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Posts posted by ptuscadero

  1. 6 hours ago, Mierin said:

    That was a long, boring and pointless episode.

    But, gee, it was so natural and realistic, not like it was scripted or anything. /s  @@

    And who GAF about Derrick, anyway? Was Jesse too busy this time around?

    • Love 4
  2. Quote

    At the same time, it's hard for me to feel much sympathy for Tyrion and Varys clutching their pearls about Dany killing people.

    8 hours ago, doram said:

    Tyrion wasn't clutching his pearls over Gendry bashing in the heads of those two gold cloaks. I guess their lives weren't as important as the Tarlys.

    I don't think the pearl-clutching was so much about people being killed (in general) as it was about the impression that Dany was leaving her potential subjects by appearing to be just another tyrant. Remember, that's why she took the dragon into the battlefield, rather than incinerating innocent citizens, after consulting with her advisers. I think they were hoping for a more conciliatory overture by Dany, such as the approach she took with the Unsullied. Those soldiers love her because she not only freed them, she gave them the choice to follow her. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

    Maybe he dies rescuing Yara from King's Landing? That would be a nice redemption arc and a good way to finally put him out of his misery.

    That's kind of what I expected to happen tonight. Theon rescuing his sister, killing his uncle, and likely dying in the attempt. They keep inching toward a redemption story for him, and yet they missed an easy one in this episode.

    • Love 2
  4. 22 hours ago, Mystery said:

    I forgot how tiresome it is to watch this show live instead of dvr'ing through the *endless* repetition of what the rules are and rehashes of what we already know. And who thought it would be fun to hear Nicole, who never met a "t" she could pronounce, say "bu-on" and "ro-un" a dozen times, instead of "button" and "rotten"?

    I had to hit the mute button. That constant "bu-on" business was making me postal.

    • Love 3
  5. 53 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    Survivor would be 1000 times better without Probst.

    Jeff just tries too hard now to make this a scripted reality show, like Housewives or something. It was much better when it played like a game show, focusing on the skills and the brains as well as the social aspect, with a wide variety of ages and backgrounds among the cast. Those people used to really work at this game. Now, it's all puzzles and throwing stuff and meat feasts every other day. None of this bunch would have made it through a season like Australia or Africa.

    • Love 3
  6. 1 hour ago, wallflower75 said:

    ...and Cochran winning...and the ugliness between Dawn and the girl whose name I don't remember now about the teeth...and poor Erik having to be evac'd out...and Cochran winning...and Corinne being part of it...and Phillip...and oh yeah, Brandon Hantz's meltdown.  That's what I remember. 

    Oh, merciful heavens, I had just about put that season out of my mind. It really *was* horrible from start to finish.

    • Love 2
  7. Just now, Beyoncheyyy said:

    The judges shocked faces from the news that Simone was voted off after literally setting her up to get voted off last week is the greatest thing I've witnessed in awhile. 

    Especially Len, after all he's said. He had that whole "I'm about to cry" thing going on with his head in his hands. GMAB.

    • Love 8
  8. 21 hours ago, Callaphera said:

    "Do you know Fleetwood Mac?" "Yeah. I love him. Wait, do you mean the guy? The rapper or is that the title of the song?" God, I love dumbass Witney. I just want to sit down with her and feed her different band names and see who she thinks they are. But the female vocalist completely fucked up that song. Worst. Rendition. Ever. Can we get #firetheDWTSband trending on Twitter?

    IMO, the music has been for shit ever since they ditched Harold Wheeler. But then, I think the whole show has pretty much gone to shit the past few years anyway, with all the over-the-top production gimmicks and focus on gaining a 'younger' viewing audience.

    • Love 2
  9. OK, nobody clutch your pearls, but......I have always found Sr Mary-Cynthia to be a whiny bore, even before she decided to join the sisterhood. I'm not sure if it's the way the character is written, or the actress overdoing the emotions, but her storylines always clog up the show for me. Toooooo much dramah.

    Now, I guess I will pack my handbasket in anticipation of the trip I'll be taking to Hades.

    • Love 21
  10. 3 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

    WHY IS THE BACKGROUND MUSIC THIS EPISODE SO FRICKING LOUD??? It's like they are talking in a noisy bar with bad music.  We don't NEED all that music, CBS?  I'd rather hear the contestants TALK without the annoying sound effects.  The music is actually taking away from the COMMENTS.  Less is more, CBS.  

    It hasn't been this CONSTANT and ANNOYING until this week.  Who is the director???  

    I know! At one point, I thought we were listening to the soundtrack from 'Deadwood', and it was getting louder by the minute.

    • Love 1
  11. 1 hour ago, benteen said:

    Thought there was some pretty good humor too, like Philip and Elizabeth's reaction to Ben's cheating on her and Gabriel's "Are you serious?" to Philip.


    Up until that moment, I didn't believe the Renee chick was in any shape or form 'one of them.' However, the way Gabriel responded to Philip, almost like a parody of a bad liar, instantly made me think just the opposite.

    • Love 4
  12. 1 minute ago, crgirl412 said:

    Can someone explain why so much time is being spent on a story about mismanaged produce?? 

    What is the significance of Oleg destroying the notes and tape?  Does it mean that he won't cooperate with KGB as far a Stan goes?  A lot went into those few scenes for I am not really sure what. 

    I'm hoping it means that he realizes he's safe (for now), and senses that the KGB has backed off.

    • Love 5
  13. 7 minutes ago, benteen said:

    Really good episode.  I think the best one so far this season.  Frank Langella was awesome and I thought it was great to see him and Paige finally meet.  Interesting information about Philip.  I loved the song choice at the end although I'm not familiar with it at all.

    Peter Gabriel, "Lay Your Hands on Me." I was pleasantly surprised to hear it, and thought it was a good choice. 
    I still held my breath worrying that Oleg might be taking a header off that roof, though.

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