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Posts posted by TidalCreek

  1. Warning: Decidedly picky point ahead, read at your own risk. 😊

    Ok, I’m just going to say it. Something about Peggy’s storyline kept bugging me and I wasn’t sure what it was until this week when she went down south.

    While I really like the general story (her going down to Tuskegee, getting a first-hand look at the aftermath of slavery and the Civil War, wanting to flex her journalistic muscles, etc.) and I’m eager to see where it takes her, this is what bothers me: She’s supposed to be from Philadelphia (right? I think I remember that detail) but she talks with a distinctive southern accent and yet has never been to the south. Her mother and father had a tiny bit of a southern “twang,” but I attributed that to their having been in or near the south at some point in their lives. (Were they former slaves who moved north? Can’t recall.) But growing up with that influence shouldn’t have given Peggy SUCH a heavy southern accent (and hers is more pronounced than theirs).

    This might seem like a tiny detail, but for someone from the south who notices accents (I’m from Charleston, and trust me, we do not talk like people from Georgia or Alabama or Mississippi or North Carolina, thank you very much – and I’m not being a snob, although being from the Grand Dame of the South requires that I should be when required😊).

    Anyone else notice her accent, or is it just me?


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  2. I too blasted through it in one sitting. I like the edgy, sharp writing and the fast pace.

    What I don't like is when logic kicks in, and I can't get beyond things like: Why didn't she just check herself into a hotel instead of sleeping in the office? Or is that an on-the-nose way of saying work is all she has left? And the birth control pills -- I'm so tired of the no-don't-communicate-even-though-it-would-be-easy-to-do-so trope. She could've just said "I'm not ready yet." Earlier the boyfriend seemed to be on that page. Rolled my eyes through those plot points.

    And I agree with the fellow NA guy -- Eve's entire manner of speaking is tedious. (Love the actress, though. And she did a great job with the role.)


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  3. 2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

    Also, a series detailing the return of Charles II after the restoration, his romance with Nell Gwen/Moll Davies, James II and his strife with his daughters, the Glorious Revolution, Queen Anne’s marriage and tragic prenatal history ending with her death and the introduction of George I. 

    The Last King with Rufus Sewell in the role of Charles II is fabulous, though it deals only with C2. I'd like to see a series on James II through George I (and all the Georges) -- right up to Victoria. And then we have several Victoria movies/TV series to get us through that period.



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  4. The fact that we're even wondering how the timey-wimey thing works speaks to how poorly DG spelled out the rules of the universe in the beginning (i.e., how the time travel works, who can go, who can't, when/where/how) -- which is really the first rule of universe-building.

    That said, I think originally she was just writing an historical romance and somehow got caught up in a time-travel situation without considering how it would play out down the road. (It's possible she didn't know there would be a book 2, much less book 9+.) And then that book sold like hotcakes, followed by book 2, etc., etc., rinse, repeat. And apparently she didn't tackle the time-travel issue, being consumed with cranking out fodder for the readers. Not that I condemn her for it -- huzzah! more power to her -- I'm just saying there's a lot of literary retrofitting that would need to be done to figure out the specifics for those of us who really pay attention and Need To Know.


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  5. Fabulous casting for the grandson. He looks like a perfect blend of his parents.

    Trenchard was a dick for not letting his wife know that he was in touch.

    Love the dynamics of the two grandmothers.



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  6. Why is Tony DiNozzo on the show tonight?? Isn't it confusing considering he's up on a new show in a new character right after this? Speaking of characters, where are the new characters? Was this an old episode they held back and now they're airing it because they had to scramble when GG died?

    I'm so confused.

  7. When Claire and Murtaugh got to the coast, what did Murtaugh say? Something like "If you look far enough, you can see the Americas"? Did they call it the Americas at that point? Why didn't he call it "the colonies"? Or would a Scotsman be more likely to refuse to acknowledge Britain's conquest of other lands? Whatever, it just feels weird to hear them call it something that sounds more modern when we (here in the USA) wouldn't have started the revolution yet. By the same token, I fully expect Claire to make a blunder and call it "the United States" at some point only to have people say, "huh"?

  8. Wasn't the guy who shot Miranda on the dock delegating the shots at Flint and Vane as they were rowing the boat?



    Yes that was him.  He was just about to light the cannon when he heard a boatswain's whistle, which clued him in that a ship was masked behind all that smoke.  And then the Man O' War opened up and blew their position apart.  I think it's safe to assume he was cut in half by a hot cannonball.





    His name was William Rhett -- and IRL he hunted Vane later, which is how he stumbled across Stede Bonnet (known, especially in Charleston, as "the gentleman pirate") and his crew and brought them back to Charleston. For this reason (and because I harbor hopes that Bonnet will make an appearance after Blackbeard does) I think he might have survived the cannon blast.


    As a resident of Charleston, I found it difficult to watch my hometown being blown to bits. :)  Although I really did feel for Flint and understood why he did it.

  9. As a casual Once Upon a Time fan, I have no problem with the Frozen characters, but as a kindergarten teacher I will throw something at my TV if I hear That Song. Lol.



    LOL! As a grandmother, I'm right there with you. (When my girls were small, it was The Little Mermaid. "Look at this stuff/isn't it neat/wouldn't you think/my collection's complete" ...)


    Back to the thread:


    Something has always bothered me, in the book and the show: Couldn't she have just told someone early on (when they were asking for details of who she was, where she was from, etc.) that she was scared away by a group of soldiers and that she'd left all her belongings, including a huge treasure, back at the stones. Then when they take her there, she could be all, "See ya!" and zip back through to 1945.


    Of course I see the downside: It would make for a very short story. Sometimes logic has no place in literature. (I was bothered by the same issue in the Lord of the Rings: Why not summon the giant eagles and fly the ring to Mount Doom? Same answer: book-length story reduced to a few paragraphs.)


    It's possible that I've given too much thought to this.

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  10. As for the strapping, I feel rather confident in my theory: Claire isn't going to get blamed at all for her capture, they're going to blame Willie, who admittedly wandered away to do his business. Outraged that he's completely innocent of this, Claire will volunteer to take his punishment for him. At which point, Jamie will step in and insist he do the strapping, since she's his wife.



    This is my guess too. And I think she'll not just volunteer -- she'll do it with some bravado, only to discover that they mean business. And at that point the sparks will fly. Just a guess, y'all, but that's the only way I see it working without outraging a lot of people.

  11. Hate to say it, but my first thought at seeing the leg in the batch of shrimp was "Oh no, all that shrimp -- ruined!"

    Also -- those are cooked shrimp (they're pink when cooked, grey when raw), which makes me wonder where they found a pot big enough for someone to put a leg in. And if it's supposed to be shrimp they just caught (i.e., raw), then it's all wrong. I'm willing to forgive much to see Scott Bakula on my screen again, but not a screwup with shrimp props.

    As for his accent -- I'm from Charleston and I'm used to actors never getting our accent right. Most of them come off sounding like a Georgia, Alabama, or Mississippi accent, which is unforgivable. Everyone on the hot mess that was Reckless, I'm looking at you. Some of them even tried for a poorly done New Orleans accent, which only makes them sound drunk. If Bakula goes there, I'll just pretend he's Sam morphed into one of his characters from Quantum Leap.

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  12. I think Caitriona Balfe is beautiful but I really don't think she looks good in the 1940's scenes. Maybe that's intentional.


    I also hate 1940's women's clothes and hairstyles. Way to formal and structured. I thought her wedding suit and hat was really ugly.


    I love the 40s style, but in this case I think the intention is to make Caitriona *comparatively* not as gorgeous in the 40s as she is back in the 18th century -- perhaps as a way to show that she's "meant for" that time. Must be difficult to do, because the woman is really beautiful.

  13. At first glance, it looked like a showdown between the two husbands, with Jamie providing the fairy tale/little girl's dream wedding with all the trappings and Frank taking the shortcut and giving little thought to Claire's wishes. But thinking about it further (not to mention multiple viewings), I think Frank tapped into a deeper need of Claire's by forsaking the traditional gather-your-kin ceremony and making it about just the two of them. Claire didn't have any family left (except her uncle, and I'm not sure he was still alive at that point), so a big wedding would've been groom-heavy, and that might have made her uncomfortable. It seems like Frank is averting that with eloping.


    Or maybe I just want to give him extra points. They guy lost his wife out in the woods, after all.

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  14. When Claire bursts out her defense of the Scots, you see a reaction shot of BJR, and there's a slight smirk on his face as he turns to the window, and you can see that he manipulated her into the reaction. It's a very subtle reaction and lasts only for a second. When I saw it, I was reminded of what a great actor Tobias Menzies is -- to be able to convey that in a single 2-second shot, part of which was a side shot at that.

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  15. Love the slow burn between Jamie and Claire. Would hate it if they were jumping each other by now. It does sometimes appear sophomoric but I like to think of it as restraint on both their parts.


    I didn't mind the scene with Colum (except, yes, agree that's not the butt we want to see). He did, after all, only ask for a massage on his legs. It was Claire who suggested the lower spine area. He simply agreed -- and maybe because it was her suggestion he figured she had no problem with the lower back nudity.


    Biggest nitpick I had is when Claire and Jamie were at the old kirk (sp?) and she found the culprit poison plant and mentioned that it had been brought to Scotland by German monks -- then quickly autocorrected to Prussian. I'm pretty sure Germany was a place in the 1500s (Martin Luther and all that Reformation stuff went on circa 1517). Not to get too heavy into the history, but as far back as Julius Caesar, it was called Germania (to distinguish it from Gaul). And Luther translated the Bible into German, which was a legitimate language.


    Other than that, good episode.

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