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Posts posted by Mormegil

  1. Quentyn Martell Audition Video.



    I'm a little dubious about the authenticity of this. It seems way too long compared to other audition scripts and the way it has Quentyn recount every little thing that happened on his journey seems weird as well.



    Could it just be something a fan has put together using the books?



    We'll have to wait and see I guess.

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  2.  and there was that one dude who was like a conjoined twin or something and still had the head attached to his body somehow? Something crazy, I can't recall, I'm wondering if this is something mentioned in a Dunk and Egg novella (I haven't read those yet) and I just came upon it via one of the wiki pages.



    Maelys the Monstrous.



    Last of the Blackfyre's, killed by Ser Barristan Selmy in the War of the Ninepenny Kings.



    Any mention of him is from the main novels as the currently published D+E stories are set some years before Maelys would have been born.

  3. Show Tyrion certainly knows but I can't recall if book Tyrion ever thinks or talks about it.




    Book Tyrion hires Renly's ex housekeeper as a Maid for Sansa. " Tyrion considers her a good choice, as her earlier service for Renly Baratheon has given her some practice at being blind, deaf and mute."



    Of course since it was Varys who suggested hiring her to Tyrion she probably worked for him all along.

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  4. I'm embarrassed to admit this, but recently Comedy Central aired the James Franco/Danny McBride stinker Your Highness and I didn't change the channel right away. Charles Dance's name was in the opening credits, and he played the king who was very disapproving of his younger son (McBride, the protagonist).


    I believe the Eyrie Set also makes a guest appearance in that film. The film was shot in the Paint Hall studios just before GoT started shooting there and IIRC the Eyrie was originally a set in YH that was redressed for GoT.

  5. I hope it's just Jaqen's face being put on by the Kindly Man, not that he's the same person.


    Can't recall his exact words in the book but the show did have "Jaqen" say that if she wanted to find Him to use the coin.



    What they may end up doing is leave it unclear if it is indeed the same person who helped Arya previously or a new person just using the same face.

  6. So I wonder will we be getting Jaqen as Arya's teacher?



    Yes he's off in Oldtown in the books but given how popular the actor was in the show I wouldn't be surprised if D+D bring him back in place of the Kindly Man (who was absent from the Casting sheet that included The Waif).


    Maybe have the Kindly Man played by someone else in Ep1 and then have him swap faces at the end of the episode into Tom Wlaschiha.


    Seems like I may have been correct.

  7. So I wonder will we be getting Jaqen as Arya's teacher?



    Yes he's off in Oldtown in the books but given how popular the actor was in the show I wouldn't be surprised if D+D bring him back in place of the Kindly Man (who was absent from the Casting sheet that included The Waif).


    Maybe have the Kindly Man played by someone else in Ep1 and then have him swap faces at the end of the episode into Tom Wlaschiha.

  8. They could do it without flashing back, if Cersei's been keeping Maggie the Frog in some dungeon all this time. She could go down and ask Maggie for advice, and Maggie could say, "it's exactly as I told you all those years ago..." and then recap the prophecies. I'd rather see a flashback, myself, but if they're dead set on avoiding flashbacks, there's one way to do it.


    They're (seemingly) casting for a young Cersei as well as Maggy so it looks like we are getting a flashback.

  9. I do think we will get at least one flashback next season, assuming the casting calls aren't trolling with Maggy the Frog being cast. I mean, I hope it's a flashback. I would nerdrage so hard if it's contemporary fortune telling, as it takes away Cersei's motivation for decades.


    Wasn't sure if that could be mentioned in this thread or not but yeah given we are likely getting that flashback (as a dream I would guess) I think it's even more likely that we will get Bran ones as well.



    Still hoping that they get the chance to use the scene they filmed for Season 1 of Rickard and Brandon getting killed (though this would mean Bran could see any scene from the past and not just ones near a Weirwood Tree).


    As to seeing a young Ned Stark, I'm guessing it would be a recast rather than Sean Bean returning.

  10. Another question


    The show has previously taken a staunch disapproval of flashbacks, will they break it for Bran's visions?




    I wouldn't be surprised if we get some from flashbacks from Bran. 


    They may have got away with Tyrion sitting in a dark cell for 70 mins this season but I can't see Viewers doing the same for Bran sitting in a dark cave (even if it's only 7 mins over the season).



    So Flashbacks seems to be a good plan.




    The Prophecy of Azor Ahai/the "Prince that was Promised"

    This is the person who is going to defeat the White Walkers. Where is Lightbringer? Doesn't that sword need to be tempered in the blood of Nissa Nissa? If the Prince isn't Dany, who is it? Who is their Nissa Nissa? What is the sword going to be?


    If Dany is Azor Ahai then Light Bringer is the Dragons.


    If Jon is Azor Ahai then Light Bringer is the Nights Watch (I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn,).



    Personally I tend to go with the idea that Three people are needed to stop the Threat of the WW and they are probably Jon. Dany and A. N . Other (possibly Bran) and all three of these together make up Azor Ahai/ The Prince that Was Promised/ The Three Heads of the Dragon.


    Ned was closer to KL's after having gone to the Tower to get Lyanna, which is why he arrived to KL before Robert to find Jaimie in the Iron throne.


    Ned didn't go to the ToJ till later.



    Ned rides to the Capital from the Trident

    Robert has to travel slower as he was wounded

    Ned finds the Lannisters have sacked the city and Jaime is on the Throne

    Ned rides to break the siege at Storm's End (after Robert has arrived in KL)

    Ned then rides to the ToJ.

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