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S04.E03: Lowkey Thankful

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Here goes Lawrence, ruining his new relationship already.  Condola's friends seemed to like him; why let a drunken one's words get to him like that? Why ask a question about a man she divorced when you are still sniffing around your recent ex?

I feel Issa and Ahmal having their own Thanksgiving.  My children and I have been having solo Holiday dinners for a while. No eating suspect food and hanging around relatives who don't know you exist at any other time of the year.

I'm glad Molly finally decided to let her dad fall off that pedestal she had him on.  I wonder if that grace will extend to Andrew? 

I hope Tiffany goes into labor in the next episode. She's been pregnant 50 years.

1 minute ago, funnygirl said:

Closing the ep with Mya's "Case of the Ex" was great. 

It sure was! 

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I loved everything about Issa and Ahmal's Thanksgiving.  I LOL'd when they took off running when they thought it was their mother who was being taken away by the ambo, but then slowed down when they realized it was her boyfriend.   My mother-in-law is a Thanksgiving tyrant.  She insists on hosting it and she insists on the same menu every year and she is pretty judgey if we introduce any other non-approved dish.  So I watched them go to that Mexican restaurant somewhat wistfully.

I also loved their conversation.  Issa's. "I got the potential, the work in progress... and now she’s reaping all the benefits" ... whew, I felt that for her.  It puts a lot in perspective and make me realize it isn't just as simple as Issa missing Lawrence.    The two of them laughing over their parents' passive aggressive "prayer' and Ahmal casually talking about his therapy.  They were the best.  I just liked seeing them hang out and the closeness of their sibling bond.

I found it Interesting to see how Condola and Lawrence are navigating their side of Issa/Lawrence/Condola triangle.  I liked her friends.  So very different from Issa's!  Nice to see Robin Thede as Condola's sloppy drunk friend.  She was a bad guest.  LOL. 

I usually love Molly's wardrobe but that top looked needlessly complicated.  It looked uncomfortable and heavy and way too much fabric.

Great episode.

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That was such a good episode.  I laughed when Issa was prepared to run out of the coffee shop to avoid Lawrence and Condola, and the barista or whomever called out a meatball hero for Issa...to stay!
”I don’t fuck with adult twins” was hilarious, as was Molly telling her mom that the guy whose meals she used to pay for wasn’t her boyfriend, he was her bully.  Also Molly’s brother asking if Andrew was crazy and rich.

Other than becoming exclusive with Andrew, Molly was fine this week.  I don’t know when you’re just supposed to be ok with your dad cheating on your mom.  She wasn’t making a big deal out of it.  She’s entitled to her feelings.  What ever happened to her therapist anyway?

I feel like Issa and Lawrence are being a little immature.  It’s so easy for me to empathize with the female characters on this show, but I can’t understand why Issa blew Molly off for pie.  It felt very un-Issa-like.  Like the show is forcing this to create a divide, but it’s not how Issa would have ever acted before.

I agree with Issa’s brother that Issa has a right to feel any way she wants, and it’s common to feel like you didn’t get a return on your investment, but...that’s kind of the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.  She probably should have left Lawrence after a year of no ambition, not five.  What’s ironic is that Lawrence is struggling professionally right now and Issa doesn’t know it.

Lawrence I’m just finding very immature and insecure.  We got a break from him for awhile, but he’s always been like this, hasn’t he?  Remember when he just bailed on that woman at her family picnic and humiliated her?  If he was fully grown, he would have taken that drunken anecdote from the friend and asked Condola directly if it was true, rather than being indirect and saying he felt foolish and sort of forcing Condola to beat it out of him.  Then he doesn’t have a ready answer when Condola asked him if he’d still be with Issa if she didn’t cheat?!?  Strike two.  
And then, the coup de grace, sending Issa a 😂 emoji on her Snap Chat?  How is that good for anyone?  He can look at it and he can smile to himself, but the physical manifestation of the like sets everyone—Lawrence, Issa, and Condola (when she inevitably sees it)—back.  If he’s not over Issa, he shouldn’t be dating for a relationship, and if he is over Issa, there’s no reason to fuck around with emojis when the person he is dating has verbally conveyed that she she’s worried about his ex.  Lawrence either has an extreme form of arrested development or the show is shipping him and Issa so hard that they’re trying to shoehorn them back together with cliches, and I don’t want them back together, nor do I want cliches.

This is like the dramedy version of, “don’t go up the stairs, that’s where the murderer is!”  Issa, go see your best friend like you committed to do, on Thanksgiving, or this is going to end badly!

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Issa and Molly had things to say to each other but blew it off.  Will there be a bigger explosion?  Issa admitted its awkward for her to be around Lawrence and Condola but not to Molly yet.

Chad just doesn’t have the same manic energy of previous seasons.  His riffs on Bradley Cooper, he just said the lines real fast but not with the same kind of loose cannon, will say anything vibe.  Kelli also isn’t quite what she was like previously either.

That plumbing video was ridiculous.  Is there something like black YouTube?

”Would you have broken up with her (if she hadn’t cheated)?”

Strange question.  Obviously there were problems before she cheated, unless she was cheating the entire time they were together.  

But it is strange that Issa and Lawrence could be not just cordial but maintain this friendly familiarity that they showed in the cafe — obviously Condola noticed it — after what they’ve been through.  

Issa Rae asked in the Wine Down if exes could be good friends and Prentice Penny said not really.  So why they bring Lawrence back?  They could have had them just drift out of each other’s orbits, rarely see each other after awhile.  But they’re running into each other all the time and looking at each other’s social media regularly.


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Lawrence makes it hard to like him.  First he was putting words in Condola's mouth about not wanting a family (rather than her saying that she simply doesn't want to get married again) but I'm not here for him sending DMs to Issa back like he's flirting.  She needs to move on.  Nathan or Daniel need to make an appearance.

Issa should have just gone over to Molly's so they can hash this out.  I get that she was taking advice from Ahmad, but this was the wrong situation to apply it.  Molly may have been the instigator in the beginning, but now they're both being passive aggressive.  They need to grow up and start the conversation, it's not enough to acknowledge the problem.  

Molly needs to have a talk with her father, too.  Whether or not she forgives him, the silent treatment isn't healthy for her.  

Issa and her brother's Thanksgiving was the best part.  Jean Elie (Ahmad) said he would have more to do this season so I'm guessing this is what he meant.  He and Issa work as brother and sister very well.  They even have the same goofy sense of humor.

1 hour ago, DearEvette said:

I usually love Molly's wardrobe but that top looked needlessly complicated.  It looked uncomfortable and heavy and way too much fabric.

That sweater/duster looked hot.  Didn't help that it draped all the way down to her ankles.  


27 minutes ago, scrb said:

Issa Rae asked in the Wine Down if exes could be good friends and Prentice Penny said not really.  So why they bring Lawrence back?  They could have had them just drift out of each other’s orbits, rarely see each other after awhile.  But they’re running into each other all the time and looking at each other’s social media regularly.

Yeah, I saw that too.  I think Issa and Lawrence are getting back together, whether it's just a fling or a real relationship.  It doesn't help that they keep seeing each other, and they both know Condola.

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40 minutes ago, scrb said:

”Would you have broken up with her (if she hadn’t cheated)?”

Strange question.  Obviously there were problems before she cheated, unless she was cheating the entire time they were together.  

There were problems.  Lawrence was in a rut but he was comfortable in that rut.  He loved Issa and I did get the sense that they enjoyed each other as people/friends.  I think Issa wanted more from a relationship but instead of breaking up with him, she did something to get him to break up with her.  Some people choose that way to get out of a relationship.

But it's a strange question.  People who have been in long term relationships usually don't break up for no reason whatsoever.  And Lawrence can't know whether or not they'd still be together if Issa hadn't cheated.  Maybe she would have left the relationship another way.

2 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

Condola's friends seemed to like him; why let a drunken one's words get to him like that?

I think it was a combo of that plus her pointing out that he invited himself to her Friendsgiving which is a strange thing to highlight. 

I noticed that Derek (I think) mentioned that Lawrence was a bum a year ago.  So has it basically only been a year since they broke up? 

I get why Issa blew off Molly.  Thanksgiving doesn't really feel like the right time to have a big talk.

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I really liked how Lawrence asked if Condola was going to invite him to her Friendsgiving. It felt like he was being open and vulnerable, letting her know he was getting serious about them. I couldn't believe how rude she was to tell him after everyone left that she didn't invite him he invited himself! Why even say that? He really went all out to help her and was cool with her friends and even wore his sublime shirt!

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I'm sorry, but I can totally understand not wanting to have an emotionally draining argument with a practicing lawyer on Thanksgiving. And their previous attempts at hashing out their feelings have been extremely unpleasant, which adds on the decision to hardpass. 

Condola's friends did not like Lawrence or take him very seriously. They acted like he was some cute puppy she picked up from a shelter to foster. And all of them (Condola included) are several levels above him professionally, which probably had him feeling more insecure and defensive. Condola basically saying she didn't even want his ass there was...interesting. Looks like Lawrence is getting Tasha'd this season, and I am here for it.

Issa better reply with a 'lol, I hope u & Condola had a great tday!' and keep it moving. That man does not deserve an easy landing into what is comfortable and easy. 

Edited by rozen
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7 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

I noticed that Derek (I think) mentioned that Lawrence was a bum a year ago.  So has it basically only been a year since they broke up? 

Basically.  They broke up a couple weeks/months after Issa's birthday in season one and this season is only a couple of months past Issa's next birthday (season 3's finale when they went to the park to watch The Last Dragon and where Issa met Condola was Issa's birthday gift).  

Chad's obsession with Bradley Cooper!  LMAO!  I guess he hasn't seen a Star is Born yet?

9 hours ago, DearEvette said:

Issa's. "I got the potential, the work in progress... and now she’s reaping all the benefits" ... whew, I felt that for her. 

Yo, I felt this.  I dated someone who I was his first girlfriend, basically his first everything (TMI) and in the back of my head I was always like, well I'm guessing I'm teaching you this to benefit your next girlfriend...... 

Definitely cringed during that entire grocery store scene between Issa and Molly.  When Issa hit Molly with that, "You gonna pull an old Molly and scare his ass away," I was like


And then Molly hit Issa with the "At least I wasn't fucking for free weed and toiletries," I was like


Where can I find "Fixing Sinks for Playas"?  Lol!

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Molly's jab? I was wondering how fucking for free weed and toiletries is somehow worse than fucking your married friend without his wife's knowledge? At least Issa got something out of her fling. 

Are we going to see Dro this season? That situation wasn't resolved, was it?

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1 minute ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

Molly's jab? I was wondering how fucking for free weed and toiletries is somehow worse than fucking your married friend without his wife's knowledge? At least Issa got something out of her fling. 

Are we going to see Dro this season? That situation wasn't resolved, was it?

Wasn't Dru in an open marriage? It was messy but not necessarily immoral. The biggest issue is that it was obviously not what Molly really wanted or needed in the long term. 

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There was a scene in the first episode of last season where Dro takes a call from Candice early one morning and he says, "I'm still at Molly's." I thought that was confirmation.

The wardrobe choices in this episode were suspect. Molly's top was a definite no, but I also didn't like Issa's, Lawrence's or Condola's Thanksgiving outfits.

Is this the first time we've seen Issa's mom?

I get Molly's disappointment with her dad, but she did need to let it go. I'm in camp "your parents' marriage is none of your business" in this case because there was no abuse, and her parents had resolved the situation years before Molly even knew about it.

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Issa's. "I got the potential, the work in progress... and now she’s reaping all the benefits" ... whew, I felt that for her. 

Relatable content :said in Fran's voice from the InsecuriTea's podcast: I felt that line and that whole scene so much I watched it twice. I went through the same thing, so that line hit me square in my chest.

13 hours ago, mrsbagnet said:

The wardrobe choices in this episode were suspect. Molly's top was a definite no, but I also didn't like Issa's, Lawrence's or Condola's Thanksgiving outfits.

Yeah, I wasn't feeling Lawrence's shirt. It was too busy. Maybe if the colors were inverted it may have been better, but it just looked like too much. I liked Condola's outfit from the top, but the shorts were no. It was like an outfit mullet. Business on top, party in the bottom. 

17 hours ago, rozen said:

Condola's friends did not like Lawrence or take him very seriously. They acted like he was some cute puppy she picked up from a shelter to foster. And all of them (Condola included) are several levels above him professionally, which probably had him feeling more insecure and defensive. Condola basically saying she didn't even want his ass there was...interesting. Looks like Lawrence is getting Tasha'd this season, and I am here for it.

Oh, great observation! I didn't even think about him getting Tasha'd. I got his concern about whether or not he's just a rebound; especially considering that Condola pointed out that Lawrence invited himself to friendsgiving, but it was strange to ask him if he would've still been with Issa if the cheating didn't happen. Considering he and Issa were looking at rings, the answer was definitely yes. 

So, wait, Lawrence was on one the entire 5 years they were together (not paying for anything) or did they just hit a rough patch when he was temporarily broke due to unemployment? What I thought did Issa and Lawrence relationship in was his lack of effort. She had to handle everything and he was just there. 

It's also interesting that history seems to be repeating with Lawrence's career. Take it from me, Lawrence, whenever you hear about corporate restructuring, start polishing up that resume and Linkedin profile and get an exit strategy going. It's only a matter of time before you get laid off. He should've asked Condola's friend if her tech company had any openings available. Gotta network, buddy. He already went through one layoff, so his antenna should've been up. 

Edited by Sheenieb
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5 hours ago, rozen said:

Condola's friends did not like Lawrence or take him very seriously. They acted like he was some cute puppy she picked up from a shelter to foster. And all of them (Condola included) are several levels above him professionally, which probably had him feeling more insecure and defensive. Condola basically saying she didn't even want his ass there was...interesting. Looks like Lawrence is getting Tasha'd this season, and I am here for it.

I don't know if I got the vibe they didn't like him necessarily.  But he just didn't quite fit in.  I mean, Molly is a lawyer and Kelli is an accountant, so he is used to hanging around professionally educated people.  But Condola's friends definitely have a different vibe.  Her friends feel more bourgie than his and Issa's pack.  I think they feel like 'grown folks' whereas Lawrence, Issa and their crew still seem to feel like they are just a few years out of college struggling to get their shit together.  Yes, even Molly sometimes.

I definitely felt like he was the new guy and they were judging him.  I wonder if we will ever see Condola's ex?  My money says he is the type of guy Molly was desperately looking for in S1.  In retrospect it feels like they were all coupled up and now here Lawrence is, a square peg and they are not quite sure what to make of him.  Is he her rebound?  Is he a long termer? 

I do think Condola maybe saw he wasn't quite a comfortable fit with her friends and that, added to the 'private jokes' scene she came upon between him and Issa, maybe  she is trying to craft an exit strategy and hence the passive-aggressive "you invited yourself' comment.  So yeah, Lawrence may just be a lowkey Tasha.

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4 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

So, wait, Lawrence was on one the entire 5 years they were together (not paying for anything) or did they just hit a rough patch where he was temporarily broke due to unemployment?

I always assumed Lawrence had been working in tech and was laid off. He was definitely on unemployment; he met Tasha at the bank cashing his unemployment checks. And he didn't appear to be coming into his new/current position with no experience - he wanted to work in the computer department at Best Buy because of his background in tech, and he at least sounded like he knew what he was talking about in his interview. When Issa said he looked like he was going to pay for Condola and Issa never got that I was like " ... He never paid for anything? In five years?" 

I went on like three dates with a man who was very recently divorced and it was so clear that I was giving him dating lessons. They didn't even feel like dates; they felt like lessons. Not quite the same as Issa, but I knew what she meant.

2 hours ago, DearEvette said:

I mean, Molly is a lawyer and Kelli is an accountant, so he is used to hanging around professionally educated people.

Lawrence is a Georgetown alum (I remember the cop called that out when he got pulled over) - he IS a professionally educated person. And I think Issa went to college too, she just went in a lower-paying direction. But I agree, Condola and her friends do seem stuffier than Issa and her friends and Lawrence's boys.

Condola's nun shorts set she wore to Thanksgiving was horrible. I didn't like Lawrence's shirt, and I didn't like Molly's top - it was doing too much and it looked heavy and awkward to wear.

5 hours ago, mrsbagnet said:

Is this the first time we've seen Issa's mom?

Yes, that was Wendy Raquel Robinson, who has been around since at least the 90s.

8 hours ago, rozen said:

I'm sorry, but I can totally understand not wanting to have an emotionally draining argument with a practicing lawyer on Thanksgiving.

When Issa and Molly were in the store and realized they were having issues and set a  time to talk at Thanksgiving, I thought "Why can't y'all talk now?" Maybe not in the store, but bag up the groceries and go to somebody's house, unpack them, and talk. It felt like a weird thing to schedule.

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45 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

When Issa said he looked like he was going to pay for Condola and Issa never got that I was like " ... He never paid for anything? In five years?" 

I'm kind of wondering if they were a couple who sort of split costs because they were equally broke whereas now that he makes more money, he doesn't feel the need to sweat paying for two meals.

I remember when we met Lawrence, he wanted to develop an app and work for himself.  He was letting his idea of the perfect job be the enemy of a making a living. 

Edited by Irlandesa
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8 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

I remember when we met Lawrence, he wanted to develop an app and work for himself.  He was letting his idea of the perfect job be the enemy of a making a living. 

Yeah, he thought about turning down his current job and going after his app because being hired for his current job gave him a confidence boost, and Issa looked like " ... I am not about to go through this shit again." Which: fair.

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18 hours ago, DearEvette said:

I usually love Molly's wardrobe but that top looked needlessly complicated.  It looked uncomfortable and heavy and way too much fabric.

This is pretty much how I feel about Molly as a friend. Half of the top was nice. The mismatched, excessive other half ruined it.

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Lawrence I'm so tired of you lol. A year or less is not near enough to get over a 5 year relationship. He keeps thinking he needs to mold himself into whoever he's dating at that moment which won't make him happy in the long term. Condola has her crap together but she's made a conscious decision to keep seeing him so she's going to get burned, she can do better than him. Broken Lawrence is still broken - doesn't know what he wants and doesn't know how to ask for it.

I'm really hoping the show won't push Issa and Lawrence back together - he had the opportunity to reconcile with Issa when they laid their cards on the table in Season 2 but his pride told him he needed to move on. I don't completely agree with Issa saying that she had the 'work in progress' Lawrence....their relationship ended because there was no work (or communication) put in to begin with after years of complacency and she only realized that fact after she cheated on him. At the same time, Lawrence did a smooth job of giving Issa the impression that he has it all together at the baby shower so I'm not surprised she thinks he's a "new and improved" Lawrence, though the audience knows otherwise.

They both need more time apart to know what they actually want - right now it's all nostalgia and familiarity. There's no guarantee that their relationship would work now when they're still at the maturing stage (emotionally).  They were able to end that chapter of their lives on amicable terms without hating each other and that's the best she could hope for - that's where it should stay.

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When we met Lawrence in Season 1, he was unemployed and sitting on Issa's bouch. Remember he didn't get anything for Issa's birthday? That was Year 5.  Then he met Tasha with his unemployment checks, got a job at Best Buy, moved on to the tech firm. He's been dusty.

I like the idea of Lawrence getting the Tasha treatment.  Has he even asked Condola about the state of their relationship? He seems to be surprised that the feelings aren't as deep on her side. He couldn't figure out if he was the boyfriend or just dick? Is he seeing this as more serious than it actually is? 

Edited by Stardancer Supreme
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If he's just a dick to Condola, then she's messier than we think.  The only reason I can imagine her continuing to date him while also continuing to work with Issa is if she really wants to be a part of his life.

If it's just a fling, why mess with that potential drama?

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3 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

If he's just a dick to Condola, then she's messier than we think.  The only reason I can imagine her continuing to date him while also continuing to work with Issa is if she really wants to be a part of his life.

If it's just a fling, why mess with that potential drama?

I wouldn't call Condola messy for just wanting to have a fling with Lawrence. Her business relationship with Issa slightly predates this thing with Lawrence.  Plus she's newly divorced; did we know that before her friend told us? She is clearly not dating for a relationship. She is getting her groove back!

Lawrence did the same thing to Tasha and nobody said that was messy when she realized she was just a rebound. 

Double standards are bothersome.

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5 minutes ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

Double standards are bothersome.

I don't think wanting to have a fling is what makes her messy. I fully applaud that.

What makes her messy is choosing to have that fling with her new friend's ex.  She knew it was awkward which is why she stepped back a bit when she learned about it. If it's just a fling with no emotional involvement, why choose potential drama and awkwardness by continuing it?

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13 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

Relatable content :said in Fran's voice from the InsecuriTea's podcast: I felt that line and that whole scene so much I watched it twice. I went through the same thing, so that line hit me square in my chest.

Yeah, I wasn't feeling Lawrence's shirt. It was too busy. Maybe if the colors were inverted it may have been better, but it just looked like too much. I liked Condola's outfit from the top, but the shorts were no. It was like an outfit mullet. Business on top, party in the bottom. 

Oh, great observation! I didn't even think about him getting Tasha'd. I got his concern about whether or not he's just a rebound; especially considering that Condola pointed out that Lawrence invited himself to friendsgiving, but it was strange to ask him if he would've still been with Issa if the cheating didn't happen. Considering he and Issa were looking at rings, the answer was definitely yes. 

So, wait, Lawrence was on one the entire 5 years they were together (not paying for anything) or did they just hit a rough patch where he was temporarily broke due to unemployment? What I thought did Issa and Lawrence relationship in was his lack of effort. She had to handle everything and he was just there. 

It's also interesting that history seems to be repeating with Lawrence's career. Take it from me, Lawrence, whenever you hear about corporate restructuring, start polishing up that resume and Linkedin profile and get an exit strategy going. It's only a matter of time before you get laid off. He should've asked Condola's friend if her tech company had any openings available. Gotta network, buddy. He already went through one layoff, so his antenna should've been up. 


10 hours ago, DearEvette said:

I don't know if I got the vibe they didn't like him necessarily.  But he just didn't quite fit in.  I mean, Molly is a lawyer and Kelli is an accountant, so he is used to hanging around professionally educated people.  But Condola's friends definitely have a different vibe.  Her friends feel more bourgie than his and Issa's pack.  I think they feel like 'grown folks' whereas Lawrence, Issa and their crew still seem to feel like they are just a few years out of college struggling to get their shit together.  Yes, even Molly sometimes.

I definitely felt like he was the new guy and they were judging him.  I wonder if we will ever see Condola's ex?  My money says he is the type of guy Molly was desperately looking for in S1.  In retrospect it feels like they were all coupled up and now here Lawrence is, a square peg and they are not quite sure what to make of him.  Is he her rebound?  Is he a long termer? 

I do think Condola maybe saw he wasn't quite a comfortable fit with her friends and that, added to the 'private jokes' scene she came upon between him and Issa, maybe  she is trying to craft an exit strategy and hence the passive-aggressive "you invited yourself' comment.  So yeah, Lawrence may just be a lowkey Tasha.

I think the issue with Lawrence is that he always feels like a bit of a passive character. Both Issa and Lawrence are good Betas that kind of need Alphas in their lives.

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Dress like a swap meet mannequin.

Molly's brother looked kind of like Tupac to me. If Tupac had grown six inches and gained 40 lbs.

Condola and Lawrence were wearing matching colors.

Interesting that Issa went for Mexican food after she made that crack about Molly's seven-layer dip. Avocadon't.

OMG, they're still looking for the lost Toyota. That's a car.


I usually love Molly's wardrobe but that top looked needlessly complicated.  It looked uncomfortable and heavy and way too much fabric.

Yes, as soon as I saw it I thought that top's extra fabric was so the maker/designer could charge more for it. I at least hope it's machine washable.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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2 hours ago, qtpye said:


I think the issue with Lawrence is that he always feels like a bit of a passive character. Both Issa and Lawrence are good Betas that kind of need Alphas in their lives.


I think I posted in one of last season's threads that Lawrence is the type of person who stuff happens to. He never means for things to happen, good or bad, they just do and then he either acquiesces to the good or moans and whines about the bad.

I love this because it's so true to life for some and because the characterization for him has always been consistent. Chad is a go getter. Condola is a go getter. Kelly is a go getter. Lawrence is an "I guess"-er. 

The only reason he got off Issa's couch is because she (and Tasha) encouraged him to. The only reason he took Tasha on a date is because Chad told him he should. The only reason he dated Aparna is because she pursued him. And on and on...

The only reason he and Condola had a convo about their relationship last night is because drunk lady made him think about his position. He knew from jump she was divorced so he could have BEEN asked her those questions but that's not his way. Bless his heart. And now he's gonna go sniffing back around Issa only because things with Condola are uncomfortable. 

Chad ain't shit but I'd date him over Lawrence any day.

Edited by ridethemaverick
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Lawrence never once picked up the check? In five years? Not even on her birthdays that he apparently forgot? No wonder that relationship went to shit. 

Issa and her brother were really fun together, them going out for Mexican together and laughing about family stuff was really sweet, and I loved the Mariachi Thanksgiving song! I totally get her feeling that she did all the work with Lawrence, while Condola is seemingly reaping the benefits of the work she did showing him how relationships are supposed to work. 

Lawrence being something of a rebound isn't that surprising, considering Condola is coming off a divorce, but he was clearly shocked at the idea that she might not be as serious about him as he is into her. Lawrence is generally such a passive person, just kind of letting stuff happen to him and staying in the same place and doing the same things even when its clearly run its course because its easier than putting in an effort, its interesting to see him actually making some efforts at work and with Condola. And even with that, its a sort of passive work, where he puts in a bit of effort, and then is confused when that doesn't give him everything he wants, be it a promotion or figuring out what his actual relationship status is with Condola. I also thought that he felt rather out of place at the Friendsgiving, and not just because they were new people and they were clearly taking stock of their friends new guy. While Issa and her crew are certainly professional and inchching towards grown up life, Condolas friends seemed a bit more on the bougie side and official grown up stage, while Issa and company are still kind of in the post college/first real job binge drinking stage. They seemed to think he was nice and funny, but they also didn't seem to take him very seriously and while the drunk woman was the only one that said it, they all probably saw him as the "post divorce fun" guy and not an actual serious boyfriend. 

I thought that Lawrence looking at everyone's Instagram stories was a clever way to tie all of the plots together, but that ending! No no no! Case Of My Ex was a perfect song to end on though.  

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On 4/26/2020 at 10:41 PM, Stardancer Supreme said:

I hope Tiffany goes into labor in the next episode. She's been pregnant 50 years.

And that "fake" pregnancy bump looks ridiculous. They always look so idiotic when the actress is still thin everywhere else. 

Why someone like Tiffany would even want a kid? Kids are incredibly demanding - selfish actually. Much like her. Isn't she worried about someone else hogging the spotlight?

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That line about how Molly's brother dressed like a swap meet mannequin had me dying!!  Whoever wrote that line knows what's up!  I was rolling!  Dang I love this show for that.  

Also, Molly and her mom side-eying the girl in lucite heels.  Dead! 💀

I'm glad Molly is making amends with her father.  He messed up, but time is so short with your parents and I feel like he knows that he lost some of her respect. 


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8 hours ago, Sam Spayaid said:

And that "fake" pregnancy bump looks ridiculous. They always look so idiotic when the actress is still thin everywhere else. 

Why someone like Tiffany would even want a kid? Kids are incredibly demanding - selfish actually. Much like her. Isn't she worried about someone else hogging the spotlight?

Tiffany is about "winning". She is the only one in the friend group married and having a kid  just put her more ahead (at least in her own mind). Her husband is dope, though.

7 hours ago, RealReality said:

That line about how Molly's brother dressed like a swap meet mannequin had me dying!!  Whoever wrote that line knows what's up!  I was rolling!  Dang I love this show for that.  

Also, Molly and her mom side-eying the girl in lucite heels.  Dead! 💀

I'm glad Molly is making amends with her father.  He messed up, but time is so short with your parents and I feel like he knows that he lost some of her respect. 


Were they trying to imply that Molly's brother's baby mama was a stripper?

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35 minutes ago, qtpye said:

Tiffany is about "winning". She is the only one in the friend group married and having a kid  just put her more ahead (at least in her own mind). Her husband is dope, though.

Were they trying to imply that Molly's brother's baby mama was a stripper?

Do they both have kids?  I'm not sure if she was a stripper or just the type of girl who thinks lucite heels are a good look for Thanksgiving dinner with your man's family.  Either way, classic sideeye!👀👀

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On 4/28/2020 at 11:21 PM, qtpye said:

Tiffany is about "winning". She is the only one in the friend group married and having a kid  just put her more ahead (at least in her own mind). Her husband is dope, though.

Were they trying to imply that Molly's brother's baby mama was a stripper?

I recall Molly mentioned to Quentin in Season 2 that one brother didn't have a driver's license while the other brother was married to a stripper who she thinks trapped him with a kid, so the heels were a callback. 

Edited by Eri
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For me, Thanksgiving is more of a family holiday than a food holiday so when Issa and Ahmal showed up at the Mexican restaurant after Stanley's gravy related accident, I was like NOW WE'RE TALKING! I'd much rather have a fat burrito than turkey (but I'm biased because I grew up in southern California).

Oof, when Issa said that the Lawrence she dated was the one with potential and Condola was reaping the benefits of Issa's patience and support, I really felt for her. Now it makes so much more sense why she's had these mixed feelings about Lawrence's new relationship. It's like the women who support their boyfriends through med school and then get dumped shortly after graduation. You put in all that time loving someone and encouraging them and working  while helping them achieve their dream and then there's some other woman on his arm when he finally gets to the other side.

It's telling that Issa told Molly everything was fine when she saw Lawrence and Condola together but when she brought it up with her brother, she told him the truth. I hope we get to see more of Issa and Ahmal together this season. Keisha with the alopecia!

I thought it was totally fine that Molly didn't invite Andrew and Condola didn't invite Lawrence to Thankgiving. They've only been dating a few months so I don't think it's necessary to participate in an event like that at this point in their relationships.

I disagree with the two actors during the wine down who don't want to stay friends with an ex. I have a different perspective because there are guys I dated who I was friends with before we started dating and we were friends after we stopped dating. I've also stayed friends with a few exes who I wasn't friends with before dating. I think if you have a good relationship, that doesn't have to end just because you aren't romantically involved. We were loving and supportive of each other, we have common interests, and in some cases we have mutual friends. Just because you stop having sex doesn't make all the other things go away. But that said, you can only truly be friends with an ex when neither of you have ulterior motives. If you're just hanging around in the hopes of getting back together, you aren't really being friends.

A+ for Case of the Ex at the end of the episode.

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16 minutes ago, Sam Spayaid said:

Is he ever!!! What the hell did a woman like her ever see in him?!!!

I want Issa's eyes and smile. Such a pretty woman!

And Molly's apartment. Damn!

Agreed....Issa is lovely.

I like the way that she is slowly gaining confidence in herself. Heck, maybe one day the title of the show will no longer be applicable to her at all.

Of course, all the characters are insecure in their own way, which is probably pretty realistic.

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On 4/28/2020 at 1:40 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Molly's brother looked kind of like Tupac to me. If Tupac had grown six inches and gained 40 lbs.

and gotten better-looking!  Do we know anything about this brother?  He seemed nice, normal, funny, caring, sensible...must be something wrong we haven't seen yet or that I don't remember! 

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