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Posts posted by BusterHymen

  1. 13 hours ago, Blergh said:

    Are you sure about that? Why would he have had them live in that sardine-can crackerbox that was already packed with his own progeny if he had liked them- especially since it didn't even to have a chamber pot on the premises?

    I wouldn't be surprised if Albert didn't wish he'd stick to shining shoes and stealing coins on the Winoka streets nor that James and Cassandra may have wished they'd just taken their chances with the strict Amish [?] couple and their framing son instead of winding up  in such cramped quarters - both in Walnut Grove and on those mean Burr Oak, Iowa big city streets!

    No doubt about it, Blergh....Common sense (which ain't so common with LHOTP) would tell us that Charles Ingalls should have been more fiscally and socially responsible when taking in orphaned children! Which leads me to another point...we all know the narrative of the poor farmers of Walnut Grove, right? but especially with the Ingalls family...One has to wonder if Charles had any vices like gambling, drinking, piss poor investments, soliciting prostitutes, etc. that we the audience weren't aware of??!! How is it someone like him who was multi-talented and very hardworking (farmer, craftsman, carpenter, insert whatever) but yet never had a dime to his name or two pennies to rub together??!! LOL!

  2. On 6/17/2023 at 6:55 AM, debraran said:

    Yes, to say I blew up the town because ratings kept falling was a big "duh" . Of course they did. The bright idea of a orangutan in Walnut Grove, a sociopath, the Carter's squeezing into the Ingall's home with all their stuff wasn't a pull for fans? You pulled your family to work in the "big, bad city" and the only way the fans saw a glimpse of the old show, was Albert puking for an hour and then better, but at least you got to see them home.

    So many things he didn't want, Alison was written off and given a bad wig, (really bad) and he could have done something with her and Percival and Willie. Willie and Rachel could have moved into the LHOP cabin, that would have been sweet, he gets the WHOLE house. ; ) Mike just didn't want to do it anymore and from the acting, neither did the ones left. He had a good core but let the stories get stale and dry and brought in way to many kids and extras thinking they would help. They don't, the fans liked the Ingall's and he mistakenly thought any cute kid will do. He reused scripts, how many bad newspapers can we have? (I realize the tabloids killed him, but that was a consequence of his behavior being a star)

    We will always have the first 5 seasons but I really hate how he ended it. Maybe just having it end with them moving and leaving the cabin empty for visits or having doc or someone there buy it, would have been better. He hated movies done later about the show but still would have left it open. He could have taken down the set if he didn't want anyone using it. So silly.

    Yup, kind of ironic really...seems like the show, producers, Michael Landon, etc. were always anxious to kill and get rid off characters, but yet Charles Ingalls never met an orphan he didn't like! 

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  3. 37 minutes ago, Zella said:

    Yeah maybe it landed differently in the early 80s--though I doubt it--but as someone who reads a lot of true crime and is familiar with several cases of women who've murdered mothers for their kids, including an instance that happened the next county over from me, I was absolutely appalled their reaction was to just shrug off all the incredibly alarming things she did and give her a kid and act like that was HEA. 

    I was going to mention the orphan boy as well but the only reason I didn't was because he genuinely wanted to be adopted by a family and didn't want to go back to the orphanage. He said he was going to run away if forced to go back. Considering the lesser of the two evils, it was probably best for all parties involved for him to go to a family that will love him and give him a decent life. Having said that, let's be perfectly clear. That still doesn't absolve the psychopath Rose-Napper of any wrongdoing! there should have been some harsh consequences for her actions. 

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  4. 40 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

    The insta-forgiveness of crazy Rose-napper including the “Here, take this orphan kid we don’t need now that we have Rose-Mullet back” nonsense edged out Blow Up The Town For No Good Reason and Drip Lip’s Nosebleed of Doom for worst movie. 

    short, quick, straightforward, and to the point! nice balance of truth and humor...I like your style, CountryGirl!

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  5. 6 hours ago, Superclam said:

    The spotlight from Heaven is really, really something. It continues what the Schlong of Healing started. 

    Exactly right Superclam...I mean where all of the guardian angels when you need them?...and just to stick to good spirits and the humor of this thread and as others have mentioned, the only thing that would have been a fitting end and cherry on top in the Farewell episode when they blow the town up at the end is if one piece of shrapnel would have hit Charles and wound up somehow breaking his ribs again! 

    • LOL 2
  6. On 5/19/2023 at 12:06 PM, Zella said:

    Logic/consistency and late LHOTP are like oil and water. 

    These TV movies have to be seen to be believed. As batshit crazy and nonsensical as season 9 is, they're even more batshit and crazy and nonsensical. 

    Well Zella...You tried to warn me...LOL...Just got done watching the last three movies of LHOTP (season 10)...I still have a few more random thoughts about the end of season 9...I found it kind of funny when Willie chose Mr. Edwards to be his best man when through the first 9 seasons they hardly said one word to each other! Did they become best friends over night? Laura is still insufferable, annoying, and every bit as immature as she was as a child. Yelling, screaming, cursing, swearing, etc. at Doc Baker when her son died as if it was his fault?!...really??!!...and true to LHOTP manuscript, we go through all of the crappy, nonsensical bullshit decorum motions of her and everyone else at Walnut Grove apologizing to Doc Baker, and saying what a great man he is, and how many lives he has saved during the past 20+ years, etc...again, why is all of this melodrama necessary in the first place? why would she even doubt him? he wasn't at fault and didn't anything wrong...Little Rose getting kidnapped and everyone is hysterical, angry, upset, etc. and then at the end when they finally found the lady responsible just a quick few apologies and all is forgiven and no charges filed?!!...WTF?!...The only saving grace was Mr. Montague (I actually thought he was a breath of fresh air...loved his egocentric, charming, arrogant, know-it-all character) dressing up as Santa Claus and giving the whole Carter family presents and making their Christmas wonderful. I will be very brief with the farewell episode...it sucked monkey ass! ridiculous and stupid plot (even by LHOTP standards). First and foremost, anyone that owned property had to have a deed, even back in those days. either that, or have some kind of parchment/claim filed in their name. No way in hell and utterly impossible for some greedy land developer to have legal claims of property in Walnut Grove and then some bullshit storyline about Sioux Indian Reservation confiscation?! again WTF?!!...translation: stupid unbelievable plot that didn't make any sense. strike one LHOTP!...furthermore, only the U.S. government could legally exercise Eminent Domain! not anyone else! that's strike two, LHOTP! and the final kicker....the U.S. Calvary (branch of the US Army) came to help evict the citizens of Walnut Grove??!!...really for fuk's sake??!!!...I was too busy crying from laughing so hard at this foolishness. NO, that's now how they operate! they fought to help settlers against Indians while we were still expanding as a country, and helped to fight in our countries wars against perceived enemies...they were NOT for hire by some greedy businessman to do his biding....strike three LHOTP, you're out!

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  7. I'm a die hard Star Trek fan (TOS) and have enjoyed reading the comments and opinions of others on this thread and forum. Sometimes we agree and sometimes we disagree...But all in good spirit and debate. One thing that always bothered and irked me was the narrative of the prime directive that was being pushed on us (basically meaning that no starship from the federation shall intervene or interfere with the history, people, culture, etc. and alter it in any way, shape, or form with the civilization(s) of that planet) but yet in just about every other episode that is EXACTLY what happens! Right off the top of my head, "Return of the Archons", "A private little war",  "Omega Glory", "Patterns of Force", "The Apple", "Piece of the Action", "Breads and Circuses", "Miri", "A taste of armageddon", etc, etc! I could go on and on (there are many more episodes), but you get the point. I just never understood why Rodenberry felt the need to remind the audience of that false premise and objective when it was constantly and consistently being violated  over and over again! Another thing that I see mentioned on these threads are the sexist and misogynistic attitudes and behaviors in the shows. I agree but will take it a step further. Was there some kind of clause in Shatner's contract about him always getting the hot chick in just about every episode and also having some hot scantily clad female (whether it be a crew member, yeoman, or alien chick) that had to make out with him? not to mention the numerous times we see his raging hormones and literally force himself on a female (sometimes against her will! borderline rape!) The episode "What are little girls made of" comes to mind when he forces himself on Andrea the female android and in the episode " By any other name" on the smoking hot Kelvan alien Kelinda! This theme really pushed the pushed the envelope to the sublime/ridiculous in the episode "Requiem for Methuselah" where yes, Captain Kirk literally goes bonkers and falls in love with Yes, another female robot and android and this time is even willing to fight to the death for her!"...Star Trek definitely had it's moments (both good and bad) but I'm just merely nitpicking like the rest of us.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Zella said:

    Logic/consistency and late LHOTP are like oil and water. 

    These TV movies have to be seen to be believed. As batshit crazy and nonsensical as season 9 is, they're even more batshit and crazy and nonsensical. 

    Very true and funny...as I mentioned earlier, every season got progressively worse...the crappy writing and storylines, the inconsistencies, etc. all which range from the sublime to the ridiculous!...just a few more annoying and snafu tidbits....I'm kind of brainstorming and piggybacking from other comments (seems like every topic was hit very well on these pages)...Reverend Alden gets married and we never see or hear from his wife again? The Edwards just disappeared somewhere between seasons 4 - 5 and the Garvey's show up mysteriously to take their place as though nothing ever happened? The courtship of Laura and Almanzo is disturbing on many levels...She is still very young (14 or 15) and Almanzo is at least 10+ years older than her? (basically pedophilia)...Mary's hair going from long and blonde to almost black and with that goofy ass Ms. Clairol hair weave from the 80's?!!...really??!!...and the character Klezia?...was she even necessary?...it really irked and bothered me when she worked part time at the post office and opened up and read everyone's letters and then re-sealed them!!...blatant invasion of privacy which is now considered tampering and a felony in most states!...and one last thing...lets not forget all of Michael Landon's revisionist history of Walnut Grove! If I didn't know any better, I think a good part of our country's history was started and perpetuated in Walnut Grove...Frank and Jesse James??!!...and of'course Bob Ford who shot and killed Jesse James was another one hit wonder student at the school of Walnut Grove!...Colonel Harland Sanders?!! who wasn't even born yet for fuk's sake!!...and let's not forget the woman's suffrage movement, women's rights, and the right to vote all started in Walnut Grove too when all of the housewives staged a protest and let the husbands fend for themselves!...and how exactly did the Mercantile stay in business when everyone was piss poor and had no money?!!...Even Doc Baker was paid with food, apple pies, chickens, etc!...It's a damn wonder the Oleson's didn't go bankrupt when they always extended credit but no one ever paid!...a very bad business model...I could go on and on, but you get the point...batshit crazy, nonsensical storylines which made absolutely no sense!...that's LHOTP for you in a nutshell!

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  9. Ok, now I'm confused....just got done watching all of the LHOTP episodes (seaons 1 - 9)...Did not see the three movies just yet but I read on various forums that Albert came back to Walnut Grove while studying to become a doctor but had become seriously ill with cancer, nosebleeds, leukemia? and it wasn't made clear or not if he actually died, right? He's seen walking with Laura at the end "Look Back to Yesterday" and then he isn't in the grand finale "The last farewell" when everyone leaves and blows up Walnut Grove?!!...but in season 9 "Back Home" episode when he is battling his morphine addiction, Laura tells at the end of that episode in her "voice over" that Albert returned back to Walnut Grove 20 years later and became the towns doctor!...what??!!!...He never became a doctor and the town was blown up!...Did I miss something?!...these LTHOP snafu's are giving me headaches!...LOL!

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  10. 14 hours ago, Blergh said:

    And the crazy thing is that that was one of the very few times Laura was depicted actually making the effort to see Alicia!  It didn't even seem as though the two wrote each other when the Edwardses were 'in California' - and barely acknowledged each other when Laura popped in with Pa to see them when Isaiah had to start his 'redemption arc' before he could return to Walnut Grove full time- without the REST of his family (and no mention of Laura keeping in contact with Alicia thereafter).

    Oh, here's another rule that only applied to Charles- if you decide you're having an emergency (e.g. your kids are on a loose caboose OR you found out they're riding the rails to California with their dying pal),  just PUNCH the nearest horse's rider  right off their saddle and 'borrow' the horse. Don't even try to ask much less explain how much of an 'emergency' you're having. Just PUNCH then  swipe  then leap up  then ride off with this strange horse at breakneck speed (for rider AND horse)!  Oh, and don't bother to try to reunite the horse with the legit human after all is said and done- or even leave a note explaining where  the horse came from !  Sure, there all these annoying pesky laws on the books in many 19th century communities that spell out that horse thievery is a capital and HANGING offense but don't worry about that- you're Charles Ingalls!

    Seriously, ML is lucky no one attempted to do Grand Theft Auto to any of his motorized 20th century vehicles via just using one or two babysteps re ML justifying 19th century horse thievery!

    spot on about Charles Ingalls (tv series)...another two-faced hypocrite with double standards..."do as I say, not as I do" philosophy...there are many examples of his boorish behavior throughout the series where he literally contradicts what he preaches (ad nauseam) just as long as it suits his needs and wants. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, jason88cubs said:

    lol what a rant


    I see alot of what you are saying though


    Sometimes I wonder why i watch it and I think it's a comfort thing.

    There are some really great episodes "Survival" "The Plague" and I love the pilot movie

    No doubt about it! Survival was hands down and arguably the best episode of the entire series...drama, action, suspense, adventure, etc! It was kind of like watching a horror movie anticipating or having no idea what's going to happen next. One of the very few realistic and entertaining episodes. Ditto for the pilot and plague. but as has already been said on the various LHOTP forums, it's no secret that the first few seasons were the best of the bunch! Unfortunately, as with a lot of several other TV series, the show for all intents and purposes ran it's course and had basically run out of material. Each season had gotten progressively worse which explains the crappy writing and subliminal ridiculous cheesy storylines behind them. Orangutan, Godsister, two guardian angel episodes, bumbling crooks which act like a combination of the keystone cops and three stooges mixed together just to name a few!

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  12. 2 hours ago, kathyk24 said:

    Have you read the Little House books? Most of the plots in the show never happened to the Ingalls. Laura never ran away from home and Mary never married and had a baby. The Olesons were a composite of people who Laura knew throughout her life and not a real family. I don't like the show as much as I used to because I know the scripts have nothing to do with the Ingalls family.

    Hi Kathy,

    No, I haven't read the books and don't plan on reading them to be honest with you...but I thought this forum was exclusively for the television series?...I could be mistaken but I was under that impression...The biggest mistake people (generally speaking) make is when they try to compare novels, stories vs. to their respective movie or tv series counterparts. Very seldom will you find two that correlate exactly the same way. The tv shows and movies generally have different adaptations. I'm not the least bit surprised the books of LHOTP are the complete opposite of the TV series...par for the course. Ditto for Harry Potter, Great Expectations, Moby Dick right off the top of my head. 

  13. I've read the majority of comments on these 73 pages and it seems like we are all pretty much in agreement for the most part. I basically echo everyone else's exact same sentiments but will add my own personal nuggets from the LHOTP series. First and foremost, all of the Ingalls family were insufferable and utterly annoying. Holier than thou, can do no wrong, but yet always whining, bitching, complaining, etc. about something. Not one bad bone in their bodies. Fully tolerant and accepting of all ethnic groups including Blacks, Native Americans, etc. Sorry but the vast majority of families during this time period were bigoted and prejudiced to some degree or another. I didn't care for the character arcs of Mary and Laura. Both of them come across as whiny, spoiled brats when something doesn't go their way. Laura being a smart aleck whippersnapper who runs away in just about every other episode and Mary always balling and crying and way overreacting to every dilemma the show presented no matter how big or small. Also agree with everyone about the vast assortment of oddball tertiary characters (both children and adults alike) who come and go for only one episode and then are never seen or heard from again. I think between seasons 2 - 5 there were like 100 new kids at the school! LOL!


    The character of Mrs. Oleson left a lot to be desired. Bigoted, proud, prejudiced, rich, arrogant, pompous,, (insert whatever) to the umpteenth degree. But what really got under my skin was in the latter seasons when she would always be eavesdropping and wiretapping on everyone's telephone calls and then spread gossip about it! of course that's a major felony in most states nowadays. Are we supposed to believe the whole town of Walnut Grove did nothing to stop her or take any kind of corrective measures? Especially when she's gotten caught several times throughout the series for the very same crime. Sorry guys and gals, but I didn't like Hester Sue. Was her character even necessary? and I know I'm in the minority but her "singing" was god awful! Sounded like a wailing and screaming banshee! kind of like the time I accidentally stepped on my cat when I woke up in the middle of the night to take a leak! Here a couple of funny flubs and flaws on the show that I don't think anyone has mentioned so far. In the older brothers episode  (season 9 EP 14) you can clearly see the rope or string pulling back Geoffrey Lewis after each dynamite explosion! and also did anyone else notice that from seasons 7 -9 when Caroline got her name put on Nellie's restaurant (the red letters on the window) sometimes it would say "Caroline's" and other times it would say "Nellie's"??!!..LMAO! It kept flip flopping back and forth on almost every episode, a lot of times on the very same episode! Also, since the Sylvia rape scene seems to be a popular on this forum but did anyone else notice that even after the town's blacksmith Irv Hartwig (the mime who raped her) was shot and killed by Sylvia's father that his name was still on the sign at the Blacksmith shop for at least several episodes more! I would go as far to say up until John Carter moved in and bought the house from the Ingalls family. Well, that's it for now. I still want to extrapolate some more the show's characters and plots and will do a follow up post when I'm finished watching the series. (currently on season 9)



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