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Posts posted by countrygirlsons

  1. The first thing that entered my mind, too, was the Don Corleane outdoor death;-) It is too young to just keel over.


    I have to finally ask...(I'd stopped watching a few years ago, but I watched one or two episodes last season and this is driving me insane): WHAT did Teresa do to her hairline, and more importantly, WHY?? I saw a promo recently and nearly fell off my seat. This looks terribly abnormal, even as a helmet.

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  2. "I'm not surprised Jamie was put off by Doug at first sight. I am surprised the "experts" didn't catch that she would be. She used the words attractive & pretty so often it should have been like a big flashing sign. I know certain aspects of our looks are out of our control but why wouldn't you go to a doc & get those moles removed? I really would like to know." (ramble)

    Thank you, ramble, as much as I'm curious as to why he didn't have these taken care of, I'm also concerned for the poor guy. It simply looked a bit unhealthy.

    I hadn't known that Jamie had been on other shows. Definitely makes me look at things differently.

    crgirl412: "The "Spiritual Advisor" is an ATHEIST!! He's a Humanist. That is just wrong on so many levels." I'm not sure whether I want to ask you if you're sure that he's an athiest or non-spiritual/incapable of advising, or if you are suggesting that all humanists are atheists. I haven't looked this guy up, but I'm not sure I follow your line of thought.

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