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Rose Madder

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Posts posted by Rose Madder

  1. K is for that very sweet Kiss between Ross and Rachel when he found out that she had feelings for him, confronted her at Central Perk, they fought and he stormed out only to return a few minutes later and see her crying in the dark.

    Loved that scene.

  2. Okay, I'll start. After six years of scanning every scene looking for the numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42), I still don't know what the deal with them is.


    They were already being broadcast from the radio tower back when Rosseau's crew arrived at the Island, in the 80s. They gave bad luck to those who used them to win gambling games (the guy from the Navy who killed himself, the one who ended up in the same mental institution as Hurley and, of course, Hurley himself). They were the code that had to be input into the computer at the Swan Station every 108 minutes lest the whole thing blew up. They were printed on the cover of the hatch for the Swan Station.


    So... why? Why did they give back luck to people? Why did the Initiative bother to broadcast them? What was so meaningful and important about them?

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  3. I wanted the Smoke Monster/Esau to win.  I never believed a thing Jacob said, and that goes double for Mother.


    Thank you! How anyone could say that Jacob was one of the good guys was beyond me and still is. Mommy dearest kills a woman, steals her babies and later slaughters an entire village in cold blood to prevent one of them from leaving: it's for the greater good. Esau kills her for shattering his hope to go live among his kind: he's a monster and must be thrown in that pit and condemned to spend eternity at the island as the smoke monster.

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  4. Even though I know the original lyrics of "Believe It or Not", I more often catch myself singing under my breath: "Believe it or not, George's not home. Where could I be? Believe it or not, I'm not home!"

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  5. Jane used to be so insightful. She didn't seem at all curious about the cheerleader signing off on the reporter?

    That bugged me too. Plus, telling the reporter about the surprise witness? Really? I'm always willing to suspend my disbelief, but in what kind of alternate universe would this be a good idea?

    Even if we believe that the woman really meant no harm (and was just dumb enough not to realize that she didn't have to name names in order to give away Jane's strategy), Jane couldn't know that. For all she knew, all the reporter cared about was to get a story, and it was a story whether Jane's client won or lost.

  6. But I really hated the moment when Sheldon told Amy he didn't want to do something for Amy (I forget what) because the Boyfriend/Girlfriend Agreement was essentially a device "so he could get what he wants." Now obviously, that's exactly what it is, but he should have come back with "Darn it! Hoist by my own petard [Long digression on what a petard is]... but I agreed to that, so let's go through with this, no matter how unpleasant it may be."

    Unless we're thinking of two different episodes, that's exactly what happened.

    The one I'm thinking of is episode 6.10 ("The Fish Guts Displacement").

    Amy: But our relationship agreement clearly states that when one of us is sick, the other must take care of them.

    Sheldon: Oh, no, I see the confusion. No, the intent behind that clause was to force you to take care of me when I’m ill. When you’re feeling better, you’ll think that’s funny.

    Amy: Never mind. Good night, Sheldon.

    Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock) Amy. (Knock, knock, knock) Amy. (Knock, knock, knock) Amy. I made a commitment in writing to comfort you in times like this. Additionally, you are my girlfriend, and I care about your well-being.

    Amy: Thank you, Sheldon.

    Sheldon: You’re welcome. Now let’s get this over with.

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