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Sparkling Beth

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Posts posted by Sparkling Beth

  1. 1 minute ago, david gideon said:

    This revamped version of the show isn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I still have little use for their businessman villain. Besides, every time he's on screen I think of Prof Irwin Corey.

    Yeah, I'm not wild about the villain either--and Professor Irwin Corey!  Hee!  There is a resemblance there!

  2. 6 hours ago, CooperTV said:

    Molly is as resourceful and smart for her age as I expected her to be, and she followed Ichabod's words of listening your instincts while dealing with weird shit.

    That's one of the things I liked best about the episode, and the reason I've relaxed about the idea of a child being a witness.  This is an insightful child.  The minute she realized that there was something odd going on with her "father" driving through the frikkin' woods to get ice cream, she figured out a way to trick him into revealing that he wasn't who he claimed to be and she figured out a way to get away from him.  It's a breath of fresh air when a character--especially a character as young as Molly--proves to be more savvy than the viewer expects.

    • Love 3
  3. Two comments on this one:

    1- It had me on the edge of my seat despite the fact that the creature was a bit tacky-looking.

    2- Oona Yaffe is a very good actress.  Any qualms I had about bringing a child into the proceedings have vanished.  Some kids are uncomfortable to watch as actors to the point where I'm pulled out of the storyline but I was with Molly all the way, feeling her fear and confusion.  She's also charming and cute as the proverbial button. 

    • Love 3
  4. I'm still interested in these characters--well, except for the evil businessman.  Don't need another one of those in our lives.  In fact, I couldn't help thinking when I saw the president whom Headless was after, "Oh, man, I wish she was really the POTUS instead of the guy we got today."

    • Love 4
  5. Quote

    And there's something fundamentally wrong with a show called Sleepy Hollow set in DC. 

    I look at it this way:  You can take the boy out of Sleepy Hollow, but you can't take Sleepy Hollow out of the boy.  At this point it's a metaphor more than an actual location.

    • Love 1
  6. I liked it.  I liked the new characters.  That's all I'm going to say because we will all feel what we feel and no one can talk us out of our feelings.  But I find I'm okay with moving on.  And Tom Mison is still the hottest tidbit on two legs so there's that.

    • Love 10
  7. I will forever be angry about how they handled this, but I'm watching season 4 for Tom, who is still a wonderful actor and handsome fellow and not at fault for what the producers or writers did to Abbie.  I don't expect the show to last long, but I'll still tune in and see what they do with it.  Since I'm not a Nielsen family, I won't help the ratings any, so the Powers That Be won't feel any reward coming from my viewership.

    • Love 6
  8. I don't think this has been brought up before; I apologize if it has been addressed...but...can you have a grave without a body? Nothing about that damn finale made sense, but I was just thinking about that, sort of in line with all the other fuckery that went on. I can see having some sort of statue or memorial...stone or whatever, but a grave with a headstone? Is that done, outside of TV?

    If you're up for some fanwanking--I assume that someone with power faked a burial for Agent Mills, since the FBI couldn't very well explain that she was sucked into a mystic box or whatever the hell was supposed to have happened to her.  So they buried a weighted coffin and had a service and as far as the outside world is concerned, Agent Mills is resting in peace beneath that headstone.

    • Love 3
  9. Has anyone here ever read the Mary Russell books by Laurie R. King?  The first one is called The Beekeeper's Apprentice, and introduces a teenaged Mary Russell who meets Sherlock Holmes in the early 1900s and impresses him with her powers of observation and deduction.  She becomes his protégé, later his partner, and eventually his wife.  Watson is mentioned in the books but almost never seen, having retired before Holmes and Russell met.


    I really enjoy these books, and find this version of Holmes completely believable without the presence of Watson.  The books focus more on Russell than on Holmes but he is still the same very smart, very astute character that he was in the original stories.  I don't know if others would agree, but to me it's an example of how an author can take a well-known character and successfully give his life a different spin.  It really does come down to the writing (which is why I don't expect season 4 of SH, if it happens at all, to be successful). 

  10. No. It's because some of us actually like the actor, Tom Mison. A rarity, I know (and probably an UO), but some of us do and therefore want him on the screen anywhere.

    With me, it was the realization that if SH continues, and I know it's on, I will want to watch just to see what happens.  I could pretend otherwise, but I know how I would feel knowing it was happening without me and that Tom was saying lines in that wonderful way of his and I would be missing it. 


    I hope those who make the decision not to watch won't feel that those of us who do watch are any less loyal to NB, or any less angry at the way she was treated, or any less despairing of how a truly wonderful show fell apart.  I still have all those feelings.  But I also still have feelings for Tom Mison, and for Ichabod Crane, and I want to see where the character goes from here.

    • Love 3
  11. I could see the comparison with Angel. I don't think the production team here is anywhere near as good as that franchise though, nor does it have as strong as a foundation in the mythology. But who knows, they could pull it off. However, I have been thinking of season 4 more as Three's A Crowd, the terrible spinoff that dropped the main premise and most of the cast members from Three's Company and gave Jack Tripper a wife and father-in-law. Sometimes the breakout character isn't enough to carry a show.

    Either way, I won't be watching. I've been mostly bored with the writing of SH for 2.5 seasons. The only thing that kept me watching was the chemistry between Crane and Abbie. I can't imagine that I'm suddenly going to start enjoying the writing more at this point.

    Of course it's not an exact comparison.  I have no illusions about the creative team of SH.  But I was on the Buffy posting board back when it was announced that Angel was going to be a spin-off, and believe me, the negativity was rampant.  "Dumbest idea ever!"  "What makes them think this will work?"  "I give it three episodes tops before it's cancelled."  "This is going to be the biggest TV disaster since My Mother The Car."


    That's where the comparison lies:  people making assumptions before something has happened.  I have every reason to believe that Sleepy Hollow won't work without Nicole.  But I'm willing to give it a chance because I enjoy Tom Mison's acting (and let's be honest, good looks) enough that I know I'll have to tune in just to see how it goes.  Maybe they'll bring in some new writers and producers who will have better ideas.  We just don't know.


    Heck, I remember reading the description of the movie Tootsie before it came out and thinking it was the end of Dustin Hoffman's career!  A man dressing up like a woman to try out for a soap opera?  It sounded so stupid but it's one of my favorite movies.  I learned then not to prejudge any project.

    • Love 2
  12. Sparkling Beth: If it happens, I plan to watch as well.  Because I think while it's being called Sleepy Hollow S4 now,  it would most likely be an "Angel" type spin-off with perhaps Sophie showing up at some point to assist.  She would be his Cordelia.  So there would be a connection to Abbie, but not the in your face, so to speak, type of connection Jenny would bring.  So there would be reminders of Abbie/Sleepy Hollow like there were of Buffy for Angel, but the show would be open to chart its own course.  So if it were to go that way, I think it would be interesting to watch.  I was skeptical about "Angel" but that ended up working out great.

    Good point.  Angel being written off of BTVS and given his own show wasn't as upsetting as SH killing off Abbie, but I too was highly skeptical that Angel would work as a separate show yet there were times when I actually liked Angel better than BTVS.  I'm willing to give this a chance, again because of Tom Mison.  Even if it's successful (it probably won't be), the producers are not absolved of guilt for what they did.  They should still rot in hell, but in the meantime, I will enjoy looking at Tom's face.  I feel bad for him because he's really been caught in the middle of this mess.  I can't blame him for not wanting to give up the lead on a primetime TV show.  Bigger stars than he have left shows and virtually disappeared from public awareness.

  13. Brace yourselves, because I'm about to post the Mutha of all Unpopular Opinions.


    If the show is renewed for Season 4, I'm going to tune in.  Right after the finale, I swore I wouldn't but--I really like Tom Mison and I have to see what happens to Crane.  That's what it boils down to.


    Now, mind you, I think there is very little chance that it will be renewed, and if it is, it won't last long because the ratings will be abysmal.  I'll probably be the only one watching and I'm not on Nielsen's watchlist, so the producers won't have anything to crow about.


    (I just ended two paragraphs in a row with a preposition.  Even though I don't think there should be anything wrong with that, I was an English major and it still niggles at me a bit.  Those are the kind of old-fashioned and unnecessary grammar rules that I'm nevertheless always aware of.  [Ha!  See what I did there?])


    I'm as surprised as anyone to realize that I can't abruptly drop the show despite my anger and upset over the way this season ended.  Watching next season, if there is one, in no way negates the way I feel now.


    At least I know I won't be alone in Purgatory.  Y'all will be there throwing rotten tomatoes at me.  Guess I'll have to learn to duck!

    • Love 1
  14. Does anyone else find themselves clicking the "You Like This" icon on nearly every post?  And wanting to click it on every post but refraining because you've already "liked" so many and it's feeling redundant?  As unhappy as I was with the finale, it means a lot to me to come here and find such articulate posts summing up what I've been feeling.  Thanks, everyone.

    • Love 23
  15. I'm probably just being nitpicky but it read Abigail Mills and not Grace Abigail Mills. I would've thought her full name would be on there.

    Good catch!  I didn't think about that, but you're right.

    • Love 1
  16. You know what?  I still haven't figured out what reason there might have been for bringing in Betsy Ross this season.  Think about it--did her appearances in the show change anything?  Yeah, she made the flag, but that's something that could have been referred to in conversation and its secrets exposed in one of Ichabod's many books.  We didn't actually have to see Betsy.  She was an annoyance that served no purpose.

    • Love 7
  17. It appears Tom Mison has deleted his Twitter account.

    I think it's been deleted for some time.  I followed him on Twitter and when I hadn't seen any tweets for awhile, I searched for his name and couldn't find it.  This was at least a month ago. His wife doesn't have a Twitter account anymore either.

  18. You know.  I'm even more annoyed with Abbie's exit.


    I suspected back when they did the crossover this was setting up something else down the road so to me they knew at the crossover she wanted out. T


    hey did not have to rewrite the Two Witnesses lore to move SH into a procedural. They just needed to have Abbie and Ichabod say 'I love you to each other ONE FUCKING TIME' Abbie dies. Ichabod can't take being in SH without her so he accepts a job at the Jeffersonian and works with the Bones team and then they can have their boring ass procedural instead of the fun romp we had in s1. 

    I actually had the Crane-goes-to-Bones thought too.  I know it's basically a stupid idea, but I'm going to miss Crane (and Mison's handsome face) if SH gets cancelled or continues but is unwatchable for me because of the way this season ended.  If I were in charge and decided to put Crane in the Bones world, I'd almost completely ignore his origins and treat him like a regular character, except for just a hint now and then that there is something decidedly different about Mr. Ichabod Crane.

    • Love 2
  19. You know what really gets me?  The way the producers are talking as if they expected the viewers to sit back and say, "Oh, my, that was a bold choice!" instead of "WHAT THE FUCK??!!!"  I mean, honestly, did they really believe that we'd be just fine with the sudden and unnecessary death of a character we love and respect?  A character who is ABSOLUTELY VITAL to the show's success?  Can they really be that stupid?  (Rhetorical question.  We all know the answer.)


    Desperate to say something positive, I will add that this episode underscored the brilliant casting of Zach Appelman as Clancy Brown's son.  Not since Kelsey Grammar and David Hyde Pierce on Frasier have two unrelated actors looked unquestionably related.  Of course, now Zach's character is dead too, so screw you again, writers.

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