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Posts posted by Jezebel97

  1. 9 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

    I caught some of the "Miami Girl" season 3 marathon the other day - is this the same Kristina that Kristen made out to be her buddy?  That was right by her side during the Miami Girl incident at SUR that resulted in Lisa firing her ass (finally)?  So what happened there - did she dump Kristen to keep a paycheck with Bravo?  

    That was Rachael O’Brien who as I remember it also dated Jax before Stassi

    ugh I’m sick of myself for knowing this shit

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  2. On 3/15/2023 at 10:04 PM, snarts said:

    Gee, wonder how Charli feels now? 

    Kristina Kelly for the win, she was the first to suss out Raquel's shadiness. 

    Scheana, leave Schwartz alone. Go home to your family. Btw, love that Brick's role is so limited this season. 

    Edited to add Sandoval leaves Ariana to go guys night (fuck Raquel).after she has to put down her dog but claims that she doesn't support him. The absolute worst. Stassi was right about him all along...

    Not only that, shouldn’t BFF Scheener go over to her friend who is bereft over her dog & hang with her & leave the guys 

    and maybe take Rachel  & Chuckie with her?

    Oh that’s right she’s a “pick me” guy’s girl 

    My opinion hasn’t changed on Sheener just because she’s pushed Rachel in anger & is now Team Ariana

    Never liked her & she & Broke can gtfo but unfortunately they’ll be back next season 


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  3. On 3/15/2023 at 10:03 PM, Emmeline said:

    Rachel does have dark skin under her eyes.  Particularly on the left eye. 

    I like Kristina Kelly on the show.  She has such an honest down to earth vibe.  I wouldn’t mind seeing more of her.  I looked up her Instagram and she is the founder of a natural skincare brand named Heart Spring.  She is also pregnant and seems to be due soon.  Good for her!  Charlie take your nasty comments and go back to wherever you came from.

    And I just ordered lip balms from a woman owned small business on Women’s Appreciation Month, thanks for the heads up, Chucklefuck Charli


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  4. 21 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

    I don't mind being in the minority, I like Sanya.  I like that she stands on what she says and there doesn't appear to be a grey area.  Her position from jump was:  yes I'm your host but the primary reason for me to be here is to work.   So ain't nobody finna worry about personal morning invitations or how you get where you were supposed to already be because, despite Kenya's twitter claim about editor antics and the fact that we see you lollygagging in the same outfit you were in when you claim editors were playing games, that lady said the night before:  you are all welcome to come with me tomorrow.  The bus is leaving at 9:30.  So on day 1, when I waited an extra 10 minutes for the last tardy bitch to sashay her way over to this iFit-provided and scheduled van, that you still weren't on, and I called you and you stallling our start time taking selfies of the beach n' shit for 45 more minutes before deciding you weren't gone make it, I'll be gottam'd if on day 2 I'm standing around with fux to give about your whereabouts or your feelings.  I said I was working and I told you what time we were rolling out.   Now Kandi is the only person who could've explained this to Kenya as she doesn't play bout her committments, this heffa was on the phone on the lazy river, but if so, no conflict.  Nevertheless, classifying it as an "uninvitation", whatever the fuck that is, is choosing to be offended.   

    I'm here for every bit of Ross, literally standing up for his wife.  You know that thing the chirren do when you've been telling em to knock something off that's wearing out your last dangling participle of a nerve and they either ramp it up or continue la-la-la-la-la'ing in your face? But then their father comes into the room, stands real still, lowers his voice an octave and says the same thing?  They get their whole lives together, post haste don't they?   I don't expect this to be a popular viewpoint, but there are, unfortunately, circumstances where some bass in the room is gone be the only thing that shuts the conversation down.   Kenya and Sharee were not only cross talking each other, but when Sanya tried to, unnecessarily, explain why she left without them, they wouldn't let her get a word in.   Meanwhile, the bottom line was, as the timeline showed, it was their own fault, but when has that ever stopped housewives from being wrong and strong?   How about, before that on the way to dinner, Sanya apologizes to Sheree for making her feel excluded?  What?  The teevee and I were clapping when Ross stood up.  The women who hollered the loudest about that are also ladies whose husbands either have not, or would never, vigorously come to their defense, so there's that.  Aggression is the trigger word Kenya uses to deflect accountability.   Her "I feel attacked" nonsense stops, then redirects the content of the "aggressor's" outburst.   Unless of course, the man in question is Brandon, coming to her defense. 

    Kenya likes to out/overtalk, I think she thinks of it as a winning strategy or something.  That's another thing I like about Sanya, she aint finna fight to get her point across.  The argument is about what it's about, she's not gone get off track (hey ya'll see what I did there lol) with shit that "we already resolved".   That's why she couldn't come up with more examples of Kenya's nonsense, she's not a harborer.   Now me, I'm a petty bitch, I would've told her:  you've been late to two of my events before, without apology.  You hung up the phone on me when I invited you to this trip, before I could say that "couple" is defined as whomever you'd like to bring as your guest.  Didn't apologize for that or the GTFOH said under your clothes.  You know how you feel about having been Miss USA?  I feel the same way about having won medals representing both my cultures.  But everytime you get a chance you wanna say some low key slick shit about my accomplishments yet stay demanding apologies for how you think I've mistreated you as a friend on the strength of what you going through.  Bitch, please.  I haven't been anything but gracious to you and your raggedy ass excuses.   And no, I didn't get you a cake but I am still somehow the only heffa here who acknowledged and remembered your birthday out loud.   

    I giggled at Sanya asking Marlo to interim host.   Everytime Kenya got on  my nerves, I'd not only ask Marlo to be in charge, I'd make sure she had a Kenya Moore Hair Care bullhorn.   Marlo and Kandi didn't make up, that's Marlo's version.  Kandi asked her for some chicken and got it lol. 

    Sheree could've had 3 tshirts out by now.  Meanwh'ile, Bitch, I'm worldwide coffee mugs will be available at all of Xscape's remaining 2022 tour dates. 

    Whose in real life friend is Monyetta?   

    Thank you for expressing all I was thinking

    also it looked to me that Sanya & Ross were truly exhausted from the workouts they had to film for IFIT & they seemed to be there almost the whole day & more to do the following day.

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  5. Time to turn the Paige & let her go to southern charm which I stopped watching several seasons back 

    and See ya Ciara, don’t let the door hit ya where Austen split ya

    Love Luke, but please pack your axe & go


    • Love 2
  6. 13 hours ago, Axie said:

    Garcelle is on WWHL and Andy was asking her questions about her arrival and her answers were kind of interesting-  Who gave you the worst reception?  Kyle.  2).  Who has the biggest ego?  Kyle  3).  Which Housewife would you not want to be quarantined with?  Kyle 4).  What did you think of the leopard print outfit Kyle wore?  Trash.  Hmmm.

    ha! I had no intention in watching these hags but I may have to tune just for Garcelle smoking that POS Vyle Bitchards Umeansky 


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  7. 14 hours ago, breezy424 said:

    Oh, and explain me this.  Lisa is ok filming two days after her mother died to explain to Brit and Jax why she won't be at their wedding.  And then she has her business partner over to tell her how devastated  she was.  And then she goes to TomTom or whatever to check on things.  Maybe it's me but if I found out that my mother died, I would quickly be on a plane to wherever she was to make proper arrangements and follow ups.  Filming a show would be the least of my priorities.  I just shake my head.

    Lisa was already back from burying her Mom when she was with Max in TomTom.

    She was saying that she really didn't feel up to attending a wedding

    • Love 1
  8. 9 hours ago, breezy424 said:

    Lisa - put your f'ing seatbelt on properly.

    Beau - would be btter to put that casserole on the middle rack.

    What troubled me is that most of them knew about the pastor for the last six months.  And it takes all  this time for Tom to confront Jax.  After they finally decide to change pastors.  Shut up Tom.  If you or anyone else was that upset,  say it when you found out.  Not two weeks before the wedding and a new pastor was decided on.

    Get out Raquel.  No.  You really need to get out.

    Exactly Sandoval as usual was grandstanding with his high morality crap.  Where was all this the first time he was made aware of the homophobic piece of shit pastor?  At this point there really was nothing left to say, the POS pastor was cancelled & it's done.

    The whole he "needs answers" is just another way to make the shit show about him.  He knows what a dumbass selfish douche Jax is for over 10 years, after all the rotten things he's done to Sandoval & all, he now needs answers?!?

    Deep down he & to a lesser extent Ariana are resentful that the Dumb & Dumber couple are the center of the season due to their wedding.  Since season 1 TomToms are the supporting cast to Jaxhole, Schwartzie is ok with this Sandoval will never be.

    "I'm sorry but" I never bought his whole pious act since day one



    or his fakes ass crying


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  9. 22 hours ago, dosodog said:

    I agree, Katie is trying, but she has a long way to go.  A very long way to go.

    Twitter can be incredibly nasty and I really do think we missed out on a huge chunk of why there was so much anger and hurt and bitterness from everyone involved in Billiegate.

    Right now, Katie can't post anything without being dragged all over the place.  People defending James, call her fat, ugly, nasty, etc.  Tell her to get off the show, get a life. I wonder how bad it was in real time.  Because it's really nasty right now.

    A fellow poster came up with Herman because it sounded weird for us to call him Myman when he wasn't Ourman.

    it was bad, I saw all the Instagram posts & Twitter comments last year as it was happening which is why their reactions on the episodes are such, it was still raw.

    Billie absolutely instigated & fanned the flames against Lala, Katie, Kristen & Stassi

    Ariana, & Scheana not as much because they are flip floppers & fence riders

    She posted a picture of herself captioned "Stay strong Billie..." so melodramatic 

    She also proceeded to delete comments that stood up for the Weho Witches as well as some of her own posts making herself the victim

    Yes, technically she did not post that they were transphobic but the implications were there by the sub tweets, re-tweets & likes

    & as Lala said, she could have shut the whole thing down at the time but she enjoyed the attention 

    I always thought Billie is a thirsty asshole since she first appeared on the show & a non motherfucking factor to me

    Has nothing to do with her being trans at all 

    And frankly I think that Katie, Kristen & Stassi just did not give her much thought during the Girls Night Out event because she is not their friend 

    • Love 24
  10. On 12/11/2018 at 12:17 PM, Juliegirlj said:

    LVP looked worn and gaunt in this episode,but in  one of her talking head interviews she looked surgically refreshed! 

    LVP's brother, I believe she said was her only sibling, committed suicide about 5 weeks before filming started 

    She was still grieving & most likely not eating or sleeping right, the talking heads are filmed months later usually after filming wraps

    • Love 15
  11. 48 minutes ago, teapot said:

    I keep on saying it, but I really wish they'd just cobble together a season of VPR from their instagram stories.  I love this gang & their real life, I do not want or need any made-up shenanigans.

    agreed, I follow the Witches of Weho, Ariana, Stassi boyfriend Beau & James

    and I do notice that James has not been included in the events that I assume have been part of filming,  with the exception of the Tom Tom opening

    • Love 3
  12. 1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    So if what I’ve read here is true, and if what they said last week is true, Scheana was instrumental in patching things up between Stassi and Katie AND in persuading LVP to let Lala return, yet they still all hate her. I guess she’s as awful as, if not worse than, she appears on our screens.

    as I remember, it was Kristen & their other friend Rachel that mediated the Stassi/Katie reconciliation in Palm Springs when Katie showed up without Stassi knowing.  Schwartz was also involved in getting them to patch things up after Stassi reached out to him.

    And Scheana was very upset about it all because she knew once these two made up, she was out & that was when she turned back to Ariana after treating her like shit when she was tight with Kristen & Katie during her wedding "season"

    I was never a Scheana fan, I think she truly is a self absorbed vapid narcissist and when these group of people are rolling their eyes at you, you really suck

    • Love 13
  13. 12 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

    It's entirely possible than Beth wasn't actually scared until she witnessed Dorinda being a belligerent drunk to Father Teresa of the Puerto Ricans and Haiti.  She may have figured that the nasty drunk was relegated to when the HW all party together and she was being antagonized.  But to jump down some philanthropists throat would be scary to watch in my view and it takes it from "Dorinda was just being a nasty drunk to Sonja because Sonja was being nasty" to holy crap, this woman has a major, major drinking problem if she's getting into it with this guy for absolutely no apparent reason.

    On drinking before dinner in the afternoon, most people can handle it.  Perhaps Beth and Dorinda only had a glass of wine and Beth thought she'd be fine during dinner and then realized as soon as the wine went down Dorinda must've had a few before that.  

    It's entirely possible to have partied with someone before and not realized the extent of their alcoholism until you see something so unnecessary take place.  And if Beth was buzzed at that table, somehow she managed to conduct herself in a professional manner, talk without slurring her words, actually show Dorinda some compassion by explaining her to the group she was with, noting that she would beat herself up when she realized later she was being an ass.

    Bottom line is:  Beth doesn't have a problem with alcohol.  Dorinda does.  Dorinda getting trashed and being a nasty drunk has nothing to do with Beth.  If it wasn't Beth drinking with her, she probably would've been out with her UES friends getting sloshy drunk and picking fights with them.

    I saw it same way

    And the notion that Bethenny had ulterior motive to invite Dorinda just to make herself look good & Dorinda bad is pretty out there

    Reminds of satchels & gummi bear logic

    She said that they have gotten close  & Dorinda showed the most interest, if we are going to deep hypothesize, maybe Bethenny also saw that Dorinda may need a project with Hannah moving out & Dorinda living alone

    As I stated before who would have thought that Dorinda would get so antagonistic at the dinner at such a setting

    That whole conversation went sideways real fast

    If we are to follow the logic that Bethenny should have known better than to invite Dorinda, then it can also be said that maybe Dorinda shouldn't be invited to any social event by the others in case she goes off

    • Love 9
  14. 24 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

    But perhaps she's been with Dorinda before when she's drinking and isn't sloppy drunk.  Maybe this was the first time Bethenney realized that she's not being a nasty drunk BECAUSE Sonja's being an asshole.  Maybe this was the first time she realized the problem is so severe that she's picking fights with a philanthropist for fux sake!  

    Beth is not Dorinda's keeper.  If you're an alcoholic and I drink around you, you aren't my responsibility.  I'm not forcing alcohol down your throat.  Hell, it's possible that Beth didn't realize at first she drank before she came over and it wasn't until the minute amount of alcohol Beth gave her and she gets sloshy that Beth realized it probably wasn't the glass of wine she had that sent her over the edge but what she may have put down before.

    I'm no Beth fan at all.  But Dorinda's alcoholism is Dorinda's responsibility.  If Beth was forcing her to do shot after shot of tequila, that's different.  But Beth wasn't sloppy drunk.  So more than likely, they didn't have much together before the dinner and therefore, Dorinda should not have been sloppy drunk.


    Every time we've seen Dorinda angry sloppy drunk, it's usually because of Sonja and her antics.  There have been times when she's been drunk and just giggly.  I'm sure Beth would never think people going to Puerto Rico with her for humanitarian reasons would receive wrath from Dorinda b/c she was drunk.

    And as frank as Dorinda is about the behavior of other's Beth's straight out "you're a drunk" was deserved.


    18 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    Dorinda went off on Bethenny in Mexico last season, so Bethenny has felt drunk Dorinda's wrath before, hence her "you scare me" comment. 

    I don't think that Bethenny would have imagined that an early dinner to discuss relief efforts with a table of like minded people would lead to an antagonistic Dorinda.   Most of these were people Dorinda never met before & was not a "RHONY" social setting. 

    I don't think it's unreasonable to think, yeah, she's a bit drunk but normally in this setting, Bethenny probably thought Dorinda would have calmed her shit. Maybe drink a soda/water, eat (not from the serving plate) and pull it together

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  15. 13 minutes ago, nexxie said:

    Haven’t read the whole thread yet, so maybe others have said this - but if Bethenny really wanted to be a friend, she would have spoken kindly with Dorinda in private and not proclaimed her to be a drunk on camera.

    I understand what you are saying & yes, if this was you & me, we would do this privately

    But this is Reality TV, they all signed up to be paid to film

    Slurinda has been showing her drunk nasty ass since she came on, she has watched herself go from 0 to 100 real quick and still repeats the same behavior

    • Love 16
  16. 48 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    God, look at Dorinda, she's disgusting.  She's sitting there slurring her words and embarrassing herself.  She's a mean, nasty drunk IMO.  WTF is wrong with Dorinda?  Oh, I know, she's a drunk, and she just embarrassed herself in front of everybody.  Someone should play her this video so she can see how she acts when she's drunk.

    Slurinda has seasons of film of her being a sloppy nasty drunk, I doubt this makes any difference

    She's still with John & still a messy drunk

    I know Bethenny will get shit for how she handled It & her talking heads but frankly it had to be said

    • Love 20
  17. 9 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

    I'd just like to say: you guys are f'n BRINGING the snark! LOL. This is going to be one of the funniest threads of awesome snark ever to grace the pages of RHOBH PT forums!

    OMG yes! I stopped watching this shit show after Teddy's Beach House Munchen episode

    But I do pop in for the snarkolgy

    • Love 3
  18. 55 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:

    I'm thinking the guy who picked Sonja up in the truck was just driving her TO her car which was probably somewhat distant on a large lot if this is a place that stores people's cars who don't want to drive from the city. That's my guess anyway.

    And regarding Sonja, as much as I think she plays extremely fast and loose with the facts on a lot of things - on most things, I also think she does have kernels of truth in the stories she's spilling. When she was talking at that brunch about Ramona and the way she's been taking up with various men and "dating" them until she's done getting what she wants from them, I believed that. Both because of the way we see Ramona use anyone who comes into her orbit (the artist and his friend suddenly moving furniture and wiring tv's - hey I wonder if they beat Rob's seven-minute feat from VPR?) and because of how defensive Ramona got when Sonja slipped that in there. Because she's generally in panicked, survivor mode, Sonja is pretty socially aware, even though she puts on the ditz front. 

    Dorinda lost me with her rant. Yes, a dead husband is worse then one you've divorced, but that's not what Dorinda was mad at Sonja about, what she was mad at her about for days before the brunch. She was mad because Carole told her that Sonja had said she looked fat in her halloween costume. That was what she had a head of steam about. But for her to go off on Sonja because she called her fat? That loses Dorinda some points, because it's petty and stupid. If instead she waits for the moment when Sonja says something tangentially connected to the men in their lives (because when doesn't she say something about her divorce?), then she can go off on Sonja about being a widow and burying her husband.

    Sounds pretty calculating I know, but I think Dorinda is pretty calculating. She bides her time and often holds back when others are going all in. Except when she's drunk or high or whatever combo, then all bets are off.

    yes to all this, and I immediately thought the Maven doth protest too much

    Of course Ramona used Construction Mario, then ditched  when he was no longer of use #sorrynotsorry

    I was never enamored with Dorinda, but that being said she is a perfect addition to the cast though

    And yes this is the only RHW I watch, all the others are ridiculous & no longer enjoyable to watch

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