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Posts posted by MrMicrophone

  1. Llyw,

    Littlefinger says that he's of a noble house (when he's explaining his nickname to Sansa and Arya) -- he's just of a very, very minor noble house, holders of a scrap of useless land.


    If the Arryns and Tullies and Starks are all up at Archduke status (Warden of the Cardinal Direction certainly says "commands most everyone"), then Littlefinger's down at the level of a Baron or so -- just barely at "inheritable title." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_and_noble_ranks

  2. ging,

    "There is simply no logical reason for Mance's army of ragtag woods folks to be so motherfucking pissed off at people South of the Wall, yanno?"

    ... 800 years of NW killing Wildlings? It's harsh country up there, and kill the men and the entire tribe might die, particularly in winter.


    Theon's family has been just as fucking stupid -- and they're not supposed to be Borderlanders (am I the only one thinking Borderlander==Wildling?)

    • Love 1
  3. Choc,

    The ratio of "good Castle Defense" to "marauding army" appears to be 1 man worth around 10, judging by the Frey's force kept back in the first season.


    If Hodor has giant's blood in him, at least some of the wildlings must be filtering south of the wall, at some time...

  4. "Him cradling her body in the middle of a raging battle isn't so great."

    ... a Show makes me expect him to have to defend himself using her body. Feh! 

    Why give him plot armor...?



    yeah, story metabolism AWOL. They could have done...something? with KL, then had most of the battle (end with Ygritte dying -- would seem less awkward as a closing shot.) And leave us on tenterhooks for what happens next week.


    Mance's weapon is Fear. He spends a very small portion of his force, and then lets the NW desert. Or parley, or something (ten days of constant vigilance, and then a night attack?...nah...).

  5. Alpha,

    Either the villages aren't close (possible, with marauding wildlings constantly trying to attack) or they're fief to Last Hearth or some other Northern Holdfast.

    Robb's Army took most of the more active Northern Lords with it -- wouldn't be surprised if the Umber's "bran-clone" was unlikely to send his few remaining men to the communal defense. Especially when the wildlings are marauding south of the wall.

  6. Demos,

    That's the thing, though. Everyone's a hero in their own freaking story around here.

    Even Machiavellian Tywin -- "look at how much money and soldiers lives I saved!"

    Jaime's a hero for killing the Mad King.

    Robert's a hero for winning The War.
    Bran's a hero for (hopefully) Fixing The Actual Problem (with the white walkers) By Heading North.

    Robb's a hero who tried to free/avenge his father.



    The Wildlings are the perpetual threat... (granted, not on this scale). They're also a known threat --

    it's known how to deal with invaders or raiders (even if they Aren't Named Greyjoy). I doubt sending

    a message about the wildlings would get the Night's Watch more men than sending a message

    about white walkers.

    ... because the Night's Watch is always asking for more men.

  7. Stannis' storyline is full of missed opportunities.

    A much stronger focus on Stannis (Ambition!) versus Mellisandre (Holy Right!),

    as Stannis is forced to choose between marching on Kings Landing and going North,

    would have made a far more interesting storyline.


    And as a bonus, we could all be rooting for stannis to listen to Mel.

    • Love 2
  8. shimp,

    I put "menacing Sansa" down as part of the whole "break her illusions before she REALLY gets hurt" shtick that Cersei also subscribes to.

    Both the Hound and Cersei believe they're truly helping the poor chit, by shattering her childish beliefs.


    I think the Hound and Jaime are on the redemption train, but that they may step off it at any minute. This show likes everyone to be gray,

    even Bolton's Bastard and Joffrey (who are as near to black as they can get, save Gregor).

  9. Dire,

    I dunno about that. Tyrion's wedding was quick and kinda ad hoc (fewer servants to gossip, no?) -- but most importantly, it would be about a marriage to the imp (they might mention a redhead.). As far as Arya knows, Joff is still engaged to sansa... The King's Wedding makes for gossip any time, but when the King Dies? Oh, that's going to run like Wildfire!

  10. Spec Spec! The winterfell tree is all glowy red/white because it gets worshipped more.

    (note: if the Old Gods are modeled At All after the Druidic lore, this may (have?) actually

    involved blood sacrifices... which might nourish a tree both naturally and magically)

    • Love 1
  11. 90,

    I think it was more or less "Who the hell would kill a child with his own dagger?" 

    (not confirming it was his dagger, but also not denying it.)


    Now that I think about it, if it was Tyrion's dagger, how does someone -- anyone, even littlefinger,

    get it after he's left Winterfell? (unless he had a whore swipe it?). And the attempted murder

    scene is clearly after everyone's left.

  12. Dire,

    "Plus, it's pretty obvious that Cersei really really wants Tyrion dead. She may be dumb enough to use one of his daggers to stage him sending the Bran-sassin."


    Are you sure it was Tyrion's dagger? (although it certainly does explain why Cersei wasn't upset at seeing it on Ned's desk in KL) Wouldn't he have noticed it had gone missing? Also, Tyrion headed North directly after Winterfell... (were Cersei and Jaime still in Winterfell when they had that conversation? I don't think so...).


    Cersei is clearly worried about what if Bran wakes and remembers -- but she started the conversation by saying that they could have bullied Bran into staying quiet -- she doesn't disagree when Jaime brings up outfoxing the kid. At least at that point, it was all about talking him into silence 

  13. ging,

    I assume, in times of relative peace (with a strong king), that any ward can be summoned home.

    Theon, obviously, is an exception -- as he was essentially hostage.


    Currently we have a weak king, who is trying to consolidate his power. Holding Myrcella 

    essentially guarantees to Dorne a noticeable lack of war with the Lannisters -- their 

    allyship seems strained at best. Tyrion knew they couldn't afford another fight at that 

    moment, so he chose to take Dorne off the board.


    So, the Lannisters might ask for Myrcella back, but Dorne might, at most warlike, reply,

    "You and what army?" More likely, being tricksome Dorne, they might reply, 

    "give us additional surety that you won't attack us. Cersei might do nicely, as we have

    an unmarried Prince..."


    Note: it probably says something that Myrcella isn't betrothed to someone in Dorne.

    Not sure what? Maybe too young?

  14. Anothermi,

    I can't see Cersei sending knifey. She's the one telling Jaime that they could outfox a 10 year old. They're together, and one asks the other "what if he wakes up"? And they're coming up with plans -- that don't involve a knife. It's really not that I believe that either of them are incapable of killing Bran... Also, I think Cersei is cleverer than "here have a fancy, eye-catching dagger and kill that boy"


    Littlefinger goes after Tywin's legacy when he kills Joffrey, in a way that killing Tywin never would. However, I prefer the much more direct, "Sansa won't be safe with Joffrey around, even after he's married."

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