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Posts posted by Clover

  1. After reading who won I decided not to watch. I hate Last Chance. Nothing against Joe, but until Last Chance Kitchen is no more, Top Chef is off my watch list.

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  2. Agree with most of the above.  Need more Elizabeth, and less he-man, macho Henry.  Preferred him as a "voice of reason".  Just a continuity comment:  Elizabeth's hair before the State dinner (when taking down the big donor) and at the State dinner (dancing with Henry) were very different.  Both my sister and I commented on how awful her hair was when initially seen (looking like she just rolled out of bed; other than the dress).

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  3. Agree with most of the above, except more Marcus Samuelson.  I only watch him to find out what patterns he is mixing in whatever outfit he is wearing.  I mute or fast forward through his comments.  Same with Aron.  If not moving/travelling the country, agree Chopped needs to cover travel expenses including lodging for the chefs.  And they either need to get another ice cream machine and deep fryer, or get rid of them.  Hate the drama; oh no, some other orphan, convict, dying, abandoned, clinically depressed and desperate for his/her first restaurant/house/spouse/child/elephant chef got there first.  Also, provide enough of the pantry ingredients, so that one contestant doesn't use/hoard any "key" ingredient (e.g., eggs). 

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  4. Finally watched this episode last night.  Show is losing me fast.  Liked the premise, and was willing to watch despite Keifer.  Don't like how he is playing the President.  His acting is so one note.  I'm not asking for William Shatner levels of emoting, but, can he produce more than low tones (whispers), minimal inflection, and a grimace every once in awhile?  I keep seeing his dad (Donald), or ANYONE ELSE in the part.  Not sure how much longer I'll watch.   The only "story" I'm paying attention to is the McLeish FBI investigation with Maggie Q.  Missed the rest, 'cuz I wasn't paying attention; too boring and the family drama belongs on a different show.

  5. Bethlehem couple - Knew they'd picked the 1st house because of the alphabet painted on the wall in the first room inside the door (toy room for daughter).  Although why would you want to pick a room right inside the front door for that purpose unless you have a day care or preschool?  Hated the wife's voice, and her attitude regarding anything she didn't like.  Always here's another thing "YOU can fix" to her husband.  Why not "WE can fix"?  ARRGH.  Felt sorry for her 2nd grade students; they have to listen to that voice all day.

    • Love 3
  6. Argentina episode-- want the realtor's car! Didn't like the rapper/novelist and just wanted the girl to dump him for the hot realtor, Andres, and his classic car. Yeh, I know I'm shallow.

    Can't believe the rapper/novelist complained about the hill outside the 3rd place, but didn't seem too concerned about the long flight of stairs outside the 1st.  Manufactured drama. Still want that car ...

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  7. Didn't have many expectations, but I loved it!  Set it to record after I read a small item in the LA Times and was not disappointed. My sister and I laughed so hard we were crying. Is it deep or does it convey an important message? No. Sometimes you just need some absolutely mindless fun. Will definely continue to record and watch.

    • Love 9
  8. I hadn't watched this show since Christina left.  My sister was watching it, so I sat down to give it another try.  Wow, this show is bad; all the crying, handwringing DRAMA.  Miss Christina, Mark, and what this show used to be.  Won't be back.

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  9. So Annie Walker is now Secretary of State.  Never would have expected her to marry and have kids. ;)


    I had such high hopes for this show.  Given the cast, I can't believe how bad it was.  Might have been better with Bebe Neuwirth as the SoS.  The concept is good, but the story (or at least where they are taking it) is unfortunate.  If this show doesn't improve (I'll give it another episode), I'm out.

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  10. Just finished watching; catrice2, I may follow your lead and fast forward through most of it. Can't stand Savi, and her story is ridiculous (won't watch). April, how can you be that stupid and still run a profitable business? Mildly intrigued by Karen's story, since there should be some action (pun intended). Hated Joss last season, and she's not interesting me this one. I'll give it one more show.

  11. Great summer fun.  So, much better than "The Last Ship" (blurgh).  Loved that D'Artagnan actually go hurt when he jumped out the window.  Much more realistic that way.  Regarding favorite movie version --Old folk here -- My favorite was from 1973 (Charlton Heston, Richard Chamberlain, Oliver Reed).  Needless to say, this will be on my DVR watch list.

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