boes September 4, 2024 Share September 4, 2024 (edited) 15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said: Gah, I hate how clueless Lily is being right now. Nikki and Victor are straight up tag-teaming her and she thinks she's got Neil's hallowed memory to protect her. Giirrrlll. I'm hoping that Lily is playing Victor and Nikki as hard as they're playing her, going up against Billy and at the same time, hoping to best Victor and Nikki and snatch the kill away from them after they take down Billy. I'm hoping against hope that she's not such a naif as to believe Victor, or Nikki, will actually give her interests any real weight, in spite of all of their tin-plated, phony laments over Katherine and Neil. She should also remember quite well the many times Victor crapped all over Neil. I know it's unlikely to work out this way, considering the storylines Josh Griffith has given us so far, but I hope that with Lily, this time, still waters are running deep. It's been suggested that she and Billy are in this together, but I can't see that. Billy is just too idiotic and ego driven and for him to be able to play this through to the end without messing it up would be too big a rewrite for the character to be anywhere near believable. Marchetti Z is going to be big hit, isn't it? Just as big as Jaboutiques turned out to be. Lauren, Chloe, Summer and Sally are less a Dream Team and more a Nightmare Alley. I'd be fine if somehow Connor managed to get both his parents admitted to a facility against their will, as long as that facility was far, far away, and for a long, long time. Adam and Chelsea are almost as played out as Victor and Nikki are. Edited September 4, 2024 by boes 2 2 5 1 Link to comment
ScoobieDoobs September 4, 2024 Share September 4, 2024 So Lauren turns around & that one-shoulder thingie (and just when isn't she wearing a one-shoulder thingie?) is backless! Wait, what the what? And why is her hair ten thousand colors? Yes it is, I counted! To be sure to clash with the orange color of the backless, one-shoulder thingie? Oh, but Lauren owns & runs a department store (they still exist?) so she's way stylish. Yeah, right. I know, Chloe, you can't help yourself, right, hun? We know you're an asshole thru & thru & so does Sally. Even she knew not to expect any sympathy from you when she's at her lowest point, but you sure are predictable & dependable to sling a snarky crack at her & then say you "love her" and think that offsets the sting of your thoughtless cruelty. Chloe, go away, you low-life. Yech. Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but me thinks Lils is heading for a downfall (like Traci with Dead Martin). The writers seem to hate Lily as much as Traci -- both perennial victims. Traci, I feel a bit sorry for, but Lilly? Uh, no. Trust Vic at your own peril. Kyle & Audra were both idiots & fools & now so is Lily. Billy is behaving like a loon in front of Chance. First threatening him, then sorta begging him to stay at the company, & then acting belligerent & paranoid. How can anyone work with someone like this? Nobody can. Run, Chance, run. 5 2 3 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins September 4, 2024 Share September 4, 2024 Why can’t Adam stop lying? He lies like it’s an involuntary bodily function. It’s a compulsion like Nick asking people to pull his finger or Phyllis circling above roadkill. What even was the point of Adam telling Sally that his dick diving with Chelsea was about love? Pointless cruelty? Where the fuck is this coming from? I know no one has asked for it, and if you have, please don’t tell me. Adam has been 100% into Sally for some time now. Chelsea doesn’t seem into it. By the by, Josh Griffith, watching The Outsiders together does not a deep and meaningful connection make. Lazy, unoriginal try-hard dipshit. I am glad to be back in the comfort zone of Billy going full metal Buttbiscuit. I’d forgive him a lot if he knocked Victor flat on his ass the next time he called him “Billy Boy”. Chance needs to haul ass back to detective work, because the man can read people. He sees Billy quite clearly for the arrogant, impulsive bullshitter he is. Man, he is good. Stop wasting all those smarts and looks on Summer. 1 5 3 1 Link to comment
Denize September 4, 2024 Share September 4, 2024 (edited) Did Chance inherit anything from Katherine? Perhaps he could join with Lily and do an end-run around Victor & Billy for control of Abbottless Chancellor Industries, making Katherine & Neil's dreams come true without Nikki. Edited September 4, 2024 by Denize 3 3 2 2 Link to comment
MollyB September 4, 2024 Share September 4, 2024 4 hours ago, Denize said: Perhaps he could join with Lily I'd like to see them get together. Personally, I think they would make a very nice looking and energetic couple. And he needs someone who is not an airhead on his arm. Too much to ask for? 7 2 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu September 4, 2024 Share September 4, 2024 Sure hope Billy is nearing the peak of his manic phase. He's exhausting to watch. Chance's pointy-toed shoes. Are those what the well-dressed man is wearing these days? I blame Summer since she chose his corporate wardrobe for him. Lucy was already out of the hospital and revving up her brat engines, but Faith remained bedridden. Grrr. It seemed like Heather and Daniel were handling Lucy with kid gloves. (😏) Meh, they could miss me with all that ish. Lucy shouldn't have been allowed enjoy yummy refreshments at the coffeehouse. Phyllis, it's going to take more than a raggedy teddy bear to keep Sharon from going toxic avenger on your boozehead grandkid and/or her useless parents. If you were any more transparent you'd have "Saran Wrap" stamped on your forehead. Gosh, Katie resembles Lily so much to me. It's uncanny. Billy: your cell phone's airplane mode. Look into it. Chance, if Billy tries to fire you, AFAIC it'll be time to play the "I'm Phillip Chancellor IV" card. The card where you're the direct descendant of the company's original owner and he's not. You could wreck his world on social media. What are high school applications and why would Katie need or care about them? Anyhoo, she's a member of two powerful families in GC. Grandpa Victor could buy her hockey team and simply make Katie its captain. Easy peasy. 😉 Okay, Lucy's dim bulb mommy and daddy finally brought the punishment hammer down on her. Bravo. However, I still want Sharon to call CPS on them. As a licensed therapist, isn't she legally required to report a drunk child? 6 3 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie September 4, 2024 Share September 4, 2024 (edited) 52 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said: Okay, Lucy's dim bulb mommy and daddy finally brought the punishment hammer down on her. Bravo. However, I still want Sharon to call CPS on them. As a licensed therapist, isn't she legally required to report a drunk child? And I would have grounded her for a year. Doesn't she take classes? Honestly, would have grounded her for the full year and take classes on line. Most colleges have online courses. i would have because, when it comes to safety, I take it very seriously. If someone were injured while she was driving, the victim could have sued them for every cent they were worth.{I went to the Judge Judy School for Lawyers.} And did they say she should go to AA and learn from others' mistakes? No shit, I take driving while impaired be should considered attempted depraved indifferent homicide Edited September 4, 2024 by One Tough Cookie 5 3 Link to comment
ScoobieDoobs September 4, 2024 Share September 4, 2024 (edited) OK, first off, hard to take ya seriously, Heather, when you're channeling Olivia Newton John in Grease from 1978- And btw, Heather, treating your Bad Seed alcoholic teen like you're a lawyer in court, peppered with lawyer-speak ain't gonna end well, hun. Ah, time to drag out all of GC's low-life creeps, eh, show? Yesterday, it was Chloe, and today, Phyllis had to show up at Faith's hospital bed -- and with a gift perfect for a toddler, but totally useless to a recuperating adult. Welp, if eyes could shoot daggers, Sharon woulda had Phyllis dead on the floor of the ER. And why is Faith still in ER? Wouldn't she have been transferred to a room by now? Oh yeah, show's cheapie budget in play. Just like that teeny office Billy now uses, that apparently is the only office set for Chancellor. Sorry Billy, I ain't adding the Abbott name. And was Summer especially idiotic today? Her presence added zilch to the Lucy (supposed) beatdown meeting. Yeah, Summer -- having Lucy write a letter is sure to keep her from drinking & bumping off GC'ers. And why were they holding Lucy's punishment meeting in public, rather than in their home? Cuz they're morons & shit parents, that's why. And cheapie budget too? On another note, yet another backless outfit spotting -- yesterday, it was Lauren flashing us her naked back, and today it was Phyllis. What is with this? Off the shoulder numbers & now backless too? In September, in the Midwest, over-50 GC women are expected to go shoulder-less, backless & always sport hair extensions? OK then, at least Traci doesn't follow this, but ya never know . . . Edited September 4, 2024 by ScoobieDoobs 6 1 3 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie September 4, 2024 Share September 4, 2024 10 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said: Ah, time to drag out all of GC's low-life creeps, eh, show? Yesterday, it was Chloe, and today, Phyllis had to show up at Faith's hospital bed -- and with a gift perfect for a toddler, but totally useless to a recuperating adult At least w didn't ' have to suffer from Danny Romati. 2 1 1 4 Link to comment
Waldo13 September 5, 2024 Share September 5, 2024 Phillis🕷️, bringing a teddy bear to cheer up a 21 year old girl is a great idea. Yeah right! Even Lucy is a little old for a teddy bear. Maybe they should allow Lucy and Katie become good friends. They both seem to be ❄️❄️ in training. Summer❄️x5 has not only reduced her ❄️ score she has become an expert on parenting. (Not) 3 4 Link to comment
Sake614 September 5, 2024 Share September 5, 2024 46 minutes ago, boes said: do it all in a herringbone Esecutive speedo. Okay who do I have to pay to make this happen? 1 1 7 Link to comment
ScoobieDoobs September 5, 2024 Share September 5, 2024 Ah, so we got our first glimpse today of Billy's swell management style. Screaming into his phone & barking out orders in a condescending, insulting & disrespectful manner. Oh yes, Billy, that'll go down so effectively to lead the Chancellor troops, eh? For what? Six seconds? At least he didn't say, "Ugotthat", or did he? And wait, did I hear correctly? Did he ask if Chance was gonna apologize to him? For what exactly? For calling him out on his generally loony behavior & assholery? I am mildly curious what Chance's next step is -- other than telling Billy to fuck off & walk outta that teeny office. And why is Summer so nauseatingly happy? She didn't spend all day in bed with Chance -- then I could understand her rainbows & sunshine mood. Eh, whatevs, happy or sad or pouty . . . she's every bit as awful as Mommie Dearest. 3 2 3 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins September 5, 2024 Share September 5, 2024 Hey, Phyllis, what in the fucking psychotic hell are you doing at the hospital? You don’t belong there, in polite society or even on planet Earth. We all see you clear as day, as obvious as if you were showing off your inflamed red baboon buttocks on an IMAX screen. Nick, dull-witted dog man, doesn’t have the sense nature gave a carrot and fails to tell you to GTFO. Someone is actually to blame, dipshit. I hope when Sharon snaps, she beats the brakes off Phyllis witn a halibut. Does Billy have a knock off phone with no power button, no way to mute the ringer volume and no airplane mode? Not that Katie had anything worthwhile to say, but listening to her dad yell and berate people is not a fun lunch. Billy is really dialed in to that Buttbiscuit frequency and is aiming to go out in a blaze of incompetence and ego. He’s still planning that dumbass launch party! Idiot. I’ve kind of had my fill, though, of everyone on this show blubbering on about legacies. Hey, douchebags, corporations are soulless entities that exist to make money; you’re not brokering world peace, feeding the hungry or mitigating environmental damage. Get over yourselves. It’s nice, I guess, that everyone wants to keep an extremely rich person’s private concern generating profits long after their passing, but quit acting like it’s some noble quest. Jerks like Nick and Billy get handed executive suite jobs based solely on their legacy status, so maybe shut up already and stop calling attention to what unqualified twits you are. 4 3 4 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie September 5, 2024 Share September 5, 2024 14 hours ago, Sake614 said: do it all in a herringbone Esecutive speedo. I'll take one for the team 1 6 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins September 5, 2024 Share September 5, 2024 Dear Billy Abbott; I just don’t know how to make my daughter understand the gravity of her poor decisions. Stealing liquor from a local bar, guzzling it in the park and manipulating the object of her obsession into rescuing her all led to a car crash. Her mother and I sprung her from the hospital, bought her a four foot tall plush giraffe from the gift shop, stopped in at Crimson Lights where we treated her to a large latte, brookie sundae and butterscotch biscotti, and then we brought the hammer down. She’s going to pay a hefty fine, do community service and defer driver’s ed for an extra year. When she finally gets her license, we’ll be getting her a USED Mini Cooper instead of the Porsche 911 she wants. She sat there, sighing and rolling her eyes, saying sorry but not really meaning it. I see a lot of my mother in her. My sister, a true, certified asshole thinks I’m being too lenient. I could use your perspective. Daniel Dadalotti Dear Daniel, Why not bring Lucy by ABBOTT - Chancellor so I can look her in the eye and gauge exactly how remorseful she is. You can proceed from there. I have that gift you know - determining via eye contact whether or not someone is on the precipice of betrayal. Are you going to betray me, Danny boy? It’s apparently the hippest thing going in Genoa City. I will wreck your ass with my boat shoes if this is some kind of conspiracy. If you’re on the level though, here’s a radical idea: we’ll trade daughters for a month. Lucy will experience Buttbiscuit Parenting Boot Camp, which I can assure you will scare the bratty teenager out of her. You can sort out Katie’s field hockey bullshit, which requires the type of parenting skills you almost have. Seriously, bro, you and your lady are shit parents. Absolute shit. Good luck! 2 2 5 2 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie September 5, 2024 Share September 5, 2024 2 hours ago, MollyB said: 17 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said: And why is Summer so nauseatingly happy? Because she wore out her welcome with all the people she has been bitching/whining at and is sick of stirring shit. It gets old to whine to people who keep telling you you're the problem and to compromise when all you want to do is cause trouble. So now she's going to impress everyone with her maturity and thank Chance repeatedly for directing her to the light. Hope he sees the light very, very soon. In a speedo I dare say you be happy too if you were banging Chance, ah, yes a girl can dream..... 2 6 1 Link to comment
Waldo13 September 5, 2024 Share September 5, 2024 I would imagine that Billy👃’s nose is larger than his pick but he tries to prove otherwise. Good move Chance by demanding to be CO-CEO. Flirting between Kyle and Claire/Eve is heating up. I expect some bedtime is on sooner rather than later. 5 2 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu September 5, 2024 Share September 5, 2024 Claire, I see you and your stray eyelash maneuver with Kyle. Not subtle, hon. How much did I love watching Chance square up to tell Billy off? THIS MUCH!!!!!! Well, now Lily has also informed Jack she'd been fired from A-C. She's lining up all the big guns against Billy. Yay? Billy told Chance he doesn't trust anybody. I'm thinking, A) life must be pretty scary in Billy's world; and, B) could all this be due to Chelsea cheating on Billy with his worst enemy? Chance said he was concerned he might end up as Billy's collateral damage, just like Lily, Devon, and Nate. Um, Chance. You, Lily, Devon, and Nate? One of those things is not like the others. Just sayin'. 😈 Okay, Chance mentioned he had spoken to Grandma Jill about Uncle Billy's bad CEO behavior. About time someone did. The way Claire was working Kyle was amazing to me. On the one hand she gushed about how much she loves taking care of Harrison. But then Claire let Kyle know she could skip over to NE for a corporate position with Nikki whenever she wants. So Kyle couldn't help but act grateful to Claire for chosing to stay on as the nanny. Ugh, Nikki and Victor continued to make me sick at the way they were utterly dismissive of Lily. Hey you two, Lily's not in over her head, she's just mistakenly relying on vile people to have her best interests at heart. Wait, Chance was asking Billy to let him be co-CEO? Asking? What world is this? William! How dare you dismiss Jack from your office! I hope he tosses his pocket hankie in your face and challenges you to a duel at ten paces. Harrumph. 5 1 2 2 Link to comment
boes September 5, 2024 Share September 5, 2024 (edited) 2 hours ago, Sake614 said: Kyle, just bang the nanny already. Lord knows you’ve been eye fucking her for months, might as well just do it. But Claire's made out of spun sugar, rainbows and unicorn farts and Kyle's constructed from hair gel, pomade and hemorrhoid cream, it'll never work. Edited September 5, 2024 by boes 1 14 Link to comment
Chatty Cake September 5, 2024 Share September 5, 2024 Chance grew a pair, good for him. Billy should grab this one lifeline. Did Lily really think Victor would take over Chancellor, make her CEO and not want anything in return? What a fool. 8 2 2 Link to comment
surfgirl September 6, 2024 Share September 6, 2024 (edited) 2 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said: I thought Claire and Kyle were creepy as hell yet somehow also excruciatingly dull and pointless. The cloying conversations about Harrison interspersed with the heatless flirting just kept going in tedious, repetitive circles. They have all the fire of a polar bear’s taint. Let it go, show - just let it go It's like watching two dogs dry hump each other while looking at other dogs having a better time off in the distance. Edited September 6, 2024 by surfgirl 1 11 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins September 6, 2024 Share September 6, 2024 9 hours ago, surfgirl said: It's like watching two dogs dry hump each other while looking at other dogs having a better time off in the distance 8 hours ago, boes said: With every deft verbal jab from Chance, all ButtBiscuit managed to do was sweat till his wizened apple doll cheeks glowed and his chest caved in on itself. Excuse me, folks. Did I take a wrong turn and end up at a meeting of poet laureates? 2 2 7 1 Link to comment
MollyB September 6, 2024 Share September 6, 2024 10 hours ago, boes said: How can the glory that is Chance be wasted on Dummer in her Lil' Executive hot pants outfit? Criminal, that's what it is! He'd go a lot better with Lily, although she is very close to earning her Airhead Badge if she buys any of the horseshite that Viktor is slinging. 13 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said: Now, Chance fighting off Mr. & Mrs. Satan? That I'd like to see . . . Me, too. It could go very well since Chance doesn't have that sentimental connection with Viktor that everyone else does about Catherine and Neil. He's all in for his Granny Jill and the part of the company with his name on it (which is all of it, right?). And, WTF? Why hasn't Jill called Billy out and freakin' fired him? 7 1 2 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu September 6, 2024 Share September 6, 2024 Claire as the voice of reason in the troubled situation between Kyle and his parents. Okay. Not sure why Nikki and Victor were breathing down Nick's neck about Sharon's loopiness. He's not responsible for monitoring Sharon's mental state. Whoa, Heather! Have you met Sharon before? Throwing attitude at her is definitely not the way you want to go. There are so many ways crazypants Sharon could eff up your life. Jack apologized, yet Kyle still had a stick up his nepo baby behind because of the way he feels he's been wronged. Sigh. Sharon, Faith is a grown@$$ woman. You can't keep anyone away from her. Not unless you hold her captive and keep her from communicating with the outside world. Loved the "fcuk around and find out" look Sharon shot Heather as she stomped out of Daniel's apartment. Sharon is nucking futz but I am here for her mama bear energy. Forget taking a vacation to Portugal, Heather. You, Lucy, and Daniel ought to pack up and move back there. Go. Now. 😈 Lucy has been grounded less than 24 hours but never mind, her parents decided the next great move was to treat Lucy to a fabulous dinner at Society. WTAF. Wow, Diane. Disingenuous much? You know exactly why Kyle is done with you, and what you need to do to fix it. Shut up. I'm with Sharon. After everything's that's happened, Lucy was out of line asking to speak to Faith alone. But her useless parents stood there twiddling their thumbs and let Lucy's behavior go unchecked. IMO Lucy will never leave Faith alone as long as she doesn't have to. Re the previews: lol, Billy. You cannot seriously think Chance is scared of you. Idiot. 2 4 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie September 6, 2024 Share September 6, 2024 28 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said: But her useless parents stood there twiddling their thumbs and let Lucy's behavior go unchecked. AND, they took her out to dinner. Some parenting, 1 1 2 Link to comment
Sake614 September 6, 2024 Share September 6, 2024 30 minutes ago, One Tough Cookie said: AND, they took her out to dinner. Some parenting, Well no one in GC cooks and they have to eat. But Daniel and Heather just got done saying they need to give Sharon a wide berth, yet when they see her at society, Daniel says ‘it’ll be okay’ and proceeds to stop at the table to say hello? 1 6 1 1 Link to comment
Waldo13 September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 So the car is done for. I guess Nick will buy Faith a new car like he did for Summer❄️x5 when she ran Adam and Chelsea off the road resulting in Chelsea’s miscarriage. Wasn’t Lucy just 13 years old? Now she’s 16 years old if she’s going for her drivers license. I don’t get how the monkeys with a keyboard write without regard for a previous scene. How would Diane know that Kyle didn’t mention her about healing their differences. Diane, is CO-CEO more important to you than your son? What could have been an easy fix would have been to step down and reinstall Kyle as CO-CEO. This probably won’t help now. 3 1 Link to comment
Peppermint September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 (edited) Is all of Genoa City commerce and social activity controlled by Ouija Boards ?? "Would Katherine approve of this relationship ??"...."Would Neil greenlight this merger ??"...on and on and on....The Noble Neil this, My Dear Katherine that....That pair should come down from on high in chariots of fire, wielding thunderbolts, cleansing GC of idiots and posers. Genoa City WI Pop 0.....Ooopppsss. For @One Tough Cookie 's sake I will have allowed Chance to have recently moved to MooseLick WI. Edited September 7, 2024 by Peppermint compassion 2 6 1 Link to comment
boes September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 6 hours ago, Sake614 said: But Daniel and Heather just got done saying they need to give Sharon a wide berth, yet when they see her at society, Daniel says ‘it’ll be okay’ and proceeds to stop at the table to say hello? This. Those two boneheads JUST breathed a sigh of relief getting Sharon out of their apartment, telling each other the best thing was to steer clear of Sharon and then they decide to do a meet and greet at the restaurant AND let Lucy try to inject herself into Faith's life once again. Sharon may not be always present in this dimension, but I'm totally on Team Sharon with these nudnicks. Poor Faith didn't even get her empanadas...... Nikki..... she's a walking advertisement for prunes do a body good. Except in her case, constipation seems to be chronic. She puts that utterly insipid grimace on her face but then, when attention is elsewhere, she looks like a jar of pickle juice gone rancid. Give me Drinki over Nikki any day of the week. Just as Katherine and Neil would want, blessed be their vodka bottles. As for Kyle, enough is enough. Jack needs to put that putz over his knee and give him a good spanking. Unless, of course, that's the next step in his and Claire's ruuumanse. 2 8 1 Link to comment
ScoobieDoobs September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 (edited) You know, fuck off, Heather, with your fake, bullshit "sympathy" for Sharon & what she's been thru, losing Cassie. Heather's pissy attitude really bugged me. Sharon shoulda belted her. Oh, but of course, she & Daniel the Dickhead don't think Lucy was stalking Faith. She was just "persistent" in pursuing a friendship with her -- according to Heather, the fool. Ugh, these 2 . . . BLECH! Poor widdle Kyle. Poor you, Kyle. Growing up in such squalor musta been super hard, right? Yet another one who needs to fuck the fuck off. And take your wide-eyed, goopy nanny/girlfriend with you, Kyle. Aw, poor Diane. Your son hates you. Gee, wonder why, hun. Maybe cuz you faked your own death & abandoned him for years and years? Or maybe cuz you took the job he wanted at the family company & then fired him? Jeez, enough with the whining, Diane, cuz you could remedy this in 2 seconds by quitting the company & offering him the job back. So why ain't ya doin' that, Diane? Looking for sympathy from Jackie? Or you wanna accumulate as much dough as possible before Jackie finally realizes how horrible you are & kicks you out? What I'm not looking forward to is Phyllis acting all mama/grandma bear in response to Sharon hustling Faith outta that joint to avoid the gruesome threesome. Eh, please, just why did Lucy need to talk to Faith so badly? I don't think we've seen the last of trouble Ms. Stalker/Teen-Drunk is gonna cause. And her shit parents are clearly useless to stop her. Yeesh. Edited September 8, 2024 by ScoobieDoobs 3 4 1 Link to comment
Sake614 September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 6 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said: Aw, poor Diane. Your son hates you. Gee, wonder why, hun. Maybe cuz you faked your own death & abandoned him for years and years? Or maybe cuz you took the job he wanted at the family company & then fired him? Jeez Kyle absolutely deserved everything he got re Jabot. He knew he wanted the job, and still told Jack to hire Diane. Yeah yeah, he didn’t think Jack would actually do it. He thinks he’s entitled to whatever he wants, whenever he wants it, and that’s on Jack too. But he tells Claire all he wants is an apology, Jack gives it to him and it still isn’t enough. He won’t be happy until he and he alone is at the head of Jabot. Maybe he and Billy should go into business together. They’re both petty, childish, entitled brats. 8 2 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 Dear Billy Abbott; I can’t even with this Sharon chick! She’s all pissy because our daughter’s underage drinking led to a little fender bender that injured her daughter. And, I suppose she’s a bit salty because my boyfriend’s underage drinking resulted in another daughter’s death. He’s sorry, okay? He can’t live his life wallowing in it. Sharon barged into our apartment, criticized our parenting and told us to keep our daughter away from her daughter. How are we supposed to do that? If someone wants to be friends with you, you have to just accept it. That’s how I made all of mine. We’re thinking about taking a family trip to Portugal, but it’s NOT a reward for our kid. It’s so we can hide like cowards, and Lucy will have to microwave a bowl of butter each day for my father’s attempt to slide out of his tight pockets. Just tonight, we took Lucy out to a nice supper, but not too nice! She could only order one mocktail and had to put her phone away during the main course. To wrap up this master class in parenting, we decided we’d adopt a puppy on the way home, but Lucy would NOT get to name it. Unfortunately Sharon and her family were there, and she objected strenuously to Lucy’s attempt to talk to Faith. We were just trying to be friendly and thought Sharon would be open to it. How can we get her to see we’re doing our best and that she needs to back off? Heather (I can’t think of anything witty to put here) Dear Heather; You and Daniel are straight up garbage people. As someone who could wear suits tailored from Hefty bags, I get to make that judgement. Game recognizes game, trash recognizes trash. Here’s my advice: buy one way tickets to Portugal and never drag your asses onto American soil again. Genoa City needs to open a second transfer station because of all the walking dumpster fires and diaper genies littering the streets. If you insist on staying and annoying the shit out of everyone, at least get your little stalker under control. Lucy doesn’t get it, so your job is to make her get it. Boundaries are a good thing, or so I’ve heard. Let me also suggest maneuvering Phyllis in between you and Sharon, so when Sharon snaps, your mother in law gets what’s coming to her. I’d say good luck, but I’d be lying. Dear Billy; You’ve done enough damage to the family name, so forgive me if I leave it off. I’ve had it up to my swoosh with my brother and son, who were apparently baked from the same buttbiscuit dough. They both blame me for their arrogant, entitled attitudes because I… well, because they feel pressured to prove something to me. I strive to be a decent person and set an example, but that seems to enrage them. Sometimes I end up trying to please everyone, which doesn’t really please anyone. My wife knows she’s the real reason our son is such a little piss baby, but I can’t make myself agree out loud because she’ll be crushed. Neither overgrown toddler will take the slightest responsibility for anything they do. Listen up - Victor Newman is coming for you both, and you could both stand to benefit from my experience with vampire hunting. You think it’s just some stake swinging contest, but mark my words, when you’re both in the two-bed hospital getting transfusions and surgeries to remove splinters from unspeakable places, you’ll see. Jack Abbott (I get it to use it, bitch) Dear Jack, It may surprise you to learn that I agree about Kyle - that fool is dancing on Victor’s puppet strings, pursuing another romantic relationship with sibling vibes and stomped all over Jabot with his giant clown shoes until Diane closed down the circus tent. The way he sabotaged and shivved the co-CEO was appalling. His hand wasn’t forced the way mine was, surrounded by disloyal bastards pooping on my launch party and blinking out their coup plans to each other in Morse code. That idiot nephew of mine cried as hard as you did because I shitcanned Lily. Then he had the titanium tangerines to demand I make him my co-CEO! I will NOT be outhandsomed in my own C-suite. Also, I can handle Victor with one hand tied behind my back and one nostril packed with styrofoam.You know why I get all dickish with you? Sure, you try to be a role model with your hard work and empathy and civility. Don’t you see? Those things don’t fit my lifestyle and you keep pushing them on me. Life should be an easy, breezy cruise on the sea of money our father earned. How dare you question my use of MY name again, btw. I’m legally changing my name to Abbott Abbott just to spite you. Ha ha! 3 2 5 1 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 On 9/5/2024 at 7:35 PM, Joimiaroxeu said: The way Claire was working Kyle was amazing to me. On the one hand she gushed about how much she loves taking care of Harrison. But then Claire let Kyle know she could skip over to NE for a corporate position with Nikki whenever she wants. So Kyle couldn't help but act grateful to Claire for chosing to stay on as the nanny What ever happened to the go getter who graduated from Wharton Business? Did she major in butterflies? 15 hours ago, Waldo13 said: . Diane, is looking fabulous. I'm jealous 3 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said: Then he had the titanium tangerines Don't you mean grapes?? 6 Link to comment
surfgirl September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 3 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said: I will NOT be outhandsomed in my own C-suite. Best line of the week! 2 4 4 Link to comment
Kemper September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 I think both Faith and Sharon should take out restraining orders against Lucy. Well, at least Faith should. If that doesn't knock some sense into those half-assed moronic parents of hers...I don't know what will. I get twitchy whenever Heather appears. Or Phyllis. Or Claire. Or Cameron. 8 1 2 Link to comment
Js Nana September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 On 8/29/2024 at 8:25 PM, Waldo13 said: Actually it is Faith’s fault for distracted driving. Everyone, and their brother, is blaming Lucy for the accident, and her father is apologizing to everyone for the accident, when she wasn't the one driving, Faith was, and it was Faith who, rather than waiting for a safe place to pull over like everyone is taught about good driving habits, took her eyes off the road to reach around in the back seat for a towel - in a real life situation like that, try telling the cops that the accident wasn't your fault because your passenger threw up in the car and you started rummaging around in the back seat for a towel rather than waiting for a safe place to pull over. 8 1 Link to comment
boes September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 1 hour ago, Js Nana said: Everyone, and their brother, is blaming Lucy for the accident, and her father is apologizing to everyone for the accident She may not be responsible for the accident, but she surely is responsible for the situation that led to the accident. 7 1 2 2 Link to comment
Js Nana September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 17 minutes ago, boes said: she surely is responsible for the situation that led to the accident. The person responsible for the accident is the person who was driving the car - you could, of course, say that the only reason that Faith was driving her car at that time on that day was because she was doing Lucy a favor, but any driver who takes their eyes off the road looking for a towel in the back seat is not practicing good driving habits. 4 1 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 3 hours ago, MollyB said: Couldn't agree more. I think Jack should put all Vyle's shite on the front lawn and set it on fire. And while Kid Pomp is outside trying to stomp out the flames, change the locks on the doors Who do I send money to in order to make this scene happen? I needs it. 3 hours ago, MollyB said: Alliteration be damned. Not on my watch. I will accept platinum pears, adamantium apples and brass bananas though. I don’t think enough attention is being paid to Lucy’s theft of alcohol from a bar. How the fuck did she pull that off? 6 5 Link to comment
MollyB September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 1 hour ago, NinjaPenguins said: I don’t think enough attention is being paid to Lucy’s theft of alcohol from a bar. How the fuck did she pull that off? Given that there are only three bars in town and we very rarely see the barkeeps in GCAC and Jazz Lounge, even when a new customer sits down, then I think it would be easy for her to walk behind the bar and help herself. Society would have been a little trickier because we see that bartender a lot. Not going to count the Sleaze Bar that was Jordan's hangout since we haven't seen anything that leads us to believe Loosey knew about it. However, I don't believe she stole it from a bar since, as I pointed out before, no bar would stock pint bottles of liquor. (Maybe specialty liqueurs but not cheapo vodka) And the bottle does look exactly like the one she took to the concert. Continuity people, where are you? 6 2 1 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 (edited) 5 hours ago, MollyB said: And while Kid Pomp is outside trying to stomp out the flames, change the locks on the doors. His hair flam 5 hours ago, MollyB said: Alliteration be damned. Grapefruit! We're talking about Chansome her es up from all the hair products uses MY BAD--I THOUGHT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT KYLE!!!!! Edited September 7, 2024 by One Tough Cookie 4 Link to comment
MollyB September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 (edited) 1 hour ago, NinjaPenguins said: Not on my watch. I will accept platinum pears, adamantium apples and brass bananas though. Massive Mangoes? Oh, and send all contributions for the Flaming Bouffant to MollyB c/o Edited September 7, 2024 by MollyB 2 6 2 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 Just now, MollyB said: Massive Mangoes? I think you won the internet today with that! 3 1 3 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie September 7, 2024 Share September 7, 2024 1 hour ago, MollyB said: Oh, and send all contributions for the Flaming Bouffant to MollyB c/o This would make a great bumper sticker! 5 Link to comment
Denize September 8, 2024 Share September 8, 2024 8 hours ago, Js Nana said: Everyone, and their brother, is blaming Lucy for the accident, and her father is apologizing to everyone for the accident, when she wasn't the one driving, Faith was, It is reminiscent of everyone blaming Daniel for Cassie's death even though he had the sense not to drive and was sleeping it off when 14-yr old Cassie chose to drive in platform shoes with no license or driving lessons. 5 2 Link to comment
surfgirl September 8, 2024 Share September 8, 2024 (edited) I don't have a horse in this race, I just loathe Daniel for countless reasons, and I loathe his offspring for just as many reasons. They can both fuck off to Portugal ASAP. I'm not interested in seeing Sharon lose her shit and almost kill one of them, nor am I interested I seeing Lucy go full bat shit crazy and harm Faith or Sharon. Basically all things connected with that fetid praying mantis, Big Red, are a pariah and can leave Show forever and I'd be happy. I'm looking at YOU: Syph, Daniel, Lucy, Heather, and Dummer. ETA: I fully blame Lucy for everything. Edited September 8, 2024 by surfgirl 4 2 3 Link to comment
ScoobieDoobs September 8, 2024 Share September 8, 2024 (edited) Well, nobody has said (even Sharon) that Lucy is directly responsible for the accident. Sharon coulda stressed to those 2 morons that if Lucy's in trouble, she should be calling them. And why don't they see that as a problem, when she was in trouble, she called Faith & not them? Instead, Heather, the big asshole, just stupidly said Lucy was merely doing what "millions" of kids do. Er, huh? Loved how sympathetic Vic was. He was concerned about Nick being taken in by Sharon's "ups & downs". Real nice. Oh, and he said this while Mrs. Satan looked her nose down, giving a mocking grin. Yech. Being sober has turned her into an especially vile character, eh? Edited September 8, 2024 by ScoobieDoobs 3 6 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins September 8, 2024 Share September 8, 2024 Sadly, vile Nikki was one of the few to point out that Lucy needs her youthful alcohol consumption addressed. Maybe Daniel and Heather can tackle that issue with their daughter over a leisurely breakfast at Crimson Lights. 7 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said: Loved how sympathetic Vic was. He was concerned about Nick being taken in by Sharon's "ups & downs". Real nice. Oh, and he said this while Mrs. Satan looked her nose down, giving a mocking grin. You know that’s right. Hey, Victor, get your ears out of the canopic jar and listen up! Maybe if your stupid, selfish baboon boy had been there for Sharon when Cassie died and didn’t drown his manpain in Phyllis’ fever swamp, he wouldn’t be half-assedly trying to make up for it now. Nick might as well go stick his head back in the grease trap it was soaking in because he’s as worthless as ever. He still won’t set boundaries with Phyllis, and his daughter is the one with all the insights. Boy, Victor sure is kind to the parents of his grandchildren, isn’t he? He wants to humiliate and destroy Billy (who needs no help in that department), wants Nick not to support Sharon during a crisis, ominously threatened Cole for closing down his torture chamber and we all know what happened with Phyllis and his Marco plot. Hell, throw in his great grandchild’s dad too, because Victor is going to use, abuse and discard Kyle (much like his uncle, he needs no assistance in tripping over his own massive ego). 2 5 Link to comment
surfgirl September 8, 2024 Share September 8, 2024 6 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said: ominously threatened Cole *whispers so TIIC, aka Josh Dumbass, don't get any ideas* What happened to Cole? Is he off screen somewhere getting his weirdo beard trim attended to? 1 1 6 Link to comment
boes September 8, 2024 Share September 8, 2024 7 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said: ominously threatened Cole for closing down his torture chamber 26 minutes ago, surfgirl said: What happened to Cole? Is he off screen somewhere getting his weirdo beard trim attended to? I think Cole is still in line at the petting zoo, trying to get tickets so he can take Claire to an age appropriate family outing with Victoria. Little does he know Kyle also wants to take Claire on a trip to the zoo, too, though she'll end up seeing a much different animal. Maybe Victor gave up on making Cole pay for going against his wishes, since he noticed Cole and Victoria getting closer. Victor probably thinks it'd be redundant for him to ruin Cole's life since Cole seems to be doing that all on his own. 2 12 2 Link to comment
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