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  1. Funniest Gilmore Girls scene: S5: E18 Paris asking for $0.50 to call Doyle on the streets of Stars Hollow Makes me laugh every time!
  2. I'd agree with this, but a few of her siblings and at least one of them has reached out and offered to help her navigate life away from FF. Anna is a sick moron. I feel nothing but rage toward her. She has the tools to leave, but she won't. she WANTS this life for her kids. Eff her.
  3. I rewatched some episodes. I still hate season two, and most of the hate was complete disregard for the book...BUT I realized that I HATE Edwina in the series, but loved her in the book. In the series she acts like a dimwit. Kate in the series is PERFECTION, but Edwina grates on my every last nerve. I think its the actress, but she was so dippy. I love Eloise's story (the 5th book) but I've lost all hope. Eloise was insufferable ALL of this season. She's just SO extra. I can't stand her attitude. I still like Pen, but I started to dislike her also in this season. WHERE WAS COLIN?!? This was not Colin. Benedict was a shining light in the boring drama that was this season. They better not eff up his season. Kate and Anthony were beautiful and perfect, but it dragged on FAR too long. Getting 10 minutes of happiness was unconscionable.
  4. I love this idea.
  5. I'm upset because I LOVED book 2, and I feel like they bastardized it. Mr. Bagwell. :( They could have easilly made kate/anthony drama without absolutely killing kate/edwina. I was sorrowful. We got 10 minutes (literally) of Kate and Anthony. i hated it. I guess it's an unpopular opinion.
  6. I hated it. A LOT. HATE. I can't say why because it's all about the book. I'm SO SAD.
  7. Agree. In fact my daughters are FAR messier and rowdier than my sons.
  8. Well...It wasn't really rape because the woman was asking for it by not having proper clothing on. Remember, there is no such thing as rape because men can't control themselves if they can see an ankle or a collar bone. :(
  9. If Austin is self employed medicade is EXTREMELY easy to get. What paycheck people don't understand is that if you are self employed and make 60k, after write offs (even just standard deduction) your taxes say you make about 40K, then if you have a large family the standard poverty rates go pretty high. My husband is self employed, and it actually pisses me off. We live in PA, and have 5 teenagers. He makes about 110K a year. After write offs and our 7 person family we make enough for low cost CHIP. It's not medicaid but kind of (There are levels in PA). We pay $25 a month per child. There have been low years (where he didn't make as much) when we bounced into Medicaid. It's acutally extremely frustrating because our doctors may or may not take CHIP and/or medicaid. We could afford to jump onto our OWN plan, but the health insurance companies force you to go through the system to see what you qualify for, so I always feel like a mooch. So, for the self employed, it's actually really hard. You either pay through the teeth for taxes by not taking the write offs...or you take the write offs and your 1040 makes you look destitute and you can't get a loan. It wouldn't suprise me a bit if he is a schedule C and on medicaid.
  10. I watched the whole thing, and my take away is that I hated every single character, and yet I was interested enough to watch the entire series in three days. Unlike other comments I've seen, I think Shonda crafted this very well. I don't think there are any clear heroes in this story, and it is more of a commentary on how classism is alive and well in NYC, and that Anna was accidentally exposing this truth....and how many people SAY they are one thing (liberal NY'ers) and act the opposite. Anna and all of her friends are just horrible people.I felt deeply only for Val ...but i came away from this series thinking that it was interesting to watch, but the only character I liked was Vivians husband, and the dickhead lawyer's wife.
  11. Watching Ballrooms and Biscotti. Another "Lorelai is annoying" moment-WHY can't she just tell Emily that she had to shop for Rory's dorm because they had the wrong move in date? It's SO annoying. Sure, Emily would've chastized her for being disorganized, but good grief. Lorelai is always talking about how she and her mother don't communicate well, but it is ALWAYS Lorelai who isn't communicating with Emily.
  12. ummm....he was also a pedophile. Our church was once infiltrated by some fundie families. They all left when our pastor couldn't be persuaded to use KJV. lol. We use NIV and NASB. lol
  13. I live in extreme NW PA beside extreme NE OH. We have over 40" on the ground. The last storm dumped about a foot. Our schools didn't cancel. I call bullsh*t on this story. We NEVER slow down around here. We suffer extreme Lake effect snow thanks to living on the Lake Erie shore. EMS doesn't quit.
  14. Truth to this. I would love to see a prequel about Loralei new in Stars Hollow.
  15. YES. I've always said that it wou;d have been nice for RORY to not get into Harvard, and for PARIS to get in, but later decide that she (Paris) doesn't want to do what her parents expect her to do and ends up at Yale with Rory.. Paris deserved better, and you'll never convince me that Rory got valedictorian over Paris. Major BS there. My biggest season 3 wish list was that *Rory would have been rejected from Harvard and Yale was the runner up. *Rory would realize that journalism wasn't for a meek thing like her, and that in the age of the internet, probably a dying art form. *Realize from her PSAT scores that perhaps she should go into a stem field, like medical research. *Paris is Valedictorian. The series is excellent because of Stars Hollow. The story of Rory is just kind of meh. They didn't write about who Rory really was.
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