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Posts posted by Carolinagirl702

  1. IMO humor is good, you want someone who will make you laugh and share small jokes with each other.

    Side note I have a question, does anyone know how to get this topic saved on your saved topics list when you log in?

    I've got my guilty pleasure reality shows front and center to click quickly for good trash talking but since this isn't a show it's not showing up 😞

    • Like 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, QQQQ said:

    I didn't realize (or remember?) that Kim actually got married in Italy before Kourtney. So who copied whom? I wonder how hard it was for Kim not to raise that point during the discussion, because I think it would been a slam dunk. Very mature of her not to go there, unless Kourtney had something she was holding back on as well. 

    Yes, when Kim married Kanye they had a multiple destination wedding weekend that started in Paris, France and ended with them getting married in Florence, Italy.

    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, Magog said:


    I'm losing my s--- right now over this for a few reasons.

    1. Its from that rotten landfill called Tik Tok. Youtube Shorts isn't much better, but thankfully Kim hasn't found that yet.

    2. That dress is utter crap & it belongs being shredded & burnt in a landfill. 

    3. I don't know who ALAIA is & having Kim wearing that garbage really shows that this sad excuse of a company is definitely not worth a damn. 

    4. I don't know who Chaney Jones is or why she was with Kanye for a couple of months in the first place, but she really needs to do better. 

    5. Being around those lovable stinky smelly pigs in the mud pit is a lot more fun & lot less vomit-inducing than being around that repulsive, soul-sucking 4th of July White Party with those very loathsome idiots.


    Wasn't just TikTok it made the gossip pages


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  4. And the TikTok girlies are losing their s*** from this 4th of July white party because Kim Kardashian wore the same dress as Her ex-husbands ex-girlfirend Chaney Jones (who dated Kanye back in early 2022 for a few months)

    But of course you know Kimmy cakes had to cut hers in half for her diaper ass so hers was two piece and the ex-girlfriend wore the full dress.

    Okay, wait.. so it wasn't the exact same dress but it's really splitting hairs it's the same s*** pricey too. Kim's version is ALAÏA white sheer T-shirt is what they're calling it $1860 & the matching skirt is $2730

    And Ms Jones ALAÏA dress retails for $4320




    • Mind Blown 2
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  5. 26 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

    It's ridiculous to take one random comment on Tik-Tok and run with it as if was Bible.

    It makes no sense what-so-ever that someone like Tom Brady would have any interest in dating Kim Kardashian, who comes with A LOT of baggage.  Which includes the Kardashian dysfunctional circus and a wacko ex-husband.

    Just look at the types of partners this family ends up with - losers, hanger-oners.

    Haha Bible... *Giggle* are you a member of the family? Because remember they say "Bible" when they are being serious about something.

    And yes of course not to take the TikTok I saw seriously.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, realityplease said:

    Interesting! But I don't think she picks relationships based on political leanings.  If a relationship with Tom Brady (or anyone) serves to enhance her status as part of a "power couple," she'd do it in a hot minute without regard to their politics. 

    She HAS been a Trump supporter when it serves her purposes - she met with Trump a few times when he was in the White House - ostensibly with respect to prison reform & when seeking pardons for various inmates she was seeking to free.  She's said in interviews that she has Democratic leanings about certain issues but also Republican leanings about taxes & money.  She'll support whomever best suits her own self-interest or particular goals - financial or otherwise.  Don't think ANY guy's politics would be an impediment for old Kimmy if the money, fame or self-interest lines up for her.

    This is true of our Kimmy Cakes.

    Toms newly divorced with 3 churren, Kim's divorced with 4 churren.... They both like the spotlight... Hell crazer things have happened in Hollywood land than a Kim and Tom coupling.

    And I did see a pap photo of Tom at the party but nothing on Kim being in attendance.

    1 hour ago, AstridM said:

    Are you sure she isn’t? Regardless, I don’t put much stock into anything anyone says on TikTok, lol. 

    Same but I thought it was interesting enough to mention here, because sometimes the internet gets it right.

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Magog said:

    Because just like Kim, there is nothing classy or respectable about Hailey Bieber. She's always out there mooching off her husband's fame & money and always making him look bad doing it. Justin Bieber sucks, but him married to such a leech nobody famewhore like Hailey who brings nothing to the table but drama & bullshit (like Kim) made me have empathy for him. Just like Kim being a leech nobody famewhore thanks to her dad (Robert) being a lawyer with Mama Kris always holding Kim's hand.

    If I was a Nepo baby, you're never hear about it because I go by to this saying when it comes to stuff like that. "Loose lips sink ships." North West will find that out the hard way eventually.

    I also didn't know that Hailey is a nepo baby. No talent Emma Roberts is a nepo baby & is just as useless as Hailey. Those 2 can share each other stories with Kim on how much they all suck & how scummy they all are. Maybe Joel Mchale can be a commentary to this nonsense. He'll be the most smartest, classiest, & likable person in that room full of losers.


    Yes indeed she is a Nepo baby her father is actor Steven Baldwin brother to Alec Baldwin.

    Similar to Emma Roberts, her father is Eric Roberts brother to Julia Roberts.


    • Sad 1
  8. 28 minutes ago, Magog said:

    Speaking of entitled trash, Here is entitled trash Kim showing her face at another trash podcast. This one is from another not worth a damn entitled trash, Hailey Bieber. Frankly, they both suck on so many levels & I'm surprised that they're not BFF's. 

    Kim Kardashian & Hailey Bieber

    😒  This reaction is the only thing I can say about this crap. 

    That must've been taped a few weeks ago because I don't think Kim has the gray hair anymore.

    And side eye anyone who actually thinks that is actually Mrs Baldwin-Bieber's actual bathroom.

    Why do you dislike Hailey? Do you wish to be a Nepo baby like her? Or are you team Selena? 

    • LOL 1
  9. 3 hours ago, QQQQ said:

    Somehow, between Covid protocols and being able to renew online, I've been coasting off the same DMV photo for close to 10 years.

    Sweet! It reminds me I need to look at mine to see when I need to renew I think it's next year for me. 

  10. Travis Scott will not face criminal charges in the AstroWorld tragedy

    Which is just what I expected, this will now be an insurance payout paid by the concert promoters.


    Travis Scott and organizers behind the Astroworld Festival will not face criminal charges related to the deaths of 10 people who were suffocated when the crowd rushed the stage during his performance at the festival in October 2021. A grand Jury in Houston made the ruling on Thursday, according to the Houston Chronicle.

    50,000 fans attended the show, which led to a surge during Scott’s performance at the festival outside NRG Park. At a press conference following the concert, Houston fire chief Samuel Peña clarified the timeline. He said that the crowd began surging forward at 9 p.m., as there was panic involving people running for safety. At that point, Scott paused his set several times to ask security to help out fans, and members of the fire department were sent into the dense crowd to rescue the injured.

    However, Scott and promoters Live Nation and ScoreMore still face billions of dollars in potential damages over hundreds of civil claims alleging wrongful death, personal injuries, and negligence.


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  11. 2 hours ago, CSunshine76 said:

    Kim seriously had the DMV stay open late for her, and then proceeds to have her glam team do her makeup AT the DMV location? How freaking out of touch with reality can one be? So freaking tacky.  That poor state employee who had to deal with that diva.

    Honestly I bet that state employee got overtime and IMO I'm happy she did that because she's not causing a commotion going during regular business hours and shit if I could have had a glam team for my driver's license picture I would've too because my picture is like the worst 😫

    • Like 2
  12. 16 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    We just see it differently.  It didn’t say how long he’s been called Aire.  If he’s been called Wolfe up until now that’s worse, but calling Aire all this time when it wasn’t his name is odd too, imo.  I think a toddler does recognize their name.  To me, it demonstrates her abilities or lack thereof.  

    I'm sure once they decided on Aire they were calling the boy by his name. He was still a newborn when they decided they didn't like Wolfe so she's making it all legal and whatnot.

  13. 3 hours ago, ladle said:

    just becomes very difficult to get on board with the "poor Khloe is raising her kids as a single mother" narrative that the show is pushing

    IMO that's been her narrative since the reality show first aired.

    Poor "ugly duckling" Khloe she's not as hot as Kim. And now that she's "hot" she still can't keep a man.

    Poor "Cinderella" Khloe she been "forced" to "raise" Kylie and Kendall and help Kris around the house when Kris and Bruce checked out.

    Poor "can't keep a man" Khole gets cheated on by her NBA baller boyfriend (early seasons of keep up) then gets married to a drug addict who almost died. And now she's "stuck" with 2 kids with a man who constantly cheats on her.

    • Like 3
  14. After a quick glance of her stories on Instagram since when does she read daily devotionals??

    I'm thinking there might be some smoke with the video clips that I posted above and the TikTok creators commenting on the familys evangelicalism and whatnot.


    • LOL 1
  15. 45 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Do you recall all the illnesses Tori had on the show?  It was addressed and implied that it really was out of hand.  Then, over the years she continues to appear in ERs for mystery illnesses.  Then her kids starting appearing.  She’s now claiming it’s mold, but what about before they moved to that house?  She has some kind of propensity to get ill….requiring hospital care.  I hope Dean is addressing it.  It’s unfortunate.  

    I remember that. Not to victim blame but IMO some of that was on her especially after having those last two children back to back.

    It was like in her mind if she didn't give Dean sex then he was gonna get it elsewhere. Maybe because she felt guilty for cheating with Dean that ended her first marriage and his.

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  16. 4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:


    What is wrong with her?  I will say that I used to be a big fan of Tori’s, but watching her on her own show changed that.  She has a lot of issues and I’ll always wonder why you have so many kids when you’re so troubled.  I wish them all the best. I would say that she needs to use some restraint for the benefit of the kids, but she’s not capable, imo.  

    The kids are who I feel sad for because it seemed like Tori and Deal and calmed down from "cheating gate" and were living from what I could tell a relatively quiet life out of the tabs and gossip sites daily for a few and now here they go again.

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  17. 11 minutes ago, Marley said:

    Lol pls their church is basically for tax fraud.

    I don’t like Scott I think he’s a creepy bitch but Kourtney snubbing him on Father’s Day does seem rude.

    Agreed it was very rude. 

    7 hours ago, Magog said:


    This sounds & looks like a whole bunch of bullshit. Just clicking on that is giving me massive brain cramps. Just like looking at those photos at Kourtney & Travis showing us once again (😒) how much they love each other & Kourtney's baby bump is giving my retina & optic nerves massive cramps. There is nothing cute or heartwarming about this. That poor baby's life is going to be downright horrible & I feel very sad about that.

    That vid clip wasn't meant to be heartwarming IMO I felt the person made some interesting comments on Kourtney and her "finding religion" 

    • Like 1
  18. Interesting hot take on Kourtney and the families "church" and God.

    Kourtney did things the "right way"

    Sorry if you can't click the link, basically with this person is saying is that the rest of the sisters have one baby daddy and that's their work around for their Evangelical Christian views of having babies outta wedlock.

    And Kourtney got married and then conceived this "non IVF" miracle baby because it's God's plan.

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