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Posts posted by OldHeaveHo



    I'm actually so happy about this.  I think Jake and Josh were the true Top 2 of the season.  Jake is a real diamond in the rough.  He's effervescent and charming and when he's on he's really on.  He's got a wonderfully smooth voice and with a little polish he could really be something special.  I with nothing but the best for him.


    But Joshy!  My Joshy!  I can't believe it actually happened!  Grimmie with her social media and producers bias and Jake with his charm and country block I can't believe you pulled it off!!!  I'm so happy!  Josh is already a professional, in my opinion, but he just hadn't found the right platform.  Grimmie is a replaceable wannabe but Josh is a true artist.



    • Love 1
  2. Alright, let's get into this.


    Kristen - "Gunpower & Lead" - B+:  Fun performance!  I've heard her sound a lot better on her other songs, but sometimes it's a good thing to sacrifice a little bit of the voice in order to give a great performance.  This reminded me of the energy she had during her audition and why I was instantly drawn to her.  I think Kristen is just so genuine.  It's like every word she speaks or sings is just truth.  It's very attractive.


    Josh - "All of Me" - B+: Another solid performance.  Although I do have to say, as much as I LOVE Josh, he needs to mix it up a bit.  Constantly singing ballads is getting a little stale, even though he knocks it out of the park every single time.  I loved what he did with 'Happy' and I want to see more of that.  So A+ vocals, but C+ performance.


    Kat - "Chandelier" - C-:  Ouch.  Screechy, pitchy, lame.  I've liked Kat for a while, but it's incredibly clear that she's going home tomorrow.  That wasn't great.


    Jake - "Good Ol' Boys" - B:  You know what?  This was fun.  I liked this a lot.  Jake was struggling since the beginning of the lives, but the past couple of weeks he has really come out and knocked his performances out of the park.  This was everything it needed to be for Jake.  It was campy, it was fun, it had a couple big notes to show off his voice.  Really good.  Only thing: I hate how all the other artists are required to break out of their comfort zone, but country singers can sing country all season long and get a pass.


    Christina - "Hide and Seek" - D:  Wow.  That was certainly something, but it wasn't anything good.  Imogin Heap has this wonderfully full, mournful voice on this track and Christina sucked all the life out of it.  Her voice is so thin and pitchy and she's always throwing in unnecessary belts.  I thought she was okay in the beginning but now I just want her gone.


    Josh - "Love Runs Out" - A+:  Heyyyyy, this is exactly what I wanted to see happen!!  Something modern, something upbeat, something to give his performances a little more energy!  I loved this.  He's still probably the worst performer left, but hearing him rock out to this song was a breath of fresh air.  This was an instant download for me.  Josh will make the finals, but if he doesn't win I will be appalled.  I take solace in the fact that, throughout the season, he has outsold everybody left.  And his appearences on the Billboard 100 says to me that people want what he's bringing to the table.  I thought he would be kind of niche, but he's appealing to a broader audiance.


    Kat - "Let It Go" - D:  Oh my god, stop.


    Kristen - "Foolish Games - A: Wow.  Gorgeous, beautiful, perfect.  I truly, truly hope that Kristen makes it to the final 3.  I think Josh and Jake are locked at this point, so Kat, Kristen and Christina will probably end up in the bottom.  If this song doesn't save Kristen then... I don't know.  She deserves to be Top 3.


    Christina - "Some Nights" - C: Ugh.  It's becoming more and more apparent that Christina's voice is just subpar.  She sounded like a little girl singing karaoke here.  Completely underwhelming, thin, thin, lifeless voice.  She's sinking pretty fast here.  This just sounded unprofessional.  I don't know what Adam was talking about, I guess he was grasping at straws because he knew Christina flopped.  And those stupid balloons and unnecessary belt AGAIN?  Stop.


    Jake - "Heaven" - B: I actually preferred his first performance.  I think he struggled a little with this one.  He sounded a little disconnected from the song and his voice was a little shakier than what I'm used to.  Still, pretty good.


    So, from first to worst:


    1) Josh - "Love Runs Out" - A+

    2) Kristen - "Foolish Games" - A

    3) Josh - "All of Me" - B+

    3) Kristen - "Gunpowder & Lead" - B+

    5) Jake - "Good Ol' Boys" - B

    5) Jake - "Heaven" - B

    7) Christina - "Some Nights" - C

    8) Kat - "Chandelier" - C-

    9) Christina - "Hide & Seek" - D

    9) Kat - "Let It Go" - D

    • Love 1
  3. I can live with these eliminations.


    Delvin has got an incredible voice, no doubt, but there isn't anything unique or interesting about it.  It's just your run of the mill gospel sounding voice.


    Sissaundra I never really warmed up to because her personality always seemed so put on and her vocals were just her screaming into the mic all the time.  She always belted and rarely sang.


    The same goes for Audra on both accounts.  She is a belter, not a singer, and her voice isn't unique enough to bring anything new to the music industry.  Having said that, I do think her voice is super gorgeous.  I prefer it to Sissaundra's by a mile.


    I think the writing is on the wall for Kat.  Unless she does something truly incredible I think she will be the next to go.


    Josh and Grimmie, unless something disasterous happens, will be in the finals.  I just can't decide whether it will be Kristen or Jake who joins them.  Jake has been underwhelming but has a huge fanbase, whereas I thought Kristen would be eliminated week 1 and she's still here.  It's a toss up

  4. All in all, sort of a disappointing night.  A lot of these singers are actually super talented but I was left a little bored by some of the song choices.  Let's get into it.


    Kat: B.  Now that I've heard her just sit there and sing I'm not sure I'm a fan of Kat's voice.  She's a good singer, but I find her voice a little thin and without the theatrics of Rock I was left a little bored.  Still, she's decent.  Just not my cup of tea.


    Tess: C.  Aw, I'm sad for Tess.  I like her, but she is just too pagenty, her voice is too generic and there just isn't anything special about her.  She did a fine job.  She wasn't off key or anything, but I was left uninspired.  I do like that she's a fighter, though.  I find myself rooting for her because she's always had to pick herself up from the bottom, but it's her time to go.


    Audra: B-.  More belty notes?  How boring.  She's got a lovely voice, truly, but she is so bland.  She did a great job with the song but I find myself rooting for her less and less.  I don't want to listen to notes when I listen to music, I want to hear passion and emotion and I just don't get that from Audra.  It's a shame because she's a real talent.


    Josh: B+.  Was it just me or was the background music completely overpowering him?  I've actually noticed this problem a couple of times but it was the most evident here.  I could barely hear him!  I think this was an awful choice of song from Usher.  Last week Josh seemed modern and fresh and this week he just seemed so dated.  The song doesn't have enough elements in it for it to be an interesting performance.  Still, Blake was right when he said that Josh's live performances sound like recordings - he's that good.  I love the passion I hear in Josh's voice and I hear it every time he sings.  Shitty song, but Josh still impresses me.


    Christina: A.  I'm completely surprised be her.  I've been annoyed by Christina for some time now.  I find her performances fake, I find her big notes shouty and unneccesary and, generally, I find her generic.  So color me surprised when I found myself enjoying her performance!  I think this dialed back way of singing really showcased the tones in her voice that I didn't know were there.  She still got her shouty note in there, but it felt right so I'm not hating.


    Jake: D.  Jake, what the hell!  You were in my top 3 before the lives but I have been so unimpressed with you.  Your low notes used to be full and warm and lovely, and now you're ghosting them and they're pitchy.  Boo!  Boo I say!  I still like Jake and I'd like to see him get another shot, but give him something interesting!  The song was boring and the performance was boring.


    Bria: F.  Girl.


    Delvin: A-. Delvin has got a lovely, full voice that is incredibly rich, but I think it needs a little more grit.  That being said, finally, a performance!  While everybody else jsut stood there and sang or trotted around slowly, Delvin really got into it!  I've always loved how he interacts with the audience - it really draws me in.  Great energy, great song choice.  It really raised my estimation of Delvin.


    Kristen: B-.  I love Kristen.  When she sings and performs and even when she speaks to the camera I find her so honest.  I am very attracted to her genuine her energy is, which puts her miles ahead of people like Audra and Sissaundra.  I love the tone of Kristen's voice, but this was a pretty bad song choice.  It didn't showcase her lovely voice in any way.  I really hope she survives this week because I think she's awesome.


    Sissaundra: A.  Oh, Sissaundra.  How I wish I could like you.  I don't know what it is but her personality just seems like a facade to me.  Unfortunately for me, that means I can't enjoy her performances as much as I should.  That being said, what a voice.  Blake is a genius.  This was the perfect song at the perfect time for Sissaundra.  I was getting really sick of all of her belty songs and vocal acrobatics.  Sissaundra is a chronic oversinger, but she really dialed it back with this performance and had a lot of fun with it.  She's GOT to stop with the epic notes though.  We know you can do it and as great as they are they're becoming repetitive.



    10) Bria

    9) Jake

    8) Tess

    7) Audra

    6) Kat

    5) Kristen

    4) Josh

    3) Delvin

    2) Sissaundra

    1) Christina

  5. This is actually the first season of The Voice for me.  The format of the show is really interesting and it has a ton more talent then shows like American Idol.  I'm a fan!

    Let's get into tonights performances.  I like how awkwardpenguin structured their post so I'll follow suit and give the performances grades to express how I felt about them.  I guess I'll go from worst to first.

    Bria: D.  I loved this girl's audition but her shtick is getting old quite fast.  I still enjoy the edge to her voice in her power notes but the way she sings between those notes is pitchy, thin and generally mediocre.  Like others, I'm not a fan of her fake guitar slinging.

    Dani: D.  Yeesh.  I thought Dani did a great job last week and was ready to be wowed.  This was karaoke at its most mediocre.  Her phrasing was all over the place, her breathing was off, she was flat in places and it was far too 'shouting in tune'.  I was rooting for her and she let me down.

    Jake: C-.  I love Jake!  I love his round, full tones and I think he's got the perfect amount of country twang to his voice to appeal to more than just country fans.  But he was definitely off tonight, unfortunately.  The song was slow and boring to begin with and he sounded out of breath a lot of the time.  He's not going anywhere though so I hope he can pick it up.

    T.J.: C-.  I'm just not a fan of T.J.'s voice.  He didn't sound off key or anything, but his voice is thin and unspectacular.

    Audra: C.  It was fine.  It was boring.  It was forgettable.  I like Audra but she needs to do something exciting.  She looked terrified the entire time and I think it got to her.  I'm worried that she's sort of a one trick pony.  I think since she was performing with just Team Blake for a while she seemed better than she is.  Now that she's competing against the best she's a little forgettable.

    Delvin: C+.  I like Delvin's tone and I think he's got a beautiful voice, but it's a voice that I feel like I've heard a hundred times before.  It's great, but it's not special.  I think the song choice wasn't the greatest for him.  The arrangement was choppy and it kind of ruined the performance for me.  Passable, but not great.

    Christina: C+.  I find Christina incredibly annoying and for the life of me I can't understand why she's considered a front runner.  There are a million Christina's out there and I'm sure they would do a better job than her.  Her lower register is quite nice but when she tries to hit those high notes she just shouts into the mic and sounds tinny and sharp.  I have to give her props for performing the hell out of it though.

    Tess: B-.  Tess is impressing me more and more each week but she remains completely forgettable.  Last week I thought her voice got a little thin in places but this week it sounded full and lovely.  I'm glad she's getting better but I just don't care about her.

    Kat: B.  I think Kat's great.  I think she's got great energy and she can sing the hell out of some notes.  Her battles were amazing, but, again, I felt like this performance was just too shouty.  I'm not sure what's up with all of these people being overly shouty.  I guess they're trying to impress but it's turning me off.  I wish she would just sing next time.

    Sissaundra: B+. :-(.  I want to love Sissaundra, I really do, and I'm glad that she pulled back a little this week but she has GOT to stop with the oversinging.  Even when she's singing quietly I feel like she's doing too much.  There's something about her personality that seems kind of fake as well which is a turn off.  Still, she's got a killer voice.

    Kristen: A-.  God, I hope she sticks around this week.  She was montaged through twice and was screwed over by a mic failure!  Despite that, her voice is one of my favourites this season.  There is something so natral and accessible about her voice that I'm very attracted to and I hope other people are too.  I thought it was intimate and beautiful and I thought she handled her mishap with grace and professionalism.  I truly hope she sticks around and people get to see what shes made of!

    Josh: A+.  Absolutely flawless.  Last week I thought he oversang a little but this week he was perfect.  He didn't overembellish, his phrasing was perfect, his big notes were stong and full and didn't sound shouty like everybody else.  This guy is freaking professional.  This was a magical performance.  I think this performance really solidified him as a front-runner.  I'm obsessed.

    Josh was far and away the stand out of the night.  I've alredy downloaded his song and listened to it 15 times. 

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