars more.

The Greek girl is pretty with a 'goals' body but every time I see her, I am distracted by her nose job and think she must have had quite the honker!

I feel sorry for the other participants who get 0 play due to the Sam/Ines show.

Exactly!  I've come to accept Ines as being performance art.  But the glow?  Really?  That was ridiculous.  

What I don't like about this show is that it's not a legal marriage and so right out of the gate, it's dishonest despite the "experiment" comments.  So of course, a bunch of attention whores gonna be on it.

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8 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

I feel sorry for the other participants who get 0 play due to the Sam/Ines show.

It's really, really getting to be annoying! I don't watch in real time but last night was checking the recording and saw that it was a full 25 minutes or more of Ines/Sam or Ines/Bronson and briefly Sam/Lizzie before any other couple made an appearance.

Marta is very pretty and has a slammin' bod but that hat was ridiculous at girls' night out.  She comes across as very vapid and not terribly bright. Also, Bronson,, who apparently is loaded, looked like a bum with those jeans ripped up at the knees. I wish some of them would dress up a little more. Mick the famer dresses poorly too. We've got so many variations of Michael...bald Michael, cutie ponytail Michael and Mick the farmer. 

I was distracted at girls' night by Heidi's bizarre braid. She's got quite the mane of hair but that braid was all kinds of messy. So Lizzie appears and Cyrell the gossip takes her aside to say there's a rumor about Ines and Sam hooking up in the sauna. At the dinner supposedly Ning saw them and has a photo?  Why didn't she speak up about this?

I felt sad for Heidi at the dinner and honestly haven't liked Mike since their honeymoon when they were on the beach. Heidi was opening up to Mike, telling him her life story, and he was bored and wanted her to wrap it up. I can't remember exactly how it went down or what he said exactly, but I remember thinking what a creep!  How else are you going to learn about each other except by talking?  Plus, at the wedding ceremony he just came off as very conceited to me and I was turned off. I haven't seen enough of Heidi to have much of an opinion but she does seem sweet and a 'right reasons' type of gal. I can see Mike, being reasonably attractive (and I think it's more that he exudes self-confidence that makes him attractive to women) having had a lot of girlfriends over the years but no real lasting relationships. He doesn't seem to have a clue. If he wants this 'marriage' to Heidi to work, he's going to have to change his ways.


ETA: Cam 💗 Jules....Awww!!!! I love this couple!

Edited by ECM1231
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Wait, Bronson is a millionaire? I must've forgotten.

Ironic that Ines said that Lizzie should be content with a purely sexual relationship with Sam because he's an obvious player, only to fall for him herself and envision a future with him after one night together. (Lack of) Morality aside, if he's immediately repelled by the idea of even dating someone he's super attracted to, how did he ever think he could convincingly pull off being a "husband" for weeks? 

I can't believe Heidi is imploding her relationship with Mike over him not including her in resolving 1) a miscommunication that overdramatic Jess of all people brushed off as no big deal in hindsight (even more significant as she's picked pointless fights with him before) and 2) never involved Heidi to begin with. So Heidi is sabotaging her marriage in protest of...being unable to patronizingly co-lecture/co-parent Jess? She's acting like Jess is their daughter. Jess may act 18, but she's 27. Watching Heidi unravel over that was very bizarre.

Wishing we had more Jules/Cam and Michael/Martha...and really anyone who isn't Sam/Ines/Lizzie at this point.

I know she's the victim in this scenario, but Lizzie is very annoying this season. Who gives a shit about the thumb in the mouth!!!  

On 3/26/2021 at 5:05 PM, ECM1231 said:

I felt sad for Heidi at the dinner and honestly haven't liked Mike since their honeymoon when they were on the beach.

Same. He comes off as some alpha male sexist asshole. That beach scene was terrible, but calling Jess "sweetheart" and then the cocky way he behaves with the guys, he is just gross. He thinks he's God's gift or something. I hated how he teased and bullied Mathew into spilling about having sex with Lauren. And then sitting back doling out relationship advice to Mick and Mark like he's some expert. I really can't stand him. Heidi is nice and deserves someone nicer than this guy. No wonder he is in his forties and single. I'm sure lots of women think he's hot, but after you get to know him, not so much......

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With respect to Sam and Ines, I have come to the possible conclusion that they are both narcissistic personalities.  Both were only too willing to hurt those they had been matched with and were only too willing to minimize the feelings of all the others around them.

I did especially like at the end of this episode where Sam clearly intends to cut and run on Ines, after she declares she sees a long term situation with him.  Ines deserves whatever pain she gets out of this.

I now understand how it was that Elizabeth got a second season out of this.  I am surprised she wanted anything to do with it.  What was done to her in the first season was appalling.

Edited by b2H
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I have an unhealthy relationship with this show. That being said, it isn’t anywhere are near as unhealthy as Ines’ sociopathic personality disorder. If that wasn’t an act, she shouldn’t be out on the streets.

Two new couples! I didn’t foresee that. This show is so much better than the idiotic American version, of which I am also a fan. <hanging head>

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Good read.  First time but been watching a few weeks. I thought Lauren told Matthew? those details about her previous sexual encounters bc he wasn’t into the sex.  Her way of saying this is what I need.  Trying to light a spark.  I think he’s just not into women.

A total pleasure reading about Inez’s narcissism which I agree.  And the tongue rolling OMG!   

Somebody needs to talk to Lizzie about editing her make up.  I have to check her out on the later season.  She looked   porn to me.   

Anybody know how Bronson made his millions?   

Ines certainly came across as horrible on the show - of that there is no doubt. What's interesting is that everyone was so much harder on her than they were on Sam regardless of the fact that they both behaved in ways that were perceived as deeply hurtful by their "spouses." It almost seemed like people were willing to let Sam off the hook. I suppose it's the age-old wink, nod, and "good job" to men who relentlessly pursue sexual conquests while if a woman does same, she must be shamed into submission. 

If the situation unfolded as it appeared to on the show, then objectively what Sam did may have even been less kind than what Ines did, but antisocial or narcissistic behavior in women always seems so much more reprehensible than the same or worse behavior from men.

I suspect that Cyrel (I have no idea how to spell her name) would cut a bitch. 

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2 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

It almost seemed like people were willing to let Sam off the hook. I suppose it's the age-old wink, nod, and "good job" to men who relentlessly pursue sexual conquests while if a woman does same, she must be shamed into submission. 

I think Sam was let off the hook because Elizabeth was so obnoxious, unlikeable and hard to take and anyone with a single brain cell wouldn’t have been able to last more than two hours with her. Also, she and Sam spent more time apart than together. On the other hand, Bronson was a good guy who tried really hard to stick with the program (heh). 

Ines portrayed herself as having no conscience with ice running through her veins. Sam didn’t come off as being quite as morally bankrupt. My guess is that they assumed roles for the show and told to create as much drama as possible.

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Ines seems batshit crazy to me.  The kind of crazy that she could kill you without batting an eye if  you no longer service your purpose for her.  Her candid wide eyed response to how this might have affected Bronson was chilling.  She almost looked like she didn't understand why they asked her the question, as in, it had nothing to do with her....weird in a scary way.

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On 3/23/2021 at 7:08 PM, b2H said:

I have to DVR this show because of my work schedule.  It always comes up with two hours, two episodes.  The caption on my DVR read for two episodes, but I only got one and did not see what happened after Ines and Bronson.  I went to on demand for the second ep, but it was off to their vacation.  
Did we only get one episode last week?

I’m very confused too.  There was one episode on Wednesday night.  I don’t know which one as I wen to bed early.  Then two episodes taped last night, and they were on with the other show from Wednesday.  Totally confused.  I watched all today.  The last episode had two new couples on as two left from the show.  I’m no help here.  The last one hour one taped and it was the new one with the new 2 couples.  Just watch last nights one hour episode .. the dinner party with Ines and Bronson.  You will love it.

1 hour ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Poor Bronson basically shrugged and was unceremoniously booted off without saying much at all. Why was Lizzie given a second chance, but not him?

For sure! I would have loved to have seen more of him, but who knows if he’s even want to after that psycho! I was rather keen on him myself. 

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On 4/4/2021 at 12:48 PM, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Poor Bronson basically shrugged and was unceremoniously booted off without saying much at all. Why was Lizzie given a second chance, but not him?

I imagine he wanted no part of it.  I am not sure why Lizzie came back, TBH.

Ines was positively demented, while she was telling her side of it and listening to the reactions, sitting and just smiling at it all.  She is a seriously toxic person, even when Sam was publicly ditching her, she just sat there and smiled.  She is a very damaged person and I would be sincerely interested to know what became of her. I assume her paralegal career is over, unless she worked for ambulance chasers or  some bottom feeder legal firm.  If the law firm or lawyer had any sense of morals after seeing that performance, she should be gone.

Sam is just full of himself too.  as a tradee, reputation has less of an impact as long as they are skilled and efficient in their work.

Neither one of these people should ever have been on this show.  Talk about wrong reasons.

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They casted some really unlikeable women.  Cyrill is fucking irritating -- I can't imagine listening to that voice day in day out.  And a terrible actress.  Jess and her blow up doll lips has a punchable face; while watching in bed, I thought for sure Ines had come back -- their voices are matches.  

The woman -- whose name I can't remember -- has a right to be upset at being recorded but my God, the high drama.  Also, her face annoys me.  Overilled, looks like silly putty.  

And the new nurse...25 my ass.  

They casted some unlikeable men too, but most of the women on this season are standouts in terms of obnoxiousness.

Edited by Boo Boo
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11 minutes ago, Boo Boo said:

They casted some really unlikeable women.  Cyrill is fucking irritating -- I can't imagine listening to that voice day in day out.  And a terrible actress.  Jess and her blow up doll lips has a punchable face; while watching in bed, I thought for sure Ines had come back -- their voices are matches.  

The woman -- whose name I can't remember -- has a right to be upset at being recorded but my God, the high drama.  Also, her face annoys me.  Overilled, looks like silly putty.  

Thanks for the info.  Where is everybody?  All the posters?  Gone?  Moleissa overeacted like a maniac.  Screaming and yelling like a wild woman.  Cyrill is nuts.  She’s getting violent pushing someone.  Then the pretty blonde who hit on Cyrill’s husband..yikes.  I don’t get why they don’t show the headings like the other shows.  They just keep continuing along from last week.  Makes things confusing.  Has everyone gone ?????.

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I am dumbstruck that all these "adults" are apparently "married" because they are acting like they are on a dating show.  "Oh, I'm not feeling the guy I'm married to, so let me see who else looks promising . . . . "  And, the way some of them fly off the handle for the slightest reason, I am sure they must be coached for the highest drama.  So, Jess is the new Ines?  Got it!  This show is pure BS, and I'm here for it all!

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52 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

I am dumbstruck that all these "adults" are apparently "married" because they are acting like they are on a dating show.  "Oh, I'm not feeling the guy I'm married to, so let me see who else looks promising . . . . "  And, the way some of them fly off the handle for the slightest reason, I am sure they must be coached for the highest drama.  So, Jess is the new Ines?  Got it!  This show is pure BS, and I'm here for it all!

Part of the problem is technically they are not married. Not in legal terms. It was just a ceremony. So, for some of these people, they are just straight up not taking it seriously.  They don't have to even worry about a annulment on this show.

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1 hour ago, suzeecat said:

I am dumbstruck that all these "adults" are apparently "married" because they are acting like they are on a dating show.  "Oh, I'm not feeling the guy I'm married to, so let me see who else looks promising . . . . "  And, the way some of them fly off the handle for the slightest reason, I am sure they must be coached for the highest drama.  So, Jess is the new Ines?  Got it!  This show is pure BS, and I'm here for it all!

As much as I detest Ines, at least she didn't go after Sam at the dinner party in front of the guy's wife. She thinks she a lot more attractive than she actually is.

1 hour ago, Racj82 said:

Part of the problem is technically they are not married. Not in legal terms. It was just a ceremony. So, for some of these people, they are just straight up not taking it seriously.  They don't have to even worry about a annulment on this show.

So apparently, the dinner parties are a dating pool.  If you see someone you like better, go for it, and to hell with your partner.  Wtf kind of show is this?  No wonder there are few posters.  All these shows are turning to shit.       And then, the new bride goes and sits on her husbands lap like he’s her property.  Hahahaha.  Best part of the show .. so stupid and laughable.


Edited by Silver Bells
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I may have mentioned this before but I know what happens this season because last season, when Lizzy showed up and she told her back story I did a "what, what??" and since I was watching Big Brother Australia on a VPN, I decided to watch some of the Lizzy and Sam storyline from this season for research purposes of course, and.... I forgot where I was going with this very long run on sentence.

Oh, even though I kind of know what is going on this season and how it ends, I find myself looking forward to this show almost as much as any other show during the week (it's second to Top Chef now that it has started). 

JessiKa looked like a blow-up doll in that dress with her make-up done the way she had it. I guess when the experts didn't hold Inez and Sam accountable for their behavior, Jess felt is was a free for all and she had free pickins' among the men of the group. Gross.

If Mel (snaps to the "Moleissa" nickname... I literally spit sweet tea when I read that) wanted a "private" phone conversation with her sister, she should have left the bedroom, every woman knows that. The way she is overdramatizing her movements and her anger almost makes me believe she wanted to get caught because she wasn't happy in the relationship with Dino because he wasn't moving at a rate she was happy with. 

Cyrell should have been removed from the show for being violent... period. 

Edited by UniqueHandle
I forgot to mention Cyrell.
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I think it's better that they aren't legally married because I think trying to pressure the US couples with the legality/stigma of a divorce is asinine, especially since most of them have made up their minds about leaving before the 2 week mark. But this whole partner musical chairs thing is getting ridiculous. The cast should not be your go-to dating pool when things are fizzling with your partner. Cannot believe Jess blatantly hit on 2 different men - and switched her conquest in the middle of one dinner party! Watching the experts react to her flirtation was hilarious.

Agree that Cyrell should have been removed from the show for physical violence. Loyal or not, Nic is far better off leaving her. He's in a no-win situation when it comes to deciding whether or not to reveal Jess actually made a pass at him this time (so was the leg rubbing rumor a scheme hatched by Jess to piss off Cyrell so she could steal Nic? I don't get it. Why stir the pot with fake accusations if you decide to outright proposition him a few days later?). That revelation will be the end of Nic & Cyrell either way.

Speaking of stirring the pot, Dan certainly wasted no time. He's not even hiding entertaining Jess. He just fucked Tamara what, 48 hours prior, after she sobbed to him about her dead mom? What a douchebag. I laughed when Tamara sat on his lap next to Jess and Jess didn't move. And Jess untying her dress in front of him! That was an Ines move for sure. 


4 hours ago, UniqueHandle said:

If Mel (snaps to the "Moleissa" nickname... I literally spit sweet tea when I read that) wanted a "private" phone conversation with her sister, she should have left the bedroom, every woman knows that. The way she is overdramatizing her movements and her anger almost makes me believe she wanted to get caught because she wasn't happy in the relationship with Dino because he wasn't moving at a rate she was happy with. 

Cyrell should have been removed from the show for being violent... period. 

she could have gone out in the hall or somewhere private if she wanted a private conversation

if i was her husband, i wouldn't feel safe with cyrell as a permanent thing.  she could snap and kill somebody, she has no self control at all 

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