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  1. its original foundation is correct above, so it may just be something a proofreader missed. So, you have a father with 6 mug shots and a resume of abuse and swindling, a mother with 1 with a .20 BAC on her DWI, a sister that may be the most notorious child-star screwup adult also with 6 mug shots, I think a missed use of its vs. it's is small potatoes by comparison.
  2. How do these numbers compare to other shows of this type (other documentary series Oprah has done)? Do ratings mean as much as they used to in this day of On Demand, DVR and other means? Someone can watch their preferred show at the time of it's airing and then watch the competitor's show at a later time of their convenience. What happens when you factor in those numbers?
  3. Michael Jr. has a verified twitter and instagram with links to his businesses. He's also on linked-in showing his resume. Aliana also has a verified twitter and she is represented by two major modeling agencies that get her steady work. Don't try to google her because you won't find much, her work is on tumblr or pinterest. She also gave interviews last year to Daily Beast and WWD and has a youtube channel and instagram. I don't see how it is so difficult to understand how two adults, 26 and 20, one college educated and the other backed by major modeling agencies, can support themselves. My approach is to judge them on their own merits, I do not make any presumptions or assumptions about them based on the behavior of their relatives. Same holds true for Cody or any sibling or person with problematic relatives. Anyway, Michael Jr. was in part 6 and 8. the Fug girl's report didn't have any major issues with him. If some of you did, that's your opinion but mine is different.
  4. @iwasish There are children of alcoholics that take on different roles. While all are affected by the addict(s)'s dysfunction, some take on a very responsible role. Also, all kids are different. Their personalities are their own. It looks like Michael Jr and Ali are the responsible ones in the family, I'm not sure of Cody. I don't agree with Michael Jr. being in a setting with Lindsay around alcohol but Lindsay will do what she does and maybe he thinks all he can do is be with her to make sure she doesn't get out of control. I don't even agree with that. I think it is unfair to assess someone based on limited information and if you had more, you'd see Michael Jr. is a decent guy and although sometimes flawed, tries to do his best for his family and mostly in the background.
  5. It's only a good post if you agree with it. But it isn't factual. The Lohan siblings have stayed out of trouble and the poster is assuming simply because of the family they come from they will fail. They aren't getting in trouble, aren't showing signs of recklessness and that person is judging the siblings mostly out of association, not their own characters or actions which none of you know very much about obviously. Also, I don't care that much about what Michael Lohan says. What has he done? He's been arrested numerous times, he has had many women put out restraining orders on him, he has been in rehab many times, he hasn't payed child support for years to children he's fathered. He has swindled people out of money. And people are going to seriously compare his son to him who has had no legal problems, hasn't been in rehab, hasn't had any history at all of violence? Dina had her one drinking arrest which is totally unacceptable. But Michael has had a DUI as well. Dina doesn't have the destructive, criminal record that Michael Lohan does.
  6. Seeing that Michael Jr. is already 26 and Aliana 20 and Lindsay showed issues at 17/18 and serious ones at 19/20, how much time do they need before you can think that maybe they may be different people altogether than their sister is? Why do screwed up parents have to mean screwed up kids when the whole point of some other comments is that some people can rise above that? Some people but not Michael and Dina's children?
  7. Not at all. I doubt you've even seen a current or recent picture of this young woman. Try Aliana Lohan at Nicole Miller's fashion show a few months ago. The very thin pictures are from 2011/2012, not recent pictures. She gained back most of her weight quite awhile ago and was never anorexic, she just became too thin due to her modeling agency wanting her to get her weight down. Anyway, seems you have your minds made up on Cody, Ali and Michael so facts like Michael Jr. not being a verbally abusive con man like his father who puts his face in front of any camera seems to hold little weight while a normal thing like a 17 maybe liking a nice car somehow does. But the Lohan siblings have not been problem kids or young adults. They are decent people that don't display Lindsay's reckless behavior nor need for attention. Notice Ali and Cody were barely on the show.
  8. He's 17. Is he getting in trouble? Is he getting into fights or anything like that. It's no big deal that if what Lindsay and her father say is true that they offered him a car and he picked one at 48K. What would be a problem is him being reckless and misbehaving. Conrad Hilton was arrested for a DUI at 17 after crashing his car in a residential neighborhood and he was possessing marijuana. Talullah Willis was caught drinking when she was 17. Demi Lovato got into trouble by striking someone when she was 17. Lindsay got in trouble at 18/19. I was looking at serious bad behavior and saying Lindsay's siblings don't exhibit any and that's notable seeing that so many people blame her parents for her own bad behavior and they have their own bad behavior. I don't expect young people to be perfect, just stay out of any serious trouble. And Lindsay's siblings have.
  9. It shows in Lindsay's own family. Her brother is 26, sister 20, and another brother 17 and none of them show the issues that Lindsay shows. In fact, they are all productive and without drama. So Michael and Dina, while not being good people, still have 3 children that aren't messing up their lives. Lindsay has failed herself up to now and has blown some of her chances to turn things around. But she can still change, she's still young. I don't think people should give up on her, some others in entertainment didn't turn things around until they were in their 30s or 40s.
  10. There was never a planned season, it was an 8 part documentary on Lindsay. I have no idea where Daily Mail got the impression there were to be "seasons" of the show. Just like Shania Twain, Fergie (Sarah Furguson), Tatum O'Neal, the documentaries were in 1-hour segments for a fixed amount of weeks and that's all that was ever planned.
  11. Some more on Lindsay is she'll be on the View on Friday co-hosting, I saw some instagram pictures that she taped the show today. She'll be on a show on Bravo on Wednesday night. Her documentary finale is Sunday where both episodes 7 and 8 will be shown. I think Lindsay has some deeper issues than being an addict and the substance addiction, excessive shopping, hoarding and all that are symptoms of it. And I don't think she's serious yet about working on those problems in any real way.
  12. And he probably did. And you don't know all of his priorities from one show. You're rushing to judge him but if you knew more about all of what he's done for her through the years, you'd know that his priority is to support her even in some of the bad decisions she's made. He can't stop her from being in bad situations. She's 27, he's 26, he can only suggest things for her and she doesn't listen to anyone, including her parents, life coach, anyone. Only Oprah sometimes can make her listen to sound advice.
  13. Post show she's still in the SoHo apartment and she's doing talk shows. She was in 2 Broke Girls last night and I thought she did a good job with her character. She went to Coachella and despite some gossip story of her being drunk, there were many people posting on twitter and instagram that took pictures with her and said otherwise (as a rule, I do not believe most gossip stories, especially from anonymous "sources"). Ali Lohan is nowhere near a trainwreck, again, don't read gossip stories and look at instagram/twitter and she's level-headed, responsible, totally professional in her modeling work, understated, a really different person from her sister, mother and father. I don't hold much hope out for Lindsay. She still clubs, she just says things that sound like she's saying what should be said and hangs around the same people or type of people she always has. I think her mother Dina is a mess and her father can't stay away from talking into cameras.
  14. Her brother is not a dick. I think you're being way to harsh on him. He's actually a good person and looks after her. He's a very smart businessman and he's helping her out in businesses he's involved in. I know he said he fears a relapse and there goes her career but it doesn't mean he doesn't care about her health first, it's just how the interview was structured and maybe how it was edited. In the end he said he wants to see her happy and when she's struggling with addiction she's not and looked pretty somber about it. I thought it was good to see someone in her family different than her mother and father, had enough of them.
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