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Posts posted by AnnieF

  1. Bol, I'm glad you get some more time with Super Kitty. I was worried that my senior rescue kitty, Ember, was going into a decline over the holiday, but she improved once our holiday guests left, so for now she's still with me. And apparently she doesn't do well with a bunch of new people in the house. Note to self.

    As for positive things...well, we had a good visit with my sister, bil, and nephew over the holiday. Oh, and my father-in-law cancelled Christmas with my husband's side of the family; evidently a smidge of self-awareness has crept into his brain, since he had a convo with my husband about how he feels like he doesn't have a relationship with his sons (duh) and grandsons (super duh) and he'd like to try to fix it. Amazing that he'd say that, but we're not exactly holding onto a lot of hope. I mean, it's just too late for him to try to have a real relationship with my kids -- they are teenagers, and he's essentially a stranger (we've seen them once a year for over a decade, even though he lives five minutes away. We tried, when we first moved back here, but we gave up after trying and trying and getting nothing back). 

    My hubs told his dad that we are certainly open to trying to improve things, but the ball is completely in his court. I'm not optimistic; my FIL is 74 years old. And has been like this (undemonstrative, reserved, unreachable) for the entire time I've known him, nearly 30 years. It's unlikely that he's really going to change. But hey, we'll see. So that's kinda positive, I s'pose. And my husband's grandma reached the 100-year-old milestone this year. 

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  2. Does anyone else feel traumatized? The deaths just keep on coming, we have no idea what the new administration, such as it is, might do, and it's...a lot. I feel overwhelmed, and scared. Carrie Fisher's death punched me in the gut. 


    How's everyone doing?

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  3. Well, I've moved past my paralyzed-by-grief stage and now I am just incandescently angry. I know I'm very much not alone when I say that I will not stand by and watch our democracy burn to the ground. That won't happen on our watch. 

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  4. I am so scared, my friends. Scared for everyone in this country who isn't a white man. And scared because the fascism wave hasn't just hit the US; there's been a notable increase in far-right extremism in Europe too. I fear for our entire world. 


    Peace, everyone. I'd apologize for being overly grim, but in this case I don't think that I am. :(

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  5. I find Nobel prizes hard to take seriously. I assume the sciencey prizes have more, I dunno, rigorous standards or something, but the peace prize and the literature prize are, for me, not so prestigious. Giving the lit prize to Dylan just makes me laugh. Okey dokey, Nobel committee. Y'all are hilarious. ;)

    I mean, Henry fucking Kissinger has a Nobel peace prize. 'Nuff said.

  6. Yay for no jury duty! I keep wondering if I am ever going to get called; we've been back in NV for 15 years, not been called once. I did enjoy (for a given value of "enjoy") the one time I was on a jury when I lived in CA, but that was a murder case, so, kind of inherently interesting. And depressing; seeing the sausage of justice being made is not terribly pretty. :/


    It snowed over Donner Summit last night and it's all frosty and icy here this morning. Brrr!

  7. Well, of course it's all about women! They're clearly the ones causing this demographic problem, with their "education" and "careers." Sheesh, ladies, get it together. You say that it's economically difficult? La la la, we can't hear yoooouuuuuu!! Now go get knocked up.


    Yeah. I can see why people are pissed. :)

    • Love 1
  8. Yes, you can certainly substitute baby spinach. It doesn't have the same peppery quality as watercress, but it's a fine substitute. Amount-wise, I would eyeball it. Does a handful tossed with the other ingredients look proportional? Start conservatively and add more if you think it needs it. I hope it's tasty. :)

  9. I don't even like Good Omens, which Gaiman co-wrote with Terry Pratchett, whom I adore. I just don't think all that highly of Gaiman, tbh. I think his personal history (he was raised a Scientologist and his sister is still in deep) is more interesting than anything of his that I've read.

    • Love 1
  10. Chyna I didn't think American Gods was very good either. And yes, everyone seems to shower the book with praise, but I found it boring, and not terribly insightful. So, solidarity! ;)

    Thanks for the kind words, everyone. The fatigue is really something. Blergh.

  11. Howdy, everyone, have not been feeling too good (in the middle of an MS flare, worst one yet) and kinda abandoned this place for a bit*, but I want to send housing vibes to buffyjunkie and new job vibes for Harvester. I hope everything goes as well as possible.


    *Because this redesign is terrible.. Still looks like texting to me, which: NOPE.

  12. I'm trying to be patient, because I know I always hate change. This does seem like a particularly ugly interface, though. Each comment floats by itself in its own box; makes the connections between comments seem more tenuous, imo. These visual cues don't say "conversation" to me, they say "individual announcements."

    Eventually it'll go away, and maybe its replacement will be easier to read. Maybe.

    • Love 1
  13. Also: Prince. Damn. That's hitting me harder than I would have expected.

    Me too. I just sat here trying to remember how many times I've seen "Purple Rain," and I gave up. For a while it was on constant rotation at my house (on VHS, of course). Goddamnit. :(

  14. How is this season of Orphan Black? I was disappointed with the new season of Kimmy Schmidt; I think there was a lack of focus, plus (and I know I'm nearly alone on this) why so much singing? Can't people just...say things? No? They have to siiiiiing them? Oh. Ok.

    Yay for short hair! That is totally my jam. ;)

  15. Random question for Darkpool: did you know there were rabid ST:Voyager fans? Until I read all the excited gushing over at Mark Watches, I had no idea there was such a thing. Voyager is hugely disappointing, imo. Great premise, but the follow-through is terrible. I watched a lot more Voyager than I did DS9, and I remember being consistently disappointed with it.

    Good luck with the caretaker interview, Endeavour.

    L&b's pic is worth looking at. I honestly did not know that vampires could play in the MLB. ;)

    • Love 2
  16. The F-let is 13 today. Both my kids are teenagers, oy. The sleep thing turns itself around eventually, of course -- Erratic is working on getting her wee one to sleep (yay!); I spend a fair amount of time making sure my guys are awake. The F-let has to wake up at 6 am for school, and unlike a baby, he does not want to see that time of day. ;)

    I hope you're doing alright, KPC. :) Vibes all around, take as needed, there's always more.

    • Love 1
  17. Not good news so much as "Huh," but when I was at the dispensary last time, there was a truck there with a "Trump 2016" sticker. First one I've seen, and it was at the literal drug store. Huh.

    And just this morning I saw a Mini Cooper Paceman with an amazingly creative personalized license plate that read "PACEMAN." That is out-of-the-box thinking, right there. But what I can't stop imagining is that if I bought a Paceman, my first mission would be to stick a metal 'S' on the front of the word. Right? How is making your car read "SPACEMAN" not mission one?!

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