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Posts posted by momma2rnr

  1. I loved the end, mostly because Joe seems so freaked out that he wound up with someone even crazier than he is. The whole reveal in the cage of the plan for Ellie had him like "man this chick is effed up, even more than me."

    I have a theory about the neighbor and next season... do we post here or is there another thread?

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  2. 1 hour ago, Blackie said:

    Have you seen the show "What We Do in the Shadows"?  The vampires were looking for virgins and one place they thought would be good was a crossfit gym, because all they do there is talk about crossfit!!😆

    Seriously this didn't make sense.  I know he knew that Rebecca was pissed but still.  I see where they were going with that storyline, I just don't like how it was written.  Why on earth would she want to go to a movie when all that company was coming, especially that cute baby. I guess they wanted her gone for awhile but it didn't work for Thanksgiving day I thought. Are the bakeries even open? I am seeing in my inlaws how a parent's dementia like symptoms and getting a diagnosis and treatment is causing power plays and rifts and not talking in the siblings, so that part seems accurate.

    This isn't even showing at the regular movie chains, at least not here in Canada. So unless they have a specialty theatre in walking distance.  For me, I would have to go to downtown Toronto, and first book tickets online, which we tried to do and the system wasn't working. 

    That and the stupid avocado storyline are just off the mark.  New parents usually have issues, there would be lots of more things that would make sense. 

    On a side note, on the weekend my husband wanted to cook a pot roast in the slow cooker, but h is afraid of my instant pot so pulled out our 25 year old slow cooker.  Within 5 min we could smell plastic burning.  The heating coil and melted right through the bottom.  Good thing we hadn't of set it right up and then left the house for the day!

    But it wasn't actually Thanksgiving day so the company thing doesn't really matter nor the bakery being open (although here in the US some grocery stores are open).  I'd assume that that movie is playing in a large metro city like Philly. Its playing here in Indianapolis. I thought it was a pretty good fakeout.

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  3. 11 hours ago, Ohmo said:

    This is not word for word, but the jist was Toby saying that he was trying to get past it (presumably the deal with the avocado) and someone in the chat responded with "Don't let her bring you down.  We're here for you."

    Serious question about Lucy (Jack's wife): Can pregnant women eat shrimp safely?  Isn't it raw?

    No the shrimp wasn't raw. And yes, pregnant women can. At least I always did.

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  4. 2 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    It did look like he was going back to fhe trailer with Nicky after all, so he could easily hook up with Cassidy if the reconciliation with her husband didnt work out.

    That's true, but if she got pregnant in the current timeline, she'd be close to delivering by their bday.

    My guess is its Cassidy, but she is in her first trimester on their bday so that's why the morning sickness. Since she's someone he knows, the pregnancy/engagement may not seem as rushed as it would if I were someone brand new. Also, they'd have to wait for her divorce to be final, then maybe she gets pregnant and they decide to wait until the baby comes before getting married. 🤷‍♀️

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  5. 1 hour ago, DFWGina said:

    I wish they had not had all the new people all at once appear without even a slight introduction.  I'm a little more irritated by the way they did things but still interested....

     I feel like Kaye & Toby are dead because as a Pearson - they would have been there in multitudes for the post engagement party, the concert, probably one would have jumped out from behind the door to help him put the plate back together.  LOL

    I thought Jack Jr was Kevin's son for sure after I got over thinking it was Kevin.  I do not care about the "war woman" as I took to calling her when texting with a friend trying to figure out her character.  I wondered if she was Nicky's daughter somehow vs being a love interest for Kevin.   Are we certain she is Kevin's love interest?

    I thought Malik was in jr high as well and not old enough to be a baby daddy.  I am not interested at all in his and Deja's story.   It does seem to parallel Rebecca and Jack's story.

    In fact, I thought that all of these folks were going to be parallel stories and not related.  *sigh*  Not good with the guessing.  But I am interested to see where they take it all.  

    But just because we didn't see them in those quick scenes doesn't mean they weren't there. When they elaborate on the party or the concert, they could very well be there. The showrunners have already said they wanted us to meet these people WITHOUT the Pearsons first, so it makes sense that they aren't there.

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  6. Ok first, why are we calling him Jack Jr? He's not a junior, he's just named after her dad.

    Now that that's done... I kind was kinda bored at first, but actually really liked it once it was all over. I liked that they didn't show us the new people through the "Pearson view." I want to get invested in their characters before Kevin tries to save JMo's character, I wanna cheer for Malik before Randall comes in and starts giving his infamous sanctimonious "Randallisms," I want to learn about Jack without him being tainted by Kate & Toby's annoying selves. 

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  7. 10 minutes ago, Blakeston said:

    My point is, people will go to enormous lengths to protect themselves from reminders of trauma. They'll do things that seem unconscionable, and are wildly inconsistent with their overall personalities.

    I don't think Jack was sitting in judgement of Nicky. And I don't think he was proclaiming that Nicky was undeserving of love or acknowledgement. He just didn't have the strength to acknowledge Nicky, period. Nicky wasn't just a reminder that Jack's decisions ultimately led to a child's death; he was a reminder of all of the horror that Jack experienced in Vietnam. And he felt that he had to choose between being a good husband and father, and dealing with those reminders.

    I completely agree. Trauma does things to a person... and Nicky was a reminder of not only what happened in Vietnam, but what had happened throughout their childhood. On some level, I am sure Jack thought that Nicky's attempts at communication were a way to get back into his life and therefore the cycle of cleaning up after Nicky would begin all over again. But Jack had a family, a good job, a good life as he said, and it's hard to have a good life if you're constantly dealing with someone else's baggage and mistakes, plus all of the baggage it would bring up for Jack. He had to choose, as Nicky said, his life BEFORE the war and his life AFTER the war.

    • Love 18
  8. 14 hours ago, CleoCaesar said:

    So in the dozens of postcards Nicky sent Jack, he couldn't have written "What happened to the kid was a total accident. I tried to warn him but it happened too fast. It's haunted me for years." on ANY of them?

    I knew the show wouldn't have the balls to have Nicky do something truly wrong. Really cowardly writing. Having his big sin be an accident is weak tea. If he'd committed treason or a war crime, now that would take skill to write and be affecting.

    So now Nicky is moving in. Yawn. It's like William: The Sequel. Like, mix it up, writers!

    This seems like something that required a face to face... also, he was likely thinking that a face to face meeting was going to be the beginning of mending their relationship.

    I'm not sure how killing a kid isn't 'truly' wrong. I mean, he took a CHILD onto a boat with grenades... any adult would know better than that, especially a child who doesn't speak your language. It may not have been treason or a war crime, but for Jack, it seemed like the last straw in a growing pile.

    • Love 15
  9. On 4/21/2018 at 9:41 AM, XrystalPond said:

    If someone I was getting to know and starting to date had a moment like Alice/Tilly, I would be concerned for them and their safety not annoyed that our rambling date got cut short. My reaction to her entering the bar at the end would have been, "Are you okay? I was worried when you seemed to be in so much pain/anguish." 

    P.S. The Belle shrine reminded me of a 1970s or 1980s prom with all the flowers and crepe paper stuff. And I agree with whoever said Facilier is coming off as annoying rather than deliciously evil. When he lifted the mask to reveal himself to Rumple, I audibly groaned and said, "What? This guy again?"


    On 4/21/2018 at 3:12 PM, Camera One said:

    Anyone knows how easily those little padlocks can be broken or cut.  Why wouldn't Regina just carry that small flask with her?  How long does it take to brew that potion anyway?  

    Ditto for Rumple keeping that dagger in the storage locker at the precinct?  Do detectives have their own personal lockers?  

    It also bothers me how much magic Dr. Facilier has in the World Without Magic.  Did he take a flask in the Anastasia episode?  If he had so much magic from that, why did he need the sugar from the beignets to power that voodoo doll?  

    In Storybrooke, Graham's death was ruled as a heart attack.  Why wouldn't the reports show his heart was crushed if in Hyperion Heights, Nick's heart was pierced from the inside?  

    Could someone clarify whether that was a shrine that Rumple built himself for Belle?

    It's not a "shrine." With all of the things on it, it looked like an ofrenda. During Dia de Los Muertos, people create altars (or ofrendas) to celebrate their deceased loved ones. Dia de Los Muertos is the only day of the year that our loved ones can come visit from the other side. Many families (mine included) create the ofrenda, then leave food and gifts for our loved ones. It's our way to remember them and to celebrate their life. In Hispanic culture, death isn't the end, our loved ones continue to live in Heaven.


    I thought it was a great way to incorporate Coco which was an amazing movie that brought a piece our culture to the masses. People think Day of the Dead is just skulls and flowers, but it's so much more. Some people do leave their altars up all the time.

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  10. Andrew can't be Jason's twin, he's too young.

    What I can't wrap my head around is why he's torturing Ali and not Jason.

    My immediate reaction was that he can't be Jason's twin because he's too young too. But he could be the middle DiLaurentis sibling.

    If he's their sibling, twin or not, then maybe he broke Alison's arm when she was a toddler and it only got worse so theyear sent him away. But wouldn't Ali and Jason remember another sibling? And if not both of them at least Jason because he was old enough to know he had siblings.

    He could be pretending to be younger, but wouldn't that be hard to keep up? And we did only meet him around the time Mona went to Radley right?

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